Research and Resources to Fuel the Future - NEXT Lab
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A bilene Chr isti a n Uni v er sit y Fall-Winter 2021 Research and Resources to Fuel the Future NEXT Lab and STAR detector position ACU on the frontier of groundbreaking science exploration Alumni Awards Conquering COVID-19 WAC Moody Renovation Outlive Your Life Award
to fuel the future Students and faculty in engineering, physics, chemistry and biochemistry bring new opportunities to ACU, building on a legacy of research and excellence S TO RY BY W EN DY K I LM ER • PH OTOG R A PH Y BY J EREM Y EN LOW CU’s first physics department chair, and, more recently, bringing industry-changing Dr. Charles Ivey (’65), joined the research opportunities to campus in Abilene through the Nuclear Energy eXperimental Testing faculty in 1969 as a 20-something, Laboratory’s foray into the world of advanced fresh out of a Ph.D. program at The University of nuclear energy and the longtime work of the Texas at Austin and with some unconventional Atom Smashers research group in unraveling the ideas about an undergraduate physics program. mysteries of the building blocks of the universe. His friend, Ray McGlothlin Jr. (’49), a member and future chair of the ACU Board of Trustees, had recruited him with the promise of building a department from the ground up. “We didn’t have to follow the path of other next lab too good to be true As president of the university, Dr. Phil departments; we could accelerate ourselves,” Schubert (’91) knew he shouldn’t pour cold water Ivey said. “Instead of simply going to class and on the ideas of his faculty. But, realistically, learning as an undergraduate, we went for a this was too good to be true. Wasn’t it? model of ‘go to class, then go to the lab and do Dr. Rusty Towell (’90), professor and research, then present and defend it in front of then-chair of the Department of Engineering and peers.’ What I wanted to do, and what we did, is Physics, and his colleagues had presented a vision get research grants, teach graduate-level material for building a molten salt reactor that would Research engineer Jessica (Price ’20) Yerger and senior engineering in undergraduate classes, and bring really create safe, clean energy and had potential to cure major Aline Ineza take a sample of molten salt at the NEXT Lab in high-quality physicists to become faculty.” cancer, help the environment and provide clean, ACU’s Engineering and Physics Laboratories at Bennett Gymnasium. Those ambitious aims in the early days drinkable water. shaped the department for the next half century, “I’d always heard the phrase ‘If it sounds too taking students to the nation’s top laboratories good to be true, it probably is,’ and that’s where 2 3
Dr. Kim Pamplin (’91), Dr. Rusty Towell (’90) and Dr. Tim Head discuss strategy. Pamplin is professor of chemistry and biochemistry; Towell is professor of engineering and physics, and director of the NEXT Lab; and Head is professor and chair of engineering and physics. that was where we began,” Towell was overcome by finding the right a decade before his “right time, right said. “We started small, building a people, in the right places, at the place” encounter with Towell. loop and a flow meter. We reached out right time. One of the first and “I had been working on things like to engineers within our department perhaps most influential people this for close to 20 years,” Robison and the Department of Chemistry was Doug Robison, J.D. said. “It was easy for me to see the and Biochemistry, and said, ‘We want After getting the go ahead potential and importance of this to build this program.’ We started from a still-skeptical Schubert, technology, knowing that we have looking at nuclear energy. We knew Towell presented the NEXT Lab’s to, at some point, move on to the we wanted to focus on building molten salt research reactor idea next form of energy production. things, not just designing them.” to the President’s Venture Council, Non-renewables are nonrenewable Molten salt reactors have long a group of ACU benefactors and for a reason. There’s a finite supply. TOP RIGHT: Research engineer Vicente Rojas (’17), senior engineeering major Yves Ngenzi been dubbed “chemistry reactors.” entrepreneurs who provide funding Our current nuclear power is a great and research engineer Jessica (Price ’20) Yerger insert a molten salt storage container into its That’s because their success for emerging opportunities outside source of energy, but there are issues support frame. depends on understanding properties the normal budget. with it. This technology solves those LEFT: A NEXT research student monitors thermal images of the Molten Salt Test Loop during operation. of corrosion, salt’s interaction with Towell had barely made it to issues. That’s what got me excited anything it touches, the composition the back of the room after his about it and made it easy for me to and purification of salt, and the types presentation when Robison pulled make that leap. I saw the fulfillment on a regular basis with the question, Persistence paid off, even though and amounts of elements created by him aside and asked, “If you were of things I had been working on for “What do you think about a molten Towell’s initial reaction was similar nuclear reactions. fully funded, what could you do?” well over a decade.” salt reactor?” to Schubert’s. So involving ACU’s Department The question took Towell aback, Robison’s initial commitment Ivey had heard about the molten “When I first looked into it, it of Chemistry and Biochemistry was but it was a genuine and natural came in the form of $3.2 million salt reactor in its early days from seemed too good to be true,” Towell essential from the beginning. NEXT question for Robison. In addition to contributed through the Robison Dr. Eugene Wigner, one of the said. “But I had a sabbatical coming Lab makes use of its equipment running an oil and gas exploration Excelsior Foundation in 2018, and in pioneers of the technology and up, and I said I would use some of that and facilities, and partners with and production company at the that same year, molten salt flowed a Nobel Prize-winning nuclear time to think about it. I learned about colleagues to assess the best set of forefront of the hydraulic fracturing through a test loop at NEXT Lab physicist. Wigner visited The advanced reactors, did more reading, analysis tools. Two faculty and 10 revolution, Robison had served on the for the first time. my thoughts immediately went,” students from the Department of Texas Energy Planning Council. He Any lingering skepticism lurking University of Texas at Austin while attended conferences and talked to Schubert admits. “I was skeptical Chemistry and Biochemistry are chaired its Energy Supply Committee in Schubert’s mind was disrupted by Ivey was a doctoral student doing industry partners.” that the picture they were painting on the NEXT Lab team. Their and spent a year conducting hearings a phone call to his office in 2018 from graduate research, and the two met His sabbatical research was reasonable.” department boasts a similar focus around the state about how to then-U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick and had conversations about molten culminated in an 18-minute talk at Still, he trusted their expertise on undergraduate research on and maximize energy production. Perry. The former Texas governor had salt reactors. Although Ivey was the first TEDxACU event in 2015. and instincts and wanted to support off campus, and through internships One of the major findings in his heard of the nuclear energy project intrigued by the technology, he was The presentation quickly captured their interests. around the nation. report? The only technology that and wanted to send someone from in the midst of his own research, the attention of several people – “I kept asking questions, and the NEXT also collaborates with exists to replace hydrocarbons is his office to ACU to learn more. and the idea took a backseat until Ivey and Halbert, of course, but also more I heard them describe it and saw faculty and students from the School nuclear. That was in 2004, more than “Wow,” was Schubert’s reaction. his retirement. Jim Porter, G. Randy Nicholson (’59), their excitement, I began to think, of Information Technology, computer “When I retired, I wanted to stay Jack McGlothlin (’51), and Jack’s ‘Part of research is failure. Maybe it’s science, mathematics, accounting, in Abilene and help students,” Ivey son, Shawn McGlothlin (’89) – credible, maybe not, but it’ll be a good and advertising/public relations. said. “And in doing some reading, I who were interested in funding and experience for faculty and students,’ ” saw the molten salt reactor subject supporting the idea. In 2016, ACU’s Schubert said. “So I put aside whether had come back up. I started talking to Nuclear Energy eXperimental The Right People, the Right it was realistic and said I’d try to help Rusty and David Halbert, M.D. (’54). Testing Laboratory officially formed. Place, the Right Time secure funding to get them David had this round table The McGlothlins purchased the team From the start and throughout out of the gate.” in his kitchen, and we met a molten salt pump, and the group the process, Towell said the initial Towell, now at that table regularly for began learning what it means to melt skepticism of “too good to be true” director of NEXT the next year. I’d explain salt, how to work with it and where Lab and professor to him why this was so the current technology gaps were – of engineering and important: This is the way pieces such as a flow meter, pressure physics, knew the feeling. It’s what Senior chemistry major Melissa Powell we can clean up our environment, meters and level sensors. performs chemical analysis on a salt solution kept him from seizing the idea we can produce water, we can do all “Detectors and instrumentation with a flame atomic absorption spectrometer in for a few years prior, even as Ivey, Onstead Science Center. kinds of things. And I kept talking to are things ACU has been doing at now a member of the department’s Rusty about it.” national physics labs for years, so Visiting Committee, peppered him 4 5
LEFT: Architectural rendering of the proposed Science and Engineering Research Center (SERC) at ACU. BELOW: Junior biochemistry major Benjamin Ash (left) and junior Perry’s office sent the nation’s consulting with legal experts, flow meter – and having a second chemistry major Emma Bonamie work on a process to perform then-chief nuclear energy official, Robison landed on sponsored patent in the provisional stage. chemical analysis of molten salt in Onstead Science Center. Ed McGinnis, to Abilene to visit the research as the best solution and A second version of the salt test loop newly formed NEXT Lab and hear formed Natura Resources, a for-profit was installed in the Engineering from Towell and others about plans entity designed to be the funding and Physics Laboratories at Bennett for the future. He was impressed instrument for the research. Gymnasium in January, and by early and told Schubert as much. In 2020 Natura Resources summer 2021 the former Taylor “He pulled me aside and said, announced funding of $30.5 million Elementary School gymnasium will ‘What your scientists are doing is to NEXTRA over the next three years, become the new home of research amazing. This is what the U.S. needs with $21.5 million going to ACU and space to include a radiochemistry to do. You are in exactly the sweet the remaining $9 million divided lab and a larger scale molten salt spot of what needs to take place. among the other three universities. test system. Abilene ISD built a new I’d like to get my whole team in a “Money is a tool,” Robison said. Taylor campus in northeast Abilene, room and have you explain what “We all have some measure of time, and ACU purchased the original you’re doing, so we can be engaged talent and treasure, and we’re going school property on the corner of and advise you and proceed down to spend those accordingly – maybe East North 16th Street and Judge this road. We believe this is really for good, maybe for bad – but we’re Ely Boulevard. important,’ ” Schubert said. going to use them for something. Once funding is secured, McGinnis made arrangements And I couldn’t think of many other ACU will break ground on a for Robison, Schubert, Towell and things that could have as much 28,000-square-foot Science and Dr. Tony Hill (’90) to meet with impact for good.” Engineering Research Center on his team at the U.S. Department of The potential for good is the former Taylor property. Energy in Washington. It was the explicit in the mission of NEXT Lab: The SERC is scheduled for first of several trips the group would to provide global solutions to the completion in 2022 and will house take to D.C., beginning the processes world’s most critical needs. the next iteration of molten salt test of acquiring necessary materials “Ultimately, we want to advance system, allowing all the components and seeking licensing through the liquid-fueled molten salt reactors to to be tested in full size before Nuclear Regulatory Commission. address the world’s need for clean, constructing the actual research All along, ACU’s planning and inexpensive and safe energy, water, reactor. This research facility research wasn’t taking place in a silo; and medical isotopes to treat cancer,” will be the centerpiece of the Towell, Ivey and Hill reached out to Towell said. “When thinking about renovation and development of colleagues from other universities. the potential impact on the world, the former Taylor site. They shared ideas, brainstormed and this project is like no other; its long- looked at possibilities for lasting implications are A Whole Lot of Sense collaboration. In 2018, amazing. To be part of The view in 2021 is a bit different those plans formalized that is very exciting. than in the early days of dreaming as Georgia Institute When I think about in 2015. of Technology, Texas that goal of blessing “This has grown so quickly and A&M University and the world through so big, it’s sometimes challenging The University of Texas at Austin this technology and how it aligns for me to understand where we joined ACU to form NEXTRA, the with ACU’s mission, it seems to be a are,” Towell said. “We now have 26 NEXT Research Alliance, with perfect match.” faculty and staff and 46 students the goal to design, license and working on the project, just at ACU, commission a molten-salt-cooled, Next Steps and more than 100 if you include liquid-fueled research reactor to be In working toward the ultimate the other institutions. That sort of hosted on or near ACU’s campus. goal, a significant intermediate one is rapid growth is something I never Meanwhile, Robison undertook to complete construction of a molten envisioned as possible. But belief in a different kind of research – salt research reactor by 2025. it by president Schubert and Doug exploring the best way to fund To date, the NEXT Lab’s progress Robison, having their funding and such work, beyond dependence includes having secured the first support, put us in this position.” on governmental grants. After patent – for a high-temperature Schubert’s perspective has 6 7
The hot salt heats a second fluid that causes a turbine to produce electricity Keaton Chance installs thermocouples to monitor system temperatures. Q&A: Understanding Fission heats the salt in the molten salt reactors reactor core Turbine Extra heat Where did this technology originate? from the Liquid-fueled molten salt reactors are Heat exchangers secondary Cancer-fighting fluid can not a new idea, but the concept has been medical isotopes desalinate dormant for some time. A successful research are produced water program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the core and in Tennessee was dedicated to this work can be removed from 1958-76, and from it came important from the salt advances in nuclear reactor research. The objective was the development of liquid-fueled molten salt reactors, and Emergency this work successfully demonstrated “freeze plug” makes How does a reactor create clean the reactor safe drinking water? their viability. Liquid-fueled molten salt reactors If it was so successful, why didn’t Passively cooled operate at high temperatures that allow it continue? salt dump tank them to be efficient heat sources for industrial The research program was canceled applications, including the production of prematurely, not because the technology was synthetic fuels and desalination of water. invalid or impractical, but for various non- Given that one in three people around the scientific reasons, such as the development What size is the research reactor to be world suffer from a shortage of fresh water, time and political, military and commercial housed at NEXT Lab? development of this technology can issues. The primary developer paying for the The research reactor will be small, meet a fundamental global need. original nuclear power plants was the U.S. roughly the shape of a cylinder 6 feet tall How do medical isotopes come into play? Navy, which wanted the quickest path to and 5 feet in diameter. A small amount deploying nuclear power for submarines. Radioisotope treatment and diagnostic of low-enriched uranium-235 is the nuclear methods are common in a variety of clinical Is it safe to have a nuclear research reactor fuel required, and it is only available through practices, including oncology, cardiology, on a university campus? the U.S. Department of Energy. It is not hematology, urology and nephrology. high-enriched uranium used by the military Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) and bismuth-213 Yes. Nuclear power in western countries for making weapons. (Bi-213) are two radiopharmaceuticals enjoys the best safety record in the world, and the improvements in liquid-fueled molten Are there reactors on other that show great promise, especially for salt research reactors provide significant university campuses? cancer treatment. safety enhancements. Yes, reactors at other universities have Mo-99 is in high demand because of its It’s impossible for a molten salt reactor been safely located for years in urban areas. applications in radiodiagnostic procedures to cause a nuclear explosion and release of There are 31 research or test reactors in the that allow doctors to make diagnoses quickly harmful radiation. The use of low-pressure U.S., including three in Texas. The one on the without the need for an invasive procedure. coolants removes the largest single risk campus of The University of Texas at Austin Bi-213 has opened doors for targeted alpha from current nuclear plants. The use of is the newest in the nation, having been built therapy, used to kill dispersed cancers such liquid fuel allows for a drain in the bottom in the 1990s. Another in a densely populated as leukemia and lymphoma. This provides a of the small reactor. major city is in Boston at Massachusetts new treatment option, one that would spare If anything were to go wrong with the Institute of Technology. patients from chemotherapy, and in limited plant, the fuel and coolant would drain to a Others are at universities in California, trials it has been effective. passively cooled sub-critical storage location Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Bi-213 and Mo-99 are both formed most where the salt would then solidify, safely Maryland, Missouri, New Mexico, New efficiently in the natural nuclear processes containing all of the fuel and radioactive York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Utah, inside a liquid-fueled molten salt reactor. fission fragments. Washington and Wisconsin. expanded as well, from an idea that incredible excellence in the at ACU – being God’s hands and feet was “too good to be true” to a project Department of Engineering and in the world. For those reasons, this that makes too much sense to Physics for 30-plus years,” he said. just makes a whole lot of sense.” pass up. “And now we’re looking at pushing “This work extends from forward to provide basic needs of Visit to learn more an existing area of competency humanity. I can’t think of anything and strength – our longstanding that fits better with what we’re about 8 9
LEFT: Research chemist Alli Mae Berry (’19) examines the torch from an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer. ABOVE: Michael Ranger works on the remote control and data acquisition system for the molten salt test loop in Bennett Lab. 10 11
ACU Box 28208, Abilene, Texas 79699-8208 • • 325-674-2515 This feature article was first published as pages 6-12 in the Fall-Winter 2021 issue of ACU Today. To view the issue in its entirety, visit
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