Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy

Page created by Judith Avila
Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy
Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially
        for St Michael's Catholic Academy

   Quito and The Galapagos - 84483
              January 7 - January 15, 2022
                      ITINERARY OVERVIEW
    DAY   1
    DAY   2
    DAY   3
    DAY   4
    DAY   5
    DAY   6
          VILLAMIL (2 NIGHTS)
Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy
Investigate the World: Ecuador is a democratic republic in South America and straddles the equator. It is a presidential
republic and became independent in1830. Quito is the capital city which was declared a World Heritage Site by
UNESCO for having the best preserved and least altered historic center in Latin America. Ecuador is home to a great
variety of species, many of them endemic like those of the Galapagos Islands.
        Educational Tour/Visit      Cultural Experience         Festival/Performance/Workshop         Tour Services
       Recreational Activity        LEAP Enrichment                   Match/Training Session

                                     DAY 1      Friday, 07 January 2022
                                             Relax and enjoy our scheduled flight from Austin to Quito, Ecuador
                                             Our 24-hour Tour Director will meet us at the airport and remain with us until our final airport
                                             Our private coach will be waiting to transfer us to our hotel in Quito.
                                             Our accommodation for the next three nights will be in Quito. While here, we will enjoy
                                             breakfast at the hotel.
                                             Quito is one of the most compelling cities in Ecuador. Nestled in a long, narrow valley in the
                                             Andes, between the the Volcano Pichincha to the west and the Machángara River Canyon to
                                             the east, Quito enjoys a spectacular natural setting. The Ecuadorian capital city's mix of
                                             colonial and modern architecture creates a fascinating built environment. In addition to being
                                             the site of the Ecuadorian government, Quito is also the nation's cultural capital, with an
                                             impressive selection of museums and festivals.
                                             Tonight we will enjoy a dinner at a local restaurant.
                                             Daily Reflection and Group Discussion
                                             "We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience" - John Dewey
                                             On every evening of the program, we will set time aside to update our Reflection Journal and
                                             share thoughts and impressions that have come to the fore in the course of the day.

                                     DAY 2       Saturday, 08 January 2022
                                             We will have use of a private coach and driver, while touring for the next three days.
                                             We depart early from Quito this morning, passing through the edge of the Andes to the Mindo
                                             Cloud Forest. Lush vegetation and orchids await us in our first stop at the Nambillo river
                                             where after a short walk we will arrive at a small waterfall. Continue our descent to the town
                                             of Mindo in which one of the most important protected areas of butterflies from South
                                             America is located. We will have opportunities to hike, visit waterfalls, or take a zip line tour
                                             through the dense landscape and to see numerous species of birds, including humming birds,
                                             toucans, quetzals and tanagers.
                                             Travel to the Mitad del Mundo, the exact place where the Earth is divided into two
                                             hemispheres. Today's monument is made out of iron and cement, covered with the coating of
                                             polished and cut andesite stones, taken from "La Marca" mountain. It is called Equatorial
                                             Monument because the quadrangular pyramid is located on the Equator Line, or 0-0-0
                                             degrees latitude. The four monoliths on angled bases, is topped off top with a sphere
                                             representing the Earth with a relief of five continents and the oceans.
                                             Visit the Ininan Museum at the middle of the world, the famous museum where you will do
                                             experiments such as balancing an egg and seeing which way the water spins. You will also
                                             be able to jump between hemispheres.
                                             Tonight we will enjoy a dinner at a local restaurant.

Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy
DAY 3       Sunday, 09 January 2022
        Today we will travel from Quito to Otavalo.
        Explore the largest market in Otavalo. Indigenous people from the mountains descend into
        the valley to sell their crafts, textiles, cows and goats in the tiny town of Otavalo. This is the
        most famous Indian market on the continent and the good hearted Otavalenos are certain to
        win your heart.
        Explore the beautiful Plaza de la Independencia, the Old Town's main square. In the 16th
        century the Spanish were afraid that the Incas might poison their water supply, so they set up
        their own protected well here and this plaza subsequently became the social center of town.
        Here we will visit Guayasamin's mural of Orellana discovering the Amazon on the wall of
        Palacia de Gobierno; the City Hall; the Arhcbishop's Palace and the Cathedral.
        Visit Iglesia San Francisco, the first church built in Quito, begun in 1535 on the site of an Inca
        Temple. Inside we will view the baroque altar which has three important sculptures: the
        Baptism of Jesus; a representation of Jesus de Gran Poder; and one of the most important
        sculptures in Ecuador, the original La Virgen de Quito.
        Visit El Panecillo for the panoramic views of the city. Before the Spanish arrived, the local
        people used this hill as a place to worship the sun. Afterward, the Spanish used this site to
        construct a fortress to control the area.
        Tonight we will enjoy a dinner at a local restaurant.

DAY 4      Monday, 10 January 2022
        We will take an internal flight from Quito to Baltra Island.
        Today we will travel from Baltra to Puerto Ayora.
        The Galapagos Archipelago lies 600 miles off the coast of South America. The Galapagos
        Islands are famous for a variety of unusual creatures, from marine iguanas to blue-footed
        boobies. During our time here we will visit several Islands as each day we travel by boat and
        then go ashore in a Panga (local word for dinghies, Zodiacs etc). On the Islands our
        Naturalist Guide will introduce and explain the diversity of Galapagos life and teach us about
        the area's natural history. Except for a few settlements, the entire archipelago is a national
        Our accommodation for the next four nights will be in the Galapagos. While here, breakfast
        will be included at the hotel.
        The first excursion is to the highlands of Santa Cruz Island. The Scenery will continuously
        change as we ascend through all seven vegetation zones of the Galapagos. We will be able
        to view the giant tortoises at a farm in the highlands. Then we will visit "the tunnels", the
        largest lava tunnels found in Galapagos. After lunch we will take a speed boat ride to the
        Isabela Island. When we arrive to Isabela Island, we will be transferred to our hotel. After a
        short rest, we'll visit the Flamingo Lagoon and El Amor beach, which is the largest beach in
        this archipelago.
        Tonight we will enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

DAY 5      Tuesday, 11 January 2022
        Explore the Galapagos Islands by Boat. We will explore one island today. (Exact Island will
        be determined closer to departure once boat schedules and park schedules are finalized. The
        routings are determined by the Galapagos National Park and are designed for preservation of
        the Galapagos Islands).
        We will make a dry landing on the Island of Bartolome and explore the island's many volcanic
        formations such as lava bombs, spatter and cinder cones. We will then hike to the island's
        summit where we will enjoy views over the surrounding islands, including Pinnacle Rock's
        eroded tuff cone. During our hike we will see colonies of marine iguanas, lava lizards, tiquilla
        and various species of cacti. Back at sea level we will have the opportunity to snorkel and
        see Galapagos penguins, sea turtles and white tipped sharks from a safe distance.
        Tonight we will enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy
DAY 6       Wednesday, 12 January 2022
        Explore the Galapagos Islands by Boat. We will explore one island today. (Exact Island will
        be determined closer to departure once boat schedules and park schedules are finalized. The
        routings are determined by the Galapagos National Park and are designed for preservation of
        the Galapagos Islands).
        Visit the Charles Darwin Scientific Station staffed with international scientists conducting
        biological research and conservation projects. While there we will be able to observe the
        famous giant tortoises involved in a breeding program. After admiring the prickly pear cactus
        forest and many species of land birds, we will have some free time to explore the town and
        shop for souvenirs.
        Visit Tortuga Bay, which is a 30 minute walk on a marked path west from Puerto Ayora. On
        this route, we will have a chance to connect to nature. Tortuga Bay gets its name from the
        Sea Turtles that come here to lay their eggs. This island features white sand beaches,
        Pelicans and marine iguanas, as well as plenty of other flying species, perfect for bird
        After lunch we will take a speed boat ride to the Isabela Island. When we arrive to Isabela
        Island, we will be transferred to our hotel. After a short rest, we'll visit the Flamingo Lagoon
        and El Amor beach, which is the largest beach in this archipelago.
        Tonight we will enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

DAY 7       Thursday, 13 January 2022
        Explore the Galapagos Islands by Boat. We will explore one island today. (Exact Island will
        be determined closer to departure once boat schedules and park schedules are finalized. The
        routings are determined by the Galapagos National Park and are designed for preservation of
        the Galapagos Islands).
        Enjoy a full day tour to the Sierra Negra Volcano; one of the most active volcanoes in the
        Galapagos, with the last eruption in 2005. Located 13 miles from Puerto Villamil it boasts the
        second largest volcanic caldera in the world, 6 miles in diameter and 300 feet deep. Continue
        to the magnificent Volcano Chico where you can see lava tubes winding their way across the
        top of the landscape and large craters of molten lava. In the afternoon we have the
        opportunity to snorkel. Follow the lovely wooden walk through the mangroves which ends on
        a dock on the round 'pozo' of water at Concha de Perla. This is the perfect spot for those
        who love swimming or snorkeling! Concha de Perla is a shallow, calm bay with crystal clear
        water that allows you to enjoy the fascinating marine life of Galapagos. There are usually
        turtles being cleaned by fish there, we will be able to swim with sea lions and penguins.
        Tonight we will enjoy dinner at a local restaurant.

DAY 8       Friday, 14 January 2022
        Today we will travel from The Galapagos to Quito. Early this morning, take a speed boat
        from Puerto Velasco Ibarra to Puerto Ayora. After a 2 hours sail, we arrive at Santa Cruz
        Island where breakfast will be served. Later our driver takes us to Baltra airport, for our flight
        back to the mainland.
        We cross to the Island of Santa Cruz and travel to Puerto Arroyo, the economic center of the
        archipelago with the largest population of the 4 inhabited islands, approximately 8,000. We
        will then continue to Santa Cruz Highlands where we will observe the twin pit craters, Los
        Gemelos and Cerro Chato, and walk inside the dormat lava tubes. We will also have the
        opportunity to observe the famous Giant Galapagos Tortoises for which the islands are
        We will take an internal flight from Baltra Island to Quito.
        Our accommodation for the night will be in Quito. While here, we will enjoy breakfast at the
        Tonight we will enjoy a dinner at a local restaurant.
        Final Reflection and Discussion Session
        This evening we make the final entries in our Reflection Journal and share some of the most
        significant observations and perspectives that have taken shape in the course of our travel
        experience and how these may be most relevant for us all as we return home.

Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy
DAY 9       Saturday, 15 January 2022
        Our rewarding and enjoyable tour comes to an end as our Tour Director accompanies us to
        the airport on our final day.
        Recognize Perspectives and Communicate Ideas:
        3 College Preparatory Credits Through the University of California at San Diego Extension
        As a result of participating on this program, all high school students are eligible to take an
        online Global Perspectives course through a learning management system, where all the
        grading and assessment will be undertaken by the WorldStrides Curriculum and Academics
        The course offers 3 college preparatory credits through the University of California at San
        Diego Extension, where credit will be awarded upon successful completion of the online
        coursework with all costs associated with the course covered by WorldStrides.

Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy Quito and The Galapagos 84483 - Educational Travel Experience Designed Especially for St Michael's Catholic Academy
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