Remote Teaching 2020 based on slides created by CILT - see Vula

Page created by Gladys Juarez
Remote Teaching 2020 based on slides created by CILT - see Vula
Remote Teaching 2020
(based on slides created by CILT – see

Unless otherwise stated, this resource is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 International license
Remote Teaching 2020 based on slides created by CILT - see Vula
Creating Content
Creating Content – Key elements of learning
                                                                                                          Digital: investigations, blog
                                                                                                          posts, online presentations;
Digital content: video lectures, podcasts,
screencasts, audio recordings, simulations,
podcasts, book chapters, OERs, annotated
readings, reading guides
                                                                       Content                Student

                                                              Communication Assessment
                                                                  & learning
Digital: collaborative group projects;
chat groups; discussion forums;                                                                                 Digital: assignments,
Q&A                                                                                                             quizzes, lockdown
             Unless otherwise stated, this resource is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 International license
Preparing to present content...
1. List all planned teaching and learning activities.
2. Identify what can be taught or achieved remotely. You will need to find or create materials
   or activities for these.
3. Identify what cannot be achieved remotely. Liaise with HODs and colleagues about
   activities that may need to be dropped or for which special arrangements will need to be
● Plan
● Find or create suitable content.
● If you are making content, decide what mode you will be presenting course content
   through: video, audio, or text, then choose a suitable tool for making such content.
● Upload content to Vula, and share it using the Vula Lessons tool (zero rated data)

       Unless otherwise stated, this resource is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 International license
Changing content into a digital mode
          F2F                Transferred            Translated             Transformed

                           … can simply be       … need substantial      … are transformed by
                           uploaded or shared    change for an online    the affordances of the
                           online.               space.                  online.

Hand out a journal        Upload as a PDF       Upload as a PDF with    Upload as a smart/
article in a handbook,                          accompanying reading    interactive PDF with
or require students to                          guide or questions      notes, voice notes, links
read in short-loan                                                      to resources etc

Screen a video in class   Upload video to LMS   Upload video with       Upload video with
                                                captions.               captions, embedded
                                                                        quiz, like/dislike
Mode    Tools & Tool guides                            Advice

Video   ● Find pre-existing materials e.g. Youtube     ● Keep videos short. “Cut
        ● Use previous lecture recordings - email        up” a single lecture into
 to request this.           10 minute pieces. [Video
        ● Make a narrated Powerpoint using either        editing tools]
          Powerpoint or screencasting software         ● Consider data - reduce
        ● Film a video e.g. using One Button Studio,     file size where possible,
          your cellphone or laptop                       encourage students to
        ● Schedule a lecture recording (in an empty      download while on
          venue)                                         campus, organise some
        ● For small groups, record a video               flash-drives with
          conference e.g. Zoom, MS Teams, Adobe          recordings.
          Connect                                      ● Upload to Vula (with data
        ● Screen-sharing software e.g. Zoom, MS          zero rated, they can
          Teams, Adobe Connect                           access it for free).
Mode            Tools & Tool guides                        Advice

Audio           ● Create audio recordings. Use your        ●   Keep audio short. “Cut up” a
                  phone’s recording app to make a              single lecture into 10 minute
                  recording then upload to Vula.               pieces.
                                                           ●   Label files clearly.
Written texts   ● Notes, journal articles, book chapters   ●   Adobe Pro (UCT licensed)
                  etc                                      ●   MS Office suite
                ● MS Word, Excel                           ●   Office 365
                ● Annotates slides                         ●   Google Suite
                ● PDFs
                ● Google Docs, Spreadsheets or Slides
1. Lessons Tool in Vula
● Lessons helps with structuring your content - creating learning
● Navigate the site - use instructional text.
● Lessons integrates with other tools on Vula, and can pull other tools such
  as google docs into Vula.
● Lessons can create a better overall look and feel.
● Watch a screencast on how to use Lessons.
Lessons template
1.    Beginning of the week email
2.    Introduce the week/ module
3.    Introduce Objectives
4.    Deadlines and schedules for key activities
5.    Core content 1
6.    Short activity: For example, discussion, Vula Question/ poll, MCQ, short blog post
7.    Core content 2
8.    Short activity: For example, discussion, Vula Question/ poll, MCQ, short blog post
9.    Assignment for the week
10.   Additional/ Extension materials (Limit this for remote teaching context)
11.   Checklist
12.   Closing note/ email from lecturer for the week
2. Questions in a face-to-face lecture
● Vula Questions tool (Q&A)
● Vula Tests and quizzes - esp mcqs, hotspots, etc
● *Add a mentimeter code and then embed the presenter view (2-7 days)
3. Collaborative & group work activities
Successful collaborative activities   Four UCT-supported, groups of
requires:                             tools:
 ● designing the task,                 ● Google has excellent
 ● setting up the group,                  resources for using the
 ● supporting group processes,            Google Suite: Drive, Docs,
   and                                    Sheets, Slides, Forms
 ● supporting writing and              ● Office 365 with Onedrive
    assessment.                        ● MS Teams
                                       ● Vula: Forums, chat
4. Tutorials
●   Distributed - allow for time to access
●   “Chunked”
●   Combine tools: Vula’s blogs, tutorial groups and forums
●   What to do about tutors?
5. Think authentic and relevant
● Students “scattered”. Creative responses...
● Leverage their context
● Co-created tasks:
   ○ The challenge of time
    ○   Open tasks that allow interpretation and contextualisation
● Community engaged learning
6. Consider time
●   Clear instructions - don't make them figure out the details
●   Mindful of time requirements esp under remote teaching context
●   Distribute activities to allow for access challenges
●   Clarify expectation and behaviours - to manage student expectations
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