READING MATTERS - Washington Talking Book & Braille ...

Page created by Andre Cunningham
READING MATTERS - Washington Talking Book & Braille ...
Winter         MAT TERS

           2021 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121-2783
            8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday
         Phone: 206-615-0400 • Toll free: 800-542-0866

            That All May Read
READING MATTERS - Washington Talking Book & Braille ...
FROM THE DIRECTOR                                                                             INTRODUCING SECRETARY OF STATE STEVE HOBBS
                                                             by   Danielle Miller
A new year brings new opportunities for         install a donor wall to recognize our past and                                                             Economic Development & Trade, and
WTBBL staff to connect with our patrons. We     future donors. The wall is in the public area                                                              Environment, Energy & Technology
are always looking for more ways to reach       of the library and is a beautiful installation of                                                          committees.
people throughout the state with library        colored birds flying around the words, “That
programs. Last year, we launched a patron       all may read.” It features three tiers of colored                                                          Hobbs adopted an expansive policy
book club, and we were pleased with the         acrylic blocks recognizing donors at the                                                                   agenda that included local job creation
participation. In fact, we received a request   $50,000 level and above. The acrylic blocks                                                                through helping small businesses and
to meet more than quarterly. Starting in        have the donor names etched in print and                                                                   improving transportation infrastructure.
March, the WTBBL book club will meet every      embossed in braille. Our donors at every level                                                             He promoted legislation to enhance
other month. Read more about it and see         make such an incredible contribution                                                                       government accountability, and create
the list of upcoming books in this issue of     to WTBBL’s ability to serve our patrons.                                                                   new and innovative approaches to
Reading Matters.                                                                                                                                           strengthening education. He particularly
                                                Thank you all for your continued support of                                                                focused on expanding high-school and
Over the past few years we have been            WTBBL, and happy reading!                                                                                  college programs that prepare students
working with a design firm to create and                                                            Secretary of State Steve Hobbs was appointed           for the growing demand in the high-tech
                                                                                                    by Gov. Jay Inslee in fall 2021 and began his          industry.
                                                                                                    tenure Nov. 22. He is Washington’s 16th Secretary
                                                                                                    of State, replacing Kim Wyman, who resigned            Secretary Hobbs is a lieutenant colonel in
                                                                                                    mid-term to join the Department of Homeland            the Washington Army National Guard and
                                                                                                    Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure            proudly served in Kosovo and Iraq. As state
                                                                                                    Security Agency (CISA).                                senator, he advocated for Washington
                                                                                                                                                           state’s service members and their families
                                                                                                    As head of one of the most diverse offices in          by drafting policies that recognize the
                                                                                                    state government, Secretary Hobbs is the state’s       complex needs of men and women in the
                                                                                                    chief elections officer, chief corporations officer,   military. He worked with service members
                                                                                                    and supervisor of the State Archives. In addition,     to develop legislation ranging from help in
                                                                                                    he oversees the Washington State Library, which        education, finding good family wage jobs,
                                                                                                    includes the Washington Talking Book & Braille         and protecting veterans’ rights.
                                                                                                                                                           Raised in a working-class family, Secretary
                                                                                                    Prior to his appointment as Secretary of State,        Hobbs learned the value of hard work and
                                                                                                    Hobbs was the state senator for Washington’s           education. He received his master’s degree
                                                                                                    44th legislative district. During his tenure he        in public administration and bachelor’s
                                                                                                    served as chair of the Transportation Committee,       degree in political science at the University
        Danielle at the Donor Wall                                                                                                                         of Washington.
                                                                                                    and was a member of the Financial Institutions,

 1         Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                                         Reading Matters — Winter 2022
READING MATTERS - Washington Talking Book & Braille ...
2021 IN REVIEW                                                                                      YOUTH SERVICES NEWS
                                            by    Sara Jones                                                                                                   by   Erin Groth
                                                   WTBBL is a lifeline for patrons in a world      We are feeling 2022, how about you? WTBBL’s              meetings will be held every other month.
                                                   where isolation and access challenges occur,    Youth Services Department is already having a            At the Sept. 28 meeting, we’ll talk about
                                                   even without a pandemic. Keeping services       busy year. In late January we hosted the annual          the young adult book Everything Sad
                                                   available to patrons with human contact         Regional Braille Challenge. We are also expanding        is Untrue (a true story) by Daniel Nayeri
                                                   is absolutely essential. I believe we all can   the middle grade and young adult large-print             (BR23597, DB101953, LP26264). We look
                                                   agree that supporting health, well-being,       collections, and planning a new YA-adult book            forward to seeing high school students and
                                                   and reading is not only a noble cause but an    club crossover.                                          adult patrons come together to discuss this
                                                   essential one.                                                                                           awesome story, which is available in audio,
                                                                                                   Due to the pandemic, WTBBL hosted the Braille            braille, and large print. Hope to see you
                                                   This year also brought significant changes to   Challenge virtually again this year. Nearly 20           there for a thoughtful and intergenerational
I began 2021 full of hope that COVID-19 was        the Office of the Secretary of State (OSOS).    students in grades 1-12 signed up to participate         discussion!
mostly behind us and that we could slowly          Secretary Kim Wyman left in November            in this exciting competition. They showed off
return to a pre-pandemic normal. Not only          to take a role in the Biden administration      their braille literacy skills in proofreading, reading   Want to stay in the know and keep up
did that not happen but, as we turn into 2022,     to further support election integrity and       tactile charts and graphs, and taking speed and          to date on all things Youth Services?
we face yet another substantial challenge and      security. New Secretary Steve Hobbs was         accuracy tests. Students from all over Washington        Remember to sign up for DOTS: WTBBL’s
all the questions about how we go about our        sworn in Nov. 22. Executive leadership also     and Oregon were mailed physical testing                  Youth Patron Newsletter, a bimonthly email
lives. I believe that some of the most hopeful     changed: Trova O’Heffernan, formerly the        materials and completed the contests at home             bulletin. A sign-up link can be found on the
parts are the changes and adaptations WTBBL        OSOS’s director of Operations, became           while participating in the virtual event.                Youth Services page of WTBBL’s website.
has made while fulfilling its core service         the assistant secretary of state, and Randy
                                                   Bolerjack was named deputy secretary of         Not only did our students do amazing work, but
mission, “That all may read.”
                                                   state. Division directors changed in all but    their efforts were rewarded by several awesome               The January – February
The program is led by such capable, resilient,     three (Washington State Library, Community      prize donations. The Washington Council of the              2022 Talking Book Topics
                                                   Programs, and Corporations and Charities).      Blind Families Committee graciously donated
and committed employees who focus on
                                                                                                   a brand new Orbit Reader 20 Refreshable
                                                                                                                                                              (TBT) in large print will not
WTBBL’s core mission. They never say, “We
can’t because…” They always say, “We will          Along with the challenges, 2022 has new         Braille Display, Book Reader and Note-taker as            be available due to ongoing
figure it out,” and they do! I want to offer my    opportunities, and I look forward to our        a raffle prize. A Chameleon 20 braille eReader,               supply-chain issues.
deepest gratitude to Danielle and her staff        stellar programs and a deep commitment to       courtesy of the American Printing House for
for the tremendous amount of work they             WTBBL’s mission, “That all may read.”           the Blind’s Northwest outreach specialist, was               Patrons can access TBT
accomplished despite the many challenges                                                           the grand prize. Congrats to all our students                        online at
                                                                                                   who participated this year, and thanks to all the
along the way. The programming celebrating
                                                                                                   volunteers and committees who helped us pull        ,
WTBBL’s 90th anniversary was engaging and
informative. We are committed to hosting                                                           off another exciting event.                                     or call WTBBL at
an in-person celebration for this incredible
                                                                                                   Looking forward, 2022 will bring a new round
milestone when it is safe to do so.
                                                                                                   of the WTBBL Patron Book Club, organized by               for help with other formats.
                                                                                                   Outreach Librarian Reilly Curran. This year
                   Washington State Library

 3         Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                                          Reading Matters — Winter 2022
READING MATTERS - Washington Talking Book & Braille ...
BRAILLE EREADER PROJECT                                                                            NEW AUDIOBOOKS FROM WTBBL
                                                               by   Herrick Heitman                                                                                         by John      Pai
The National Library Service for the Blind and      We have circulated over a hundred of these         Winter is a great time to visit the many other
Print Disabled (NLS) is distributing refreshable    eReaders so far. Part of the purpose of a field    worlds of audiobooks. We recently edited and
braille eReaders to patrons. As part of this        test is to identify the eReader’s strengths and    uploaded several titles that can bring a little
project, WTBBL is field-testing a 20-cell braille   weaknesses. There have been some battery           more warmth to the colder days of the season.
eReader manufactured by Zoomax.                     issues, and entering Wi-Fi or BARD passwords
                                                    can be tricky. We were able to solve some          DBC19115 The Cold Millions by Jess Walter.
Designed in consultation with NLS, the              problems at WTBBL; for other issues we             An intimate story of brotherhood, love,
Zoomax eReader is a little smaller and              referred people directly to NLS. Fortunately       sacrifice, and betrayal set against the
much lighter than the talking book player.          NLS has been providing prompt, excellent           panoramic backdrop of an early 20th-century
It features a Perkins-style keyboard and            technical support for patrons who have             America that eerily echoes our own time, The
several navigation and function buttons. It         reported issues. NLS also created an email         Cold Millions offers a kaleidoscopic portrait of
has an SD card slot, USB-C port for power or        list for patrons where they can share tips and     a nation grappling with the chasm between
connecting to a computer, and a USB-A port          information about the eReader.                     rich and poor, between harsh realities and         Denial and drugs didn’t make things any better,
for connecting to an NLS book cartridge or a                                                           simple dreams. Spokane author Jess Walter’s        but she worked through it to acceptance and
flash drive.                                        We are continuing to distribute Zoomax             most recent novel and a 2020 National Best         recovery. 2007. The book includes an author
                                                    eReaders. Email         Seller. Narrated by Michael Memmo.                 interview conducted by narrator M.E. Kintzi
The eReader has an internal memory of 8             at WTBBL if you are interested in taking part in                                                      (pictured at left above, with Geri at right).
gigabytes. When charged, it has about 10            this project. I will be happy to give you more     DBC15900 Growing Up Boeing: The Early
hours of battery life, which can be stretched       information about the eReader and have one         Jet Age Through the Eyes of a Test Pilot’s         DBC15776 Lake City by Thomas B. Kohnstamm.
up to 27 hours with power-saving features.          sent to you.                                       Daughter by Rebecca Wallick.                       Lane Bueche grew up in a trailer in the Seattle
It has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities, but                                                           Growing Up Boeing gives an insider’s               neighborhood of Lake City. He got out of there
doesn’t have a web browser. Currently, the                                                             perspective of the Boeing test pilots and          by attending college, marrying a rich woman,
only online service offered is the NLS BARD                                                            engineers who regularly risked their lives         and moving to New York City. Now his marriage
site.                                                                                                  testing and certifying the early commercial        is on the rocks, his academic career is on hold,
                                                                                                       jets, 707s through 767s, at the dawn of the jet    and he’s back in Lake City. He hatches a plot to
The Zoomax comes with a “Getting Started”                                                              age. Using personal interviews of the pilots       return to New York. 2019. Narrated by Rick Sipe.
guide and the full user guide in hard-copy                                                             and engineers, test pilot L. “Lew” Wallick’s
braille. The complete user manual can be                                                               daughter Rebecca weaves the accounts of            DBC06960 Orchard House by Tara Austin
accessed on the eReader. To help patrons                                                               many key individuals of this Golden Age of         Weaver.
get started using the eReader, we also send                                                            aviation. The book is a tapestry of aviation       Tara Austen Weaver was looking for a house
a compilation cartridge with several braille                                                           history and the human side of Boeing’s flight      when she moved to Seattle. Where people
books. WTBBL will get cases for the eReaders                                                           test history. 2014. Narrated by Diane Novak.       would have seen a rundown house on an
and send them out when they arrive.
                                                               Zoomax braille eReader                                                                     overgrown half acre, Tara and her mother saw
                                                                                                       DBC15898 Blind Man’s Bluff! by Geri Taeckens.      the possibility of a great garden and with it
                                                                                                       Geri Taeckens started losing her vision when       some great healing. 2015. Narrated by Natalie
                                                                                                       she was young. She didn’t handle it well.          Peterson.

 5          Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                                          Reading Matters — Winter 2022
                                                                   by   Reilly Curran
We are excited to announce that our WTBBL           March 23                                         Sept. 28                                            Nov. 16
Patron Book Club will be held bimonthly!            Such a Fun Age by Kiley Reid                     Everything Sad is Untrue (a true story)             Winter Counts by David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Starting in March, the book club will meet          BR23303, DB97929                                 by Daniel Nayeri                                    BR23423, DB100989
from 2 to 3 p.m. PT on the fourth Wednesday         A story about race and privilege is centered     BR23597, DB101953, LP26264                          A vigilante enforcer on South Dakota’s
of every other month. This virtual book club        around a young black babysitter, her well-       At the front of a skeptical classroom in            Rosebud Indian Reservation enlists the
reads five popular titles in a variety of genres.   intentioned employer, and a surprising           Oklahoma, young Khosrou tries to tell his           help of an ex to investigate the activities
You’ll have an opportunity to discover great        connection that threatens to undo them both.     tory. Khosrou’s stories span centuries, from the    of an expanding drug cartel, while a new
new reads and get to know other readers             Facilitator: Reilly Curran, Outreach Librarian   moment his family fled Iran in the middle of        tribal council initiative raises controversial
across the state.                                                                                    the night to tales set in the jasmine-scented       questions.
                                                    May 25                                           city of Isfahan.                                    Facilitator: Deborah Priest, Circulation and
No registration is required. Choose the             Circe by Madeline Miller                         Facilitator: Erin Groth, Youth Services Librarian   Audiobook Production Technician
books you are interested in reading and             BR22648, DB90711
join us. We use a platform called Zoom that         This story follows the banished witch
enables people with a computer to join              daughter of Titans as she hones her powers
meetings simply by clicking on a link that          and interacts with famous mythological
we provide. Don’t worry if you don’t have a         beings before a conflict with one of the most
computer; you can also use your phone to            vengeful Olympians forces her to choose
join by calling in.                                 between the worlds of the gods and mortals.
                                                    Facilitator: Shannon Curry, Readers’ Advisor
We have all five titles for each book club
meeting available on a preloaded cartridge.         July 27
If you would like us to send you a cartridge,       Naked by David Sedaris
please call me at 206-615-1783 or email             BR23050, DB44134                                   The author recounts hitchhiking across the
                                                    country with an odd cast of quadriplegics and
Zoom link:              deadbeats, working as a migrant worker in
                                                    North Carolina, and other adventures.
Phone number: 206-337-9723                          Facilitator: David Junius, Volunteer Services
Meeting ID: 840 2605 1131                           Manager
Passcode: 134812

 7          Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                                        Reading Matters — Winter 2022
DUPLICATION ON DEMAND UPDATE                                                                                                     Thank You to Our
                                                            by   Sally Jo Hagen                                           Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021 Donors
We can’t believe it’s been over a year since   When a returned cartridge is checked in,
we launched our Duplication on Demand          we open the case, scan the barcode on                Did you know that many Washington state companies match donations made by their
(DoD) service! In December 2020 we             the back of the cartridge — which erases                       employees to a wide range of local nonprofits including WTBBL?
started creating customized cartridges         any books on that cartridge — and set it
with multiple books chosen from your           aside to be used for future downloads.             Gifts from employees, spouses, and retirees may also qualify for a matched donation, which
preferences and requests. This enables us                                                                    could turn a $50 gift into a $100 gift, a $500 gift into $1,000, and more!
to provide you access to every book in our     Returning your custom book cartridge is                                  Ask your employer if they match employee gifts!
collection with no waiting lists.              simple. Instead of turning over the mailing
                                               card, just recycle it, as the library’s address       For more information, contact Laura Mott at 360-902-4171 or
DoD has streamlined how we process, send,      is printed on the container.
and receive cartridges. Previously, we would
                                                                                                 Allen Aarsund            Nancy Beardsley      Carol Borg               Martha &
print over 2,000 mailing cards and retrieve    If you have any special requests or issues
                                                                                                 Sydney Abrams            Jean Beatty          Joan Perri &                Russell Chambers
each individual cartridge from our warehouse   with your cartridges, call and speak to a
                                                                                                 Rosemary Adamski         Darrell Bechard         Philip Bransford      Essie Chambers
shelves on a daily basis. Today we plug 40     Readers’ Advisor at 206-615-0400 or toll
                                                                                                 Joann &                  Laura Becquart       Gertrude Bratz           Dianne &
cartridges at a time into what we call the     free at 800-542-0866. We’d like to hear
                                                                                                   James Adamson          Francette &          Darlene Breckenridge        Mike Chaney
“toaster rack.” This device automatically      from you.
                                                                                                 Alexander Afanasenco       Jim Beeler         Barbara Breslin          Lynn & Robert Chase
downloads a customized selection of books
                                                                                                 Linda Akers              Wilma &              Bristol Myers Squibb     Carolyn Chase
on each cartridge based on your requests and
                                                                                                 Mayumi Alto                Joseph Behrent     Shirley Broadbent        Georgia &
                                                                                                 Laurie Ames              Michelle Bell        Phyllis Brooks              Joseph Chiarella
                                                                                                 Carol & Jerry Anderson   Yvonne Belshaw       Zandra Brown             Sandra &
                                                                                                 Donald Anderson          Joan Benedetti       Joyce Brown                 Norm Childress
                                                                                                 Anonymous (11)           Rita Bergin          James Bryant             Harold Christensen
                                                                                                 Carol & Steven Arnold    Barbara &            David Bucholtz           Phyllis Christie
                                                                                                 Arthur Artz                Robert Bergquist   Elizabeth Buckner        Phyllis &
                                                                                                 Karen & Harold Badten    Lita Bergstrom       Ben Budde                   Anthony Ciocca
                                                                                                 John Bailey              Christine &          Craig Buhler             June Clark
                                                                                                 Elanore &                  Dale Biddle        Jeanne Burt              Jill Clarke
                                                                                                   Robert Bailey          Sharon &             Ursula Buteau            Susan Coffey
                                                                                                 Debra & Peter Baker        Larry Bishop       Timothy Byars            Michael Cohoon
                                                                                                 Lynda Baker              Nelson Black         Janet & Timothy Call     Philip Collette
                                                                                                 Sally-Jo, Kay &          Jessie Blair         Glenna &                 Molly Cone
                                                                                                   Ken Bakken             Joseph Bleile           Clark Cameron         Janice Cooper
                                                                                                 Judith Barton            Mark Blitzer         Joan & Edward Carlson    Carl Corbin
                                                                                                 Betty Bauer              Robert Blomgren      Kathy Carrell            Joanne &
                                                                                                 Kelly &                  Dorothy Bocian       Mary & Maxwell Carter       Clarence Coty
                                                                                                   Glen Baughman          John Bolinger        Wanda Cashion
                               Sally Jo and Ryan downloading the day’s DoDs                      Ann Baughn               Betty Bolm           Diane Cavanaugh

 9         Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                                 Reading Matters — Winter 2022
Wylie Cox              Stella Eckley           Warren Gering           Michael Harvey          Jerome Jackson         Leonard Andrews &     Lorrina Madinger       Joanne McInnes
Maxine Cox             Nancy &                 Michelle Germann        Mary Hashisaki          Leola Jacobsen            Helen Kufel        Ida Mae &              Marie McIntosh
William Coyner            David Edwards        Gladys Gerow            Jack Hatlen             Barbara Jans           Marilyn &                Bruce Madsen        Patricia &
Prisca &               David Egan              Janet Gibbons           Richard Haviland        Phyllis Jessen            Joel Kulper        Gladys &                 James McIntosh
  David Crabtree       Michael Elliott         Sharon &                Margaret Hazeltine      John Jestrab           Barbara &                J. William Malley   Mary McKee
Merance Craw           David Elliott              Marvin Giese         Margaret & John Healy   Jeremy Jobling            Donald Kusler      Mabel Mann             Laurie McMillan
Erma Cross             Emerald Care            Ella Gilchrist          Ronald Heath            Sue Johnson            Suzanne Label         Duncan Manning         Mary McMonegal
Virginia &             W. Keith Endersbe       Shirley Gillespie-      Larry Hector            Helen &                Dorothy Laird         Linda Manning          Janet &
  Arthur Crow          June Erickson              Kaufhold             Tom Heidt                 Bud Johnson          Donna Lane            Maxine Manning           Don Mehaffey
Loretta Curnutt        Barbara &               Beverly Gish            Hilda Hencley           Robert Johnson         Nicole Langton        Jan & John Mantle      Alma Merrill
Frank Cuta                Roger Erickson       Susan &                 Tara Hendrickson        Lenetta Johnson        Cynthia Lantry        Philip Markham         Louise Middleton
Robert Daniel          Isabel & Gary Ernest       Bjorn Gjolmesli      Jean Hennessy           Velma Johnson          Elizabeth Larimore    Dorothy Marks          Patricia &
Janice Darcy           Gerald Ervine           John Glass              Paula Herbert           Marcy Johnson          Mary Larson           Mabel Martin             Steven Miles
Steve Dassel           Helen &                 Laverne Gonzales        Marion Herth            Frances &              Amy Lawson            Sarah &                William Miles
Darlene &                 Robert Ewald         Linda Gonzales Reed     Diane & Darrel Hester     Shawn Johnston       Marilyn Lazzeri          Robert Martin       Danielle Miller
  Herbert Daul         Marjorie Farley         Reubena Grant           William Higgins         Marie Jones            Kathie Ledger         Nancy Massingale       Maxine & Don Miller
Janet Dawes            Martina Ferguson-       Diane &                 Betty Hill              James Joyner           Susan & Richard Lee   Harriet Masters        Margaret Miller
Daryl Denny               Hazen                   Clement Gray         Clarence Hoaglin        Lorraine Jungel        Jennifer &            Christine &            Jan Mills
Marylyn Devitt         Mary Field              Mabel Greaby            Pamela Mach &           David Junius              Leonard Leger         Glen Masters        Kathleen Monnette
Dickinson Family       Stephen Field           Geneva Greager            Paul Hoerlein         Hannah Karis           Pamela Lehtinen       Mary Mattson           Harlene Moore
  Foundation           Richard Filion          Michele Greenky         Judy &                  Doris Katagiri         Marie Lemonis         Deanna Mattson-        Winnie &
Mary Louise DiJulio    Alberta Finley          Devorah Greenspan         Ronald Hoffman        Shirley Katrobos       Fredrick Liddell        Walker                 George Moore
Mary Dill              Barbara Fisk            Charlene &              Ruth &                  Douglas Keil           Nancy Liles           Vivian Matz            Cricket Morgan
Sally Ann &            Veronica Flake             Luby Grgich            Gerald Holdren        Bernice Keller         Sandy &               Larry Mayo             Adelheid &
  Glen Dillon          Alison & Bryon Foley    Christine Grier         Katie & Frank Holland   Shirley &                 Paul Lillengreen   Ellen &                  Lloyd Morgan
Carolyn & Fred Dixon   Sharon Franzen          Marjorie &              Jean & John Horsfall      William Keller       Karen &                  Stephen Mazoff      Clare Morris
Patricia Barnes &      Emil Fredrickson          William Griffin       Geraldine Horwich       Betty & George Kelly      Edward Locker      Leslie &               Shirley Morrison
  Janice Dobson        Ellen Freeman           Winna &                 Sharon &                Fern Kelly             Violet Loftis            Gene McAntosh       Edna Mullins
Rebecca Dodson         Raiford French             Ernest Griffith        Donald Houck          Charlotte Kern         Edna Logan            Julia McCallum         Catherine Muse
Gunther Dohse          Anne Fuller             Henry Grillet           Susan Houk              Juana Lee Killion      Lois & Charles Long   Verna &                Barbara Neale
Donovan Dolan          Paula Fuller            Marie Grinstead         Carlotta Howe           Donna & Jim Kime       Edmund Lozier            Deane McCoy         Betty Nelson
John Doyle             Susan Furman            Penny Grist             Dennis Hughes           Mary Kitson            John Lynch            Julie McCullough &     Elouise Nelson
Sandra Driscoll        Gail Galloway           Debbie & Leo Hager      Barbara &               Kara &                 Virginia Lynch           Christopher Hale    Lyman Neubauer
Sherry Dubbin          Vijay Garimella         Kathy &                   Bruce Hunter            Ryan Klaveano        Valerie Lynch-Holm    Maria Ursula &         Shirley &
Margaret Dunbar        Catherine &                Ross Hamilton        Beverly & Gary Hyde     Nancy Klinger          Cindy Maas               Glenn McCully         Kenneth Newman
Harriett &                Robert Garrick       Russel Hamilton         Dianna & Melvin Inch    Marilyn Knapp          Alice &               Dixie McDaniel         Carol Niccolls
  Dennis Dunlap        Sharron Garrison        Mildred Hamm            Lucille Intlekofer      Richard Koors            William MacDonald   Patricia McDougall     A.J. & Ray Nichols
PJ Richardson-Dunlap   Molly Garvin            Virginia Hansen         Margaret &              Siobhan Kotal          Patricia MacArthur    Mary McGinty           Amanda Nichols
Mark Durfee            Adair Gates             Karen Hara                Derek Iverson         Warren Kragt           Patricia &            Margaret McGrath       Pat Perry Nix
                       Julia & Kevin Gerhard   Djuna & Rollin Harper   Helen Iwai              Grace & Edward Kroll      Raymond Maddix     Richard McHenry

11        Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                              Reading Matters — Winter 2022
Barbara &              Evelyn Peterson       Joyce & Orv Rempfer    Kathryn Schmidt          Laura Smith           Jacqueline Taubel        Geraldine &           Grace Yadon
  Thomas Nubile        Mary Peterson         Michael Reynolds       Shirley Schmidt          Phyllis Smith         Mary Taylor                Frederick Weber     Medda Zegergis
Cynthia Nutting        Georgine Pettersen    Elizabeth Reynolds     Charles Scholl Jr.       Peggy & Jack Snell    Willard Taylor           Wanda &               Virginia Zellmer
Norma Nutting          Willa & David Pharr   Helen Reynolds         Chrissy Schott           Nancy &               Sheryl &                   Roger Weber         Gladys Zink
Nancy &                Robert Phillips       Mona Reynolds          Beverly &                   Allen Soderblom       Norman Tesch          Deborah Weinstein
  Irving Nysether      Freda Phillips        Patricia Rice             Lester Schultz        Alma Solar            Freida Tesch             Kathy Whelen
Gerard O’Leary         Susan &               Janet Richard          Joan Schultz             Anne Solomon          Jeaneil Thomas           Joyce White           In memory of:
Catherine &              Tom Phimister       Victoria Rickerson     Wilma Schunke            Shirley Soper         David Thomas             Mary Whiting          Jan Ames
  Larry O’Neil         Tovi Picker           Amy & Bruce Riddle     Lynn Schwendiman         Beverly Sorenson      Sharon &                 Pat & Bobby Whitlow   Tyler Eckles
Judy &                 Virginia &            Marilyn Ring-Nelson    Catherine Scott          Angela Spiegel           James Thomas          Mary &                Richard Gish
  John Ogliore            Gordon Pickering   Mary & Ron Rinear      Patricia Scott           Elisabeth Spivey      Donna &                    Donald Wieckowicz   Ralph Hatlen
Rosemary Ogzewalla     Patricia Pidcock      Colleen Ringos         Donna Scott              Linda Stange             Richard Thorkildson   Dawn & Garth Wilcox   John McCallum
Beverly Okada          Ethelyn Pim           Audrey Robb            The Seattle Foundation   Paul Stariha          Roy Tidwell              David Wilder          Bob Norton
Sharon & Glen Oliver   Gloria Pinard         Katherine Roben        Patricia Sharkey         Jane Stavert          Charlene O’Connor &      Gary Wilks            Roy Peak
Cheryl Oliver          Donald Pittman        Amy &                  Susan Shell              Constance &             William Tobey          Pauline &             LoRee Taggart
Charlotte Oliver       Karen &                  John Roberson       Sue &                       Maynard Steffen    Sharon Todd                V. Lyle Williams    Nellie Thudium
Joanne Olney              Grant Plummer      Ida &                     Ormand Sherwood       Phillip Stein         Dolores Todd             Edith Williams
Phyllis & John Olson   Leona Pointer            Donzell Robinson    Cynthia &                Robert Stelmack       Larry Tomovick           Shirley Williams      In honor of:
Martha Oman            Magdalen &            Nancy &                   Matt Shively          Rich Stephenson       Christine Toribara       Darlene Williams      Emma Taylor Harman
Jacquelyn Ovenell         Rudolf Pojtinger      Rob Robinson        Charles Sickels          Joan Stewart          Nancy Totten             Grace Williams        Ann Lynch
June &                 Ellen & Dan Porter    Merry & C. Ross        Nina Sidorova            Christopher Stone     Brunhilde &              Jim Nida &            Christine McQuaker
  Robert Pancoast      Anne Presta           Marleen Rossman        Rose Silber              Lucinda Stormo          Walter Trolson           Annelliott Willis   Suzanne Ng
Theresa & Jal Parakh   Charlton Price        Regina Rouse           Goldie &                 Elizabeth Stotts      Pamela Truss             Helen Wilson
Theresa Patterson      Doris Prince          Nancy & John Rowe         Donald Silverman      Trudy Stotz           Ellen &                  Margaret &
Diane &                Carolyn Proehl        Arolyn &               Peggy Kertson &          Norman Streutker        Theodore Tsoneff         Gerald Wilson
  Wesley Patterson     Jane Ramsay              Richard Rowe           Ione Simpson          Jacob Strickler       Kirie & Dean Tsuchida    Patricia Wilson
Virginia Paul          Gary Ramsey           Robert Rowning         Muriel Simpson           Jewell Sullivan       George Tutt              Dorothy Wilson
Sally &                Nedra &               Beverly Ruuth          Mariya Sirotnikova       Kathleen Sullivan     Susy Valenzuela          Pamela Wilson
  Raymond Paxton          Garland Ransom     Ruby Sachter           Skagit and Island        John Sundberg         Nancy Vanlydegraf        Cathy Wilson
Anne &                 LaDene Rantala        Diana &                   Counties Council      Nancy Suter           Katharine Aagard-Velez   Randy Winter
  Donald Peach         Teri & Gerald Rappe      Stephen Saine          of the Blind          Marilyn Sutkus        Nancy Villagran          John Winters
Lorraine Pearson       Joanne Rasmussen      Virginia Saint Louis   Olive Skelly             Carolyn Sutton        Doris Vinnedge           Patricia &
Nadene & Willis Pehl   Alice &               Charles Salzer         Sylvia &                 Jean & Howard Syder   Marilyn Von Seggern        Robert Wojcik
Betty &                   Harold Rathbun     Annette & Earl Sande      Marc Slonim           Eura Szuwalski        Sally Waddell            Myrtle Wood
  Charles Peine        Yvonne &              Naomi Saul             Janice &                 Judy Tagart           Diane Wade               Phyllis Woodman
Leslie Perry              Jack Redmon        Noel Saunders             Everett Sluga         Marilyn &             Dorothea Wagner          Jane Worthen
Doris Perser           James Reed            Kaye Sauter            Colleen &                  Tom Taggart         Patricia Walker          Martha &
AC Petersen            Myrtis Reed           Walter Sayer              Kimberly Smart        Ruth Talbot           Susan Wallerstein          James Wright
Wanita Peterson        Robert Reese          Marietta &             Elizabeth &              Mary Doreen &         Karen Wallin             Max Wu
                       Robert Reintsma          Richard Scheibe       Worthington Smith         Leonard Tarr       Mary Walsh               Darcy Wyant
                       Ann Reiter            Mary Schlosser         Betty & Bert Smith       June Tate             Diane & Bill Webb        Kim Wyman

13        Washington Talking Book & Braille Library                                                                            Reading Matters — Winter 2022
                             for the Blind
     2021 9TH AVENUE
  SEATTLE, WA 98121-2783   or Handicapped

Announcing the WTBBL
 Bimonthly Book Club
     (see pg. 7)
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