RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...

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RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...
IT Security Manager

    September 2021
RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...
                                UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
                                     APPOINTMENT OF THELANCASHIRE
                                                                  RECRUITING OUR NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES SERVICES AND CAPITAL PROJECTS   2
RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...













RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...
                                UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
                                     APPOINTMENT OF THELANCASHIRE
                                                                  RECRUITING OUR NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES SERVICES AND CAPITAL PROJECTS   4
RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...
                                        JAMES CROOKS
                                   DIRECTOR OF LEARNING &
                                    INFORMATION SERVICES

The University of Central Lancashire      The University has a fantastic track
(UCLan) is a leading modern               record in digital developments, with
University and one of the UK’s largest    recent achievements including a
with a student and staff community        "University of the Year" award from
approaching 38,000.                       Edufuturists 2020 for our DigiLearn
                                          programme. With a new University
                                          strategy on the horizon, digital and
As our organisation continues to
                                          technology will be at the heart of our
evolve, and particularly as we emerge
                                          future, and security is such a critical
from the limitations and restrictions
                                          enabler for those ambitions.
caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,
our reliance on technology to support     To ensure we continue to develop
and enable all aspects of our business    and enhance our services, at the same
continues to grow. Our diverse            time as managing and maintaining a
community of students and learners        digital environment that supports our
expect to be able to interact and         core activities, we are looking to
collaborate together in new ways,         appoint a new role to join our IT
requiring an effective blend of           Solutions Team within Learning and
physical and digital environments.        Information Services, with specific
Our learning and teaching                 responsibilities around IT Security.
environments, experiences and
                                          The IT Security Manager will work
resources need to be digitally enabled
                                          alongside colleagues in IT and the
- empowered by a technology               wider organisation, playing a key role
infrastructure that provides the          in the development and realisation of
necessary agility and accessibility, at   our technology ambitions. This role
the same time as keeping our              represents a fantastic opportunity to
systems, our data, and our people         play a fundamental part in the
safe and secure.                          continuing and future success of the
                                          University and its wider role in
These are really exciting times for our   transforming the lives of people across
University; we have some fantastic        the north west region and beyond.
opportunities to transform our digital
environment over the coming years,        We look forward to hearing from you.
with a network and server
                                          James Crooks
infrastructure programme that will
                                          Director of Learning &
deliver the required flexibility and
                                          Information Services
scalability, alongside a systems
development portfolio that will
optimise the student and staff
experience across all aspects of
University life.

RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...

                   38,000                                                                                    3rd
                Staff and student community
                                                                                            Largest University in the North West•

                   £200m                                                                               £35m
               UCLan’s contribution to the                                                     Invested in our new Engineering
             North West economy each year•                                                          Innovation Centre (EIC)

                        800+                                                                             100+
                Number of research students                                                        Clubs and Societies run by
                    currently enrolled                                                                the Students’ Union

                    95.5%                                                                               6.5%
                  Of our graduates are in                                                   We are ranked in the top 6.5% of
               employment or further study                                               universities worldwide (Centre for World
             within six months of graduating*                                                 University Rankings 2020-21)

              Number of partnerships UCLan
             has with international institutions

              • In the latest Regeneris report *Full-time, home-domiciled, first degree leavers. (HESA Employment Performance Indicator 2018)

                                UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
                                     APPOINTMENT OF THELANCASHIRE
                                                                  RECRUITING OUR NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES SERVICES AND CAPITAL PROJECTS         6
RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...

The University of Central                Leading the way in modern
Lancashire is the international,         learning
multi-campus university tracing
its roots back to 1828 and leading       Today we’re one of the UK’s largest
the way in modern learning               universities with a staff and student
today.                                   community approaching 38,000. Our
                                         employment-focused course
We’ve always believed in helping         portfolio with over 350
people to seize every opportunity to     undergraduate programmes, nearly
flourish in education, at work and for   200+ postgraduate courses and rich
life.                                    array of CPD courses means we offer
We’re proud of our mission and we        you the skills and experience that
take it seriously. With our universal,   industry needs.
second to none support, whatever
your goal, together we’ll make it        Building on last year's impressive rise
happen. We’re innovative by nature,      of 27 places, we’ve climbed a further
offering more choices and creating       5 places in the Complete University
more possibilities. Combining            Guide 2021 and are now ranked
academic excellence and real-world       70th out of 130 institutions. And
teaching, we give our people the         we’ve been ranked first for the
skills and experience industry needs.    money invested into student
That’s why our talented graduates        wellbeing services according to the
are in such high demand in the           2020 Student Welfare League Table.
                                         We have been awarded Silver in the
Whoever you are, wherever you are        UK Government’s 2017 Teaching
in life, there’s always a way.           Excellence Framework (TEF). Our TEF
                                         Silver rating is based on high quality
Where opportunity creates                teaching, excellent teaching facilities
success                                  and the good careers that our
                                         graduates go on to discover.

RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...

Our graduates                            Multi-campus University                    Our research
                                                                                    On the world stage, our research
We’ve always believed in helping         We started life in Preston and have
                                                                                    teams work collaboratively with
people to seize every opportunity to     since grown the number of our UK           major international organisations,
flourish in education, at work and for   campuses. As well as Preston, we are       from the United Nations and the
life. Through the combination of         also based in Burnley (East Lancashire)    World Health Organisation to the
academic excellence and real-world       and Westlakes (West Cumbria). We           European Space Agency and NASA.
teaching, we inspire people to           were honoured to establish the first       Whether it’s helping to produce the
transform their lives by seizing         British University in Cyprus in 2012       world’s first photograph of a Black
opportunities and achieving things       having been granted an academic            Hole, advising the Government on
they never thought possible.             license by the Cyprus Ministry of          the potential fire risks to those living
                                         Education and Culture.                     in high rise tower blocks, or
Our graduates achieve outstanding                                                   supporting the wellbeing of those
results and are highly employable.       We are embarking on an ambitious           living with dementia, our researchers
Over 69% of our students graduate        Campus Masterplan vision is to create      are delivering accessible and
with a First or 2:1 while 95.5% of       an attractive and inviting, world-class    impactful research that is relevant to
our graduates enter employment or        campus compatible with our status as
further study within 6 months of         one of the UK’s largest universities. A    Investing in the future
graduating ( Higher Education            core principle of our plan is to
                                                                                    Right now, our Preston Campus is
Statistics Agency 2018). Discover        integrate our campus seamlessly with
                                                                                    undergoing a radical transformation
what our talented graduates are          the rest of the City, benefitting
                                                                                    as our £200m masterplan project
doing now.                               current and future generations of          nears completion. Our vision to create
                                         students, staff, visitors and the wider    a world-class campus for the benefit
A global University                      community.                                 of students, staff and the whole
                                                                                    community is becoming a reality.
Our community is made up of              Connecting with business
students from more than 100                                                         A new Student Centre, opening later
                                                                                    in 2021, looks out over our new civic
countries around the world. And we       We are a national leader in the
                                                                                    square, which will become an
are partnered with 125 institutions      number of student and graduate
                                                                                    exciting hub of activity, a focal point
across the globe making us a truly       start-up businesses we support.
                                                                                    for community events and an iconic
international University.                We’ve been ranked in the top five of       gateway linking together the city and
                                         UK universities for the number of          the University.
We are ranked in the top 6.5%            graduate start-up businesses created,
Centre for World University Rankings     that’s 201 start-up businesses!            Our new £35m Engineering
2020-21 and we hold the maximum                                                     Innovation Centre (EIC), which
5 QS stars for the quality of our        Our University is Lancashire’s largest     opened in 2019, has become a hive
                                                                                    of innovation, bringing together
teaching.                                provider of graduate level
                                                                                    University researchers, industry
                                         qualifications and we have
                                                                                    experts, local businesses and students
                                         established links with global              in a spirit of collaboration and
                                         businesses, police constabularies,         discovery. Crucially, we see the EIC
                                         NHS trusts and more than 1,000             helping the region’s businesses to
                                         regional enterprises across a variety of   link-up with us to deliver the benefits
                                         sectors.                                   of what has become known as the
                                                                                    ‘fourth industrial revolution’ in areas
                                                                                    such as virtual reality, artificial
                                                                                    intelligence and 3D printing.
RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...
RECRUITING OUR NEXT IT Security Manager - September 2021 - University of Central ...
                                         THROUGH RESEARCH

The University cultivates a               We are dedicated to cultivating a            “Growing
research environment that delivers        supportive and stimulating research
demonstrable benefits to industries,      environment that will generate the           a vibrant
organisations and communities. From
advising the Red Cross over the
                                          innovation required to tackle today’s
                                          global challenges.
identification of human remains to                                                     of academic
leading international studies on          Key achievements
stroke care, our research stimulates      Winners of the Digital Innovation
the innovative ideas required to          Award at the Guardian University             nurturing
tackle the global challenges of the       Awards 2017 for our online
modern world and some of our              resource that provides vital training
research influences government            to clinicians caring for stroke              students and
policy.                                   patients.
UCLan’s research delivers highly cited
academic outputs, as well as providing
                                          In 2017, Professor Lubaina Himid
                                          CBE won the Turner Prize, one of the
a broad range of benefits to the          world’s most prestigious art awards,
                                                                                       University of Central
industries, organisations and             and in January 2019 she was
                                                                                       Lancashire Strategy
community groups we work with             selected as a Royal Academician in
around the world. We are a leading        painting by the Royal Academy of
research institution whose 16 subject     Arts.
areas in which our research was
assessed were judged to contain           UCLan were winners of the Times
‘world-leading’ elements in the last      Higher Education Awards 2018 for
assessment exercise, REF2014, and         Most Innovative Contribution to
demonstrated both 4* and 3* quality.      Business for our University collaboration
                                          with the Recycling Lives project.

                                                                                      Professor Lubaina Himid CBE

                               UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
                                      APPOINTMENT    LANCASHIRE
                                                  OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR
                                                                 RECRUITING OUR NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES SERVICES AND CAPITAL PROJECTS   11
                                          WITH THE WORLD

The University of Central Lancashire      stretching even further as the
has always maintained a global            University encourages UK students
outlook, focused on providing             to broaden their educational
students and staff with unique            horizons, and builds on established
opportunities and cultural                international links to work with new
experiences that impact, influence        partners around the world.
and encourage innovation in
teaching, research and partnership.       The University’s Travel Bursary
                                          Scheme continues to go from
UCLan’s journey began in the late         strength to strength, providing
1980s with Shenzhen University,           students with the opportunity to add
when the locality amounted to             an international dimension to their
nothing more than a small fishing         studies.
village. Shenzhen is now one of the
most successful and largest cities in     Globalisation provides life changing
China. Further partnerships followed      opportunities and our University is a
with Guangdong University of              true trailblazer. In September 2017,
Foreign Studies, which has seen           Hurricane Irma had a devastating        “Growing
more than 1,500 students graduate
over recent years, Beijing Institute of
                                          impact on Sint Maarten where the
                                          American University of the
Technology and Shanghai University        Caribbean School of Medicine is         high quality
of Business and Economics.                based. The University responded
                                          quickly and decisively to
It is more than 30 years since UCLan      accommodate the displaced 643           in targeted
started out on its journey with           medical students and staff who
China, leading the British Higher         were transferred to Preston to
                                                                                  overseas locations,
Education sector in delivering UK         continue their tuition in just nine     providing
degrees in partnership. As China has      days. This resulted in winning the
developed so has UCLan’s offering,        Internationalisation category in The    international
becoming more diverse and
innovative and reflecting UCLan’s
                                          Guardian University Awards 2018.        students with
strategic approach to China.              We achieved excellent results in the    access to cutting-
The University now enrols students
                                          2017 international student barometer    edge UK higher
                                          survey in which we ranked top in the
from more than 120 countries              country for ‘fair and transparent       education.”
and has partnerships with 125             assessment of work’ and ‘explanation
international institutions. Its growing   of marking criteria and satisfaction    University of Central
global reputation and reach is            with assignment feedback’.              Lancashire Strategy

                          WITH BUSINESS AND ENTERPRISE

Growing new income streams              We have a strong track record for
through commercial endeavours           securing funding aimed at
is critical to the future financial     supporting and developing the
success of the University. We believe   region’s small business community.
in establishing collaborative           Specific projects, hosted by UCLan,
partnerships with our business          or in collaboration are all aimed at
customers. What sets us apart is our    wealth creation, safeguarding jobs
strong reputation for applied           and helping businesses gain a
business research, entrepreneurship,    competitive edge.
innovation and bringing academic
excellence to life. Innovation is       The Centre for SME Development
part of our culture and we need to      UCLan’s Centre for SME
continue to work hard to establish      Development is a business
links with local, regional, national    membership network and a gateway
and international businesses, sharing   for small, medium enterprises (SMEs)
and exchanging our expertise and        and all types of businesses to access   a dynamic,
research to help give our customers     the wealth of support and expertise
a competitive edge.                     that the University has to offer.       supportive and
We believe in creating a University     The Centre for SME Development is
that works for everyone - students,     committed to sharing and using all      environment
businesses, investors and the           the resources available to help the
community. To achieve this, we          region’s SMEs to prosper. Our focus
                                                                                in which our
build strong partnerships for           is on engaging with the business        students,
sustained success, delivering           community to create a vibrant,
excellence through collaboration.       co-operative and constructive
                                                                                graduates and
The challenges and pressures of the     network where everybody benefits        staff can establish
business world are brought together     from being a member.
with the latest specialist expertise,                                           resilient businesses
research and applied practice from                                              - an area in which
the world of Higher Education to
achieve real results.                                                           we will continue
                                                                                to be sector-
                                                                                University of Central
                                                                                Lancashire Strategy


Investing in our campus                 Sport and wellbeing
Our £200m Masterplan is well            We pride ourselves in having a
underway - a major investment in        healthy campus so the majority of
creating a world-class campus           our students are eligible for free
which will provide all our students     sports membership. Students are
with an exceptional learning and        encouraged to get involved in one
social experience. Our brand new        of the many sporting opportunities
social spaces are bright, modern        at UCLan, either in our four-storey
areas packed with comfy sofas,          indoor sports centre on campus or
table tennis, pool tables, beanbags     at our outdoor sports arena, which
and study spaces, and are perfect       features an international standard
for students and staff alike.           athletics track, cycle track, all-
                                        weather football and hockey
Our new c.£60m student centre,          pitches, tennis and netball courts,
will enable us to provide even better   alongside facilities for strength and
advice and support to all students.     conditioning.
Our brand new £35 million
Engineering Innovation Centre is a      Students’ Union
state-of-the-art facility, with         The Students’ Union (SU) has over
integrated teaching and research        150 clubs and societies, offering
space. It creates an environment        something for everyone regardless
that inspires teaching, research and    of interest or ability. They even offer
knowledge exchange, establishing        students the chance to set up their
UCLan as a leader in engineering        own group, which range from the
innovation.                             Disney Appreciation Society to a
                                        Quidditch group.
Our newly-opened Oasis Multi-Faith
and Spirituality Centre offers a        The SU also run a range of
warm welcome to students of any         recreational sport activity and the
faith or none. The creation of the      Give it A Go programme runs
new Adelphi Square will connect         throughout the year providing
the University and the surrounding      numerous activities, events and trips.
city like never before, providing an    There are also over 25 Sports Clubs
attractive public space which will      run by the Union.
play host to community events and
become a vibrant hub of activity.


   UCLan is an organisation that is committed to delivering           UCLan values the unique contribution of all staff,
   a welcoming and inclusive culture which promotes                   students and the community. We strive to create a
   equality and values diversity, a commitment reflected in           trans-inclusive culture, workplace and learning
   the shared values of those who work and study with us.             environment; free from discrimination, harassment or
   Our vision is to strengthen our culture of equality,               victimisation where all trans people are treated with
   diversity and inclusion for our diverse University                 dignity and respect in the gender with which they
   community, where everyone can feel safe, valued and                identify.
                                                                      As well as offering a welcoming, inclusive and
   We proactively work to promote and embed the                       aspirational environment, UCLan offers a comprehensive
   principles of equality, diversity and inclusion in everything      benefits package to staff.
   we do; through a range of equality awards,
   accreditations, networks and equality leads. We strive to
   ensure that our work is central to all policy development,
   decisions and practice, and that employment, study and
   other services are genuinely accessible to everyone.

   At UCLan we believe in allowing everyone an
   opportunity to fulfil their potential. Our framework of
   equality, diversity, dignity, respect and fairness extends to
   all of our community; staff, students, partners, visitors
   and the wider community and is strongly aligned to the
   University’s overarching strategy of proudly
   ‘transforming lives’. We recognise that continuing to
   draw on the widest and most diverse range of talent for
   our students and staff is essential to the continuing
   success of the University.
      FLEXIBLE              STAFF                 PENSION                 TRAVEL               PRE-SCHOOL                 STAFF
      WORKING            DEVELOPMENT              SCHEME                DISCOUNTS                CENTRE                 NETWORKS

We operate a flexible    We deliver many      You'll be eligible to   We offer a range of     You'll have access to   We have supported
   working hour's          learning and       join a Professional      travel discounts to      our high quality,     the establishment of
  scheme for most          development         Services Pension       staff to reduce your     Ofsted regulated        four Staff Network
support roles, as well   opportunities and     Scheme we have         travel costs. We also      pre-school and        Groups concerned
 as generous annual       encourage staff     with Royal London,      work in conjunction     nursery, to help with     with equality and
        leave              progression.        or the Teachers'        with CycleScheme.            childcare.              diversity.
                                               Pension Scheme.

                               UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
                                      APPOINTMENT    LANCASHIRE
                                                  OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR
                                                                 RECRUITING OUR NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES SERVICES AND CAPITAL PROJECTS   17
                                       AND THE REGION

Economically the University is one           in Manchester or Liverpool, or                      Located a short distance from the
of Preston city’s biggest assets.            enjoying the best local food at one                 coastline, the Lake District and larger
The University is one of the largest         of the many farmers markets in the                  cities of Manchester and Liverpool,
employers in Preston. It employs one         county. Preston also has many                       both of which have international
in every three staff working in              parks, including Avenham Park,                      airports, Preston is also one of the
universities in Lancashire and one in        which is a fine example of                          most networked cities in the
every 14 HEI staff from across the           traditional Victorian parkland in the               country, easy to get to from across
region.                                      heart of the city.                                  the UK - by road, rail and air.

Last year our students spent more            Beacon Fell Country Park is located                 The city is well served by the M6
than £220 million in the region.             just 10 miles outside Preston and                   motorway both north (J32) and
Despite being a university city and          offers a variety of trails as well as               south (J31), and the University is half
home to 135,000 people, over two-            spectacular views of the nearby                     a mile from Preston railway station -
thirds of Preston is classed as rural.       Forest of Bowland and Morecambe                     a major hub on the West Coast
                                             Bay. The city is also home to                       Mainline and just under an hour
Situated in the heart of North West          Preston North End Football Club.                    away from Manchester Airport.
England, Preston forms a key part of
Lancashire’s diverse offer.                  Brockholes is an award-winning
                                             local nature reserve which is home
The city of Preston is a vibrant, cultural   to a range of woodland and
and friendly city with a very long           lakeside walks and includes a
history. It was given the status of a        variety of hides to suit all visitors; its
market town in 1179 and obtained             Visitor Village scooped awards for
city status in 2002, becoming                Design and Innovation and Tourism
England’s 50th city in the 50th year of      and Leisure in 2011.
the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.
The city centre boasts the Harris
Museum & Art Gallery, which was                                  WESTLAKES CAMPUS
announced as one of 16 additional
visual arts organisations across the UK
to join Plus Tate, the contemporary
visual arts network.
                                                                 OF CENTRAL
The city’s historic Winckley Square                                                             Lancaster

Gardens have been officially reopened                                                           LANCASHIRE
to the public following a £1.2 million                                                                                    BURNLEY CAMPUS
                                                                                   PRESTON CAMPUS
restoration backed by the Heritage                                                  Blackpool                                           BRADFORD LEEDS
Lottery Fund (HLF).                                                                               Preston

Campus life at UCLan is city-based
but in less than an hour you can be
on the Fylde Coast, walking in the                                                LIVERPOOL                                MANCHESTER

stunning Lake District or the Forest of
Bowland, sight-seeing in Lancaster,

                              UNIVERSITY  OFOUR
                                 RECRUITING  CENTRAL LANCASHIRE
                                                NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES
                                                                                  THE VICE-CHANCELLOR
                                                                                      CAPITAL PROJECTS   19
                                      AND CYBER SECURITY

Information and technology are at the heart of every          To ensure all of our endeavors are achieved in a way that
modern organisation. The University of Central                protects and safeguards the organisation, our community,
Lancashire has its roots in technical education, dating all   and our data, we take our cyber security posture
the way back to 1828 when it started life as the              extremely seriously. We have a small number of strategic
"Institute for the Diffusion of Knowledge".                   security and technology partners, to ensure we are
                                                              managing and mitigating the range of cyber-related risks
                                                              as they continue to evolve. Beyond technology however,
The University's IT Solutions team comprises around 70
                                                              we appreciate that effective security requires all our
staff, and forms part of the larger Learning &
                                                              people to have an appropriate level of understanding and
Information Services (LIS) department. LIS also includes      awareness of their responsibilities, and for security to be
the Library & Customer Services team who are                  embedded in our processes across the organisation. Going
responsible for supporting our extensive physical and         forward, security will be at the heart of everything we do.
online library resources, and the Learning & Technical
Resources team who support and maintain our wide              This is why we are expanding our IT Solutions team with
range of technical learning facilities, including labs,       the introduction of this new security role, which will be
workshops and clinical areas.                                 essential in developing and maintaining our increasing
                                                              security capabilities.
The University's new information & technology
enabling strategy will be published after the launch of       The following pages describe the roles and responsibilities
the institutional strategy later in 2021, and will include    of the new role, along with the required skills and
a range of exciting and inspirational developments to         attributes the successful candidate will demonstrate.
ensure the University has the technology environments
it needs to thrive and excel in all aspects of University

                               UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL
                                      APPOINTMENT    LANCASHIRE
                                                  OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR
                                                                 RECRUITING OUR NEXT DIRECTOR OF ESTATES SERVICES AND CAPITAL PROJECTS   21
                                       JOB DESCRIPTION

Job Title: IT Security Manager
School/Service: Learning & Information Services
Grade: I (£44,706 - £51,799)
Responsible to: Director of Learning & Information Services
Responsible for: Management of IT Security

Job Purpose:                            • Manage the process of gathering, • Provide support and guidance for
                                          analysing and assessing the current legal and regulatory compliance
Coordinate the IT organisation's
                                          and future threat landscape, as     efforts, including audit support.
technical activities to implement and
                                          well as providing management        Assist resource owners and IT staff
manage security resources. This
                                          with a realistic overview of risks  in understanding and responding to
includes technology, finance and
                                          and threats to the internal and     security audit failures reported by
staffing resources, and provides
                                          external environment.               auditors.
regular status and service-level
reports to management.                  • Work with the Director of LIS to       • Provide security communication,
                                          inform and develop financial plans       awareness and training for
Main Duties and Responsibilities:         and projections, based on short-         audiences, which may range from
                                          and long-term goals and                  senior leaders to operational staff.
• Work with the LIS team and              objectives.
                                                                                 • Act as a liaison with vendors and
  business stakeholders to develop      • Represent LIS at relevant University     the legal and procurement teams to
  a security program and security         committees and forums, internally        establish mutually acceptable
  projects that address identified        and externally.                          contracts and service-level
  risks and business security                                                      agreements.
  requirements. Work with others        • Monitor and report on compliance
  to define metrics and reporting         with security policies, as well as the • Demonstrate and provide a
  strategies that effectively             enforcement of policies across the       consistently high level of service to
  communicate successes and               University. Propose changes to           all staff, students and partners of
  progress of the security program.       existing policies and procedures to      the University.
                                          ensure operating efficiency and        • Demonstrate flexibility and
• Act as UCLan business partner for       regulatory compliance.
  external technology vendors and                                                  commitment to the University and
  partners related to cyber and         • Manage, recruit and train staff,         LIS mission statements, policies and
  information security.                   conduct performance reviews, and         development plans
                                          provide leadership and coaching,       • Staff may be required, from time to
                                          including technical and personal         time and on an ad hoc basis, to
                                          development programs for team            work additional hours and/or hours
                                          members.                                 outside of their normal working
                                                                                    pattern to meet the needs of the
                                                                                 • Such other duties as may
                                                                                   reasonably be associated with the
                                                                                   grade and a role of this nature

                               PERSON SPECIFICATION

Work Experience                                 Skills & Abilities

Experience of leading IT or network             Ability to react quickly, decisively and deliberately
security operations, in one or more of the      in high-stress, high-impact situations
following roles or similar.
  • IT security manager                         Strong leadership skills and the ability to
  • SOC team leader/manager                     influence and work effectively with business
  • Network security manager                    managers, IT engineering and IT operations staff.
  • CIRT/CERT/CSIRC manager
                                                Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal
Experience overseeing/coordinating              communication skills.
regulatory compliance and Information
Security management frameworks (e.g.            Proficiency in performing risk, business impact,
Cyber Essentials, IS027000, COBIT, NIST         control and vulnerability assessments, and in
800, etc.)                                      defining treatment strategies.

Experience in developing, documenting, and      Experience in system technology security testing
maintaining security procedures, architecture   (vulnerability scanning and penetration testing).
and plans, including strategic, tactical and
project plans.                                  Other
                                                Has the accessibility and ability to interface with,
Experience of security monitoring, reporting,   and gain the respect of, stakeholders at all levels
alerting, and analysis using SIEEM tools        and roles in the company

Experience of supporting, implementing and      Has good judgement, a sense of urgency and has
administering security in a Microsoft 365       demonstrated commitment to high standards of
environment Experience of managing              ethics, regulatory compliance, customer service
information governance controls and policy      and business integrity

Education & Qualifications                      Excellent attention to detail and accuracy of work
Higher qualifications in Computer Science,
Information Security or related field, or       High level commitment to personal and
equivalent demonstrable work experience         professional development

                                                Willingness to adopt a flexible approach to
                                                workload, working patterns and responsibilities


       This role is advertised on the University's external
            recruitment portal at the following link.


 Click the link above to find the relevant vacancy, then follow
     the prompts to complete the on-line application form.

 The closing date for applications is Sunday 17th October.
   Interviews will be scheduled to take place on our Preston
        campus, week commencing 1st November.

For an informal discussion about the role, please contact James
     Crooks, Director of LIS at the following email address:



     Preston PR1 2HE, UK

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