Regional Take Back and Recycling Information - Fujitsu Europe

Page created by Danny Anderson
Regional Take Back and Recycling Information - Fujitsu Europe
Regional Take Back
and Recycling
Fujitsu Europe

Update November 2022

      Fujitsu - Public   © FUJITSU 2022
Regional Take Back and Recycling Information - Fujitsu Europe
Take-back and Recycling Information
Fujitsu Europe Legal Entities
 Fujitsu European and other Countries / Legal Entities

 Australia             Luxembourg
 Austria               New Zealand
 Belgium               The Netherlands
 Denmark               Norway
 Estonia               Poland
 Finland               Portugal
 France                Singapore
 Germany               Spain
 Hong Kong             Sweden
 Ireland               Switzerland
 Japan                 Taiwan
                       United Kingdom

    Fujitsu - Public                                     2   © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Australia                                                                                                                      main page
                                                                                  Regional Partner
Updated             Overview                                                 Regional Partner                         Fujitsu Contact                              Legislation
Electrical          Fujitsu provides complimentary recycling of old          SPS                                      Richard Clifton-Smith                        Product stewardship in Australia -
                    Fujitsu branded hardware when it has reached the         SPS - Sustainable Product                Sustainability Manager                       DCCEEW
and                 end of its useful life.. All Fujitsu branded products,   Stewards for NTCRS Australia | 
Electronic          including accessories, are accepted for free             eWaste Recycling
                    recycling. This offer also extends to our enterprise     (
                    customers purchasing Fujitsu product to replace old
                    ICT equipment, even if they are not Fujitsu branded


Batteries           Where batteries are included in products (eg             SPS                                      Richard Clifton-Smith                        Product stewardship
                    laptops) these are considered part of the product        SPS - Sustainable Product                Sustainability Manager                       Product stewardship in Australia -
                    stewardship scheme.                                      Stewards for NTCRS Australia |              DCCEEW
                    We also accept household batteries (AA etc) but a        eWaste Recycling
                    cost is applied.                                         (                                                                      Household batteries

Packaging           Fujitsu is a member of the Australian Packaging          Packaging is recycled by regional        Richard Clifton-Smith              
                    Covenant (APCO) and produces a required annual           recycling partners in each state.        Sustainability Manager                       ion/waste-resource-recovery/plastics-
                    report and action plan.                                                                              and-packaging/packaging-covenant

Cost incurred?      Yes                                                      Comments: Product stewardship fees are levied by the government and charge to Fujitsu based on annual import volume. The levy
                                                                             can be reduced by recycling eWaste with our co-regulatory partner (SPS), although a fee is still payable for this service.
        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                                          © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Austria                                                                                                            main page

Updated             Overview                                               Regional Partner                 Fujitsu Contact                      Legislation
Electrical          All requirements fulfilled by joining the collective   INTERSEROH Austria GmbH          Franz Karner                         Waste Management Law, Electro
                    take-back system of INTERSEROH Austria GmbH,                Tel.: +43 6764351168                 Ordinance (EAG-Verordnung)
and                 formerly E.V.A. GmbH                                   E-Mail:                          E-Mail:     Waste Treatment Obligation Ordinance
Electronic                                                                                                WEEE Reg.: 9008390015599

Batteries           All requirements fulfilled by joining the collective   INTERSEROH Austria GmbH          Franz Karner                         Waste Management Law, Electro
                    take-back system of INTERSEROH Austria GmbH,                Tel.: +43 6764351168                 Ordinance (EAG-Verordnung)
                    formerly E.V.A. GmbH                                   E-Mail:                          E-Mail:     Waste Treatment Obligation Ordinance
                                                                                                          WEEE Reg.: 9008390015599

Packaging           All requirements fulfilled by joining the collective   ARA Altstoff Recycling Austria   Gerhard Thrakl                       Waste Management Law, packaging
                    take-back system of ARA Altstoff Recycling Austria     AG                               Tel.: +43 6765101770                 regulations Verpackungsverordnung
                    AG                                                           E-Mail:   Packaging Obligation Ordinance
                                                                           E-Mail: araag@ara.a                                                   ARA-Lizenznr.: 12119

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                               Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                               © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Belgium                                                                                                    main page
                                                  Concept                  Regional Partner            Contact                      Legislation
Updated             Overview                                               Regional Partner         Fujitsu Contact                     Legislation
Electrical          Recupel organizes the collection and recycling of           Filip Van Maele                     Producer Responsibility Decrees, Royal
                    used electrical and electronic equipment throughout                             Tel.: 00.32.536.64.73               Decree (RoHS)
and                 Belgium.                                     
Electronic                                                                                                                              WEEE Reg.: BE 800179

Batteries           BeBat organizes the collection and recycling of used   Fujitsu Shared Service Center       Legislation regarding the collection and
                    batteries throughout Belgium.                                                                                       recycling of batteries based on the
                                                                                                                 Belgian legal ecotaxes duties &
                                                                                                                                        compliant to the EU directives.

Packaging           Val-I-Pack organizes the collection and recycling of   Filip Van Maele           
                    packaging throughout Belgium.                                                   Tel.: 00.32.536.64.73               on/index.php

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                               Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                         © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Denmark                                                                                                                main page
                                                        Concept                            Regional              Contact                         Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                          Regional Partner
                                                                                           Partner            Fujitsu Contact                        Legislation
                    Retailers are responsible for organizing collection points.       More Information:       Pia Birkmose Broager                   Directive 2012/19/EU of the European
Electrical          Equipment can also be delivered to municipalities.                 Phone: +45 27133246                    Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012
and                 Codeex ( collects from drop point at                                     on waste electrical and electronic equipment
                    companies above a certain size.                                                                                                  (WEEE)
Electronic                                                                                                    Or Michael Dyring
Equipment                                                                                                     Phone: +45 27133110                    BEK nr 1276 af 06/06/2021 - Bekendtgørelse
                                                                                                                 om at bringe elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr i
                                                                                                                                                     omsætning samt håndtering af affald af
                                                                                                                                                     elektrisk og elektronisk udstyr

                    No separate arrangement is required for batteries as parts of           Pia Birkmose Broager                   Directive 2006/66/EC of the European
Batteries           main components like PC or server. Same collection regime                                 Phone: +45 27133246                    Parliament and of the Council of 6 September
                    as for other electronic equipment - Codeex.                                            2006 on batteries and accumulators and
                                                                                                                                                     waste batteries and accumulators
                    Small batteries (e.g. AA, AAA etc.) are collected and picked                              Or Michael Dyring
                    up by the municipality and destroyed – or components are                                  Phone: +45 27133110                    BEK nr 1453 af 07/12/2015 - Bekendtgørelse
                    recycled in a safe way.                                                                      om batterier og akkumulatorer og udtjente
                                                                                                                                                     batterier og akkumulatorer

                    FUJITSU fulfils its responsibility for collection and recycling   Coor                    Maj-Britt Hjorth                       European Parliament and Council Directive
Packaging           of packaging through agreement with Coor Facility                    Phone: +45 27133314                    94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging
                    Management                                                                                 and packaging waste
                                                                                      Marius Pedersen
                    Fujitsu sorts cardboard and paper for recycling.        

                    Food waste is sorted for recycling in the canteen

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                          Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                         © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Estonia                                                                                                       main page
                                                  Concept                Regional                        Contact                     Legislation
Updated             Overview                                         Regional Partner
                                                                          Partner                      Fujitsu Contact                   Legislation
Electrical          Private:                                         MTÜ EES-Ringlus                   Aivar Mihhailov                   Amendments to the 1998 Waste Act,
                    Two collective schemes:                          Endla 3,10122 Tallinn, Estonia    Tel: +372 65 19 942               Government Regulation 376-2004 on
and                 -EES-Ringlus MTU                                 Email:         Mobile: +372 50 20 802            WEEE, Ministry of Environment
Electronic          -Elektroonikaromu MTU                                                              Regulation 9-2005 on Treatment of
                    Business:                                                                       WEEE, Government Regulation 28 on
                    Used devices are returned as per agreement       MTÜ Eesti Elektroonikaromu                                          the Central Register
                    between manufacturer or retailer and customers   Vana-Narva mnt 26                                                   Regulation 158-2004 on RoHs.
                                                                     Maardu 74114, Estonia                                               Recovery, Recycling and Disposal of
                                                                                                Waste Electrical and Electronic
                                                                                                                                         Equipment, Regulation, 2009.

Batteries           Private:                                         MTÜ EES-Ringlus                   Aivar Mihhailov                   Regulation of Government No. 124,
                    Two collective schemes:                          Endla 3,10122 Tallinn, Estonia    Tel: +372 65 19 942               07.08.2008. Regulation of Minister of
                    -EES-Ringlus MTU                                 Email:         Mobile: +372 50 20 802            Environment No. 5, 10.01.2008
                    -Elektroonikaromu MTU                  
                    Used devices are returned as per agreement       MTÜ Eesti Elektroonikaromu
                    between manufacturer or retailer and customers   Vana-Narva mnt 26
                                                                     Maardu 74114, Estonia

Packaging           Estonian Waste Management Association            The Estonian Recovery             Aivar Mihhailov                   The Packaging Act 2004
                                                                     Organization (ERO)                Tel: +372 65 19 942
                                                                     Mustamäe tee 24                   Mobile: +372 50 20 802
                                                                     10621 Tallinn

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                         Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                         © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Finland                                                                                                                   main page
                                                       Concept                    Regional                               Contact                  Legislation
Updated              Overview                                                    Regional
                                                                                  PartnerPartner                      Fujitsu Contact                  Legislation
Electrical           Elker Ltd is liable for its owners' obligations in such a   Elker Oy                             Juha Kemppainen (Finland)        Government Decree 519/2014 (WEEE),
                     manner that the obligations set out in the EU's                            Tel. +358 29 302 302             Waste Act 46/2011,
and                  WEEE directive and the corresponding obligations of         E-Mail:                                                               ROHS 387/2013
Electronic           the Finnish legislation are fulfilled.                          
                     Consumers: ICT Producer cooperative
                     Businesses: Devices returned as per agreement
                     between manufacturer or retailer and customer.
                     Dedicated reception points network available also for
                     B2B devises.
                     B2B: ICT Producer cooperative
                     Separate payable care4nature service

Batteries            Companies placing portable batteries and                    Recser Oy                            Juha Kemppainen (Finland)        Government Decree 520/2014
                     accumulators on the Finnish market can take care     Tel. +358 29 302 302             (batteries and accumulators),
                     of their producer responsibility through Recser Oy by       E-Mail:                                                               Waste Atc 646/2011
                     concluding a producer responsibility transfer                  

Packaging            Firms with a turnover of EUR 1m or more that place          Finnish Packaging Recycling          Pekka Tepponen (Finland)         Government Decree 518/2014
                     packed products on the market in Finland hold a             RINKI Ltd                            Tel. +358 29 302 5259            (Packaging and packaging waste),
                     packaging recovery obligation/producer                                                                    Waste Act 646/2011
                     responsibility. By making a contract with Suomen            E-mail:                    
                     Pakkauskierrätys Rinki Oy a firm transfers the    
                     abovementioned obligation to the producer

Cost incurred?       Yes                                                         Comments:

      Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                      © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
France                                                                                                                     main page
                                                      Concept                     Regional Partner                        Contact                   Legislation
Updated             Overview                                              Regional Partner                         Fujitsu Contact                            Legislation
Electrical          Private:                                             Irène De Jesus                             Decree 2005-829 on the design of EEE
                    Fujitsu Technology Solutions SAS is a member                                                                                              and the limitation of WEEE,
and                 of the eco-organism Ecologic (N°M1345).                                                        Tel : +33 (0)1 70 48 43 99                 Implementing regulations on RoHS,
Electronic          Business:                                                                                             approval of B2B and B2C systems,
                    Fujitsu offers a complete logistics solution to our                                                                                       Visible fee, scope of B2B & B2C EEE,
                    customers for the disposal of e-waste. In                                                                                                 registration requirements.
                    collaboration with “Ecologic", our e-waste                                                                                                Decree nr 2012-617 dated May 2nd
                    partner, we have developed a working model for                                                                                            2012.
                    our professional customers, to handle their                                                                                               EU directive 2012/19 UE July 4th 2012,
                    WEEE.                                                                                                                                     Decree Nr 2014-928 dated August
                    Ecologic provides a solution for taking packages                                                                                          19th 2014
                    back as well.

Batteries           Fujitsu Technology Solutions SA is a member of                    Irène De Jesus                             Decree 2009-1139 of 22 September
                    the eco organism                                                                                                                          2009 relating to the placing on the
                    SCRELEC.                                                                                       Tel : +33 (0)1 70 48 43 99                 market of batteries and accumulators,
                    Fujitsu has set up an agreement with SCRELEC,                                                         and the disposal of used batteries and
                    to place containers ( in which people may put                                                                                             accumulators and modifying the
                    their old batteries, with a free pickup Service.                                                                                          environmental code.

Packaging           Fujitsu declares once a year the                      CITEO (formerly Éco emballages)          Irène De Jesus                             In accordance with articles L.541-10-13
                    packages delivered to individuals only Fujitsu                                                                                            and R541-173 of the Environment
                    has no obligation to take back and to recycle the                                              Tel : +33 (0)1 70 48 43 99                 Code, the unique identifiers for our
                    packages.                                                                                             extended producer responsibility (REP)
                    This is the owner’s responsibility                                                                                                        channels are as follows:
                                                                                                                                                              Filière EMB: FR001470_MAKA, Filière
Cost incurred?      Yes                                                   Comments: Fujitsu pays a fee based on the volumes delivered on the French market:
        Fujitsu - Public
                                                                          EEE: professional and non professional products (i.e. PC’s, laptops, displays...)                           © FUJITSU 2022
                                                                          Packaging: delivered to private customers only.
Back to
Germany                                                                                                                                 main page
                                                      Concept                      Regional Partner                                    Contact                   Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                  Regional Partner                                Fujitsu Contact                        Legislation
Electrical          Business - B2B                                            AfB Social & Green IT - Home                    Melitta Schuetz                        Elektro-und Elektronikgerätegesetz
                    FTS offers a collection and recycling service for         (                                  Tel: +49 3634 347 3788                 (ElektroGLaw, October 2015)
and                 professional waste electrical and electronic
                                                                                                                                                                     WEEE Reg.: DE 71700018
                                                                                                                              Frank Schmeißner
Electronic          equipment by our partner AfB. FTS products are                                                            Tel.: +49 3634 347 3791                Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz |
                    usually taken back free of charge.                                                                        Umweltbundesamt
                    Private - B2C                                                                                             Contact AfB:
                    Its end-users' responsibility to dispose of old                                                           Tel: 07243 20000 260
                    equipment at a designated collection point for the
                    recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
                    Public waste management authorities are collecting
                    the waste at no charge.

                    For more information about recycling of waste
                    electrical equipment, please visit the following link

                    The following points apply to both B2B an B2C
                    • Obligation to remove batteries
                    • It’s a personal responsibility to delete all personal
                       data on the old equipment to be disposed of
                    • Electrical appliances marked with the crossed-
                       out garbage must not be disposed of with
                       household waste

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                  Comments: Collection of electronic equipment and packaging material is normally* free of charge. Costs for the
                                                                              take-back service of portable batteries depend on size, type and weight of the different batteries.            © FUJITSU 2022
        Fujitsu - Public
                                                                              *for exceptions, please contact the responsible person
Back to
Germany                                                                                                                                 main page
                                                      Concept                                                                         Contact                            Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                 Regional Partner                                Fujitsu Contact                                 Legislation
Batteries           A take-back service for portable batteries and           Start | Stiftung GRS Batterien                  Melitta Schuetz                                 Batteriegesetz
                    accumulators is offered by the Stiftung GRS              (                              Tel: +49 3634 347 3788                          (BattGLaw, June 2009)
                    Batterien on behalf of FTS.                                                                                                                              Registry No: 21001342
                                                                                                                             Frank Schmeißner
                                                                                                                             Tel.: +49 3634 347 3791                         Das neue Batteriegesetz |
                    •      Batteries and accumulators must be disposed of                                                             Umweltbundesamt
                           separately from household waste via special
                                                                                                                             For take-back of industrial batteries and
                           collection points. Please note the local                                                          accumulators please address to the stated
                           regulations. This indicates the symbol of the                                                     contacts of “Electrical and electronic
                           crossed-out garbage.                                                                              equipment”

Packaging           Free packaging collection at all points of generation    Home | Der Grüne Punkt                          Melitta Schuetz                                 Verpackungsgesetz
                    throughout Germany because of FTS participation in       (                              Tel: +49 3634 347 3788                          (VerpackGLaw, July 2017)
                    the Dual System Der Grüne Punkt in accordance                                                                                                            Registry No. at DIHK (Deutscher
                                                                                                                             Frank Schmeißner
                    with the German Packaging Act (VerpackG).                                                                Tel.: +49 3634 347 3791                         Industrie-und Handelskammertag)
                    A return of packaging in the commercial sector (e.g.,                                                                                                    Verpackungsgesetz |
                    transport packaging, commercial outer and sales                                                          Contact Der Grüne Punkt:                        Umweltbundesamt
                    packaging, larger quantities of packaging) is also                                             
                                                                                                                             Pick up request for larger quantities of
                    covered by our service provider Der Grüne Punkt.                                                         packaging

                    The accurate implementation of the Packaging Act is
                    audited annually by an expert. The result is available
                    to the authorities as a declaration of completeness in
                    the DIHK database.

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                 Comments: Collection of electronic equipment and packaging material is normally* free of charge. Costs for the
                                                                             take-back service of portable batteries depend on size, type and weight of the different batteries.                    © FUJITSU 2022
        Fujitsu - Public
                                                                             *for exceptions, please contact the responsible person
Back to
Hong Kong                                                                                                         main page
                                                Concept                  Regional Partner                    Contact                   Legislation
Updated             Overview                                             Regional Partner                  Fujitsu Contact                 Legislation
Electrical          Computer Recycling Program                           ALBA Integrated Waste Solutions   Anthony LEUNG                   The WEEE came into force in the HK
             (Hong Kong) Limited               Tel: 852-39108159               on 4th May 2018. Producer Obiligation
and                 _detail.htm#23ParOrg                                                                for WEEE began in the HK in Aug
Electronic                                                                                        2018.
                                                                                                                                           Registered Supplier# EP-L18-0039



Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                             Comments: depending on partner
        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                          © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Ireland                                                                                                             main page
                                                 Concept                           Regional                      Contact          Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                Regional Partner
                                                                                     Partner                    Fujitsu Contact       Legislation
Electrical          Private:                                                Rehab Recycle                                             SI 290 Waste Management
                    Compliance scheme WEEE Ireland collects from                           SI 340 Waste Management
and                 civic amenity sites and recycling of waste equipment.   onic-and-Electrical-                                      SI 341 Waste Management
Electronic          FUJITSU customers are able to return their IT           Recycling.aspx
                    products to their local dealer when they buy a new      E-Mail:                                                   WEEE Reg.: 01550WB
                    product of equivalent type or which fulfils the same
                    FUJITSU offers a recycling service for Commercial
                    Customers, this is a 32 county service operated by
                    our recycling partner Rehab Recycle.



Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                   © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Japan                                                                                                             main page
                                                      Concept                     Reg. Partner               Contact                       Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                Regional Partner              Fujitsu Contact                          Legislation
Electrical          Business:                                               Business:                     Business:                                •Waste Management Law
                    Fujitsu has a nationwide structure for take-back and    • Fujitsu East Japan RC       Recycling service for Fujitsu
and                 recycling with an official licensee for wide-area       • Fujitsu Metropolitan Area   enterprise IT products                   • Law for the Promotion of Effective
Electronic          industrial waste disposal.                              Sagamihara RC             Utilization of Resources for Personal
                                                                            • Fujitsu Chubu Area RC       vironment/recycleinfo/                   Computers
                                                                            • Fujitsu West Japan RC       (Japanese only)
                                                                            • Fujitsu Kyusyu RC           Tel: +81-3-5777-3188
                                                                            • 3 regional partners

                                                                            *RC; Recycling Center

Batteries           Business:                                               N/A                           Business:                                •Waste Management Law
                    Batteries, with recycling logo, as a part of products                                 Fujitsu Kasei Recycle Limited
                    and also independent ones are to be collected.                                 • Law for the Promotion of Effective
                                                                                                          duct/related/pc_shitadori/               Utilization of Resources for small
                                                                                                          Tel. +81-42-779-4101                     rechargeable batteries
                                                                                                          *Only for batteries separated from
                                                                                                          Fujitsu enterprise IT products.


Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                   © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Luxembourg                                                                                                                main page
                                                   Concept                     Regional Partner                   Contact                   Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                  Regional Partner                    Fujitsu Contact                   Legislation
Electrical          Waste electrical and electronic equipment can be          Ecotrel                             Hervé Graff                       European Directives:
                    deposited at collection sites set up by state and local                       Directive 2012/19/EU
and                 government bodies.                                                                                                              This directive, pertaining to electrical
Electronic                                                                                                                                          and electronic equipment and to
                    -Recycling depots: if available in the local                                                                                    managing the disposal of their waste, is
                    community.                                                                                                                      aimed at encouraging producers to take
                     -Action Superdreckskëscht fir Biirger (mobile                                                                                  on their responsibilities, in the broad
                    collection points)                                                                                                              sense of the term. It has been
                    -Sorting and grouping centers                                                                                                   transposed into Luxembourg law by the
                                                                                                                                                    regulation of 30/07/13.
                                                                                                                                                    Grand-ducal regulation of 30/07/2013

Batteries           Fujitsu Technology Solutions SA is a member of the        Eco-Batterien                       Hervé Graff                       European Directives:
                    eco organism Eco-Batterien and fulfils its                        Directive 2006/66/CE : The aim of this
                    responsibility for collection and recycling through the                                                                         Directive on batteries and accumulators
                    collective take back system                                                                                                     and waste batteries and accumulators
                                                                                                                                                    is to make producers, in the broad
                                                                                                                                                    sense of the term, aware of their
                                                                                                                                                    Act of 19/12/2008 : Directive
                                                                                                                                                    2006/66/EC was transposed into
                                                                                                                                                    Luxembourg law by the law of

Packaging           N/A

Cost incurred?      Yes                                                       Comments: - Only for Batteries (depending on Sales – 0,05€/pc)
                                                                              - Ecotrel fees are charged to the customers and pay back to Ecotrel
        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                    © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
New Zealand                                                                                                              main page
                                                     Concept                     Regional Partner                       Contact                      Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                 Regional Partner                     Fujitsu Contact                        Legislation
Electrical          Fujitsu provides complimentary recycling of old          Computer Recycling                   Richard Clifton-Smith                  N/A although the NZ government has
                    Fujitsu branded hardware when it has reached the         Recycle E-Waste Responsibly -        Sustainability Manager                 signalled their intent to regulate.
and                 end of its useful life.. All Fujitsu branded products,   Auckland - Computer Recycling
Electronic          including accessories, are accepted for free
                    recycling. This offer also extends to our enterprise
                    customers purchasing Fujitsu product to replace old
                    ICT equipment, even if they are not Fujitsu branded


Batteries           Lead acid and UPS battery is free                        Computer Recycling                   Richard Clifton-Smith                  N/A
                    Household battery recycling is conducted at a cost.      Battery Recycling & Disposal -       Sustainability Manager
                                                                             Auckland - Computer Recycling

Packaging           Fujitsu recycles packaging where requested by the        Packaging is recycled by regional    Richard Clifton-Smith                  N/A
                    customer or where product is returned.                   recycling partners in main cities.   Sustainability Manager

Cost incurred?      Yes                                                      Comments:.Fee for service

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                       © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
The Netherlands                                                                                                     main page
                                                     Concept                  Regional Partner                     Contact                  Legislation
Updated             Overview                                              Regional Partner                   Fujitsu Contact                      Legislation
Electrical          Privat:                                               Stichting OPEN                     Peter Link                           WEEE Management Decree
                    IT equipment can be dropped at regional collection             Tel:+31 30 203 6000                  WEEE Management Regulations
and                 points (ROS).                                                                  
Electronic          More information:Stichting OPEN and municipalities                                                                            WEEE Reg.:306368
                    Replacements: supplier is obligated to accept old
                    No Replacement:
                    Contact original supplier or professional recycling

Batteries           Private:                                              Stichting Batterijen               Peter Link                           Besluit Beheer Batterijen 1995
                    All over the country 25.000 collecting points                      Tel:+31 30 203 6000
                    Professional waste collectors

Packaging           Take back of packaging if customers require so        Afvalfonds Verpakkingen            Peter Link                           Besluit Beheer verpakkingne en papier
                                                                      Tel:+31 30 203 6000                  en karton 2006

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                              Comments: costs are dependend of the number of units(in kg) we put on the Dutch market

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                  © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Norway                                                                                                                  main page
                                                    Concept                      Regional Partner                      Contact                 Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                 Regional Partner                   Fujitsu Contact                       Legislation
Electrical          Retailers are responsible for organizing collection      More Information:                                                        Legislation on WEEE enacted in 1998,
                    points. Equipment can also be delivered to                                                         pursuant to Section 33 of the Act of
and                 municipalities. Norsirk ( collects from                                                                            March 13, 1981, No. 6
Electronic          drop point at companies above certain size                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                      union/weeerohs/weeerohs country-by-

Batteries           1. No separate arrangement is required for batteries                                          
                    when integral part of main component.                                                                                             wift/ldles?doc=/sf/sf/sf-20040601-
                    2. Import and production of independent units
                    implies duty to set up return system from end users,                                                                    
                    and arrangement for recirculation of substances                                                                                   wift/ldles?doc=/sf/sf/sf- 20040601-

Packaging           Norsirk membership provide access to nationwide                                                    Currently no legal requirements. Public
                    recycling system. Affiliated companies pay                                                                                        sector requires membership from
                    packaging fees based on weight of imported                                                                                        suppliers

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                 Comments: Take back and recycling company collects data from customs and charges Fujitsu per kilo or per piece.

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                       © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Poland                                                                                                                main page
                                                        Concept                  Regional Partner                    Contact                 Legislation
Updated              Overview                                                Regional Partner                  Fujitsu Contact                   Legislation
Electrical           FUJITSU fulfils its responsibility for collection and   Elektroeko                        Andrzej Juszkiewicz               WEEE: Act 2012/19/EU dated
                     recycling through the collective take back system       Organizacja Odzysku Sprzętu       Tel: +48 22 574 1023              04.07.2012 on used electrical and
and                                                                          Elektrycznego i Elektronicznego   electronic equipment
Electronic                                                                   S.A.
                                                                                                                      Statue on waste electrical and
Equipment                                                                                                                                        electronic equipment 11.09.2015
                                                                                                                                                 Official Journal 2015 position1688

                                                                                                                                                 BDO reg. 000013662

Batteries            FUJITSU fulfils its responsibility for collection and   REBA Organizacja Odzysku SA.      Andrzej Juszkiewicz               Act of dated 24.04.2009r. on batteries
                     recycling through the collective take back system                       Tel: +48 22 574 1023              and accumulators (OJ 2009 No. 79
                                                                                                        pos. 666 with further changes) ) stand
                                                                                                                                                 with further changes OJ 2019 position
                                                                                                                                                 521, 1403 OJ 2020 position 150

Packaging            FUJITSU fulfils its responsibility for collection and   INTERSEROH Organizacja            Andrzej Juszkiewicz               Statue on the management of
                     recycling through the collective take back system       Odzysku Opakowan S.A.             Tel: +48 22 574 1023              packaging and packaging waste dated
                                                                      13.06.2013 (Official Journal 2013
                                                                                                                                                 position 888) – stands with changes
                                                                                                                                                 (O.J. z 2018 position 150 OJ 2019
                                                                                                                                                 position 542, OJ 2020 position 1114)

Cost incurred?       Yes / No                                                Comments:

          Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                               © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Portugal                                                                                                  main page
                                                     Concept                   Regional Partner         Contact                 Legislation
Updated             Overview                                               Regional Partner       Fujitsu Contact                   Legislation
Electrical          Participation in the collective take back system        Lucilia Alegria                   Decree-Lawn nº 52/2021, from August
                    ELECTRÃO - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE GESTÃO DE                                            Tel: +351 21 7244444              10.
and                 RESÍDUOS.                                                           
Electronic          Private customers can also return equipment to
                    ELECTRÃO reception centres (ecocentres).

Batteries           Participation in the collective take-back system        Lucilia Alegria                   Decree-Lawn nº 52/2021, from August
                    ELECTRÃO - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE GESTÃO DE                                            Tel: +351 21 7244444              10.
                    Private customers can also return batteries to local
                    community waste collection sites.

Packaging           Participation in the collective take-back system        Lucilia Alegria                   Decree-Lawn nº 52/2021, from August
                    ELECTRÃO - ASSOCIAÇÃO DE GESTÃO DE                                            Tel: +351 21 7244444              10.
                    RESÍDUOS to collect consumer packages. Fujitsu                      
                    also declare business packages put into the market.

Cost incurred?      Yes                                                    Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                  © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Singapore                                                                                                       main page
                                                          Concept                       Regional         Contact            Legislatio
Updated              Overview
                                                                                         Partner Fujitsu Contact
                                                                             Regional Partner
Electrical           In collaboration with electronic waste management       MR Projext Pte Ltd.
                     solutions specialist MR Projext PTE Ltd., Fujitsu
and                  introduces a channel for their corporate customers to
Electronic           conveniently send all their unwanted PCs, laptops or    Emal:
                     any other electronic equipment to be recycled at MR
Equipment            Projext’s processing facility.                          Tel: 65 96851974



Cost incurred?       Yes / No                                                Comments: depending on partner
         Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                   © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Spain                                                                                                          main page
                                                                                Regional Partner              Contact                Legislation
Updated              Overview                                               Regional Partner            Fujitsu Contact                  Legislation
Electrical           Private:                                               ECOASIMELEC                 Jose Carbonell                   Royal Decree 110/2015, of
                     Participation in the collective take-back system   Mob: +34 629 123 000             20thFebruary, which transpose the
and                  ECOASIMELEC. Replacements: Distributors should                                  European directive 2012/19/UE of
Electronic           collect them. Private customers can also return                                                                     4thJuly regarding WEEE management.
                     equipment to local community waste collection sites.                                                                WEEEReg.:15es
                     Participation in the collective take-back system
                     ECOASIMELEC. Both for Fujitsu own products and
                     for customers’ products.
                     In case of ATM products Fujitsu has its own
                     individual management system.

Batteries            Private:                                               ECOPILAS                    Jose Carbonell                   Royal Decree 710/2015, came into
                     Participation in the collective take-back system      Mob: +34 629 123 000             force on 24thJuly (2006/66/CE
                     ECOPILAS. Replacements: Distributors should                                     6thSeptember and 2013/56/UE
                     collect them. Private customers can also return                                                                     20thNovember)
                     batteries to local community waste collection sites.                                                                RPA Reg.: 681
                     Participation in the collective take-back system
                     ECOPILAS. Containers for batteries are available at
                     main sites.

Packaging            Private:                                               ECOEMBES                    Jose Carbonell                   Law 11/1997 , came into force on
                     Participation in the collective take-back system     Mob: +34 629 123 000             24thApril 1997
                     ECOEMBES to collect consumer packages. Fujitsu                                  Num. Reg.: 17124
                     also declares business packages put into the
                     Business customers are responsible to finance
                     collection, logistics and recycling.
Cost incurred?       Yes                                                    Comments:                                                                           © FUJITSU 2022
         Fujitsu - Public
Back to
Sweden                                                                                                               main page
                                                    Concept                  Regional Partner                       Contact             Legislation
Updated             Overview                                             Regional Partner                     Fujitsu Contact               Legislation
Electrical          Producer responsibilty, national collecting system   For general purposes not             Hans Nyberg                   NFS 2018:11
                    and retailer responsibility.                         handled by El-kretsen we use         Phone +46 705 68 58 76        SFS 2020:614
and                 Handled by El-kretsen                                Veolia Recycling
Electronic                                    For computers and equipment
                                                                         (screens etc.) we use leasing
                                                                         company 3stepIT
                                                                         with full life cycle handling.

Batteries           Producer responsibilty, national collecting system   For general purposes not             Hans Nyberg                   SFS 2008:834 – SFS 2020:701
                    and retailer responsibility.                         handled by El-kretsen we use         Phone +46 705 68 58 76        SFS 2020:614
                    Handled by El-kretsen                                Veolia Recycling

Packaging           National collecting system.                          For office recycling we use Veolia   Hans Nyberg                   SFS 2018:1462 – SFS 2020:815
                    Handled by Förpacknings- och Tidningsinsamlingen     Recycling              Phone +46 705 68 58 76        SFS 2020:614

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                             Comments:

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                         © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Switzerland                                                                                                                 main page
                                                     Concept                      Regional Partner                        Contact                    Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                  Regional Partner                      Fujitsu Contact                         Legislation
Electrical          Every dealer is obliged to include a prepaid recycling    SWICO↗                                Stefan Bieri                            USG↗
                    fee in the sales price. In the end, the customer can                                            Tel: +41 582 588 254                    (Umweltschutzgesetz)
and                 return any electrical / electronic equipment free of      Registration number:​       
Electronic          charge to any point of sale or recycling centers (e.g.    E000223CH​                                                                    VREG↗
                    of municipalities). SWICO, the Swiss industry                                                                                           (Verordnung über die Rückgabe,
Equipment           association for information, communication and            E-Mail:                                                                       die Rücknahme und die Entsorgung
                    organization technology, organizes the collection                                                                 elektrischer und elektronischer Geräte)
                    and recycling of used equipment.​

Batteries           Batteries can be returned free of charge at any point     BATREC↗ (recycling)​                  Stefan Bieri                            USG↗
                    of sale (incl. supermarkets, discounters, etc.) or at a   Niesenstrasse 44​                     Tel: +41 582 588 254                    (Umweltschutzgesetz)
                    recycling centers / collection points (e.g. of            3752 Wimmis                                 ChemRRV↗
                    municipalities). BATREC collects the batteries and                                                              (Chemikalien-Risikoreduktions-
                    disposes of / recycles them professionally. See           INOBAT↗                                                                       Verordnung)
                    also Comments below.​                                     Postfach 1023                                                                 Overview of all Legislations:
                                                                              3000 Bern 14                                                                  INOBAT↗
                                                                              Tel: +41 31 380 79 61                                                         (On behalf of Bundesamt für Umwelt

Packaging           The industry association SWICO not only takes care        SWICO↗                                Stefan Bieri                            USG↗
                    of the disposal of the appliances, but also of the                                              Tel: +41 582 588 254                    (Umweltschutzgesetz)
                    packaging. Likewise, packaging can be disposed of         Registration number:​                       VVEA↗
                    via the recycling centers / collection points             E000223CH​                                                                    (Verordnung über die Vermeidung und
                    (e.g. of municipalities).                                                                                                               die Entsorgung von Abfällen)
                                                                              E-Mail:                                                                       VeVA↗
                                                                                                                                     (Verordnung über den Verkehr mit
Cost incurred?      Yes                                                       Comments:
                                                                              The importer has to pay an advanced disposal fee as soon as he imports a battery to Switzerland.
                                                                              This is an early recycling fee calculated from the effective sales price to the partner / customer (CHF 0.03 – 3.10).
        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                             © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
Taiwan                                                                                                            main page
                                                   Concept                   Regional Partner                  Contact          Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                 Regional Partner                 Fujitsu Contact       Legislation
Electrical          Local FUJITSU distributors collect and report the                                                     
                    quantities of import product numbers every 2 months                                                             howPage2.aspx?key=5&sno=1009&su
and                 to Environmental Protection Administration                                                                      bsno=26
Electronic          Executive YUAN R.O.C.
                    and pay recycle fees .
                    Listed control ITE product: notebook; tablet; display;
                    main board; HDD; PSU; adaptor; chassis ; printer;
                    keyboard; PC.

Batteries           Local FUJITSU distributors collect and report the                                                     
                    quantities of import product numbers every 2 months                                                             howPage2.aspx?key=5&sno=1009&su
                    to Environmental Protection Administration                                                                      bsno=28
                    Executive YUAN R.O.C.
                    and pay recycle fees .

Packaging           Manufacture needs to have recycle mark for
                    following substances are subject to recovery:
                    Aluminum / steel / glass / paper / Tetra / plastic
                    container / battery / lead acid battery scrap / waste
                    electrical and electronic products

Cost incurred?      Yes / No                                                 Comments: depending on partner

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                    © FUJITSU 2022
Back to
United Kingdom                                                                                                                                             main page
                                                                Concept                               Regional Partner                                    Contact               Legislation
Updated             Overview                                                                    Regional Partner                                  Fujitsu Contact                   Legislation
                    Our legal obligations have been fulfilled by joining a registered           Details of local authority collection sites and   Steve Tavernese                   The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Electrical          Producer Compliance Scheme for the collection and recycling of our          information about various recycling topics       (WEEE) Regulations SI 2013/3113 became law in
and                 products.
                                                                                                can be found using the following link
                                                                                             +44 7867 822969
                                                                                                                                                                                    the UK on the 1st of January 2014 and replaced the
                                                                                                                                                                                    2006 Regulations.
Electronic          Systems are in place for the collection of waste equipment from
                    household consumers at the local authority waste collection sites
                                                                                                Comply Direct can be contacted on:                                                  The SI 2020/904 amendment makes changes to
Equipment           around the UK.                                                              Tel.: +44 844 873 1034 or email them on:                                            multiple pieces of legislation to remove references to
                    Business:                                                                                                                        EU Directives within definitions. This amendment will
                    FUJITSU is registered with the Comply Direct WEEE Compliance                                                                                                    also serve to introduce the 2020 Circular Economy
                    Scheme.                                                                     Our regional Partner for collection is S2S                                          Package.
                                                                                                To arrange a collection
                    Fujitsu’s Producer Registration Number:                                                                      Directive 2012/19/EU has been retained into UK law
                    WEE/KE0068TX                                                                recycling/                                                                          to retain applicable EU references under the
                    Fujitsu’s Comply Direct Membership Number for the WEEE Scheme :                                                                                                 European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018

                    Our legal obligations have been fulfilled by joining a registered Battery   Our regional Partner for Battery Collection is    Steve Tavernese
Batteries           Producer Compliance Scheme                                                  S2S                                            See above
                                                                                                To arrange a collection
                    Fujitsu’s Producer Registration Number:                               +44 7867 822969
                    BPRN00393                                                                   disposal/
                    Fujitsu’s Comply Direct Membership Number for the Battery Scheme :

                    Our legal obligations have been fulfilled by joining a registered           Details of local authority collection sites and   Steve Tavernese
Packaging           Packaging Producer Compliance Scheme                                        consumer information regarding the             See above
                                                                                                recycling of packaging can be found using
                    Fujitsu’s Packaging NPWD code : NPWD104679                                  the following link                                +44 7867 822969
                    Fujitsu’s Comply Direct Membership Number for the Packaging                 recycling-room/introduction/
                    Scheme: CD01/00171
                                                                                                ComplyDirect’s Packaging Compliance
                                                                                                Scheme Registration Number: ES20066061

Cost incurred?      Yes                                                                         Comments: There is a charge of £17.00 per pallet of goods collected for disposal

        Fujitsu - Public                                                                                                                                                                                             © FUJITSU 2022
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