WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response - Version 3.2 - CHO Approved 1 February 2022

WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response - Version 3.2 - CHO Approved 1 February 2022
WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert
and Response
Version 3.2 - CHO Approved
1 February 2022
WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response - Version 3.2 - CHO Approved 1 February 2022
Version control
The WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response (SAR) is intended to be a living document
and will be reviewed and updated as changes are advised by the Chief Health Officer (CHO), Incident Controller
(IC) and other subject matter experts across the WA Health System. This will include changes to policy guidance
at national and state-wide levels, based on evolving evidence bases and best practice.
   Version    Last reviewed                                                       Description of changes
     1.0      04/01/2021      Version resubmitted to CHO for approval, following alignment with WA Health COVID-19 Testing Guidelines v2.0. Not published.
     1.1      11/01/2022           Realignment to Testing Guidelines v3.0. Minor, immaterial updates to guidance for public community dental services
     2.0      14/01/2022             Version approved by CHO for internal circulation only. Inclusion of proof of vaccination requirement for all visitors
     2.1      14/01/2022                              Version updated to reflect it will be accessible on WA Health Corporate website
     2.2      17/01/2022                                          Hyperlinks for supporting COVID-19 Guidelines updated
     3.0      25/01/2022                       Updates to PPE, outpatient, visitor guidance and alignment with publish testing guidancev3.0
     3.1      27/01/2022                                               Interim Amber phases 1.1 and 1.2 incorporated
     3.2      1/02/2022            Interim amber date of 31 January 2022 changed to 3 February 2022, Updates to the Dental Category in Amber phase

The WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response (SAR) guidance for approval by the Chief
Health Officer (CHO), ahead of mobilisation in January 2022. It outlines the approach, alert levels and response
guidelines and has been developed in conjunction with key system leads and advisory groups.

   Section    Item                                                                                                              Page
     1        Overview of the WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response (SAR)                                   4
     1.1      Overview of the Framework - context, scope, components and proposed principles for use by the CHO                  5
     1.2      High level structure of the Framework, including alert level definitions                                           6
     2        SAR for CHO sign-off                                                                                               7
     2.1      PPE guidance                                                                                                       8
     2.2      Service capacity management guidance (surge planning, elective surgery, outpatient and specialist day services)   9-10
     2.3      Guidance for public community dental services                                                                      11
     2.4      Patient screening and testing guidance, including interim amber                                                   12-13
     2.5      HCW screening and testing guidance                                                                                 14
     2.6      Student and volunteer access guidance                                                                              15
     2.7      Visitor access guidance                                                                                            16
     3.0      Appendices                                                                                                         17
     3.1      Appendix 1 - Supporting guidance materials (national and state policy and guidelines)                              18
     3.2      Appendix 2 - Glossary                                                                                             19-20
     3.3      Appendix 3 - Abbreviations                                                                                         21
     3.3      Appendix 4 - List of subject matter experts                                                                        22

Overview of the
Overview of the framework
A COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response (SAR) has been developed for use by the WA Health
system to document the different levels of risk (alert levels) and associated responses, to be applied across the
WA Health service settings, in a living with COVID-19 context.
                                                                                                                                 Proposed principles for
    Context and purpose                         Scope of the SAR                      Components of the SAR
                                                                                                                                    use by the CHO
WA is entering a period of transition as   What does the Framework cover:             The SAR has two key components, that
it pivots to living with COVID-19                                                     are based on a combination of the VIC,    How will the SAR be used in practice:
(LWC), rather than continuing to aim to    ●   Overarching guidance for Health        NSW and SA frameworks:
eliminate the virus.                           Service Providers (HSPs) /                                                       ●   Supports CHO decision making:
                                               hospitals                              1. Alert Levels - Four risk ratings           The CHO determines which alert
To support a proactive and coordinated                                                   from low (COVID READY) to very             level the state or geographical
                                           ●   Indicative indicators to help
risk management approach to LWC the                                                      high (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY) for              region is in based on a set of
                                               inform and group different levels of
Chief Health Officer (CHO) has advised                                                   the Department of Health to                defined indicators and thresholds
SHICC to:                                                                                determine what the COVID-19                across the four levels of risk
                                           ●   Links to relevant policy and              transmission and system response
●   Develop an overarching                     guidance documents                        capacity risk rating is for a          ●   Hospital focussed: HSPs/public
    framework that informs the WA                                                        geographical region.                       hospitals are the primary target
    Health System of actions and           What is currently not in the Framework
                                                                                                                                    audience. Other private hospital
    interventions in response to                                                      2. Responses - A summary of
                                           ●   Public Health and prevention                                                         and non-hospital services will
    changing risks of COVID-19                                                           consistent actions and
                                               strategies to reduce community                                                       benefit from following some of the
                                                                                         interventions for health services to
●   The SHICC Health Operations                transmission risks                                                                   same guidance, and play a role in
                                                                                         undertake during different alert
    Cell to take a lead on facilitating                                                                                             managing demand away from
                                           ●   HSP specific procedures, including        levels
    the development of the framework                                                                                                hospitals
                                               BAU flu season and HSP surge
    using information from other                                                      Dashboards and lead indicators that
                                               management processes                                                             ●   System wide application with
    jurisdictions (VIC, NSW, SA) with                                                 summarise key public health and
    direction from WA Health system        ●   Guidance for non-hospital              health system COVID-19 response               region/ HSP specific risk
    executives and in consultation with        settings                               capacity measures will help inform            categorisation: The framework will
    subject matter experts (SMEs)                                                     the CHO (and SAR governance) in               be applied at a statewide level, or
                                           ●   Service preparedness actions,          reviewing and determining the                 to different WACHS regions/
                                               including workforce, supply and        appropriate alert level                       metropolitan Perth geographic
                                               logistics related support                                                            areas, which may be rated different
                                           ●   Pharmaceuticals and therapeutics                                                     alert levels at a point in time. The
                                                                                                                                    current intention is for the alert
                                           ●   Clinical pathways/models of care                                                     levels for these regions to be
                                           ●   COVID-19 testing strategies                                                          available on the WA Health website

High-level structure of the framework
                                   The SAR consists of alert levels with risk based thresholds, and responses. The CHO will use a range of
                                   community, public health, and service capacity indicators to assess changing risks and determine the alert level
                                                                      Alert Levels will be determined by the CHO based on lead / lag indicators that outline the current LWC situation including:
                                                                           ●      Community transmission measures - including waste water surveillance, number of cases, number of COVID-19 deaths, new / virulent strains
                                    Alert Level Indicators /
                                                                           ●      Public health measures - vaccination rates, testing collection and lab capacity indicators
                                    Criteria                               ●
Alert Levels and Indicators

                                                                                  Healthcare setting response capacity measures - hospital service capacity (ED, General, ICU) via bed availability reporting,COVID-19 home monitoring capacity
                                                                                  / potential admissions, workforce capacity – via bed availability reporting

                                                                                                   WA Health COVID-19 Framework for System Alert and Response

                                                                         Green: COVID-19 READY                      Amber: COVID-19 ALERT                          Red: WIDESPREAD                             Black: SYSTEM AT
                                                                        Nil to very limited, and stable, case      Disease in community with growing                TRANSMISSION                                   CAPACITY
                                    Alert Level                                numbers in community                         spread and risk                  Increasing and high rates of community       Service demand exceeds COVID-19
                                                                        Satisfactory vaccination rates and        Concerns over vaccination rates and/or           transmission of COVID-19                    service response capacity
                                                                                   testing capacity                         testing capacity

                                                                      HSPs / services ensuring preparedness
                                                                      to respond. Usual baseline public health        HSPs / services applying early             HSPs / services acting to reduce       HSPs/ services working together as one
                                    Response Categories                             precautions                   precautions and on standby to respond         impacts as much as possible and          system to prioritise most critical care
                                                                           HSPs/ services enacting early                  to growing service risks                maintain resilience of services           and create response capacity

                                    PPE (including some
                                    community service settings)
                                                                           How will the SAR work?
Response Categories and Guidance

                                    Service capacity including ICU,
                                    ED                                      ●    Lead / lag indicators will assist the CHO in determining different alert levels
                                    Elective surgery                        ●    Risk alert levels indicate recommended interventions that hospital services should put in place to help maintain health service
                                    Outpatient and specialist day                setting response capacity and resilience. For example:
                                    services                                     ○ PPE requirements for different care and clinical risk settings
                                    Public dental services in the                ○ Thresholds for HSP led bed management and standing up the centralised patient flow command centre
                                    community                                    ○ Screening and streaming mechanisms for patients, workforce, visitors, students and volunteers
                                    Patient screening and testing           ●    The alert level, framework categories and responses will be published online on the WA Health corporate website for health
                                                                                 professionals and accessible by all hospital settings. It will provide links to relevant policies and guidance (e.g. national CDNA), for
                                    HCW screening and testing,
                                    including volunteers and
                                                                                 ease of version control and to ensure advice is in line with the most up to date evidence bases. The criteria defining the alert level
                                    students                                     categories will not be publicly available

                                    Student, clinical placements            ●    Links to relevant, up to date policy and guidance materials will be included as part of the response categories in the SAR so that further
                                    and volunteer access                         detailed information is easily accessible to users of the SAR

                                    Visitor access

PPE guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                       Green (COVID-19 READY)                             Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                                  Red (WIDESPREAD                            Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                                   TRANSMISSION)
                        The following standard precautions apply, unless additional PPE guidance is recommended at certain alert levels below
                         ● Standard precautions apply at all times i.e. PPE used as required (e.g. gowns, gloves, protective eyewear for any patient contact or procedure when there is potential for blood/body fluid exposure)
                         ● Appropriate PPE i.e. particulate filter respirator (PFR) and protective eyewear, is to be used for all Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGPs), including cardiac compressions, as per standard
                             precautions as well as Aerosol Generating Behaviours (AGBs)
                         ● Transmission based precautions e.g. negative pressure isolation room (NPIR), particulate filter respirator (PFR) when required for other diseases e.g. airborne precautions for tuberculosis,
                             measles etc.
PPE                      For management of patients confirmed to have COVID-19, symptomatic of COVID-19, meets epidemiological criteria, currently in quarantine, or patients identified as a close contact of a COVID-
                         19 case as determined by public health - Healthcare worker (HCW) to wear PFR, protective eyewear, gown and gloves when providing direct care. (Applicable at all alert levels)
                        In addition to the standard precautions outlined   In addition to the standard precautions outlined     ● All staff working in clinical areas at a        As per Red Response
                        above:                                             above:                                                   healthcare facility to wear a PFR and          ● All staff working in clinical areas at a
CDNA Series of
                         ● PFR (e.g. N95 or P2) and protective              ● All staff working at a healthcare facility to         protective eyewear on entry to the facility       healthcare facility to wear a PFR and
National Guidelines
                             eyewear in all areas of Emergency                  wear a surgical mask on entry to the                and for the duration of their shift, this         protective eyewear on entry to the facility
                             Departments, for all patient facing staff          facility and for the duration of their shift,       includes in shared areas such as meeting          and for the duration of their shift, this
                         ● All inpatients and outpatients (if                   this includes in shared areas such as               rooms, tea rooms                                  includes in shared areas such as meeting
Identification and
                             clinically appropriate), carers, and               meeting rooms, tea rooms                        ●   Physical distancing of 1.5m to apply at all       rooms, tea rooms
Use of Personal
                             visitors* presenting to any department to      ● All patient facing staff who are working in           HCW breaks where possible                      ● Physical distancing of 1.5m to apply at all
Equipment in the
                             wear a surgical mask from entry to the             clinical areas to add protective eyewear        ●   All non-clinical staff entering a HCF and         HCW breaks where possible
Clinical Setting
                             facility, in accordance with Public Health     ● PFR (e.g. N95 or P2) and protective                   staff working in non-clinical areas can        ● All non-clinical staff entering a HCF and
During the
                             Safety Measures                                    eyewear in all areas of Emergency                   continue to wear a surgical mask with the         staff working in non-clinical areas can
Coronavirus (COVID-
                                                                                Departments, for all patient facing staff           addition of protective eyewear if they            continue to wear a surgical mask with the
19) Pandemic Policy
                        *During the transition period and opening of        ● All inpatients and outpatients (if                    transit through clinical areas                    addition of protective eyewear if they
                        borders, public health and social measures              clinically appropriate), carers, and            ●   All inpatients and outpatients (if                transit through clinical areas
Coronavirus Disease
                        (PHSMs) will apply, including all visitors (and         permitted visitors presenting to any                clinically appropriate), carers and            ● All inpatients and outpatients (if
- 2019 (COVID-19):
                        essential visitors/ carers) to wear a surgical          department to wear a surgical mask from             permitted visitors presenting to any              clinically appropriate), carers and
Infection Prevention
                        mask                                                    entry to the facility                               department to wear a surgical mask from           permitted visitors presenting to any
and Control in
                                                                                                                                    entry to the facility                             department to wear a surgical mask from
Western Australian
                                                                                                                                                                                      entry to the facility
Healthcare Facilities

Australia Guidelines
for the Prevention of   PPE advice for patient facing clinical care        PPE advice for patient facing clinical care          PPE advice for patient facing clinical care       PPE advice for patient facing clinical care
Infection in            in community settings, including home              in community settings, including home                in community settings, including home             in community settings, including home
Healthcare              visiting/outreach services: Refer to PPE           visiting/outreach services: Refer to PPE             visiting/outreach services: Refer to PPE          visiting/outreach services: Refer to PPE
                        advice for hospital settings at Green              advice for hospital settings at Amber                advice for hospital settings at red, and          advice for hospital settings at black, and
                                                                            ● All patient facing staff to wear a surgical        ● Consider alternative to home visits - i.e.      ● Consider alternative to home visits - i.e.
                                                                                 mask and protective eyewear during                   telehealth alternatives                           telehealth alternatives
                                                                                 patient facing care                             ● Reduce number of ‘others’ attending             ● No additional attendees other than
                                                                                                                                      other than parent/carer                           parent/carer

Service capacity management guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                    Green (COVID-19 READY)                         Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                              Red (WIDESPREAD                           Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                        TRANSMISSION)

Service                ● Continue to ensure preparedness              ● HSPs applying COVID-19 patient                ● HSPs activate internal COVID-19                ● WA Health COVID-19 Patient Flow
Capacity (ED,            against hospital readiness checklist           pathway protocols, including local              capacity management protocols                    Command Centre is activated
                       ● HSPs activate COVID-19 patient                 HSP/service specific guidance
General Beds,            pathway protocols
ICU, Mental            ● Refer to local HSP guidance as per
Health)                  usual protocols and processes

                      Public and private hospitals:                   INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines               Public hospitals*:                               Public and private hospitals*:
                       ● No restrictions                              (Phase 1.1)                                     ● 100% category 1 and 2 continue                 ● Defer all elective surgery, except for
                       ● COVID-19 risk assessment is                  From 3 February 2022 until advised:             ● Reduce/defer Category 3 elective                  Category 1 and select category 2
                          required, especially for those requiring    ● Screen attendees for epidemiological             surgery, subject to risk assessment of           procedures where clinical and
                          general anaesthetic                            and clinical COVID-19 risk factors              the system by the Department of                  community risk assessment and/or
                                                                      ● Case by case consideration to defer              Health                                           Peer Review indicates a need to
                                                                         care if clinically safe to do so             ● COVID-19 risk assessment is required              proceed. This includes consideration
                                                                                                                         for all patients                                 to be given to impacts of delaying
                                                                     Public and private hospitals*:                   ● RAT at home on the day of admission               complex cancer surgery
                                                                      ● 100% Category 1, 2 and 3 elective                (or on arrival). In instances where a         ● Defer cosmetic surgery and non-
Elective                                                                 surgery continue unless if a confirmed          positive RAT is returned, case by case           medical procedures
Surgery,                                                                 case                                            consideration to defer care, if clinically    ● COVID-19 risk assessment is required
including                                                             ● COVID-19 risk assessment is required             safe to do so                                    for all patients
Private                                                                  for all patients                             ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest         ● RAT at home on the day of admission
Hospitals                                                                                                                advice regarding asymptomatic testing            (or on arrival). In instances where a
                                                                      Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have                  for inpatients and outpatients                   positive RAT is returned, case by case
                                                                      been greyed)                                                                                        consideration to defer care, if clinically
                                                                      HSPs will be provided instruction on when      Private hospitals (and Day Surgery                   safe to do so
WA Covid-19
                                                                      to proceed with the following guidance:        Centres):                                         ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest
Testing Guidelines
                                                                                                                      ● Reduce/Defer Category 3 elective                  advice regarding asymptomatic testing
                                                                      ● Testing 72 hours pre-admission and/or            surgery                                          for inpatients and outpatients
                                                                        RAT on arrival (vaccinated and                ● Defer cosmetic surgery and non-
                                                                        unvaccinated). NB: Patients would                medical procedures                           Note: Department of Health will perform
                                                                        need to isolate after a pre-admission         ● Screening and testing requirements as         regular system assessment to determine if
                                                                        PCR test until admission                         per above, however, COVID testing to         a percentage of other Elective Surgery
                                                                      ● In instances where a positive PCR or             be undertaken by Private Hospital            categories can be permitted while the Black
                                                                        RAT is returned, case by case                    Pathology partners                           (system at capacity) system alert level is
                                                                        consideration to defer care, if clinically    ● If a positive PCR or RAT is returned,         applied
                                                                        safe to do so                                    case by case consideration to defer
                                                                                                                         care, if clinically safe to do so

*Note: to adapt to changing COVID-19 conditions, the Department of Health will perform regular system assessments to determine if a percentage of Elective Surgery categories may need to be reduced or can continue

Service capacity management guidance
   Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                    Green (COVID-19 READY)                                          Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                                                 Red (WIDESPREAD                          Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                                                            TRANSMISSION)

                             ● Face to face or telehealth             INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines (Phase 1.1)                                          ● Patients should not present if                ● Patients should not present if
                                 appointments to occur as per         From 3 February 2022 until advised:                                                       experiencing any symptoms of                    experiencing any symptoms of
                                 normal arrangements                  ● Screen attendees for epidemiological and clinical COVID-19 risk factors                 COVID-19                                        COVID-19
                             ●   COVID-19 risk assessment             ● Patients should not present if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19                ●   No routine asymptomatic testing             ●   No routine asymptomatic testing
Outpatient                       is required                          ● Outpatient clinics should all implement COVID -19 safe procedures (i.e.                 required, except RAT on                         required, except RAT on
                             ●   Outpatient COVID-19 plan in             screening attendees for COVID symptoms and other risk factors via                      presentation for planned paediatric             presentation for planned paediatric
services                         place                                   questionnaires, practicing physical distancing of 1.5m within the clinical             and maternity admissions and                    and maternity admissions and labour
including                                                                setting, frequent hand hygiene)                                                        labour ward and birth suite                     ward and birth suite attendances
clinics, imaging,                                                     ● Alternative triage arrangements for people with COVID-19 symptoms or                    attendances                                 ●   Outpatient clinics should all
pharmacy,                                                                epidemiological factors                                                            ●   Outpatient clinics should all                   implement COVID -19 safe
                                                                      ● All outpatient services should return to using telehealth where possible,               implement COVID-19 safe                         procedures (i.e. screening attendees
                                                                         unless there is a critical reason why the person needs to physically                   procedures (i.e. screening                      for COVID symptoms and other risk
                                                                         attend                                                                                 attendees for COVID symptoms and                factors via questionnaires, practicing
COVID-19 Guidelines                                                   ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest advice and testing requirements                  other risk factors via questionnaires,          physical distancing of 1.5m within
for Outpatient services                                                                                                                                         practicing physical distancing of               the clinical setting, frequent hand
(in process of being                                                  Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have been greyed)                                            1.5m within the clinical setting,               hygiene)
updated)                                                              HSPs will be provided instruction on when to proceed with the following                   frequent hand hygiene)                      ●   Provide outpatient services by
                                                                      guidance:                                                                             ●   Provide Outpatient services by                  telehealth. Defer face-to-face
WA Covid-19 Testing                                                   ● No routine asymptomatic testing required, except consider RAT on                        telehealth and defer non-urgent                 consulting, except where clinical risk
Guidelines v3.0                                                           presentation for each paediatric and maternity patient visit, including               face-to-face consulting where                   assessment indicates risk of harm to
                                                                          maternity admissions and labour ward and birth suite attendances                      clinically safe                                 the patient
                                                                      ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest advice and testing requirements              ●   Refer to Testing Guidelines for             ●   Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest
                                                                                                                                                                latest advice and                               advice and testing requirements
                                                                                                                                                                testing requirements

                             ● Consider additional                    INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines (Phase 1.1)                                          ● RAT at home prior to attendance;              ● RAT at home prior to attendance;
                                 protective measures for              From 3 February 2022 until advised                                                        alert clinic if positive, before                alert clinic if positive, before
Specialist day
                                 vulnerable cohorts and high          ● Consider additional protective measures for vulnerable cohorts and high                 attending                                       attending
services *                       risk clinical care settings             risk clinical care settings                                                        ●   If positive RAT, case by case               ●   If positive RAT, case by case
e.g. patients                                                         ● Screen attendees for epidemiological and clinical COVID-19 risk factors                 consideration to defer care, if                 consideration to defer care, if
undergoing renal                                                      ● Case by case consideration to defer care if clinically safe to do so                    clinically safe to do so                        clinically safe to do so
dialysis,                                                                                                                                                   ●   Refer to Testing Guidelines for             ●   Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest
chemotherapy                                                          Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have been greyed)                                            latest advice regarding testing                 advice regarding testing
radiotherapy,                                                         HSPs will be provided instruction on when to proceed with the following                   requirements                                    requirements
transplant patients,                                                  guidance:                                                                             ●   Consider additional protective              ●   Consider additional protective
immunosuppressed                                                      ● RAT on presentation at each visit. This is to be reviewed with an aim to                measures for vulnerable cohorts                 measures for vulnerable cohorts and
COVID-19 Guidelines                                                       decrease frequency dependent on patient acceptability                                 and high risk clinical care settings            high risk clinical care settings
for Outpatient services                                               ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest advice regarding testing
(in process of being                                                      requirements
updated)                                                              ● If a positive PCR or RAT is returned, case by case consideration to
                                                                          defer care, if clinically safe to do so
*Note: to adapt to changing COVID-19 conditions, the Department of Health will perform regular system assessments to determine if a percentage of Elective Surgery categories and specialist day services may need to be reduced or can continue

Public community dental services guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                         Green (COVID-19 READY)                             Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                                 Red (WIDESPREAD                         Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                                    TRANSMISSION)

                           ● Dental clinics should screen attendees           INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines                   In addition to pre-appointment screening       Refer to guidance for red alert level
                             for epidemiological and clinical COVID-          (Phase 1.1)                                        questionnaire and PPE requirements set
                             19 risk factors via pre-appointment              From 3 February 2022 until advised:                out in guidance at Green alert level:
                             questionnaire                                    In addition to pre-appointment screening           ● Patients who meet clinical or
                           ● Patients who meet clinical or                    questionnaire set out in guidance at Green             epidemiological COVID-19 risk factors
                             epidemiological COVID-19 risk factors            alert level:                                           should not attend and alternate triaging
                             should not attend and alternate triaging         ● Patients who meet clinical or                        pathways are available for emergency
                             pathways are available for emergency                 epidemiological COVID-19 risk factors              dental care
                             dental care                                          should not attend and alternate triaging       ● Defer all routine care for all other
                           ● For all other patients who do not meet               pathways are available for emergency               patients who do not meet clinical or
                             clinical or epidemiological COVID-19                 dental care                                        epidemiological COVID-19 risk factors
                             risk factors, face to face or telehealth         ● For all other patients who do not meet           ● If urgent care is required and cannot be
Public community             appointments to occur as per normal                  clinical or epidemiological COVID-19               deferred, assessment and treatment
dental services              arrangements for those patients who                  risk factors, face to face patient care            may be provided. If an AGP deemed
                             do not meet clinical or epidemiological              occurs with additional requirements of             necessary, it is to occur in a closed
Risk Management              COVID-19 risk factors                                clients performing Alcohol Based Hand              cubicle with a clinical team that has
Principles for             ● Appropriate PPE to include gloves,                   Rub (ABHR) on arrival, practice                    been successfully fit tested with an
Dentistry – during           protective eyewear, gowns and surgical               physical distancing measures in                    appropriate P2/N95 particulate filter
the COVID-19                 masks                                                reception and waiting areas, perform               respirator (PFR)
Pandemic                   ● Dental COVID-19 plan is in place                     30 second pre-procedural mouth rinse           ● AGPs should be limited and use of
                                                                                  with approximately 20ml of an                      rubber dam and high-volume suction
                                                                                  Essential Oil Mouthwash (Listerine)                (HVE) is highly recommended
WA Covid-19                                                                   ● Use of rubber dam and high-volume                ● A 30 min fallow time is required
Testing Guidelines                                                                suction (HVE) is highly recommended            ● Additional requirements of clients
v3.0                                                                          ● Appropriate PPE to include gloves,                   performing ABHR on arrival, practice
                                                                                  protective eyewear, gowns and surgical             physical distancing measures in
                                                                                  masks                                              reception and waiting areas, 30 second
                                                                              ● Other recommended public health                      pre-procedural mouth rinse with
                                                                                  safety precautions*                                approximately 20ml of an Essential Oil
                                                                             Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have                       Mouthwash (Listerine)
                                                                             been greyed)                                        ● Other recommended public health
                                                                              ● If an AGP deemed necessary, it is to                 safety precautions*
                                                                                  occur in a closed cubicle with a clinical      ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest
                                                                                  team that has been successfully fit                advice. If undertaking an AGP, RAT
                                                                                  tested with an appropriate P2/N95                  required on presentation
                                                                                  particulate filter respirator (PFR) and
                                                                                  protective eyewear

* Other recommended public health safety precautions apply including use of detergent and disinfectant for all patient surrounds and high touch surfaces

Patient screening and testing guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                         Green (COVID-19 READY)                              Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                               Red (WIDESPREAD                          Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                                   TRANSMISSION)

                            ● Screen attendees for epidemiological               INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines                ● Screen attendees for epidemiological           ● Screen attendees for epidemiological
                              and clinical COVID-19 risk factors                 (Phase 1.1)                                         and clinical COVID-19 risk factors               and clinical COVID-19 risk factors
                            ● Test all patients presenting to hospital           From 3 February 2022 until advised:             ●   Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest       ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest
                              with pneumonia or acute respiratory                ● Screen attendees for epidemiological              advice regarding testing requirements for        advice regarding testing requirements for
                              infection with a nose and throat PCR*                 and clinical COVID-19 risk factors               planned and unplanned presentations              planned and unplanned presentations
                            ● PCR* testing patients/residents with                                                               ●   Test all patients presenting to hospital     ●   Test all patients presenting to hospital
                              compatible clinical and/or                         For unplanned patient presentations                 with symptoms consistent with COVID-             with symptoms consistent with COVID-
                              epidemiological risk factors                       including ED and emergency maternity/               19 with a RAT as soon as possible. If            19 with a RAT as soon as possible. If
                            ● No other testing requirements for                  mental health attendances:                          negative, repeat RAT in 24 hours.                negative, repeat RAT in 24 hours.
                              asymptomatic patients                              ● Group 1: Confirmed COVID-19 case. No              Positive RAT* should be considered               Positive RAT* should be considered
                                                                                     further testing required                        confirmed COVID-19 case                          confirmed COVID-19 case
                                                                                 ● Group 2: Suspect COVID-19 infection.          ●   For paediatric and maternity patients:       ●   For paediatric and maternity patients:
Patient                                                                              (i) if patient has clinical and /or             consider RAT test on presentation for            consider RAT test on presentation for
                                                                                     epidemiological criteria consistent with        planned paediatric and maternity                 planned paediatric and maternity
screening and
                                                                                     the case definition for COVID-19, then          admissions and labour ward and birth             admissions and labour ward and birth
testing for                                                                          should receive RAT test on arrival +/-          suite attendances                                suite attendances
unplanned                                                                            PCR test                                    ●   RAT on presentation for AGPs                 ●   RAT on presentation for AGPs
emergency                                                                        ● Group 3: patients who do not have
presentations                                                                        symptoms of, or epidemiological risk
                                                                                     factors for COVID-19 infection, no         For unplanned patient presentations,             For unplanned patient presentations,
                                                                                     routine RAT or PCR testing                 including ED:                                    including ED:
                                                                                                                                 ● If supplies of RAT adequate, test all          ● If supplies of RAT adequate, test all
                                                                                 Note: Amber phase 1.2 on page 13                    patients presenting to emergency                 patients presenting to emergency
                                                                                                                                     departments with RAT to assist with              departments with RAT to assist with
                                                                                                                                     patient management                               patient management
WA Covid-19
                                                                                                                                 ● If RAT limited:                                ● If RAT limited:
Testing Guidelines                                                                                                                   All patients to be managed as probable           All patients to be managed as probable
v3.0                                                                                                                                 COVID-19                                         COVID-19
                                                                                                                                 ● If symptoms consistent with COVID-19           ● If symptoms consistent with COVID-19
                                                                                                                                     then RAT test                                    then RAT test

                                                                                                                                For planned patient presentations:               For planned patient presentations:
                                                                                                                                 ● RAT at home prior to attendance (or on         ● RAT at home prior to attendance (or on
                                                                                                                                    presentation); alert service if positive,        presentation); alert service if positive,
                                                                                                                                    before attending (vaccinated and                 before attending (vaccinated and
                                                                                                                                    unvaccinated)                                    unvaccinated)

                                                                                                                                Positive RAT* should be considered               Positive RAT* should be considered
                                                                                                                                confirmed COVID-19 case                          confirmed COVID-19 case

*If a positive PCR or RAT is returned, case by case consideration to defer care, if clinically safe to do so

Patient screening and testing guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response             Green (COVID-19 READY)                             Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                                   Red (WIDESPREAD   Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                          TRANSMISSION)

                                                                Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have been greyed)
                                                                HSPs will be provided instruction on when to proceed
                                                                with the following guidance:

                                                                ● Screen attendees for epidemiological and clinical
                                                                    COVID-19 risk factors
                                                                ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest advice
                                                                    regarding testing requirements for planned and
                                                                    unplanned presentations
                                                                ● Test all patients presenting to hospital with
                                                                    pneumonia or acute respiratory infection with a
                                                                    nose and throat PCR* until testing capacity is
                                                                    reached then consider rapid antigen test (RAT)
                                                                    for diagnostic purposes
                                                                ● For paediatric and maternity patients: consider
                                                                    RAT test for planned paediatric and maternity
Patient                                                             admissions, including admissions and labour
                                                                    ward and birth suite attendances
screening and                                                   ● RAT on presentation for AGPs
testing                                                        For unplanned patient presentations, including ED,
                                                               recommend triaging:
                                                                ● Group 1: Confirmed COVID-19 case. No further
                                                                    testing required
                                                                ● Group 2: Suspect COVID-19 infection. (i) if
                                                                    patient has clinical and /or epidemiological
                                                                    criteria consistent with the case definition for
WA Covid-19
                                                                    COVID-19, then should receive RAT test on
Testing Guidelines                                                  arrival +/- PCR test; (ii) if patient unable to use
v3.0                                                                PPE effectively (e.g. agitated patients, patients
                                                                    with dementia, paediatric patients), then should
                                                                    receive RAT test on arrival; or (iii) if patient
                                                                    unable to provide sufficient information on their
                                                                    symptoms or risk factors for COVID-19, then
                                                                    should receive RAT testing on arrival
                                                                ● Group 3: patients does not have symptoms of, or
                                                                    epidemiological risk factors for COVID-19
                                                                    No RAT or PCR testing needed
                                                                ● If patient will be admitted to hospital, RAT and
                                                                    PCR (collected at same time)
                                                               For planned patient presentations:
                                                                ● PCR Testing 72 hours pre-admission and/or RAT
                                                                    on arrival (vaccinated and unvaccinated)*. NB:
                                                                    Patients would need to isolate after a pre-
                                                                    admission PCR test until admission

                       *If a positive PCR or RAT is returned, case by case consideration to defer care, if clinically safe to do so                                        13
Healthcare worker screening and testing guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                    Green (COVID-19 READY)                           Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                              Red (WIDESPREAD                      Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                          TRANSMISSION)

                        ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest      INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines (Phase             ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for         ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest
                          advice regarding testing                    1.1)                                                  latest advice regarding testing           advice regarding testing requirements
HCW staff                 requirements                                from 3 February 2022 until advised                    requirements                            ● HCWs are to seek immediate testing if
screening and           ● HCWs are to seek immediate testing          ● Refer to Testing Guidelines for latest advice     ● HCWs are to seek immediate                they develop any symptoms
testing,                  if they develop any symptoms                   regarding testing requirements                     testing if they develop any               compatible with COVID-19 with a RAT
includes                  compatible with COVID-19 - all to be        ● HCWs are to seek immediate testing if they          symptoms compatible with COVID-           as soon as possible. If negative,
volunteers and            tested with nose and throat PCR                develop any symptoms compatible with               19 with a RAT as soon as possible.        repeat RAT in 24 hours. Positive
                                                                         COVID-19 - all to be tested with nose and          If negative, repeat RAT in 24 hours.      RAT* should be considered
student/ clinical                                                        throat PCR, until testing capacity is reached      Positive RAT* should be                   confirmed COVID-19 case
placements                                                               then consider RAT for diagnostic purposes          considered confirmed COVID-19
(assumes HCW                                                                                                                case
are fully               For asymptomatic HCW working                  Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have been
vaccinated)             within a hospital area including              greyed)                                             For asymptomatic HCW working              For asymptomatic HCW working within
                        Intensive Care Unit, High Dependency          HSPs will be provided instruction on when to        within healthcare settings managing       healthcare settings managing very
WA Covid-19 Testing     Unit, respiratory ward, a COVID-19            proceed with the following guidance:                very high risk patients (e.g.             high risk patients (e.g. transplant ward,
Guidelines v3.0         clinic, or other units at the discretion of   For asymptomatic HCW working within                 transplant ward, haematology unit,        haematology unit, oncology ward, renal
                        the hospital operator:                        healthcare settings managing very high risk         oncology ward, renal dialysis units, IV   dialysis units, IV lounge/similar day units):
Coronavirus Disease     ● Voluntary nose and throat PCR test          patients (e.g. transplant ward, haematology         lounge/similar day units):                ● Daily RAT for all staff if feasible – but
- 2019 (COVID-19):          on day 5 and 12 after first contact       unit, oncology ward, renal dialysis units, IV       ● Daily RAT for all staff if feasible –       consideration may be given to limiting
Infection Prevention        with a COVID-19 patient and then          lounge/similar day units):                              but consideration may be given to         to symptomatic staff only
and Control in
                            every 7 days until 14 days pass from      ● Twice weekly RAT with a minimal interval of           limiting to symptomatic staff only    ● RAT for visitors a each visit
Western Australian
                            last contact                                  72 hours apart                                  ● RAT for visitors a each visit
Healthcare Facilities
                        ● If an HCW who has had contact with                                                                                                        No routine testing required for
Permissions and             a positive COVID-19 patient is            For asymptomatic HCW working within a               No routine testing required for           asymptomatic HCW working within
restrictions for            involved in a breach of infection         hospital area including Intensive Care Unit,        asymptomatic HCW working within           other hospital settings
workers in Health           control practices or PPE, then seek       High Dependency Unit, respiratory ward, a           other hospital settings
Care Settings -             Public Health advice to decide if any     COVID-19 clinic, or other units at the discretion
Interim Guidance            additional COVID-19 testing in            of the hospital operator:
                            addition to the above is required,        ● Voluntary twice weekly RAT with a minimal
Health Worker               and undertake breach assessments              interval of 72 hrs apart
(Restrictions on            at the HSP level, in accordance with      ● Any breach of infection control practices or
Access) Directions          policy                                        personal protection equipment should be
                                                                          managed by the health service infection
Proof of Vaccination    For asymptomatic, HCWs not                        control team
Directions              mentioned above:
                         ● No routine asymptomatic testing            For asymptomatic, HCWs not mentioned
                                                                       ● No routine asymptomatic testing

Student and volunteer access guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                     Green (COVID-19 READY)                   Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                         Red (WIDESPREAD                        Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                              TRANSMISSION)

                        ● Access for students/ clinical          ● Access for students/ clinical           ● Access for students/ clinical               ● Access for students/ clinical
                           placements continue as per normal,      placements where possible,                placements (as per amber advice)               placements (as per amber advice)
                           noting restrictions on access with      placements to be maintained. Noting     ● Where possible student placements to        ● Where possible student placements to
                           vaccination requirements                access with vaccination requirements      be maintained, but formal teaching            be maintained, but formal teaching
                                                                 ● Placement of students into areas of       sessions will be unlikely                     sessions will be unlikely
Student, clinical       ● Access for volunteers permitted,         higher risk of contact with COVID-19,   ● Students may be deployed to support         ● Students may be deployed to support
placement and              follow HCW guidelines as considered     such as COVID-19 clinics, EDs or          the response in appropriate ways              the response in appropriate ways
volunteer                  part of staff group                     isolation wards, should be reviewed       however must be vaccinated, PPE               however must be vaccinated, PPE
access                                                             and subject to a risk assessment          trained and fit tested prior to attending     trained and fit tested prior to attending
                                                                 ● The exclusion of secondary (high          health sites                                  health sites
Work Permissions                                                   school) students undertaking work       ● Placement of students into areas of         ● Placement of students into areas of
and Restrictions                                                   experience is at the discretion of HSPs   higher risk of contact with COVID-19,         higher risk of contact with COVID-19,
Framework for                                                                                                such as fever clinics, EDs or isolation       such as fever clinics, EDs or isolation
Workers in Health
Care Settings
                                                                                                             wards, should be reviewed and subject         wards, should be reviewed and subject
                                                                 ● Access for volunteers permitted,          to a risk assessment                          to a risk assessment
Coronavirus Disease -                                              providing they are vaccinated and       ● The exclusion of secondary (high            ● The exclusion of secondary (high
2019 (COVID-19):                                                   appropriately trained in PPE,             school) students undertaking work             school) students undertaking work
Infection Prevention                                               particularly if located within clinical   experience is at the discretion of HSPs       experience is at the discretion of HSPs
and Control in                                                     environments - follow HCW guidelines
Western Australian
                                                                   as considered part of staff group.      ● Access for volunteers - where               ● Access for volunteers - where
Healthcare Facilities
Guideline                                                          Refer to PPE guidance                     possible, volunteers to be maintained,        possible, volunteers to be maintained,
                                                                                                             providing they are vaccinated and             providing they are vaccinated and
Health Worker                                                                                                appropriately trained in PPE,                 appropriately trained in PPE,
(Restrictions on                                                                                             particularly if located within clinical       particularly if located within clinical
Access) Directions                                                                                           environments. Follow HCW guidelines           environments. Follow HCW guidelines
                                                                                                             as considered part of staff group.            as considered part of staff group.
Proof of Vaccination                                                                                         Refer to PPE guidance.                        Refer to PPE guidance.
Directions                                                                                                 ● Consideration should be given to any        ● Consideration should be given to any
                                                                                                             COVID-19 risk factors that volunteers         COVID-19 risk factors that volunteers
                                                                                                             may have, such as chronic disease or          may have, such as chronic disease or
                                                                                                             respiratory illness, in determining what      respiratory illness, in determining what
                                                                                                             role and duties each person                   role and duties each person
                                                                                                             undertakes                                    undertakes
                                                                                                           ● Consider pre-shift screening                ● Consider pre-shift screening

Visitor access guidance
Guidance for different response categories is set out below following consultation with key SME groups
Response                     Green (COVID-19 READY)                         Amber (COVID-19 ALERT)                              Red (WIDESPREAD                         Black (SYSTEM AT CAPACITY)
Category                                                                                                                         TRANSMISSION)

                        ● Visitors welcome however proof of           INTERIM Amber Testing Guidelines                ● Proof of vaccination required                 ● No visitors (exceptions for essential
                          Vaccination required                        (Phase 1.1)                                     ● Limitations on visitor hours and                and essential carers/parents/
                        ● All visitors and essential                  From 3 February 2022 until advised:                 numbers of visitors to each patient           guardians )*
                          carers/parents/guardians to be risk         ● Proof of vaccination required                 ●   Controlled visitation of fully vaccinated   ● RAT for exempt visitors and essential
                          assessed for wearing a surgical face        ● Limitations on visitor hours and                  visitors in emergency situations only,        carers/parents/guardians each visit if
                          mask*                                          numbers of visitors to each patient              as per exemption process                      in a very high risk setting (e.g.
                        ● Pre-attendance health screening for         ● All visitors and essential                    ●   Permitted visitors and essential              transplant ward, haematology unit,
Visitor access            all visitors and essential                     carers/parents/guardians presenting to           carers/parents/guardians presenting to        oncology ward, renal dialysis unit)
                          carers/parents/guardians based on              any department to wear a surgical mask           any department to wear a surgical
COVID-19 Public
                          clinical and epidemiological factors,       ● Pre-attendance health screening for all           mask
Hospital Visitor          at a minimum                                   visitors and essential                       ●   Pre-attendance health screening for all
Guidelines              ● All visitors and essential                     carers/parents/guardians based on                visitors and essential
                          carers/parents/guardians are to be             clinical and epidemiological factors, at a       carers/parents/guardians based on
Coronavirus Disease -     encouraged to perform hand hygiene             minimum                                          clinical and epidemiological factors, at
2019 (COVID-19):          on entry to the healthcare setting          ● Restrictions for unvaccinated visitors*           a minimum
Infection Prevention      prior to entering the patient room and                                                      ●   RAT for permitted visitors and
and Control in            at regular intervals during their visits     Amber Phase 1.2 (areas which have                  essential carers/parents/guardians
Western Australian                                                     been greyed)                                       each visit if in a very high risk setting
Healthcare Facilities   *During the transition period and opening      HSPs will be provided instruction on when          (e.g. transplant ward, haematology
Guideline               of borders, PHSMs will apply, including all    to proceed with the following guidance:            unit, oncology ward, renal dialysis unit)
                        visitors and essential                         ● RAT testing for visitors and essential       ●   Restrictions for unvaccinated visitors*
Health Worker           carers/parents/guardians to wear a                 carers/parents/guardians to high risk
(Restrictions on        surgical mask                                      areas/vulnerable patient
Access) Directions                                                         cohorts. Hospital operator to determine    *Clear exemptions process and pathway
                                                                           high risk area for that hospital (e.g.     for unvaccinated visitors to be in place for    *Clear exemptions process and pathway
Proof of Vaccination                                                       oncology wards, ICU)                       short, controlled, ushered visits in            for unvaccinated visitors to be in place for
Directions                                                             ● RAT every third day for long term            emergency/ end of life situations, and/or for   short, controlled, ushered visits in
                                                                           regular visitors                           appropriate maternity or parent/guardian        emergency/ end of life situations, and/or for
WA Covid-19 Testing                                                   *Clear exemption processes and pathways         access. Refer to Testing Guidelines for         appropriate maternity or parent/guardian
Guidelines v3.0                                                       for exempt unvaccinated support person/s to     advice and consideration for use of RATs        access. Refer to Testing Guidelines for
                                                                      be in place. Refer to visitor guidelines.       in some situations                              advice and consideration for use of RATs
                                                                      Refer to Testing Guidelines for advice and                                                      in some situations
                                                                      consideration for use of RATs in some

Appendix 1 - Supporting guidance materials
The following guidance materials provide detail to the high level advice which has been mapped and collated into
the SAR. Updated links will be provided as updated WA Health COVID-19 guidelines are signed-off
               Document name                                                             Link or location                                                                      Comments
                                                                                                    National guidelines
CDNA National guidelines for public health units                                                                                                Version: 6.3, published 24 December 2021
Work Permissions and Restrictions Framework for         https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/work-permissions-and-restrictions-
                                                                                                                                                Dated 8 October 2021
Workers in Health Care Settings                         framework-for-workers-in-health-care-settings
Australian Government Department of Health:
Permissions and restrictions for workers in Health      Permissions and restrictions for workers in Health Care Settings – Interim Guidance     Published 18 January 2021
Care Settings – Interim Guidance
Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Testing Framework for          https://www.health.gov.au/resources/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-testing-
                                                                                                                                                Dated 16 December 2021
COVID-19 in Australia, (24/02/2021)                     framework-for-covid-19-in-australia
Guidance on the use of personal protective
equipment (PPE) for health care workers in the                                                                                                  Dated 10 June 2021
context of COVID-19
Risk Management Principles for Dentistry – During
                                                                                                                                                Dated 22 October 2021
the COVID-19 Pandemic

Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control
                                                        https://app.magicapp.org/#/guideline/Jn37kn                                             Version: 11.9, published 20 July 2021
of Infection in Healthcare
                                                                                                  State guidelines for WA

COVID-19 Public Hospital Visitor Guidelines             COVID-19 Public hospital visitor guidelines (health.wa.gov.au)                          Published 31 January 2022

Health worker (restrictions on access) Directions (No
                                                        https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/health-care-workers-directions            Published on 29 January 2022
Identification and Use of Personal Protective           https://ww2.health.wa.gov.au/~/media/Files/Corporate/Policy-Frameworks/Public-
Equipment in the Clinical Setting During the            Health/Policy/Identification-and-Use-of-Personal-Protective-Equipment/Identification-
                                                                                                                                                MP 0133/20 - Effective from: 19/07/2021 - Update in Progress
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Policy                  and-Use-of-PPE-in-the-Clinical-Setting.pdf
Infection Prevention and Control in Western
                                                        COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control in Hospitals (healthywa.wa.gov.au)            Published 24 January 2022
Australian Healthcare Facilities Guideline
COVID-19 Guidelines for outpatient services             COVID-19 guidelines for outpatient services (health.wa.gov.au)                          Update in progress
Furloughing of Healthcare Staff – Interim Guidance      Furloughing of Healthcare Staff – Interim Guidance                                      Updated 18 January 2021
Proof of Vaccination Directions (No 2)                  Proof of Vaccination Directions (No 2)                                                  Published on 29 January 2022

WA COVID-19 Testing Guidelines                          WA Covid-19 Testing Guidelines v3.0                                                     Current version: 3.0 Final draft, approved 21 January 2022

Appendix 2 - Glossary (1 of 2)
The below outlines some high level definitions for terms used in the SAR and provides some links for further
clarification and information (i.e. in relevant policy guidance)
          Term                                                                 High level definition                                                                       Reference for further information
                                                                                                 Population cohorts / groups

                           Carer including essential visitors such as a Labour support person, parent or designated guardian of an admitted child         WA Health COVID-19 Public Hospital Visitor Guidelines
Carer/Essential visitor/
                           (including a neonate), designated guardian for a patient living with a disability, an end-of-life support person, a family
support person
                           member or friend required to visit a patient in the case of an emergency.                                                      Health Worker Directions No. 4

                           A person who provides health, medical, nursing, midwifery, pathology, pharmaceutical, social work or allied health
Health Care Worker         services to a patient at the health care facility (irrespective of whether those services are provided for consideration or
                                                                                                                                                          Health Worker Directions No. 4
HCW                        on a voluntary basis and irrespective of whether that person is employed or engaged.
                           Including: Volunteer, student in placement, health support workers and ambulance officer.
                           Patients who access certain care procedures and treatments, or who may be considered immunocompromised or at
                                                                                                                                                          Informed by subject matter experts and WA COVID-19 Testing
High risk clinical care    greater risk of complications from contracting COVID-19, such as: dialysis patients, high risk cf endoscopy group (in
                                                                                                                                                          Guidelines, v3.0
                           most cases), cancer treatment, organ transplant, immunology, haematology, ICU
Statutory Personnel        Mental Health Advocates are not considered visitors and have a statutory right to access mental health units under the
including Mental Health    Mental Health Act 2014. Other Statutory Personnel may also be required to undertake legal, safety, Industrial relation         WA Health COVID-19 Public Hospital Visitor Guidelines
Advocates                  and emergency functions.
                                                                                                                                                          Health Worker Vaccination Directions No 4

                           Those who may have an increased likelihood of current COVID-19 and meet the following criteria (i.e. both clinical and
                           epidemiological criteria);
                           Clinical evidence (in the past 14 days): Fever (≥37.5 °C) or history of fever (e.g. night sweats, chills); or Acute
                           respiratory infection (e.g. cough, shortness of breath, sore throat)1; or Loss of smell or loss of taste.
                                                                                                                                                          Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): CDNA National Guidelines for
Suspect COVID-19 case      Epidemiological evidence (in the past 14 days): Close contact with a confirmed case, international travel, workers
                                                                                                                                                          Public Health Units
                           supporting designated COVID-19 quarantine and isolation services, International air, maritime and border staff, health
                           care workers with potential COVID-19 patient contact, or people who have been in areas with COVID-19 community
                           transmission Note - Terminology expected to change to asymptomatic and symptomatic, or probable COVID-19.
                           Awaiting confirmation from CDNA

                           A family member or friend who is not a carer, or someone with a statutory role. Refer to Visitor Guidelines for additional     Proof of Vaccination Directions (No2)
Visitor                    definitions of essential visitors, ad hoc visitors, ad hoc volunteers, in reach service providers and visitors in quarantine
                           that have a modified quarantine direction to visit a health care facility in exceptional circumstances.                        Health Worker (Restrictions on Access) Directions

                           Essential HCWs who are at higher risk of serious illness and, where the risks cannot be sufficiently mitigated e.g. using
                           PPE, should not work in high risk settings. Vulnerable HCWs are more likely to be, at higher risk of serious illness if
                                                                                                                                                          Coronavirus Disease - 2019 (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and
Vulnerable HCW             they acquire COVID-19 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50 years and older with one or more chronic
                                                                                                                                                          Control in Western Australian Healthcare Facilities
                           medical conditions - people aged 65 years and older with chronic medical conditions - people aged 70 years and older -
                           people with compromised immune systems

Appendix 2 - Glossary (2 of 2)
The below outlines some high level definitions for terms used in the SAR and provides some links for further
clarification and information
         Term                                                             High level definition                                                                       Reference for further information
                                                                                          Population cohorts / groups continued
                           In addition to people accessing high risk clinical care, other patients who may be considered vulnerable patient cohorts
                           at higher risk of serious illness if they acquire COVID-19 include maternity and neonates, geriatric patients, or some
Vulnerable / at risk                                                                                                                                     Informed by subject matter experts and WA COVID-19 Testing
                           mental health patients, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 50 years and older with one or more chronic
clinical patient cohorts                                                                                                                                 Guidelines, v3.0
                           medical conditions - people aged 65 years and older with chronic medical conditions - people aged 70 years and older -
                           people with compromised immune systems
                                                                                                         Care settings

Clinical and               Epidemiological risk factors include the number of cases of COVID-19 in the local community, geographical location
                                                                                                                                                         Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): CDNA National Guidelines for
Epidemiological risk       (low vaccination coverage vs. high vaccination coverage), travel history, indigenous status and poverty.
                                                                                                                                                         Public Health Units
factors                    Clinical risk factors include age, comorbidities, having one or more chronic conditions, or vaccination status.

                           Includes patient facing care in community based settings run by HSPs, including for example Child and Adolescent
Community based                                                                                                                                          Informed by subject matter experts and
                           Community Health Clinics, WACHS remote area clinics and nursing posts, public community dental services, home
clinical care                                                                                                                                            WA Covid-19 Testing Guidelines v3.0
                           based settings and outreach care

                           As per definition for Prolonged episodes of care: direct face to face contact with a patient when duration is 15 minutes or   Coronavirus Disease - 2019 (COVID-19) Infection Prevention and
Long episodes of care
                           more and where physical distance cannot be maintained                                                                         Control in Western Australian Healthcare Facilities

                           Includes clinics, imaging, pharmacy, pathology etc. May include examination, consultation, treatment or other service         WA Health: Specialist Outpatient Services Access Policy
Outpatient services        provided to non-admitted non-emergency patients in a specialty unit or under an organisational arrangement
                           administered by a hospital                                                                                                    WA COVID-19 Testing Guidelines, v3.0

                           Includes planned frequent/ regular patient presentations for services such as dialysis, chemotherapy, haematology (i.e.       WA Health: Specialist Outpatient Services Access Policy
Specialist day services    frequent transfusions) or short stay admission (
Appendix 3 - Abbreviations
 The below table sets out abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the SAR

         Abbreviation                    High level definition               Abbreviation               High level definition
AGPs                       Aerosol-Generating Procedures             NSW                    New South Wales
AGBs                       Aerosol-Generating Behaviours             NPIR                   Negative Pressure Isolation Room
BAU                        Business As Usual                         PAPR                   Powered Air Purifying Respirators
CAHS                       Child and Adolescent Health Service       PFR                    Particulate Filter Respirator
CDNA                       Communicable Diseases Network Australia   PHLN                   Public Health Laboratory Network
CHO                        Chief Health Officer                      PHSM                   Public Health and Social Measures
COB                        Close of Business                         PPE                    Personal Protective Equipment
DG                         Director General                          PSP                    Purchasing and System Performance
DoH                        Department of Health                      PCR                    Polymerase Chain Reaction
ED                         Emergency Department                      RAT                    Rapid Antigen Testing
HCW                        Healthcare Worker                         SA                     South Australia

HEC                        Health Executive Committee                SAR                    WA Health COVID-19 Framework for
                                                                                            System Alert and Response
HSPs                       Health Service Providers                  SHICC                  State Health Incident Control Centre
ICEG                       Infection Control Expert Group            SMEs                   Subject Matter Experts
IC                         Incident Controller                       TB                     Tuberculosis
ICU                        Intensive Care Unit                       TBC                    To be confirmed
IDPAG                      Infectious Diseases Physicians Advisory   VIC                    Victoria
LWC                        Living with COVID-19                      WA                     Western Australia
MfH                        Minister for Health                       WACHS                  Western Australian Country Health Service

Appendix 4 - Key SMEs
The SAR has been developed by SHICC Health Operations Cell, with significant input from SMEs across the WA
Health System. The below lists key contributors and groups consulted during the development of the SAR
                                   Key SMEs (roles)                                               Key Advisory Groups
Chief Health Officer (Sign-Off)                                   WA Health Executive Committee
COVID-19 HSP Executive Lead (and CE, EMHS)                        SHICC Planning teams (Public Health, including Infection Prevention and Control)
                                                                  previously Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC) team/s
Assistant Director General, Clinical Strategy and Planning, DoH   Health Service Provider COVID-19 Leads
State Health Incident Controller                                  Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Advisory Group
Deputy Chief Health Officer (Office of the CHO)                   Infectious Diseases Physicians’ Advisory Group
Deputy Chief Health Officer (Public Health)
Deputy Incident Controller (Public Health)

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