What wrong with Eskom and how to
fix it - Easy answers to important

Published by the Alternative
Information & Development Centre

Cape Town, South Africa
May 2021

(in alphabetical order)

Bruce Baigrie
Jaco Oelofsen
Jeff Rudin

The authors acknowledge the
contribution that other AIDC staff have
made as well as previous research
undertaken with Trade Unions for
Energy Democracy and the
Transnational Institute through the
Eskom Research Reference Group.
Without these contributions, this
publication would not have been
possible                                  The AIDC is grateful to the
                                          Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
                                          Office in South Africa for its
                                          generous and continued
Graphic designer
                                          financial support.
Lisa Nelson

Roger Etkind

2                                                                          3
TABLE OF                                                                       Eskom’s finances

                                                                               18. Is Eskom Bankrupt?


CONTENTS                                                                       19. Why is debt such a big problem for Eskom?                            19

                                                                               20. Where did this debt come from?                                       19

                                                                               21. Why doesn’t the government deal with the corruption?                 19
GLOSSARY                                                                  8    22. Don’t municipalities also owe Eskom lots of money?                   20

INTRODUCTION                                                             10    23. Why doesn’t the government deal with the corruption?                 20

                                                                               24. Is corruption the only source of these problems?                     20
THE PROBLEMS WITH ESKOM                                                  13
                                                                               25. How is Eskom ‘commercialised’?                                       21
Producing and distributing electricity                                   13
                                                                               26. Why has commercialisation ruined Eskom’s finances?                   21
1. How is electricity made?                                               13
                                                                               27. Can’t a commercialised Eskom just make more money instead?           21
2. What is load shedding?                                                 13

3. Why is it called load shedding?                                        13
                                                                               THE PROBLEMS OF THE ENVIRONMENT                                          23
4. Why does Eskom need to shed load?                                      14   27. What is the climate crisis?                                          23

5. Why are we not producing enough electricity?                           14   28. What is global heating?                                              23

6. Why did Eskom not build new power plants?                              14   29. What are greenhouse gases?                                           25

7. Why was maintenance neglected?                                         14   30. How do greenhouse gases heat the world?                              25

8. What is Eskom doing now about this neglect?                            15   31. What is the problem with climate change?                             25

9. What is the national grid?                                             15   32. Doesn’t Eskom burn coal for its electricity?                         25

                                                                               33. There are other problems with burning coal, right?                   25
The cost of electricity                                                  16
                                                                               Climate risks                                                            26
10. Is electricity becoming more expensive?                              16
                                                                               Renewable energy and how it is produced                                  28
11. What is NERSA?                                                       16
                                                                               34. But there are alternatives to coal aren’t there? Renewable energy?   28
12. What is the link between “full cost recovery” and price increases?   16
                                                                               35. Why is renewable energy important?                                   28
13. Why is full cost recovery such a problem?                            16
                                                                               36. Does South Africa have renewable energy?                             28
14. Why do poor people have prepaid meters but not the rich?             16
                                                                               37. So who is producing this renewable energy?                           28
15. What is energy poverty?                                              18
                                                                               38. How do IPPs work?                                                    28
16. What about Free Basic Electricity (FBE)?                             18
                                                                               39. Aren’t the IPPs very expensive?                                      28
17. Surely this means we need to rethink the system?                     19
                                                                               40. But at least IPPs are helping to stop climate change, right?         30

4                                                                                                                                                        5
41. Will the investment in renewables continue and grow?                           30    HOW WE SHOULD FIX IT: ESKOM
42. So is it possible for the Government to stop the climate crisis via the private      TRANSFORMED                                                                  43
sector and programmes like the REI4P?                                               30
                                                                                         61. What does ‘just transition’ mean?                                        43
43. At least renewable energy will bring in a lot of jobs, right?                  30
                                                                                         62. What does ‘socially-owned’ energy mean?                                  43
44. So why don't we manufacture the components?                                    31
                                                                                         63. But what about for-profit community ownership?                           44
45. What are the other problems with the private sector for workers?               31
                                                                                         64. Why is a Transformed Eskom best placed to lead our just transition?      46

THE PROBLEMS WITH GOVERNMENT’S                                                           65. But how can Eskom overcome the problems with renewable energy’s
APPROACH                                                                         33      variability?                                                                 46

The government’s vision                                                           33     Transforming Eskom                                                           47

46. What does the government mean by ‘unbundling’ Eskom?                           33    66. What do we need Eskom to be?                                             47

How does Eskom work today?                                                         34    67. What about the corruption and mismanagement at Eskom?                    47
How will unbundling change Eskom?                                                  35    68. So how do we deal with the corruption and mismanagement?                 47

47. Why do they want to unbundle Eskom?                                            36    69. So what would a transformed Eskom look like?                             47

48. What is the government’s vision for Eskom?                                     36    Financing a Transformed Eskom                                                54
49. What does it mean to create an ‘energy market’?                                36
                                                                                         69. Won’t transforming Eskom be very expensive?                              54
50. Why does the government want an energy market?                                 36
                                                                                         70. Is there money to fund this Transformed Eskom?                           54
51. Does this mean that the government wants to privatise Eskom?                   36
                                                                                         71. How can an Eskom Transformed be funded?                                  54
52. How does a ‘bundled’ Eskom stand in the way of an energy market?               37
                                                                                         72. Won’t using the GEPF put workers’ pensions at risk?                      56
53. How would an unbundled Eskom work?                                             37
                                                                                         73. Can Eskom really be trusted with this money?                             56
54. What is the role of the unbundled Eskom Generation in this energy market? 37
                                                                                         Electricity as an essential public good                                      56
What’s wrong with THE government’s vision                                         38
                                                                                         74. How would electricity be sold under a transformed Eskom?                 56
55. What would the real cost of renewables be?                                     38
                                                                                         75. What is the difference between a commodity and a public good?            57
56. What do these other costs mean for Eskom Transmission?                         38
                                                                                         76. What are the benefits of making electricity a public good?               57
57. Won’t the result be the same as Eskom’s death spiral?                          38
                                                                                         77. Won’t this be more expensive for Eskom?                                  57
58. We can see the problems for Eskom Transmission. But will unbundling at least
                                                                                         78. Won’t municipalities be affected by making electricity a public good?    57
fix Eskom Generation?                                                         40
                                                                                         Electricity as a public good                                                 58
59. If Eskom Generation can’t stand on its own feet, why shouldn’t we let the IPPs
take its place?                                                                  40      79. Alright, we’re convinced, we need to stop climate change and transform
                                                                                         Eskom! But where do we begin?                                                60
60. Is unbundling a dead-end?                                                      41
                                                                                         Priorities for solving the crises!                                           62

6                                                                                                                                                                      7

Baseload Power: The basic, stable        Generation: The process of turning
supply of electricity needed to meet     energy sources like coal, gas, or wind
the country’s minimum demands over       into electricity.
a 24-hour period. This is currently
overwhelmingly provided by coal and      Grid: The national network that
nuclear power.                           transmits, electricity by overhead
Bureaucracy: Non-elected
government administration including      Illicit financial flows: Money that is
officials that oversee policies and      illegally transferred from one country
procedures.                              to another, usually to either escape
                                         taxes and avoid paying workers more
Capacity: The theoretical amount of      in wages.
electricity that a power plant can
produce in ideal conditions.             Kilowatt-hour (kWh): Basic unit of
                                         electricity equal to one kilowatt of
Supply: The amount of electricity that   power for one hour.
is actually produced.
                                         Maintenance: Work that is done to
Demand/Load: The amount of               keep something working as it is
electricity that is needed by the        supposed to.
country at a specific time.
                                         REI4P: The current government’s
Distribution: Taking the electricity     program for buying renewable
from transmission, reducing its          electricity from private companies.
voltage and delivering it to the
consumers.                               Transmission: The process of moving
                                         very high-powered electricity from
Energy: Power which comes from           where it’s generated to where it will
using physical or chemical resources.    be distributed for use (see the grid).
Burning coal delivers energy. So does
using wind to turn a turbine.            Utility: An organisation that manages
                                         the large-scale supply of an essential
Electricity: a special type of energy    service or good for the public.
which we use to power most things.

8                                                                                 9

No South African can avoid coming         In the past few years, the government    If you share the concerns of the           We hope to put to rest the idea that
face to face with the crisis at Eskom.    has begun pushing forward with what      unions and movements, if you are on        our only choice is between the current
Load shedding puts a stop to daily        is known as “unbundling”, a              the fence, if you think that there is no   broken Eskom and the proposed
life, closes businesses, and in the end   foundation for their planned changes     alternative, or even if you are just       unbundled Eskom. There is another
cuts jobs, while the high price of        to Eskom. You may know that many         trying to understand what is going on,     alternative - a vision of a transformed,
power weighs on every household.          unions and movements, maybe even         then this booklet is for you. In the       worker-led Eskom that puts the needs
Eskom’s debt gives the government         your own, are against the                following pages we will answer some        of communities, workers and the
another excuse to cut their budgets,      government’s plans. They say that the    of the biggest questions around            environment above profiteering and
resulting in even more unemployment,      government's solution will be one that   Eskom’s crisis, unbundling, and the        investment. The ultimate task of this
fewer nurses in clinics, fewer teachers   favours businesses over workers,         future of the government’s plan for        booklet is to outline this alternative,
in schools, and fewer roads and           profits over people, and closed board    Eskom. These answers will draw from        how it can be achieved, and why we
houses being built. If you live near a    rooms over democratic consultation.      a much bigger research document put        believe that it is worth fighting for.
power plant or drought-stricken area,     However, government and its allies       together by progressive researchers,
then you have also no doubt seen the      have called these unions and             activists, and unionists, called Eskom
results of Eskom’s pollution in the       movements reactionary and short-         Transformed.
rivers and the air, or in the climate     sighted. They say that the choice is
that is changing for the worse            between a broken and corrupt Eskom,
every year.                               and a working unbundled Eskom.

10                                                                                                                                                                  11
                               WITH ESKOM
                               PRODUCING AND DISTRIBUTING
                               1. How is electricity made?              parts of the country, sometimes for
                                                                        several hours per day. Let’s be clear,
                               Almost all electricity is produced by
                                                                        these are power cuts! All of us have
                               rotating turbines – big propellers. To
                                                                        experienced load shedding and
                               rotate these turbines, fuels like coal
                                                                        continue to do so.
                               and gas can be burned. They produce
                               heat which creates steam. This steam
                                                                        3. Why is it called load
                               then rotates the turbines. Wind and
                               water can also be used to rotate the
                               turbine. Finally, sunlight can also be   In power (electricity) systems, “load”
                               converted into electricity.              refers to things which use electricity,
                                                                        such as the appliances and lights in
                               2. What is load shedding?                our homes. By cutting off access to
                                                                        electricity, Eskom essentially “sheds”
                               Load shedding is when Eskom takes
                                                                        (removes) “load” (demand) for
                               turns cutting electricity to different

12 - The Problems with Eskom                                                    The Problems with Eskom - 13
electricity. It uses this unnecessary    6. Why did Eskom not build                8. What is Eskom doing                     9. What is the national
technical language to confuse us.
                                            new power plants?                         now about this neglect?                    grid?
4. Why does Eskom need to                Eskom warned about the need for           The current Eskom management is            The National Grid is the network that
                                         new capacity (from power plants) as       doing planned maintenance. This is         delivers electricity from where it is
   shed load?
                                         far back as 1998. However, the            different from the unplanned repair of     produced to where it is consumed. It
Because it can’t produce enough          government stopped Eskom from             simply fixing plants after they break      consists of the following components:
electricity to meet the expected need.   building more capacity because it         down. This means that Eskom will
The supply of electricity must always    wanted to get the private sector          deliberately, but temporarily, shut off    •   Power plants where the
match the need. We will refer to this    involved. But the price of electricity    power plants to maintain them.                 electricity is generated
as balancing the grid. So if Eskom       was far too low to provide the level of
doesn’t do this, the whole electricity                                             Eskom claims this maintenance will         •   Transmission lines for carrying
                                         profit to attract the private sector.
system would automatically shut                                                    start delivering benefits from April           the electricity
down. The resulting national blackout    When Eskom did start to build new         2021, with a meaningful reduction in
would be considerably worse – and                                                                                             •   Substations for receiving the
                                         capacity it was far too late, and there   load shedding from September 2021
more expensive – than what we                                                                                                     electricity from the transmission
                                         have been huge problems with the          onwards. This planned maintenance
experience as ‘load shedding’.                                                                                                    lines and delivering it to the
                                         new capacity that has been built.         cost around R14 billion in 2019.
                                                                                   However, load shedding will not be
5. Why are we not                        7. Why was maintenance                    eliminated entirely and will likely get
   producing enough                         neglected?                             worse before it gets better. Eskom still
   electricity?                                                                    expects around 28% of lost capacity –
                                         Maintenance costs money. This
                                                                                   called energy availability (EA) -
There are two main reasons:              expenditure and the temporary shut-
                                                                                   through breakdowns over the next
                                         down of power plants would have
                                                                                   three years. An EA loss of 20% is
•   Eskom failed to build new power      negatively affected the financial
                                                                                   considered normal for power stations
    plants to meet our increasing        performance of Eskom. So, because
                                                                                   around the world.
    demand.                              the bonuses of Eskom’s senior
                                         managers are based on financial
•   Eskom neglected maintenance          performance, they had an incentive to
    and so the power plants we do        keep the plants running at all times
    have are in poor condition and       and neglect maintenance. They
    break down frequently. Power         profited in the short-term, and Eskom
    plants, like cars, need to be        suffered for it. In addition, many of

    constantly maintained. If they are   these managers were not properly
    not maintained then they shut        competent for the posts they
    down unexpectedly.                   occupied.

This means that Eskom can’t deliver
                                                                                   Eskom warned about the
the amount of electricity needed.
                                                                                   need for new capacity
                                                                                   from power plants
                                                                                   as far back as 1998.
14 - The Problems with Eskom                                                                                                       The Problems with Eskom - 15
                                                                                   Photo credit : Gerhard Roux, per GFDL and CC-BY-SA
THE COST OF                                                                                                AVERAGE PRICE
                                         regarded as citizens with basic rights.
                                         We are customers, just like
ELECTRICITY                              supermarket customers. We can buy

10. Is electricity becoming
                                         as much electricity as we like,
                                         provided only that we pay in full for
                                                                                                           OF ELECTRICITY
                                                                                                           OVER TIME
                                         whatever we ‘consume’. See more
    more expensive?
                                         about this in Question 48.
Yes. Eskom has dramatically increased
the price of electricity from around     13. Why is full cost
0.23/kWh in 2007; in April 2021 the          recovery such a
price will be R1.34/kWh. If Eskom
                                             problem?                                                                           Loadshedding begins
could have its way, the price would be
even higher at R1.50kWh, but NERSA       It is not a problem if you’re privileged
has prevented this.                      enough to be rich. But most South
                                         Africans are poor, many very poor.
11. What is NERSA?                       We’re notorious, after all, for our
                                         world-beating inequality. The poverty
The National Energy Regulator of
                                         of most South Africans makes
South Africa (NERSA) regulates the
                                         electricity unaffordable. There is no
energy industry (electricity, gas and
                                         way Eskom can provide electricity at                              100
petroleum) in accordance with
                                         an affordable price and still recover its

                                                                                     Average price C/kwh
government laws and policies. NERSA
                                         costs. Eskom is consequently left as a
regulates the prices Eskom can charge
                                         private company burdened with selling
its customers. It has the power to
                                         a commodity that is unaffordable to
approve Eskom’s proposed tariffs
                                         most of its customers. The size of
(price increases) or to lower them. In
                                         household debt owed to Eskom is a
February this year (2021), NERSA and
                                         measure of the problem.
Eskom agreed to further increase                                                                           50
                                         (See Question 21)
tariffs by 15.63%.

                                         14. Why do poor people
12. What is the link
                                             have prepaid meters but
    between “full cost
                                             not the rich?
    recovery” and price
                                         Prepayment meters enforce the ‘user
                                         pays’ principle by taking it to a higher
Eskom is a state-owned company (i.e.                                                                       0
                                         level: there is no credit for poor
one that all of us own through the       households. If you are rich, you                                        1994    1999   2004   2007    2009            2014        2019   2021
government). Its job is to provide       receive your electricity first and pay
something that is essential. Yet         for it afterwards. But if you are poor,
Government policy requires Eskom to      you have to pay before you can use it.                                  YEARS              Price adjusted for inflation       Average price
act as a normal private company. That    No up-front prepayment means no
means that Eskom has to recover its      electricity, regardless of your needs or
full costs from us. We are not           whatever emergency you might have.

16 - The Problems with Eskom                                                                                                                       The Problems with Eskom - 17
Pre-paid meters are very good at           16. What about Free Basic                  17. Surely this means we                    City of Johannesburg’s entire budget
controlling electricity debt. But for                                                                                             for 2020! In order to pay back these
                                               Electricity (FBE)?                         need to rethink the
users they mean energy poverty.                                                                                                   loans, Eskom now has to borrow even
                                           Government policy is that every                system?
                                                                                                                                  more money. Taking new loans in
15. What is energy poverty?                household should get 50kWh per             Yes, but that’s not what’s happening.       order to pay old loans is a classic
                                           month of free electricity. But there are   Instead, Eskom is cutting off areas         ‘debt trap’ - a cycle that only gets
Energy poverty is a lack of sufficient
                                           four major problems with this:             with illegal power connections, and         worse each year.
energy to meet basic needs. It is a
                                                                                      even cutting off entire municipalities
sign of inequality that there is energy    1.   You must be a recognised
poverty in a rich and industrial country
                                                                                      which owe it money. As we know,             20. Where did this debt
                                                customer of either Eskom or a         Eskom is also trying to recover its             come from?
like South Africa in 2021. There are            municipality. This excludes the       cost by increasing the price of
three main causes of energy poverty:            households who aren’t on the grid                                                 One simple cause of the debt crisis is
                                                                                      electricity. But this doesn’t even work
                                                and those who have been                                                           that Eskom has had to borrow in
•   You are not connected to the grid:                                                particularly well, because of course as
                                                disconnected.                                                                     recent years to pay the rising price of
    government policy is to provide                                                   the price rises, people use less
                                                                                                                                  coal to keep the power plants running.
    electricity to everyone living in                                                 electricity . It’s a vicious circle - the
                                           2.   Like Free Basic Water, the amount                                                 However, corruption and
    South Africa. This means                                                          less it sells, the higher the tariff it
                                                is very far from being sufficient                                                 mismanagement have also played a
    ensuring that every dwelling in                                                   wants, and the higher the tariff, the
                                                for basic needs. Like water, it                                                   huge part. It has long been known
    South Africa is connected to the                                                  less it sells. This is the main driver of
                                                needs to be increased four-fold                                                   that Eskom is a hub of “irregular and
    Grid. Almost without publicity,                                                   what is called the Eskom “Death
                                                before it begins to approach a                                                    wasteful expenditure”, but recently a
    Eskom abandoned this                                                              Spiral”.
                                                realistic amount.                                                                 staggering R178 billion in contracts
    development as being                                                                                                          were found to be dodgy (R178 billion
    unaffordable. That is why large        3.   It is intended only for houses                                                    could vaccinate the whole of South
    rural areas of the country are not          fitted with basic wiring. That        ESKOM’S                                     Africa 20 times over) This means that

    connected. So-called ‘informal              severely limits which appliances                                                  Eskom has been paying outrageous
    settlements’ also remain without            can be used at the same time                                                      prices on tendered contracts or
    a (legal) supply of electricity.            before the current trips.                                                         bonuses.
                                                                                      18. Is Eskom Bankrupt?
•   You can’t afford to pay for            4.   FBE is now only for the so-called
                                                                                      Yes, if government assistance or            21. Why doesn’t the
    electricity: there is a large – and         poorest of the poor. You have to
    ever growing – number of                    describe yourself as ‘indigent’
                                                                                      bailouts are excluded. Eskom spends             government deal with
                                                                                      more money than it earns. This leaves           the corruption?
    households who are plugged into             (poor). You have to be prepared to
                                                                                      Eskom in debt which it is unable to
    the national supply but can’t               bear the stigma of that degrading                                                 The current government is trying to do
                                                                                      pay back - making government
    afford to pay for all (or even any)         label and succeed in beating a                                                    more about corruption than the
                                                                                      bailouts essential.
    of the electricity they need.               bureaucracy well known for being                                                  previous government led by Jacob
                                                difficult.                                                                        Zuma which oversaw most of the
•   You have been disconnected:                                                       19. Why is debt such a big
                                                                                                                                  looting at Eskom and other state-
    these are the households which                                                        problem for Eskom?
                                                                                                                                  owned companies. The current Eskom
    have been disconnected because
                                                                                      Eskom currently owes around R480bn          leadership got at least R2.85 billion
    of unpaid electricity debt.
                                                                                      in debt. This means Eskom needs to          back from ABB, McKinsey and Deloitte,
                                                                                      pay back around R31.2bn every year          and are in the process of recovering
Although the exact number is
                                                                                      just to cover debt-related costs like       more than R700m from the Gupta-
unknown, we know there are millions
                                                                                      interest. That number is about half the     linked Trillian and from PwC. They are
of people experiencing energy poverty.

18 - The Problems with Eskom                                                                                                              The Problems with Eskom - 19
also trying to end dodgy contracts          23. Why doesn’t the                        and if reliable and experienced people        same time, it is supposed to make up
with companies like EconOil. However,                                                  were put in charge, Eskom would still         for these costs itself and finance itself
                                                government deal with
many of the corrupt people inside and                                                  run into trouble!                             through its own profits.
                                                the corruption?
outside Eskom remain politically
connected to the ANC and                    The current government is trying to do     Eskom’s crises are driven by the way          This contradiction, between Eskom-
government. Better or more ethical          more about corruption than the             Eskom is organised and run. We have           as-business and Eskom-as-public-
leaders in government will not be           previous government led by Jacob           to look past corruption and                   utility, means that social costs, like
enough because the problem is now a         Zuma which oversaw most of the             understand that Eskom is run as a             extending electricity supply
systemic one. To solve it there will        looting at Eskom and other state-          commercialised public utility.                throughout the country, are put on the
need to be pressure from outside of         owned companies. The current Eskom                                                       shoulders of Eskom alone. This cannot
government and the ANC.                     leadership got at least R2.85 billion      25. How is Eskom                              be fixed by changing how Eskom
                                            back from ABB, McKinsey and Deloitte,          ‘commercialised’?                         works or by changing who runs
22. Don’t municipalities                    and are in the process of recovering
                                                                                       We often talk about Eskom as if it is a
                                                                                                                                     Eskom. It can only be fixed by
                                            more than R700m from the Gupta-                                                          changing what Eskom is.
    also owe Eskom lots of                                                             government department or public
                                            linked Trillian and from PwC. They are
    money?                                                                             utility, but in reality Eskom has been
                                            also trying to end dodgy contracts                                                       27. Can’t a commercialised
                                                                                       ‘corporatised’ since 2002.
Yes! In 2020, municipalities owed           with companies like EconOil. However,                                                        Eskom just make more
                                                                                       Corporatisation is the organisation of a
Eskom R46.1bn. There are a few              many of the corrupt people inside and
                                                                                       publicly-owned entity in the same way             money instead?
reasons for this. Often, this is due to     outside Eskom remain politically
                                                                                       as a private company. So Eskom has a          There are only two ways for a
corruption within those municipalities:     connected to the ANC and
                                                                                       CEO and a board of directors, and is          commercialised, full cost recovery
we know that many local governments         government. Better or more ethical
                                                                                       expected to make a profit, just like a        Eskom to get more income: it can sell
use up their budgets on suspicious          leaders in government will not be
                                                                                       private company. Its costs need to be         more electricity, or it can raise the
contracts or bonuses, leaving nothing       enough because the problem is now a
                                                                                       paid for by its own income, and it            price of the electricity it sells. Most
for service delivery - never mind           systemic one. To solve it there will
                                                                                       needs to make a profit or borrow              South Africans today are struggling to
paying Eskom back. Another reason           need to be pressure from outside of
                                                                                       money if it wants to expand its               make ends meet, and so they are
for this municipal debt is the fact that    government and the ANC.
                                                                                       operations. The only thing that makes         trying to use less and less electricity
a lot of people don’t have the money
                                                                                       Eskom ‘public’ is that the government         in order to save money. For Eskom,
to pay their municipal electricity bills.   24. Is corruption the only
                                                                                       is the only “shareholder”.                    this means that it can’t really sell
Finally, sometimes municipalities don’t
                                                source of these
get enough money from the                                                                                                            more electricity because it has no one
                                                problems?                              26. Why has                                   to sell it to. And load-shedding
government to fulfil all their tasks, so
they use the money from electricity         It is easy to look at these problems           commercialisation                         doesn’t help – every hour of load-
sales on other services.                    and think that they would be solved if         ruined Eskom’s                            shedding means less income for
                                            corruption were to disappear. But this                                                   Eskom. And, as we saw earlier, if it
However, although this is a lot of          would be a mistake. In a world                                                           raises the price, it reduces the
money, it would be wrong to blame                                                      Eskom is treated like a private               amount used. So in fact there is really
                                            without corruption, Eskom would still
Eskom’s problems on municipalities                                                     company but it is expected to work            no way to get more income.
                                            be struggling financially. In other
alone. The R46.1bn they owe Eskom is                                                   like a public utility, and a public utility
                                            words, even if Eskom only took the
less than 10% of Eskom’s total debt                                                    is expected to do things a business
                                            cheapest contracts from reliable
owed to others. In reality, there are                                                  isn’t. So Eskom has a mandate to
                                            suppliers, if the excessive bonuses
deeper issues at play.                                                                 provide affordable and reliable
                                            and salaries of those at the top were
                                                                                       electricity for the nation, even when
                                            cut, if municipalities paid their debts,
                                                                                       doing so won’t make a profit. At the

20 - The Problems with Eskom                                                                                                                 The Problems with Eskom - 21
                                      THE ENVIRONMENT
                                      The climate crisis and Eskom’s contribution

                                      27. What is the climate                  28. What is global heating?
                                                                               Global heating, or global warming, is
                                      You’ve probably heard of climate         the process of the earth getting hotter.
                                      change, but if not, do have a look at    This is an on-going and accelerating
                                      our Climate Change and Climate Jobs      process. It is happening because there
                                      question and answer booklet. It can      is too much of certain ‘greenhouse-
                                      be found at the following link http://   gases’ in our atmosphere (the
                                      aidc.org.za/download/climate-change/     atmosphere is the air around the earth
                                      aidc_website.pdf. But don’t worry,       that is kept next to the earth by
                                      we’ll briefly explain the core issues.   gravity).
                                      The first one is global heating.

22 - The Problems of the Enviroment                                             The Problems of the Enviroment - 23
STATE OF THE                                                                                          29. What are greenhouse                  •     The melting of sea-ice: this will
                                                                                                                                                                                                         eventually result in the sea rising
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to a level which could flood all

                                                    CLIMATE CRISIS                                                                                        Greenhouse gases occur naturally in
                                                                                                                                                          our atmosphere. In fact we need them
                                                                                                                                                                                                         coastal cities around the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         These include many of the world’s
                                                                                                                                                          - they keep the earth warm enough to           major cities.
                                                    2100 WARMING PROJECTIONS
                                                                                                                                                          sustain life. However, over time too
                                                    Emissions and expected warming based                                                                  much has been added to these
                                                                                                                                                                                                   •     The extinction of many species of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         animals and plants.
                                                    on pledges and current policies                                                                       greenhouse gases by the burning of
                                                                                                                                                          fossil fuels such as coal, gas and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   •     Heat stress and disease: rising
                                                                                                                                                          petrol. The most important
                                                                                                                                                                                                         heat affects our bodies directly,
                                              200                                                                                                         greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide or
                                                                                                                                                                                                         as well as spreading diseases
                                                                                                                    Warming projected by 2100             CO2.
                                                                                                                                                                                                         such as malaria.

                                                                                                                                                          30. How do greenhouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                   32. Doesn’t Eskom burn
                                                                                                                                                              gases heat the world?
                                              150                                                                                                                                                      coal for its electricity?
Global greenhouse gas emissions GTCO2e/year

                                                                                                                                                          The sun’s heat is able to pass through
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yes. Eskom generates over 91% of its
                                                                                                                                                          the atmosphere, but the greenhouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                   energy from coal. Burning coal
                                                                                                                                                          gases prevent that heat from leaving,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   produces more greenhouse gases
                                                                                                                                                          which would be the normal cycle. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                   than any other fossil fuel. This is a big
                                                                                                                                                          build-up of greenhouse gases turns
                                                                                                                                                                                                   part of why South Africa’s economy is
                                                                                                                                                          the atmosphere into a thick blanket
                                                                                                                                                                                                   one of the most carbon-intensive in
                                                                                                                                                          around the earth. This disrupts the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the world. Coal produces more carbon
                                                                                                                                                          normal cycle. It’s like closed car
                                                                                                                                                                                                   than any other fuel for each unit of
                                              50                                                                                                          windows on a hot day. The blanket
                                                                                                                                                                                                   energy it generates.
                                                                                                                                                          results in global warming.
                                                      Historical                                                                                                                                   33. There are other
                                                                                                                                                          31. What is the problem
                                                                                                                                                                                                       problems with burning
                                              0                                                                                                               with climate change?
                                                                                                                                                                                                       coal, right?
                                                                                                                                                          As the climate gets hotter, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Yes. Coal power plants release a lot of
                                                                                                                                                          experience serious crises across the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   air pollution which affects those living
                                                                                                                                                          world. These crises get much worse
                                                                                                                                                                                                   near them. Local communities can
                                              -50                                                                                                         as the earth gets warmer and warmer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   suffer from cancer and lung problems.
                                                   1990   2000      2010      2020     2030   2040    2050   2060      2070   2080    2090     2100       A few examples are:
                                                                                                                                                                                                   This results in over 2,000 premature
                                                                                                                                                          •   Severe heatwaves and droughts        deaths per year.

                                                                  Current                                                    2°C               1.5°C          as well as storms and floods:
                            Baseline                                                 Pledges &       Optimistic net
                            4.1-4.8 °C                            policies            Targets         zero targets       Consistent          Consistent       these are devastating for
                                                                 2.7-3.1 °C          2.3-2.6 °C        2.3-2.6 °C         1.6-1.7°C            1.3°C          agriculture.

                                                    24 - The Problems of the Enviroment                                                                                                                The Problems of the Enviroment - 25
CLIMATE RISKS                                                 SEA-LEVEL RISE
                                                                  46 Million                     49 Million
                          EXTREME WEATHER                          people
                          100%            VS   170%           Impacted by sea-level
                                                               rise of 48cm by 2100.
                                                                                            Impacted by sea-level
                                                                                             rise of 48cm by 2100.
                          Increase in          Increase in
                          flood risk.          flood risk.

                                                              6% of insects, 8% of    18% of insects, 16%
AVAILABILITY                                                    plants and 4% of      of plants and 8% of
                                                               vertebrates will be     vertebrates will be
350 Million                                                         affected.               affected.
Urban residents
exposed to severe
drought by 2100.                                                       FORCED MIGRATION
                                            FOOD                                            Sub-Saharan Africa,
 VS                                                                                         South Asia and Latin
                                       Every half degree                                    America could see
410 Million                               warming will                                      more than
Urban residents                       consistently lead to
exposed to severe                       lower yields and                                    140 million
drought by 2100.                        lower nutritional                                   people move within
                                      content especially in                                 their countries’
                                        tropical regions.                                   borders by 2050.
26 - The Problems of the Enviroment                                                         The Problems of the Enviroment - 27
RENEWABLE                                  37. So who is producing
                                               this renewable energy?
HOW IT IS                                  This renewable energy comes almost
                                           entirely from private companies called
PRODUCED                                   Independent Power Producers (IPPs)
                                           because the government doesn’t want
34. But there are                          to use the term "private”.
    alternatives to coal
                                           38. How do IPPs work?
    aren’t there?
    Renewable energy?                      The government puts out a tender to
                                           produce a certain amount of
Yes. There are sources of energy that
                                           electricity and private companies
don’t get used up. They’re called
                                           compete for the contracts. The tender
‘renewable energy’ because like the
                                           process is called the Renewable
sun and wind, they are always with
                                           Energy Independent Power Producer
us.. Why is renewable energy
                                           Procurement Programme (REI4P). The
                                           contracts are for companies to
                                           produce electricity using renewable
Think of renewable energy as clean
                                           sources, at a fixed price for an agreed
energy. It doesn’t release any
                                           number of years. The tenders are put
greenhouse gases because it doesn’t
                                           out in “bid windows” and there have
use fossil fuels.
                                           been four between 2011 and 2015 with
                                           the 5th one occurring this year in
35. Why is renewable

    energy important?
                                           39. Aren’t the IPPs very
Think of renewable energy as clean
energy. It doesn’t release any
greenhouse gases because it doesn’t
                                                                                         The cost of renewable
use fossil fuels: just, mainly, the ever
renewable sun and wind (for the next
                                           Initially the electricity the IPPs
                                           produced was very expensive. On               energy has come down
few billion years). This is also where
the name ‘renewable energy’ comes
                                           average they produced electricity at
                                           R2.02/kWh, where new coal power               enormously. It is now
                                           would have cost just over R1.00/kWh.
                                           However, the cost of renewable energy         R0.70/kWh, cheaper
36. Does South Africa have
                                           has come down enormously. It is now
                                           R0.70/kWh, cheaper than electricity           than electricity                    “
    renewable energy?
Yes. But despite all the talk about
                                           generated by new coal-fired power
                                           stations. However, Eskom signed               generated by new coal-
renewable energy, it accounts for just
2% of electricity in South Africa.
                                           contracts over the last few years at
                                           fixed prices, so it has to pay those          fired power stations
28 - The Problems of the Enviroment                                                                  The Problems of the Enviroment - 29
prices. Some of these contracts are            profits. If the price is lower, then     energy and jobs. There are a lot of         45. What are the other
for 20 years and the current cost of all       they make less profit. But profit        jobs in renewable energy, but they
                                                                                                                                        problems with the
IPPs already producing electricity is          maximisation is the reason for           mostly come from manufacturing the
                                                                                                                                        private sector for
R2.48c/kWh, far higher than the cost           capitalist investment in                 parts for it. Some estimates find that
of electricity. Like any business, IPPs        renewable energy.                        for every 100 jobs in manufacturing             workers?
exist to maximise profit rather than                                                    renewable energy components there
                                           •   So insufficient profit means a fall                                                  To maximise profit, private companies
meet essential needs. The price will                                                    are 25 jobs in building renewable
                                               in the rate of investment in                                                         look for cheap inputs and cheap
always reflect that profit, rather than                                                 energy power plants and 7 for
                                               renewable energy. This is the                                                        labour costs. There’s often a notion
just the cost of producing the energy.                                                  operating them.
                                               third and final fall of the three-fall                                               that because something is ‘green’ - i.e.
Despite the lower price of producing
                                                                                                                                    better for the environment - it is
new renewable energy, there are still          effect.                                  44. So why don't we
                                                                                                                                    necessarily better for people too. But
other big costs that the IPPs won’t                                                         manufacture the                         the ‘green economy’ operates under
pay. See Question 54.                      42. So is it possible for the
                                                                                            components?                             the same principles of profit
                                               Government to stop the
                                                                                                                                    maximisation as the ‘non-green
40. But at least IPPs are                      climate crisis via the                   Well private companies are only
                                                                                                                                    economy’. IPPs in South Africa have
    helping to stop climate                    private sector and                       interested in high profitability and that
                                                                                                                                    been found to overwhelmingly employ
    change, right?                             programmes like the                      means they want the cheapest inputs
                                                                                                                                    unskilled and temporary workers in
                                                                                        possible. Overseas companies make
                                               REI4P?                                                                               the construction phase and have tried
Renewable energy is only a very small                                                   cheaper parts for renewable energy
                                                                                                                                    to prevent their workers from
part of total energy used in the world                                                  than we do, so that means that local
                                           The short answer is NO! To get the                                                       unionising. They pay workers less and
as well as in SA. Worse still,                                                          companies, regardless of who owns
                                           required high levels of increasing                                                       provide less benefits than workers
investment in renewable energy has                                                      them, won’t support local
                                           private investment, governments need                                                     receive in the public sector.
fallen worldwide because the profit                                                     manufacturing. All IPPs from the 4th
                                           to guarantee long term profits.
made from it is no longer sufficiently                                                  bid window of the REI4P imported
                                           However, someone has to pay for
high.                                                                                   their solar panels from China.
                                           these required high profits. And that
                                           someone is us, the people. We would
41. Will the investment in

                                           have to pay either indirectly, through
    renewables continue                    taxation and government subsidy, or
    and grow?                              directly through higher electricity
                                           prices. This is completely immoral and                                           IPPs pay workers
                                                                                                                            less and provide less
It’s not so simple. There is a process     impossible in a country as poor and
at work which works in the opposite        unequal as South Africa. It would also

                                                                                                                            benefits than
direction. It’s called the “Three Fall     be inconsistent with our progressive
Effect”. It works like this:               Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

•   The first fall is the price. As more   43. At least renewable                                                           workers receive in                            “
    and more companies want to
    build renewable energy they have
                                               energy will bring in a
                                               lot of jobs, right?
                                                                                                                            the public sector
    to compete with each other
    which brings down the price.
                                           Unfortunately there’s a lot of
                                           misinformation about renewable
•   The second fall then is their

30 - The Problems of the Enviroment                                                                                                   The Problems of the Enviroment - 31
                                               WITH GOVERNMENT’S
                                               THE                                             like Koeberg and Komati. This is
                                                                                               where much of Eskom's debt is
                                               GOVERNMENT’S                                    incurred.

                                               VISION                                      •   Transmits the electricity: using
                                                                                               the national grid, Eskom is
                                               46. What does the                               responsible for getting electricity
                                                   government mean by                          from the power stations to
                                                                                               substations in the cities, towns
                                                   ‘unbundling’ Eskom?
                                                                                               and villages.
                                               Today, Eskom does three key jobs:
                                                                                           •   Distributes the electricity:
                                               •   Generates electricity: Eskom                Eskom, together with
                                                   builds and runs power stations              municipalities, is responsible for

32 - The Problems With Government's Approach                                       The Problems With Government's Approach - 33
HOW DOES ESKOM                                                                 HOW WILL UNBUNDLING
WORK TODAY?                                                                    CHANGE ESKOM?
                               ESKOM                                                       ESKOM GENERATION
                                                                                               AND IPPS
                                                                                               are now given equal access to
                                                                                              the grid and put in competition
                                        GENERATION                                            with one another, trying to sell
                                        Electricity is produced by                                  their power to the...
                                        Eskom’s power plants and
                                        connected to power lines                             TRANSMISSION
                                        controlled by..
                                                                               ESKOM        MARKET OPERATOR                             IPPS
                                                                                           which is now separated from Eskom,
                                                                                            and acts as the middle man in the
                                                                                             energy market. It buys electricity
                                                                                             from whoever is selling it at the
                                        TRANSMISSION                                         lowest price, and sells it on to...
                                        Which sends this electricity
                                        across the country to.
                                                                                 R                                                        R

                                        which sells it to companies,
                                        municipalities, and individuals.
                                        The income from this goes to
                                        all of Eskom
                                                                             LARGE POWER                                              ESKOM
                                                                                USERS                                              DISTRIBUTION
                                   POWER PRODUCERS                                                R                   R
                                    are for-profit power companies which
                                   the government contracts in order to
                                   send a certain amount of electricity to
                                   the grid. These contracts are the only
                                   way in which IPPs can sell their power.

34 - The Problems With Government's Approach                                                           The Problems With Government's Approach - 35
getting the electricity from the      the consequences of profit                  maintain the monopoly on                       natural middleman between power
    substations to the users of the       maximisation in question 40.                transmission and distribution to               producers and users. It would buy
    electricity.                                                                      municipalities. But it would be just           electricity from power producers, and
                                          49. What does it mean to                    another competitor in generation.              sell it to municipalities, companies or
Unbundling means separating these             create an ‘energy                                                                      individuals.
three parts into three stand-alone
                                              market’?                                52. How does a ‘bundled’
companies. Each company would                                                                                                        The government’s roadmap has a key
                                                                                          Eskom stand in the way
have its own mandate and directors                                                                                                   role in mind for a future unbundled
                                          Think of a different market, let’s say          of an energy market?
and be responsible for its own                                                                                                       Eskom Transmission. They plan to turn
                                          for food. Supermarkets compete with
finances. From being one, integrated                                                                                                 Transmission into what is called an
                                          each other in selling food. In an           As it stands now, Eskom controls the
company, Eskom would be broken up                                                                                                    Independent Transmission System and
                                          energy market, private companies            entire process of making, moving, and
into three new, separate companies.                                                                                                  Market Operator (ITSMO). Simply put,
                                          would compete with each other to sell       distributing electricity. As long as
                                                                                                                                     its job will be to buy the cheapest
                                          the electricity they generate.              Eskom remains ‘bundled’, private
47. Why do they want to                                                               companies would have to compete                electricity from power producers
    unbundle Eskom?                       50. Why does the                            with Eskom’s power plants in order to          (both Eskom’s own as well as IPPs).
                                                                                                                                     Then it would transmit that electricity
                                              government want an                      sell electricity to Eskom Transmission.
The government knows that Eskom’s                                                                                                    and sell it to municipalities and
                                                                                      This would give Eskom Generation an
problems will not go away without             energy market?                                                                         individuals.
                                                                                      ‘unfair’ advantage. As part of the same
changing the way Eskom works. Their
                                          The main argument for an energy             company, Eskom Transmission could
plan for fixing Eskom’s problems is to                                                                                               By being the ‘neutral’ middleman, the
                                          market, or markets in general, is that      just choose to pay Eskom Generation
completely change the role Eskom                                                                                                     ITSMO creates the energy market that
                                          they produce competition and that it        more for its electricity while ignoring
plays in how electricity is made, sold,                                                                                              the government wants.
                                          is competition which produces low           private companies. If the government
and managed. Unbundling hopes to
                                          prices. The government says it              wants to attract for-profit power
solve these issues by enabling the                                                                                                   54. What is the role of the
                                          believes that private power companies       producers, then it will have to promise
competition that is supposed to be                                                    them a fair playing field.                         unbundled Eskom
                                          will provide the cheapest electricity. In
found in the free market.
                                          addition, they say that exposing                                                               Generation in this
                                          Eskom Generation to competition will        53. How would an                                   energy market?
48. What is the
                                          somehow make it fix its problems by             unbundled Eskom
    government’s vision for                                                                                                          An unbundled Eskom Generation
                                          forcing it to be as efficient as they           work?
    Eskom?                                believe private companies are.                                                             would compete with all of the private
                                                                                                                                     power companies to sell its electricity
                                                                                      Electricity can’t just go straight from
In a nutshell, the government thinks                                                                                                 to the ITSMO (formerly Eskom
                                          51. Does this mean that the                 power plants to the customer end-
that Eskom is a dinosaur. They believe                                                                                               Transmission). It would not receive
                                              government wants to                     user - it needs to pass through the
that there is no place for big public                                                                                                any special treatment, and the ITSMO
                                                                                      power lines and substations
utilities in the modern age, that             privatise Eskom?                                                                       wouldn’t have to buy its electricity if
                                                                                      controlled by Eskom’s Transmission
Eskom should let go of its monopoly                                                                                                  private companies are selling theirs
                                          Almost, but not exactly. Unbundling         division first. In an energy market,
and allow private for-profit power                                                                                                   for less.
                                          will not in itself privatise Eskom - the    Eskom’s Transmission would be the
companies to compete with it. In the
                                          government will still have control over
end, they want to create a market
                                          the three ‘unbundled’ parts. Instead,
where electricity is generated for
                                          the aim of unbundling is to open the
profit maximisation, and where Eskom
                                          door for privatising the generation of
is just another generator. We explain
                                          electricity. In this vision, Eskom would

36 - The Problems With Government's Approach                                                                                 The Problems With Government's Approach - 37
WHAT’S WRONG                               All of these necessary functions cost
                                           money. These costs are called system          COMPOSITION OF AVERAGE
                                           costs. And they will fall on the
                                           shoulders of Eskom Transmission.              POWER PRICE IN CENTS(€)/KWH
VISION                                     56. What do these other                       FOR A GERMAN HOUSEHOLD
                                               costs mean for Eskom
55. What would the real                        Transmission?                            40
    cost of renewables be?
                                           Because the government wants to
When people say that renewables are        attract investment, they will make
the cheapest way to make electricity,      sure that Eskom Transmission does
they are talking only about the costs      not charge private companies for
of construction and maintenance.           these costs when it buys the                 30
                                           electricity. But Eskom Transmission
The problem is that renewable energy       will need to pay for them somehow.
is a bit more unpredictable than coal      And the only way for it to do this is to
or nuclear energy. The sun does not        raise the price of the electricity that it
always shine on solar panels, and the      sells.
wind does not always blow on wind                                                       20
turbines.                                  57. Won’t the result be the
                                               same as Eskom’s death
This is not such a big problem right
now, when renewables make up only a
small portion of our energy supply. But    Exactly. Eskom Transmission will start
if the government’s plan goes ahead                                                     10
                                           raising prices to pay for system costs.
and private companies start building       People will respond by buying less
lots of renewables, then this issue will   power. Eskom Transmission will have
need to be dealt with:                     to increase its price more, and so the
                                           cycle of tariff increases will continue.
•   Storage systems will need to be
                                           This is already happening in some            0
    designed and built.
                                           European countries - the price of                   2006 2007 2008 2009 2010      2011   2012 2013   2014   2015    2016 2017   2018   2019
                                           electricity has gone up as more and
•   The grid will need to expand to
                                           more for-profit renewable power                                   Renewable surcharge         Grid Fees            Other
    reach the many new distributed
    solar and wind plants.                 comes online.

                                                                                              As renewable energy was added to Germany’s energy mix, the renewable energy
•   The grid will also need to be
                                                                                            surcharge grew, from less than 1 c/kWh (in euros €) in 2006 to more than 6 c/kWh
    adapted to balance the constant                                                         in 2019. At the same time, the price of electricity rose from 19 c/kWh in 2006 to 30
    variability of renewables.                                                              cents in 2019. The increase in price was a result of the public having to pay for the
                                                                                              costs of renewable energy rather than private and fossil fuel companies, or the
                                                                                                                      rich through progressive taxes.

38 - The Problems With Government's Approach                                                                                   The Problems With Government's Approach - 39
58. We can see the                        59. If Eskom Generation                  60. Is unbundling a dead-                    •   Eskom Generation requiring
                                                                                                                                    government support because it is
    problems for Eskom                        can’t stand on its own                   end?
                                                                                                                                    unable to compete with
    Transmission. But will                    feet, why shouldn’t we
                                                                                   Clearly the answer is yes! Unbundling            renewable energy prices.
    unbundling at least fix                   let the IPPs take its
                                                                                   will not lead to cheaper electricity in
    Eskom Generation?                         place?                               the long run, and it will definitely not
                                                                                                                                •   Private renewable energy
                                                                                                                                    producers making profit on the
                                                                                   fix Eskom’s financial issues either. We
No. There are two reasons for this.       The problem is that there is nothing                                                      backs of Eskom Generation and
                                                                                   will end up with the following picture:
First, most of Eskom’s debt would         that can take its place at a pace fast                                                    Transmission.
very likely be allocated to Eskom         enough to generate enough power. It      •   Eskom Transmission requiring
Generation in the unbundling process,     will take a very long time before                                                     This vision of the government is not in
                                                                                       government support because it
notably the debt racked up through        renewable energy can make enough                                                      the interests of the masses of South
                                                                                       has to pay for the system costs of
the Medupi and Kusile projects. At the    power to provide for the entire                                                       Africans.
                                                                                       renewable energy.
same time, its current power plants       country. So big power plants like
are expensive to run and maintain. So     Eskom’s will still be needed. No
it will be in no position to compete      private company will be willing to
with private power companies in an        invest in building these big power
energy market. Its revenue will reduce    plants, because they are incredibly
even further.                             expensive to build and not very
                                          profitable to run.
Eskom Generation will still be required
to back up renewable energy through       So the government will have to keep
its coal plants. However, these coal      bailing out an unbundled Eskom
plants will also need to cut down on      Generation - or else risk the entire
supply during periods of high supply      power grid.
of renewables (when there is lots of
sun and wind) - this is to keep the
grid balanced and because the
renewable energy will be cheaper. This
constant turning power up and down
again is very uneconomical and
therefore an additional cost for Eskom
Generation and another advantage for
the IPPs. If Eskom Generation is not
financially supported during this
process it will collapse.

40 - The Problems With Government's Approach                                                                            The Problems With Government's Approach - 41
                            FIX IT: ESKOM
                            Eskom must lead our just transition

                            61. What does ‘just                        62. What does ‘socially-
                                transition’ mean?                          owned’ energy mean?

                            A Just Transition is any transition to a   Socially-owned means different things
                            low-carbon economy that secures the        to different people. There will need to
                            future and livelihoods of workers and      be more debate to further clarify the
                            their communities. This means that         idea. NUMSA, for example, in its
                            new jobs must be created to replace        resolution on socially-owned
                            old jobs, with consultation with           renewable energy, defines it as: “a
                            affected workers and communities.          sector made up of a mix of energy
                            It also means there must be suitable       parastatals [state-owned companies],
                            alternate provision if new jobs are not    cooperatives, municipal-owned
                            available.                                 entities and other forms of community
                                                                       energy enterprises”. Where there is

42 - How We Should Fix It                                                          How We Should Fix It - 43
consensus is that social ownership is
clearly not private ownership for
                                         63. But what about for-
                                             profit community                                    GLOBAL NEW
                                                                                                 INVESTMENT IN
As far as the State is concerned -
                                         We need to be clear about two things:

                                                                                                 RENEWABLE ENERGY
whether national, provincial or
                                         firstly, what we mean by a
municipal – it does not have to be
                                         ‘community’ and secondly what we
either incompetent or corrupt, let

                                         mean by community ‘ownership’.
alone both. Far from it. While
                                         Community ownership is not
therefore not denying the enormous
                                         automatically a more democratic
problems we currently face at all
                                         means of energy ownership. Often the
three levels of government, Eskom
                                         communities people are referring to
and municipalities are democratically
                                         are led by ‘traditional leaders’. Many of
accountable to us in a way that
                                         these leaders are completely
private companies can never be. We
                                         undemocratic and privatise their                        400
can see how the State of Capture
                                         community’s resources for                                                                                                                 12%
Report by the previous Public                                                                                                                                                                        2%
                                         themselves. This has resulted in                                                                                              10%                      5%
Protector and the ongoing Zondo
                                         various people taking court cases                                                                                                   -7%         -11%
Commission have brought about some                                                               300
                                         against their traditional leaders.                                                                      20%             21%
transparency and accountability
regarding Eskom. Private companies,      But even if a community had                                                                                   -11%

                                                                                     $ Billion
by law and their own agreements, are     democratic systems, should they                         200                                                      -14%
accountable only to their                                                                                                                  30%
                                         make a profit selling electricity at the
shareholders. Eskom is not nearly as     expense of working-class people who
accountable or accessible as we want     don’t own the means of producing
it to be. But it is still obliged to                                                             100                           23%
                                         energy? Community ownership is                                                              -6%
account to our democratically elected    progressive if it means the community
Government and Parliament.               as a whole participates in energy                                               26%
                                         decisions and benefits from the                          0
Part of what makes a transition ‘just’
                                         construction of energy and the                                            33%
is that it offers an opportunity to
                                         affordable access to it.
deliver energy democracy – where all                                                                         45%
people participate in decisions around
energy - through social ownership. But                                                                 51%
for Eskom to do this it needs to be
fundamentally transformed.
                                                                                                       2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

                                                                                                                     Investment in renewable energy has flatlined and
                                                                                                                          occasionally decreased in recent years.

44 - How We Should Fix It                                                                                                                                              How We Should Fix It - 45
64. Why is a Transformed                    65. But how can Eskom                      TRANSFORMING                               69. So what would a
    Eskom best placed to                        overcome the problems                                                                 transformed Eskom
    lead our just transition?                   with renewable
                                                                                       ESKOM                                          look like?
                                                energy’s variability?
For two crucial reasons that account                                                   66. What do we need                        First, Eskom must be de-corporatised.
for both the ‘just’ and the ‘transition’.   As we explained earlier, the electricity       Eskom to be?                           That means restoring Eskom to its
                                            output from most renewable energy is                                                  original mandate of supplying the
•    In terms of justice, Eskom is of                                                  We need an energy utility that can         cheapest possible electricity to the
                                            variable. It depends on the sun or the
     course best placed to make sure                                                   lead South Africa’s just transition to     economy and all the people, It means
                                            wind which are not constant. This
     that its workers are either moved                                                 clean energy, and meet the electricity     removing the ‘user-pays’ and ‘full cost
                                            variability needs to be managed. When
     to other jobs in Eskom, or that                                                   needs of its people and economy. Only      recovery’ principles. Second, workers
                                            the output from renewable energy is
     those who are approaching                                                         Eskom can do this. But Eskom has to        must have a greater say in how Eskom
                                            low, the baseload electricity
     retirement or can’t be moved to                                                   change.                                    is run. Worker councils should be set
                                            (generated by non-renewable energy)
     new jobs are paid a living wage                                                                                              up that have power to affect the
                                            will need to be increased. Eskom, as a
     until they are due to retire.
                                            single utility, is best placed to manage   67. What about the                         workplace and participate in the

•    On the transition, we know that
                                            this kind of variability. The grid will        corruption and                         appointment of senior management.
                                                                                                                                  Thirdly, Eskom must also be
     private sector investment is
                                            need to constantly be balanced                 mismanagement at
                                            through powering up and down                                                          responsive to the broader public that
     falling short because renewable                                                       Eskom?                                 includes communities affected by its
                                            baseload power plants. Eskom
     energy is becoming less
                                            Generation and Transmission, as a                                                     operations, environmental groups and
     profitable. So public investment,                                                 This is a huge problem which has to
                                            single entity rather than being                                                       end-users. This can be done through
     which isn’t driven by the need to                                                 be a priority in transforming Eskom.
                                            separated, can best coordinate this                                                   public assemblies where Eskom and
     maximise profit, must take its                                                    Eskom has suffered, and continues to
                                            balancing of the grid.                                                                government officials as well as
     place. Eskom is the only existing                                                 suffer, from extensive corruption and
                                                                                                                                  parliamentarians must present
     entity that can receive and deploy                                                mismanagement.
                                            Eskom can at least do this until 2030.                                                themselves. Such transformations
     such public investment into
                                            At that stage, either improvements in                                                 would make Eskom truly accountable
     renewable energy. In addition, it                                                 68. So how do we deal with
                                            storage technologies, or developments                                                 and transparent to the public it
     makes sense for Eskom to do this                                                      the corruption and                     serves. Only this Eskom Transformed
                                            in other baseload forms of power that
     so it can plan the replacement of
                                            are clean, will be ready for mass
                                                                                           mismanagement?                         can address the climate crisis. Covid-
     its aging and dirty coal plants.
                                            deployment. Neither storage nor                                                       19 should make it clear how serious
                                                                                       By building the power to hold people
                                            other forms of clean energy will be                                                   global disruptions will be if we don’t
These are the necessary components                                                     accountable. The government is
                                            very profitable. So again Eskom,                                                      reduce our emissions.
of a just transition. Only Eskom can                                                   divided: either they are involved in and
                                            without the requirement of the profit
deliver them.                                                                          support the corruption, or they do not
                                            motive, is best placed to deliver it.
                                                                                       want to fix it and would prefer to let
                                                                                       generation at Eskom die so the private
                                                                                       sector can take its place. There are
                                                                                       also managers at Eskom who are
                                                                                       corrupt and do not deserve, or do,
                                                                                       their jobs. Only workers can force the
                                                                                       government to change, get rid of
                                                                                       corrupt managers, and make sure the
                                                                                       right people are employed for the job.

46 - How We Should Fix It                                                                                                                     How We Should Fix It - 47

CORPORATION                                                                         TRUE PUBLIC UTILITY

                                                               Socialized: Driven by social need, not profit, while also
Commercialised: Aims to be competitive and profitable.
                                                                                   supporting industrial development.

Prioritises and subsidizes big, polluting,                   Prioritises and subsidizes poor and rural households and
energy-intensive industries.                                                     clean and energy efficient industries.

Needs to achieve “full cost recovery”, take on its            Electricity is funded through large energy users and the
own debt.                                                                     treasury, including taxes on the wealthy.

Provides electricity to “customers” who pay the full price      Provides electricity as a basic human need, and at an
of what they use.                                                         affordable price to non-polluting industries.

48 - How We Should Fix It                                                                         How We Should Fix It - 49

TOP-DOWN CORRUPTION                                            BOTTOM-UP ACCOUNTABILITY

Outsources everything along with secretive tenders             Where in-sourcing is not possible, transparent
and corruption.                                               procurement with worker and public oversight.

Top-down management: narrowly-based board members,   Bottom-up management: Worker representation on board
and corrupt political appointments.                       and on appointment panels for senior management.

Decisions made in secret, public and workers             Public involved in decision making and consultation,
informed after.                                             including users’ groups, communities, and unions.

                                                     Other than work-related expenses, no payments or perks
Overpaid, “professional” board members.
                                                                                      for being on the board.

50 - How We Should Fix It                                                                How We Should Fix It - 51
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