Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.

Page created by Clifford Bell
Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
Ready to Serve.
Service & Support Worldwide.
Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
Rosenbauer – der XXXXXX AT

         High service quality.                            Full service, around the clock.

   Every fire department has unique require-         In operations, only 100% will suffice.
   ments. To address this effectively, Rosen-        Every piece of technology and equipment
   bauer structures its services to be modu-         must work flawlessly. Every tool ready for
   lar. Services are adapted optimally to the        action. And when something does fail,
   needs of each fire department. As a result,       firefighters want it back in operation as
   your fleet of vehicles and equipment is           quickly as possible. With Rosenbauer, just
   maintained and supported on-time and in           one call is all it takes for a technician to
   the most optimal way possible.                    arrive within 24 hours from the nearest
                                                     Rosenbauer Service Station.

          Highly qualified, practical, personal.

    Technicians from Rosenbauer Service & Support are highly qualified experts who are
    ready to handle inspections, maintenance, repairs, and product trainingstraining whenever
    you   them.them.
                  Many Many
                         of them
                              of them
                                   are active
                                       are active
                                                                         so they
                                                                             so they
                                                                                       the require-
    ments first hand.
    requirements    firstThis
                                 This experience
                                           and yearsandofyears
                                                               of collaboration
                                                                         with customers
                                                                                with customers
                                                                                         give them
    a solid
    give them
                a solid foundation
                          of knowledge
                                     of knowledge
                                         about yourabout
                                                                           and equipment
                                                                                 and contribute
                                                                                           and to
    contribute  to communications.
                   personalized communications.

   We promise performance
Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
der XXXXXX AT – Rosenbauer

      Committed to customer orientation.

  Inspection and maintenance services ensure
  uniformly high quality of all Rosenbauer products.
  The focus is on flawless functionality, a long
  service life, and the safety of vehicles and instru-
  ments. This is achieved with a solid foundation
  of customized services that consistently focus on
  the customer‘s needs.

      Reliable partner.

  You can expect fairness and customer-orienta-
  tion throughout your dealings with Rosenbauer.
  Rosenbauer guarantees the availability of origi-
  nal spare parts for many years to come. This
  provides a solid foundation for high operational
  safety of all vehicles and equipment.

Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
Rosenbauer – Everything for your safety

        Everything for your safety.
                     Service, spare parts and training from one source.

        Few jobs are more important than firefighting. Rescue, recov-
        ery, extinguishing and protection are the core tasks. Personal
        safety is always the main priority. That‘s why Rosenbauer
        provides regular care, maintenance and a planned full service
        that ensures operational readiness of firefighting vehicles and
        instruments. Regardless of whether your equipment is new
        or has already seen years of reliable use, regular service will
        maximize operational safety.

        Safety from experience and expertise.

        Rosenbauer is the internationally leading technology and services provider for
        firefighting in defensive fire and disaster protection. Since 1866 its name has
        stood for significant innovations and ground-breaking technology in the manu-
        facture of firefighting vehicles and extinguishing systems.

        Today, Rosenbauer offers municipal extinguishing vehicles and aerial rescue
        equipment, airport, industrial, and specialty vehicles, extinguishing systems,
        equipment, stationary extinguishing systems, and telematic solutions.
        Rosenbauer is committed to your safety above all else.

Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
Alles für Ihre Sicherheit – Rosenbauer

Rosenbauer is your single-source supplier for everything
from vehicle body to extinguishing systems and other
equipment. You benefit from highly efficient, integrated
solutions that deliver exceptional performance. And you
have only one contact person for all matters related to
maintenance, repair and training.

Outstanding quality.

Fire departments around the world choose Rosenbauer for
the best, most capable, and safest vehicles and equip-
ment. During product development, the company consist-
ently uses international standards for quality, functionality,
and design.

Numerous awards confirm Rosenbauer's leadership in
innovation and technology. For example, the PANTHER
ARFF vehicle, the turntable ladder L32 and the TWISTER
firefighting boots have been awarded the highly respected
"red dot" design prize.

Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
Ready to serve. Worldwide.

         20 Service stations

                                    Full service

     150 Service partners

                               Refurbishment & upgrading

Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
More than 200 mobile service technicians

                                             24/7 hotline

        High availability of spare parts


Rental vehicles

Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
020 2
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                                                                                   Inspection BASIC    Service PLUS
                       Repair, inspection and service packages

                                                                                     Service PRO      Service ALL-IN


                                                                                      Upgrading       Refurbishment
Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
Service packages

                   Ready to Serve


General overhaul
Ready to Serve. Service & Support Worldwide.
der XXXXXX AT – Rosenbauer

                          Spare parts

ve. Worldwide.

                 Vehicles & equipment

                 Vehicle management

der XXXXXX AT – Rosenbauer

                Original spare parts

training4fire       Simulators

   Rental             Sales

0 19 2020 202
    2               1

                         2018 2
                        19      0

    20 2 1 202

                                                - Safety check (optional)
                                                - Reminder of pending service
                                                - Travel flat rate
                                                - Visual inspection
                                                - Functional check
                                                - Report

                                                - Adjustment work
                                                - Lubricant change

                                                - Replacement of service parts (e.g. filters, seals)

                                                - Calibration
                                                - Hydraulic oil check (aerials)
                                                - Grease and clean (optional)
                                                - Performing repairs*
                                                - Training sessions*

                                                - Repairs** including service-, spare- and wear parts
                                                - Replacement of wear parts
                                                - Warranty extension
                                    * within agreed time frame
                                    ** excluding repairs due to accidents and improper operation

                                        included       optional
Repair, inspection and
   service packages

 Inspection BASIC   Service PLUS   Service PRO   Service ALL-IN
Rosenbauer – Options package

     Inspect and maintain.
                                Safety CHECK. For greater certainty.

     Safety equipment, in particular, has mandated inspections to ensure they work reliably in operations. The requirements
     of these inspections may be defined by the manufacturer or by national regulations. If needed, the Safety Check can be
     performed within a service package.

     The stickers identify inspected equipment. So you can see
     at any time when the most recent inspection was com-
     pleted and when the next one is due.

     Safety CHECK. Peace of mind from the manufacturer.

     When you choose Safety CHECK, specially authorized
     Rosenbauer service technicians perform the required and
     recommended safety inspections, document their findings
     in a test report and affix an inspection sticker.

                                                                                    Safety inspection of hydraulic rescue equipment
Basis package – Rosenbauer

     Inspection BASIC. Overview of the condition of your equipment.

Fire departments perform a wide range of tasks. Yet they all have firm requirements on their
vehicles, equipment and tools. With the basic service packages Inspection BASIC, Service PLUS and
Service PRO, Rosenbauer service teams are your partner for rapid completion of service and repair.
The precise composition of each package is defined according to Rosenbauer factory guidelines and
any additional requirements you may have.

Inspection BASIC. On-call service.

Regular inspections are the underlying requirement for retaining the value and
reliability of your technical equipment. Optionally you can extend Inspection
BASIC with a Safety CHECK. We are happy to perform on-site inspections with
economical travel and accommodation rates.

Rosenbauer – Basic packages

     Inspect, service and train.
          Service PLUS. Basic package for reliable maintenance.

     By choosing a service package you
     will benefit from a flat travel fee.

                           Service PLUS. Ready for operations.

                           Service PLUS takes maintenance to the next level. Service parts are replaced
                           in a timely manner. Service PLUS contains the services of the package
                           Inspection BASIC, enlarged with the recommended maintenance steps of
                           the manufacturer. If needed, the Safety CHECK can be added for additional
                           inspection and service activities. You are receiving a full test report after

Basic packages – Rosenbauer

    Service PRO. For comprehensive service.

Service PRO. Always up to date.

Technology and software never stop evolving. Expectations and requirements
change rapidly. With Service PRO you are always on the cutting edge.

When you choose the Service PRO package, Rosenbauer will maintain and
calibrate your equipment, complete repairs as agreed, perform necessary
software updates and train you in proper use.

Rosenbauer – Complete packages

     Everything from one source.
          Service ALL-IN. For full range service.

     Ideal for fleet management.                Your all-round service.

     Your fleet is growing. You need to         Full-service for you, your fleet and your equipment.
     keep an ever-growing list of vehicles,     Rosenbauer does more than just plan and perform service
     instruments and equipment main-            activities. We put your vehicles under a factory warranty,
     tained and ready for use at all times.     even with guaranteed availability if desired. This keeps
     In addition to manufacturing high-         everything up to date and relieves you and your team of
     quality products, Rosenbauer places        administrative tasks. In the unlikely event that a vehicle or
     special emphasis on providing fire         piece of equipment does fail, a Rosenbauer service techni-
     departments with complete and              cian will be on site quickly to eliminate the problem.
     seamless service. With the Service
     ALL-IN package Rosenbauer provides
     you with complete and comprehen-
     sive support in all aspects of vehicles,
     instruments and equipment. This
     package is individually adapted to
     your fleet and adjusted to your

     Service ALL-IN offers comprehensive,
     custom services for your fleet, instru-
     ments and equipment.

Complete packages – Rosenbauer

Full-service for total peace of mind.

Service ALL-IN gives you comprehensive service from a single source. This pack-
age anticipates your needs and delivers customized services specific to your
fleet, equipment and requirements. If required, we jointly define any additional
services. For example in the event of a material-related failure and the need for
immediate repair, all wear and spare parts are included within the service con-
tract. If accident damages cause a failure, you will receive a replacement vehicle
at especially favorable conditions.


          General overhauls

 Spare parts

Full Service.
         Everything from one

                      Vehicles & equipment

                 Vehicle management

Rosenbauer – General overhauls

     Like new again.
                           Repairs and general overhauls.

     A general technical overhaul from Rosenbauer updates your
     firefighting vehicle to the latest technology. Municipal and
     initial attack vehicles as well as industrial and air crash
     tenders can be fitted with the latest firefighting equipment.
     Even individualized suggestions for modernization are pos-
     sible. All installed modules come from the latest product
     lines and reflect the best Rosenbauer quality.


     It is not uncommon for operational equipment to get dam-
     aged. Rosenbauer‘s dense service network enables rapid
     repairs on-site or at one of our many service stations.


     Upgrading – New fixtures for new requirements.                                     Upgrading – Services

     Requirements change. Upgrading fixtures on existing vehicles make it possible      ▪▪ Installation of the
     to handle new challenges. Here as well, Rosenbauer is your competent partner.         latest components
     Rosenbauer routinely retrofits vehicles with new extinguishing and lighting tow-   ▪▪ Retrofitting of equipment
     ers, water monitors, mixing systems or stowage for storage of new equipment.       ▪▪ Conversion of support
     We can handle conversions for you as well. Rosenbauer can reorganize and              and lighting concepts
     optimize your stowage systems with rotating compartments, storage for breath-
     ing apparatuses or sliding trays with a more functional arrangement. Lockers
     can be custom-converted for new equipment.

Generalüberholungen – Rosenbauer

                                                                       As a technology leader, it is important
                                                                       to Rosenbauer that all fire depart-
                                                                       ments around the world are always
                                                                       using the latest technology maximi-
                                                                       zing their ability to rescue, recover,
                                                                       extinguish and protect.


Refurbishment – old is new again.                           Refurbishment – Services

Years of demanding use of the equipment leave their mark    ▪▪ Survey of situation
on paint and bodywork. Rosenbauer performs a wide range     ▪▪ Consultation, planning and
of refurbishment work on vehicles and equipment. From          calculation of required work
body module to chassis, Rosenbauer has the best available   ▪▪ Complete refurbishment
solutions for all types of refurbishments.

Rosenbauer – General overhauls

     Used, but as good as new.
                                      Aerial vehicles at reasonable prices.

     Quality – Know-how – Experience

     The aerials competence center within
     Rosenbauer is situated in Karlsruhe
     (Germany). Continuous development
     and optimization of hydraulic plat-
     forms and aerial ladders ensure that
     products from Rosenbauer remain
     internationally respected in the field
     of aerial rescue and have been helping
     save lives for decades.

     The refurbishment team has the ex-
     perience and know-how to bring older
     firefighting vehicles back to top form                                                                                          Used vehicle
     with original parts. This gives you the
     opportunity to purchase used vehicles
     that perform like new and save money         ▪▪ General overhaul
     in the process. Even if your vehicles        ▪▪ Modernization and upgrading
     have been in use for many years, they        ▪▪ Complete rebuilding
     can still be brought up to date.             ▪▪ The perfect solution for tight budgets.

     Podium in service for 20 years             Completely new podium design (aluminum) with large toolbox behind the driving compartment.
General overhauls – Rosenbauer

                                                       Komplettpakete – Rosenbauer
                                                            Refurbishment from Rosenbauer revitalizes older vehicles.
                                                            When properly maintained, they are ready for many more
         Vehicle after refurbishment                        years of reliable service and fulfill all the requirements of
                                                            modern firefighting scenarios.

                                       Old is new

                                       The vehicle chassis is inspected at an authorized workshop and then updated with
      used L32 driving compartment     major revisions. We also replace key elements on the rescue cage, add practical
                                       features and refurbish any remaining parts that can stay in service. Outrigger and
                                       ladder are completely disassembled; hoses, cables and sensors are replaced.

                                       The podium, operating elements and hydraulic components are also replaced.
                                       The pivot mounting is also completely overhauled, hydraulic components are
                                       replaced and various parts are repainted. When all is complete, the vehicle is at
                                       the latest state of technology and ready for years of continued service.

modernized L32 driving compartment
Rosenbauer – Original spare parts

                              Dependable and long-term spare parts m
                                                            Original spare parts from Rosenbauer.

     Rosenbauer keeps original spare parts in stock for many
     years in its modern logistics center. As a result, Rosenbauer
     service centers are able to handle repair tasks at short
     notice so your vehicle is back in operation quickly.

Original spare parts – Rosenbauer


     Get the right spare parts quickly.

     All Rosenbauer products are characterized by their quality
     and durability. But should a defect occur after all or if
     parts of components, the body or chassis show signs of
     wear after years of service, you can be confident that the
     right spare parts are available from Rosenbauer in original
     quality. This is our promise to you.

     We are happy to provide individualized quotations for
     spare parts based on the products you own, including re-
     commended parts that should be replaced after a certain
                                                                   Buy spare parts online
     period of time.

                                                                   Rosenbauer keeps thousands of parts in stock in its automated small parts

                                                                   Original parts for peace of mind

                                                                   ƒƒ Maximum reliability
                                                                   ƒƒ Perfectly matched to your products
                                                                   ƒƒ Flawless installation
                                                                   ƒƒ Highest possible safety
                                                                   ƒƒ Fair price

                                                                   And service at the highest level

                                                                   ƒƒ Rapid identification of parts
                                                                   ƒƒ High availability
                                                                   ƒƒ Optimized logistics
                                                                   ƒƒ Short delivery times
                                                                   ƒƒ Flexible production
                                                                   ƒƒ Optimal customer support
     Modern logistics center                                       ƒƒ Dependable, competent, and experienced contacts
Rosenbauer – Training

     Knowledge creates safety.
                                training4fire – The best training.

     Target group-oriented training program                        Certified knowledge

     At Rosenbauer you get more than just cutting-edge             Experienced trainers accompany you during the courses at
     emergency vehicles. As a partner of fire departments,         the Rosenbauer Training Center or on-site with extensive
     Rosenbauer offers knowledge and experience that               explanations and background information about course
     comes from years of collaboration. This also includes an      content that is highly practical and methodical. In addition
     advanced, target group-oriented training program that         to traditional presentations, learning material also comes
     addresses the entire range of products. The primary           in the form of e-learning and practical examples. If desired
     training objectives include optimal use of the equipment to   the success in learning and new knowledge can be tested
     help victims as well as maintaining operational readiness.    at the end of each training session and confirmed with a
                                                                   Rosenbauer certificate.

     Rosenbauer's training4fire is an extensive training program
     that builds on existing knowledge. It includes:
     ▪▪ Intensive operational training
     ▪▪ Thorough technology training
     ▪▪ Practical tactical and operational training

     Technology training

Training – Rosenbauer

                                                         Operator training

                                                         Successful operations depend on
                                                         a combination of modern equip-
                                                         ment and well-trained operators.
                                                         In addition to thorough beginner's
                                                         training, we also offer refresher
                                                         courses, driver training and train-
                                                         the-trainer sessions.

                                                         Technology training

                                                         In these training courses, you will
                                                         learn in detail about the functionality
      ing4fi                                             and technology of your equipment.
train                                                    Experienced trainers will teach you
                                                         the best methods for maintenance
                                                         and repair.

                                                         Tactic and operation training

                                                         Experienced firefighting professionals
                                                         take you through critical situations
                                                         under the most demanding condi-
                                                         tions. They show you how to master
                                                         these challenges so you are ready for
                                                         your next call.

                                                                              Panther attack training

                 Individual training

                 Rosenbauer offers customized courses for special requirements:
                 ▪▪ Special training for industrial and air crash tenders
                 ▪▪ Chassis seminars for PANTHER and COMMANDER
                 ▪▪ Combinations of individual training sessions
                 ▪▪ Train-the-trainer courses
                 ▪▪ Learn more about our courses at
Rosenbauer – Simulator

     Safe in any situation.

     Maneuvering a firefighting vehicle safely through traffic             Cutting-edge training simulators
     during an operation is very demanding, both mentally
     and physically. Rosenbauer‘s ERDS Emergency Response                  The ERDS simulator provides the driver a realistic driving
     Driving Simulator is the ideal way to get driving practice            experience. Special situations like difficult weather condi-
     and train for real operations, making challenging situations          tions, dangerous traffic situations and special hazards
     more routine and safer.                                               can be incorporated into customized training sessions. All
                                                                           parameters and data are recorded so the session can be
                                                                           analyzed and evaluated at a later time. Drivers who train
                                                                           on the ERDS simulator from Rosenbauer drive more safe
                                                                           due to minimized mental stress.
     Simulator training from Rosenbauer
     ▪▪ Increases the effectiveness
        of training
     ▪▪ Reduces training costs
     ▪▪ Protects the environment

          ERDS – Emergency Response Driving Simulator

     Realistic training for emergency driving on public streets            Experience an emergency
     does not exist. Experimental emergency driving is prohib-
     ited. As a result, the true test of any driver is a real fire call.   A realistic recreation of a truck‘s driving compartment is
                                                                           mounted on a moving platform. This makes it possible to
     The ERDS simulator trains drivers in proper behavior during           re-create and experience dynamic driving situations. Imag-
     critical situations that are too dangerous to attempt in real         es of roads and highways – both rural and urban – are pro-
     life. Examples of such critical situations include:                   jected onto front and side-mounted screens. The software
      ▪▪ a bicyclist who runs a red light                                  lets the driver individually compile a variety of scenarios.
      ▪▪ a headphone-wearing pedestrian who does not hear the              Weather conditions, road conditions and a variety of other
         emergency siren                                                   realistic traffic situations can be simulated.
      ▪▪ a car that suddenly veers
Simulator – Rosenbauer

     PANTHER Tactics Simulator

Even though aircraft accidents are rare at airports, airport fire
departments must still be prepared for that eventuality. Intervention
times are very short, so when the call comes in every action must be
correct without hesitation. The crew of an air crash tender must be
able to intuitively operate their equipment. This can only be accom-
plished with long-term repetitive practice. Rosenbauer developed
the PANTHER Tactics Simulator for the purpose of increasing the
effectiveness of such training while simultaneously lowering train-
ing costs. The simulator makes it possible to train for situations that
could never be re-created in real life, such as the use of foam agents.

Training for airport emergencies                                 The entire exercise is controlled and monitored by train-
                                                                 ers. With the ability to record the training session and then
In the PANTHER Tactics Simulator, participants practice          observe the situation with a bird‘s-eye view, Rosenbauer
operating their technically demanding vehicles as well           provides a new and unique way to evaluate and discuss the
as specific tactics at their airport. The simulator can be       training session. Training on the simulator helps you get the
programmed to integrate all runway traffic. An entire fleet      most out of your training budget, but it also reduces your
of vehicles can join in the virtual operation.                   environmental impact since no actual water, foam, fuel and
                                                                 gas are used.
Rosenbauer – Vehicles & equipment

     Rosenbauer is always on your side. Whether you need a
     rental vehicle quickly or are looking for an economical but
     high-quality used vehicle, Rosenbauer has just the solution
     you are looking for.

Vehicles & equipment – Rosenbauer

Additional services for more benefits.
                         Buy and rent used vehicles and equipment.

Even as operational demands increase for fire departments,
expectations for cost- and energy-efficiency also continue
to rise. These days, all successful fire departments need
more than high-performance, dependable and economical
firefighting vehicles, instruments, and equipment. They also
need a professional partner at their side.

Rosenbauer supports you with intelligent services that finan-
cially optimize your operations. By cleverly combining and
balancing the services relevant for you, you gain maximum
advantage and have the ability to react flexible to critical

                                                   Rental vehicles and equipment          Used vehicles and equipment

                                                   Accidents and repairs can take         When you are faced with changing
                                                   firefighting vehicles and equipment    requirements and new situations that
                                                   out of operation for an undetermined   require different vehicles and equip-
                                                   duration of time. Whenever possible,   ment, it is not always necessary to
                                                   Rosenbauer helps you stay ready for    buy them new. Rosenbauer can offer
                                                   action with rapid and individualized   you used firefighting vehicles and
                                                   access to rental vehicles and equip-   equipment that have already proven
                                                   ment.                                  their value during operations and are
                                                                                          still in excellent working condition.

Rosenbauer can also help you with rentable equipment.
Rosenbauer – Vehicle management

     Everything at a glance.
     service4fire supports vehicle management and service planning.

     Vehicle management for emergency personnel                    Fast reaction for maximum operational availability

     Rosenbauer’s technical helpdesk uses the latest informa-      In addition to displaying the vehicle‘s position and trave-
     tion technology and telematics solutions with service4fire    led routes, service4fire also examines the most important
     for remote diagnostics of your firefighting vehicle. During   components of the vehicle and sends messages about their
     operation service4fire records all the processes in the       status and condition. Due to the automatic examination of
     emergency vehicle and the built-in components. Informa-       vehicle components errors can be identified and fixed at
     tion about vehicle position, operation and condition is       an early stage. The remote diagnosis contributes to shorter
     evaluated and can be accessed online. service4fire            down-times and timely inspections of your vehicles.
     supports management of the entire fleet through notifica-
     tions and reports.                                            ▪▪ Possibility for the customer service team to analyze
                                                                      recorded data
     Integrated solutions for emergency personnel                  ▪▪ Identification and analysis of errors before the first visit
                                                                      of the service team
     You can obtain an overview of notifications, service          ▪▪ Error diagnosis independent of vehicle location
     intervals, reports, etc. for your fleet online at The most important information
     can be accessed through an app. Vehicle data is read-out
     through a telematic module and transferred securely to
     the Online Service Portal where it can be retrieved using
     any computer connected to the Internet.

     service4fire supports
     service scheduling.

     ▪▪ In order to maintain the operational
        readiness of your vehicle regular
        service checks are necessary.
     ▪▪ service4fire supports service
        planning to adhere service-intervals
        based on current operating hours
        or kilometers traveled.

No matter where you are, with
Rosenbauer you are always up to
date. With smartphone or computer
access, service4fire provides timely
and direct access to important infor-
mation about your fire department‘s

                                        service4fire app for Android

                                        ▪▪ Retrieve vehicle notifications
                                           anywhere, anytime
                                        ▪▪ See when vehicles are brought
                                           into service, where they are driven
                                           and their current position
                                        ▪▪ Display current vehicle status
                                        ▪▪ Route guidance to vehicle
                                        ▪▪ Access for all firefighters at no
                                           additional charge

Global Service Netw

Rosenbauer makes sure that you
can depend 100% on your vehicle
and equipment during operations. To
this end, Rosenbauer provides you
with maintenance, customer service
and refurbishment through a service
network consisting of factory-owned
subsidiaries and international service
partners in more than 100 countries
around the world.

Service Center     Service Partner       more than 50 Service Partners
Your Contact Persons

                The Rosenbauer Service Team is
                committed to your service needs.
                Whether you need a mobile techni-
                cian or spare parts management,
                you will find the right contact person
                for your situation here.
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