REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021

REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Switchback’s strategic plan

REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
About Switchback

                                               Switchback is an award-winning charity enabling young
                                               Londoners to find a way out of the justice system and
                                               build a stable, rewarding life they can be proud of.

                                               We build transformative relationships
                                               Through consistent, motivational relationships      This is new territory for most Trainees: a frank,
                                               with a Switchback Mentor either side of the         non-judgemental relationship with someone
                                               prison gate, we support young men to change         who is there for them on a daily basis, helping to
                                               their relationship with society.                    navigate the turbulent transition from prison to
                                               Real-work training leading to a job after release
                                               is just one part of the Switchback process. We      Building on ten years of impact, we work with
                                               challenge and encourage our Trainees to take        others to share what we’ve learned and inspire
                                               control and make real, lasting change in their      change across the criminal justice system and
                                               mindset and lifestyle.                              beyond.

Seeing my Switchback Mentor in prison
meant I already knew her once I got out.           Our Ambition
She understands me and understands
                                                   Switchback’s ambition is that everyone has the opportunity to
the journey I’m taking. If I was doing it by
                                                   live a stable and rewarding life as an active member of society.
myself I reckon things would have gone
off track by now.

                                                   Our Purpose
                                                   Switchback’s purpose is to enable young men to find a way out
                                                   of the justice system and build a stable, rewarding life they can
                                                   be proud of.

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Our values                                                                                               The Switchback programme

Switchback’s values cut through everything                                                                                                                IN NUMBERS
we do, from our work with Trainees to our
fundraising and partnerships.
                                                                                                                                                          months average intensive support

1. Human                                              4. Ambitious                                       IN PRISON
                                                                                                                                                          either side of the prison gate

Keeping Trainees at the heart
of everything we do
                                                      Having high expectations

                                                      We assume strengths, resources and abilities
                                                                                                         An eligible prisoner meets regularly
                                                                                                         with his Switchback Mentor during his last
                                                                                                         three months inside to prepare practically
                                                                                                                                                          months average total contact
We build trust, confidence, independence and          in Trainees. We don’t do things for people:        and emotionally for his release.                 with Switchback
resilience in all areas of a Trainee’s life. In all   we challenge and encourage our Trainees

decisions we use the lens: “does this help us         to take control. We are distinctive in our high
improve the prospects of young prison-leavers?”       expectations of Trainees, our own conduct,
                                                      the quality of our partnerships and the impact
                                                      of our work.                                                                                        Switchback Pathways from housing to

2. Authentic                                                                                                                                              health, which we use to measure & build
                                                                                                                                                          stability across all areas of a Trainee's life

Rolling with the ups and downs                        5. Pioneering                                      IN TRAINING                                      WHO WE WORK WITH
of real life

                                                      Pushing into our stretch zone                      The same Switchback Mentor meets
We prize integrity and honesty. We don’t                                                                 him on the day of release. Real-work
sell a dream: we are realistic about what it          We challenge Trainees to move outside their        training with a partner employer begins                                      year-olds
means to genuinely start over and the huge            comfort zone and we encourage adventure to         straight away, alongside one-to-one
courage needed to change. We recognise                learn and grow. As a charity we strive to do the   support to build stability across all
that change is not linear and we provide a space      same, constantly seeking to reflect and improve.   areas of life.                                                      Returning to
to learn from mistakes.                               We pioneer an alternative approach and share                                                                           London
                                                      our evidence with others.

3. Commited                                                                                                                                                                  from Black, Asian or Minority
                                                                                                                                                                             Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds
Taking the long way around

Our commitment to Trainees is consistent                                                                                                                                     72%
and continuous, lasting for as long as it takes.                                                                                                                             convicted of a violent and/or
We reject quick fixes, shortcuts and tick boxes.                                                         IN WORK                                                             drug offence
We do what we say we are going to do and
coach our Trainees to do the same.                                                                       The Trainee moves into sustainable work
                                                                                                         or further training at the right time for him,                      44%
                                                                                                         with a period of in-work support to ensure                          high risk offenders (supervised
                                                                                                         change is sustained long-term. The door is                          by the National Probation
                                                                                                         always open for Trainees to return.                                 Service)

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
A decade of impact                                                                             The need is greater than ever

SINCE 2008:                                     Among Switchback Trainees                      In recent years we have seen that:
                                                supported through-the-gate:

young men in prison received one-to-one pre-
                                                            achieve our benchmark of real
                                                                                               Prison conditions
                                                                                               have deteriorated:
                                                                                                                                            Outcomes for prison-
                                                                                                                                            leavers remain very poor:
                                                                                                                                                                            Yet the needs of prisoners
                                                                                                                                                                            are higher than ever:

                                                                                               x2                                           48        %
release support for up to three months                      lasting change: a fundamental                                                                                   In 2018 among the young men
                                                            shift in mindset and lifestyle                                                                                  we supported:

young men received intensive one-to-one
                                                            progress from unstable to
                                                                                               rise in self-harm, violence
                                                                                               and assaults in prisons
                                                                                               since 2012
                                                                                                                                            of prisoners are reconvicted
                                                                                                                                            within a year of release, and
                                                                                                                                            higher still for young adults
                                                                                                                                                                                           53% had drug
                                                                                                                                                                                           or alcohol
support through-the-gate alongside real-work                stable in at least two areas of

                                                                                               38           %
                                                                                                                                            83        %
training after release as Switchback Trainees               their life
                                                                                                                                                                                           43% left prison
                Winner                                                                                                                                                                     homeless
                Robin Corbett Award                         59%                                of young adults spend less                   of prison-leavers are
                for Prisoner Re-                            move into long-term employment,    than two hours per day out                   not in work a year
                Integration 2016                            education or training, rising to   of their cell                                after release
                                                            84% of programme finishers                                                                                                     37% had no

                                                                                               23           %

                Shortlisted                                 92%
                Criminal Justice                            of Trainees don’t reoffend         increase in quantity of                      estimated annual
                Alliance Outstanding                        within a year of release           drugs found by prison                        cost to society
                Organisation 2017                                                              staff in the past year                       of reoffending

                                                                                               Source: PRT Bromley Briefings, Summer 2018

                                                                                               Switchback shows that if you really want to change
                                                                                               lives, this is exactly the approach that makes
                                                                                               sense. The lesson from Switchback is that providing
                                                                                               that trust, that human relationship is central
                                                                                               for change. What is heroic about the work that
                                                                                               Switchback does is its ability to change lives and to
                                                                                               inspire us that it can be done.

                                                                                               Rory Stewart MP OBE, Minister for Prisons.

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Strategic plan 2019-21                                                                                    2019-21: Our plan

In 2018, our tenth anniversary year, Switchback
supported more young men than ever before.
We exceeded our fundraising targets to reach
over £500,000 income for the first time, and
made significant inroads into using our evidence
to influence wider change. We also embedded
the voice and experiences of our Trainees
                                                                                                                   AIM 1                                  AIM 2
further into our work by launching an Experts
                                                                                                                     —                                      —
by Experience Board.
                                                                                                             Support more young                  Inspire change across
                                                                                                               men to change                           the system

Our last strategic plan for 2016-18 focussed         seen great potential and an urgent need for it to
on navigating a chaotic external context,            spread further across the system.
as the criminal justice system faced
unprecedented budget cuts and the overhaul           This strategic plan brings our influencing work
of the Transforming Rehabilitation agenda.           to the fore by placing it on an equal footing with
We are proud that against this backdrop we           our ambitions for growth in delivery. We have
not only held our ground but also tested new         learned that these aims are mutually reinforcing,
                                                                                                                          Never compromise our values
directions and achieved significant milestones.      often in unexpected ways. Widening our scope
                                                     and impact has created an energy that enhances
Expanding our ambition                               the effectiveness of our support for individual
                                                     young men. We will expand this way of working
                                                     while always keeping Trainees at the heart of
Our shift in focus now is from a phase of piloting   everything we do.
in a number of areas to deepening and focussing
on two: supporting more young men to change          While we grow, we must continue to provide a
and inspiring change across the system. A vital      rare anchor of stability and humanity within the
third strand – ensuring we always fortify our        chaos. We know this is critical to the success                                   AIM 3
foundation – underpins both these aims.              of young men wishing to change their lives. As                                     —
                                                     Switchback enters a new decade, we believe                           Always fortify our foundation
Switchback’s core strength continues to be in        that by always fortifying our foundation we can
its deep, intensive work enabling young men to       expand the reach and quality of our work further
achieve real, lasting change in their lives. In a    than ever before.
context of increasing fragmentation both inside
and outside prison, the power of this consistent,
relational approach is more important than
ever. We know we are not alone in embracing a
more human ethos. By beginning to work with          Alice Dawnay
others to share Switchback’s approach we have        Founder and CEO

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Aim 1

                                                             SUPPORT MORE YOUNG MEN TO CHANGE

                                                             Our ambition: All young prison-leavers returning to London
                                                             have the opportunity to achieve change through Switchback.

                                                             Taking stock: 2016-18                             Objectives 2019-21

                                                             Since 2015 we increased the number of             Over the next three years we will aim to:
                                                             young men we worked with by a third. This
                                                             meant in 2018 we supported 306 young men                                    Increase the number
                                                             pre-release and 48 through-the-gate, while
                                                                                                                 A                       of young men
                                                             maintaining historically high rates of Trainees    Support more young       supported each
                                                             moving into work (63%) and achieving our           men every year           year pre-release
                                                             benchmark of real lasting change (58%).                                     and through-the-
                                                                                                                                         gate, while exploring
                                                             This was despite a context of continued                                     options for non-
                                                             challenges accessing prisoners, prison staff                                prison referrals.
                                                             cuts, worsening safety and conditions, and
                                                             increasingly complex needs of prisoners. Our                                Ensure at least 90%
                                                             response was to strengthen our safeguarding
                                                                                                                 B                       of Trainees don’t
                                                             processes, enhance clinical supervision for        Maintain sector-         reoffend and at least
                                                             delivery staff, widen our prison relationships     leading outcomes         60% achieve our
                                                             and overhaul our recruitment processes.                                     benchmark of real
People only do what they know, and that depends
                                                                                                                                         lasting change.
where you grow up. For me, I knew how sell drugs.            Having explored options for opening our own
Everyone sold drugs in my community, it was the norm.        café, we assessed that a more sustainable                                   Deepen existing
                                                             approach is to nurture a diverse group of
                                                                                                                 C                       delivery partnerships
                                                             real-work training environments.                   Expand our delivery      and establish new
Switchback taught me and pushed me so much. I’ve
                                                                                                                partnerships             ones to facilitate
learned to forget about crime. I’ve learned it’s not the                                                                                 growth in Trainee
easiest culture. I’ve been shown a different route.                                                                                      numbers while
Crime to me now, it’s un-normal.                                                                                                         maintaining quality.

                                                                                                                                         Further develop our
There’s not really one word to describe the                                                                      D
                                                                                                                                         robust monitoring
relationship with my Switchback Mentor. She’s sort                                                              Use data and             and evaluation
of like a sister, someone you’re close to, but who is                                                           evidence to              processes including
                                                                                                                enhance our impact       a thriving Experts
outside your peer group; someone non-judgmental
                                                                                                                                         by Experience
who understands you. I never had someone like that in                                                                                    Board, using data
my life before: not a teacher, not a parent, not a friend.                                                                               and evidence to
Monique helped me find the answers for myself.                                                                                           continuously improve
                                                                                                                                         our impact.

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Aim 2

                                                           INSPIRE CHANGE ACROSS THE SYSTEM

                                                           Our ambition: Switchback’s evidence actively inspires
                                                           more human, more effective policy and practice across
                                                           the criminal justice system.

                                                           Taking stock: 2016-18                            Objectives 2019-21

                                                           Having previously undertaken very little         Over the next three years we will aim to:
                                                           external engagement, after a successful pilot
                                                           in 2017-18 we established a permanent policy                               Expand and deepen
                                                           and impact function at Switchback. We found
                                                                                                              A                       our evidence base to
                                                           that our small size was more of an advantage      Further develop          illustrate ‘what works’
                                                           than a burden, given our unique depth of          our compelling           and the obstacles
                                                           impact and insight.                               evidence base            to success faced
                                                                                                                                      by prison-leavers
                                                           Progress over the year included building new                               and voluntary sector
                                                           relationships with influencers at all levels,                              organisations.
                                                           giving oral evidence to MPs on the Justice
                                                           Committee in Parliament, piloting training for                          Use our evidence to
                                                           prison staff, and beginning to make headway
                                                                                                              B                    influence tangible
                                                           with our ambitions for change in policy and       Influence more human, change in public
                                                           practice.                                         more effective public policy at a national,
The biggest thing I’ve learned is to be patient. Lacking
                                                                                                             policy                regional and prison
that is why I took up selling drugs. My Switchback         We have always placed great stock in the                                level to break down
Mentor taught me to plan ahead and so much more,           importance of systems and data, and in 2018                             barriers to success.
down to posture, eye contact, and stuff when you’re        we carried out significant modernisation of
                                                           our databases. This has further minimised                               Influence tangible
going for interviews. All of that was new to me.                                                              C
                                                           the time spent by delivery staff on admin                               change in practice
                                                           and enhanced our capacity to understand,          Influence more        across the criminal
I used to flip out if I didn’t feel things were fair,      improve and communicate our impact.               human, more effective justice system by
whereas now it takes a lot for me to get angry.                                                              practice              sharing our model
                                                                                                                                   through training and
Most people in prison have skills but they don’t
                                                                                                                                   other tools, improving
know they have them until someone shows them. As                                                                                   support available for
much as they might want to sort their life out when                                                                                all prison-leavers.
they come out, it takes a huge thing to break out.
                                                                                                                                      Sufficiently resource
Switchback showed me the layout of the world, and                                                             D                       and enhance our
how work works. The future’s looking bright.                                                                 Enhance our              communications
                                                                                                             communications           activity to improve
                                                                                                                                      awareness of our
                                                                                                                                      work and impact.

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Aim 3

                                                       ALWAYS FORTIFY OUR FOUNDATION

                                                       By modelling stability amid chaos, Switchback
                                                       can always do what we say we’ll do, sticking
                                                       around for the long-term as we grow.

                                                       Taking stock: 2016-18                            Objectives 2019-21

                                                       In a tough funding environment, we               Over the next three years we will aim to:
                                                       increased our income year-on-year to
                                                       become a half-a-million pound organisation                                 Grow and develop
                                                       for the first time in 2018. We held ourselves
                                                                                                          A                       our staff team to
                                                       to our responsible reserves policy and our        Expand and develop       increase capacity.
                                                       commitment to ensure no single income             our team                 Maximise retention
                                                       source exceeds 20% of revenue.                                             by going the extra
                                                                                                                                  mile as an employer.
                                                       To date we have operated without any
                                                       government funding, and we are grateful to                                 Increase our income
                                                       our donors and supporters who recognise the
                                                                                                          B                       annually and reach
                                                       value of an intensive, long-term approach.        Grow and diversify       50% from corporate
                                                                                                         our income               and individual donors.
                                                       However, we also recognise that trust and                                  Test new sources of
When I first came into Switchback I’d feel so          foundation income is harder to come by at ten                              earned income.
                                                       years old. As such, we have begun to diversify
uncomfortable I could hardly speak when people         our fundraising by growing corporate and                                   Maintain our
said hello. Switchback totally changed how I           individual funding streams and beginning to
                                                                                                          C                       responsible reserves
thought about myself. Sometimes I wake up and          explore new avenues of earned income.             Evolve our robust        policy and reduce
say is this really me? You wouldn’t recognise me.                                                        financial management     our maximum single
                                                                                                                                  donor contribution to
                                                                                                                                  15% of annual income.
And literally it’s been my Switchback Mentor always
pushing me, saying to believe in myself, always                                                                                   Embed smart,
                                                                                                          D                       practical systems and
encouraging me to go on new experiences and
                                                                                                         Embed smarter            processes across the
sending me constant reminders to do things.                                                              internal processes       organisation so that
                                                                                                                                  staff time is focussed
I’ve learned that it’s not about taking the fast                                                                                  on impact, not admin.
route - taking the long route is more beneficial and
                                                                                                                                  Grow Switchback’s
satisfying in the end. I’ve done so much more than I                                                      E                       valued partnerships
thought I could.                                                                                         Deepen and expand        and expand our loyal
                                                                                                         our network and          network of individual
                                                                                                         partnerships             friends, supporters
                                                                                                                                  and advisors.

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REAL LASTING CHANGE Switchback's strategic plan 2019-2021
Join us for the next phase
of Switchback’s journey
By implementing this plan we believe we will support more
young men to change their lives while achieving tangible
change in policy and practice, all underpinned by being an
even stronger and more effective organisation ourselves.

We can’t wait to get started. We hope you will join us to
enable more young men to find a way out of the justice
system and build stable, rewarding lives they can be proud of.                  Switchback, 3rd Floor, Norvin House, 45-55
020 7650 8989                            Commercial Street, London E1 6BD | Registered                    Charity Number 1125100 | Company Number
@SwitchbackOrg                           06615923 | Published March 2019
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