Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

Page created by Ken Carroll
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

Seven Times
To Attack Your
Attack Surface
In 2021
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

Managing cybersecurity is like                Attack surface management (ASM) checks
staying in shape. There are endless           all of these boxes and could well become
                                              the next keto of cybersecurity—something
things we could do, lots of things we
                                              everyone tries because they keep hearing
should do, and for most of us, a core         about it, and many adopt long-term
set of things we end up doing on a            because it works as advertised.
routine basis.
                                              This book will explore ideal opportunities
The worldwide focus for businesses            to try ASM in 2021 if you haven’t already.
in 2021 will be getting back in shape         Try it anytime your team or company:
with massive investments in IT and
cybersecurity. As with fitness, we welcome       Launches or promotes cloud- or SaaS-
new shortcuts—better, smarter, faster             based services
ways of getting the results we want—and          Merges or acquires another company
there’s no shortage of fads, ads, or expert
opinions.                                        Finds or suspects Shadow IT

So, what new techniques and tactics              Assesses third-party risk
should make the cut? Security
                                                 Prepares for a cyber audit
professionals must choose wisely.
                                                 Justifies your security spend
   What’s realistic, practical, and doable
    on a regular basis?                          Incurs serious breaches

   What solutions and strategies meet        You’ll see in detail what ASM brings to the
    our needs right now and set us up for     table that other weapons in your arsenal
    the future?                               may not and how you can try it risk-free.
                                              But first a quick intro.
   Which deliver the greatest bang for the
    buck on investments in tools, training,
    and our most precious resource of
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

What is Attack Surface Management?

Think of your digital footprint as                              suffer mishaps. ASM involves discovering,
a fast-moving, ever-changing                                    assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating cyber
                                                                risk—on a continuous basis—across critical
target. The more publicly accessible
                                                                areas that lead to most breaches:
infrastructure or external-facing digital
assets you have, the bigger and more                              Brand exposure from domains, sub-
attractive the target becomes.                                     domains, leaked credentials, and on
                                                                   cloud storage or public code repos
Some elements in your digital attack                              Vulnerabilities, with a focus on risk to
surface—your company’s website for                                 your company versus criticality only for
example—need to be right where they are,                           patch prioritization
with the proper security controls in place.
Others, like old domains, publicly exposed                        Misconfigurations that are difficult to
code repo, and other by-products of digital                        find any other way
transformation should not be where they are
and need to be cleaned up post-haste.                           Risks uncovered during discovery should be
                                                                correlated with real-time threat intelligence
Keeping your digital attack surface in                          for prioritization and metrics established to
good shape takes constant vigilance to                          let experts track progress.
make sure you find and fix risks before you

           Netenrich’s ASI dashboard shows current risks, criticality, trends, and an overall exposure rating
                                    at a glance for easy drill-down exploration.
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

Less risk with less effort                         “But why do I need another
Making it easy to visualize external risk          tool?”
exposure and severity in one place increases
                                                   Chances are you already conduct pen testing
the odds that the team can act quickly to close
                                                   and vulnerability scans on a somewhat regular
out the most serious things fast, and chip
                                                   basis, and that’s a great start. You may also
away at the rest as time allows. To this end,
                                                   engage providers or dedicate analysts to run
attack surface discovery must be automated,
                                                   red, blue, or purple team exercises.
always-on, and near-real-time.
                                                   But efforts to mitigate external risk can’t stop
Advanced ASM solutions like Attack Surface
                                                   there. ASM offers a critical advantage versus
Intelligence (ASI) from Netenrich focus on
                                                   other strategies in that coverage is non-
actionability, with automated threat correlation
                                                   stop so nothing slips past you. You cannot
and prioritization, and expert intelligence from
                                                   manage dynamic risk by assessing it at one
our Intelligent Security Operations Center
                                                   point any more than you could build muscle by
(SOC) to help contextualize and propose
                                                   working out once a month.
remediation strategies.
                                                   ASM offers a singular combination of
                                                   actionable data and continuous coverage that
Integrated threat intelligence                     needs to become part of the routine, without
delivers rich context to prioritize                creating more work and stress for those
                                                   involved. ASM also offers additional insights
and resolve risk faster.                           on risk that likely gets missed during most pen
                                                   test engagements.

                                                   So, let’s take a quick look at the best times to
                                                   get started, times when you save save time
                                                   and effort while making security stronger.
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

1. Anytime you say the word “cloud”

It’s no secret that migrating apps and services   Securing services
from physical systems to the cloud brings
risk. Security faces two major stumbling          ASM targets the major hazards of cloud
blocks—loss or lack of visibility, and the        migration such as services becoming exposed
dynamic nature of everything cloud. For           as hosted cloud infrastructures spin virtual
example, Engineering or DevOps teams may          machines (VMs) up and down. This happens
spin up machines in the cloud without thinking    as VMs that serve a single purpose at some
through the potential security implications or    point are left running when they’re no longer
making IT aware of new cloud instances.           needed. Multi-cloud environments add to the
                                                  chaos as a large SaaS provider might operate
                                                  90 machines in Google Cloud one day, see
                                                  that spike to 110 the next day, and drop back
Cyber events like annual sales                    down to 80 the day after that.

require servers to scale up fast                  ASM also finds critical risks that may
to dramatically increase capacity.                arise simply from services being left
                                                  unauthenticated, often due to simple
In the absence of impeccable                      misconfigurations. In one real-world situation,
digital hygiene among both                        Netenrich’s ASI discovered a company’s
                                                  open source automation server had become
clients and providers, these                      exposed leaving the Engineering team’s CI/CD
dramatic fluctuations can add                     pipeline at risk outside the organization.

sizeable risk.                                    With large segments of the population
                                                  working remotely, users might move
                                                  things to the cloud to make it easy for
                                                  others on their team to check them out.
                                                  This might mean exposing public cloud
Continuous attack surface monitoring              infrastructure without implementing
helps you stay on top of exposed or               the proper controls, and without anyone
unauthenticated services and publicly             knowing about it. An attacker targeting
exposed storage, even if one or more of your      your company could come across these
cloud providers has gaps. ASM helps steadily      oversights and start working backwards
improve best practices, and lets you see what     to map your infrastructure to see what’s
matters as soon as it changes.                    unauthenticated, and what they can reach.
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

ASI detects publicly accessible unauthenticated services within 24 hours. Without an
automated heads-up, finding these misconfigurations as they occur is virtually impossible at
worst, and daunting and time-consuming at best.

DevOps and CI/CD
New software releases might result
in code being left exposed in public
repositories. Proper attack surface
management would flag this within 24
hours and take IT professionals from at-
risk to taking action in a few easy clicks.

Within ASI, Brand Exposure is
summarized with criticality indicated by
color. In this example, Code Repository
Check is shown in red making this a top
priority. Clicking on the summary shows
the two critical risks as indicated by the
red bar.
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

Selecting the alert with critical severity brings up context, showing that the exposure has
existed since November of the previous year. ASI points to the page which has the exposure
to review and take action—all in seconds or minutes.
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

Without ASM, the DIY alternative to finding
such risks would be searching on your brand
name in Github and other code repositories      “The second you say you’re a
and sifting through the results manually.
                                                SaaS platform, people start
And while the process is tedious for the bad
guys too, if they’re intent on sizing up your   asking questions about security.
attack surface, they may very well find such    They want to know how we store
exposures before you do.
                                                and transfer data, what types of
Conducting pen tests every few months           compliance practices we follow,
doesn’t cut it. IT needs to know the moment
anyone uploads something to a public-           how often we do vulnerability
facing repository that inadvertently puts the   assessments. I would say security
company at risk.
                                                is the one of the most important
                                                factors in deciding to use our
Customer confidence                             services.”
According to OpsRamp, a Netenrich partner       Viswanatha Penmetsa
and ASI customer, “The second you say           Director of SaaS Operations at OpsRamp.
you’re a SaaS provider, customers start
asking about security.” If your company
operates monetized services in the cloud,
                                                You may have a multi-faceted strategy that
you too face the added challenge of making
                                                includes maintaining secure code practices,
customers comfortable with it.                  developing detailed strategies for hardening
                                                techniques and methodologies. Even so, ASM
If an adversary hacks into your customer
                                                can add great value in dynamically testing
portal, the potential exists for them to
                                                security controls.
access customer data, or leverage web
applications hosted on servers inside           As a provider, the goal should be to increase
your cloud infrastructure to compromise         security earlier in the migration or DevOps
assets. Intentional misconfigurations           lifecycle and throughout the coding process.
might also be employed to infect                All releases should be gated by a security
customers as they access the portal with        review. Since this doesn’t always happen, ASM
malicious code that can be traced back to       offers an easy, always-on safeguard to help
you. Clearly, a loyalty killer.                 keep you current, and in control.

As you migrate services to the cloud,           And when you’re on the other side of the
ASM helps ensure assets and your digital        equation—the customer side—using third-
footprint do not unknowingly become             party services to handle critical business
exposed without the appropriate security        functions such as Human Resources (HR),
controls being put in place. ASI quickly        payroll, or benefits, you should ask potential
uncovers risk associated with customer          providers about security certifications
portals, servers, network connections, and      and best practices before unlocking your
applications exposed in the cloud.              employee or customer data.
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

2. Mergers and acquisitions (M&As)

More often than not, a bigger                 The would-be acquired company might
company acquires a smaller one                say, and may even believe that they’re
                                              watching things 24X7 but does that mean
with less mature cybersecurity
                                              all things?If you run their domain through a
defenses and best practices. When             security rating service and they score low,
IT gets brought in early, like during         what can be done about it?
due diligence or before anything
                                              ASM helps assess the target company’s
gets announced, the security
                                              overall security posture and find major
team can assess potential risks               gaps in defenses quickly. That’s best-case
of integrating systems and better             scenario.
gauge the time and effort needed to
                                              More often than not, IT does not get
do it safely.
                                              brought in early, and when it does,
Finding serious risk won’t generally affect   development and network infrastructure
the decision to move forward with the         teams get connected before security
acquisition. It can, however, help inform     professionals. If IT gets handed a
negotiations around upfront costs and alert   mess after an acquisition has been
CIOs and CTOs to unknown or undisclosed       publicly announced, automating and
breaches that represent brand risk.           operationalizing insight around external
                                              brand risk using ASI speeds the cyber due
Seven Times To Attack Your Attack Surface In 2021 - Netenrich

ASM helps rank critical exposures to focus    Merging security itself
and fast-track initial clean-up campaigns.
Analysts get a running start by simply        ASM is one of several important tools
plugging in and validating the security       for making sure the acquired company’s
posture of the new entity and rooting out     assets and processes don’t introduce risk,
the nasty surprises.                          or work, into the acquirer’s incumbent
You need to know what’s out there that can
hurt you, how much it can hurt you, and       For example, merging e-mail systems
how—and how fast—you can fix it. Attack       and calendaring functions, simple as this
surface discovery offers actionable insight   sounds, plays a huge role in determining
with sound indications of where to go next.   whether users perceive the integration as
First, you can see what the other company     a well-managed process. A lot goes into
might be missing, or that issues have         this, but from a hygiene perspective, having
persisted well beyond the normal time to      automated ASM can turn up breached
remediate, potentially indicating they may    e-mail IDs and show whether specific
have already suffered a breach without        usernames and passwords have already
having realized it.                           been compromised---an easy thing to clean
                                              up before you move on to more complex
Once you get a baseline, efforts to           aspects.
integrate disparate security teams,
assuming the acquired company has
one, and infrastructures can unfold more

You might also look at typo-squatted domains, which tend to get overlooked. Attack surface
discovery will show instantly whether domains that look like the acquired company’s public
sites exist, who they’re registered to, and whether the sites are actually active.

                                                     If you find someone mimicking
                                                     your brand, you might want to
                                                     drill down a bit to see what risk
                                                     rules got triggered during ASI
                                                     discovery. A quick correlation with
                                                     threat intelligence drives valuable
                                                     context around whether the IP a
                                                     domain is resolving to is known
                                                     to be associated with malicious
                                                     activity and should be tackled

Content Management
Systems (CMSes)
Misconfigurations relating to content
management systems occur frequently,
and one or both companies may already
have safeguards in place for this. Either
way, attack surface discovery offers a
near-real-time status check showing
when, where, how many, and how critical
exposure relating to CMSes is right now,
within a matter of clicks.                     Even if e-mail addresses, domains, CMSes
                                               and other assets associated with acquired
ASI’s automated correlation with threat        companies go away, IT needs to know the
intelligence shows whether known               likelihood that systems have already been
vulnerabilities associated with a particular   breached or data compromised. ASM can
system might indicate nefarious activity.      help.

                                                                        The partner can take on detection, triage,
Or you can skip                                                         and response throughout the transition
the whole thing                                                         or on a long-term, even permanent basis.
                                                                        Easily adopted solutions like Netenrich’s
Baselining risk is one early step in merging                            Intelligent SOC extend visibility, intelligence,
two disparate security practices. Integration                           expertise, and comprehensive capabilities
also means getting VPNs set up, deploying                               to the new environment quickly—with
sensors, training one or both teams on new                              minimal lift required by the parent
technologies that will remain in place in the                           company’s own team.
hybrid environment, and much, much more.
                                                                        Ideally, the provider would help manage
If the acquired company’s practice is                                   both threat detection and risk mitigation
not on par with that of the new parent                                  holistically to further streamline the
company and can’t get there anytime soon,                               process.
outsourcing instead of integrating offers
a viable strategic alternative. Some or                                 Whether you decide to onboard or merge
all of the company’s SOC efforts can be                                 another company’s security infrastructure
transitioned to a managed security service                              with your own over a period of months, or
(MSSP) or SOC-as-a-Service partner much                                 continue to operate it separately, team leads
faster than you could bring them up to                                  can be assured that the bases stay covered,
code.                                                                   even as skills and tribal knowledge exit the
                                                                        playing field.

                   Threats                                                                  Opportunities
                                                      Intelligent SOC

                Resident malware                                                             Brand exposure
                  Ransomware                                                                 Code exposure
                    Phishing                                                         Vulnerabilities, internal + external
                   Exfiltration                                                                 Certificates
                      Bots                                                                     Domain risks
                   User-based                                                               Misconfigurations
                      Saas                                                                External infrastructure
                                                                                             Cloud exposure
                                                                                                 Third party

        A modern Intelligent SOC features managed threat detection and attack surface management
        to proactively address security posture. Integrated threat and attack surface intelligence helps
          close down exposures that usher in threats down the road. An Intelligent SOC features real-
       time discovery, contextualization, prioritization, and L1 triage while reining in brand exposure to
                                  reduce alerts and prevent future incidents.

3. Shining the light on shadow IT

It’s taxing enough to worry about             Securing the servers is Amazon’s
threats lurking outside your company          responsibility. Configuring and
without losing sleep over risks created       safeguarding the S3 buckets is
within. But more and more, Shadow IT
                                              the responsibility of the bucket
puts security at equal or greater risk
than phishing attacks and other tried-
                                              owner. And that seems to be
and-true campaigns.                           where things go wrong.

New online presence, for example, might
                                              The S3 buckets come with strong
get created by anyone seeking a shortcut      security out of the box. But the
or workaround for time-consuming IT           owners end up misconfiguring the
procedures. Obviously, that happened a lot
in 2020.                                      buckets, leaving their IP addresses
                                              wide open on the web for anyone
Your Marketing team or one of its agencies
may have hosted web-based events or
                                              to sniff out, using tools readily
content that did not pose much of a threat    available on code repository sites.
in and of themselves. But someone might
forget to renew a domain name only to
have an adversary hijack the URL for use in
a phishing campaign.

                                              Odds are good that anything created on
                                              the fly without IT’s knowledge has not
                                              undergone scrutiny for compliance, routine
                                              updates, branding, copyrighting, etc. So,
                                              if external digital exposure got created or
                                              left behind by someone circumventing IT,
                                              your Security team never knew to monitor
                                              that presence for threats, vulnerabilities, or
                                              other digital exposure.

This is not to say that shadow IT only           In 2020, protocols likely became compromised
gets created by the likes of Sales and           by employees working from home creating
Marketing. Cloud storage processes, IP           external access to remote into the office and
addresses, and services all may contribute       inadvertently leaving SSH remote access
to the problem at one time or another.           protocols exposed. Once you find IPs you
                                                 didn’t know belonged to you, or that were once
Continuous ASI discovery uncovers                legitimate but should since have been shut
external digital risk from Shadow IT as it       down, risk can be quickly eliminated.
appears. The most likely vectors include:
                                                 Exposed cloud services. As detailed
IP addresses you didn’t know were                earlier, shadow IT would also include assets
associated with your brand, are part of          exposed in hosted cloud services of which
a block you don’t know about, or are             IT is unaware. For example, IT might migrate
hosted by providers not sanctioned by            everything to Amazon Web Services (AWS)
central IT departments. For example, a           and ASI discovers assets in Azure.
company might officially host corporate
infrastructure with Verizon and discover         ASI keeps a constant watch over your cloud
through ASM that a bunch of IPs hosted by        footprint, flagging anomalies like public-
other providers are affiliated publically with   facing Amazon S3 buckets within the Brand
the organization.                                Exposure category.

4. Sizing up third-party risk

Third-party cyber risk overshadowed some         The attack on the Solar Winds ecosystem
pretty hot topics toward the end of 2020         got us thinking about what can and should
proving once again what you don’t know can       happen in the wake of a similar disaster. As
hurt you. This challenge may be the classic      unwitting victims by association, we’re asking
use case for ASM in that, while you cannot       what we can rightly (and legally) expect to
control everything that happens on the public    pursue or demand. As cyber citizens seeking
Internet, you must continually seek it out,      to reassure and protect our own partners and
monitor, and address your risk in relation to    customers, what proof can we provide that
it.                                              we’re doing all we can?

These seemingly simple questions have             ASM vs. security ratings
complex implications. While no direct liability
may exist for glitches in another company’s       Chances are one or both companies
defenses, the goal of minimizing third-party      subscribe to a cybersecurity ratings service.
risk clearly merits an all-out, anything-         These scores reflect an organization’s overall
and-everything strategy. Including your           reputation as a safe company to do business
vendors, partners, and other affiliates in your   with and rank its performance versus
strategies and best practices helps instill       competitors or companies in the same
confidence while strengthening your overall       industry.
cyber risk posture.
                                                  Insight into peer ratings provides value
If you suspect you’re going to be the focus       in baselining third-party risk from IP
of a third-party risk assessment, a deep dive     addresses and vulnerabilities, but does
with ASI helps clean up the high-end critical     not offer deep technical insight into other
exposures that can be used and held against       aspects of digital risk. For example, those
you. Perception-wise, adding ASI and security     associated with cloud and web application
ratings to regular certifications, pen testing,   exposures described above. Nor can rating
and SOC2 reports shows stakeholders you’re        services trace specific IPs of interest to a
taking a comprehensive and innovative             particular provider without building technical
approach to visualizing and shrink potential      integrations to the other party’s systems.
exposure day-in, day-out.
                                                  Conversely, ASM lets you see the source of
                                                  risk from a particular service and quickly drill
Simply highlighting                               down to see what’s at risk, and how to fix it.
                                                  Having done the hard work of integrating to
any and all exposed domains                       Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Azure, AWS,
and IPs, exposed services                         and other leading public infrastructures,
                                                  Netenrich ASI offers quick context that
and whether they’re fully                         speeds resolution.
authenticated offers
                                                  In general, ASM complements ratings with
a solid start.                                    actionability as you delve into things like
                                                  phishing, typo squatting, and unauthenticated
                                                  services, some of which are not reflected in
                                                  risk ratings.

5. Getting ready for cyber audits

Show of hands:
Who likes the word “audit”? Right.            Are you patching external systems? ASI
                                              shows that you are. Do you have services
And while we do our best to avoid them in     exposed publicly? ASI can show you do not
life, they’re an inevitable reckoning point   or that you’re monitoring for them and can
in doing business. As with third-party        skip that step.
risk, ASM can streamline and fast-track
the process by arming you with proof of       Solutions like Netenrich’s ASI offer
coverage.                                     precise evidence to satisfy auditors that
                                              you’re monitoring specific elements of
Mapping items covered by ASM discovery        individual frameworks and mounting an
to specific controls listed in popular        aggressive defense overall. Once again,
cybersecurity frameworks such as NIST         a lot more goes into preparing for an
800 or CSF, COBIT (Control Objectives for     audit, but anything that can help check
Information and Related Technologies)         boxes in multiple areas—and equip you
and other industry-specific models makes      to focus other efforts like vulnerability
it easier to check the box and go on to the   management—is a definite plus.
next thing without having to provide more
detailed evidence.

6. Justifying your security spend

Like that gym membership fee that
hits your account on the first of the
month, IT tends to be a “What have
you done for me lately” proposition,
with one nasty difference. When it
works, nothing happens, and nobody
When even one little thing slips by you,
avoidable or not, havoc ensues, and
everyone hears about it. Making headlines
leads to making heads roll as the whole
effort gets deemed a failure.

ASM plays an increasingly vital role in
preventing that from happening, delivering
fast, ongoing coverage and investment
value. ASI dashboards afford you an easy
way to show a steadily shrinking attack

                                                                   surface, or that you’ve got things covered
                                                                   during predictable spikes around things like
                                                                   holiday shopping, market fluctuations, and
                                                                   event registration.

                                                                   Moreover, you can literally demonstrate
                                                                   that you’re eliminating exposure—and
                                                                   work—as time goes on to avoid risk in the
                                                                   first place. Though harder to quantify than
                                                                   saving experts time, lessening your appeal
ASI sifts through and correlates alerts to close false positives
 and present users with only real risk that warrants attention,
                                                                   as a cyber target is a powerful factor in
            along with strategies for attending to it.             assessing ROI on any investment.

Higher value from existing
Who among us has never let a forty-dollar        hackers to size up your infrastructure for
ab roller gather dust in the corner? ASI         attack?
complements and replaces other, more
expensive tools you already own but might        While complementing pen tests and
not be fully leveraging.                         multi-colored attack team exercises as
                                                 discussed above, ASM can also help
For example, if you engage digital bounty        narrow the scope or focus to speed and
hunters to discover potential bugs related       increase ROI on those investments as well.
to known exploits and vulnerabilities,           And if you can’t afford to do it all, ASM
you might expect to pay $10K to $20K             may well represent the biggest time saver
for just one discovery. ASI automatically        and broadest scope of discovery—in other
finds a whole bunch, and keeps doing so          words, the greatest value—in reducing
continuously, often at a fraction of the cost.   external risk exposure.
So, why invite (much less pay) even friendly

7. You just got breached

We saved the worst for last here, but at the
end of the day, this is what it’s all about.
Everything comes under the microscope
in the wake of a breach. As incident
response (IR) winds down and things inch
back to normal, it’s well worth the effort
to dissect the initial infection or attack
vector, and why and how long it existed.
Once you understand what happened, you
can take steps to keep the same exposure
from putting you at risk again.

Most attacks succeed because a public-
facing asset opportunistically gets
compromised. ASM tackles this head-on.
If you got hacked through some external
exposure you didn’t know you had, what
better time to do a fast yet thorough search

for others and start closing doors?           Aside from dealing with the low-hanging
                                              fruit, the aftermath of a breach is an
Actionable ASM discovery not only finds       obvious time to reassess normal. If
risk but ranks it in terms of criticality     you don’t have continuous external risk
based on the likelihood of it being used      assessment in place, this may be the
against you. In one real-world scenario,      perfect time to make the case for adding
ASI discovered code that had been left        ASM and other high-value, low-overhead
exposed in a Github repository for nearly     techniques to your SOC best practices.
two years, with API keys embedded.

Finding something that specific is a bit      The continuous nature
like finding a needle in a haystack from an
adversary’s point of view, but it happens.    of ASM represents a major step
The fact that code remained exposed for       in becoming more predictive and
so long is a good indication that someone
                                              proactive, which is always front-
may have already chanced upon it and
begun capitalizing.                           and-center on the heels of a nasty

8. [Bonus]                                    The cruel reality of cybersecurity lives on.
                                              You need to see and secure everything all

It’s tomorrow
                                              of the time because hackers need only
                                              find one attack vector, one time, to take
                                              you down. As shown throughout this book,
                                              ASM needs to happen on a continuous
                                              basis because your attack surface changes
                                              on a continuous basis, often without you
                                              realizing it.

When should you attack your                   At the end of the day, Netenrich’s ASI and
attack surface? Right now,                    Intelligent SOC offer a structured means
                                              of becoming better and better—instead
tomorrow, and every day from
                                              of more and more exposed—as things
now on. Just like exercise.                   change.

The smart way
forward, and how to
head out. For free.

To sum up the potential use cases
described above, attack surface
monitoring should be done anytime your

 Rolls out new infrastructure or migrates
  apps and services to the cloud

 Merges or integrates another company’s
  systems with your own

 Anticipates major spikes or deviations in         ASI + Intelligent SOC =
  volumes and utilization                           Less risk with less effort
Any business event that involves monitoring         The more complex your security
for continuity should include a comprehensive       operations become, the more
cybersecurity assessment featuring attack           specialized tools (that don’t
surface management. Done right, ASM gets            talk to each other) and types
smarter with each passing day, and every            of intelligence you have to
risk vector resolved. Moreover, it eliminates       manage. The real value of
manual processes preventing essential               these investments comes from
investigations from taking place and avoids         operationalizing the data and
wasted or duplicated efforts.                       insights to speed response, which
                                                    no one has time to do.
Every new workout craze or fitness innovation
has an infomercial that ends with a risk free       Netenrich Resolution Intelligence
offer, so why not see the analogy through           delivers the automation, context,
to the end? For a limited time, Netenrich is        and expertise needed to flip the
offering free trials of ASI on its own or as part   equation. Our Intelligent SOC, ASI,
of Intelligent SOC.                                 and global threat intelligence are
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                                                    data that promotes resolution
                                                    within minutes.

Learn more and start seeing results within
             days. For real.

      Oh, and did we mention it’s continuous?
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