Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021

Page created by Ruth Barber
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Republican Professional Women of
                                                 St. Tammany
                                                 October 2021
                                          Boots On The Ground 2021
                                                RPWST Business Meeting/
 Dates to Remember:                       You are cordially invited to our monthly business
                                          meeting on Wednesday October 6th at Annadele’s
 Oct. 6, 2021 - RPWST Meeting
                                          Plantation located at 71518 Chestnutt St.,
 Nov 20, 2021 - RPWST
 Fundraiser Festival of Trees             Covington, LA 70433. The cost of dinner will be
 Dec. 1, 2021 - Christmas Party           $42.50. Menu TBA. Social meet and greet from 6:30
 ** Dates subject to change

Executive Board:

President – Brandy Morris
1st Vice President – Daphne Misuraca
           Programs and Venues
2nd Vice Pres. - Laurie Pennison
Secretary, Recording – Nelly Pulido
Secretary, Corresponding – Pam
Treasurer – Ellie Schroder

Standing Committees:
Bylaws –
Campaign -
Communications (Facebook, Instagram
           — Shawn Pittman
Legislative – Jennifer Carignan
Public Relations/Publicity –
Scholarship –
Additional Committees:
Community Involvement –
Fundraising (Festival of Trees) —
Pat Farris
Meeting Raffle—
Military –
Newsletter -Cris Fontenot/Tracy Krieger
NFRW/LFRW Awards –
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 Pg 2

          Where to Find It:                                                Please visit Us -
RPWST Local Sponsors Pg
RPWST Inspirational Letter Pg 4-                                                   Website
                                                                        St. Tammany Republican Groups
Election Dates Pg
RPWST Constitutional Corner Pg                         
Featuring Our Guest Speakers Pg
NFRW and LFRW Pg 1                                                                 Twitter
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Pg 11-1                                             @RPWST_LA
RPWST Membership Application Pg 13

                     RPEC Meeting—Casino Pros and Con
                     Tue Sep 28, 2021 6pm – 7pm (CDT
                     Fuhrmann Auditorium, 128 W 23rd
                     Ave, Covington, LA 70433, US

                                           Happy Birthday!!!
                                          Anne Brown                      Oct 3

                                              Inspirational Quotes

 “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light
           of a single candle.” St. Francis of Assisi









Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg 3

A Special Thank You to Our Local Sponsors!!

Republicans Supporting Republicans!!
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg. 4

       Because we did not meet for the month of
       September due to Hurricane Ida, we are including
       an inspirational letter from our RPWST president,
       Brandy Morris.

I was struggling with what to write about on Constitution Week and I got this
beautiful sign in a fortune cookie last week.

'All the darkness in the world cannot put out a single candle'

This saying resonated with me on many levels. It made me pause and think
about our Founding Fathers and what exactly carried them through a brutal war.
It was this, this exact belief, this idea that light, this candle, the candle we carry
for God and Country will out shine any darkness in this world. If we but only
stand vigilant against the darkness. Our Founders supplied us with the ideas and
foundation to live a free life, a life of liberty and freedom of which they fought
and sacrificed so much for.

Yet now there are many so willing to blow out that candle to let themselves fall
in to darkness. Why? Because, sometimes holding that candle can be lonely and
the feeling of being alone can be terrifying or down right treacherous. We but
only want someone to stand beside us, someone to be there with us so we may
not feel so alone in our quest for righteousness. We are told by media,
politicians, society we are alone in our beliefs and life would be ok if we let
others decide our fate for us.

But maybe, just maybe that lone candle is the answer to our salvation. If we but
only trust and believe that freedom and liberty are the answers for all mankind,
we might find that many others will be more than willing to light a candle and
stand beside us.

The Founding Fathers gave us the tools to succeed; they gave us a manual to
righteousness, to freedom, to liberty. We must but only remember how they
held their candles, their light against tyranny and resign ourselves to follow a
righteous path in life.
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg 5

I think it would be good to refresh ourselves on the values we stand for and believe in
so that we may once again light the candle of liberty and hold it tightly in the darkness.

1. America is good.
2. I believe in God and He is the center of my life.
3. I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
4. Family is sacred. My spouse and I are the ultimate authority over our lives and our
family, not the government.
5. If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
6. I and every citizen have a right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Fairness is all
Americans have the right to opportunity and not the right to the exact same end result.
7. I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government
cannot force me to be charitable.
8. It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal
9. The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

The 12 Values are:
1. Honesty
2. Reverence
3. Hope
4. Thrift
5. Humility
6. Charity
7. Sincerity
8. Moderation
9. Hard Work
10. Courage
11. Personal Responsibility

God Bless America!
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg 6

        Elections Postponed, New Dates Announced

Last week Gov. Edwards signed an executive order
delaying the upcoming fall elections in Louisiana
because of Hurricane Ida’s rampage across the southeast
portion of the state on Aug. 29. The elections that would
have been held Oct. 9 now will be held Nov. 13. Those
that were to be held Nov. 13 now will take place Dec. 11.

The November 13 election will have nine different
proposals, including four amendments to the state
constitution, a .04 sales tax referendum and four separate
property tax renewals to operate local public school. Be
on the lookout for our rescheduled webinar to learn more
about the .04 sales tax referendum.

Please click on the link below for more information!
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg 7

  Please visit our website. St. Tammany Republican Groups
  Visit us on Facebook:
  Visit us on Instagram:
  Visit us on Twitter: @RPWST_LA

                  We’re Looking for a few
                   good GREAT women!
     Looking for a small way to become involved with RPWST?
    Something that doesn’t have to take up all your spare time?
                    (Do you have any of that??)
We need to fill some positions on the RPWST Board. If you are interested in
any of the following, please contact Brandy at

   Bylaws       Campaign             Legislation       Americanism
   Community Involvement      Newsletter   Fundraising/Meeting Raffle
Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg 8

      Constitutional Corner by Jennifer Caringan

Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Sept 2021 pg 9

                         Featuring Our Guest Speakers

Operation H.O.M.
Testimonial from Byron and Melissa Davis

       Since our son serves in the U.S. Army and is stationed a great distance
from home, we know his longing to see his family. Our family is a tight knit
group with six kids. The siblings of our soldier miss him as deeply as he longs
to be with them. We love America and we all are so proud of our son’s service.
When we spoke with him on the phone we knew by the sound of his voice he
was hoping to be home for Christmas but was unsure if the dream would come
true. During the fall of 2014, we wanted to see our son home for Christmas.
He didn’t know if he would receive “leave”, but he prayed and hoped it could
happen. We could tell that he not only wanted to be home, he needed to be
home to see the faces of those who drive his reason to serve.

       Justin was able to come home for Christmas that year. Being stationed
in Alaska his travel was extremely expensive. He was able to get home with
the financial help of family members. The next year our son was home for
Thanksgiving 2015 leave. We made sure he could be home to celebrate with
his family. During his time at home we asked him, “How many enlisted
soldiers who receive a Holiday leave actually get to go home?” His answer
was quite surprising and moving, “Very few.”

Republican Professional Women of St. Tammany October 2021 Boots On The Ground 2021
Oct 2021 pg 10

  Updates from the NFRW 41st Biennial
  Convention will follow soon!

                               Click on the link below to learn
                               about The Constitution as
                               knowledge is power!
Oct 2021 pg 11

Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Tomb
                    of the Unknown Soldier
   A Call to Honor: The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Replica

                12-14 October 2021, 10 AM to 7PM

Sponsored by Wharton, Pierre de Mandeville and St. Tammany Chapters
       National Society Daughters of the American Revolution

          Opening Ceremony: Tuesday, 12 October, 10 AM

         Veterans Plaza, St. Tammany Parish Justice Center
             701 North Columbia Street, Covington, LA
Oct 2021 pg 12

                                      Con nua on of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery
was approved by Congress on March 4, 1921, as the final resting place
for an unknown soldier from World War I; later remains were added
from subsequent wars to now represent all missing and unknown
service members who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

The St. Tammany Parish Chapters of the Daughters of the American
Revolution have arranged to have a traveling replica of the Tomb visit
Covington. This half-scale replica was created by the Exchange Club
of Rome, Georgia and was built with assistance and permission of
Arlington National Cemetery. It is the only replica authorized and
recognized by Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier and the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment of the Army, the
“Old Guard”, which guards the tomb.

The exhibit will be open to the public on 12-14 October from 10 AM to
7 PM each day. Educational videos and lectures will be provided each
day along with scheduled opportunities for individuals and
organizations to lay wreaths or floral tributes.

Point of Contact to schedule laying of a wreath on 13 or 14 October is
Pamela Herty, 985-264-9980 or 985-796-8196 or

This event is free and open to the public. Inclement weather location is
inside the Justice Center.
Sept 2021 pg 13
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