IMPROVING HEALTH THROUGH THE USE OF GENOMIC DATA - Finland s Genome Strategy Working Group Proposal - Sitra

Page created by Helen Clark
IMPROVING HEALTH THROUGH THE USE OF GENOMIC DATA - Finland s Genome Strategy Working Group Proposal - Sitra
    Finland´s Genome Strategy
     Working Group Proposal
IMPROVING HEALTH THROUGH THE USE OF GENOMIC DATA - Finland s Genome Strategy Working Group Proposal - Sitra
IMPROVING HEALTH THROUGH THE USE OF GENOMIC DATA - Finland s Genome Strategy Working Group Proposal - Sitra

Recent advances in genomic re-           information should be strengthened,      solid basis for implementing the pro-
search are leading to a new era in       and people need to be empowered          posed actions.
medicine. In the next few years, the     to improve their own health by
use of genomic data in healthcare        effective use of genomic information.    Finland has the potential to grow into
will rapidly increase. In the future,                                             an internationally interesting partner
decisions regarding the prevention       The working group proposes the           in genomics research and geno­mics-
and treatment of diseases will be        establishment of a national genome       related enterprise. This objective can
increasingly based on an individual’s    centre that would bring together all     be achieved through closer coope­
genetic makeup. This major change        parties within the field of genomics.    ration between the relevant stake-
in medicine requires careful prepa-      The centre will have the responsibi­     holders in Finland and by entrusting
ration.                                  lity for development of the national     the national genome centre with the
                                         reference database and for imple-        negotiation of contracts on behalf of
The National Genome Strategy sets        menting many of the actions inclu­       the Finnish partnership network. A
key measures for ensuring that, by       ded in the genome strategy. A legal      national service point at the genome
2020, genomic data will be effec-        framework should be developed for        centre would enhance genomics
tively used in healthcare and in the     the genome centre, and government        research and innovation, benefiting
promotion of health and wellbeing.       funding for the centre needs to be       directly both Finns and Finland’s
Achieving this objective will require    secured. A strong tradition of genetic   health services. However, the window
development of a Finnish national        research in Finland, the existing        of opportunity for exploiting Finland’s
reference database of genomes to         comprehensive health registers and       strengths will be open for a few years
be used in clinical care and research.   population databases, and the high       at best.
The capacity of healthcare pro-          quality sample collections in biobanks
fessionals to apply genome-based         are valuable assets that provide a

                                     KEY WORDS:
     DATA PROTECTION | DATA SECURITY | GENE TESTS | GENES | GENOME                                 | GENOMICS

IMPROVING HEALTH THROUGH THE USE OF GENOMIC DATA - Finland s Genome Strategy Working Group Proposal - Sitra

Perimän tutkimuksessa saavutetut           on vahvistettava terveydenhuollon         Suomella on kaikki edellytykset
edistysaskeleet johtavat uuteen            ammattilaisten valmiuksia käyttää         nousta kansainvälisesti tavoitelluksi
aikakauteen lääketieteessä. Genomi-        genomitietoa sekä ihmisten kykyä          yhteistyökumppaniksi genomi-
tiedon eli ihmisen koko perimästä          tehdä terveyteensä liittyviä päätöksiä.   tutkimuksessa ja genomiikka-alan
saatavan tiedon käyttö terveyden-                                                    yritystoiminnassa. Tämä tavoite
huollossa yleistyy lähivuosina. Tulevai-   Työryhmä esittää kansallisen, kaikki      saavutetaan tiivistämällä toimijaken-
suudessa terveyden edistäminen ja          toimijat yhdistävän genomikeskuk-         tän yhteistyötä ja antamalla genomi-
sairauksien hoito suunnitellaan usein      sen perustamista. Sen tehtävänä on        keskukselle valtuudet valmistella
yksilöllisesti perimästä saatavan tie-     vastata valtakunnallisen genomitie-       keskitetysti sopimuksia suomalai-
don perusteella. Tähän muutokseen          tokannan kehittämisestä ja usei-          sen yhteistyöverkoston puolesta.
on valmistauduttava huolella.              den genomistrategiaan sisältyvien         Kansallisen palvelupisteen luomi-
                                           toimenpiteiden toimeenpanosta.            nen genomikeskukseen tehostaisi
Kansallisessa genomistrategiassa esi-      Genomikeskuksen perustamisesta            suuresti genomitutkimusta ja alan
tetään keskeiset toimenpiteet, joilla      olisi säädettävä lailla ja sen kansal-    kehitystoimintaa, joiden tulokset
varmistetaan genomitiedon tehokas          linen rahoitus olisi varmistettava.       hyödyttäisivät suoraan suomalaisia ja
hyödyntäminen terveydenhuol-               Suomen vankka osaaminen geenitut-         suomalaista terveydenhuoltoa.
lossa sekä terveyttä ja hyvinvointia       kimuksessa, kattavat terveystietojen      Aikailuun ei kuitenkaan ole syytä.
edistävässä päätöksenteossa vuonna         tietovarannot ja biopankkien korkea-      Aikaikkuna Suomen vahvuuksien
2020. Tavoitteeseen pääseminen             laatuiset näytekokoelmat muodosta-        hyödyntämiselle on korkeintaan
edellyttää kansallisen genomitieto-        vat huomattavan kansallisen pää-          muutama vuosi.
kannan perustamista ja tietokannan         oman, johon perustuen ehdotetut
hyödyntämistä potilaiden hoidossa          toimenpiteet voidaan toteuttaa.
ja tieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Lisäksi



Framstegen inom genomforskningen         inom hälso- och sjukvården har att        samarbetspartner inom genomforsk-
håller på att inleda en ny tidsera       använda genominformation och den          ning och företagsverksamhet inom
inom medicinen. Användningen av          förmåga som människor har att fatta       genomikbranschen. Detta mål kan
genominformation, dvs. information       beslut som berör den egna hälsan          uppnås genom ett tätare samarbe-
om människans hela arvsmassa,            behöver stärkas.                          te mellan de olika aktörerna och
kommer under de närmaste åren                                                      genom att genominstitutet ges be-
att öka inom hälso- och sjukvården.      Arbetsgruppen föreslår att det            fogenheter att centralt bereda avtal
I framtiden kommer hälsofrämjan-         inrättas ett nationellt genomcentrum      på det finska samarbetsnätverkets
de och vård av sjukdomar ofta att        som förenar alla aktörer och som          vägnar. Inrättande av ett nationellt
planeras individuellt utifrån den        ska svara för utvecklandet av den         serviceställe vid genomcentrum-
information som fås från genomet.        nationella genomdatabasen och ge-         et skulle i stor grad effektivisera
Den här förändringen måste man           nomförandet av flera av de åtgärder       genomforskningen och utvecklandet
omsorgsfullt förbereda sig inför.        som ingår i genomstrategin. Försla-       av branschen, och resultaten av
                                         get innebär att det föreskrivs genom      denna verksamhet kunde komma
I den nationella genomstrategin fö-      lag om inrättande av ett genomcen-        till direkt nytta för finländarna och
reslås centrala åtgärder genom vilka     trum och att den nationella finansie-     den finländska hälso- och sjukvården.
det kan säkerställas att man i Finland   ringen säkerställs. Finlands gedigna      Tidsramen för utnyttjandet av Fin-
år 2020 effektivt använder genomin-      kunnande inom den genetiska forsk-        lands styrkor är dock högst några år.
formation till godo för människor-       ningen, de heltäckande datalagren
nas hälsa inom hälsovården och i         för hälsodata och de högkvalitativa
beslutsfattande som främjar hälsa        provsamlingarna i biobankerna bildar
och välmående. För att målet ska         ett betydande nationellt kapital som
uppnås krävs det att det inrättas en     genomförandet av de föreslagna
nationell genomdatabas som det är        åtgärderna kan grundas på.
möjligt att utnyttja i vården av pa-
tienter och i vetenskaplig forskning.    Finland har alla förutsättningar för
Det kunnande som yrkespersoner           att bli en internationellt eftertraktad



Within the next few years, recent          The Chair of the working group was      The working group used the views
advances in genomics technology            Director Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki      presented during the workshops to
will enable wide-ranging use of            from MSAH’s Department for              draft strategic goals and proposals
genomic data in clinical care and in       Social and Health Services, and the     for an action plan. The stakeholders
the prevention of diseases. Com-           Vice-Chair was Professor Kristiina      gave their feedback on the propos-
prehensive planning is required to         Aittomäki from the University of        als during a hearing and discussion
prepare for this change. The devel-        Helsinki and the Hospital District of   held on January 12, 2015. The ex-
opment of such a plan was included         Helsinki and Uusimaa’s laboratory       perts and anyone else interested in
in the recommendations of the              service (HUSLAB). The members of        the subject were given the oppor-
national Strategy for Growth in Re-        the working group are presented in      tunity to comment on the proposals
search and Innovation in the Health        Appendix 2.                             and the draft strategy through the
Sector, published in May 2014 (MEE                                                 Innovillage collaborative develop-
reports 12/2014).                          In the formulation of the strategy,     ment platform and the “ ”
                                           the Ministry of Social Affairs and      service which enables people to ex-
The Ministry of Social Affairs and         Health worked closely with the          press their views on public decisions.
Health (MSAH) set up a working             Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. The      The feedback was taken into consid-
group to formulate a National              Health Section of the Advisory          eration when finalising the strategy.
Genome Strategy in healthcare              Board on Biotechnology acted as a       During the development of the
during the period of 1.9.2014 –            consultative expert group.              strategy, an active public communi-
30.4.2015. The strategy will establish                                             cations programme on the progress
the conditions that are required for       During the autumn of 2014, the          of the work was maintained.
the effective utilisation of genomic       working group organised six
data in Finnish healthcare. It will also   workshops on different themes.          Having completed its work, the
promote genomics research and              More than one hundred experts           working group respectfully sub-
the development of applications for        from various fields participated, as    mits its unanimous proposal for a
genomic data in the field of human         did representatives of other stake-     National Genome Strategy to the
health.                                    holder groups such as companies.        Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.

Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki            Antti Kivelä Kristiina Aittomäki
Director                             Director     Professor, Chief Physician
Health Services Group                Sitra        University of Helsinki and HUSLAB
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health					.


    1.           Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................. 8
    2.           Finland as a utilizer of genomic data.........................................................................................................12
    3.           Goals of the genome strategy......................................................................................................................15
    3.1          Ethical principles and legislation govern the responsible use of genomic data................18
    3.2          Genomics research is closely integrated into healthcare..............................................................20
    3.3          Healthcare personnel have the knowledge and skills to use genomic data.......................22
    3.4          Finland has information systems enabling the effective use of genomic data...................23
  3.5            Genomic data are widely used in healthcare based on individual
		               and population needs........................................................................................................................................26
    3.6          Individuals are able to make use of genomic data in their own lives.....................................29
  3.7            Finland is an internationally attractive research and business environment
		               in the field of genomics....................................................................................................................................31
    4.           Roadmap for implementation and monitoring...................................................................................33

    Appendix 1 Useful links..................................................................................................................................................37
    Appendix 2 Genome Strategy Working Group membership..................................................................38


The novel research methods in genetics open up new possibilities to identify the causes of human health and
disease, as well as to create new means for disease prevention and targeted care. The use of genomic data, i.e.
information about an individual’s whole genetic makeup, is rapidly increasing in healthcare. In the future, health
promotion and the treatment of diseases will be increasingly based on individual genetic makeup. Genomic data
will enable us to make better individualised choices, to target the screening of the diseases more precisely, to
make more accurate diagnosis and to select the most effective care.

WHAT IS KNOWN                             Above all, we have seen the high          more accurately. In addition, we can
ABOUT A PERSON’S                          level of variation in people’s genet-     identify individual risks of disease
GENETIC MAKEUP?                           ic makeup, and understood that            and prevent diseases before their
Human genetic makeup or genome            individual differences in susceptibil-    onset. The use of genetic informa-
has been researched for decades in        ity to many common diseases are           tion will also enable people to take
order to diagnose diseases and to         related to this variation. Thus we can
understand their causes. There was        presume that preventive methods
a significant step forward in genome      and individual treatments can also          Practical applications of
                                                                                      genomic data
research in 2000, when the full se-       be developed for the most common
quence of the human genome was            diseases. These methods would be
completed. Although not perfect, it       applied especially in high risk groups.     Cost-effective drug treatment
                                                                                      with pharmacogenomic tests
launched a technological develop-                                                     Clopidogrel is a commonly used drug to
ment producing a range of methods         SIGNIFICANCE OF GENOMIC                     prevent clotting in the blood vessels of
which could be applied to genome          DATA TO THE INDIVIDUAL                      the heart and brain. Every year about
research and were significantly more      AND THE SOCIETY                             30,000 new patients are prescribed this
cost-effective than before.               Data on individual genetic makeup is        medication in Finland. For about 15-25%
                                          a key to promoting health and well-         of patients the prevention of vascular
The new genomic methods, i.e.             being as well as new thinking about         events is low because the genetic
methods that examine the entire           healthcare and practices. Extensive         changes in the CYP2C19 enzyme slow
genetic makeup of a person instead        use of genomic data is expected to          down the production of the active drug
of individual genes, expand the use       produce significant benefits                in their bodies. Therefore, in order to
                                                                                      evaluate the effectiveness of the drug
of genetic information to cover hu-       (Figure 1). Individuals will be able
                                                                                      treatment, a CYP2C19 genetic test
man health, susceptibility to diseases,   to get more effective medicines and
                                                                                      should be carried out on patients before
and changes in the genetic makeup         care. It will be possible to diag-          prescribing clopidogrel.
that are linked to a specific disease.    nose diseases at an early stage and

responsibility for their own health
                                         Practical applications of genomic data
and wellbeing, should they so wish.
Since the new technologies have
                                         Prevention and targeted treatment of diabetes
significantly reduced the cost of se-
                                         Diabetes (DM) is one of the fastest growing diseases in Finland and the world.
quencing the genome, various types
                                         Over 500,000 Finns suffer from diabetes, and it is estimated that the number of patients
of genetic tests are being offered       could double during the next 10−15 years.
also direct-to-consumer around the
world. These technologies enable         The spectrum of diabetes is complex. Molecular genetic research has also identified
anyone to obtain information on his      rare hereditary forms. There are over one hundred known genetic changes increasing
or her own genetic makeup. The ob-       predisposition to the most common form, type 2 diabetes, but there could be thousands
jective of the genome strategy is to     of these changes in the genome. Therefore people belonging to genetic risk groups have
create equal opportunities to health     a large number of modifications in their genetic makeup that make them susceptible to
benefits brought by genomic data.        diabetes.

Combining information on genetic         If each year 2-5% of diabetes cases could be prevented by risk profiling and
                                         preventive action, the direct savings in health care costs would be 28–70 million euros
makeup with health data will con-
                                         a year including the additional costs caused by co-morbidities of DM. In addition, more
tinuously generate new information
                                         accurate identification of the sub-type of diabetes would help to predict the course of the
about the relationship of genetic        disease in each patient and to select targeted treatment.
makeup to diseases and the results
of their treatments. This information
will benefit and save the costs of
                                        ic data, and commercial activities will           should have confidence that their
healthcare, as interventions can be
                                        have a point of contact for building              genetic information is used in an
designed to be more preventive and
                                        up innovation and business around                 ethically responsible and legally
                                        genomic data.                                     sound manner. Genomic data are
                                                                                          sensitive personal data. Therefore
If Finland succeeds in building an
                                        The systematic collection of genetic              data protection regulations will have
interesting research and business en-
                                        information has increased rapidly                 to be taken into consideration in the
vironment in the field of genomics,
                                        in several countries during recent                implementation of the strategy. Par-
this could generate significant new
                                        years. In order for genetic infor-                ticular attention should be paid to
scientific and commercial activities
                                        mation to be more widely used in                  the secure use of genomic data and
for Finland. Research will benefit
                                        healthcare, clinical research and in              the maintenance of people’s trust.
from improved availability of genom-
                                        commercial applications, people


                             More effective
                             prevention of            Better
                               diseases            possibilities
                                                  for individuals
         Targeted                                  to promote
         screening                               their own health

More effective                Cost-effective                 More productive
  diagnosis                    healthcare                       research

                          Interesting innovation

          Figure 1. The benefits of using genomic data effectively.

IS TRANSFORMING                            Practical applications of genomic data
Genetic tests are already fairly wide-     Genetic test reduces morbidity and mortality
                                           Lynch syndrome is a hereditary condition causing susceptibility to cancer. It has a high risk
ly used in healthcare. In 2012,
                                           of colon cancer, and uterine and ovarian cancer in women. The child of a carrier of the
approximately 100,000 genetic
                                           genetic defect has a 50% risk of inheriting the defect. All carriers of the genetic defect
tests were carried out in Finland. Of
                                           are monitored regularly by colonoscopy. Those who have not inherited the genetic defect
these, about 30% were carried out          do not need follow-up.
to diagnose hereditary diseases and
to identify high susceptibility to         Through follow-up of the carriers of the defect, over 50% of the colon cancer cases can
certain diseases. In the future, there     be prevented by removing the precancerous lesions during colonoscopy. The prognosis of
will be no radical change in the           confirmed cancer is generally good since they are detected at an early stage. Therefore
status of these genetic tests, but         genetic tests are cost-effective and reduce both morbidity and mortality caused by Lynch
they will become more comprehen-           syndrome.
sive and more cost-effective.

The application in healthcare of         1) Diagnostic tests for defining                   4) Predicting susceptibility to
information gained from genome           the cause of a rare disease or for                 common diseases by genetic risk
research is becoming significantly       identifying high-risk susceptibility for           profiling.
more diverse. Depending on their         a specific disease
purpose, genome-wide tests can be                                                           This kind of use of genomic data
divided into the following groups:       2) Research into the molecular                     produces peronalized healthcare. It
                                         mechanisms of diseases. For ex-                    predicts risks, prevents diseases and
                                         ample, examination of the genetic                  is both customized and participatory.
                                         changes in a malignant tumour as a                 Participatory means that a person
                                         part of cancer treatment                           is more capable of taking care of his
                                                                                            or her health by having access to
                                         3) Pharmacogenetic tests for the                   comprehensive information on the
                                         assessment of the suitability of a                 factors affecting it.
                                         specific drug for a patient’s treat-


The genetic structure of the Finnish population provides us with a unique possibility to function as pathfinders
and early utilizers of genomic data. By combining genomic and health data we can identify connections of genetic
makeup to the health of the population and the effectiveness of treatment in a manner which would be difficult
or impossible elsewhere. Finland is also one of the world’s leading developers of health technology and experts
in information and communications technology. Finland has an opportunity to become a model country in com-
bining genetic information, clinical data and information on personal wellbeing.

INTERNATIONAL                             methods for early detection and          Several other countries, such as Italy
OPERATING ENVIRONMENT                     treatment of diseases.                   and Canada, have launched projects
The opportunities for utilizing                                                    aiming at utilizing genomic data with
genomic data in medicine have             Also Estonia has advanced in the         the objective of improving national
been recognised around the world.         collection and utilisation of genomic    health care systems and making
Several countries have drawn up, or       data. The legislation on research into   them more efficient. On the other
are drawing up, strategies and action     human genes was passed in 1999,          hand, this can also be seen as a part
plans to utilize genomic data.            and one year later Estonia’s genome      of worldwide research and business.
                                          project fund was established. In         Nations that are the first to attract
For example, the British National         Estonia, there is a specific objective   international partners will gain the
Health Service (NHS) has launched         to reduce the costs of healthcare by     most benefit from cooperation.
a 300 million pound genome project        investing in the use of genomic data
with the target of reading the ge-        in the prevention of disease.            FINLAND COULD BECOME A
netic makeup of 100,000 people. In                                                 MODEL OF GENOMIC DATA
Germany, the Ministry of Education        NHS compares the genome project          USE
and Research has earmarked 360            with the construction of railways        Finland is particularly well placed to
million euros to promote personal-        during the Victorian era. The railway    utilize genomic data. From a global
ized medicine during the next three       did not just provide a fast and          perspective, Finland’s strengths in-
years. And in the United States, a 215    cheap way of moving from one             clude a high standard of healthcare,
million dollar genome project has         place to another, but also increased     uniform treatment practices, reliable
been launched. All these projects aim     commercial activity in many ways.        healthcare registers, a long tradition
at utilizing the results in the health-   The genome project is expected to        of high-quality genetic research, and
care sector. At the same time they        promote innovation and economic          the willingness of the population to
generate data which can be used in        activity within the health sector,       participate in scientific research.
developing new medicines and              which will contribute to creating
                                          welfare in the country.

Finns are genetically relatively           and possible risk factors motivates      out their consent, and that all the
homogenous. This provides special          people to change their lifestyles        measures are carried out according
opportunities to combine genomic           and prevent diseases. If 2 to 5 per      to the law, ethical and legal guide-
and health data. As a result, genetic      cent of heart and vascular diseases      lines as well as interfaces with data
mechanisms targeted by drugs can           could be prevented, this would save      security must be created.
be identified in a manner that is          healthcare costs of 10–26 million
difficult, if not impossible, elsewhere.   euros every year.                        There is a risk that the operating en-
Finland is also one of the world’s                                                  vironment becomes fragmented and
leading developers of health tech-         THREATS AND RISKS                        that there will be several different
nology. In addition, we have good          RELATED TO UTILISATION                   databases for storing genomic data.
skills in information and communica-       OF GENOMIC DATA                          This would be particularly damaging
tions technology. In the future, it will   Everyone must have an equal              to Finland, given its comparatively
be possible for individuals to collect     opportunity to benefit from              small population. There is also a risk
information relating to their health       genomic data. If Finland is not well     that no new economic activity will
and lifestyle using the My Kanta Pag-      prepared to make use of this data,       be generated around genomic data
es service that is part of the national    the development of healthcare in a       research in Finland. In that case,
health data repository.                    more preventive and cost-effective       potential international partners will
                                           direction may be undermined. In this     focus their interest elsewhere.
The ability of the Finnish healthcare      case, genomic data would benefit
system to utilize the new possibilities    mainly those who can acquire and         New information technology
offered by genomic data depends            utilise it on their own initiative.      solutions help people to use their
on current information technology                                                   own genetic information safely. We
solutions and on the training of           A critical requirement for the           must ensure that genomic data are
healthcare professionals to utilize        collection and utilisation of genomic    generated and processed only by
genomic data.                              data is that people can trust it to be   organisations that have the necessary
                                           handled confidentially with sufficient   professional and scientific resources
There are already significant projects     security measures respecting their       and methodologies. Surveys and
and programmes supporting the              wishes and rights. Lack of legislation   interviews should be carried out
utilisation of genomic data in the         or clarity and conflicting interpre-     at regular intervals to ensure that
Finnish healthcare. For example, the       tations could limit the utilisation of   the use of genetic information is in
objective of the GeneRISK Study            genomic data. In order to ensure         accordance with the needs, expecta-
is to analyse how the provision            that the data are not used against       tions and concerns of the population.
of information about one’s health          the wishes of the person or with-

DNA chips provide a rapid method
to analyze hundreds of thousands
of genetic changes simultaneously.


Due to the rapid increase in genomic data, there is a need for a National Genome Strategy. This would enable
healthcare to pave the way for the effective use of genomic data without compromising the legal protection and
fair treatment of individuals. At the same time, we need to ensure that Finland becomes an attractive country
for top level international research and innovation utilizing genomic data. A national genome centre is needed to
implement the genome strategy, to coordinate cooperation and to ensure that the strategic goals are achieved.

NEED FOR A GENOME                         ical care. Researchers, for their part,    wellbeing. It does not address other
STRATEGY                                  will have entirely new opportunities       significant spheres of application of
The full-scale use of genomic data in     for utilizing genomic data in scientific   genomics nor specific treatments.
healthcare requires thorough prepa-       research. Society may benefit from         The aim is to implement the strate-
ration. There is a need for a com-        a containment of healthcare costs          gy by 2020.
prehensive strategy to respond to         and better allocation of resources.
the many challenges. These include        In addition, the aim is to transform       The genome strategy is aligned with
health technology assessment of ge-       Finland into an internationally attrac-    the Health Sector Growth Strategy
netic tests; quality assurance of the     tive environment for research and          for Research and Innovation Activ-
genetic tests and testing laboratories;   business in the field of genomics.         ities and the national eHealth and
equity in access to genetic testing                                                  eSocial Strategy. The implementa-
and counselling as well as treatment      IMPROVING HEALTH                           tion of the genome strategy should
based on the test results; training       THROUGH THE USE OF                         rely as far as possible on existing
of healthcare staff; data protection;     GENOMIC DATA                               structures.
dealing with incidental findings; and     The strategic vision is:
containing the costs of genetic tests                                                A particular focus of the strategy
and personalized care.                          In 2020, genomic infor-              is on data utilisation. The aim is
                                          mation will be effectively used            that Finland would concentrate on
STRATEGIC AIM                             in Finland to achieve popula-              using genomic data to produce high
The aim of the strategy is to make        tion health benefits”.The guid-            added value. Another area of focus
Finnish healthcare more effective.        ing principle of the strategy is           is creating a single body, a genome
This will be achieved by providing        “Improving health through the              centre, for the management of
people with better and more target-       use of genomic data.                       genomic data and to serve as a na-
ed care. Healthcare professionals will                                               tional service point for stakeholder
gain access to more comprehensive         The strategy is limited in scope to        groups using genomic data.
genomic data for application in clin-     the promotion of human health and


           Genomic data              Individuals                Finland is
          are widely used            are able to             an attractive
            in healthcare           make use of              research and
              based on             genomic data                 business
           individual and        in their own lives          environment
             population                                       in genomics

Use of genomic      Genomics research               Healthcare             Information
data is governed         is closely               personnel have         systems enable
   by ethical        integrated into                skills to use        effective use of
 principles and         healthcare                 genomic data           genomic data

                                                               ENABLING GOALS

                      Figure 2. The goals of the genome strategy.

STRATEGIC GOALS                         The ultimate goals are built on the
The genome strategy has seven           foundation of the enabling goals. The
main goals, four of which are ena-      actual benefits of genomic data use
bling goals and three are ultimate      for individuals, Finnish healthcare and
goals (Figure 2).                       the society will be obtained through
                                        the attainment of the ultimate goals.
By achieving the enabling goals,
the necessary conditions will be        A national genome centre is needed
created for the full-scale use of       for the implementation of the ge-
genomic data in healthcare,             nome strategy. The genome centre
research and commercial activity as     will develop and maintain a national
well as in people’s own lives.          reference database of genomes and
The enabling goals are related to       a database of genomic variants. It
ethical principles and legislation,     will provide a single point of contact
the integration of genomic              for research institutions and com-
research into healthcare, the ability   panies needing research, contractual
of healthcare professionals to apply    and commercialisation services.
genomic data, and the development
of information systems that will        In the following chapters, each
enable the efficient utilisation        goal and the proposed activities to
of the data.                            achieve them are described.


Advances in genomic technology raise ethical and legal issues relating to people’s privacy and the predictive na-
ture of genomic data, among other things. In order for genomic data to be used effectively in healthcare, research
and in commercial activities, the use of data related to the human genome must be safe and governed by law and

Genetic tests generate data on the         also be given the opportunity to re-    regulations will have to be taken
genetic makeup of both the individ-        ceive counselling on the implications   into account in the implementation
ual and his or her biological relatives.   of the findings of genetic tests.       of the strategy.
The data can be used to predict
disease by identifying whether the         The interests and welfare of the        Information systems must be de-
person has a genetic change that will      individual should always have pri-      veloped so that genomic data are
cause a disease or protect the per-        ority when investigating the human      stored and used securely. Privacy
son from it. It is important that peo-     genome. Discrimination based on         must be protected and misuse
ple get enough information about           genetic makeup is prohibited in         of information about an individu-
the significance of genomic data.          many international agreements,          al’s genetic makeup prevented. In
                                           declarations and recommendations        the case of data about a person’s
Because of the sensitive nature of         to which Finland is committed. The      entire genetic makeup, conventional
information about a person’s genetic       Council of Europe’s Convention          precautionary measures cannot
makeup, it is necessary to ensure          on Human Rights and Biomedicine         completely eliminate the possibil-
that the data are not used in a            allows predictive genetic testing       ity of the person being identified.
way that would harm that person            for health purposes only, or for        Therefore genetic data linked to an
or other people. Everyone should           health-related scientific research.     identifiable person and stored for
have the right to manage one’s own         Thus genetic tests cannot be carried    scientific research or any other pur-
genomic data. New information              out, for example, for insurance         poses must be held confidential.
technology solutions make it easier        purposes. Finland’s criminal code
for people to monitor and use their        prohibits discrimination in employ-
genomic data. This has to be en-           ment on the grounds of genetic
sured through legislation. Everyone        characteristics.
can decide for themselves whether
they wish to be informed about             The use of genomic data involves
their genetic makeup and suscepti-         the handling of sensitive personal
bility to diseases. Everyone should        data. Consequently, data protection

ACTIVITY 1                               ACTIVITY 2
– Confirm the ethical principles         – Prepare legal framework for
concerning the use of genomic            the use of genomic data
                                         The needs for revision of the legisla-
Establish a multi-disciplinary working   tion are identified and the necessary
group to draw up ethical principles      regulatory amendments are pre-
and working practices which respect      pared.
the rights of the individual and for
the responsible use of genomic           The applicable data protection regu-
data in healthcare, research and         lations are mapped out, and the pur-
product development. International       pose of collecting and using genomic
recommendations should be taken          data, among others, is defined.
into account when drawing up the
principles. Promote the adoption of
these principles and working practic-
es through training.


The Finnish public healthcare system has broad responsibility for the citizen’s health.This has enabled to establish
large databases related to healthcare. This data together with genomic information, other public registers and
our specific population history, create exceptionally good conditions for the use of genomic data in research and

Valuable sample collections have         international reference databases          care visit, taking into account the
been put together in Finland, such       but also data about the genome of          individual’s informed right to decide.
as the National Institute for Health     the Finnish people and its variations.
and Welfare’s population research        Finns relate positively to scientific      ACTIVITY 4
material that has been collected over    research. As a result, the collection of   – Identify the procedures and
decades. A large part of the sample      samples needed to create a referen-        create the conditions for using
collections is being transferred to      ce database can be carried out as          scientific data effectively and
wider use under the terms of the         part of healthcare visits.                 efficiently in healthcare
Biobank Act. These collections of
samples and the possibility to com-      ACTIVITY 3                                 Subject to authorisation, it has been
bine them with register data have        – Create a national                        possible to use healthcare data
placed Finland, like other Nordic        reference database of                      in scientific research that utilises
countries, in the position of being an   genomes                                    genomic data. The transfer of genomic
internationally interesting centre for                                              data in the opposite direction, from
genome research.                         A national reference database              scientific research to patient care
                                         of genomes will be established.            has been considerably less common.
Even on a global scale, Finland’s        Genomic data produced by various           However, high quality genomic data
national registers provide a rare        organisations will be stored in the        generated in research would be
opportunity to link collected samples    database, and the linking of health        useful, for example, in the selection
to long-term monitoring data. This       data with genomic data will be made        of certain drug treatments. In addi-
increases the value of the collections   possible. In addition, the necessa-        tion, procedures should be created
considerably. The goal is that in the    ry links to international databases        to evaluate which incidental findings
future, all patient data and national    should be set up.                          revealed by research should be com-
register data can be combined with                                                  municated to people and how.
genomic data.                            Plan and implement the collection
                                         and management of the consents             The long-term goal is to use referen-
For scientific research and health­      required for the use of genomic data.      ce databases in planning healthcare
care there is a need not only for        Consent can be given during a health­      services and in targeting them at

the population and individual level.
In addition, it must be ensured that
healthcare units have the right to
access data in order to promote
appropriate and cost-effective care.
The unit providing care should have
at their disposal all available, relevant


In the future, primary and specialised care providers must have knowledge of genomics and skills to apply genom-
ic information in service planning and clinical care. The need for genetics services is increasing. Fair access to
services can only be ensured through adequate training of healthcare personnel.

The education and training of            Enhance genetics education by            ACTIVITY 7
healthcare professionals must be         mainstreaming it in the initial pro-     – Assess the need for profes-
developed to ensure that the             fessional education of doctors and       sionals in clinical genetics
personnel has up-to-date knowled-        other healthcare professionals. The
ge and skills in genomics and on         goal is that during basic training the   In Finnish healthcare, the genetics
the use of genetic information and       student acquires adequate knowled-       professionals working in the clinical
its limits. The personnel needs to       ge about genetics and the use of         setting are doctors specialised in
know where they can access new           genetic information.                     genetics and genetics nurses who
information related to genomics and                                               have been trained on the job. In
how genetic tests and information        ACTIVITY 6                               many countries, there is also a third
can be used in healthcare. Training in   – Develop and implement a                category of health professionals, ge-
the use of genomic data should be        training programme for the               netic counsellors, who are trained in
tailored for each professional and       current healthcare workforce             genetic counselling. The need for all
specialist group. Training curricula                                              three professional groups in Finland
must be updated regularly.               Develop a training programme on          should be assessed and the number
                                         genomics for the continuing pro-         of trainees should be adjusted based
ACTIVITY 5                               fessional development of different       on identified needs. If necessary, a
– Reinforce and update genetics          groups of healthcare professionals.      curriculum for genetic counsellors
education in the curricula of            The programme should be versatile        should be introduced.
healthcare professionals                 and utilize online training.


The extensive use of genomic data requires seamless data connections across information systems and interfaces.
Finland must develop a comprehensive IT architecture for managing genomic data.

Historically, the emphasis in the          The utilisation of genomic data          to international standards. This will
development of information systems         should not be seen simply as an          ensure that genomic data produced
in the health sector has been on           information technology project, but      in Finland are internationally com-
the collection and local utilisation of    as part of the development of an         parable.
data within organisations. As a result,    ecosystem for public and private
data transfer between organisations        services. In the future, various kinds   The efficient use of genomic data
is not seamless at the moment.             of services and applications can         will bring significant benefits to heal-
The national eHealth and eSocial           be built around genomic data. For        thcare and research. The greatest
Strategy shifts the emphasis of de-        example, there will be a need for        benefit is gained when genomic data
velopment work from collecting and         more genomic data interpretation         are combined with other healthca-
transferring data to ways of using         services. Even if an individual’s        re and wellbeing information such
data efficiently in the promotion of       genome does not change, it will be       as clinical patient data as well as
personal wellbeing, in the clinical set-   interpreted several times either as      information about lifestyle and en-
ting and in healthcare management.         a whole or in part as understanding      vironment. Existing solutions will be
The objective is also to use the data      of the influence of genomic data         heavily relied on for the collection,
to support research, innovation and        increases. Interpretation of this data   storage, combining and utilizing the
commercial activities.                     requires a broad base of compari-        data. In addition, a service operator
                                           son material (reference and variati-     enabling the efficient use of data is
The special features of genomic            on databases).                           being planned. It will play an impor-
data are the large size of storage                                                  tant role in the processing of data
required, the need for a national          The informatics requirements for         for scientific and other purposes
reference database and the wide            the use of genomic data should be        (Figure 3).
range of applications of genomic           taken into account in the deve-
data in different areas and levels         lopment of national IT solutions         There are several electronic ser-
of healthcare. For the utilization of      in order to avoid creating double        vices in Finland that people are
genomic data it is important that the      structures.                              familiar with and value. These could
information technology solutions are                                                be used more widely in healthcare.
implemented using open and secure          In addition to national solutions, it    New information needs should be
interfaces.                                is extremely important to adhere         kept in mind when developing data


                                                  Centres of
                                                  Excellence                Other
       Healthcare           Research             (e.g.genome             organisations
                                                    centre)                              Individual

  DATA PROCESSING                                 SERVICE OPERATOR


                                         - National Health Data Repository

                                                      Clinical data
                                  My Kanta                                    Genome
                                   Pages                                      database


               Other                                                   National
                data                   Biobank
  Patient     sources     Patient                     Biobank          registers
data system             data system

          Figure 3. High-level design of the architecture for the generation, storage,
                          processing and utilisation of genomic data.

management systems. For instance,        capitalise on the results of other       is to decide on a common data
in the future information about an       ongoing Finnish projects that are        storage format. This will ensure that
individual’s genetic makeup could be     related to the genome strategy           the data are stored in a structured
included in decision support tools       such as the Finnish Innovation Fund      manner and that data generated
and other self-treatment services        Sitra’s service operator project and     using different definitions can be
used by individuals. People must         research projects coordinated by         utilized in a reliable way.
have the right to manage, prevent or     the Institute for Molecular Medicine
limit the utilisation of their genomic   Finland (FIMM), the Finnish Funding      The building of a comprehensive
and health data. On the other hand,      Agency for Innovation (Tekes) and        structure will also include developing
there must also be a possibility to      SalWe Ltd.                               national guidelines on data security
provide, subject to the individual’s                                              and protection as well as on the ma-
consent, anonymous data to com-          ACTIVITY 8                               nagement of consents and refusals.
mercial operators, for example to        – Develop an IT architecture             There will also be a public platform
be utilized in the development of        for genomic data                         for the storage and utilisation of
new medicines.                                                                    genomic data where people can ma-
                                         Define the aims for utilizing genomic    nage and control their own health
This component of the genome             data, especially with regard to ope-     information in order to promote
strategy focussing on information        rational needs. Identify the national    their personal wellbeing.
technology will be implemented           and international standards and
jointly with the national eHealth        conceptual models to be followed
and eSocial Strategy. During imple-      in storing, transferring and utilizing
mentation, the genome strategy will      genomic data. One of the first tasks


The use of genomic data can improve diagnosis and enhance the targeting of treatment. With genetic risk profil-
ing, screening can be focussed more precisely on susceptible subgroups of the population. The efficient utilisation
of genomic data must be equally available to the entire population. In addition, empowering people to use their
own genetic information as an aid in health planning will contribute to the prevention of diseases and enable
many to live a healthier life.

ACTIVITY 9                               of inherited diseases and high-risk        ACTIVITY 11
– Ensure that sufficient genetic         susceptibility in situations where the     – Promote the use of genetic
testing is performed on pa-              test results have relevance to several     risk profiling in the prevention
tients to determine the cause            family members.                            of diseases
of diseases, and that test results
also benefit family members              ACTIVITY 10                                As genomic data becomes more
and other relatives                      – Develop a procedure for                  precise, it will be possible to identify
                                         the systematic evaluation and              susceptibility to disease better. That
Genetic tests for inherited diseases     adoption of genetic tests                  opens up new possibilities for the
and high-risk susceptibility will be-                                               prevention of diseases. Guidelines
come increasingly important. In the      As genomic data changes, it is             and a databank will be created
future, decisions regarding treatment    impossible for every healthcare            for service providers and health­
and monitoring will be based to a        professional to monitor the changing       care professionals. It will be easy
greater extent on information on         field in sufficient detail and apply       to retrieve information about gene
the location of mutations in genes       their professional skills. That is why a   research from the databank as well
and the type of mutations. Identifi-     body is needed to prepare and mo-          as information on how to make de-
cation of family-specific mutations      nitor the effectiveness and efficiency     cision based on the results and how
is essential for identifying risk of     of genetic tests used in Finland’s         the results can be used in practical
disease or for ruling it out in family   healthcare system. The guidelines          work. Risk profile-based prevention
members and relatives. It will also      must take into account internatio-         could be based on medical treat-
result in a more efficient alloca­tion   nal recommendations, international         ment and changes to lifestyle, and
of resources. It is important to         developments in the field and the          to be successful there would also
ensure equitable access to genetic       availability of services, particularly     be a need for support services for
testing in the Finnish healthcare        in other EU countries. This expert         individuals.
system. Genetic tests are particu-       role would be a natural fit for the
larly valuable in the investigation      national genome centre.

Practical applications of                       Practical applications of genomic data
genomic data

                                                From cardiovascular disease risk assessment to prevention
Genetic information helps                       using genomic data
prevent sudden death
                                                Several thousand Finns unknowingly suffer from familial hypercholesterolaemia where
A 56-year-old woman developed sudden
                                                cholesterol levels are very high due to an inherited genetic defect. Without treatment
chest pain which was found to be caused
                                                their risk of cardiovascular disease is several times higher than in the average popu-
by a rupture of the ascending aorta. She
                                                lation. Their increased susceptibility could be easily detected with a genetic test and
survived after an emergency operation.
                                                taken into account in lifestyle choices and medication from early childhood.
Further examination of the family revealed
that the risk of rupture of the aorta was
                                                The common variation in the genome of the population influences our risk to develop
inherited in a dominant pattern, and the
                                                cardiovascular disease. Half of the difference in individual risk can be explained by
underlying genetic defect was identified.
                                                inherited characteristics. Compared to the average Finn, almost a million Finns carry
                                                changes in their genome that double the risk of heart disease.
All those at risk need to be monitored.
During genetic counselling, genetic testing
                                                In health promotion and prevention of cardiovascular events, there is a need for data
was performed on the patient’s four
                                                on changes in the genome and their significance as well as for guidelines on how to
siblings. One of the siblings had the genetic
                                                apply genomic data in healthcare. The use of genomic data can reduce morbidity and
defect, and therefore genetic counselling
                                                mortality and lead to more cost-effective healthcare.
and testing of the children was necessary.
The genetic defect was also identified
in the patient’s son who already had an
enlarged aortic root. An elective operation
was carried out thus avoiding the risk
of sudden death from a rupture of the
aorta. Since three siblings did not have the
genetic defect, they and their children did
not need any follow-up.

ACTIVITY 12                           ACTIVITY 13
Practical applications of
genomic data                                 – Provide healthcare                  – Analyse the costs and benefits
                                             professionals with a clinical         of making use of genomic data
Genetic test enables targeted                decision-making support tool
treatment of cancer                          based on genomic data                 Even though many kinds of gene-
Genetic changes in cancerous lesions guide                                         tic tests are possible, the use of all
the development of cancer. Identification    Risk profiles for diseases are        of them is not necessarily cost-­
of these changes enables the targeted
                                             generated from a large number,        effective. On the other hand, it is
treatment of cancer.
                                             usually several tens, of variations   possible to concentrate on effective
                                             in genetic makeup which are           treatments on the basis of gene-
In the example case, the patient had can-
cer of the colon removed by surgery, and     combined with other information       tic tests and to avoid the costs of
he underwent chemotherapy because the        about the patient. This is possible   ineffective or harmful treatments.
cancer had spread to lymph nodes. After      with electronic decision-making       Not all tests are associated with
one year the patient was found with liver    support. These kinds of informa-      possibilities for interventions that
metastases which could not be surgically     tion technology solutions have to     promote health or prevent diseases
removed due to their size and number.        be developed as tools to support      either. The cost-effectiveness of the
                                             healthcare professionals. The most    use of genomic data will have to
In tests for KRAS and NRAS oncogenes,        effective solutions will be disco­    be assessed at a national level and
no mutations were found in the cancerous     vered through pilot studies.          monitored as part of the operations
tissue, and targeted antibody treatment
                                                                                   of the genome centre.
against EGFR was started. The response
to treatment was positive and the patient
was operated to remove the liver metasta-
ses. There was no recurrence of the cancer
during follow-up. If a mutation would
have been found in the KRAS or NRAS
oncogenes, the treatment would have been
ineffective or even harmful.


Currently genomic data is mainly used to diagnose diseases and to guide the selection of treatment. In the future,
genetic risk profiling will be increasingly available as a preventive intervention or as part of a personal health plan.
This opportunity together with the necessary support services must be equally available to all.

More and more Finns are interest-         Legislation must be developed so        aimed at consumers. The use of ser-
ed in maintaining and promoting           that people have the right to use       vices must always be voluntary and
their health through lifestyle choices.   their genetic information and decide    based on the individual’s desire to
Information about individual genetic      on how it is used through consent       know. Resources should be directed
makeups will be critical in the future    management. The individual should       towards solutions that promote the
when we assess lifestyle risks and        also have the opportunity to acquire    nation’s health. These kinds of appli-
make lifestyle choices. Healthcare        information about their genetic         cations are particularly associated
needs common guidelines on the use        makeup and on the other hand, the       with disease risk profiling, evalua-
of genome-wide tests. At the same         right to share it with others.          tion of the suitability of drugs and
time we must consider the availability                                            the prevention of disease through
of such tests from the perspective of     ACTIVITY 14                             lifestyles that promote health.
those who want to know about their        – Provide guidelines for people
own genomic data. The provision of        on services related to genetic          It should be ensured that people
services must not lead to unequal         testing                                 receive up-to-date and reliable infor-
treatment of patients.                                                            mation about using genomic data in
                                          A clear health service pathway and      promoting their own health.
In Finland, genome-wide tests have        guidelines have to be developed for
not been availave to consumers.           people on what types of genet-          ACTIVITY 15
Some Finns have bought these              ic or genomic tests are available       – Provide individuals with
services via the Internet from            and where. The pathway will also        access to genomic data tools
companies based abroad. In such           indicate which organisations offer
cases, data about individuals’ genetic    interpretation of results, what tests   Provide people with general guide-
makeup cannot be used in domestic         can reveal and what advice related      lines on the use of genomic data
research or in the development of         to the results is provided to sup-      in promoting health and create
new services even after it has been       port health planning. People must       related services to support decision
anonymised. The data are also not         also be given reliable comparative      making. Create a genome portal
stored as part of the Finnish genom-      data about services provided by         which would provide the public with
ic database.                              the private and third sector that are   information about genetics as well

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