Page created by Curtis Wheeler

                                                                                          of Transport

Late online entry is available for some sports after the above soft closing date – contact the respective Sports Coordinator

                                        Patron’s Message     4
                                   President’s Message       5
                      Victoria Police Games Federation       8
                                        Acknowledgments      12
                                         Games Schedule      14
                                       General Information   16
                                       Conditions of Entry   22
                          Victoria Police Sports Awards      25
                                       Sponsor’s Message     BACK COVER

   AFL 9s                                29     Petanque                                 51
   Angling                               30     Indoor Rock-climbing                     52
   Aquathon                              31     Rowing – Indoor                          53
   Archery (Field)                       32     Shooting – Trap                          54
   Archery (Target)                      32     Shooting – Skeet                         55
   Badminton                             33     Shooting – Sporting Clays                56
   Basketball                            33     Shooting – Handgun                       57
   Cricket (Indoor)                      34     Shooting – Large Bore                    58
   Cross Country                         35     Shooting – Small Bore                    59
   Crossfit                              38     Shooting – IPSC (New Sport)              60
   Cycling                               39     Soccer Sevens                            61
   Darts                                 40     Squash & Racquetball                     62
   Duathlon & Triathlon (New Sport)      41     Surfing                                  63
   Equestrian                            42     Swimming                                 64
   Golf                                  43     Table Tennis                             65
   Half Marathon                         44     Tennis                                   65
   Hockey                                45     Tenpin Bowling                           66
   Lawn Bowls                            46     Touch Football                           67
   Mountain Bikes                        47     Track and Field                          68
   Netball                               48     Volleyball                               70
   Open Water Swim                       49     Volleyball – Beach                       71
   Paddle Race                           50     Water Skiing                             72

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PATRON’S MESSAGE                                                                      PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

                                                   It is well known that physical activity can help                                                                  Corrections Victoria and the Chief Commissioner’s Trophy
                                                   us keep ourselves mentally well. We also                                                                         – for the 3rd year in a row – to the Transit and Public Safety
                                                   know the wellbeing benefits of connecting
                                                                                                                                                                    A lot of work goes into staging the Games and
                                                   with and sharing experiences with others. We
                                                                                                                                                                    organising the logistics of the sporting events held at
                                                   all have busy lives and for many of us it is                                                                     40 venues across the state. They take place because
                                                   difficult to find time for these activities. The                                                                 of the commitment and the contribution of our agency
                                                   Games provide a wonderful opportunity for                                                                        representatives, Sports Coordinators and our incredible
                                                   participants to set goals around fitness or                                                                      volunteers. My personal thanks go to all who helped make
                                                                                                                                                                    the 2019 Games successful and enjoyable!
                                                   participation, and to make time to work toward
                                                   them.                                                                                                            I am looking forward with anticipation to the 2020 Games.
                                                                                                                                                                    Already the support has been fantastic. Many of our loyal
                                                   Emergency service employees enter in                                                                             sponsors show their interest in the Games with these
                                                   the Games for various reasons. Individual                                                                        valued partnerships continuing for the 2020 Games. APS
                                                   competitors may be aiming for a personal best                                                                    Benefits has been a long-time sponsor and these Games
                                                                                                                                                                    mark the 20th consecutive year they have partnered
                                                   performance, or a team may be looking to win
                                                                                                                                                                    with us. BankVic has provided incredible support for
                                                   bragging rights over another for a year. Others                                                                  the Games since joining and are more directly involved
                                                   may simply want to experience a new sport          The 2019 Games were my first as President, and the            than ever before. We are also continuing our invaluable
                                                   or spend time outside of the workplace with        experience was exhilarating; beginning with the launch at     relationship with Transurban that provides spectacular
                                                   colleagues and peers. Whatever the motivation,     the MCG in February 2019, attending events throughout         outdoor promotions of the Games across Melbourne
                                                                                                      the Games to cheer on our athletes, and presenting            each year. Our partnership with the web developers,
With the success of the 2019 Victoria Police       the Games are a fun and memorable                  event medals to honour our participants in March 2019.        FUSESport continues with their generous support for our
& Emergency Services Games behind us, we           experience for everyone who participates.          The Games are a life changing experience for all those        online registration portal and development of the Games
                                                   I acknowledge and thank the Sports                 involved, and I look forward to working with the Victoria     website. Their contribution is vital and ensures that up to
now eagerly set our sights on the 2020 Games.
                                                                                                      Police Games Federation Committee again for the 2020          date information is available for all events and activities
Victoria’s emergency service agencies              Federation, sports coordinators and volunteers
                                                                                                      Games, being held from 20-29 March 2020.                      throughout the nine days of competition.
embrace the spirit of the Games more               for their efforts in organising the 2020 Games.
                                                                                                      We all know the benefits of an active lifestyle and the       We are extremely grateful for the sustained support of all
enthusiastically every year. We hope that          The Games would not be possible without the        positive impact it can have on our physical and mental        of our sponsors and thank them for their investment in the
continues in 2020 and I look forward to seeing     considerable work that they do.                    health and wellbeing. Finding time for family, friends,       2020 Games.
                                                   I look forward to seeing participants in action    sport or exercise is a challenge we all face, but it is
a high level of participation and healthy                                                                                                                           To our participating agency CEOs, senior executives
                                                                                                      particularly important for those working in the emergency
competition among colleagues and between           when I visit the venues and events throughout                                                                    and leaders, thank you for continuing to champion your
                                                                                                      management sector. The Victoria Police and Emergency
agencies.                                          the Games. I encourage everyone to promote         Services Games are about more than competition; they
                                                                                                                                                                    employees to prioritise their health and wellbeing by
                                                                                                                                                                    taking part in the Games.
One of the greatest things about the Games         the Games, register for an event or two, get       are an opportunity for us to come together, to prioritise
                                                   a team together, and enjoy what will be a          our own physical and mental health, and to invest in the      Finally, the Games are significant because of the
is that they are open to all ages and abilities,                                                                                                                    diverse range of competitors coming together from our
                                                   wonderful nine days of sporting competition        friendships that characterise the spirit of the Games.
from people who regularly participate in sport                                                                                                                      participating agencies. I encourage you all to get involved
or physical activities, to those who might not     and fun.                                           The 2019 Victoria Police and Emergency Services Games
                                                                                                                                                                    and be part of the fun at the 2020 Games.
                                                                                                      were a huge success. The facts speak for themselves:
have pulled on the athletic gear for some time.                                                       over 3100 participants, 4874 individual entries, 41 sports,   Join a friend, form a team, make a commitment to
There are many sports to participate in, from                                                         and 23 affiliated agencies within the Victoria Police Games   compete yourself, encourage others to participate, or
the very athletic such as netball, basketball      Graham Ashton, AM                                  Federation.                                                   promote volunteering at the 2020 Games. Let’s all start

and crossfit, through to more sedate, but          Chief Commissioner                                 The most popular sports in 2019 continued to be netball,
                                                                                                                                                                    preparing for the next Games now, to make them a
                                                                                                                                                                    resounding success.
no less competitive, activities like darts and     Victoria Police                                    soccer 7s, basketball and angling. The Games were
                                                                                                      enhanced in 2019 with the addition of indoor rock climbing    It might just be you or your team on the podium at the end
lawn bowls. There are sports for individual                                                                                                                         of the 2020 Games!
                                                                                                      as a new sport, taking the Games to new heights.
competitors and for teams. The Games have
                                                                                                      I was also pleased to join the Minister for Police and
something for everyone, and with venues                                                               Emergency Services, the Hon Lisa Neville, and the Chief       Rick Nugent
across the state, there is access for all who                                                         Commissioner of Police, Graham Ashton, at the launch
wish to take part.
                                                                                                                                                                    Deputy Commissioner, President –
                                                                                                      of the 2019 Games on 13 February 2019, to present the
                                                                                                      2018 Games winners with the Inter Services Trophy to          Victoria Police Games Federation

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 PATRON:	Chief Commissioner of Police, Mr Graham Ashton, AM                                             HOCKEY:                              Mr Chris Lewis, Sergeant Cassian Taylor
	PRESIDENT:	Deputy Commissioner Rick Nugent                                                            LAWN BOWLS:                          Mr Pat Connor, LSC Ian Miles
	VICE-PRESIDENTS: 	Inspector Dave Wilkins, Mr Gerry Sheridan (SES Operations                          MOUNTAIN BIKES:                      Mr Sam Bach, Mr Blaire Hume
                                                                                                         NETBALL:                             LSC Kelly Bowen, Detective LSC Lee Smith
	SECRETARY:	Mr Adam Drinkwell
                                                                                                         OPEN WATER SWIM:                     Ms Sheila Langley
	ASSIST. SECRETARY:	Mr Brian Neal (Retired Fire Officer, Country Fire Authority)
                                                                                                         PADDLE RACE:                         Acting Sergeant Brian Bourke, SC Deidre Musgrave
	TREASURER:	Leading Senior Constable Kelly Bowen
                                                                                                         PETANQUE:                            Mr Ron Penney, Ms Robyn Ward,
	COMMITTEE:	Mr Danny Bodycoat APM (Retired Inspector), Detective LSC Lee
               Smith, Mr Tim Hose (Retired Detective Sergeant), Mr Gerry Ryan,                           ROCK CLIMBING (Indoor):              Ms Aline Coulson
               Ms Dianne Roberston, Sgt. Adrian Keltie, Mr Ron Penney, Ms
               Robyn Ward, Mr Phil Parson, Mr Pat Connor, Mr Derek Watt                                  ROWING (Indoor):                     Mr Dave Andrews (Retired Sergeant), Ms Suzan Andrews

	PROGRAM EDITOR: 	Mr Adam Drinkwell                                                                    SHOOTING (Trap):                     Mr Glenn Woodhatch (Retired S/C), Sergeant Colin Anderson
VICTORIA POLICE & EMERGENCY                                                                              SHOOTING (Skeet):                    Mr Glenn Woodhatch (Retired S/C), Sergeant Colin Anderson
             AMES MANAGER:	Mr Adam Drinkwell
                                                                                                         SHOOTING (Sporting Clays):           Mr Glenn Woodhatch (Retired S/C), Sergeant Colin Anderson
	POLICE GAMES FEDERATION:	Insp. Dave Wilkins (Chairman), Mr Danny Bodycoat (Marketing &               SHOOTING (Handgun):                   r Steve Vorwerk (Retired Sergeant), Mr Andrew Chattington
                             Sponsorship) and Adam Drinkwell (Victorian Delegate).                                                            (Retired LSC), LSC Dale Harris, SC Chris Hurwood.

SPORTS OFFERED	SPORT CO-ORDINATORS                                                                      SHOOTING (Large Bore):               Mr Bob Herron, Mr Geoff Wells (CFA volunteer)

AFL 9’s:                             Mr Marcus Crocitti and Mr Joel Lovett                              SHOOTING (Small Bore):               Mr Richard Bourke, Mr David Ball, Ms Dianne Robertson

ANGLING:                             Sergeant Ken Anderson, Mr Tim Hose (Retired Detective Sergeant)   SHOOTING (IPAC):                     Senior Constable Tim Germanchis, Sergeant Alistair Cooke

AQUATHON:                            Sergeant David Eadie, Inspector Chris Thynne                       SOCCER SEVENS (Indoor):              Senior Sergeant Ron Sinclair

ARCHERY (Field):                     LSC Bruce McIver, Mr Wayne Morgan (Retired Inspector)              SQUASH & RACQUETBALL:                Sergeant Cassian Taylor, Detective S/C Daniel Deason,

ARCHERY (Target):                    Sergeant John Roberts, LSC Bruce McIver                            SURFING:                             Sergeant Will Harvey, SC Aaron Lord

BADMINTON:                           VPGF Office, Mr Ron Gray                                           SWIMMING:                            Insp. Paul Bertoncello, Ms Suzan Andrews (Retired LSC)

BASKETBALL:                          Sergeant Arnaud Lenferna,                                          TABLE TENNIS:                        Constable Phillip Smith, PSO David Ting

CRICKET (Indoor ):                   Malcolm Hull (Retired Sergeant), Mr Rob James (Retired LSC)        TENNIS:                              Mr Danny Bodycoat APM (Retired Inspector), SC Craig Lane

CROSS COUNTRY:                       Mr Gerry Ryan (Retired Senior Sergeant),                           TENPIN BOWLING:                      Senior Sergeant Michael Brayley, Mr Phil Parson (Retired Sergeant)

CROSSFIT:                            Acting Snr. Sgt. Jarrod Ross                                       TOUCH FOOTBALL:                      Ms Claire Osborn, Detective Senior Constable Casie Beddome

CYCLING:                              r Patrick Caslin (CFA), Mr Roger Gray (CFA volunteer), Mr
                                     M                                                                   TRACK & FIELD:                       Mr Mark Tuppen (SES Volunteer), Inspector Dave Wilkins.
                                     Michael Sparke,                                                     VOLLEYBALL:                          Station Officer Garry Watson, Station Officer Frank Maguire
DARTS:                               Mr John Garvin, Mr Mark Ballantyne                                 VOLLEYBALL (Beach):                  Mr Brian Neal (Retired Fire Officer), Ms Christine Mc Gowan & Ms
DUATHLON/TRIATHLON:                  Ms Tamara Hammond, Mr Matthew Rafferty                                                                  Jess Shepherd (Ambulance Vic)

EQUESTRIAN:                          Sgt. Robyn Reed,                                                   WATER SKIING:                        LSC Greg Kitcthen, Mr Richard Crisp.

GOLF:                                LSC David Hogan, Mr Terry Lobjoit
                                                                                                         Thanks must also go to those whose names have not been mentioned here, without whose help the
HALF MARATHON:                       Inspector Graham Higginbotham                                      organising of these Games would be almost impossible.

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Agency Co-ordinators: The following are the members of the various agencies that         Emergency Services                      Marissa Meyers
will provide further information upon request.                                           Telecommunications Authority            Email:

Ambulance Victoria                        Dianne Robertson – 9840 3527                   Life Saving Victoria                    Sheila Langley
                                          Email:                                           Email:

Australian Border Force                   Kerree Arnold – 9339 1125                      Metropolitan Fire & Emergency           Matt Hunter
                                          Email:             Services Board                          Email:

Australian Criminal                       Darren Eaton – 8636 7111                       National Heavy Vehicle Regulator        Mr Derek Watt
Intelligence Commission                   Email:                                                        Email:

Australian Department of                  Luke Watson – 8318 6995                        Parks Victoria                          Tamara Watson & Andrea Davies
Agriculture and Water Resources           Email:                                                  Email:
                                          or                                                     or

Australian Federal Police                 Svetlana Kostenko – 9607 7267                  Royal Flying Doctor Service             Frank Giovannetti
                                          Email:                                                    Email:

Australian Volunteer Coast Guard          Deanne Semmens                                 St John Ambulance Victoria -            Kelly Hartley – 0409 157 719
                                          Email:                                                        Email:

Corrections Victoria                      Robyn Ward                                     Sheriff’s Office Victoria (Dept. of Leigh Gilmore
                                          Email:           Justice & Regulation, Infringement  Email:
                                          or            Management & Enforcement Services)

Country Fire Authority                    Brian Neal                                     State Emergency Service -               Gerry Sheridan – 9256 9014
                                          Email:                                                                Email:

Dept. of Jobs, Precincts & Regions        Nicole Schroen – 8392 8805                     Victoria Police                         Adam Drinkwell – 9247 5026
                                          Email:                                                Email:

Dept. of Environment,                     Kate Elzinga – 9637 8332                       Victorian Fisheries Authority           Julie Murphy – 5258 0236
Land, Water & Planning                    E-mail:                                                  Email:

Dept. of Home Affairs                     Name – Ph                                      WorkSafe Victoria                       Sandra Phan
                                          E-mail:                                                                                Email:

Dept. of Transport                        Annette Bury

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The President and Committee of the Victoria Police Games Federation (VPGF) would           Catering Services Unit, Police Academy          Metropolitan Fire & Emergency Services
like to thank major sponsor Australian Public Service Benevolent Society                                                                   Board
(; BankVic ( and Transurban                 Geelong Darts Club
( for their assistance in publishing the ‘Entry Information Book’.                                                   WorkSafe Victoria
                                                                                           Victorian Netball Association
The Committee also acknowledges the assistance of:                                                                                         Australian Criminal Intelligence
                                                                                           Oakleigh Indoor Sports Centre
Victoria Police Media Unit                        Dept. of Environment, Land, Water &      Athletics Victoria
                                                  Planning                                                                                 Life Saving Victoria
Victoria Police Academy                                                                    Victorian Touch Association
                                                 Australian Border Force                                                                   Nortons Park, Wantirna South
Police Life                                                                                Victoria Police Pistol Club
                                                  Croydon Athletics Track                                                                  Northern Veterans Cycling Club
Knox City Council                                                                          City of Monash Council
                                                 Ambulance Victoria                                                                        Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre
Swimming Victoria                                                                          Big Hill Mountain Bike Park, Mt Beauty
                                                 Zone Bowling Forest Hill                                                                  National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
Victoria Police                                                                            Bendigo Clay Target Club
                                                 Wellsford Rifle Range Bendigo                                                             AFL Victoria
Geelong City Council                                                                       Dandenong Indoor Sports Centre
                                                  Gravity Worx Indoor Climbing Gym                                                         St Kilda Petanque Club
Northern Golf Club, Glenroy                                                                Melbourne International Shooting Club
                                                  Sherbrooke Archers                                                                       Western Suburbs Badminton Association
Sheriff’s Office Victoria                                                                  Dept. of Transport
                                                 Emergency Services Telecommunications                                                     Jells Park Netball Centre
                                                 Authority                                 Parks Victoria
State Emergency Service
                                                                                           City of Melbourne                               CrossFit Ironbear
Police Association Journal                        Mulgrave Country Club
                                                                                           Swan Hill Bowls Club                            Geelong Water Ski Club
Fawkner Park                                      Essendon Angling Club
                                                                                           Sport Staff One                                 Geelong Lawn Tennis Club
Sporting Shooters Pistol Club                    Altona Badminton Centre
                                                                                           Woolamai Surf Life Saving Club                  Blackburn Cycling Club
                                                  Lilydale Bowmen
Newham CFA
                                                                                           Boneo Equestrian Centre                         Ray Kibby Table Tennis Centre
                                                  Dept. of Home Affairs
Corrections Victoria
                                                                                           Country Fire Authority                          Victorian Fisheries Authority
                                                  Point Leo Surf Life Saving Club
St John Ambulance
                                                  ERGfit Indoor Rowing & Training Studio   The Victoria Police Games Federation also gratefully acknowledges the
Hawthorn Malvern Hockey Centre
                                                                                           assistance it receives from the following organisations:
                                                  Dept. of Jobs, Precincts & Regions
Sandridge Life Saving Club, Port
Melbourne                                         Football Victoria (FFV)                  Victoria Police Amateur Sports and Welfare Society Inc.
                                                                                           Victoria Police Provident Fund
Geelong Surfcoast Cycling Club                    State Football Centre, Darebin           The Police Association (of Victoria)

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Thursday, 19th March                              0800 AQUATHON – Sandridge Life Saving           Wednesday, 25 March 2020                         1030 SHOOTING (Trap) – Bendigo Clay
1600 DUATHLON & TRIATHLON - Victoria                   Club, Sandridge Beach, Port Melbourne      0700 ANGLING (Saltwater) – St Helens Boat             Target Club, 551 Bendigo-Pyramid Rd,
      Police Academy                              0830 VOLLEYBALL (Div 2 Open – Social                 Ramp, North Geelong                               Woodvale
                                                       Teams & Mixed Teams Division) –            0730 CROSSFIT – CrossFit Ironbear, 2 Rocco
Friday, 20 March 2020                                                                                                                              Friday, 27 March 2020
                                                       Dandenong Indoor Sports Centre                  Drv, Scoresby
0900 HALF MARATHON – Yarra Main Trail,                                                                                                             0800 HOCKEY – Hawthorn Malvern Hockey
                                                  0900 SHOOTING (Small Bore) – Melbourne          0845 LAWN BOWLS – Swan Hill Bowls Club,
     East Melbourne. Start/Finish at Kings                                                                                                              Centre, Auburn Rd, Hawthorn
                                                       International Shooting Club, Todd Rd,           cnr Curlewis St & McCullum St, Swan Hill
     Domain.                                           Fishermans Bend                                                                             0900 VOLLEYBALL (Beach) – Dandenong
                                                                                                  0900 NETBALL (Mixed) – Jells Park Netball             Indoor Sports Centre (State Volleyball
0930 SHOOTING (Large Bore) – Wellsford            0930 NETBALL (Womens) – Jells Park Netball           Centre, Wheelers Hill                            Centre)
     Rifle Range, 2 Rifle Range Rd, Bendigo            Centre, Wheelers Hill
                                                                                                  0900 SOCCER SEVENS – State Football              0900 ROCK CLIMBING (INDOOR) – Gravity
1600 SWIMMING (1500m swim) – Victoria            1100 GOLF – (Shotgun start) – Northern Golf           Centre Darebin, 281 Darebin Rd,                  Worx Indoor Climbing Gym, 182-184
      Police Academy                                   Club, 97 Glenroy Rd, Glenroy                    Darebin                                          Sussex St, Pacoe Vale
                                                 1100 MOUNTAIN BIKES – Big Hill Mountain          0900 PETANQUE (Triples Team) – St Kilda
Saturday, 21 March 2020                                                                                                                            0930 AFL 9s – Ross Straw Field, Parkville
                                                       Bike Park, Mount Beauty                         Petanque Club, 66 Fitzroy St, St Kilda
0630 ANGLING (Freshwater) – Eildon
                                                 1300 ROWING (Indoor) – Essendon Angling          0900 TABLE TENNIS – Ray Kibby Centre,            Saturday, 28 March 2020
     Pondage, Goulburn River from Pondage
                                                       Club, 44 The Boulevarde, Moonee                 corner of Murray & Newlands Rds,
     to Thornton Bridge & Lake Eildon                                                                                                              0830 TRACK & FIELD – Croydon Athletics
                                                       Ponds                                           Coburg
0800 EQUESTRIAN (All events) – Boneo Park                                                                                                               Track, Cnr Mt Dandenong & Norton Rds,
     Equestrian Centre, Boneo Road, Boneo                                                         0900 TENNIS (Singles: 9.30am start & Mixed            Croydon
                                                 Tuesday, 24 March 2020
                                                                                                       Doubles: 1pm start) – Geelong Lawn
0900 SHOOTING (Handgun) – Victoria Police         0700 SURFING – Phillip Island/East Coast                                                         Sunday, 29 March 2020
                                                                                                       Tennis Club, 16 Sommers St, Belmont
     Pistol Club, 215M Rossiter Rd, Carrum             (meet at Woolamai Surf Lifesaving Club)
                                                                                                                                                   0830 SHOOTING (IPSC) – Sporting Shooters
     Downs                                                                                        0900 VOLLEYBALL (Division 1) – Dandenong
                                                  0730 WATER SKIING – Geelong Waterski Club,                                                            Pistol Club, 714-716 Princes Hwy,
                                                                                                       Indoor Sports Centre
0930 ARCHERY (Field) – Lilydale Bowmen,                Wilsons Rd, Whittington Geelong                                                                  Springvale
     Pavitt Lane, Mount Dandenong                                                                 0930 SHOOTING (Skeet) – Bendigo Clay
                                                  0800 SQUASH & RACQUETBALL – Mulgrave                                                             0930 DARTS – Geelong Darts Club, 5 Johns St,
                                                                                                       Target Club, 551 Bendigo-Pyramid Rd,
1200 SWIMMING – Victoria Police Academy                Country Club, Cnr of Wellington & Jells                                                          Corio (off St Georges Rd)
                                                       Rds, Wheelers Hill
Sunday, 22 March 2020                                                                             1030 SHOOTING (Sporting Clays) – Bendigo        **Sports event dates and venues subject to
                                                  0830 OPEN WATER SWIM (2km) – Life Saving
0830 CROSS COUNTRY – (5 & 10 Km),                                                                       Clay Target Club, 551 Bendigo-Pyramid      change. Updates will be communicated on the
                                                       Victoria, 200 The Boulevarde, Port
     Nortons Park, Wantirna South                                                                       Rd, Woodvale                               website:
0830 TENPIN BOWLING – Zone Bowling                0845 LAWN BOWLS –Swan Hill Bowls Club,          Thursday, 26 March 2020
     Boronia, 125 Boronia Road, Boronia                cnr Curlewis St & McCullum St, Swan Hill   0830 PADDLE RACE – Yarra River, Southbank
0900 TOUCH FOOTBALL – Bruce Comben                0900 PETANQUE (Doubles Team) – St Kilda              at VRA Rowing Landing, Melways, 2FH7
     Reserve, Central Ave, Altona Meadows              Petanque Club, 66 Fitzroy St, St Kilda     0900 BASKETBALL – Melbourne Sports &
0930 ARCHERY (Target) – Sherbrooke Archers        0930 BADMINTON – Altona Badminton Centre,            Aquatic Centre, Albert Park
     New Rd, Upper Ferntree Gully                      Paisley Park, Mason St, Altona North       0930 CRICKET INDOOR – Oakleigh Indoor
1200 SWIMMING – Victoria Police Academy           0930 CYCLING (Time Trial 0930 & Road Race            Sports, Railway Ave, Oakleigh
                                                       1200) – Geelong & Surf Coast Cycling       0930 TENNIS (Mens, Womens & Veteran
Monday, 23 March 2020
                                                       Club, 1430 Hendy Main Rd Paraparap              Doubles: 10.00am start) – Geelong Lawn
0700 SURFING – Phillip Island/East Coast
                                                                                                       Tennis Club, 16 Sommers St, Belmont
     (meet at Woolamai Surf Lifesaving Club)

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Registration and entry to the 2020 Victoria          Federation Office on 0418 998 233 or via email to       Maximum/Minimum Number of Participants:               Appeals and Protests by competitors shall
Police and Emergency Services Games is                             Some sports may set a maximum number of               be made in the first instance to the Sports
on-line ONLY. To register, please go to www.                                                                 participants due to competition and /or venue         Coordinator of their event. The Sports Coordinator
                                                     Refund Policy: After the official close of All registrations                                                             restrictions. If a competitor has entered an event    has total control over the running of their event
                                                     registration date, a competitor who withdraws
and payments for events are done through the                                                                 after the maximum has been reached and was            on the day. Should a mutual resolution not be
                                                     from any competition will not be eligible for a
online portal. All participants will be required                                                             received late and after the advertised close          made, the competitor can lodge a further appeal
                                                     refund unless they have endeavoured to notify the
to create their own new account or use their                                                                 of entries, the entrant shall only be eligible to     in writing to the Victoria Police Games Federation
                                                     relevant Sports Co-ordinator or the Games Office
previous account. Registrations for all events                                                                                                                     Executive Officer within 24 hours of their event.
                                                     at least two days prior to their event. Notifications   receive a refund of the sport fee. Every sport has
will open on 1st December 2019 and close 13th                                                                                                                      The VPGF will then investigate and notify the
                                                     of withdrawal must be made by individuals               a minimum number required for the competition
March 2020. The Games will run from 20th to 29th                                                                                                                   competitor and Sports Co-ordinator of the result.
                                                     only either by email or phone call to the Sports        to proceed. If a minimum number is not reached,
March 2020.
                                                     Coordinator or the Games Office. Any notification       then the sport will be cancelled. In this case, the   If the presentation of medals is affected by the
There is a standard registration fee of $10 per      received outside of this period will be at the          event cancellation policy will apply                  possible results of a protest/dispute, the awards
participant and is required upon registration.       discretion of the Games Office as to whether a                                                                shall be withheld pending the Protest/Dispute
Payment of this fee covers:                                                                                  Public Liability Protection: All sporting events      decision.
                                                     refund will be applied. A refund of sports fees
                                                                                                             in the Games are covered for Public Liability
• Registration processing                           only shall be made available when the entrant                                                                 Changes to Events Policy: The Victoria Police
                                                                                                             Insurance under the banner of Victoria Police.
                                                     withdraws due to illness or injury; family tragedy;                                                           Games Federation reserves the right to alter or
• Website development                               unexpected ‘on duty’ requirement or emergency           Personal Injury Cover: The Victoria Police            make changes to the times, dates, locations,
• Postage and volunteer costs                       situations; or any other circumstances to be            Games Federation strongly encourages all              and event programming wherever and whenever
                                                     considered by the Games Federation.                     participants to have their own private health         necessary. Notification of any changes will be
Sports fees are also required and are applicable
to each sport and competitors may enter as many      Participants are only eligible for a full refund        insurance including Ambulance cover. Victoria         supplied to an effected competitor and placed on
sports as they wish, paying the appropriate sport    (registration & sport fees) if:                         Police employees only competing in the Victoria       the website.
fee for each sport.                                                                                          Police and Emergency Services Games are               Alcohol and Drugs: The use of banned
                                                     - their event is cancelled or moved to another day
                                                                                                             afforded personal accident protection under           performance enhancing substances and methods
Payment of this fee covers:                             and they can’t compete.
                                                                                                             the banner of Victoria Police if they participate     by competitors (as listed by the Australian Sports
• Medals                                            - If a competitor has entered an event after the       whilst ‘Off Duty’, and if they are registered as      Drugs Agency) is prohibited for the Victoria Police
                                                        maximum number of competitors has been               competitors (i.e. if they have completed the          and Emergency Services Games. Furthermore,
• Venue costs
                                                        reached, but before the advertised close of          necessary online Entry and Administration/            Sports Co-ordinators may prohibit any person
• Equipment and catering costs                         entries (if this event is the only event they have                                                         from competing in any event or competition if in
                                                                                                             Registration and paid the respective fees).
• Umpires, officials and prizes                        entered).                                            Victoria Police members are encouraged to             their opinion that person is displaying the effects
                                                     Should a registered participant fail to compete         contact their WorkCover representative for further    of alcohol.
Payments are only accepted online via the
registration portal. The portal uses the PayPal      and not notify their Sports Coordinator, or the         information.                                          Blood and Infectious Disease Policy: All cuts
gateway so participants can either use their         Games Office of their absence as described                                                                    and abrasions must be reported to the Sport
                                                                                                             Participants from all other affiliated agencies
PayPal account to pay their fees or payment can      above, they are not entitled to a refund of any kind.                                                         Co-ordinator immediately and first aid treatment
                                                                                                             outside of Victoria Police are not covered under
be made via credit card. No payments of cash will    Any refunds will be processed through the                                                                     applied. A competitor who is bleeding or has
                                                                                                             the above policy. Participants need to check
be accepted at any events.                           Fusesport online system and Paypal gateway with                                                               blood on their clothing must immediately leave the
                                                                                                             with their own agency regarding any personal
                                                                                                                                                                   playing area and seek medical assistance. The
Event Entries on the day: Entry into events on       refunds returning to the original credit card that      insurance cover whilst participating in the Games.
                                                                                                                                                                   bleeding must be stopped, the wound dressed
the day of competition, at the event venue, will     was used when registering.
                                                                                                             Injuries that occur as a result of participating in   and blood on the player’s body or clothing
generally not be permitted. Competitors must         Event Cancellation: Any sport or event may be           the 2020 Games must be reported to the Sports         cleaned off before they return to the game. Play
have registered and paid online prior to the         cancelled by mutual agreement between the               Co-ordinator as soon as possible and recorded         must cease until all visible blood is cleaned
commencement of the event as specified above.        respective Sport Co-ordinator and the Games             using a specific ‘Injury/Incidence Report’ form.      up. Sport Co-ordinators have discretion as to
Some exceptions do apply – please contact the        Federation. It is the responsibility of the Sports                                                            whether any contaminated clothing or equipment
relevant Sports Coordinator.                         Co-ordinator to contact all competitors when an         All competitors should be in a healthy physical       will need to be replaced prior to the competitor
Enquiries regarding your individual sporting         event is cancelled. Agency Representatives are          condition and ready for competition to                being allowed to continue in the competition. A
event are to be directed to the respective           also available to assist in this instance. In these     maximise enjoyment and to minimise personal           competitor may only return to competition once
Sports Co-ordinator in the first instance. For any   circumstances a full refund of the registration and     injury. If unsure, or competing in strenuous          the Sports Coordinator is confident all the steps
registration queries or general information about    sports fee will be made available to the individuals    competition, please consult your physician before     listed above have been taken. Any person with
the Games, contact the Victoria Police Games         concerned.                                              commencing competition.                               an infectious disease must advise the Sport Co-

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ordinator prior to the start of any competition. The   Results of all events and sports will be posted on      Withdrawals due to illness or injury will not attract   Bonus Points. Medal points will be awarded
Sport Co-ordinator shall advise the competitor         the Games website under the “Results” section as        a penalty.                                              to place getters as follows: 1st (5 points), 2nd
whether they are able to take their place in the       soon as they have been received by the Games                                                                    (3 points) and 3rd (1 point). Each agency’s total
                                                                                                               Calculating Bonus Points and Total
competition.                                           Office from the Sports Coordinators. Coordinators                                                               number of medal points is added up and ranked
                                                                                                               Participation Percentage. The bonus points for
                                                       are asked to finalise their results and send them                                                               from highest to lowest and agencies assigned a
Officials, Co-ordinators & Volunteers will be                                                                  each agency are based on the average number of
                                                       through as soon as possible.                                                                                    rank score. More information on the allocation of
identified by distinctive clothing/badges, and they                                                            entries per competitor per agency.
                                                                                                                                                                       points can be found in clause 11 of the Conditions
should always be treated with the utmost courtesy.     Medal Presentations will be made at the
                                                                                                               For example: Agency/Department A has 100                of Entry.
                                                       conclusion of the final of each event or at the
Spectators will not be permitted onto the Field                                                                staff members, 50 competitors and 75 entries. The
                                                       discretion of the Sports Coordinator. Placegetters                                                              Overall ranking. The rank scores from the total
of play at any venue unless approved by the                                                                    percentage of employees competing is 50%, and
                                                       who do not attend medal presentation ceremonies                                                                 participation percentage and the medal points are
Sports Coordinator. Spectators are encouraged to                                                               the average number of entries per competitor 1.50.
                                                       MUST arrange delivery of their medals through                                                                   then added together, and the Agency/Department
support all competitors on event days. Assistance                                                              The average number of entries per competitor
                                                       the Sport Co-ordinator. The presentation for the                                                                with the highest score wins.
is requested from all parents to supervise their                                                               is applied as a weighting to the participation
                                                       Chief Commissioner’s Trophy and the Inter-
children in the vicinity of all sporting areas.                                                                percentage to give a total participation percentage
                                                       Services Trophy will be made at the discretion
                                                                                                               of 75%. The total participation percentage is then
Photographer: An official Games photographer           of the VPGF Executive. The winners will be
                                                                                                               ranked from highest to lowest, and agencies
will attend various sporting events. Photographs &     acknowledged at the launch of the Games for the
                                                                                                               assigned a rank score.
videos will be available for viewing on the Games      following year.
website in the Image Gallery. There may also                                                                   Affiliated Agencies Identification
                                                       Victoria Police Games Federation Chief
be other photographers at events which have
                                                       Commissioner’s Trophy & the Inter-Services
been organised by the Sports Coordinator and                                                                     The following abbreviations are used to signify the eligible agencies competing in these Games:
approved by the Games Office.
                                                                                                                            Ambulance Victoria                                                (VIAM)
                                                       As there can be a large difference in the number
Security: All Sports Co-ordinators are                                                                                      Australian Criminal Intelligence Comm                             (ACIC)
                                                       of personnel attached to each Agency and Police
responsible for securing their venues and
                                                       Department, the weighting factor ensures that                        Australian Border Force                                           (AUBF)
equipment against damage. Competitors are
                                                       all Agencies/Departments compete on an equal                         Australian Federal Police                                         (AUPO)
responsible for their own property. Each sport
                                                       basis. This weighting factor better reflects the                     Dept. of Agriculture and Water Resources                          (DAWR)
also has its own ‘Security Strategy’ devised by the
                                                       participation rates of staff within the Agencies/
Sports Coordinator and submitted to the Games                                                                               Australian Volunteer Coast Guard                                  (AVCG)
                                                       Departments, making the process fairer overall.
Office prior to their event/s commencing. The                                                                               Corrections Victoria                                              (VICO)
                                                       This process incorporates a participation
VPGF also asks every participant to be aware
about the need for increased vigilance when
                                                       percentage, bonus points for competitors who                         Country Fire Authourity                                           (VICF)
                                                       enter more than one event, and medal points                          Dept. of Jobs, Precincts & Regions                                (DJPR)
conduct sporting events in today’s environment.
                                                       for placings. The trophies will be awarded to the
Competitors are asked to have their agency                                                                                  Dept. of Environment, Land, Water & Planning                      (DELWP)
                                                       Agency/Department gaining the highest number
identification with them at the events they are                                                                             Dept. of Home Affairs                                             (VDHA)
                                                       of points (combination of total participation and
competing at. Should the relevant identification
                                                       medal points). Every member of a competing                           Dept. of Transport                                                (VDOT)
not be shown when asked by the Sports
                                                       agency taking part in the Games will earn                            Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority                   (VIEC)
Coordinator, then the individual may be asked
                                                       participation points for his or her agency/                          Metro Fire & Emergency Services Board                             (VIFI)
to leave the premises and not take part in the
                                                       department and medal points for placings.
Games.                                                                                                                      National Heavy Vehicle Regulator                                  (NHVR)
                                                       Victoria Police entrants to the Games MUST
 Risk Management: The Games Federation has a           nominate the region, department or command                           Life Saving Victoria                                              (VLSV)
 commitment to use risk management practices to        to which their points are to be awarded upon                         Parks Victoria                                                    (VIPS)
 support and enhance all the sporting events in the    registration.                                                        Royal Flying Doctor Service                                       (RFDS)
 Games. A ‘Facility Safety & Game Day Readiness
                                                       Retired Police Veterans are not eligible to                          St John Ambulance                                                 (VISJ)
 Checklist’ is completed by each Sports Co-
                                                       compete for The Chief Commissioner’s Trophy                          Sherriff’s Office Victoria                                        (VISO)
 ordinator to ensure that sports event venues are
                                                       whilst Retired emergency services personnel and                      State Emergency Service                                           (VISE)
‘fit for purpose’, and action plans are designed to
                                                       volunteers are eligible to compete for the Inter-
 reduce the likelihood and consequence of injury.                                                                           Victoria Police                                                   (VIPO)
                                                       Services trophy if they meet the respective criteria.
 Further to this Sports Co-ordinators now include a                                                                         WorkSafe Victoria                                                 (VIWS)
‘Security Strategy’ as part of their action plans as   Scratching’s will automatically penalize the
                                                                                                                            Victorian Fisheries Authority                                     (VIFA)
 mentioned above.                                      Agency the equivalent participation points.

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Inter-Services Trophy 2019 Results                                                                      Chief Commissioner’s Trophy 2019 Results

 Place Agency                                                                    Entries Medals Total   Department/Command/Region                                                Entries Medals       Total
                                                                                                        Transit & Public Safety Command                                            27       28         55
     1    Corrections Victoria (VICO)                                              21     22     43
                                                                                                        North-West Metro Region                                                    22       27         49
     2    Victorian Fisheries Authority (VIFI)                                     22     15     37
                                                                                                        Southern Metro Region                                                      23       26         49
     3    Victoria Police (VIPO)                                                   13     23     36
                                                                                                        Western Region                                                             24       25         49
     4    Ambulance Victoria (VIAM)                                                16     20     36     Professional Standards Command                                             25       23         48

     5    Australian Border Force (AUBF)                                           20     13     33     Forensic Services Department                                               21       22         43
                                                                                                        Information Systems & Security Command                                     26       17         43
     6    Vic Roads Transport Safety Service (VRSS)                                23     10     33
                                                                                                        Eastern Region                                                             18       24         42
     7    Metro Fire & Emergency Services Board (VIFI)                             15     18     33
                                                                                                        IT Service Delivery Department                                             28       13         41
     8    Parks Victoria (VIPS)                                                    18     14     32     Road Policing Command                                                      17       20         37
     9    Dept. of Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP)                     14     17     31     People Development Command                                                 10       23         33

     10   State Emergency Service (VISE)                                           10     19     29     Capability Department                                                      19       14         33
                                                                                                        Crime Command                                                              13       18         31
     11   Country Fire Authourity (VICF)                                           5      21     26
                                                                                                        State Emergencies and Security Command                                     20       11         31
     12   St John Ambulance (VISJ)                                                 17      9     26
                                                                                                        Intelligence & Covert Support Command                                       9       19         28
     13   Emerg. Serv.Telecommunications Authority (ESTA)                          19      6     25     Legal Services Department                                                  12       15         27

     14   WorkSafe (VIWS)                                                          11     12     23     Human Resourses Department                                                  8       16         24

     15   Life Saving Victoria (VLSV)                                              1      16     17     Corporate Strategy & Operational Improvement Department                    11       12         23
                                                                                                        Business Services                                                          14       9          23
     16   Australian Federal Police (AUPO)                                         8       8     16
                                                                                                        Counter Terrorism Command                                                  16       1          17
     17   Australian Dept. of Agriculture & Water Resources Victoria               9       6     15
                                                                                                        Public Support Services Department                                          6       10         16
     18   Sheriff’s Office Victoria (VISO)                                         12      2     14     Family Violence Command                                                    15       1          16

     19   Dept of Economic Development, Jobs, transport and resources (DEDJTR)     2      11     13     Licensing & Regulation Division                                             7       1           8
                                                                                                        Corporate Finance Department                                                1       1           2
     20   Dept. of Immigration (VDIE)                                              6       5     11
                                                                                                        Media & Corporate Communications Department                                 1       1           2
     21   Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)                                       7       3     10
                                                                                                        Operational Infrastructure Department                                       1       1           2
     22   Australian Volunteer Coast Guard (AVCG)                                  3       4      7
                                                                                                        Procurement Department                                                      1       1           2
     23   Australian Crime Commission (AUCC)                                       4       1      5     Victoria Police Executive                                                   1       1           2

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1. Agency Eligibility                                      d) Retired member of an agency (except         3.1	Victorian Police Protective Services Officers           Public Liability protection (please refer to
                                                              Victoria Police, see 2.1a) must have              (PSO) will compete for Transit & Public                 the General Information page). All other
1.1	Eligible Agencies that are able to compete                had 10 or more years’ service to that            Safety Command as their department.                     participants from affiliated agencies need
     in these Games and who are affiliated with                agency prior to resignation. These               Police Custody Officers (PCO) will compete              to refer to their own internal leave policy
     the Victoria Police Games Federation are:                 members will be referred to their Agency         for the Corporate Strategy & Operational                and insurance cover. More information is
     Victoria Police including Protective Services             Representatives.                                 Improvement Department.                                 provided on the General Information page.
     Officers and Police Custody Officers;
     Ambulance Victoria; Australian Criminal          2.2	Where a member of the Victoria Police           3.2	Victoria Police individuals MUST register for     5.2	Any person employed by Victoria Police
     Intelligence Commission; Australian                   resigns and wishes to take part in further           the region, command or department they                 who competes in The Games whilst on sick
     Border Force; Australian Department                   Victoria Police and Emergency Services               are assigned to at the time of registration.           leave WILL NOT be eligible for the Personal
     of Agriculture; Australian Federal Police             Games, consideration will be given to                Members attached to PCETS MUST                         Accident and Public Liability protection, and
     (including Australian Protective Service              a member’s history of involvement in                 compete for the region where they are                  competes at their own risk. Employees on
     Officers); Australian Volunteer Coast                 previous Victoria Police and Emergency               located at the time of entry.                          sick leave who wish to compete will need to
     Guard; Corrections Victoria; Country                  Services Games, and the years of service.                                                                   provide medical clearance first.
                                                                                                           4.1	Entries close on Thursday 19th March
     Fire Authority; Dept of Jobs, Precincts &             Applications must be made in writing to the
                                                                                                                2020. Some sports may accept late entries         6	Age/Sex/Unisex Divisions apply to some
     Regions; Dept of Environment, Land, Water             VPGF Office prior to registration.
                                                                                                                however this will be at the discretion of            individual events. The placegetters in each
     and Planning; Dept. of Immigration; Dept of      2.3	The Committee of the Victoria Police                 the respective Sports Co-ordinator. All              age/sex/unisex division will be awarded
     Justice (Sheriff’s Office); Dept of Transport;        Games Federation Inc. may by resolution,             entries are via the online registration system       medals. The divisions are:
     Emergency Services Telecommunications                 caution counsel or reprimand a member                and payment must be made to complete
     Authority; Life Saving Victoria; Metropolitan         of the Federation or may expel or suspend            the registration process. Credit Card
     Fire & Emergency Services Board;                      a member from involvement in the affairs             (Mastercard or Visa) or PayPal account are        18 – 18 to 29 years inclusive
     National Heavy Vehicle Regulator; Parks               of the Federation, which shall include               the only forms of payment. For information        30 – 30 to 34 years inclusive
     Victoria; Royal Flying Doctor Service; St             competing at the Games. This includes                on refunds, please check the Refund
     John Ambulance Victoria; Victoria State               members that:                                        section contained within the General              3+: 30 years and over
     Emergency Service; Victorian Fisheries                                                                     Information document.                             35 – 35 to 39 years inclusive
                                                           a) have refused or neglected to comply with
     Authority and WorkSafe Victoria.
                                                               the Rules of the Federation; or             4.2	Entry fees may vary from sport to sport           40 – 40 to 44 years inclusive
1.2	Other emergency service agencies can                                                                       and are put towards the running costs of
                                                           b) h
                                                               ave been found guilty of discreditable                                                            4+: 40 years and over
     apply for eligibility and if successful are                                                                the event, such as medals, venue hire and
                                                              conduct or conduct prejudicial to the                                                               45 – 45 to 49 years inclusive
     able to compete upon invitation to attend                                                                  payment of officials etc. Fees for some
                                                              interests of the Federation, in accordance
     such Games.                                                                                                sports will be the basic entry fee plus “pay      50 – 50 to 54 years inclusive
                                                              with Clauses 21 of the Rules of
1.3	The Victoria Police Games Federation                                                                       as you play” costs. Entry fees are listed with
                                                              Management of the Federation.                                                                       5+: 50 years and over
     reserves the right to refuse entries from any                                                              the events, along with those listed as “pay
                                                           c) Any competitor who is currently under            as you play”.                                     55 – 55 to 59 years inclusive
     individual or agency.
                                                               suspension from their agency is not
                                                                                                           4.3	Sports co-ordinators will not accept a team       60 – 60 to 64 years inclusive
2.Participant Eligibility                                      permitted to enter. In addition, where a
                                                                                                                entry unless full administration / registration   6+: 60 years and over
2.1	Participants over the age of 18 from eligible             competitor is suspended after having
                                                                                                                details of all members of the team has been
     agencies may only compete if they satisfy                 registered for the Games, the onus is on                                                           65 – 65 to 69 years inclusive
                                                                                                                received, and full payment has been made.
     one or more of the criteria below:                        the competitor to declare that suspension
                                                               to the Victoria Police Games Federation     4.4	The Games will be conducted at various            70 – 70 to 74years inclusive
      a) T
          hey are a current or retired sworn or
                                                               and withdraw from the Games.                     venues throughout Victoria between 20th           7+: 70 years and over
         unsworn member of Victoria Police
                                                                                                                March and 29th March 2020 inclusive. A
         (including PSO’s & PCO’s)                    2.4	The VPGF reserves the right to refuse                                                                  75 – 75 to 79 years inclusive
                                                                                                                Schedule of Events is listed on the Games
      b) H
          ave a Law Enforcement or Emergency              entries from any person                                                                                80 – 80 to 84 years inclusive
                                                                                                                website (www.emergencyservicesgames.
         Response role as specified in their key      2.5	Other non-affiliated Emergency Service      and in the Games Information              8+: 80 years and over
         accountabilities section of their job             personnel who comply with clause 2.1                 booklet.
         description                                       can make an application to the VPGF for                                                                85 – 85 to 89 years inclusive
                                                                                                           5.1	All employees of Victoria Police are required
      c) Are an active volunteer for at least 12          consideration of their eligibility.                                                                    90 – 90 to 94 years inclusive
                                                                                                                to participate in their own time and at their
          months prior to the Games and have                                                                    own expense. Victoria Police employees            95 – 95 to 99 years inclusive
          completed the appropriate training for                                                                will be afforded Personal Accident &
          their organisation                                                                                                                                      100+: 100 years and over

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CONDITIONS OF ENTRY                                                                            AWARDS

The age groups above apply to male, female and                 or department team, or doubles event,             The Stuart Taylor Memorial Award                    2008     Jackie ASHMAN
unisex competitors in the relevant events and                  their entry will be set aside until after the
                                                                                                                 This award is presented each year for the “Best     2009     David WILKINS
are identified by the letters M and F respectively             closing date for entries. A draw will then be
throughout the program and are to be taken as at               conducted from those individual entries with      Performance of the Games”. This trophy is           2010     Brendan RYAN
20th March 2020.                                               the view to making a composite team and           awarded for excellence not only in the field
                                                                                                                 of competition but also for enthusiasm and          2011     Kelly BOWEN
                                                               that entrant will be able to compete in the
7.	All entrants are reminded that they are
                                                               Games.                                            willingness to be involved in all aspects of the    2012     Claire OLIVERI
    eligible to enter both their own age group
                                                                                                                 Victoria Police and Emergency Services Games.
    and the open age group but must pay the              11.	Bonus Points                                                                                           2013     Yvonne BERRY
                                                                                                                 The Taylor family has recently handed over the
    entry fees for BOTH age groups. They
                                                         11.1	Bonus Points are awarded in all events with       responsibility of selecting the winner to the       2014     Not Awarded
    may be required to compete in BOTH age
                                                               5 points going to 1st place, 3 points to 2nd      Executive of the Victoria Police Amateur Sports
    groups, except in the case of Aquathon,                                                                                                                          2015     Shane ROBERTS
                                                               place, & 1 point to 3rd place. Bonus points       & Welfare Society, who will take all matters into
    Cross Country, Cycling and Duathlon
                                                               help determine the winners of the Inter-          consideration when making their decision. The       2016     Stuart MACINTYRE
    events where entries will only be accepted
                                                               Services & Chief Commissioner’s Trophies.         winner will be presented with the award at the
    in age groups, and the Open age group                                                                                                                            2017     Janet ROWE
                                                                                                                 annual launch of the Games.
    (if available) will be decided by times.             11.2	In all individual events, the participant earns
                                                                                                                 Previous winners of the Stuart Taylor Memorial      2018     Chris LEWIS
    Swimming events, both Open Water and                       the bonus points for their agency whilst
    Pool, entries will only be accepted in age                                                                   Award are as follows:                               2019     Jack BENNETT
                                                               Victoria Police participants also earn bonus
    groups.                                                    points for their department.
                                                                                                                 1987     James BATE                                 Please send through nominations to the
8.	Females will compete against females                 11.3	In all non-individual events/team events,                                                             Games Office for the 2020 winner following the
    unless they specify that they wish to enter a                                                                1988     Michael VARKER
                                                               Bonus Points will be allocated this way:                                                              conclusion of the Games.
    mixed OPEN or unisex event. Some events                                                                      1989     Michael WIGGINS
                                                               a) Only 1 set of bonus points will be
    may combine various age/sex divisions e.g.                                                                                                                       The Bob Degg Volunteer of the Year Award
    5000 metres.                                                   allocated to an agency per non-               1990     Melissa GOSS
                                                                   individual/team event to the 1st, 2nd                                                             This award was established just prior to the 2007
9.	Where insufficient entries are received in                                                                   1991     Trevor PURCELL                             Games to recognise the outstanding efforts and
                                                                  & 3rd placegetters (eg. winning team
    age group events, the entrant will be offered                  will get 5 points only to their agency        1992     Fiona WEBSTER                              achievements of Sports Co-ordinators, Agency
    the opportunity to participate in a lower age                  and will not be individually allocated to                                                         Representatives, Games Officials, Massage
    group.                                                                                                       1993     Gordon GOURLAY                             Therapists and other volunteers in helping to
                                                                   the participants). These points will be
10.1	Participants representing Victoria Police in                 included in the calculation for the Inter-    1994     Russell FLETCHER                           conduct the annual Victoria Police & Emergency
      non-individual events are encouraged to                      Services Trophy. Where there is more                                                              Services Games. The volunteers are the lifeblood
                                                                                                                 1995     Not Awarded                                of the Games Federation, and without their
      be registered with members from the same                     than 1 participant from a different agency
      department so that they can achieve bonus                    involved in the makeup of the entry, the      1996     Ron ANSTEE                                 contribution the Games would not be the success
      points as per clause 11 below.                               bonus points will be awarded to the                                                               it is today.
                                                                                                                 1997     Dean BERTRAM
                                                                   participant and their agency who setup                                                            This award is sponsored by major sponsor APS
10.2	Participants from all other agencies                         the online entry (eg, team manager or         1998     Phillipa EDGELL
      competing in non-individual events can                                                                                                                         Benefits and presented to the winner at the
                                                                   captain).                                                                                         annual launch of the Games.
      compete without representing a particular                                                                  1999     Russell FLETCHER
      region or department due to the smaller                  b) W
                                                                   here a person wishes to compete in a                                                             This award provides a wonderful opportunity for
                                                                                                                 2000     Not Awarded
      number of participants representing them                    non-individual/team event with members                                                             the Victoria Police Games Federation to recognise
      in comparison to the numbers representing                   from another region or department within       2001     Kaye PRICE                                 volunteers who go ‘above and beyond’ to create
      Victoria Police. Competitors may only                       Victoria Police, they will each be granted                                                         a sense of unity and wellbeing; who embrace the
                                                                                                                 2002     Jason McCONKEY
      compete in one team per sport on the day of                 Bonus Points towards their department                                                              spirit of friendly competition and provide support
      their event. Team members SHOULD play in                    should they place 1st, 2nd or 3rd, with        2003     Doug OLIVER                                for all involved in the Games.
      the preliminaries to be eligible for the finals.            these points contributing to the Chief
                                                                                                                 2004     David WILKINS                              2007     Brian NEAL
      The end decision rests with the Sports Co-                  Commissioner’s Trophy. Clause 11.3a
      ordinator.                                                  will apply when calculating points for the     2005     Sue BUSSELL                                2008     Ron SINCLAIR
                                                                  Inter-Services Trophy.                                                                             2009     Jeffrey MCGILL
10.3	Where a person wishes to compete in a                                                                      2006     Kelly BOWEN
      non-individual event and is unable to locate                                                               2007     Colin SILCOCK-DELANEY                      2010     Liz MORRIS
      sufficient numbers to make up a region                                                                                                                         2011     Ron JEFFS

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2012     John CURTIS                                2004   Not Awarded
                                                                                           In 1995 the Victoria Police Amateur Sports and     Achievement of the Year award. This award was
2013     Pat & Max DIGBY                            2005   Mr Bob POWLES (VIPO)            Welfare Society Inc. introduced the Victoria       later renamed the ‘Most Outstanding Police
2014     Not Awarded                                                                       Police Sports Awards and commenced the             Recreation, Social or Other Achievement of the
                                                    2006   Mr Peter KELLEY (VIPO Ret)      Victoria Police Sporting Hall of Fame.             Year’ award as it was deemed that the welfare
2015     Dave MAGHER
                                                                                                                                              aspect was well catered for in the criteria of
                                                    2007   Mr Gavan BENNETT (VIPO)         The Victoria Police Sports and Welfare Awards
2016     Michael SPARKE                                                                                                                       the other awards. Another review of the award
                                                                                           recognise the achievements of the Outstanding
2017     Chris LEWIS                                2008   Not Awarded                                                                        categories took place in 2019 with slight
                                                                                           Victoria Police Club, Outstanding Police
                                                                                                                                              changes occurring to the Welfare & Sporting
2018     Norman WALKER                              2009   Mr Dave ANDREWS (VIPO)          Administrator and Most Outstanding Individual
                                                                                                                                              Achievement Awards.
                                                                                           Performance of the year. In 1999 the Victoria
2019     Kerree ARNOLD
                                                    2010   Mr Jonathan PAYNE (VIPO)        Police Amateur Boxing and Wrestling Club           The Victoria Police Sports and Welfare Awards
Please send through nominations to the                                                     dissolved and initiated an ‘Athlete Scholarship’   honour boards and the Victoria Police Sporting
Games Office for the 2020 winner following the      2011   Not Awarded                     which is now part of the annual sports awards      Hall of Fame Wall are situated on the Concourse
conclusion of the Games.                            2012   Mr Rob JAMES          (VIPO)    presentations. The ‘Most Improved Police Team      Level at the Victoria Police Centre.
                                                                                           of the Year’ award was introduced in 2013 and
                                                                                                                                              A full history of award winners can be found at
Life Members Honour Board                           2013   Mr Tim HOSE (VIPO Ret)          recognises the team who has shown sustained
                                                                                           improvement in performance.
An Honour Board is situated in the foyer of the     2014   Mr Brian NEAL (CFA)                                                                The Victoria Police Sporting Hall of Fame
Operational Skills & Sports Complex at the Police                                          In 2009 the Society decided to amend the
                                                                                                                                              recognises the achievements of Victoria Police
                                                    2015   Mr David WILKINS (VIPO)         awards criteria to become more inclusive
Academy and honours the Life Members of the                                                                                                   members in all fields of sport and of those who
                                                                                           of clubs who are more welfare oriented,
Victoria Police Games Federation Inc. These         2016   Ms Kelly BOWEN (VIPO)                                                              have made a significant contribution to Policing
                                                                                           and in 2016 created the ‘Most Outstanding
honours have been presented as follows:                                                                                                       and Sport.
                                                    2017	Ms Dianne ROBERTSON (VIAM),      Police Recreation, Welfare, Social or Other
1986     Mr Bryan HARDING (VIPO)                          Mr Michael SPARKE (VIPO)
                                                          and Ms Sue BUSSELL (VIWS).      Victoria Police Sporting Hall of Fame Inductees:    2000	Mr Ron TAYLOR for his contribution to
1987     Mr S.I. (Mick) MILLER (VIPO)
                                                    2018	Mr Victor HAWKING (VIPO),                                                                 boxing and rowing and representation at
1988     Mr R.J. (Bob) DEGG (VIPO)                                                        1995	Mr Jack DYER for his contribution to
                                                          Mr Wayne MORGAN (VIPO)                                                                    the Rome and Tokyo Olympics
                                                                                                Australian Rules football
1989     Mr Allan POCOCK (VIPO)                                                                                                               2001	Senior Constable Russell COOK for his
                                                    2019   Mr Dick DOWLING (AUBF)         1995	Mr Les HARLEY for his contribution to the
                                                                                                                                                    contribution to Australian Rules football,
1990     Mr Danny BODYCOAT (VIPO)                                                               sport of boxing and representation at the
                                                                                                                                                    and cricket
                                                                                                Olympic and Empire Games
1991     Mr Philip PARSON (VIPO)                                                                                                              2002	Mr Ray MITCHELL for his contribution to
                                                                                          1995	Mr Jack O’TOOLE for his contribution to
                                                                                                                                                    wrestling and representation at both the
1992     Mr Kelvin GLARE (VIPO)                                                                 the sport of woodchopping
                                                                                                                                                    1956 and 1960 Olympics
1993     Mr William (Bill) TOWNSEND (VIPO)                                                1995	Ms Raelee THOMPSON for her                    2003	Inspector Garry SCHIPPER for his
                                                                                                contribution to International Womens                contribution and success at the highest
1994     Mr Robert (Bob) BAYLEY (VIPO)
                                                                                                Cricket                                             level in world sailing events including the
1995     Not Awarded                                                                      1996	Mr Alan JEANS for his contribution to               Admirals Cup and World Championships.
1996     Mr Warren GILBERT (VIPO)                                                               Australian Rules football                     2004	Mr Rex HUNT for his outstanding
                                                                                          1996	Mr Joe SELLWOOD for his contribution to             contribution to VFL/AFL football, the sport
1997     Mr John KERFOOT (VISO)                                                                                                                     of angling and the ‘Sports Media’.
                                                                                                Australian Rules football
1998     Mr Graeme SPENCER (VIPO)                                                         1997	Mr Fred HUGHSON for his contribution to       2005	Mr Ken SNELL for his contribution to
                                                                                                Australian Rules football                           the sport of tennis having won the 1992
1999     Not Awarded
                                                                                                                                                    father/son world championship, and
2000     Mr Ronald ANSTEE (VIPO Ret)                                                      1998	Mr Sam SNELL for his contribution to lawn           his contribution to VFL/AFL football
                                                                                                bowls, golf, cricket and Australian Rules           having played with the North Melbourne
2001     Mr Glen WOODHATCH (VIPO)                                                               football                                            Kangaroos first eighteen.
2002     Mr Gerry RYAN (VIPO)                                                             1999	Mr Ron HUNT for his contribution to           2006	Mr Bill PROUDFOOT, Australian Rules
                                                                                                wrestling and representation at the Rome            football legend who was one of the finest
2003     Not Awarded                                                                            Olympics                                            and fairest players of his day.

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