Other information included in your council tax & business rates bill - 2021/22 This leaflet forms part of your bill
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Other information included in your council tax & business rates bill 2021/22 This leaflet forms part of your bill www.wakefield.gov.uk
What will the Fire and Rescue Authority cost? For fire safety 2020/21 2021/22 Per head advice visit £000 £000 Gross Expenditure 90,357 91,913 Chair of WYFRA, www.westyorksfire.gov.uk Councillor Darren O’Donovan Contribution to/from balances 0 0 Income -2,734 -2,565 Budget Requirement 87,623 89,348 £38.31 West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority “Although we have had to adapt our ways of working, Revenue support grant -13,556 -13,631 -£5.84 (WYFRA) has agreed a minor precept increase of we have stepped up to support communities and our Pension grant -4,286 -4,286 -£1.84 1.99%. This equates to an increase in council tax partners in any way we can, whilst still maintaining of 2.5p per week or £1.31 per annum for a Band a frontline response to emergencies. Our Service Top up grant -16,922 -16,921 -£7.25 ‘D’ property. has been rated good in all areas by Her Majesty’s Business rates -9,118 -9,792 -£4.20 West Yorkshire charges the fourth lowest Fire Inspectorate and we are proud to offer great value for Collection fund -108 797 £0.34 Authority precept in England. money. Government Covid Support -1,563 -£0.67 Despite the difficulties that the year has brought, the “Despite the small increase we are still among the Service has continued to offer a first class emergency lowest costing fire and rescue services per head of Council Tax Requirement 43,633 43,952 £18.84 provision for the people of West Yorkshire. population in the country.” Our firefighters and support staff have risen to the Chair of WYFRA, Councillor Darren O’Donovan added: challenge and have been ready, willing and able to “The small rise enables us to fund important parts of offer their help to communities and adapt their ways of the Fire and Rescue Service that once the Government What are the changes from last year? working so we can all remain safe. provided funding for but no longer does. “Our grant from Central Government has been reduced by around 2020/21 2021/22 Inspectors from HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and £26m since 2010. Funding has decreased significantly £000 £000 Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) recently rated the over recent years, however we are committed to Service good in all 11 categories they examined. continuing to provide the public of West Yorkshire with Previous year’s budget 85,143 87,623 This included good ratings in the following areas: the high level of service they currently receive.” Inflation 1,772 1,399 • effectively keeping people safe and secure from fire Changes in service provision 704 326 and other risks; Changes in use of reserves 4 0 • efficiently managing resources; and Budget Requirement 87,623 89,348 • looking after its people. Chief Fire Officer John Roberts said: “The Service has Chief Fire Officer coped well with the demands of the pandemic and has John Roberts, continued to offer a fantastic provision. West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service WEST YORKSHIRE FIRE & RESCUE AUTHORITY message FACTS AND FIGURES
80% of Keeping our communities safe and feeling safe Budget 2021-2022 those Mark surveyed 2020/2021 2021/2022 Burns-Williamson OBE supported the £m £m West Yorkshire’s increase Gross Expenditure 589.605 616.166 Police and Crime I am delivering for communities Commissioner across West Yorkshire by: Council Tax Requirement 130.024 137.627 • Continuing to recruit more police officers and Protecting the people of West Yorkshire has been staff, and sustain PCSO numbers by re-building Where the money came from 2021/2022 Where the money is spent on 2021/2022 central to my approach in preparing this latest more diverse frontline and neighbourhood policing budget, which both builds upon the foundations resilience to protect our communities. we have already laid, whilst taking account of • Commissioning and improving services for victims what lies ahead, including the views of the police, and witnesses, including working with partners to our partners and importantly the public during the create the new purpose built Sexual Assault Referral ongoing impact and challenges posed by Covid-19. Centre (SARC) facility which opened in 2020. 80% of respondents to my public survey on the police • Awarding £3.4m of recovered Proceeds of Crime precept supported the extra investment proposed which monies to community groups and organisations equates to no more than an extra £15 a year for most working to keep communities safe through my Safer households, on average around 26p per week given that Communities Fund (SCF) included a specific grant most properties fall within Bands A to C and will remain round to support communities during the pandemic. the 3rd lowest Police precept in England and Wales. • Establishing and continuing to support the Violence It will see an additional 251 police officers and 73 Reduction Unit (VRU) which is now into its second police staff recruited and invested into protecting local year. Its unique public health led approach has Summary: There will be a 7.64% increase to the communities, whilst also begun to help turn the tide on violent crime and its annual police council tax sustaining the level of underlying causes. Police Community Council Tax Current cost 2021/22 Annual Per week Support Officers The increase • Working with key partners to co-ordinate resources Band per year £ cost £ increase £ increase £ (PCSOs) up to 566 equates to no more to tackle the priorities in the West Yorkshire Police A 130.85 148.85 10.00 0.19 B 152.66 164.33 11.67 0.23 To find out more or contact Mark: as part of our than £15 a year for and Crime Plan such as road safety, digital forensics C 174.47 187.80 13.33 0.26 Neighbourhood investigations, cyber-crime, child sex/criminal 01924 294000 most households in D 196.28 211.28 15.01 0.30 Policing Teams exploitation and domestic abuse, amongst others. contact@westyorkshire.pcc.pnn.gov.uk throughout West West Yorkshire E 239.90 258.23 18.34 0.36 www.westyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk F 283.51 305.18 21.67 0.43 Yorkshire. On 6th May 2021 there is due to be an election G 327.13 352.13 25.00 0.49 @WestYorksOPCC H 392.56 422.56 30.00 0.59 @WestYorksOPCC for the first ever West Yorkshire Mayor. The West Yorkshire Mayor will have a large remit under the devolution deal agreed, including the transfer of the powers and responsibilities of the West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) function to the Mayoral Combined Authority. For more information on the upcoming changes ahead of the election, visit our website or contact the office. POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER message FACTS AND FIGURES figures
Income and expenditure of West Yorkshire Combined Authority and the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership Our income comes from a variety Where our funding comes from (£569m) of sources, including successful, multi-million pound bids to central Government for funding. The largest The West Yorkshire Combined Authority comprises elected Councillors from the five West Yorkshire local portion of our annual revenue income authorities and the City of York, plus the Chair of the Local Enterprise partnership, supported by officers. We comes from the transport levy, which work in partnership with local councils and a wide range of organisations towards ensuring that everyone our partner councils in West Yorkshire in our region benefits from a strong, successful economy and a modern, accessible transport network. collect through Council Tax. This funds We also manage and run the Metro-branded network of bus stations, travel centres and public transport discounted travel and subsidised bus information across West Yorkshire. We support the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (LEP) to services for children, young people, help businesses in our region grow and become more productive. Our funding comes from Government, older people and communities, as well transport services income and a small amount of council tax. as travel information, bus stations, stops and shelters. In 2021/22 we are committed tackling the challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring that our region’s economic recovery is as strong as possible. Our work will focus on four key areas:. The transport levy remains at the same level as last year. To protect front How we spend our money (£569m) line services we are making savings Our work will focus on four key areas: Our work will focus on four key areas: across all our service areas that offset Boosting Productivity by: Delivering 21st Century Transport by: unavoidable increases in our running • Helping businesses to recover from the COVID-19 • Ensuring our region’s transport network recovers from costs due to rising inflation, business pandemic and respond to the challenges and the impact of COVID-19 and making sure the bus rates and energy costs for example. opportunities of the UK’s changing international trading network meets the needs of our communities. More information is available on our relationships. • Reducing long-term reliance on the car by delivering website: westyorks-ca.gov.uk or by • Helping people find and retain good jobs, with support ambitious improvements to transport infrastructure calling 0113 251 7222. to access employment opportunities and retrain, through the Transforming Cities Fund and our City All information and/or documents will be particularly those in sectors affected by the pandemic. Connect programme. provided in braille, large type or another • Developing and implementing the West Yorkshire • Continuing to develop plans for a West Yorkshire Mass language on request. Economic Recovery Plan, including supporting people to Transit system and working with our partners to secure start new businesses and create jobs. HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail. Tackling the Climate Emergency by: Enabling Inclusive Growth by: • Ensuring a green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic • Enabling as many people as possible to contribute to, On 6 May 2021 residents of West Yorkshire will be able to vote for the first ever Mayor of and accelerating our plans for a net zero carbon and benefit from, economic growth, especially those West Yorkshire economy by 2038. disproportionately affected by the pandemic. Devolution will bring at least an additional £1.8 billion public investment into local control over the next 30 years, • Installing 88 electric vehicle and ensuring 5% of our • Working closely with schools and colleges to help our and is the biggest deal of its kind to date. It means decisions currently taken in London will be taken in West region’s taxis are electric powered by 2021. most disadvantaged young people achieve their goals Yorkshire, by people who know and understand our region. It will give us more influence and ability to invest in • Investing £1.7 million in natural flood management and supporting SMEs to create more apprenticeship the things that matter locally, such as better transport, skills, housing and regeneration. projects across Calderdale and Kirklees to help protect opportunities. Find out more about the Mayoral elections and what devolution means for you at: around 3,000 homes and over 1,000 businesses. • Helping to deliver new affordable homes through the https://www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/becoming-a-mayoral-combined-authority/ £67 million Brownfield Housing Fund. WEST YORKSHIRE COMBINED AUTHORITY message FACTS AND FIGURES figures
The Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 2011. The Environment Agency is a levying The Environment Agency has powers in respect The majority of funding for flood defence comes body for its Flood and Coastal Erosion of flood and coastal erosion risk management directly from the Department for the Environment, for 2292 kilometres of main river and along tidal Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). However, under Risk Management Functions under the and sea defences in the area of the Yorkshire the new Partnership Funding rule not all schemes Flood and Water Management Act 2010 Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. Money is will attract full central funding.To provide local and the Environment Agency (Levies) spent on the construction of new flood defence funding for local priorities and contributions (England and Wales) Regulations 2011. schemes, the maintenance of the river system for partnership funding the Regional Flood and and existing flood defences together with Coastal Committees recommend through the the operation of a flood warning system and Environment Agency a local levy. management of the risk of coastal erosion. A change in the gross budgeted expenditure The financial details are: between years reflects the programme of works for both capital and revenue needed by the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee to which you contribute. The total Local Levy raised by this Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee 2020/21 2021/22 committee has increased by 2.0%. ‘000s ‘000s The total Local Levy raised has increased from Gross Expenditure £127,742 £146,951 £2,592,545 in 2020/2021 to £2,644,396 for Levies Raised £2,593 £2,644 2021/2022. Total Council Tax Base 1,524 1,504 Customer service line 03708 506 506 Incident hotline 0800 80 70 60 Floodline 0345 988 1188 www.environment-agency.gov.uk ENVIRONMENT AGENCY YORKSHIRE AND NORTH EAST REGION message FACTS AND FIGURES figures
The information on this, and the following two pages, relate to Wakefield Council. Revenue Spending Plans for 2021/22 The Council’s Revenue Spending Plans are those which are for the day-to-day running of services. The 2020/21 figures have been adjusted to the same reporting basis as 2021/22, so that a like-for-like comparison can be made. 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2021/22 Adjusted Gross Adjusted Net Gross Net Expenditure Controllable Expenditure Controllable Budget Budget Budget Budget £000 £000 Services Provided £000 £000 177,851 102,315 Adults & Health 185,991 105,968 140,236 63,725 Children & Young People 152,490 65,756 37,713 12,342 Regeneration and Economic Growth 40,208 15,947 111,055 67,373 Communities, Environment & Climate Change 116,453 74,253 22,154 25,658 Chief Executive’s Unit 24,302 28,130 78,656 - Schools 83,760 - 229,877 (23,097) Council Wide Budgets & Reserve Movements 228,571 (60,762) 797,542 248,315 Total spending on Services 831,775 229,293 Funding Available to meet spending on Services (14,305) Revenue Support Grant (14,384) (68,976) Retained Business Rates (48,603) (14,624) Business Rates Top-up / Tariff (14,624) (1,871) Council Tax Collection Fund Balance after Mandatory Spreading 1,155 148,539 Amount to be met from Council Tax 152,837 Due to the economic consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic, Wakefield MDC’s share of Council Tax Collection Fund Balance is estimated to be in a deficit position of £3.4m. However, Government legislation has allowed Local Authorities to mitigate this immediate consequence by allowing them to spread the deficit over 21/22 and the following two financial years, resulting in an inpact of £1.155m in each year.
Changes Impacting on the Amount to be met from Council Tax 2021/22 £m 2020/21 Council Tax Requirement 148.5 Forecast cost and funding pressures 2021/22 25.5 less shortfall in the number of dwellings liable to pay council tax in 2020/21 reflected below (2.7) Net forecast cost and funding pressures 2021/22 22.8 Use of reserves (3.4) Business Rates growth (2.0) Accounting changes (2.0) Amount met from Service Area Budget efficiencies & savings (11.1) 2021/22 Council Tax Requirement 152.8 Increase in Council Tax Requirement 2020/21 to 2021/22 4.3 Amount met from: Change in the number of dwellings liable to pay Council Tax: Shortfall in the number of dwellings liable to pay council tax in 2020/21 (2.7) Forecast funding from housing growth in 2021/22 1.2 Net Change in the number of dwellings liable to pay Council Tax (1.5) Council Tax Increase of 1.99% 2.9 Adult Social Care Precept of 2% on Council Tax for 2021/22 * 2.9 4.3 NB: The Council Tax Requirement for 2021/22 comprises the following Council Tax Income 137.0 Adult Social Care Precept 15.8 152.8 * The Council has applied an Adult Social Care precept of 2% to council tax for 2021/22. The additional council tax income raised from this precept will be used to reduce the impact of cost pressures on the provision of care locally - avoiding the need to close some care services and meeting the increased demand for our services. *Statement concerning Adult Social Care Precept ‘The Secretary of State made an offer to adult social care authorities. (“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in England, district councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.) The offer was the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge an additional “precept” on its council tax without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting expenditure on adult social care from the financial year 2016-17. It was originally made in respect of the financial years up to and including 2019-20. If the Secretary of State chooses to renew this offer in respect of a particular financial year, this is subject to the approval of the House of Commons.’
The implications of the 2021/22 Revenue Spending Plans for Council Tax Payers Capital Investment The Council’s 2021/22 Revenue Spending Plans are mainly funded by Council Tax, retained Business Rates, Revenue Support Grant & General Government Grant. The Council’s updated Capital The amount to be met from Council Tax also includes funds raised on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire and the West Yorkshire Fire Programme of 2020/21 to 2023/24 and Rescue Authority. has £355m of Capital Investment. Click here for full details of the 2020/21 2021/22 2021/22 Council’s Capital Programme which £000 £000 £ per was reported as Agenda Item 6 of the Band D Wakefield MDC Council Budget meeting dwelling 24/02/2021. 135,557 Wakefield Council (Excluding Adult Social Care Precept) 137,053 1,342.50 12,981 Wakefield Council (Adult Social Care Precept) 15,784 154.61 148,538 Wakefield Council Amount to be met from Council Tax 152,837 1,497.11 20,251 Police and Crime Commissioner for West Yorkshire Precept 21,569 211.28 6,796 West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority Precept 6,858 67.18 175,585 Total Amount to be met from Council Tax (excluding Parishes) 181,264 1,775.57 Other Precepts and Levies The expenditure requirements of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Fire Authority are included separately in the Council Tax calculation. Levies from other outside bodies are funded directly by Wakefield Council and the effect of these are included in Wakefield’s budget amount to be met from Council Tax, retained Business Rates, Revenue Support Grant & General Government Grant. 2020/21 2021/22 Other Levies Other Levies £000 £000 14,705 West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Levy 15,213 175 Environment Agency Levy 179 107 Internal Drainage Board Levy 111 14,987 15,503
The information on this and the following page relates to Town and Parish Councils. Parish Precepts 2020/21 and 2021/22 Parish Precept Band D Parish Precept Band D Parish 2020/21 2020/21 2021/22 2021/22 £ £ £ £ Ackworth 209,000.00 74.43 209,358.00 74.06 Badsworth 11,500.00 32.67 11,000.00 31.70 Crigglestone 83,145.00 24.78 80,000.00 24.09 Crofton 76,125.00 37.76 78,635.00 39.52 Darrington 13,044.02 20.64 13,044.02 20.74 East Hardwick 969.00 12.27 979.00 12.39 Featherstone 138,000.00 27.82 138,000.00 27.57 Havercroft-with-Cold Hiendley 66,704.00 126.57 64,534.00 126.04 Hemsworth 758,888.00 206.50 749,388.00 206.50 Normanton 298,700.00 48.51 296,560.00 48.51 Nostell (Huntwick with Foulby & Nostell Hessle & Hill top & West Hardwick) 4,200.00 42.86 4,400.00 42.31 Notton 9,000.00 20.83 10,000.00 23.58 Ryhill 54,185.00 69.11 54,185.00 70.10 Sharlston 35,000.00 44.30 35,000.00 45.34 Sitlington 57,600.00 29.24 57,600.00 29.51 South Elmsall 365,500.00 188.60 365,500.00 190.56 South Hiendley 34,160.00 62.68 34,160.00 63.03 South Kirkby and Moorthorpe 827,800.00 £293.96 802,930.00 288.10 Thorpe Audlin 10,136.00 33.90 9,898.00 33.90 Upton and North Elmsall 248,670.00 120.83 245,287.00 121.43 Walton 38,000.00 32.40 39,000.00 33.05 Warmfield-Cum-Heath 15,260.00 47.84 15,260.00 48.60 West Bretton 5,400.00 24.11 5,250.00 24.08 Wintersett - - - - Woolley 33,900.00 51.44 33,335.00 51.44 Total Parish Precept 3,394,886.02 3,353,303.02
Parish Precepts exceeding £140,000 Ackworth Hemsworth Normanton South Elmsall South Kirkby & Upton & North Moorthorpe Elmsall 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 2020/21 2021/22 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000 Cemeteries & Crematoria 52 51 - - - - 11 11 22 22 11 11 Sport & Recreation 14 13 43 39 - - 60 60 15 36 13 12 Parks & Open Spaces 6 3 290 305 2 12 85 85 40 31 35 35 Allotments 4 4 9 13 12 12 8 8 3 5 33 26 Town Halls / Village Halls / Community Centres 41 36 88 112 67 60 85 85 111 137 55 57 Libraries - - - - - - - - - - - - Markets - - - - - - - - - - - - Democratic Representation, Training & Promotion - - - - - - - - - - - - Civic Expenses 7 7 - - 7 7 - - - - - - Administration / Salaries / Wages 123 120 558 558 165 173 76 76 455 480 102 127 Events / Floral Displays 29 28 - - 67 62 9 9 - - - - Local Transport Initiative - - - - - - - - - - - - Public Toilets - - - - - - 11 11 - - - - Pre-School - - - - - - - - - - - - Contribution to Reserves - - - - - - - - 15 15 - - Other - - 61 32 10 10 44 44 177 142 12 - Total Expenditure 276 262 1,049 1,059 330 336 389 389 838 868 261 268 Less Income (67) (53) (290) (310) (31) (39) (24) (24) (10) (65) (12) (23) Total Precept 209 209 759 749 299 297 365 365 828 803 249 245
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