Page created by Jeff Terry

The UNICEF India Country Office is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) to identify eligible
consulting firms who will be invited to submit proposals to enter into a contract for development of
Videos on Learning Activities
The detailed Terms of Reference will be provided in the Request for Proposal (RFP) when issued.
The draft scope of work is given below:

Learning is at the heart of the global education 2030 agenda (Education 2030). The efficacy of an
education system rests on its ability to respond to the changing needs of the country and prepare
students to face real-life challenges. Sustainable development Goals (SDGs) are vision to
transform lives through education, recognizing the important role of education as a main driver of
development. This global commitment on learning reflected on SDG 4 “Ensure inclusive and
equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” and its
corresponding targets.
Over the last two decades, India has made great strides in improving access to quality education
which has increased elementary school enrolment and reduced the number of out-of-school
children. However, every second primary school going child is not achieving basic proficiency in
reading and mathematics. Furthermore, children’s school readiness at age 5 is far below expected
levels. Children who start out behind tend to stay behind throughout their school years.
Early language and literacy and mathematics skills are the foundation for future learning. If these
are not developed strongly and equitably in the early years (preschool to class3), children are
never able to catch up in later grades. This learning gap continues to widen, the texts in the
language textbooks and mathematical concepts becomes more complex and abstract in later
primary grades. Therefore, strengthening teaching-learning of early literacy and mathematics is
crucial. For a young child, a strong foundation of oral language, reading writing and thinking skills
is the basis for all future learning. Mathematics is one of the core components in early learning.
The burden of non-comprehension in early mathematics learning can result in fear and phobia
which is widely reported about the subject even as early as in grade 3. The new education policy
2020 put much emphasis on foundational learning.
UNICEF is at the forefront of efforts to support the government of Assam in improving the quality
of education and enhancing learning outcomes for all girls and boys. Alongside partners, UNICEF
is providing technical support to the Department of School Education and SmSA in the
development of high-quality, easy to use digital and non-digital learning contents to improve the
classroom transaction practices. The learning loss of children, due to the school closure for a long
time in times of COVID-19, is huge and needs mitigation measures to bridge the learning gap by
using activity based digital and non-digital learning contents in the classrooms and during the
online learning.

To engage the services of reputed film making agency for end-to-end production of 20 learning
videos (10 in Assamese, 5 in Rabha and 5 in Bodo language (5-7 minutes)) on the following
              a) Early language and
              b) Early numeracy

Through this assignment, UNICEF Assam aims to strengthen the Government’s efforts for
improving foundational learning for early grade children. Following are the objectives.
   1. To support the Department of Elementary Education, GoA to strengthen the blending
      learning approach, online and face to face, to bridge the learning gaps among children.
   2. To support the teachers of primary school, including the tea management school, in the
      classroom transaction of learning activities for improving foundational literacy and
      numeracy skills among all children.
   3. To support SCERT for strengthening the repository of learning contents in Assamese, Bodo
      and Rabha language in the form of videos to be uploaded on the DIKSHA platform for its
      wider use by the teachers and children.
   4. The videos developed in tribal languages (Rabha and Bodo) will support the learning of
      tribal children.

   • Participate in briefings and brainstorming, as well as production meetings with the
     Communication and Programme teams at UNICEF.
   • Develop videos on foundational learning (Early language and maths) in Assamese and dub
     in two more languages (5 videos in Rabha and 5 videos Bodo).
   • Engage experts to translate Assamese script into Rabha and Bodo language and obtain
     UNICEF’s approval to finalise the translated script.
   • Understand and comply with UNICEF branding guidelines.
   • Provide regular updates to the project coordinator, regarding key understanding and major
     challenges, if any.
   • Record high quality voice over with good quality professional voices in Assamese, Rabha
     and Bodo.
   • Advise on music to be used where required and purchase rights to music. Gather relevant
     sound effects as required.
   • Edit the film into a fast paced, high quality, engaging product including subtitling of sound
     bites in English, as required.
   • Present the film to UNICEF and make necessary changes post feedback(s)
   • Present and submit the final products in all four languages.
   Other issues:
   •   The Agency will provide B-Roll for each activity. The B-roll will contain a selection of the
       best shots and interviews for each of the activities.
•    UNICEF consent and release forms for everyone appearing in the film to be signed by the
          people/children (by their guardians) to be completed by the vendor with UNICEF support
          where required, and submitted to UNICEF
     Responsibilities of the agency:
     i.   The agency will use their own equipment; cameras, microphones, software and other
          accessories that may be required for this task.
     ii. The agency will not give the film or any part thereof, to any third party without the written
         permission of UNICEF. The film and all its components such as footage, music, sound
         bites, etc. will be a property of UNICEF, and the agency will not share the same with
         anyone else. If the rights to any existing footage, music, sound, voice or photo are to be
         procured, copyright license will be in the name of UNICEF, for all mediums, in perpetuity.
         These will be ‘on actual cost’.
     iii. The agency will not put their own name or logo/emblem in or on the film. The only
          organization branding will be UNICEF, if required. UNICEF may choose to add the name
          or a logo of any other partner organization, including government.
     Responsibilities of UNICEF:
     i.   UNICEF will provide the script of the learning activities (language and numeracy) for the
     ii. Will provide feedback/support/guidance during the development of the films. UNICEF will
         orient the film maker on UNICEF’s branding guidelines


The number of deliverables and timelines indicated in the table below against each task is
indicative. Actual quantities and timelines may vary across content categories.

 Sl. Major Task                      Deliverable        Specific delivery date/   Estimated travel
 No.                                                    deadline for completion   required for
                                                        of deliverable (please    completion of
                                                        mention as date/no. of    deliverable (please
                                                        days/ month)              mention
                                                                                  number of days)
 1        Translation of 10          Script in tribal   By 15 April, 2021         N/A
          Assamese Script in         languages
          two other languages
          (Rabha, Bodo)
 2        Finalisation of            Final Script in 25 April,2021                N/A
          translated script after    Rabha, Bodo
          UNICEF’s feedback          languages
 3        First draft of 10 videos   First draft     By 20April ,2021             N/A
          in Assamese (the
          script will be provided
          with contract so the
agency       can     work
 4     Finalisation         after   Final Film (5-7 05 May, 2021                   N/A
       receiving comments           mins)
       from UNICEF
 5     First draft of the videos    First draft     20 May, April, 2021            N/A
       in Bodo and Rabha
 6     Finalisation         after   Final videos (5- 05 June May, 2021             N/A
       receiving comments           7 mins)
       from UNICEF


Duration of the Assignment: 2.5 months i.e. March 2021 – June 2021

The project team / person working on the deliverables is expected to participate in project briefings
virtually (through video calls) / face to face depending on the situation, and work on the deliverables
will be done off-site from the agency’s

This expression of interest is open to institutions (Firms registered in India)

The key requirements are as follows

•    Reputed agency/ content production house with demonstrated experience in producing high
     quality films and videos.
•    Professional team comprise of scriptwriter, experienced producer, camera persons,
     production crew, editors etc.
•    Experience in delivering on high profile film/video projects for international organizations.
•    Ability to conceptualize a full-content package for various platforms, telling a story and creating
     a design concept to link the content as part of the package
•    At least 15 years of proven experience in content management and demonstrated ability to
     develop high quality, creative communication collaterals
•    Excellent Assamese and English language skills — speaking, writing and typing

   Interested institutions should submit the followings:
   A detailed and complete institutional profile information and documents, together with a written
   “Expression of Interest” which should be a maximum of 4 pages (excluding the sample report),
   A4, Font Arial Size 11 (One page is one side of an A4 paper) in response to this advertisement.
   The documents should include:
       • Description of the lead bidding entity - legal status, organizational structure;
       • Total number of years of experience in the design and development of Audio visual
           category specifically related to learning activities.
•   Key team members (full names, years of working with the institution, total years of
           experience matching the eligibility requirements (see above), academic and language
           qualifications, and any other relevant information;
       •   Capacity to undertake similar assignments in past – One pager brief.

Information provided will be reviewed to assess institutions’ suitability to be included in the
upcoming competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process.

In case of any queries you may reach out to and
latest by 8th March 2021 before 17:00 hrs.

Institutions that are interested and meet the requirements with suitable experience, please reply to
this EOI with the reference: “REOI-ASM-2021–Development of Videos on Learning Activities”.
Responses must be received in UNICEF by email not later than
12:00 noon IST on 15 March 2021.
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