Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform

Page created by Angel Simmons
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   1

Report on Location-Based
Services User Needs and
Outcome of the European GNSS’
User Consultation Platform
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
Issue/Revision: 1.0
Date: 18/10/2018

Change record
Issue/ Revision           Changes       Date
    1.0                   First issue   18/10/2018
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   3

Table of Contents
1   INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT OF THE REPORT                                                                                     5
    1.1   Methodology                                                                                                          5
    1.2   Scope                                                                                                                7

2   EXECUTIVE SUMMARY                                                                                                          8

3   REFERENCE DOCUMENTS                                                                                                      11

4   GNSS MARKET OVERVIEW AND TRENDS                                                                                          16
    4.1   Market Evolution and Key Trends                                                                                    16
    4.2   Main Market Players                                                                                                18
    4.3   Main User Groups                                                                                                   19

5   GNSS USER REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS                                                                                          21
    5.1   GNSS Use in LBS                                                                                                    21
    5.2   Prospective Use of GNSS in LBS                                                                                     46
    5.3   GNSS Limitations for LBS                                                                                           49
    5.4   Main evolving criteria related to user requirements                                                                50
    5.5   Standardisation                                                                                                    51
    5.6   Conclusions                                                                                                        52

6   USER REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION                                                                                          53
    6.1   Synthesis of User Requirements Analysis                                                                            53

7   ANNEXES                                                                                                                  66

    ANNEX 1        SYNTHESIS OF LBS USER REQUIREMENTS                                                                        66
    ANNEX 2        DEFINITION OF KEY GNSS PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS                                                             72
    ANNEX 3        LIST OF ACRONYMS                                                                                          74
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
                                                     R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   5

                      introduction and context
                      of the report

       pplications relying on position have become part                    tion but rather by combination of several signals and sensors.
       of everyday life leading to an increasing variety of                Therefore the report does not represent any commitment
       location-based services (LBS). Smartphones, tablets,                of the European GNSS Programmes to address or satisfy the
 tracking devices, digital cameras, portable computers, fitness            listed user needs and requirements in the current or future
 gear all use GNSS positioning (along with network-based                   versions of the EGNSS services.
 or hybrid positioning techniques) for navigation, mapping,
 gaming and geoadvertising. Moreover, safety applications
 benefit from accurate emergency caller location tracking.                 1.1 Methodology
 LBS also assist enterprises by providing mobile workforce
 management and tracking solutions.                                        The following figure details the methodology adopted for
                                                                           the analysis of the LBS user requirements.
 The User Consultation Platform (UCP) is a periodic forum
 organised by the European Commission and the GSA involv-                  The analysis is split into two
 ing end users, user associations and representatives of the               main steps: a “desk research”                  Applications relying
 value chain, such as receiver and chipset manufacturers,
 application developers and the organisations and insti-
                                                                           to gather main insights, and
                                                                           a “stakeholders’ consultation”
                                                                                                                              on position have
 tutions dealing, directly and indirectly, with Galileo and                to validate main outcomes.                          become part of
 EGNOS. The event is a part of the process developed at the
 GSA to collect user needs and requirements and take them                  In more detail, “desk research”               everyday life leading
 as inputs for provision of user driven Galileo and EGNOS
 services. In this context, the objective of this document is
                                                                           was based on a secondary
                                                                           research and aimed at provid-
                                                                                                                              to an increasing
 to provide a reference for the European GNSS Programmes
 and for the mass market community reporting periodically
                                                                           ing a preliminary structured
                                                                                                                          variety of location-
 the most up-to-date GNSS user needs and requirements
                                                                           yy Leveraging on the LBS
                                                                                                                               based services
 in the LBS market segment. This report is considered a
                                                                              applications’ segmenta-
 “living document” in the sense that it will serve as a key
                                                                              tion as included in the GSA GNSS market report, addi-
 input to the next UCP event where it will be reviewed and
                                                                              tional relevant applications have been identified and
 subsequently updated. The UCP will be held periodically
                                                                              included; and
 (e.g. once per year) and this report will be also periodically
 updated, to reflect the evolution in the user needs, market               yy For each application identified, the function and level of
 and technology captured during the UCP.                                      performance required has been determined.

 The report aims to provide the GSA with a clear and up-to-                As a result of this activity, a first draft of the LBS User Require-
 date view of the current and potential future user needs and              ments document has been produced.
 requirements in order to serve as an input to the continuous
 improvement of the services provided by the European                      In the second step, the “stakeholder consultation”, the main
 GNSS systems and their evolutions.                                        outcomes included in the document have been validated
                                                                           and updated. In this regard, preliminary validation inter-
 Finally, as the report is publicly available, it serves also as a         views with selected stakeholders have produced the first
 reference for users and industry, supporting planning and                 document version that was used as an input for the previous
 decision-making activities for those concerned with the use               UPC where it was reviewed and finalised.
 of location technologies.
                                                                           The current document implements all the comments
 It must be noted that the listed user needs and requirements              received during the UCP 2017 and thus it constitutes a
 cannot usually be addressed by a single technological solu-               validated version of LBS user requirements.
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
6   1 / I N T R O D U C T I O N A N D CO N T E X T O F T H E R E P O R T

    Figure 1: LBS User Requirements Analysis methodology

                                                       OVERALL METHODOLOGY

                      Identification of all existing LBS application       User level dimension and characterisation
         1            along with the function that they perform
                                                                           yy Identification of the key GNSS user level
                      yy All LBS applications covered in MR5                  dimensions to describe LBS user requirements

                      yy LBS applications found in other sources           yy Identification and definition of GNSS
                                                                              performance criteria relevant to LBS

                      Segmentation of LBS Applications
                      yy Definition and classification of applications
                      yy Focus on GNSS usage (not device-based)

                      Definition of the functions and level of                               SECONDARY RESEARCH
                      performance required for each application                                   INFORMATION
                                                                                           GNSS magazines - Coordinates,
                      yy LBS user requirements analysis based on open
                                                                                              GPS World, Inside GNSS;
                         Secondary research information
                                                                                              ESA website; Articles on
                      yy GNSS limitations, market/techno trends and drivers                  Google Scholar; Thesis and
                                                                                              dissertations on specific
                      yy Table matching the main applications with
                                                                                           database; European regulation
                         the performance criteria
                                                                                                or standard; Google
                      User requirement analysis – draft 1

                      Validation interviews
                      yy Interview guide
                      yy Selection of the consulted stakeholders

                      yy Primary research: Interviews and reporting
                      User requirement analysis – final version

                      User Consultation Platform
                      yy User requirements submitted to the first UCP
                         forum for review and finalisation
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   7

1.2 Scope
This document is part of the User Requirements documents                yy Sections 5.1.3 to 5.1.16 provide a detailed overview of
issued by the European GNSS Agency for the Market Seg-                     GNSS user requirements in LBS for each application and
ments where Position Navigation and Time (PNT) play a                      category. They are derived from extensive desk research
key role. Its scope is to cover user requirements for PNT                  and validation interviews with key LBS stakeholders.
solutions from the strict user perspective and the mar-
                                                                        yy Prospective use of GNSS in LBS is addressed in section
ket conditions that drive them. Therefore, the document
                                                                           5.2. It assesses GNSS technology trends, along with the
includes an analysis of the market trends in this particular
                                                                           other positioning technologies that may be used in LBS.
segment, then performs a detailed analysis, including the
prospective uses of GNSS in this market, finalising with a              yy GNSS limitations for LBS are described in section 5.3.
specification of user requirements in a format that can be
                                                                        yy Section 5.4 identifies the main evolving criteria (drivers)
used for System Engineering activities.
                                                                           for user requirements in LBS.
In more detail, the document is laid out as follows: it starts          yy Standardisation activities are covered in section 5.5.
with a summarised market overview for LBS (section 4),
where market evolution and key trends, the main market                  Finally, a section summaris-
players and user groups are presented.                                  ing specification of the main
                                                                        GNSS user requirements for                             Smartphones,
Then it moves on to the analysis of GNSS user requirements
for LBS (section 5). Section 5 is organised as follows:
                                                                        LBS is covered (section 6).
                                                                                                                            tablets, tracking
                                                                        The document is intended                              devices, digital
yy Section 5.1.1 identifies and defines the GNSS perfor-                to serve as an input to more
   mance parameters that are relevant in the analysis of                technical discussions on                           cameras, portable
   the user requirements for LBS.                                       Systems Engineering and
                                                                        evolution of the European
                                                                                                                           computers, fitness
yy Section 5.1.2 presents an overview of LBS applications
   extracted from GSA Market Report 5 but also from other
                                                                        GNSS systems, so that space                         gear all use GNSS
                                                                        infrastructures are effectively
   sources. It also provides definitions of these applications.
   They have been split into different categories according
                                                                        linked to user needs.                                      positioning
   to their GNSS usage.
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
                  Executive Summary
     his report aims at enhancing the understanding of
     market evolution, strong points, limitations, key techno-
     logical trends and main drivers related to the uptake of
                                                                                  more than 5 meters. Over recent years, a burgeoning group
                                                                                  of new applications has emerged that requires far more
                                                                                  stringent horizontal and vertical accuracy levels. These range
 GNSS solutions across the different LBS applications. These                      from innovative safety-critical m-Health technologies such as
 elements are essential in order to frame the appropriate                         guidance applications for the visually impaired, to mapping
 technology and service offering developments vis-à-vis the                       and GIS applications which are among the most demanding
 requirements of the respective users.                                            types of smartphones apps. Moreover, application categories
                                                                                  such as geomarketing and advertising, fraud management
 To that end the report starts with an overview of the                            and location-based billing require authentication of the
 GNSS LBS market trends. The increasing popularity of con-                        position to protect app users or service providers from
 text-aware LBS applications and the continuously growing                         malicious signal interference such as spoofing. A synopsis
 usage of GNSS devices are driving the rising GNSS use                            of the user requirements is provided on page 9 for the
 in LBS, an evolution forecasted to con-                                                              key performance parameters1 with the
 tinue over the next years. It is particularly                                                        exception of availability where almost
 the case in the Asia-Pacific, which has                      Over recent                             all applications require PNT in urban
 been consolidating its position as the
 largest regional LBS market in terms of
                                                              years, a                                canyons under canopy and indoors.

 devices. In a context of global urbanisa-
 tion and smart city GNSS-enabled LBS
                                                              burgeoning                                The LBS user requirements are affected
                                                                                                        by standardisation activities related to
 addresses some of the most immediate                         group of new                              signalling, definition of performance
 economic and societal concerns such as
 improvement of work productivity, ease                       applications has                          requirements for positioning including
                                                                                                        GNSS and A-GNSS, as well as definition
 of movement, tracking of people and
 resources and use of effective services
                                                              emerged that                              of testing procedures for both of the
                                                                                                        previous areas. The main standardisa-
 to facilitate consumer interactions. To                      requires far                              tion bodies here are the 3rd Generation
 better understand market dynamics,                                                                     Partnership Project (3GPP), the Open
 the report provides a brief description                      more stringent                            Mobile Alliance (OMA), ETSI TC SES, and
 of the landscape of market players. The
 LBS segment is dominated by non-EU
                                                              horizontal                                CEN-CENELEC. As it comes to perfor-
                                                                                                        mance requirements for A-GNSS in a
 players, with North American companies                       and vertical                              cellular environment, they are based on
 leading the chipset market and Asian                                                                   the US E911 performance requirements
 companies accounting for the majority                        accuracy levels                           as a guideline. Therefore, it is assumed
 of handset revenues. European com-                                                                     that GPS is always used for initial sig-
 panies continue to perform strongly in app development.                          nal acquisition, so Galileo, in common with GLONASS and
                                                                                  Beidou, is considered as a GNSS of secondary choice. There
 GNSS-enabled solutions cover a wide range of applications                        is a similar situation in case of testing requirements. At the
 that can be divided into 13 main categories according to                         same time, it is important to mention that Russian regula-
 their usage: navigation, mapping and GIS, geomarketing                           tions dictate that smartphones sold on the Russian market
 and advertising, safety and emergency, enterprise appli-                         must rely on GLONASS to avoid penalty taxes. There is no
 cations, sports, games, health, tracking, augmented reality,                     such a regulation regarding Galileo in smartphones on the
 social networking, infotainment and commercial. The user                         European market in place.
 requirements of many established LBS applications, such as
 turn-by-turn navigation, infotainment and social networking                      Despite the large penetration of GNSS in the LBS segment,
 apps have remained relatively constant since their inception                     its use has some limitations: power consumption, availabil-
 and continue to be satisfied by levels of GNSS accuracy of                       ity in challenging environments (such as urban canyons),

 1    A qualitative characterisation of parameters is provided in section 5.1.1
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   9

                                           Performance parameters
                     Accuracy       Time to First Fix                Power                       Resilience                    Integrity
                                                                  consumption                                                  message

Navigation        Low/Medium        Low/Medium                  Low/Medium                   Susceptibility to                       -
                  (High for smart                                                            interferences
Mapping & GIS     High              Low                         Low                          Susceptibility to           Required
Geo marketing     Low/Medium        -                           Low                         Susceptibility                           -
and advertising                                                                             to spoofing
Safety and        Medium            Low/Medium                  Low                         Susceptibility to                        -
emergency                                                                                   environmental
                                                                                            conditions and
Enterprise        Low/Medium        Low/Medium                  Low                         Susceptibility to                        -
applications                                                                                environmental
                                                                                            and spoofing
Sports            Medium            Low/Medium                  Medium                      Susceptibility to                        -
                                    (High for                                               environmental
                                    fitness and                                             conditions
Games             High              High                        Low                         Susceptibility to                        -
                                                                                            and spoofing
Health            High              High                        Low                         Susceptibility to                        -
                                                                                            conditions and
Tracking          Medium            Medium/High                 Low/Medium                  Susceptibility to                        -
                                                                                            and spoofing
Augmented         High              High                        Low                         Susceptibility to                        -
reality                                                                                     environmental
Social            Low/Medium        High                        Low                                     -                            -
Infotainment      Low               Low/Medium                  Low                                     -                            -
                                    (High for points
                                    of interest)
Commercial        High              High                       High                         Susceptibility to           Required
                                                                                            interferences and
Report on Location-Based Services User Needs and Requirements - Outcome of the European GNSS' User Consultation Platform

 This report aims           indoor availability, susceptibility to multipath, interference, jamming and spoofing. Such hur-
                            dles are typically overcome by employing hybrid solutions using additional complementary
 at enhancing the           positioning technologies when necessary or by following best practices regarding the type
                            of GNSS equipment used.
 understanding of
 market evolution,          GNSS techno trends respond to the current and future expectations of the domain which are
                            to provide increasingly accurate and available position, faster fix but constrained by low power
 strong points,             consumption as most of LBS devices are battery powered (implying that they must remain
                            small and lightweight).
 limitations, key
 technological              Taking all these above aspects into account, the report presents a user requirement analysis
                            across the different GNSS-enabled or supported applications in LBS, based on performance
 trends and main            requirements.

                                             R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   11

                  Reference documents

  Id.            Reference                                              Title                                                      Date

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          Services: 2002 Market      Mobile Location-Aware Services: 2002 Market Perspective
 [RD3]    GNSS and the Use           GSA - GNSS and the Internet of Medical Things,                                      August 2016
          of Medical Things          URL:
 [RD4]    Analysis of the Social     GSA - Analysis of the Social LBS Market: Current needs                              March 2016
          LBS Market                 and actual solutions available in the market
 [RD5]    GNSS Relevance in IoT      GSA - Report on the GNSS relevance in Internet-of-Things and                        January 2015
          and M2M Solutions          Machine-to-Machine solutions – Internal GSA document
 [RD6]    Challenges of LBS          The Nottingham Geospatial Institute - Challenges of LBS                             2015
          Market Analysis            Market Analysis: Current Market Description
 [RD7]    Location Data              Inside GNSS - Location Data Increasingly Used to Stop Fraud                         August 2013
          Increasingly Used to       and Cyber Crooks, URL:
          Stop Fraud and Cyber       data-increasingly-used-to-stop-fraud-and-cyber-crooks/
 [RD8]    LBS: An End-to-End         TeleCommunication Systems - Location-Based Services:                                January 2010
          Perspective                An End-to-End Perspective
 [RD9]    Context Aware Services     Juniper – Mobile Context & Location Services - 2014-2019                            August 2014
          - Market Forecasts         Market Forecasts
 [RD10]   Context Aware Services     Juniper – Mobile Context & Location Services - 2014-2019                            August 2014
          - Market Trends            Market Trends
 [RD11]   15 Apps for Navigating     McLennan - 15 Apps for Navigating with your Apple or                                June 2014
          with your Apple or         Android Device, URL:
          Android Device             electronics/navigating-the-app-world/
 [RD12]   Best GPS Devices For       Delaney - Best GPS Devices for Cycling, URL: http://www.                            May 2016
 [RD13]   GNSS-Enabled Sports        GSA - GNSS-Enabled Sports Tracker Moves Into Final Testing                          August 2015
          Tracker Moves Into Final   Phase, URL:
          Testing Phase              enabled-sports-tracker-moves-final-testing-phase
 [RD14]   Location Authentication    Inside GNSS - Location Authentication, Enabling New                                 May 2014
          – Paving the Way for       Smartphone Apps, URL:
          New Smartphone Apps        uploads/2018/01/mayjune14-PUJANTE.pdf
 [RD15]   Geolocated News is         Geolocated News is Going to Change the News Business,                               June 2014
          Going to Change the        URL:
          News Business              news-is-going-to-change-the-news-business
 [RD16]   Smart Parking              Smart Parking, URL:                                   Not specified

       Id.            Reference                                        Title                                   Date

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      [RD18]   Pet trackers                GPS Trackers, URL:              Not specified
      [RD19]   Engineering a Device        Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science - Engineering      December 2012
               to Locate Golf Balls        a Device to Locate Golf Balls
      [RD20]   Fish Hunter                 Fish Hunter, URL:           Not specified
      [RD21]   People Monitoring and       Berg Insights - People Monitoring and Safety Solutions,      Not specified
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      [RD22]   Fall Detection and GPS      Fall Detection and GPS Tracking, URL: http://                February 2016
      [RD23]   Want to Track you           GPS World - Want to Track you Luggage? Open Garden Offers    September 2014
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      [RD24]   Dating App                  Google Play – URL:       August 2016
                                           details?                       (Latest update)
      [RD25]   Tracking Ring Helps         LiveViewGPS - Tracking Ring Helps Keep Tabs on               July 2015
               Keep Tabs on Significant    Significant Other, URL:
               Other                       blog/tracking-ring-helps-tabs-significant/
      [RD26]   TomTom to Add               TomTom to Add TripAdvisor App to Car GPS Navigation Units,   August 2011
               TripAdvisor App to Car      URL:
               GPS Navigation Units        tripadvisor-app-to-car-gps-navigation-units/
      [RD27]   Dating Applications         Digital Trends - Paying for Tinder? So are 1 Million Other   May 2016
                                           People, URL:
      [RD28]   Facebook Launches           Facebook Launches “Nearby Friends” With Opt-In Real-         April 2014
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      [RD30]   A Satellite’s-Eye View on   E-commerce Times - A Satellite’s-Eye View on Mobile          September 2013
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      [RD31]   Geolocation in iOS          Alasdair A., Geolocation in iOS: Mobile Positioning and      2012
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      [RD34]   World Population            United Nations - World Population Prospects, the 2015        August 2016
               Prospects, the 2015         Revision, URL:
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   13

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[RD35]   ICT Facts and Figures     International Telecommunications Union - ICT Facts and                               July 2016
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[RD36]                             EAS - GNSS, Earth Observation and Satellite                                          October 2009
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[RD37]   Building Context-Aware    IBM Research Report, Building Context-Aware Applications                             October 2004
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[RD38]   LBS users among           eMarketer - Most Smartphone Owners Use Location-                                     April 2016
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[RD39]   Privacy Perceptions in    Technische Universität Berlin - “It Is a Topic That Confuses                         August 2016
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[RD40]   App Stores                App Annie 2015 Retrospective - Monetization Opens New                                January 2016
[RD41]   Rethinking                University of Pennsylvania - Bring Your Own Persona:                                 October 016
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[RD42]   Why Mobile Users Aren’t   Why Mobile Users Aren’t Checking In, URL: http://                                    May 2011
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[RD43]   Bringing Mobile           AIMA Institute - Bringing Mobile Segmentation to Life, AIMA                          June 2013
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[RD44]   Putting Wearables into    Broadcom - Putting Wearables into Context with Low-                                  September 2015
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[RD46]   Altimeter Watches         Top 5 Best Altimeter Watches in 2016, URL: http://www.                               2016
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[RD50]   Electronic Monitoring     GAO Highlights - Electronic Monitoring,                                              October 2015
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[RD51]   Directive 2009/136/EC     European Commission - Directive 2009/136/EC                                          2009
                                   (Universal Service Directive)
                                   Main Elements Pertaining to 112 and Emergency Services

       Id.            Reference                                        Title                                     Date

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      [RD68]   User requirements          Validation Interview - Broadcom                                 January 2017
      [RD69]   User requirements          Validation Interview - STMicroelectronics                       January 2017
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 Id.            Reference                                              Title                                                      Date
[RD70]   User requirements          Validation Interview - Qualcomm                                                     January 2017

[RD71]   User requirements          Validation Interview                                                                January 2017
[RD72]   GNSS Positioning           Tiberius C., Verbree E. - GNSS Positioning Accuracy and                             Not specified
         Accuracy and               Availability within Location- Based Services:
         Availability within        The Advantages of Combined GPS-Galileo Positioning
         Location- Based Services
[RD73]   Implementation of Real     International Journal of Scientific and Research                                    May 2013
         Time Bus Monitoring        Publications - Implementation of Real Time Bus Monitoring
         and Passenger              and Passenger Information System, URL: http://www.ijsrp.
         Information System         org/research-paper-0513/ijsrp-p1716.pdf
[RD74]   User Requirements          Rantakokko, J., Händel, P., Fredholm, M., Marsten-Eklöf, F. -                       September 2010
         for Localization and       User Requirements for Localization and Tracking Technology:
         Tracking Technology        A Survey of Mission-Specific Needs and Constraints
[RD75]   Challenges, Issues and     BioMedical Engineering OnLine                                                       July 2013
         Trends in Fall Detection   - Challenges, Issues and Trends in Fall Detection
         Systems                    Systems, URL: https://biomedical-engineering-online.
[RD76]   Dog Tracking Collar        PetTronix - Dog Tracking Collar Device, URL: http://www.                            Not specified
[RD77]   Electronic offender        ESA - Electronic Offender Monitoring, URL: https://artes-                           April 2016
[RD78]   How to set your Tinder     How to set (fake) your Tinder location on Android without                           November 2015
         location on Android        paying a dime, URL:
         without paying a dime      How-to-set-fake-your-Tinder-location-on-Android-
[RD79]   User Consultation          LBS Mass market session MoM (Ref. doc. GSA-MKD-LBS-                                 November 2017
         Platform 2017              MOM-236051-UCP2017-Mass Market-LBS. doc)
04                  GNSS Market Overview and Trends

     4.1 Market Evolution AND                                           yy LBS has a key role to play in the context of global
         Key Trends                                                        urbanisation and the smart city
                                                                        Driven by global urbanisation, more than 50% of the world
                                                                        population already lives in cities and it is forecasted to grow
     4.1.1 KEY MARKET TRENDS                                            up to 66% by 2050 [RD34]. This results in the need for better
     The global macro socio-economic and demographic trends             services to be provided as an integral part of cities’ infrastruc-
     have a big impact on the way people use technology and LBS         ture. At the centre of these changes lies the smart city con-
     applications and what kind of requirements they therefore          cept, enabled by ICT services. Smart cities concept relies
     have for GNSS.                                                     on an integrated system for collecting, measuring, collating
                                                                        and broadcasting data from different sensors and for making
     yy Growth of global population and shipments of GNSS               it easily accessible to stakeholders for efficient governance,
        devices                                                         effective development and management of resources. It is
                                                                        a field of uptake of GNSS-enabled IoT devices, used among
     The mobile phone coverage is now near-ubiquitous in
                                                                        others in connected vehicles, healthcare solutions, water
     urban areas, with an estimated 95% of the global pop-
                                                                        and waste management, energy management etc.
                            ulation living in an area covered
                            by a basic 2G mobile-cellular net-
                                                                        The increasing density of resources due to urban sprawl
An estimated 95%            work. Overall, the total number
                            of mobile-broadband subscrip-
                                                                        and suburbanisation force a dynamic way of life, in which
of the global               tions was expected to reach 3.6
                                                                        time becomes a scarce resource. People work, commute,
                                                                        consume, socialise and look for entertainment using LBS
population lives in         bln by the end of 2016, compared
                            with 3.2 bln at the end of 2015
                                                                        applications. Business users seek to improve work produc-
                                                                        tivity, ease movement, track their resources and use effective
an area covered             [RD35].
                                                                        services to facilitate consumer interactions.
by a basic 2G                   The global population growth,
                                                                        yy Boom of context-aware applications
                                increasing average standard of
mobile-cellular                 living and purchase power, as well      The development of successful apps continues to drive the
network                         as decreasing prices for electron-
                                ics and mobile services have led
                                                                        global growth of the smartphone market, with high-end
                                                                        devices now commonly making use of multi-constellation
                                to a booming growth in the use          and hybrid positioning. Technological advancements in
     of LBS devices. The global installed base of GNSS-enabled          indoor positioning will further fuel the development of
     handsets was 4.1 bln in 2016, with an expected rise to 6.1         new applications. The app market is in a sustained booming
     bln in 2019 [RD1]. The regional distribution is not homoge-        phase, with total app revenues projected to grow from €40.9
     nous and many users own more than one device, especially           bln in 2015 to €73.4 bln in 2017. The average annual growth
     in developed countries. Continuous economic growth led             rate of app revenues between 2011 and 2017 will therefore
     Asia-Pacific to consolidate its position as the largest regional   be at a staggering rate of 45% [RD9], [RD10].
     LBS market in terms of devices, with a total of 1 bln ship-
     ments in 2016. North America and the EU accounted for 320          Context-aware applications are a category of mobile
     mln and 200 mln shipments respectively. Smartphones                LBS applications that is gaining greater importance in the
     represent the majority of shipments, with more than 1.7            whole segment. The app market is moving beyond pull
     bln smartphones shipped in 2016. Other GNSS-enabled                applications - in which users manage and control the
     devices accounted for around 175 mln units in 2016 (tablets        information provided to them via the app - to a prolifer-
     represented the second largest number of shipped device)           ation of push services, which determine the timing and
     [RD1]. At the same time, it is predicted that personal tracking    content of displayed information based on the user’s context.
     devices will be the fastest growing market in LBS between          The context can depend on various aspects, such as indi-
     2016 and 2025, with a CAGR of 17.9% [RD1].                         viduals’ location, activity status, movement patterns, past
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   17

preferences, calendar appointments, blood pressure and                                 become multi-functional devices, used also for applica-
many other factors [RD37]. With the share of context-aware                             tions in other GNSS segments (e.g. Road). As premium
apps relying on GNSS exceeding 90% in 2016, GNSS and                                   smartphones increasingly approximate the performance
location information is truly becoming a key enabler of                                of low-end professional-grade receivers, the technological
context-aware applications [RD1]. Context-aware apps are                               evolution of multi-constellation smartphones could in the
a growing driver of the app market, with revenues expected                             future lead to an even larger democratization of some pro-
to rise from €11.7 bln in 2014 to almost €30.6 bln in 2019.                            fessional activities, such as rural cadastral surveying, and the
The high GNSS penetration in context-aware apps is also                                further “cannibalisation” of dedicated devices. With a CAGR
reflected in the revenues coming from the GNSS apps.                                   of 15% between 2012 and 2016, shipments of GNSS enabled
Around 28% of global app revenues will be generated by                                 wearables, including GNSS fitness devices, smart watches
context-aware apps, out of which GNSS-attributable app                                 and glasses, will increase to 14.4 mln units by 2025 [RD1].
revenues will represent almost 90% of the total global app                             Also, a considerable share of the non-GNSS wearables will
revenues in the upcoming years until 2019 [RD1].                                       be leveraging on GNSS by being paired with a smartphone.

                                                                                       Personal tracking devices represent an interesting market
4.1.1 MARKET EVOLUTION                                                                 niche and will gain prominence, as technological advance-
The increasing popularity of context-aware LBS applications                            ments will enable devices to hit the mass market and to
and the continuously growing usage of GNSS devices are                                 increase the competitiveness of available solutions. The
driving rising GNSS use in LBS, a trend forecasted to continue                         shipments of such devices are foreseen to increase from
over the next years.                                                                   4.2 mln units in 2015 to 23.6 mln units in 2025 [RD1]. In the
                                                                                       context of LBS, Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs) assist rescue
yy Continuous growth of GNSS penetration in LBS                                        authorities in their search to locate people in distress, such
   devices                                                                             as hikers and other adventurers on land and employees
                                                                                       working in remote areas. In 2015, around 18 000 PLBs des-
In 2020, more than 2.4 bln units of GNSS devices are fore-
                                                                                       tined for land applications were produced worldwide [RD1].
casted to be shipped, reaching more than 2.5 bln units
in 2025. By then, the total installed base of GNSS devices
                                                                                       yy The app market will continue to grow into “ubiquitous”
will exceed 8 bln units, with an estimated overall GNSS
revenue from LBS forecasted to be more than € 80 bln2.
Asia-Pacific will continue to play a major role in driving                             As elaborated in the previous section, the market for apps
growth in smartphone shipments. The device market will                                 that rely on positioning data is forecasted to grow in terms
further be dominated by smartphones that have already                                  of revenues and diversification over the upcoming years. The

                                                   Figure 2: Shipments of GNSS devices by type

                   Units (Millions)



                                              2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
                                                 Tablets                   Digital cameras                        Portable computers
                                                 Sport & Wearables         Personal tracking devices              Search and Rescue (PLB)

2    Only data revenue arising from the use of location based services considered.

     app market will continue to grow into “ubiquitous” reality.                        the device resources. This will also largely solve the privacy
     The integration of outdoor and indoor LBS is ushering in the                       issues as the device is not expected to stream all the raw
     era of hybrid positioning, which includes all services that                        data to the cloud, but the user can control the exposure
     use both outdoor and indoor LBS technologies to enable                             from his/her device or account.
     a seamless navigation experience between outdoor and
     indoor environments.                                                               There will be a further market consolidation amongst the
                                                                                        service providers and applications developers, with big play-
     yy The success of businesses will increasingly depend                              ers gaining ever greater importance. Many start-ups have
        on location-based marketing                                                     business models that rely on selling the app to established
                                                                                        companies once a certain user-base is reached. This trend
     Location-based marketing is forecasted to become one of
                                                                                        is likely to continue over the next years.
     the industry standards, especially for companies that offer
     services in different physical locations. Restaurants, hotels,
     shops and other points of interest will become increasingly
     dependent on LBS users. With the rise of context-aware apps,                       4.2 Main Market Players
     more and more business users are profiting from services
     such as location-based aggregation services, geolocation                           The LBS segment is dominated by non-EU players, with
     social media monitoring and proximity-based marketing                              North American companies leading the chipset market and
     applications to drive sales and customer retention.                                Asian companies accounting for the majority of handsets
                                                                                        revenues (with the significant exception of Apple). European
     The success of context-aware applications assumes that the                         companies continue to perform strongly in app develop-
     devices are continuously location-aware (seamless indoor/                          ment but their global share is limited.
     outdoor), are tracking the activity of the user and are ana-
     lysing the “location+motion/activity history” of the user. As                      The main industry stakeholders in the LBS GNSS market
     the awareness and tracking need to be done on the device,                          value chain are components manufacturers, device inte-
     the market needs solutions are mostly independent of the                           grators and vendors, service and content providers, app
     cloud and can be executed in the device with minimal use of                        developers/retailers and app stores.

     Figure 3: LBS Value Chain

       COMPONENTS                 OPERATING           DEVICE                    SERVICE &             APP
       AND RECEIVER               SYSTEM              INTEGRATORS               CONTENT               DEVELOPERS                 APP STORES               USERS
       MANUFACTURERS              DEVELOPERS          AND VENDORS               PROVIDERS             RETAILERS

      BROADCOM              APPLE (iOS)         Smartphone/Tablets:        Map Providers:       General App                 360 MOBILE ASSISTANT   Mass Market Users,
      INTEL                 CANONICAL*          APPLE, BLACKBERRY          APPLE                Developers: APPLE,          AMAZON APP STORE       Professional Users,
      MEDIATEK              (UBUNTU)            LIMITED, BQ*, DORO,        GOOGLE               FACEBOOK, FOURSQUARE,       APPLE APP STORE        Users With Special Needs,
      NIHON DEMPA KOGYO     GOOGLE (ANDROID)    HTC, HUAWEI, LENOVO,       HERE                 GOOGLE, IAC,                BLACKBERRY WORLD       Retailers
      U-BLOX AG*            (LINUX)             XIAOMI, ZT                 Mobile Network       YELP, ZYNGA, and many       WINDOWS PHONESTORE
                            MICROSOFT           Wearables: APPLE,          Operators and        small app developers
                            (WINDOWS)           CITIZEN, FITBIT, GARMIN,   Assistance Data      mCommerce:
                                                MICROSOFT, SUUNTO*,        Providers:           AMAZON, FOURSQUARE,
                                                SAMSUNG, TIMEX*,           AT&T MOBILITY        GROUPON, PAYPAL,
                                                XIAOMI                     ORANGE*              ZALANDO*
                                                People Tracking:           RXNETWORKS           mHealth:
                                                GARMIN, POCKET             TELEFÓNICA*          AZUMIO, EPOCRATES,
                                                FINDER, SPOT,              VERIZON WIRELESS     FITBIT, FITNOW, IHEALTH,
                                                TELTONIKA                  VODAFONE*            SANOFI*
                                                Original Design                                 Retailers: Airlines,
                                                Manufacturers:                                  Banks, General Retailers,
                                                FOXCONN, PEGATRON,                              Media Companies, Mo-
                                                WISTRON                                         bile Network Operators,
                                                Cameras: CANON,                                 Transport Providers,
                                                NIKON, SONY                                     Vehicle Manufacturers
                                                PCs: ACER, APPLE,
                                                ASUS, DELL, HP,
     * European companies
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The value chain with main players is provided in figure 3                  yy Psychographic, which analyses users’ lifestyle, person-
[RD1]:                                                                        ality, values, often connected with degree of trust to
The value chain considers the key global and European
                                                                           yy Behavioural segmentation, which categorises occasions,
companies involved in the GNSS downstream activities.
                                                                              benefits, usage rate, loyalty status, readiness stage, and
                                                                              attitude toward LBS applications and technology in
4.3 Main User Groups                                                       LBS app users’ motivations greatly depend on which user
                                                                           group(s) they belong to and represent different levels of
Mobile application users, including LBS and digital inno-
                                                                           requirements within the app:
vations in general, can be characterised by two important
criteria: the digital capability of users and their trust in the           yy To provide basic location-based information or how to
applications they use [RD41]. Digital capability takes into                   get somewhere (usually users with low digital capability
account the user’s ability to fully use all the latest technology             and/or low trust in apps);
features, functions and services available to improve their
                                                                           yy To provide a discovery experience of new items and
overall effectiveness and quality of life. Trust involves the will-
                                                                              offers available in a user’s physical space (medium digital
ingness of users to share personal data and, in some cases,
                                                                              capability and/or medium trust in apps);
to renounce privacy in exchange of a perceived benefit.
                                                                           yy To “think for the user” in an integrated way, to have
At the same time, the user groups for LBS applications, as                    pushed individualised and personalised services with
for any other target group, can be segmented based on four                    location-specific recommendations and information
different criteria or combinations of them:                                   (high digital capability and/or high trust in apps).
yy Geographic, based on users’ region, city size, density,
                                                                           Table 1 summarises different groups of users based on their
   climate. This segmentation describes regional differences
                                                                           psychographic and behavioural characteristics. This user
   between LBS users.
                                                                           segmentation is used in Chapter 5.1 as a characterisation
yy Demographic, which is based on users’ age, family size,                 criterion for the different LBS application categories con-
   family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education,               sidered in this study.
   religion, race, generation, nationality, social class.

     Table 1: LBS Applications User Segments. Source: Based and adapted on GNSS opportunities
     in Location Based Services [RD39], [RD40], [RD41]

      Group             Description                           Primary LBS needs and                  Primary
                                                              motivations to use apps                applications
      Enthusiasts       yy Early adopters, such as            Exploring new and innovative           All
                           hipsters who would like to be      services. LBS apps are the way to
                           trendsetters. They are aware       express themselves, socialise and
                           users and can accept to give up    are natural part of their life.
                           some privacy in order to benefit
                           the most from LBS applications.
                           Have high demands towards
                        yy Mass adopters, who are
                           the large group of unaware
                           enthusiasts heavily using LBS
                           applicatins. They do not have
                           have deep knowledge about
                           LBS and privacy issues, however
                           can be sensitive towards
                           possible privacy issues when
                           hearing news in media.
      Traditionalists   Have limited interest or trust in     Safety, convenience, saving            Navigation
                        technology and high privacy           of time                                Safety and
                        concerns. Use LBS applications                                               emergency
                        only when really needed.                                                     Health
                                                                                                     Infotainment: Points
                                                                                                     of interest (POI)
      Pragmatists       Working professionals, career-        Productivity growth, time savings,     Navigation
                        oriented, have limited time and       self-expression, socialising,          Sports
                        spend a lot of time at work. Like     getting discounts and offers.          Social networking
                        having control and use the apps                                              Infotainment
                        with awareness.                                                              Commercial
                                                                                                     Geomarketing and
                                                                                                     Augmented reality
      Professional      Require specific LBS applications     Productivity at work                   Tracking services
      and business      for day-to-day use at work. Have                                             Navigation
      users             high requirements towards                                                    Safety and
                        reliability of applications.                                                 emergency
                                                                                                     Geomarketing and
                                                                                                     GIS and Mapping
                                                                                                     Augmented reality
      Users with        People concerned about other          Safety and care for other people       Tracking services
      special needs     people with special needs or          (kids, patients, elderly people) and   Health
                        having special needs themselves.      themselves                             Augmented reality
                        Have high requirements towards
                        reliability of applications.
      Bulk users        Service POI providers and owners,     Commercial success, building           Commercial
                        advertisers, marketing companies      marketing strategies and               Geomarketing and
                                                              consumer insights                      adverstising
                                                                                                     Augmented reality
                                                  R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   21

                     GNSS User Requirements Analysis

     table entitled ‘’Synthesis of LBS User Requirements’’              ference and susceptibility to spoofing. Integrity provides
     summarises all GNSS user requirements for every LBS                the user with a probability that the position provided is (or
     application covered in this report. It is provided in              is not) correct and it also provides the time required before
 Annex 1.                                                               an incorrect position can be determined and signalled to
                                                                        the user. Integrity is considered only for liability critical
                                                                        applications that is those applications in which the conse-
 5.1 GNSS Use in LBS                                                    quences of an undetected GNSS-generated position error
                                                                        can generate significant legal or economic consequences
                                                                        (e.g. fraud management, billing, smart parking, parolees
 5.1.1 GNSS USER LEVEL CRITERIA                                         monitoring, etc.). Power consumption is not strictly a GNSS
 The performance of GNSS may be evaluated/perceived                     performance parameter, however it is also considered in
 according to several criteria. Each criterion may include              this analysis. Most LBS devices are battery powered (which
 several performance parameters or non-measurable                       implies that they must remain small and lightweight) and
 parameters. Only those criteria and performance parameters             GNSS is considered one of the heaviest drain on smart-
 that are relevant for the analysis of LBS user requirements            phones batteries.
 have been retained, i.e. accuracy, service area, availability,
 resilience, integrity and power consumption.                           More details on the definitions of the above criteria are
                                                                        given in Annex 2.
 Accuracy is given in terms of horizontal and vertical posi-
 tion accuracy, but timing accuracy is not considering in this          Note that Accuracy, availability and power consump-
 report. Service area is defined in terms of geographical               tion are consistent with parameters that Google uses in its
 coverage. Availability covers both physical environmen-                geolocation API which is the main interface for the appli-
 tal conditions such as urban canyon and canopy (natural                cation developers, accessing the location information on
 obstruction caused by a layer of branches of trees), and the           smartphones today.
 time required to make a first fix (TTFF) and the fix update
 type. Resilience, or robustness, covers susceptibility to              The proportion of GNSS use in each application category
 environmental conditions as well as susceptibility to inter-           has also been assessed in this analysis.

 Table 2: List of criteria / performances relevant to users

                 Criterion                                 Performance                                           Characterisation
  Accuracy                                   Horizontal                                            Low: 5 to 10 m
                                                                                                   Medium: 1 to 5 m
22   5 / G N S S U S E R R E Q U I R E M E N T S A N A LY S I S

                           Criterion                                          Performance                             Characterisation
      Availability                                                Urban canyon                              Yes/No
                                                                  TTFF (hot start)                          Low: More than 30 s
                                                                                                            Medium: 2 to 30 s
                                                                                                            High: < 2 s
                                                                  Fix update type                           Continuous (with a given update
                                                                                                            On Request
      Resilience                                                  Susceptibility to environmental           Low
                                                                  conditions                                Medium
                                                                  Susceptibility to interference            Low
                                                                  Susceptibility to spoofing                Low
      Integrity                                                   Risk                                      Low: < 95% probability
                                                                                                            Medium: 95 to 99% probability
                                                                                                            High: 99.5% probability
                                                                  Time to alert                             In seconds
      Power consumption                                                                                     Low: < 2mA
                                                                                                            Medium: 2 to 10mA
                                                                                                            High: > 10mA

     The LBS applications that are considered in this analysis                         Road navigation applications that are supported by smart-
     are consistent with GSA Market Report 5 [RD1]. They have                          phones have also been included in the following analysis.
     been completed with additional applications and appli-
     cations categories found in other sources (in italics in the
     following table).

     Table 3: LBS applications and definitions

                                                 Applications                                       Applications description
      Navigation                       Route planning and turn-               Route planning and turn-by-turn instructions based on GNSS
                                       by-turn navigation                     positioning. Includes driving, walking, riding bicycles and
                                                                              recreational sailing [RD1], [RD5], [RD11]. Il also delivers real-time
                                                                              information such as traffic updates or weather reports so the
                                                                              user can plan accordingly.
                                       Real-time public transport             Informs about transport vehicles position, when the next one
                                                                              should arrive and provides the user with service updates [RD5].
                                       Eco-driving and carbon                 GNSS-enabled application that helps drivers optimise their car
                                       emission footprint                     journeys to reduce greenhouse gas emissions [RD17].
                                       Smart parking                          Provides drivers with information on empty parking slots [RD16].
R E P O R T O N LO C AT I O N - B A S E D S E R V I C E S U S E R N E E D S A N D R E Q U I R E M E N T S   23

                         Applications                                           Applications description
Mapping and GIS   Mapping and GIS                    GIS applications can generate contour maps from analysed data
                                                     and present these maps in a digital form [RD96].
                                                     Smartphones enable users to become map creators thanks to
                                                     the democratisation of digital mapping [RD1].
Geomarketing      Geomarketing and                   Consumer preferences are combined with positioning data to
and advertising   advertising                        provide personalised offers to potential customers and create
                                                     market opportunities for retailers [RD1].
Safety and        Search and rescue                  Alerts search and rescue services and provides them with
emergency                                            accurate emergency caller location [RD1], [RD3].
                  E112                               Emergency phone number that can be dialled free of charge
                                                     from most mobile telephones in order to reach emergency
                                                     services (ambulance, fire and rescue, police). The telecom
                                                     operator transmits the location information to the emergency
                                                     centre [RD1].
Enterprise        Mobile workforce                   Aims to manage employees working outside the company
applications      management                         premises and to improve operational efficiency [RD1], [RD21].
Sports            Fitness and performance            Records data such as real-time distance, speed/pace, location,
                  monitoring                         elevation, travelled distance, step counters to monitor users’
                                                     performance. Speed and elevation charts are provided (includes
                                                     running, biking, hiking, swimming, etc.) [RD1], [RD5], [RD12],
                  Sports gear retrieval:             GNSS-enabled application that helps locate sports gear [RD19].
                  golf balls
                  Fishing assistance                 GNSS-enabled application that helps locate fish [RD20].
Games             LBS games                         GNSS enables a wide range of location-based games on
                                                    smartphones and tablets [RD1].
Health            Guidance for visually             Provides turn-by-turn instructions based on GNSS positioning
                  impaired                          that help visually-impaired get around more easily [RD1], [RD4].
                  Vulnerable people tracking Tracks elderly, people with cognitive disabilities. Includes the
                                             deployment of local geofences that trigger an alarm when a user
                                             leaves the perimeter [RD3], [RD5].
                  Fall detection                    Alerts when a fall event has occurred [RD22].
                  Lone worker protection            Ensures the security of employees through features such as
                                                    two-way communications and automatic location. Sends alarm
                                                    to supervisors or to alarm receiving centres in case of emergency
Tracking          Children locators                  Allows parents to track their children. Includes the deployment
                                                     of local geofences that trigger an alarm when a user leaves a
                                                     perimeter or approaches a dangerous area (e.g. swimming pool)
                                                     [RD5], [RD21].
                  Parolees monitoring                Monitors parolees. Includes local geofences that trigger an alarm
                                                     when a parolee leaves the perimeter (if this is a stipulation of
                                                     their parole conditions) [RD21].
                  Pets locators                      Allows masters to track their pets. Some of them also enable to
                                                     track pets’ physical activity levels [RD5], [RD18].
                  Tracking of valuable and           Allows owners to locate valuable goods and assets such as
                  stolen goods                       luggage, bikes, jewellery, etc. [RD5], [RD23]. Identifies the
                                                     location of cargo or containers equipped with GNSS receivers
                                                     whilst in transit by road, rail or ships [RD5].
24   5 / G N S S U S E R R E Q U I R E M E N T S A N A LY S I S

                                                 Applications                        Applications description
      Augmented                                                   Positioning and virtual information are combined to entertain
      reality                                                     the user and to improve everyday life [RD1], [RD5].
      Social networking                Friend locator             Provides on-demand information to end users about the
                                                                  location of friends relative to themselves [RD1].
                                       Dating                     GNSS-enabled apps that use participants’ current locations to
                                                                  connect people, allowing them to chat and to possibly meet up
                                       Chat and instant           Location information used in chat and instant messaging
                                       messaging services         services allows the user to estimate how far they are from each
                                                                  other at the time of communication.
      Infotainment                     Points of interest         Provides content relative to the end user’s location. Such
                                                                  location may include location-based landmarks, restaurants,
                                                                  petrol stations, banks, ATMs, hospitals, etc. [RD5], [RD8].
                                       Photos and videos          Adds geospatial metadata to digital media such as photographs,
                                       geotagging                 videos, messages, blogs and web pages [RD5].
                                       Geolocated news            Application that sends users a push notification on their mobile
                                                                  device when news breaks near them [RD15].
      Commercial                       Fraud management           Creates another level of security during a credit card transaction
                                                                  by checking the customer’s location through his/her
                                                                  smartphone [RD7].
                                       Billing                    Payment processing based on location or activity duration for
                                                                  public transport, gyms, theme parks, parking [RD5], [RD17].

     The sections 5.1.3 to 5.1.15 gather all available information        to be sought to assist in these environments. The use of
     on GNSS user requirements for each LBS application listed            Assisted GNSS (A-GNSS), network positioning and inertial/
     in Table 3.                                                          motion sensors can be considered as three of these addi-
                                                                          tional methods.
     5.1.3 NAVIGATION                                                     Common devices enabling this application are smartphones, ROUTE PLANNING AND TURN-BY-TURN NAVIGATION                   portable navigation devices (PNDs) and in-vehicle naviga-
                                                                          tion systems.
     Turn-by-turn navigation is an application that provides
     drivers, riders and pedestrians with directions for a selected
                                                                          The main GNSS user requirements are:
     route on a continuous basis in the form of spoken and/or
     visual instructions. Thanks to data collected from mobile            yy The reported position accuracy:
     GNSS devices on traffic flows, crashes and travel time, the                Horizontal: medium for road navigation, low/
     system keeps the user up-to-date about the best route to                   medium for pedestrian navigation [RD79]
     the destination [RD8]. This application usually combines                   Vertical: low for road navigation, low for
     precision location technologies with geographical maps that                pedestrian navigation
     are shown on the handset display along with instructions.
                                                                          yy Geographical coverage: Global [RD47]
     GNSS is the main source of outdoor positioning for such              yy Availability / Timeliness:
     applications. Pedestrian navigation is more challenging                    Availability in urban canyons [RD17], under canopy
     than road navigation. Indeed, the slower movement speed                    [RD17] and indoors for road and pedestrian
     is an issue for the map-matching algorithms, which results in              navigation [RD48]
     higher likelihood of drifts in the position [RD17]. Moreover,              TTFF: low [RD79]
     in contrast to motorised vehicles, a large part of pedestrian              Need for continuous positioning once the
     movement takes place indoors or in light indoor environ-                   operation has started [RD31]
     ment. Therefore, complementary navigation methods need
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