Record - New York Young Republican Club

Page created by Brittany Mcdonald
Record - New York Young Republican Club
ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                 THE RECORD

                                  The New York Young Republican Club

        Letter from the Sergeant-at-Arms:
Hello and welcome! I would like to thank you for
taking the time to read this issue of The Record,
and for your continued support of the New York
Young Republican Club (NYYRC). My name is Dylan
Gallagher, and I serve as the Sergeant-at-Arms for
the Club. Previously, I served as Design Chairman,
and I continue to oversee that team's efforts.

Design and politics may not seem like they have
much to do with each other, but I assure you that
design has played an integral role in our great
American story since its inception. One of the
greatest American designers, Thomas Jefferson,
was a trained architect and went on to design the
University of Virginia and other notable buildings
in the DC area. Additionally, he designed the document that we still live by today: the Constitution of
the United States of America. Our Founding Fathers designed this document to allow America to be
the greatest nation in the world. Politics involves planning, decision-making, policy creation, and
communicating a message. One can argue that the same method is undertaken in design. Michael
Bierut, a famous graphic designer, once said, "Much, if not most, graphic design is about
communicating messages, and many of these messages are intended to persuade. This places its
practice clearly in the realm of politics.” This is what the Design Committee hopes to help the NYYRC
achieve now and in the future.

I first joined the Club during a dark time in American history, Biden’s “Inauguration”. Seeking an
outlet from my very liberal workplace, I thankfully found the NYYRC. Talking to other members, I was
reassured that there is hope for our nation, and it is found right here at the NYYRC. Using my
architectural education, I was able to apply design skills to help the Club share our values and beliefs
to our member base, and the larger conservative movement.

The Design Committee has grown in numbers and is responsible for the creation of all graphic and
branding materials for the Club. We have also recently launched a new Merchandise Sub-Committee,
which has been busy updating our store with new NYYRC apparel. Whether it is a Club event
advertisement, a design on our social media, a political handout (don’t worry, not the Democrat
kind!), or new and improved merchandise, the design team is at your service! If you have a design
background and want to join us, we welcome you to the team! I am grateful to serve as Sergeant-at-
Arms and to continue my role on the Design Committee since it enables me to leverage my
 background to help our cause. We hope to see you at a future event soon!

Yours in Freedom,

Dylan J. Gallagher
Former Design Chairman
New York Young Republican Club
                                                                                                Page 1
ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                                                                                            THE RECORD

                                                      Last Month's Events

                                                      APRIL 2022
         SUNDAY        MONDAY                       TUESDAY        WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                       FRIDAY             SATURDAY

                                                                                                                   1                       2
                                                                                                                                                              He asks how the
                                                                                                                                                                 evil is to be
                                                                                                                                                               remedied. I tell
3                 4                         5                      6                     7                         8                       9
                                                                                                                                                                him that there
                  Book Signing Social                                                                                                                         seems to be little
                  with James O'Keefe
                                                                                                                                                                  chance for
10                11                        12                     13                    14                        15                      16                    avoiding the
                                                                                                                                                                 extremes of
                                                                                                                                                                despotism or
17                18                        19                     20                    21                        22                      23
                                                                                                                                                              anarchy; that the
                                            April Speaker Series
                                            with Miranda Devine                                                                                                only ground of
                                            and Rudy Giuliani
                                                                                                                                                              hope must be the
24                25                        26                     27                    28                        29                      30
                                                                   NYYRC Black Caucus                                                                           morals of the
                                                                   Social with Barbara
                                                                   from Harlem                                                                                     people,


                                                      This Month's Events

                                                       MAY 2022                                                                                                  He is a great
         SUNDAY           MONDAY                     TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                   FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                               simpleton who
    1             2                             3                      4                     5                         6                       7
                                                                                                                                                              imagines that the
                      Cinco de Mayo                                                                                    NYYRC Catholic
                      Margarita Monday                                                                                 Caucus: Witnesses                        chief power of
                                                                                                                       for Life
                                                                                                                                                              wealth is to supply
                      9                         10                     11                    12                        13                      14
                                                                                             A conversation with                                              wants. In ninety-
                                                                                             Dr. Kristóf György
                                                                                             Veres + Rooftop                                                  nine of a hundred
    15                                          17                     18                    19                        20                      21
                                                                                                                                                               cases, it creates
                          NYYRC Book Club                                                                              NYYRC Libertarian                      more wants than it
    22                23                        24                     25                    26                        27                      28

    29                30                        31

                                                                                                                                                               WILLIAM WIRT

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                             THE RECORD

     Happy 1st Birthday to the Record!!
The issue you are reading right now is the 13th
consecutive issue of the Record since its
revival in May 2021, thus marking its 1 year
anniversary! As the Publications Chairman for
the NYYRC, I am beyond proud that we have
been able to provide our members with a
monthly periodical that can not only inform
you on conservative politics and Club
activities, but archive a time in which this
organization has worked harder than ever
before to fight the tyranny of the radical left.
The Record aims to spread the word to all
Young Republicans in the NYC metropolitan
area and let them know that you are not alone.
It lets them know that there are many others
like you in your surroundings and this is your
time now, more than ever, to stand up and
fight! Pick up a copy, share it with your
friends physically and on social media, and
continue the fight!

Member Spotlight: Rosie Record
                                                   After graduating with honors from Cal State San
                                                   Bernardino she joined the working ranks as an
                                                   Information Technology Business Consultant.
                                                   For 8+ years she traveled the country and
                                                   consulted a multitude of Fortune 500 companies
                                                   within the insurance, banking, retail, and
                                                   telecommunications fields. She worked to
                                                   empower marketing teams and facilitate changes
                                                   within company ecosystems in order to increase
                                                   global outreach, brand awareness, and revenue.

                                                   During the pandemic/lockdown, Record sat
                                                   down at her laptop and finally completed
                                                   TRONICK, a cyberpunk novel with strong
                                                   libertarian ideals. In an interview, she said, "I
                                                   see my millennial peers immerse themselves in
                                                   social media to the detriment of their
                                                   individuality. It seems we are willfully becoming
Rosie Record has always had one pointe shoe or     a malleable society pushed around by these
fingertip in the arts—from dancing with NYC's      media giants. I started this story several years
Joffrey Ballet Company and Salt Lake City's        ago with that observation in mind, and over time
Ballet West to becoming a choreographer,           it has evolved into something deeper, more
producer, and performer for the University         sinister, and highly pertinent in today’s world.
Dance Company and Ballet de Barra, from            Now, I believe my book has the power to
composing     scores   for   short  films   and    resonate with all generations." It seems Record's
documentaries to finally publishing her first      green-soaked dystopia and conflicted antihero
novel. She believes art has the power to hold a    will become more and more apropos as younger
mirror up to society and ask, "Do you still like   generations grow up within a society that values
what you see?"                                     optics over truth.

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                THE RECORD

Letter from the Catholic Caucus
By: Michael R. Bartels, Chairman
                                                     speak for the young, and in many ways the young
                                                     want nothing more than hope. They want God,
                                                     even if years of life in a culture that mocks
                                                     religion bids them to dare not utter that
                                                     sentiment. After seeing protesters in many anti-
                                                     lockdown rallies hold up crucifixes and rosaries
                                                     against both police lines and communist
                                                     counter-protesters, I began to pray that God
                                                     would give our public life some hope. This
                                                     prayer became the caucus.

                                                     A nation proclaims itself through its people, and
                                                     the Catholic Caucus seeks to reaffirm and
                                                     strengthen that proclamation. Traditionally, the
                                                     Republican Party has defended the virtue of the
                                                     free market, the blessing of individual liberty,
                                                     the sanctity of life, and the love of one’s nation
                                                     at home and abroad. While we have only even
                                                     existed for a few months and are still growing,
My name is Michael R. Bartels and I am the           our caucus has already discussed how to expand
Chairman of the Catholic Caucus, which has           upon that foundation.
become the largest of the New York Young
Republican Club’s many budding caucuses. We          As I am also the Vice Chairman of the Library
were founded to promote and defend the               Committee, our primary goal is education. Far
Christian values upon which our Founders based       too often we focus on legalistic issues. When we
our nation - and upon which those before them        defend free speech we point to an amendment.
based Western civilization. Our members come         This is the way it should be, and these sacred
from parishes all across the New York                words ought to be respected; their authors
metropolitan area. The caucus of course acts as a    certainly felt that way. Many Americans feel that
home to Catholics, but also to the Protestants,      way. I do not. We should defend free speech
Orthodox, agnostics, and Jews who find kinship       because those who censor often seek to suppress
in our cause and values.                             virtue. We should defend our rights not because
                                                     they were written in the Bill of Rights, but
I joined the NYYRC because I see my city, my         because they were endowed upon us by our
state, and my nation in trouble. That’s not even a   Creator and stem from the natural dignity of the
partisan statement, really—about three-fifths of     human person. Conveniently, our founding
the nation has agreed on that since about 2010.      documents echo that sentiment. I do not find it
Being a Republican in New York unfortunately         sufficient that conservatives simply try to
means we are used to people not doing the right      conserve.     Conservatives,   based     on   the
thing. Government officials don’t usually listen     foundations of our civilization, must firmly
to you because you’re not their preferred            grasp that which they must conserve: the
constituency. The old adage proves right here: if    American people, and their city upon a hill,
you want something done right, do it yourself.       shining with the greatest virtue.

When I thought about what needs to be done in        We also discuss and promote awareness of that
our nation, I realized that among all things we      which we stand against: the debasement of
need    hope.    The     pandemic    lockdowns,      civilization, manic deconstruction, and the
bankruptcies, upheavals, crime, and economic         simulacrum of intellectual depth masquerading
destruction have left many without hope. Many        as liberation. The Catholic Church foils the
churches have been stifled or shuttered. Born on     intellectual Left; consequently I am writing as a
the boundary between millennial and Gen Z, I         Republican and not a Democrat here. Many of

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                  THE RECORD

today’s “progressives” discuss sustainability but      from the public sphere, I’ve found that simply
will not discuss falling birth rates, the collapse     talking about the faith openly is enough to get
of the family, and the reckless economic               people listening. The same goes for conservatism
mismanagement that not only robs the next              in New York; if you bring up basic principles of
generation of prosperity, but even to a great          the American tradition, people often listen and
extent of their very existence. The Church             agree. Anyone who genuinely loves God and
promotes true sustainability, reiterating the          seeks truth is welcome in the Church and in this
timeless truths she has enunciated for two             caucus, including you.
millennia. Long after the fads of today subside,
the gods of the copybook headings will remain,         Even as the largest caucus, we are still but a tiny
and to these deities (or deity, in God) we owe our     seed in the most important city in America. I
allegiance.                                            hope that someday folks will look back on the
                                                       New York Young Republican Club and its
How will we promote Catholic virtue in the civic       Catholic Caucus as a light in the darkness of the
swamp?    Recently      we   have     focused  on      early twenty-first century, one that lit a fire of
recruitment, but as the election year marches          hope for our nation and the world. I am writing
on, we will shift to campaigning with various          this on Good Friday, the anniversary of our
candidates that we believe will promote a              founder Jesus’s crucifixion. I know He will make
virtuous society. Speakers and debates will be         something great of us; He conquered death.
important. Visibility is crucial: in this “common
era” where Christianity has been all but banned        Christ is King.

A Clueless Girl Thrust into the World of Politics
By: Alexis Winters
I know close to nothing about politics. I’ve said      everyone knew that he would go to bat for
this for years, and I find myself saying it even       America no matter what. Politicians are so
more lately. Somehow in the last couple of             concerned with being liked and keeping people
months, I’ve found myself in the center of New         on their side. I find it so much more admirable
York City local politics and I have no idea how to     when a candidate is willing to fight against the
act. I have met many important people and told         establishment.
them to their face, “I don’t know who you are.”
That line is pretty polarizing, and I find that it’s   I hate that we live in a world where just because
a good way to get a sense of someone’s                 a candidate is endorsed by the party, we all have
character. If they laugh it off, then they’re          to support them. We should be able to choose
probably a genuine person, but if they get             our own candidate to support, regardless of
offended and turn cold because of it then they’re      party affiliation. We’ve gone down this slippery
probably not someone I want to know.                   slope of prioritizing party affiliation over actual
                                                       issues. We can’t just vote for Republicans or
I’ve never pretended to know what I’m doing in
this sphere, and it used to terrify me when I
would go to these events and meet these
important people. But I’ve found that a lot of
people like that I’m clueless. They find it
refreshing that I don’t have an agenda or some
secret affiliation they don’t know about. I’ve also
grown more confident in my own skills and
knowledge. There’s still so much I don’t know or
understand, but I’ve learned a lot in the few
months that I’ve been doing this.

I find that a lot of people in politics care way
more about what others think than voters do.
The truth is we don’t care if you’re well liked or
not, we just care if we think you’re going to fight
for us. That’s one of the reasons Trump was so
successful; people may not have liked him, but

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                THE RECORD

Democrats regardless of who it is anymore.           corrupt; it’s inevitable. Being aware of that and
That’s how we ended up with President Biden;         having people around you to keep you in check is
people were so tired of President Trump and by       so important. A lot of politicians don’t have that
extension, the Republican party, that they were      and that’s where they’re going wrong.
willing to vote for someone that any sane person
could see is not duly fit for office.                The average person only knows what’s right in
                                                     front of them. The average voter doesn’t weigh
Whenever I meet people in politics, they are so      the same factors that so called “political
fascinated by me and my point of view, and that’s    insiders” do, they make value judgements that
because I’m not immersed in this world the way       are rooted in what they see in the public arena.
that they are. I can speak the language of the       Because of this, they hold a cleaner opinion, one
average voter because I am the average voter. I      that is not tainted by political cliques where the
know that people are tired of hearing the same       only way to rise in ranks is by having the right
ideas said in different ways every year and still    connections. They don’t think about the
nothing changes. People don’t want to hear the       implications of people’s actions and because of
same talking points that the old GOP have been       that their opinions are purer. They aren’t
spouting for years. They’re tired of hearing the     constantly analyzing a politician’s every move
same     speeches     and    seeing   the    same    and speech. They take them at face value. They
disappointing results. Instead of using the same     aren’t influenced by pettiness or personal
ideas that every Republican has been using, like     vendettas. They take each candidate for who they
pro-capitalism, tax cuts, etc. It would resonate     are, and they vote accordingly. That’s the way we
more with young people to admit the mistakes         should all vote. Not because they’re affiliated
the government has made in our capitalist            with a party or because a politician who we
economic system, like the 2008 financial crisis.     respect endorsed them. Candidates should be
It would be refreshing to hear a Republican          judged on their own merit, not on their
candidate that isn’t thinking the same things that   affiliations or endorsements.
every other candidate is.
                                                     If we really want to revamp the political sphere,
I think that politics could benefit from having a    we have to take all these things into
few more people like me. People who are so           consideration. We don’t have to submit to the
immersed in this world forget sometimes that         will of the old GOP anymore. There are more of
the average person doesn’t think like they do.       us than there are of them, and I really believe
They don’t know about all the things going on in     that young people can take this over if we work
the background and because of that they see the      together. We can create a new Republican Party,
world and politics differently. They don’t           an America First Party. We don’t have to pander
understand that everyone has a hidden agenda,        to the older generation in order to be respected
and it’s rare for people to have genuinely good      or to win. It does more harm than good in the
intentions. I always knew that there were            end. If we’re constantly electing the same
corrupt people in politics and my experience in      people, we aren’t going to see change. It’s time
New York politics has confirmed that. I think        for a new era in politics.
that any person who gets power will become

Millennials Realigning Around Marriages, Mortgages,
and Children
By: Troy Olson, Policy Chairman, and Chairman, Veterans Caucus
In his recent book The Dying Citizen, Dr. Victor     marriage, children, and home ownership. For the
Davis Hanson noted that the middle class is the      past few decades what has increasingly befallen
key to the maintenance of a self-governing           America with few interruptions has been a two-
republic or representative democracy. The            front war on America’s middle class and with it
strongest values and ethic of citizenship are to     the meaningfulness of American citizenship.
be found within the middle class. Therefore, any
society such as ours must take great care to         If America’s middle class is to survive in the
understand first what creates a middle class to      coming decades at all it needs a political vessel
begin with and how to move more people into it       to promote its survival. That middle class will be
to create good citizenship. He further noted that    made up of working generations having children
the key measures of a healthy middle class are       which currently is the millennial generation.

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                 THE RECORD

While much has been written about the                 picking up. While in 2020, 47.9% of millennials
millennial generation maturing into economic          owned homes, in 2022 the age group consists of
stagnation or all the various industries              43% of homebuyers. This is a trend that if it
millennials are killing — the truth is that           continues will contribute to better maintenance
millennials have found their vessel in the form of    of properties, stronger communities, and better
their long realignment into the Republican Party      civics as homeowners vote at higher rates than
and now the question is will the Republican           renters do and are more likely to move beyond
Party champion policies that will make it the         mere voting when it comes to civic participation.
millennials’ and younger generations’ champion
in the years and decades ahead?                       Finally, millennials who are having children are
                                                      trending Republican the most as these prior two
Whatever    the   future   holds,  since   2008,      trends often lead to this one and if all three are
millennials, the once and future core of the          present, the likelihood goes up even more. If
Democrats “demographic inevitability” coalition,      millennial parents continue to identify as
have been gradually and recently, increasingly        Republican at a level of nearly two to one, not
realigning into the Republican Party across the       only is the generation that was supposed to
board. The biggest indicator of who has been          represent the core voting base of an era of
realigning are exactly the markers of the middle      supposed Democrat dominance already gone, but
class and the maintenance of good citizenship         it could get even worse because there is more
that Dr. Hanson identified. Millennials that are      room to grow given the younger end of the
getting married, taking on mortgages, and having      generational age range and the fact that the
children are who is realigning, and this is           generation behind millennials have started off
turning the Republican Party more and more into       six percent less Democrat. This is why education
a diverse working- and middle-class party of          across-the-board and specifically what we teach
parents. In a recent Marist poll—parents with         our children has become such a politically
kids under 18 in the household are 60%                charged issue recently whereas in decades past it
Republican and just 32% Democrat.                     was either more settled or an issue with less
Millennials who are getting married are trending
Republican even though compared to prior              Biden and the Democrats have a long way to go
generations marriage rates are down. However,         to solve their issues with younger generations
of the millennials that are married, so far, they     and the lack of enthusiasm from their own
are staying married at higher rates compared to       younger voters. Their approach on student loans
prior generations. If these trends continue and if    suggests the same sort of flawed thinking that
the younger cohort of millennials get married to      has put the party in this position. A student loan
boost marriage rates above 50% this will be good      cancelation or forgiveness may work well with
for the future of America. On an individual level,    the younger progressive, but it will gain no new
marrying a person rather than marrying the            voters and stands to anger many more and make
state is also a good way to avoid poverty.            them less persuadable. A student loan bailout
Specifically, if you finish high school, get a job,   absent a larger structural reform to the higher
and get married before having children you have       education financing system, a bubble created by
a 98% chance of poverty avoidance.                    federal government policy the last three decades,
                                                      will just put us back in the same situation again
Millennials who are taking on mortgages are also      in a few decades.
trending Republican. The home mortgage is the
backbone of middle-class wealth and much of, if
any potential of passing down that wealth to the
next generation. Home ownership is also much
more common in Republican districts and
counties compared to Democrat districts and
cities. A nation of homeowners is more likely to
be able to preserve our way of life and our
system of self-governance than a nation of
renters, which if the World Economic Forum has
their way, we’re on the road to being.
Millennials, like in many indicators do lag prior
generations for much talked about reasons
(graduating into tough economic years and being
the major one) but this is another trend that is

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                THE RECORD

However, rather than focus on heavily indebted      to raise a family in this country rather than so
students and their deservedness for such a          many of our current policies which incentivize
windfall — a wise course of action for              marrying the state. The gains will be felt for
Republicans would be to know full well the          years to come if we can reverse these trends in
trends that are creating newfound demographics      policy in the form of a middle-class citizenry
are once again destiny the other way. By focusing   that helps us guide the civics of the country and
on interest payments and bringing the student       fate of the American constitutional republic to a
loan system more in line with mortgage interest     much more secure place.
within the tax code and other policies and
proposing reforms that are tied to marriage and     You can read this article and its first part at A
family — we could see a union of good policy and    Republic If We Can Keep It with Troy Olson
good politics. We should be incentivizing           (
marriage and intact families and making it easier

Endorsement: Robert Cornicelli For Congress (NY-2)
                                                    As a private citizen, Cornicelli began as a
                                                    sanitation worker and quickly rose through the
                                                    ranks of the department. He earned an
                                                    Associate’s of Arts from Nassau Community
                                                    College, and a Bachelor of Arts from C.W. Post in
                                                    International Affairs and Political Science.
                                                    During his studies, Cornicelli heard his country’s
                                                    call to service after the terrorist attacks of 9/11,
                                                    and re-enlisted in the United States Army
                                                    National Guard. Cornicelli would continue to
                                                    answer the call for responsible conservative
                                                    leadership as a Congressman. He aspires to
                                                    return to the Second Congressional District to
                                                    prioritize the needs of his district’s citizens.

                                                    Cornicelli promises to work ardently to listen
                                                    and address the concerns of his district, stating,
The New York Young Republican Club proudly          “I am a retired Army Officer and Conservative
endorses Robert Cornicelli for New York’s           America First candidate running against Jan 6
Second Congressional District. Cornicelli, a        Committee supporter RINO Garbarino in NY
veteran of both the United States Navy and the      CD2.” “The increase at the pump is not Russia’s
United States Army National Guard, dedicated        fault, ITS JOE BIDEN’S FAULT. Joe Biden, the
his life to serving his country and community. He   radicals on the left, and RINO’s like Andrew
enlisted shortly after graduating from high         Garbarino are responsible for your suffering not
school in the United States Navy as a Petty         Russia.” (Cornicelli4ny, Twitter). The New York
Officer Third Class, and served for four years.     Young Republican Club strongly urges New York
After returning home, he served another four        voters to support Robert Cornicelli for New
years as part of the United States Navy Reserve.    York’s second congressional district.

Endorsement: Anthony D’Esposito For Congress (NY-4)
The New York Young Republican Club proudly          spending in his current role and has consistently
endorses Anthony D’Esposito for New York’s          prioritized taxpayers by preserving town
Fourth    Congressional    District. Currently,     programs    and    services   while   eliminating
D’Esposito serves as a Hempstead Town               wasteful government spending.
Councilman, a role he has held since February
2016. D’Esposito began his career in public         Leveraging his experience in law enforcement, as
service by joining the New York City Police         a Councilman, D’Esposito has committed to
Department, where he rose to the rank of            teaching local community members about the
detective and, in doing so, made more than 600      dangers of illicit substance use while equipping
arrests in connection with violent crime.           them with knowledge of how to save lives with
D’Esposito has effectively budgeted      town       Narcan. Through his efforts, the participants of

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                THE RECORD

his Narcan training sessions receive Narcan kits
and invaluable knowledge to further fight the
scourge   of   drugs   ravaging    Long   Island

D’Esposito, an Island Park native, feels that
“America is on the wrong track, in chaos as a
result of policies of Joe Biden and the extreme
socialists who have taken over the Democrats. He
is a problem solver, firefighter, NYPD Detective,
and    Hempstead     Town    Councilman    who’s
delivered for neighbors. He is running for NY-04
to be his neighbors’ voice.” (@AnthonyDESPO,

D’Esposito vows to put America First in Congress
and to push for policies that keep Long Island
communities safe and prosperous. The New York
Young Republican Club strongly urges all NY-04
voters to support Anthony D’Esposito for New
York’s Fourth Congressional District.

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                               THE RECORD

 Statement On The Events Of April 12th, 2022
In ordinary times, the morning news that your        We are not in ordinary times—we are in hard
lieutenant governor has been arrested for            times. And hard times require strong, smart, and
bribery, and since has resigned, would be the        transparent leadership for our city and state.
story of the day—but not in New York and
tragically not on April 12th, 2022.                  Bail reform and progressive DAs who oversee
                                                     turnstile justice that prioritizes criminals over
The New York Young Republican Club’s thoughts        victims are not strong and smart. Backing street
and prayers go out to the victims, their families,   activists, looking the other way while riots
and all of those affected by the attempted mass      happen in our cities with “defund the police”
killing on the New York City subway on Tuesday.      slogans and then denying such riots occurred
We further hope that the immediate focus stays       when the poll results come in is cowardly and
there and on bringing the vile criminal              unprincipled leadership. It’s not leadership at
perpetrator to justice, who has since been           all. We cannot go on like this. We cannot keep
arrested. We do not expect this, though.             taking civilization for granted with the same
                                                     people, one-party rule, and the same nonsense
The pattern of Democrat behavior from Mayor          sloganeering and circular logic.
Adams up to President Biden is to refer to
“shootings” instead of “attempted murder”,           Governor Hochul, Mayor Adams, President
“murder” and “killing,” and to shift the focus to    Biden, Vice President Harris, and our recently
“gun control” immediately. Dishonesty on the         arrested, resigned, and now former Lt. Governor
root causes of media headlines allows them to        Brian Benjamin are not leaders. They are cosplay
manipulate a situation to meet their ends. They      politicians playing their part while our society
know how to win power, gaslight, and control         crumbles.
people with fear and radical empathy that is
ultimately a manipulative narrative more than it     We here at the New York Young Republican Club
is compassionate and productive.                     advocate common-sense policies but courageous,
                                                     bold, and strong leadership in hard times, and
Tuesday, for reasons we do not yet fully know        we invite all New Yorkers and Americans who
and will not speculate about until more              want to help preserve the safety of our
information is known, a human being, a criminal,     communities, culture, and civilization to join us
decided to forever alter the lives of New York       in this cause.

  NY Democrats Try And Cosplay Their Glory
     Years With “Fair Deal” Line Rebrand
Reeling from two sudden statewide resignations,      people at the beginning of life and those in
a failing national administration, and a municipal   twilight of it; now, Democrats for muzzles on
civic polity that votes at rates lower than the      young children and suffocate seniors in nursing
Mendoza Line, it is understandable that New          homes. Today, Harry Truman and Jack Kennedy
York Democrats want to take a trip down memory       would not even recognize their party.
lane by usurping Harry Truman’s “Fair Deal”
messaging, which he launched after his historical    New York’s recovery from these authoritarian
come-from-behind win in 1948. But President          policies lags other states, unemployment in New
Truman would barely recognize what the party of      York is higher than most states, and even before
Jefferson and Jackson has turned into.               the pandemic, New York was near the bottom in
                                                     tax climate and in business friendliness. The
One-party state Democrat policies have left a        lockdowns were particularly harsh on our small
generation of children behind and failed to          businesses, which were forced to shutter and
protect seniors. The standard liberal Democrat       implement state dictates while big box stores
line of compassion once focused on support for       stayed open and made record profits. New York

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                                THE RECORD

Democrats have had one-party control with no         countless seniors in nursing homes at the height
one to stop their utopia attempt for years here in   of the pandemic and simultaneously devastated
New York City and State. More and more               the state’s economy. Jacobs and company have
spending does not yield results, but it creates      read the internal polling, and in a one-party
more entrenched interests and a machine catered      state they have no one to blame but themselves.
to special interests.                                Now they’re scrambling and re-branding. But
                                                     we’re not buying it.
New York Democrats under Andrew Cuomo,
Kathy Hochul, and Jay Jacobs, and City Mayors        There is nothing fair and just about the modern
Bill de Blasio and now Eric Adams have presided      politics of the Democrat Party. They have
over a state and city where crime rates are up       abandoned the working and middle classes, and
due to numerous poor decisions and ridiculous        it is time for all Americans, Republicans,
COVID policies that shut cities down, obscene        Independents, and ancestral Democrats, to
restrictions on bail, and the election of            realize that they will never get a fair deal from
progressive DA’s intent on ruining quality of life   the Democrats. Instead, it’s time to revisit
in pursuit of nebulous objectives. The COVID         another historic “Deal” and to vote for a Square
policies did not yield results as the state had      Deal from the party of the Union and the party
some of the highest deaths per capita in the         that has preserved Liberty. In the coming
nation.                                              months, the New York Young Republican Club,
                                                     where the party’s future meets and is inspired by
At the same time, Democrats under temporary          the past—will roll out a populist and patriotic
Saint Cuomo received no major scrutiny from the      platform for the City, State, and Country in the
media for establishing policies that killed          2020s and onward. Stay tuned!

            Board Position Available: Activism
                  Committee Chairman
The New York Young Republican Club is on the         Applicants must be a current member of the Club
lookout for a new Activism Committee Chairman.       in good standing and be willing to commit to at
The Chairman of this committee serves as a           least one board meeting and one Club event per
voting member of the Club’s Board of Governors.      month.
We are looking for someone with a passion for
both conservative politics and a background in       If you are interested in applying for this position
political campaigns, grassroots activism, non-       please fill out the application form on         our
profits, or government.                              website and if you qualify we will reach out to set
                                                     up an interview.
The Activism Chairperson will be responsible for
attending and organizing political rallies,
protests, and other grassroots initiatives.

 "And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward
is with Me, to give every man according as his
   work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the
beginning and the end, the first and the last."
                 - Jesus Christ

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ISSUE XIII, MAY 2022                                                       THE RECORD

 To promote and maintain the principles of the Republican Party; to foster within the
Republican Party and make practical in service of the municipality, state and nation,
 the idealism characteristic of youth; to correct in our own party that tendency of all
 parties to make organization an end rather than a means; to develop sound principle
and public spirit in party politics; to promote honest and fair electoral methods, to the
end that the expression of the popular will by whatever party or body, shall be as free,
    untrammeled and equal as possible; to resist and expose political corruption; to
   advocate merit rather than partisan service as entitling to public office; to watch
legislation and to encourage public attention to and efficiently criticize the conduct of

                   Executive Committee
                                President: Gavin M. Wax
                            Vice President: Nathan E. Berger
                             Treasurer: Claire E. Roeschke
                          Recording Secretary: Nicholas J. Tan
                        Corresponding Secretary: Ilana A. Marcus
                          Sergeant-at-Arms: Dylan J. Gallagher
                         Executive Secretary: Viswanag B. Burra

                     Board of Governors
         Activism Chairman: Vacant                   Library Chairwoman: Joyce Wu
    Advisory Chairman: Brian J. Osterman      Media Chairwoman: Denice Flores Almendares
   Campaigns Chairwoman: Nicole Kiprilov      Membership Chairwoman: Asha D. Rampertaap
 Communications Chairwoman: Chelsea J. Hall      Outreach Chairwoman: Lauryn D. Lamp
     Design Chairman: Becky N. Oliveira          Philanthropy Chairman: Jarret Freeman
     Finance Chairman: Paxton G. Cane                Policy Chairman: Troy M. Olson
  Fundraising Chairwoman: Lauren I. Mazer      Publications Chairman: Nicholas T. Rafael Jr.
      History Chairman: Aldo J. Solares       Recruitment Chairwoman: Amanda L. Sullivan
    House Chairwoman: Elizabeth S. Ruh              Rules Chairman: Alexander B. Zhik
      Law Chairwoman: Kiera M. Guzzo              Socials Chairwoman: Maria L. Fafian
                          Speakers Chairwoman: Macayle A. Carey


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