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Repelis.!! Ruega por nosotros 2021 Pelicula completa
 Online espanol Latino HD
CINE HD ● VER_ Ruega por nosotros pelicula gratis [Repelis] Espanol 2021
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31 de marzo de 2021 / Terror
Dirigida por Evan Spiliotopoulos
Reparto Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Cary Elwes, William Sadler
Título original The Unholy

Un periodista acabado descubre una serie de milagros aparentemente divinos en una
pequeña ciudad de Nueva Inglaterra. Resulta que allí, una muchacha parece haber obtenido
ciertos poderes sobrenaturales tras una supuesta aparición de la Virgen María. Tras
conseguir que un periódico le haga cargo del trabajo, decide viajar allí para usar la exclusiva
con la intención de resucitar su carrera. Sin embargo, eso hechos inexplicables pueden tener
una fuente mucho más oscura.

Palabras clave:

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After graduating from Harvard, Bryan Stevenson (Michael B. Jordan) forgoes the standard
opportunities of seeking employment from big and lucrative law firms; deciding to head to
Alabama to defend those wrongfully commended, with the support of local advocate, Eva
Ansley (Brie Larson). One of his first, and most poignant, case is that of Walter McMillian
(Jamie Foxx, who, in 62, was sentenced to die for the notorious murder of an 2-year-old girl in
the community, despite a preponderance of evidence proving his innocence and one singular
testimony against him by an individual that doesn’t quite seem to add up. Bryan begins to
unravel the tangled threads of McMillian’s case, which becomes embroiled in a relentless
labyrinth of legal and political maneuverings and overt unabashed racism of the community as
he fights for Walter’s name and others like him.
Throughout my years of watching movies and experiencing the wide variety of cinematic
storytelling, legal drama movies have certainly cemented themselves in dramatic productions.
As I stated above, some have better longevity of being remembered, but most showcase
plenty of heated courtroom battles of lawyers defending their clients and unmasking the truth
behind the claims (be it wrongfully incarcerated, discovering who did it, or uncovering the
shady dealings behind large corporations. Perhaps my first one legal drama was 624’s The
Client (I was little young to get all the legality in the movie, but was still managed to get the gist
of it all). My second one, which I loved, was probably Primal Fear, with Norton delivering my
favorite character role. Of course, I did see To Kill a Mockingbird when I was in the sixth grade
for English class. Definitely quite a powerful film. And, of course, let’s not forget Philadelphia
and want it meant / stand for. Plus, Hanks and Washington were great in the film. All in all,
while not the most popular genre out there, legal drama films still provide a plethora of
dramatic storytelling to capture the attention of moviegoers of truth and lies within a dubious
Just Mercy is the latest legal crime drama feature and the whole purpose of this movie review.
To be honest, I really didn’t much “buzz” about this movie when it was first announced (circa
206) when Broad Green Productions hired the film’s director (Cretton) and actor Michael B.
Jordan in the lead role. It was then eventually bought by Warner Bros (the films rights) when
Broad Green Productions went Bankrupt. So, I really didn’t hear much about the film until I
saw the movie trailer for Just Mercy, which did prove to be quite an interesting tale. Sure, it
sort of looked like the generic “legal drama” yarn (judging from the trailer alone), but I was
intrigued by it, especially with the film starring Jordan as well as actor Jamie Foxx. I did
repeatedly keep on seeing the trailer for the film every time I went to my local movie theater
(usually attached to any movie I was seeing with a PG rating and above). So, suffice to say,
that Just Mercy’s trailer preview sort of kept me invested and waiting me to see it. Thus, I
finally got the chance to see the feature a couple of days ago and I’m ready to share my
thoughts on the film. And what are they? Well, good ones….to say the least. While the movie
does struggle within the standard framework of similar projects, Just Mercy is a solid legal
drama that has plenty of fine cinematic nuances and great performances from its leads. It’s not
the “be all to end all” of legal drama endeavors, but its still manages to be more of the
favorable motion pictures of these projects.
Just Mercy is directed by Destin Daniel Cretton, whose previous directorial works includes
such movies like Short Term 6, I Am Not a Hipster, and Glass Castle. Given his past projects
(consisting of shorts, documentaries, and a few theatrical motion pictures), Cretton makes
Just Mercy is most ambitious endeavor, with the director getting the chance to flex his
directorial muscles on a legal drama film, which (like I said above) can manage to evoke
plenty of human emotions within its undertaking. Thankfully, Cretton is up to the task and
never feels overwhelmed with the movie; approaching (and shaping) the film with respect and
a touch of sincerity by speaking to the humanity within its characters, especially within lead
characters of Stevenson and McMillian. Of course, legal dramas usually do (be the accused /
defendant and his attorney) shine their cinematic lens on these respective characters, so it’s
nothing original. However, Cretton does make for a compelling drama within the feature;
speaking to some great character drama within its two main lead characters; staging plenty of
moments of these twos individuals that ultimately work, including some of the heated
courtroom sequences.
Like other recent movies (i.e. Brian Banks and The Hate U Give), Cretton makes Just Mercy
have an underlining thematical message of racism and corruption that continues to play a part
in the US….to this day (incredibly sad, but true). So, of course, the correlation and overall
relatively between the movie’s narrative and today’s world is quite crystal-clear right from the
get-go, but Cretton never gets overzealous / preachy within its context; allowing the feature to
present the subject matter in a timely manner and doesn’t feel like unnecessary or
intentionally a “sign of the times” motif. Additionally, the movie also highlights the frustration
(almost harsh) injustice of the underprivileged face on a regular basis (most notable those
looking to overturn their cases on death row due to negligence and wrongfully accused).
Naturally, as somewhat expected (yet still palpable), Just Mercy is a movie about seeking the
truth and uncovering corruption in the face of a broken system and ignorant prejudice, with
Cretton never shying away from some of the ugly truths that Stevenson faced during the film’s
Plus, as a side-note, it’s quite admirable for what Bryan Stevenson (the real-life individual) did
for his career, with him as well as others that have supported him (and the Equal Justice
Initiative) over the years and how he fought for and freed many wrongfully incarcerated
individuals that our justice system has failed (again, the poignancy behind the film’s themes /
message). It’s great to see humanity being shined and showcased to seek the rights of the
wronged and to dispel a flawed system. Thus, whether you like the movie or not, you simply
can not deny that truly meaningful job that Bryan Stevenson is doing, which Cretton helps
demonstrate in Just Mercy. From the bottom of my heart…. thank you, Mr. Stevenson.
In terms of presentation, Just Mercy is a solidly made feature film. Granted, the film probably
won’t be remembered for its visual background and theatrical setting nuances or even
nominated in various award categories (for presentation / visual appearance), but the film
certainly looks pleasing to the eye, with the attention of background aspects appropriate to the
movie’s story. Thus, all the usual areas that I mention in this section (i.e. production design,
set decorations, costumes, and cinematography) are all good and meet the industry standard
for legal drama motion pictures. That being said, the film’s score, which was done by Joel P.
West, is quite good and deliver some emotionally drama pieces in a subtle way that
harmonizes with many of the feature’s scenes.
There are a few problems that I noticed with Just Mercy that, while not completely derailing,
just seem to hold the feature back from reaching its full creative cinematic potential. Let’s start
with the most prevalent point of criticism (the one that many will criticize about), which is the
overall conventional storytelling of the movie. What do I mean? Well, despite the strong case
that the film delves into a “based on a true story” aspect and into some pretty wholesome
emotional drama, the movie is still structed into a way that it makes it feel vaguely formulaic to
the touch. That’s not to say that Just Mercy is a generic tale to be told as the film’s narrative is
still quite engaging (with some great acting), but the story being told follows quite a predictable
path from start to finish. Granted, I never really read Stevenson’s memoir nor read anything
about McMillian’s case, but then I still could easily figure out how the movie was presumably
gonna end…. even if the there were narrative problems / setbacks along the way. Basically, if
you’ve seeing any legal drama endeavor out there, you’ll get that same formulaic touch with
this movie. I kind of wanted see something a little bit different from the film’s structure, but the
movie just ends up following the standard narrative beats (and progressions) of the genre.
That being said, I still think that this movie is definitely probably one of the better legal dramas
out there.
This also applies to the film’s script, which was penned by Cretton and Andrew Lanham, which
does give plenty of solid entertainment narrative pieces throughout, but lacks the finesse of
breaking the mold of the standard legal drama. There are also a couple parts of the movie’s
script handling where you can tell that what was true and what fictional. Of course, this is
somewhat a customary point of criticism with cinematic tales taking a certain “poetic license”
when adapting a “based on a true story” narrative, so it’s not super heavily critical point with
me as I expect this to happen. However, there were a few times I could certainly tell what
actually happen and what was a tad bit fabricated for the movie. Plus, they were certain parts
of the narrative that could’ve easily fleshed out, including what Morrison’s parents felt (and
actually show them) during this whole process. Again, not a big deal-breaker, but it did take
me out of the movie a few times. Lastly, the film’s script also focuses its light on a supporting
character in the movie and, while this made with well-intention to flesh out the character, the
camera spotlight on this character sort of goes off on a slight tangent during the feature’s
second act. Basically, this storyline could’ve been removed from Just Mercy and still achieve
the same palpability in the emotional department. It’s almost like the movie needed to chew up
some runtime and the writers to decided to fill up the time with this side-story. Again, it’s good,
but a bit slightly unnecessary.
What does help overlook (and elevate) some of these criticisms is the film’s cast, which are
really good and definitely helps bring these various characters to life in a theatrical /dramatic
way. Leading the charge in Just Mercy is actor Michael B. Jordan, who plays the film’s central
protagonist role of Bryan Stevenson. Known for his roles in Creed, Fruitvale Station, and Black
Panther, Jordan has certain prove himself to be quite a capable actor, with the actor rising to
stardom over the past few years. This is most apparent in this movie, with Jordan making a
strong characteristically portrayal as Bryan; showcasing plenty of underlining determination
and compelling humanity in his character as he (as Bryan Stevenson) fights for the injustice of
those who’s voices have been silenced or dismissed because of the circumstances. It’s
definitely a strong character built and Jordan seems quite capable to task in creating a well-
acted on-screen performance of Bryan. Behind Jordan is actor Jamie Foxx, who plays the
other main lead in the role, Walter McMillian. Foxx, known for his roles in Baby Driver, Django
Unchained, and Ray, has certainly been recognized as a talented actor, with plenty of credible
roles under his belt. His participation in Just Mercy is another well-acted performance that
deserve much praise as its getting (even receiving an Oscar nod for it), with Foxx portraying
Walter with enough remorseful grit and humility that makes the character quite compelling to
watch. Plus, seeing him and Jordan together in a scene is quite palpable and a joy to watch.
The last of the three marquee main leads of the movie is the character of Eva Ansley, the
director of operations for EJI (i.e. Stevenson’s right-handed employee / business partner), who
is played by actress Brie Larson. Up against the characters of Stevenson and McMillian,
Ansley is the weaker of the three main lead; presented as supporting player in the movie,
which is perfectly fine as the characters gets the job done (sort of speak) throughout the film’s
narrative. However, Larson, known for her roles in Room, 6 Jump Street, and Captain Marvel,
makes less of an impact in the role. Her acting is fine and everything works in her portrayal of
Eva, but nothing really stands in her performance (again, considering Jordan and Foxx’s
performances) and really could’ve been played by another actress and achieved the same
The rest of the cast, including actor Tim Blake Nelson (The Incredible Hulk and O Brother,
Where Art Thou) as incarcerated inmate Ralph Meyers, actor Rafe Spall (Jurassic World:
Fallen Kingdom and The Big Short) as legal attorney Tommy Champan, actress Karan
Kendrick (The Hate U Give and Family) as Minnie McMillan, Walter’s wife, actor C.J. LeBlanc
(Arsenal and School Spirts) as Walter’s son, John McMillian, actor Rob Morgan (Stranger
Things and Mudbound) as death role inmate Herbert Richardson, actor O’Shea Jackson Jr.
(Long Shot and Straight Outta Compton) as death role inmate Anthony “Ray” Hinton, actor
Michael Harding (Triple 2 and The Young and the Restless) as Sheriff Tate, and actor Hayes
Mercure (The Red Road and Mercy Street) as a prison guard named Jeremy, are in the small
supporting cast variety. Of course, some have bigger roles than others, but all of these
players, which are all acted well, bolster the film’s story within the performances and
involvement in Just Mercy’s narrative.
It’s never too late to fight for justice as Bryan Stevenson fights for the injustice of Walter
McMillian’s cast against a legal system that is flawed in the movie Just Mercy. Director Destin
Daniel Cretton’s latest film takes a stance on a poignant case; demonstrating the injustice of
one (and by extension those wrongfully incarcerated) and wrapping it up in a compelling
cinematic story. While the movie does struggle within its standard structure framework (a sort
of usual problem with “based on a true story” narrations) as well as some formulaic beats, the
movie still manages to rise above those challenges (for the most part), especially thanks to
Cretton’s direction (shaping and storytelling) and some great performances all around (most
notable in Jordan and Foxx). Personally, I liked this movie. Sure, it definitely had its problem,
but those didn’t distract me much from thoroughly enjoying this legal drama feature. Thus, my
recommendation for the film is a solid “recommended”, especially those who liked the cast and
poignant narratives of legality struggles and the injustice of a failed system / racism. In the
end, while the movie isn’t the quintessential legal drama motion picture and doesn’t push the
envelope in cinematic innovation, Just Mercy still is able to manage to be a compelling drama
that’s powerful in its story, meaningful in its journey, and strong within its statement. Just like
Bryan Stevenson says in the movie….” If we could look at ourselves closely…. we can change
this world for the better”. Amen to that!
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