Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte

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Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte
Real Estate
Predictions 2021
5G as an enabler for new, smarter
ways of working
Implications for real estate and construction
Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte
5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working | Real Estate Predictions 2021

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte
5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working | Real Estate Predictions 2021

2020 has been a tumultuous year full of seismic shifts in everyday norms. In a year
marked with greater public scrutiny of embedded social structures and behaviours, it
is easy to forget that another impactful infrastructure change is quietly taking place.
The next wave of digital disruption is on course and the 5G rollout will be the enabler.
5G will be the ”glue” that will tie all of our devices, buildings, and cities together,
enabling new, smarter, ways of working for all of us.

The need for speed, latency, reliability,              (AI), Augmented & Virtual Reality (AR & VR)     components. It could improve information
and capacity                                           and Digital Twins all of which could have       storage, progress tracking and automated
For the last several years, 4G – which was             a significant impact in digitalizing various    project controls. And track and trace supply
itself revolutionary at its introduction               sectors – the sky is ”virtually” the limit.     chain logistics could support ”just in time”
around 2010 - has served our society well.                                                             delivery and minimize corruption.
However, our demand for accurate and fast              Unsurprisingly, the rollout has been
data is growing exponentially, and inherent            impacted by trade and tech disputes             The most significant benefit for the
limitations relating to speed, latency,                regarding certain 5G equipment and by the       construction industry will most likely be
reliability, and capacity are becoming more            outbreak of COVID-19 for reasons including      5G’s ability to take Building Information
and more apparent. 5G mobile internet                  a reduced consumer demand (due to the           Modelling (BIM) to the next level, which
is a major leap forward from 4G. If its full           increased Wi-Fi usage working from home),       will enhance the potential for fully
potential is realized, it will not only address        allegations linking 5G rollout with the         confederated 6D Models and enable
4G’s limitations, but will transform the way           COVID-19 spread, and ack of understanding       the creation of a cloud-based ”digital
we live, work, travel and play.                        concerning the benefits of 5G.                  twin”. This will support more efficient
                                                                                                       delivery, integration and better decision
5G operates over much higher radio                     Numerous industries have made                   making throughout the building lifecycle
frequencies than 4G, which requires the                significant digital transformation strides      from concept design through to
substantial upgrade, and addition of, cell             with 4G capability. What are the benefits       decommissioning. Further, the creation of
towers. Higher frequencies require the                 of 5G? How can real estate leverage this        these models will allow clients to ”look and
closer proximity of cells, meaning that                new technology to accelerate digital            feel” their projects earlier in the delivery
”small cell sites” will need to be added to            transformation within an industry that          process.
buildings, light poles and other structures            is well behind others? Let’s explore the
across the country. Network providers are              answers to these key questions further.         Low latency
building this high speed infrastructure at                                                             5G is expected reduce latency2 in the
pace though, to date, the initial commercial           Greater network speeds                          order of 1 millisecond.3 In other words, 5G
application for the 5G rollout has centred             Standard 4G provides a maximum                  response times will feel instantaneous.4
upon mobile broadband.                                 potential real world speed of around            The implementation of IoT in real estate
                                                       80Mbps whereas 5G could reach peak              is progressing at a rapid pace, with
More to come                                           speeds of 10-20Gbps.1 In combination            more and more new buildings being
The first 5G networks were launched in                 with increased bandwidth, improved              specified with sensors inside and out. 5G
2019 and were largely deployed from                    network speeds could greatly enhance            will enable instantaneous connectivity
existing 4G base stations. Since then,                 construction processes. For instance,           to real time building usage data and
various major network organizations                    the remote use of VR could support              infrastructure, providing scope for accurate
have also launched 5G mobile network                   communicating ideas to project teams in         tenant occupancy data and optimized
capability in a limited number of cities               an agile setting. Also, 5G could increase the   maintenance regimes on assets. In the
and towns. There is much more to come                  use of off-site manufacturing, unlocking        future, landlords may take advantage of
- 5G could solidify the business case for              AI to optimize quality control and risk         private 5G splicing (i.e. pay for what you
transformational technologies such as the              escalation processes, and increase the use      use, down to the device) to increase yields
Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence      of 3D printing to create standard building      by offering bespoke services to their

1         House of Commons Library, 5G Briefing Paper 2019, 6 September 2019, page 4.
2         Latency is the time taken for devices to respond to each other over the wireless network.
3         4G is around 30 milliseconds
4         Ofcom, What is 5G, 9 March 2018; [accessed 28 November 2020]

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte
5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working | Real Estate Predictions 2021

tenants. The potential for building assets          In time, collecting and interpretation of        5G as an enabler for workplace
with wire-free connections instead of Wi-Fi         data produced by real estate assets will         transformation
could radically reduce the implementation           become a defensive strategy for most real        As pre-existing working patterns continue
complexity of core building management              estate stakeholders. It will help them to        to shift, 5G could further consolidate the
systems (including fire, security, lighting,        maintain an edge over their competitors.         workplace transformation. Fully integrated
HVAC and energy/utilities).                         Also, more regulatory requirements are           5G offices could create enhanced revenue
                                                    imposed by governments to encourage              opportunities for landlords through
Faster response times between devices will          the use of 5G technology, as it will increase    different types of leasing models. Business
also allow for the more widespread use of           productivity and efficiency and improve          models of flexible office operators, booking
autonomous vehicles and the associated              sustainability performance.                      desks and meeting rooms with specific
transport infrastructure. With more people                                                           digital capability, may become more
working from home, 5G connections                   Challenges                                       common as 5G networks expand.
may soon replace the need for Wi-Fi.                It is important to factor into any business
Valuation of 5G technology infrastructure           case the challenges involved with                Key observations
will have to be considered within future            optimizing 5G and the various technologies       2020 may have slowed down the 5G
development appraisals to enhance value             it enables. These include but are not limited    technology revolution, but it has also
and marketability.                                  to: -                                            further highlighted the need for improved
                                                                                                     connectivity, greater network speeds,
High capacity                                       • shorter frequency waves requiring small        reduced latency and wider bandwidth
More bandwidth and data capacity would                cell site technology with antennas as          capacity to support digital transformation.
reduce competition for connection and                 close as 500 feet apart                        Although there are challenges in
would allow the support of up to one                                                                 implementing 5G and no doubt greater
million devices per square kilometer. 5G            • higher risk of obstacles (including building   speeds will soon exceed it, the economic
combined with big data applications and               materials) blocking or disrupting high         and social benefits will outweigh the costs.
cloud storage capabilities could increase             frequency 5G signals                           The real estate sector has the ”bandwidth”
data on space utilization, power and                                                                 to reap some of the greatest benefits from
energy consumption. A much-needed retail            • many devices that will need to be 5G           its implementation.
revolution could start with VR and AR to              enabled, e.g. better battery technology
create experiential retail environments and                                                          Authors
be further developed by in-store analytics          • GDPR legislation and privacy laws that         Andrew Carey
to personalize shoppers’ experiences.                 may limit 5G optimization.                     Partner | FA - Real Estate | UK
Big data applications could also support                                                   
the continued effort to enforce social
distancing as more offices and retail outlets                                                        Contacts
open.                                                                                                Russell McMillan
                                                                                                     Partner | FA - Real Estate | UK

Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte
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Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte Real Estate Predictions 2021 - 5G as an enabler for new, smarter ways of working Implications for real estate and construction - Deloitte
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