Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022

Page created by Pedro Howard
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Elementary Boundary
Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services
Molly Loucks, Director of Communications & Engagement
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Recommendation   03/28/2022
➔ The ESBTF recommends Option E, shifting 95 students living
  east of the Milwaukee River in the current Wilson Elementary
  School boundary to Donges Bay Elementary School
  (neighborhood groupings 23-26) and and 25 students living
  north of Highland Road in the current Wilson Elementary School
  boundary to Oriole Lane Elementary School (neighborhood
  groupings 1-2).
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Background       03/28/2022
➔   One of the District’s most significant facilities needs, as identified in our long-range master
    planning process, relates to our current capacity challenges, and the growth expected at our
    District’s elementary schools.
➔   The solution determined and recommended by the MTSD Community Task Force Report and
    approved by our community via the 2020 Referendum, was to create school additions to relieve the
    building capacity challenges experienced at the elementary level.
➔   As we prepare to enter the final phase of the construction projects, it's time to look ahead at the
    next step in ensuring that all of our elementary schools have the ability to function within their new
    student capacities for next school year. In February, a task force made up of 21 MTSD elementary
    school parents engaged in work regarding a forthcoming adjustment to district elementary school
➔   During the Regular Business Meeting on Monday, December 20, 2021 the Mequon-Thiensville
    School District Board of Education approved a resolution to create the Task Force Charge.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Task Force Charge 03/28/2022
The Mequon-Thiensville School District (MTSD) Elementary School
Boundaries Task Force shall review the current and projected enrollment and
the attendance area of each elementary school in the MTSD, using
professional enrollment projections and other relevant information, to make
an elementary attendance area recommendation to the MTSD
administration and the Board of Education that will:

  Strategic Plan Goal #5 - Objective D: Engage internal and external stakeholders in long-term planning to
                                             ensure appropriate resources for programming and facilities.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Charge Non-Negotiable #1
Enable Donges Bay and Wilson to function within their capacities as
four-section elementary schools, and Oriole Lane to function within its
capacity as a three and a half section elementary school, for the next 10
years as projections allow.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Charge Non-Negotiable #2
Minimize additional costs, beyond those necessary to adjust current
school attendance areas and progressions.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Charge Non-Negotiable #3
Minimize travel distance and maximize bus route efficiency, including by
avoiding an increase in the number of routes and limiting route times to
an hour or less.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Charge Non-Negotiable #4
Support logical progression of elementary school students to middle
schools without changing middle school attendance areas.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Task Force Criterion Added
The task force requested that the district consider one criterion in
addition to the four non-negotiables listed in the charge:

● Work within established student teacher ratios to maintain the high
  level of academic success in the district.
Elementary Boundary Adjustments 03/28/2022
MTSD Board Presentation
Task Force Selection 03/28/2022
➔   After the approval of a charge for the Elementary School Boundaries Task Force (ESBTF),
    work to gain participation on the task force began immediately. The District sent an email
    offering the opportunity to be considered for membership available to all
    Mequon-Thiensville resident parents and guardians of children enrolled in MTSD
    elementary schools.
➔   A random selection process was enacted to select representation from each elementary
    school at each grade level (grades K4-4 in the 2021-22 school year). Additionally, each
    school PTO President was requested to provide one member of their school’s PTO
    leadership team to participate on the task force. This resulted in a task force made of 21
    parents and guardians (seven from each of the three elementary schools).
MTSD Board Presentation
Task Force Participants 03/28/2022
Donges Bay         Oriole Lane         Wilson

Peter Bratt        Rachael Amundsen    Micah Adams
Stephanie Ciatti   Jacqueline Jubeck   Cody Brown
Adam Kallio        Shari Quilling      Kimberly Klimek
Lisa Roherty       Nancy Stoehr        Catherine Perry
Morgan Treis       Sarah Stoll         Jonathan Pitzen
Robert Wagner      Kevin Walenta       Melissa Rembert
Anne Watts         Alison Wolfe        Melissa Shneyder
MTSD Board Presentation
Process          03/28/2022
➔   MTSD used the services of Dr. Joe Schroeder,
    Associate Executive Director of the
    Association of Wisconsin School
    Administrators (AWSA), to proceed through
    the process of developing and working with
    the Task Force (ESBTF) to establish a
    recommendation for boundary adjustment.
➔   MTSD also reconnected with Mark Roffers of
    MDRoffers Consulting to have the 2019
    MTSD enrollment projections updated to
    inform and guide the work of the Task Force.
➔   Riteway Representatives Nate Hamilton &
    Leslie Edwards were available during all three
    Task Force meetings to provide bus route
MTSD Board Presentation
Meeting #1       03/28/2022
Meeting #1 was held on February 2, 2022, and included a review of
the task force’s charge from the Board, the development of group
norms, a summary of student enrollment in recent years, and group
discussion regarding the criteria that would be used to develop a
MTSD Board Presentation
Meeting #2       03/28/2022
Meeting #2 was held on February 16, 2022, and included an update
to the 2019 enrollment projections with a presentation by Mr. Mark
Roffers. By the end of the meeting, the task force shared ideas for
various options for consideration in determining necessary
boundary changes.
MTSD Board Presentation
Meeting #3       03/28/2022
➔ Meeting #3 was held on February 23, 2022, and included a
  presentation by Mr. Mark Roffers detailing five options,
  including four that the task force determined at its second
  meeting it wanted to consider. By the end of the meeting, the
  task force came to a consensus on a recommendation for
  boundary changes that achieves the Board approved charge.
MTSD Board Presentation

Enrollment Overview
Comparing      Board
            2019 to NewPresentation
Projections             03/28/2022
                           For 2025 Projection Year   For 2030 Projection Year

Projections Made in 2019      1,650 4K-5 students        1,703 4K-5 students

Projections Made in 2022      1,610 4K-5 students        1,655 4K-5 students

Why slightly lower projections?
● Fewer projected housing units
● Lower birth rates
● Increased family choice in schooling due to the pandemic
MTSD Board Presentation
Comparing 2019 to New Projections
MTSD Board Presentation
  Elementary Enrollment vs03/28/2022
    School    2021-22 Total    2021-22      Functional        Functional
               Enrollment      Resident     Capacity by      Capacity by
                              Enrollment   Desired Class    Desired Class
                                           Size (pre-ref)   Size (post-ref)
Donges Bay        425            416            477              650

Oriole Lane       437            433            428              540

Wilson            617            616            619              650
    3rd Friday      Board- Presentation
               2018-19   2019-20   2020-21    2021-22   2022-23

4K/PK           204       183       161        192       205

Kindergarten    216       234       206        204       222

Gr 1-12        3,347     3,297     3,160      3,108      3,049

Totals         3,767     3,714     3,527      3,504     3,476
3rd Friday      Board- Presentation
          2019-20   2020-21   2021-22   2022-23   2022 Count

 4K-5     1,569     1,453     1,497      1,506      1,514

 6-8       826       795       735       691         749

 9-12     1,309     1,270     1,261      1,265      1,255

 Totals   3,714     3,527     3,504     3,476       3,518
MTSD Board Presentation

MTSD Board
Current Elementary      Presentation
                   Boundary Map
MTSD Board Presentation
Narrowed      Board
         Options     Presentation
                 Overview-Option E
MTSD Board Presentation
Strengths/Challenges of03/28/2022
                       Option E
    Prominent Strengths                                   Prominent Challenges
●   Least number of students & neighborhoods               ● Enrollment less equal between the two larger
    affected of all options                                   schools of Donges Bay and Wilson than other two
●   Opportunity of this option to be converted in the         options
    future into Option B or C                              ● Projections suggest that Wilson would be over
●   Meets minimum 120 student target for Wilson shift         capacity in 2035 and close to capacity in 2030
    per projection presentation                            ● Under utilizes Donges Bay capacity the most of the
●   Only one of then-remaining options with no change         then-remaining options
    or decrease in bus travel time                         ● Most likely option of those three remaining to
●   More closely balanced split of Oriole Lane students       require revisiting boundaries sooner
    to either Middle School                                ● Higher Oriole Lane enrollment in 2030 in
●   Visually cohesive boundaries                              comparison to the Option C
●   Slightly higher percentage of students attending
    closest school than B
●   Has all Wilson students progressing to Steffen MS
●   No change from current MS assignments
MTSD Board Presentation
Recommendation   03/28/2022
➔ The ESBTF recommends Option E, shifting 95 students living
  east of the Milwaukee River in the current Wilson Elementary
  School boundary to Donges Bay Elementary School
  (neighborhood groupings 23-26) and and 25 students living
  north of Highland Road in the current Wilson Elementary School
  boundary to Oriole Lane Elementary School (neighborhood
  groupings 1-2).
MTSD Board Presentation

Communication Plan
MTSD Board Presentation
Communication Plan 03/28/2022
 Strategic Plan Goal #5 - Objective D: Engage internal and external stakeholders in
 long-term planning to ensure appropriate resources for programming and facilities.

Timeline - To date…
Date                                 Communication/Engagement Action Step

  ●    Thursday, February 24, 2022 Update ESBTF Website with Meeting #3 meeting minutes, presentation, and
                                   recommendation information

  ●    Monday, February 28, 2022     Review Communication Plan and finalize Board of Education presentation
                                     summarizing the process and recommendation

  ●    Tuesday, March 1, 2022        Update ESBTF Website with statement regarding the recommendation and
                                     invitation to attend the March 7 BOE Working Meeting

  ●    Wednesday, March 2, 2022      Provide elementary principals with an update to share with their staff on the
                                     process, timeline, and forthcoming next steps
MTSD Board Presentation
Communication Plan 03/28/2022
Timeline - To date, continued …
Date                              Communication/Engagement Action Step

                                  Brief task force update included in weekly elementary school bulletins

  ●    Thursday, March 3, 2022    Initial notification email to Wilson families of neighborhoods possibly affected by
                                  the change - explanation of recommendation, timeline for Board approval

  ●    Monday, March 7, 2022      Board of Education presentation

  ●    Thursday, March 17, 2022   Follow-up email to families of affected neighborhoods, provide talking points/FAQs
                                  to aid in conversations with children about transitioning schools

                                  Communication to elementary staff regarding sections per school, # of teacher
                                  reassignments, timeline and criteria for selections.

  ●    Monday, March 28, 2022     BOE Regular Business Meeting - Action taken on boundary recommendation by the
                                  Board of Education
MTSD Board Presentation
Communication Plan Draft
Timeline - Yet to come…
Date                             Communication/Engagement Action Step
                                 Communication from Human Capital/Principals about updates and staffing impact

  ●    Tuesday, March 29, 2022   Confirmatory email shared with affected families, registration information and next steps, link to request
                                 Intradistrict Transfer (and any updated conditions regarding transfers)

                                 ESBTF Website/MTConnect/Momentum newsletter update with notice of confirmed boundary

  ●    Early April               Tentative Open House/Meet the Teacher events at Donges Bay & Oriole Lane

  ●    Summer/Fall 2022          Continuing building level communication, online registration information, and support from Donges Bay
                                 & Oriole Lane
MTSD Board Presentation
Helping Families Transition
Strategic Plan Goal #3 - Objective D: Respond with urgency, flexibility, and compassion to the
individual social and emotional needs of students as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

We understand our students and families will need time and support in adjusting to a possible
transition, particularly after two difficult years. Some of the ways we will help:
➔   Schedule an April Open House/Welcome event with principals and staff members for families in the selected
    neighborhoods to tour their new school and meet their new teachers.
➔   Consider work with the Oriole Lane and Donges Bay PTOs to provide spiritwear to students that will be transitioning
    into their buildings.
➔   Work with our Director of Student Services to bring our elementary social emotional coaches and student support
    teams together to discuss unique support and helpful resources that might be needed for students making the
    transition - this may also include students who are not transitioning to a new school, but have friends who are.
➔   Consider our ability to group Wilson students of the same grade-level together in classes, and implement a “buddy
    system” to ensure each transferred student is partnered with an established DB or OL student in order to help with the
➔   Set clear expectations on the ability to submit an Intradistrict Transfer request.
MTSD Board Presentation
Recommendation   03/28/2022
The ESBTF recommends Option E, shifting 95 students living east of the
Milwaukee River in the current Wilson Elementary School boundary to
Donges Bay Elementary School (neighborhood groupings 23-26) and 25
students living north of Highland Road in the current Wilson Elementary
School boundary to Oriole Lane Elementary School (neighborhood groupings
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