Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures for Parents and Students of St. Joseph School - St. Joseph School ...

Page created by Marjorie Austin
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures for Parents and Students of St. Joseph School - St. Joseph School ...
FALL 2020


Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures
for Parents and Students of St. Joseph School
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures for Parents and Students of St. Joseph School - St. Joseph School ...
ST JOSEPH SCHOOL                                                                               PAGE 01

               WELCOME BACK!
We are committed to communicating with you and want to provide a more in-depth look at
what school will look like this fall at St. Joseph School. We have talked with many of our
families over the past weeks and want to assure you that we are doing all we can to keep
everyone safe as we plan to return back to school.

We have developed a phased approach so we are able to effectively react depending on
guidance from the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and state officials.

                              We will begin with phase 3 on September 8th.

             Complete e-learning environment

             A mixed approach between in-class and e-learning to limit the amount of exposure
             Focus on in-person learning with carefully placed protocols while offering an e-learning
             platform for those who are unable to attend
             In-person learning with looser restrictions regarding social distancing and masks

             Fully integrated classroom experience with no e-learning option available

                                                   PREPARING FOR FLEXIBILITY
                                                   At this point in time we are planning for full-
                                                   time in-school learning, 5 days per week. As
                                                   the environment can change rapidly, we will
                                                   work to quickly provide you any updates in
                                                   the changes of our return ready plan so that
                                                   you and your family can plan accordingly.
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ST JOSEPH SCHOOL                                                                              PAGE 02

Testing & Symptoms of COVID-19
Students or staff who have a temperature reading of over 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or show symptoms of
COVID-19 are directed to stay home from school. In addition, students or staff who become ill or show
symptoms of COVID-19 during the school day will be separated from other individuals and directed to go
home or have parents come and pick them up from school.

                                                                       8:00 AM
Students or staff who are sick with symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to consult with their Primary
Care Physician (PCP) regarding testing. We will defer to your PCP to determine how long to isolate and
when it is safe to return to the classroom. St. Joseph school will require a written letter time
                                                                                            from students'
doctors confirming it is okay for a student to return to school. A general guideline is that students and staff
must stay home until respiratory symptoms have improved, it has been 10 days since the onset of
symptoms, and there has been no fever for 24 hours without using fever reducing medication.

We will have a separate dedicated room to accommodate students and staff who are showing symptoms
while they wait for someone to pick them up. Please refer to the separate FAQ document for more
information on procedures for handling testing and symptoms.

Communication                                                           2:30 PM
St. Joseph School will provide at a minimum, weekly communication to families           time
                                                                                 and staff that includes an
update on COVID-19. Communication may be delivered in the form of written information via the weekly
Green Wave, pre-recorded phone messages, emails, Facebook posts, school website posts, and/or
announcement videos. Weekly communication will include the measures St. Joseph school is taking to
reduce the spread of COVID-19, such as daily cleaning procedures, social distancing during school hours,
and the use of masks.

St. Joseph School will release communication to staff and families of a verified case of COVID-19 no more
than 24 hours after being notified or prior to the start of the next school day (whichever comes first). This
communication will be sent via pre-recorded voice message, and email with additional instructions of what
(if any) actions must be taken.
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ST JOSEPH SCHOOL                                                                       PAGE 03

Masks & Limiting Spread
In compliance with the state of Minnesota face covering mandate and following recommendations from
the CDC regarding the use of masks, everyone entering or exiting the building is required to wear a
face mask. Students in preschool will not be required to wear a face covering while in their classrooms.
However, K-8 students will be required to wear a face covering while occupying the building. Faculty and
staff will wear a variety of face coverings including face shields and/or masks to protect themselves from the
potential spread of germs.

We are working to have structured breaks throughout the day where face masks can be taken off. For
example, all students in grades Preschool-8 will have outdoor recess each day. For some part of each day,
teaching and learning will also take place outside (weather dependent). If a student is unable to wear a
mask due to a medical or behavioral need, we will work to find a solution. One example would be using a
face shield instead.

Preschool and kindergarten students will eat lunch in their classrooms. Students in grades 1-8 will eat lunch
in the cafeteria limited to only two classes at a time spread out. We also ask that students bring their own
water-bottle to use each day. We will shut off water fountains until further notice and will instead have on-
site water bottle filling stations.

Common, high touch areas, such as door handles and railings will be cleaned throughout the day and at
the end of day. Classrooms will be fully fogged at the end of each day and after larger programs in the
school space, such as Faith Formation on Wednesday evenings. Each class will have their own playground
equipment. P.E. equipment will be sanitized after each use. A cleaning log will be used to record what has
been cleaned and at what frequency to ensure we are consistently disinfecting all areas of the school
throughout the day.

On-Site & E-Learning
On-Site Learning
St. Joseph School believes in a differentiated approach to teaching and learning to best meet the needs of
all learners. We strive to find ways that will continue to keep our students active and engaged while still
practicing safety protocols. Classroom education will be a mix of individual, small group, and whole group
learning. Technology will be used as a tool, but traditional paper/pencil learning will also occur.

An e-learning option will be offered for students that are unable to attend class in person. Devices
(chromebooks & tablets) will be available for check-out. Teachers will record in-person lessons and upload
videos for distance learners. From time to time, a teacher may use a Zoom or Google Meets for distance
learning students to receive instruction in real-time and be able to ask questions with the class. Students
will receive content from specialist teachers through weekly digital assignments (Google
Classroom/SeeSaw). Teachers will host virtual meetings each week with distance learning students
(individually or as a group) in order to answer questions, clarify, and check-in on how they are doing. We
will also have a part-time distance learning liaison that will be a resource to students, families, and
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures for Parents and Students of St. Joseph School - St. Joseph School ...
ST JOSEPH SCHOOL                                                                    PAGE 04

                               YOUR COMMITMENT:
As we work to do all that we can to have a clean and safe environment for our students and staff, we ask
you as parents to help keep everyone safe by playing a critical role in our strategy.

We ask families to do regular health checks on each child each day. Screen for symptoms of COVID and
check/ monitor temperatures prior to sending the child to school. We are also asking staff to monitor their
own symptoms prior to coming into school each day.

Find a face covering that works well for your child, and help your child practice wearing a mask before the
first day of school.

As usual, individual school supplies are needed for each student, which prevents the need to share
supplies. A few additional supplies may be requested--stay tuned!

Getting Involved
If you are looking for ways to support our school re-opening, we have provided a link to the school's wish list
of items to help make our engagement with students more enjoyable and safe: Wish List

Increased Nursing and Mental Health Support
Through anticipated grant funding, we are working to increase our nursing staff hours
and mental health support for our school community. Providing resources for teachers,
students, and families in these two important areas is a priority.

Until we learn more of District 196's plan to return to school it is uncertain on what
transportation will look like. Please work on a Plan B to get your child to school if bussing
no longer becomes an option. In anticipation of a larger drop-off student base, we are
working on two different drop off locations. More information to come.

We continue to work with the Catholic Athletic Association to determine if sports will
occur this school year. We will keep everyone up-to-date as information becomes

   SHOPPING LIST:                THERMOMETER                  PERSONAL                     MASK OR
                                                             WATER BOTTLE               FACE COVERING
ST JOSEPH SCHOOL                                                                 PAGE 05

    Despite these trying times, St. Joseph School is excited to have our
    students' laughter, energy and desire to learn fill our hallways and
    classrooms once more.

    We will continue to integrate our Catholic faith into every aspect of
    our school day! Daily class prayer, religion class, weekly student-
    only Mass, service learning, and convocation in new format will

    We ask that everyone respect the opinions of others by following
    school guidelines and assuming the best intentions of others in
    charity. United in faith and hope, we will successfully navigate the

     Lord, may you bless the world, give health to our bodies and
     comfort our hearts. You ask us not to be afraid. Yet our faith is
     weak and we are fearful. But you, Lord, will not leave us at the
     mercy of the storm. Tell us again: “Do not be afraid” (Mt 28:5). And
     we, together with Peter, “cast all our anxieties onto you, for you
     care about us” (1 Pet 5:7).

     -Pope Francis
     Strong in the Face of Tribulation:
     A Sure Support in Time of Trial

 OUR RE-OPENING LEADERS:                                                    Stay Connected
                          Brooke Entingh                       Please keep an eye out for additional
Fr. Paul Kammen
                            Angie Wells                     information. We will post it on our website,
  Randy Haney
                          Paul Germann                                Facebook, and e-mail.
   Kelly Roche
                           Chris Markov
  Kayla Rooney
                           Jessica Smith                    e-mail:
Angie Cummings
                           Jenelle Kelley                     website:
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