Reckoning with Ransomware - white paper - GuidePoint Security

Reckoning with Ransomware - white paper - GuidePoint Security
w h i t e pa p e r

Reckoning with
Reckoning with Ransomware - white paper - GuidePoint Security
Ransomware is no new
phenomenon—it’s been
making the rounds in
one form or another for
over 30 years. There are
many ways to prepare for
a ransomware incident,
but the foundation lies in
understanding the basic
steps to ransomware
incident response. This
paper will walk through
these steps to help you
better understand how               How to Prepare Your
to structure your own
ransomware response.                Organization for a
You will learn:                     Ransomware Incident
  What steps your organization’s
  ransomware response               There are a myriad of intricate events and considerations
  should include.                   that occur over the life of an incident and during the incident
                                    response process. This paper will walk through the timeline of
  Who needs to be included in
                                    a hypothetical ransomware incident and examine the steps to
  your organization’s ransomware
                                    handle similar situations. It will also help you identify the roles,
  response communications.
                                    responsibilities, and people in your organization you may want to
  What the recovery process        involve in a similar scenario. These best practices can be broadly
  can look like when a plan is      applied to any organization of any size and offer a solid foundation
  implemented and executed.         to begin building your incident response plan.

From small- to medium-sized businesses to large corporations that may be the
target of nation-state actors, ransomware has quickly become one of the most
common attack types faced by organizations and businesses. With a potential
for massive impact on operations, brand, and budget, it’s critical to have a
well-thought-out response plan should your organization ever become the
victim of ransomware.

After All Their Posturing, They’re Still Just
Common Thieves

Ransomware is far from being a recent phenomenon.       to a difficult-to-trace address, but but it also laid
The first known ransomware attack took place in 1989    the foundation for the encrypted file technique. (In
and targeted the health care industry. (Some things     1996, security researchers Adam Young and “Moti”
never change, do they?)                                 Yung published a paper on how a ransomware attack
                                                        could be successfully carried out using public-key
At the height of the AIDS pandemic, evolutionary
biologist and AIDS researcher Joseph Popp, Ph.D.,
distributed 20,000 floppy discs to healthcare           Since those humble beginnings in 1989, ransomware
professionals in over 90 countries, purportedly         has only grown more prevalent and complex. In
containing a questionnaire that could identify the      2006, variants like Gpcode and Cryzip emerged, using
taker’s risk of contracting the deadly, new virus.      increasingly complex encryption methods to lock files
However, it also contained a trojan that, once the      away. Then, in 2013, CyrptoLocker burst onto the
computer had been rebooted 90 times, would hide         scene and changed the game forever by demanding
the victims’ files and demand payment be sent to a      payment via the still-nascent BitCoin (which at the
PO box in Panama in order to retrieve them.             time was worth around $140 per coin).

While later analysis revealed that the malware was      Today, it would be almost impossible to find average
deeply flawed–the encryption key could be easily        person who hasn’t heard of ransomware, let alone find
extracted from the trojan file itself–it laid vital     a cybersecurity professional who hasn’t (and if you do,
groundwork for the ransomware we know today. Not        maybe give them a gentle nudge towards choosing a
only did it target a group that couldn’t afford to be   new career).
without their files and demand that payment be sent

Ransomware has advanced dramatically in both form
and function over the last thirty years, even becoming
a tool for targeted attacks and disruption. However,
in the end, the core goal of ransomware is the same:
to extort as much money as possible from the victim.
For all the changes made in the ways ransomware
operates, the threat actors using it are still just
common thieves.

In 2020, there were an estimated 304 million                      Typically, when dealing with ransomware, there are three
ransomware attacks worldwide, and the first months of             possible avenues of recovery available to the victim:
2021 brought some of the most prominent and public                accept the loss of the impacted systems and files and do
ransomware attacks in history. Ransomware continues               the best to move forward, pay the ransom to receive the
to be an incredibly prevalent form of attack because it           recovery key, or restore data from uncorrupted backups
offers a trifecta of advantages that attackers find hard          if they’re available. While a small business may not offer
to ignore:                                                        as much potential profit as a Fortune 500 company,

  • Universally dangerous: ransomware can impact                  they also typically lack the resources to recover files

     any organization.                                            on their own, so the likelihood of a small business
                                                                  responding to a ransom request increases—if they can
  • Highly available: Ransomware is increasingly easy
                                                                  afford the ransom. In the case of large corporations,
     to find and execute.
                                                                  not only are they better equipped to restore operations
  • Increasingly profitable: It’s incredibly lucrative
                                                                  and files, but they are also more likely to have sizable
     for attackers.
                                                                  cybersecurity insurance policies in place. To exploit
                                                                  this, attackers have adopted double-extortion methods
Whether it’s a small business or a Fortune 500
                                                                  of not only encrypting but also stealing sensitive data
company, a critical infrastructure HQ or a hospital,
                                                                  and threatening to release it to the public (or worse,
every organization and business has essential files
                                                                  to competing companies), or threatening to publicly
stored on systems and networks, making every
                                                                  disclose the name of the victim organization on a
organization and business a potential victim. When you
                                                                  shaming website to impact brand image.
combine this abundance of victims with the emergence
of ransomware-as-a-service groups that significantly              It’s clear to see from this game of ever-rising stakes
reduce the time and cost required to execute a large-             that the threat of ransomware won’t be going away
scale ransomware campaign, the potential payout for               anytime soon. That’s why you must have a detailed
an attacker far outweighs the effort and risk they face.          response plan in place to reckon with ransomware
                                                                  should it ever hit your environment.

                 Organizations Impacted by Ransomware
                            Ransomware on the Rise Globally, November 2020 - June 2021
























“I’ve Got Some Bad News For You”

The attackers’ confidence is on full display in their unsettlingly accurate awareness of how it feels to open one of these notes.

It’s an all too common and frightening scenario:                        chain of command. In the meantime, she can hear
An employee of the Acme Corporation, we’ll call him                     more calls coming into the helpdesk office, with her
Harry from accounting, calls up the helpdesk and                        colleagues discussing the same problem with Acme
says he can’t access one of his files, even though he                   employees—all their files have been encrypted. Holly
was just able to open it a few hours ago. The support                   is pretty certain she knows what is going on. Acme
engineer named Holly who answers the call tells                         has suffered a ransomware attack.
Harry to jump on a remote session to sort the issue
                                                                        Every day in offices worldwide, this exact scenario
out. As Holly and Harry run through the standard list
                                                                        (or one exceptionally similar to it) plays out. So the
of support questions Holly notices that one of Harry’s
                                                                        question is: if this were to happen in your office,
files has a random, six-character extension appended
                                                                        what’s the first thing you would do first to mitigate and
to the file name. After more digging, she sees that all
                                                                        respond to an active ransomware incident, and more
the files in the directory are inaccessible, and they
                                                                        importantly, what would you do next?
all have the same six-character extension. And then
she sees a new file, with the same six characters                       When faced with a scenario like this, as the initial
followed by “README.TXT”. Holly is an experienced                       tsunami of anxiety comes bearing down on you it is
support engineer. She suspects that Harry is a victim                   entirely normal to feel an overwhelming urge to do
of malware—possibly a ransomware attack. Since                          something drastic, like rip the ethernet out of the wall
Acme has both a formal Incident Response Plan                           or dropkick the computer in the hopes that maybe
and a Continuity of Operations Plan, Holly’s team                       the ransomware will feel threatened by your surprise
has been briefed on what to do when they suspect                        display of mixed martial arts skills.
a cyberattack. Knowing that she shouldn’t open
the README.TXT file, Holly follows procedure and                        It is imperative that you don’t do either
immediately escalates the problem up her internal                       of those things.

If you don’t have a plan in place, it’s too easy to make      • Understanding your cyber insurance policy
snap decisions that seem logical and correct in the              and knowing when to contact the cyber
moment, but that could, at best, hinder your chances             insurance provider.
for successful mitigation and response efforts, and,        These steps are critical to the response process and
at worst, send your efforts plummeting over a cliff.        will provide key direction on next steps.
It’s important to remember that the first step in any
incident is to pause, take a deep breath, and follow an     And just as important as knowing when and who to
established incident response plan.                         contact, is knowing how you will contact them. Having
                                                            established, external contact methods for all necessary
As you start forming your organization’s incident
                                                            parties is critical to any incident response, because
response plan, some important initial considerations
                                                            your network is compromised. From here on out, you
                                                            have to assume the attacker can and is monitoring any
  • Knowing when to reach out to your incident              and all communications like Slack, email, ticketing
     response provider.                                     systems, or video calls.

  • If you don’t have an incident response provider,        With that established, there are four phases to an
     being prepared to locate one that can provide you      incident response plan for ransomware—or any major
     with the assistance and support you will need.         cyberattack, for that matter—and each step has its own
  • Knowing when you should involve legal counsel.          critical actions to take and questions to answer before
                                                            moving on to the next.

       phase one                     phase two              phase three                   phase four

      Initial Discovery &           Containment and         Forensic Analysis             Recovery
      Preliminary Steps             Initial Investigation   and Determining

             The scene has been set, the scenario is in play. Moving forward, these four
             phases and the considerations that will be taken into account at each stage
             will be examined in a realistic context for response to the unfortunate
             situation unfortunate situation the Acme Company finds itself in.

phase one

“This Channel is Reserved for Emergency
Calls Only”
Holly has already escalated the problem up her chain    of the plan and with the communications lead to
of command and her manager has alerted Jake, the        confirm they’re on point to manage any future
Cybersecurity Team Director and the Team Lead           public relations concerns. Jake also reaches out to
on the Incident Response Team. Jake follows the         the HR representative to work with them to bring
Incident Response Plan protocol and notifies his        the employees up to speed on what is happening.
technical response team, which includes a technical     Finally, Jake and the CISO reach out to Acme’s cyber
lead investigator, security analysts, and threat        insurance provider.
                                                        Based on their research, the IR analysts and the
The first thing Jake and his technical team need to     independent IR provider have confirmed that the
do is triage exactly who knows about the incident,      attack impacting the network is a type of ransomware
what they know specifically, and whether any            known as NetWalker. Even though the analysts were
helpdesk support staff, or other Acme employee has      engaged quickly, they point out that NetWalker is
established any communications with the threat          known to propagate and encrypt systems extremely
actors over the corporate network in the heat of the    quickly (including backups). Worse still, the
moment, because that could cause issues down the        ransomware criminal gang responsible for NetWalker
road if the attacker captured that information.         is also known for stealing data.

For a large organization like Acme Corporation, this    To sum up phase one, while supporting Harry in
would also be when Jake notifies the remainder of       accounting, support engineer Holly discovered a
the Incident Response team—which includes key           suspected ransomware incident in process on her
members that provide cross-functional support,          company’s network. Holly kept her cool and followed
such as a management/executive leads (e.g., CISO),      the incident response plan, alerting her manager,
a Communications Lead, a Legal Representative,          who alerted Jake, the cybersecurity director and IR
and an HR Representative. The Acme Corporation’s        team leader who then initiated the response based
Incident Response Plan includes work, mobile, and       on the codified plan. This enabled the rest of the
home phone numbers for each member as well as           IR team to begin their plan duties, which helped to
work and personal email addresses. Each member of       quickly establish a preliminary attribution and set up
the Incident Response team knows their role and has     the next phase of the investigation. It also enabled
been trained in the appropriate response protocol.      communications, legal, and Acme’s cyber insurance
                                                        provider to get involved and begin planning for any
At this point, Jake also alerts the external Incident
                                                        future work they needed to contribute. This first
Response provider that Acme has retained and
                                                        incident-response phase is complete within hours
inform them of a likely incident.
                                                        of the initial breach.
With company leadership now aware of what is
happening, and the IR retainer engaged, Jake
checks in with the legal representative to ensure
they’re ready to guide Acme through the later phases

phase two

“We Do NOT Alter the Plan!”
Moving into phase two, the IR team and the Acme           During this phase, the IR analysts deploy an endpoint
Corporation can transition to solving the problem of      detection and response (EDR) tool to gain visibility
containment, scoping the impact of the ransomware         and containment capabilities in the environment.
and how many systems were encrypted, and                  The EDR tool helps the team see how deeply the
gathering options for recovery and restoration. At        ransomware attack has propagated across the
this point, Jake and the external IR provider are         network and helps to determine the full scope
getting pressure from some Acme executives to get         of the incident. With an accurate picture of the
things back up and running as soon as possible, so        impacted systems and networks, and prevalence in
business can get back on track. From both Jake’s and      the organization, Jake and the IR team quarantine
the external IR provider’s perspective, the priority      the impacted devices and networks to stop the
needs to be making sure this can’t happen again. For      ransomware from further expansion. Unfortunately,
many companies, a common reaction to incidents like       the analysts find that the attack has made its way
ransomware attacks is to try to bring those systems       into the backups and encrypted them, severely
back online as fast as possible. Unfortunately, quickly   limiting the Acme Corporation’s recovery options.
ramping back up without first conducting a thorough       These findings are also passed on to the legal counsel
investigation could lead to Acme losing a significant     so they can be advised of legal obligations they may
amount of evidence that could help the IR analysts        have related to the business availability and the
establish root cause. Additionally, ransomware            impacted data. The information is also shared with
could still be propagating throughout the network         the communication lead so they can prepare any
and computing systems and networks could just be          future statements that might need to be shared with
re-infected. With this in mind, the IR team and the       customers or partners. The findings are also given
external IR provider remind Acme leadership that the      to the insurance provider to keep them informed of
current focus needs to be on immediate containment.       the potential for recovery and the likelihood that a
                                                          ransom may have to be paid.
Containment is also critical because it takes
some control away from the attackers. Had the             As part of containing the breach in phase two, Jake
helpdesk team or another Acme employee already            and his team checked to see if any remote users,
communicated with the cybercriminal gang, it is           other than IT, were accessing the systems. During
possible that the attackers would know what Acme          the examination, they find a legacy system that was
was planning to do. The attackers might then work to      left online with open remote desktop protocol (RDP),
establish additional persistence within Acme systems      and suspect this may have been the initial access
and networks or begin engaging in counter-incident        point for the attacker. But, at this time, the only
response actions.                                         confirmed details are the systems impacted and the
                                                          initial analysis of the attack. The focus has been on
                                                          containment to ensure the spread is stopped. By the
                                                          end of phase two, it’s been almost 48 hours since the
                                                          initial incident.

phase three

“I Negotiate Million Dollar Deals for Breakfast”
Coming into phase three, most of the emergency work        to take to meet disclosure requirements. (Smaller
should be done. The initial response and containment       organizations may not have the same requirements.)
phases are the most intense, and now the focus             This component of the IR process can be complicated,
shifts to in-depth investigation and management of         and it may take some time to ascertain the full
the fallout. Right now, one of the most critical things    extent of the leak (unless the company already had a
Jake and the IR response team need to think about is       specific toolset in place to monitor data for copying
staff relief. Key IR team members have been working        or exfiltration). Unfortunately, it is all too common
for almost 48 hours. Decision-making skills have           to learn that the attacker has created a ‘name and
started to degrade, and tempers are becoming short.        shame’ site and has already posted sensitive data to it.
Fortunately, Jake has built some back-up staff into the
                                                           If sensitive data has been stolen, the company
Incident Response plan, and these people are called in
                                                           must determine which regulatory agencies require
to take over for the exhausted team.
                                                           notification, and what kinds of information they need
The attention now shifts to three important questions:     to share internally to employees and externally to
  • Are all the external parties engaged properly?         the public. Because the network is now restricted,
  • Has data from the Acme Corporation been                in order to quarantine the ransomware, Jake, the IR
     exposed?                                              team, and the HR representative need to determine
  • Who needs to be notified of potential exposure         how to contact employees to keep them informed or
     or consequences of the breach?                        disclose PII leaks. The Jake, the IR team, and the

First, Jake needs to verify that the legal counsel,        communications lead will also need to work together

communications lead, insurance provider, and IR            to communicate to customers and partners the attack

team are all working together and sharing necessary        status and whether the Acme systems will be shut

information, during a regular cadence of meetings.         down for a while during the recovery process.

This is critical from two perspectives: first it ensures   Ultimately, the decisions made during this time are
all key individuals know what is happening and can         critical and missteps or inappropriate communications
institute their portion of the IR plan accordingly;        can have more of an impact on the business in the
secondly, the cyber insurance policy may require each      form of reputation damage than any financial burdens
team member to engage in certain actions during            associated with paying a hefty ransom.
certain phases for the policy to be valid. Regular
communication with everyone involved is critical to        Unfortunately for the Acme Corporation, the
the success of any IR engagement.                          cybercriminal is requesting $5 million in exchange
                                                           for decrypting their systems. They are claiming to
During this phase, Jake will also work with the            have exfiltrated 100GB of information that they
IR analysts to determine whether sensitive data            are threatening to release if the ransom is not paid
like personally identifiable information (PII) was         within five days. Up to this point, the company
exfiltrated or leaked. If so, legal, communications,       hasn’t made any public disclosure about the breach
and HR will need to determine the appropriate course       since they haven’t been listed by the attacker on
of action when it comes to informing victims of the        the ransomware’s name and shame site. But in a
exposure and take any necessary legal steps.               turn for the worse, a security journalist posts a blog

Because Acme is a large corporation with offices and       with general detail about the breach cited to an

customers nationwide, they will have additional steps      “undisclosed source.”

Phase three represents the transition from emergency       arduous–phase three can last anywhere from days to
management to navigating the bureaucratic, legal,          weeks or longer–but if the Acme Corporation sticks to
and reputational consequences of an attack like            the plan and maintains engagement and contact with
ransomware, and is the first phase that stretches          all the stakeholders in this process, they can avoid
beyond hours and into days and weeks. The process          potential legal pitfalls and costly expenses due to
of managing the aftermath of a breach can be long and      mishandling the situation.

phase four

“Making Fists with Your Toes”
Phase three has taken longer than anyone wanted            as how many victims have already made ransom
and ended with the cybercriminal’s demand for $5           payments to these criminals and the amounts paid).
million in five days. The criminals have threatened        When the payment terms have been negotiated, the
both permanent data loss and a leak of sensitive files     ransom broker facilitates the payment, keeping records
to the public. The question the Acme Corporation must      for any claims with the cyber insurance company.
answer now is do they need to consider paying the          The ransom broker also serves another vital function:
ransom, or can they make the business work even if         they perform the necessary checks with the Office of
they never get their data back and their data is leaked?   Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) to ensure the payment
If they choose to pay, they will need to decide if they    won’t be going to a person or group on a government
are going to call in a third party to broker ransom        blacklist.
payments. They will also need to confirm the terms
                                                           Throughout this process, the investigation into exactly
of the insurance coverage, including the ransom, as
                                                           how this breach happened is still ongoing, and the IR
well as any costs associated with the investigation and
                                                           analysts have discovered that it wasn’t caused by open
attack clean up.
                                                           RDP but instead by a malicious email attachment.
Early in the investigation, the IR analysts confirmed      It turns out that attachment arrived through an
that all of the Acme Corporation’s backups were fully      employee’s personal email that he had been checking
encrypted. Based on this, Acme leadership determines       at work, which is why the Acme Corporation’s email
that too much data vital to the survival of the business   filters didn’t block it.
is encrypted, and they will have to pay the ransom. The
                                                           With the payment complete, the threat actor sends
attacker is demanding the ransom be paid in TheoCoin,
                                                           the decryption key to Jake and the IR team, but it’s not
a relatively obscure new cryptocurrency, so Acme
                                                           over yet. The decryption process can take a long time
needs to work with their external incident response
                                                           to complete, and the company must decide what data
provider to negotiate ransom payment.
                                                           to prioritize to get back up and running. And while they
As the ransom broker, the IR company will negotiate        have the decryption key and the attacker’s guarantee
with the criminals to try to lower the payment, identify   that the 100GB of stolen data has been deleted from
the cryptocurrency wallet where the funds need             the attacker’s system, they can never be sure that
to be deposited, and determine information on the          data is fully erased and won’t resurface later down the
cybercriminals based on wallet information (such           road. It will likely take three to four weeks to get all

of the systems restored and back online, and probably          and security a list of recommendations and remediations
a few weeks more before Jake and his team feel like            to implement. This continued engagement is critical,
they’ve caught up on their sleep. During this time, the IR     because without this analysis, it’s entirely likely that
engagement team will continue to dig into the root cause       there could be a series of ill-conceived sequels to
of this incident. Once identified, the IR team will give IT    this event.

                        Do You Have a Plan?
                        If you’re curious how your organization might fare in this kind of situation, GuidePoint
                        Security’s experts can help you build plans for any situation and test your team’s capabilities
                        with similar scenarios in the form of custom-crafted tabletop exercises. Tabletop exercises
                        can encompass a multitude of situations and incidents, including insider threats, ransomware,
                        and supply chain attacks. Following an investigation of your environment and a review of your
                        current Incident Response plan, the scenario is customized to fit your organization, from your
                        architecture to your current security policies.

                        Tabletop exercises like the one covered in this paper are designed to help you think critically
                        about your policies and procedures so you can find and address gaps without any risk to your
                        environment. At the end of the exercise, our goal is to give you actionable insights into your
                        performance so you can improve your incident response planning.

    about the authors

    This whitepaper was a collaborative effort from
    the GuidePoint Security Incident Response Team
    The GuidePoint Security IR team is experienced with a wide variety of industry-standard tools and
    solutions that provide the required visibility across your network, endpoints and other systems for an
    efficient and comprehensive investigation of an incident.

    Our team members originate from a variety of backgrounds with extensive industry experience and carry
    numerous industry standard certifications from SANS, ISC2, Offensive Security, cloud service providers
    and numerous other organizations. To help demonstrate our capabilities and experience, individual bios
    are available for all of our resources.

2201 Cooperative Way, Suite 225, Herndon, VA 20171 • • (877) 889-0132

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