Quality and the environment

Page created by Elizabeth Wells
Quality and the environment
Quality and the environment

                              Company management sys-
                              tem, Festo AG & Co. KG
Quality and the environment
Table of contents                                                                  Page

                    Introduction                                                     3

                    Vision, quality and the environment                              4

                    Quality and environmental strategy                               6

                    Development of quality and environmental management at Festo    10

                    Quality and the environment at Festo – benefits for you         12

                    Focus on energy efficiency/certificates                         14

Quality and the environment

“Innovation and quality are a      And this is the basis upon which     We have for some time now            priority at Festo, for processes as
company’s founding premise.”       Festo’s quality philosophy rests:    recognised quality as a strategic    well as products. An integrated
                                                                        success factor. Our integrated       energy concept ensures continu-
This is one of the core state-     “Fit and forget”.                    quality and environmental man-       ous evaluation of the most up-to-
ments of our corporate vision.                                          agement system is an expression      date environmental technologies.
Innovations for maximising cus-    The quality of our processes and     of our comprehensive quality         Each and every error, whether it
tomer productivity, world-wide     products as well as the expertise    awareness. Quality is not only       occurs at the customer’s facility
presence and close partnerships    of our employees must interact in    limited to our products, we also     or within the process chain, costs
with our customers are Festo’s     order to attain the required busi-   strive to achieve the highest pos-   time and money and necessitates
trademarks. And fulfilling all     ness results. This is the only way   sible levels of corporate quality.   corrective measures. We there-
customer requirements is at        in which we will be able to pro-     This includes environmental          fore focus on continuous
the heart of our endeavours.       vide secure jobs in the long-term.   quality, because in light of lim-    improvement throughout our
We continuously seek out new       Our commitment to this global        ited resources and the limited       entire organisation with the
challenges with the objective of   understanding of quality is part     carrying capacity of the eco-        objective of establishing zero-
being the partner that our cus-    of our quality management. And       systems, we are fully aware of       defect quality and making our
tomers can rely on, and contrib-   in so doing we shouldn’t forget      the fact that long-term business     company the best in its class in
uting to their success with top    that in a competitive market the     success is based on conscien-        the long run.
quality, innovative solutions.     goals for quality are specified by   tious environmental conduct.
                                   our customers. They expect prod-     Environmental protection and
                                   ucts which are free of defects.      energy efficiency are given high

                                                                                                             Dr. Eberhard Veit
                                                                                                             Chairman of the Board
                                                                                                             of Directors

Quality and the environment
Vision, quality and the environment

                           Our vision of quality and the   Strive to Zero Defect Quality          Maximum problem solution
                           environment is an attainable                                           authority
                           image of a worthwhile future    We are constantly reducing the
                           and gives meaning to our        error levels in all corporate areas.   We have highest problem
                           actions.                        This is one of the top objectives      solution authority by means of
                                                           of quality management at Festo.        customer proximity, constant
                                                                                                  improvement and innovations
                                                           Uncompromising fulfilment of           in the product spectrum and we
                                                           customer expectations                  stand on side to our customers
                                                                                                  as reliable partners.
                                                           We fulfil the expectations which
                                                           our customers place on our
                                                           products. Our customers are the
                                                           benchmark for the definition of
                                                           quality requirements. This
                                                           applies equally to catalogue and
                                                           customer solution products.

Quality and the environment
Maximum problem-solving             High level in economic and
competence                          social performance

We can offer maximum problem-       For our products:
solving competence, thanks to       Environmental protection will
our closeness to customers and      be more important in the future
the constant improvements and       among other things due to inten-
innovations in our product range,   sified legal regulations signifi-
and are able to provide our         cance. We recognized that
customers with support as a         customer expectations from
dependable partner.                 tomorrow lie also in ecological
A vital prerequisite for high-      product requirements.
quality customer relations and
optimum service provision in        For our processes:
all markets is a global presence,   Our resources-careful processes
delivered both internationally      fulfil the requirements at a
and locally.                        sustainable development and
                                    strengthen the competitive
Absolute stability and quality of   ability by environmental costs
all processes                       at the same time.

We achieve continuous and last-
ing long-term improvements of
our processes and do not focus
on short-term optimisation.

Quality and the environment
Quality and environmental strategy

                          Festo has created a concrete and     Decentralised quality and envi-
                          long-term quality and environ-       ronmental performance – each
                          mental strategy that provides a      division assumes responsibility
                          realistic framework for action for   for its own activities
                          all parties concerned.
                                                               Each individual division has
                                                               responsibility for all tasks related
                                                               to quality assurance and the
                                                               environment, both of which are
                                                               not to be hypenated to opera-
                                                               tional (value creating) processes.
                                                               In order to achieve our goal,
                                                               we place equal emphasis on
                                                               systematic process optimisation,
                                                               clear-cut goals based on the
                                                               balanced scorecard, binding
                                                               agreements on objectives with
                                                               our employees and a strong zero-
                                                               error culture that is followed by
                                                               and involves everyone.

Quality and the environment
Quality and environmental             Corporate culture necessitates
awareness visible in everyone’s       zero-defect culture
                                      Our zero-defect culture promotes
The reinforcement of each divi-       dealing with errors actively and
sion’s responsibility for tasks       openly in order to benefit from
related to quality and the envi-      potential improvements; it also
ronment promotes a greater            creates awareness of the conse-
awareness of these issues.            quences of defects, especially
Quality and the environment           repeat defects.
have to become an integral part       This is an essential prerequisite
of the work of all employees          for achieving our vision of zero-
and suppliers so that a process       defect quality.
of continuous improvement can
begin to emerge and a convinc-
ing level of quality results can be
attained. That is why worldwide
we encourage our employees’
awareness of quality and envi-
ronmental aspects through com-
pany training and vocational

Quality and the environment
Quality and environmental strategy

                          Made by Festo –                      Prevention is our greatest
                          internationally standardised         strength
                          quality for products and
                          services                             In order to ensure that quality
                                                               risks are detected as early as
                          “Made by Festo” is our strategy      possible, we implement suitable
                          for standardised quality of all      preventive methods and conduct
                          products and services globally,      risk analyses. This, in combina-
                          regardless of the location of the    tion with consistent quality plan-
                          production facility. This is based   ning, prevents quality problems
                          on a common management sys-          right from the very start. An ef-
                          tem which is expressed in terms      ficient complaints management
                          of a collective, company-wide        system ensures quick and lasting
                          certification.                       solutions to problems and pro-
                                                               vides the basis for product

Quality and the environment
Worldwide improvement of            Process optimisation driven
environmental performance           by efficiency and the quality
                                    of results achieved
We intend to improve our envi-
ronmental performance within        For us, process optimisation
the framework of our interna-       driven by efficiency means a
tional environmental manage-        reduction in the number of
ment system. In order to do this,   interfaces within the business
we will use a system of environ-    processes in order to free up
mental goals based on perfor-       potential capacity. Our busi­
mance figures that in turn will     ness processes are organised
determine the programme for         so that they help to achieve
implementing measures for           the company goals, which are
improvement.                        derived from the business

                                    Our company goals are defined
                                    within the framework of the bal-
                                    anced scorecard as part of a
                                    consistent system of objectives;
                                    this facilitates targeted control-
                                    ling and correspondingly effec-
                                    tive management procedures.

Quality and the environment
Development of quality and environmental management at Festo

                         Quality and the environment                         EMAS I in 1996. We are aware                                     it in 2002. Our integrated quality
                         have since long enjoyed high                        of the fact that long-term eco-                                  and environmental management
                         priority at Festo. The fact that                    nomic success in a world of finite                               system in accordance with ISO
                         we’re moving in the right direc-                    resources and limited carrying                                   9001 and ISO 14001, as well as
                         tion with this approach is demon-                   capacity of ecosystems necessi-                                  automotive industry standards
                         strated by past developments.                       tates responsible interaction                                    ISO/TS 16949 and VDA 6.4 –
                         Festo was certified in accordance                   with the environment.                                            aligned with the requirements of
                         with ISO 9001 back in 1990 and                                                                                       our most de-manding industry
                         was thus one of Europe’s (Ger-                      We therefore strive to reduce                                    sector – have demonstrated our
                         many’s) pioneering companies                        environmental pollution to an                                    commitment since 1997.
                         in this respect. The same was the                   absolute minimum. In 1991
                         case with regard to certification                   certification in accordance with                                 Furthermore, the development of
                         of our environmental man-age-                       ISO 14001 supplemented the                                       quality as a business focus has
                         ment system in accordance with                      EMAS I certification and replaced                                been significantly influenced,

                                                                                                                             „Best of
                                                                                     Process-              ISO/TS
                                                                                     orientation           16949
                                                                ISO 14001                      Group                           Q-Initiative
                                                  Integration          VDA 6.1/6.4                                        Responsibility
                                                  Q-S-U                                                              Business Process
                                           EMAS                                                                 Strategic Planning
                                                                                                                Strategic Controlling

                                ISO 9001                                                                 International QM/UM

                                                                                      Risk Management

                                                                            Balanced Scorecard

                                                    TQM                          Q2000           Q2002                    QVP-6s

                                1990       1996       1997          1999                   2002            2005        2008        2013

for example by the company’s                  our numerous locations around                               requirements in each individual
TQM orientation and introduc-                 the world. The company-wide                                 company location.
tion of the balanced scorecard                certification covers certification
as a management instrument.                   of all locations in accordance                              Festo’s integrated management
                                              with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as                              system combines requirements
With the expansion of our                     a minimum standard and thus                                 from the areas of quality, envi-
global R&D, production and                    underscores our “made by Festo”                             ronment and safety into a single
logistics network, our interna-               strategy. Certification in accord-                          uniform structure. Streamlined
tional quality and environmental              ance with other standards                                   and efficient management, as
management system was estab-                  (e.g. ISO/TS 16949) above and                               opposed to individual, separate
lished in 2004.                               beyond the minimum require-                                 management systems, is made
Festo’s international quality and             ment is possible as well as                                 possible by taking advantage of
environmental management sys-                 desirable depending on local                                synergies that result from the
tem standardises procedures at                circumstances and market                                    bundling of resources.

                                                                PC/TEC Berkheim
                                                                GPC Biel Berkheim
                                                           RSC Europe
                                                           TEC Rohrbach                     TSC Moskau
                                                           GPC Rohrbach
                                                                            TEC Czeska Lipa
                                                                            GPC Czeska Lipa
         REC Livermore                                    TEC Biel                        TEC Simferpol
                                                          GPC Biel                        GPC Simferpol
                                                            TEC Aarau      TEC
                          REC NAFTA                         GPC Aarau                TEC Sofia
                          RSC NAFTA                                        Budapest GPC Sofia
                          TEC Hauppauge                                    GPC                                                       RSC FAR EAST
                                                                           Budapest                                                  REC FAR EAST
                                                                                                                                     TEC Shanghai

                                                                                                             GFC Bangalore

                                                                                                                             REC ASEAN
                                                                                                                             RSC ASEAN

                                          CPC São Paolo
                                          TEC São Paolo
                                          REC MERCOSUR
                                          RSC MERCOSUR

Quality and the environment at Festo – benefits for you

We recognise that quality is fundamental for the success of a company and that it plays
an important role in all of our business processes without exception.

Training quality                     Innovation quality                  Manufacturing quality               Supplier quality

Productivity begins with             Innovations for catalogue prod-     You’re interested in quality and    Also means partnership and
qualification                        ucts and customer solutions         economy and that’s why we           fairness
• Number one training and            • Lasting innovation                place great importance on:          • Defined quality standards for
  vocational education partner to      management                        • Tight manufacturing toleran-        our suppliers
  industry and colleges of further   • 2900 patents with roughly           ces – unchanging and precise      • Sophisticated supplier rating
  education                            100 new patent applications       • Ultramodern manufacturing 		        system
• Technical training systems,          each year                           processes, developed inhouse      • Agreement upon goals with our
  hardware and software              • 100 new products per year           in consultation with our custo-     most important suppliers
• Seminars in 39 languages,          • 3D supported engineering and        mers and suppliers for the        • Direct communications links
  42,000 participants per year         simulation                          continuity of your processes        for just-in-time planning and
• Holistic, didactic concepts for    • More than 20 Technology           • Core competence in manufac-         shipment
  training and consulting              Engineering Centres through-        turing technology, modern
                                       out the world                       machines and equipment for
                                     • Structured, new product             optimised products
                                       development process               • Precise quality assurance
                                     • Consistent advance quality          systems for stable processes
                                       planning to ensure safe             which you can count on
                                       product characteristics
                                     • German Future Award 2012
Logistics quality                   Service quality                        Quality regarding product safety   Environmental quality

Naturally faster                    Service at the centre of attention     Product safety for your            New technologies, processes,
• High speed logistics from order   • For Festo, service means accom-      safety, by:                        products and services enable us
  entry to receiving at the           panying one’s partners along         • Considering and adhering to      to guarantee the sustainability
  customer’s facility                 the path to success – from initial     relevant national and inter-     of value creation processes and
• Regional Service Centres in all     planning to system operation.          national, legal and industry-    production systems
  regions throughout the world      • Advice provided by more than           specific standards               • Consultation with our custom-
• 2003 German Logistics Prize         1000 technical consultants and       • Continuously training our          ers regarding selection, use
• Energy Efficency Award 2008         project engineers – worldwide          employees in the area of           and disposal of pour products
• Umwelttechnikpreis 2009           • 24h hotlines                           industry standards               • Ecological product evaluation
                                    • Call centre specialists for          • Investing in in-house testing      for determining the environ-
                                      components, modules,                   labs                               mental aspects of new product
                                      systems and industry sectors         • Actively participating in          ranges, from production and
                                    • Reliable maintenance and             • standards committees               packaging to disposal of end
                                      complaints service                                                        products
                                    • Replacement parts service                                               • Changeover to RoHS compliant
                                    • Repair service                                                            materials
                                    • Easy assembly services                                                  • Festo will continue to promote
                                    • Compressed air consumption                                                the replacement of materials
                                      analysis                                                                  which are harmful to the
                                    • Energy saving service                                                     environment.

Focus on energy efficiency

                             Monitoring and strategically         Festo therefore pursues a           Five core elements distinguish
                             integrating all facets of energy     holistic approach which encom-      this approach, which Festo per-
                             efficiency into our own activities   passes innovative concepts for      ceives as an ongoing mission:
                             equally is an important part of      the company’s own buildings
                             sustainable and ecologically         and manufacturing facilities,       • Energy efficiency for products
                             sensible management and one          as well as its products and solu-     and solutions, from R&D to
                             that is never finished.              tions which are optimised for         reduced consumption of
                                                                  reduced energy consumption.           compressed air and electrical
                                                                  Thus Festo supports its custom-       power during operation
                                                                  ers in solving their automation     • Energy efficient layout and
                                                                  tasks in an energy-efficient          design of equipment and
                                                                  manner.                               systems
                                                                                                      • Energy efficiency live supports
                                                                                                        the operation of machines and
                                                                                                        systems at the customer’s
                                                                                                        facility by means of services
                                                                                                        such as energy monitoring
                                                                                                      • Research and development of
                                                                                                        technologies with which energy
                                                                                                        efficiency can be further
                                                                                                      • Increased energy efficiency at
                                                                                                        Festo’s own locations and
                                                                                                        production facilities

Certified management system for quality and environment

                          The management system is divid-                                                      •   ISO 9001
                          ed according to the individual                                                       •   IS0 14001
                          business processes of Festo AG                                                       •   VDA volume 6, part 4
                          & Co. KG and is described in a                                                       •   ISO/TS 16949
                          handbook. The handbook serves
                          as a basis for implementing,                                                         The management system thus
                          maintain-ing and continuously                                                        provides a framework for ascer-
                          improving the management                                                             taining and fulfilling relevant
                          system for quality, safety and                                                       official and legal requirements, as
                          environment. It describes in gen-                                                    well as special customer require-
                          eral terms the implementation                                                        ments. These must be met by the
                          of the various aspects covered                                                       company and its products in order
                          by the underlying standards and                                                      to prevent any risks to human
                          regulations:                                                                         beings and the environment.

                                      CERTIFICATE                                                                           CERTIFICATE
                                                        The Certification Body                                                                The Certification Body
                                                of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH                                                    of TÜV SÜD Management Service GmbH
                                                        The Certification Body                                                                The Certification Body
                                                             certifies thatService GmbH
                                                of TÜV SÜD Management                                                                              certifies thatService GmbH
                                                                                                                                      of TÜV SÜD Management
                                                                 certifies that                                                                        certifies that
                                                        Festo AG & Co. KG                                                                     Festo AG & Co. KG
                                                                                                                                                 Ruiter Straße 82
                                                           Ruiter Straße 82
                                                        Festo AG & Co. KG                                                                     Festo AG & Co. KG
                                                                                                                                                 73734 Esslingen
                                                           73734 Esslingen                                                                        Ruiter Straße 82
                                                            Ruiter Straße 82                                                                          Germany
                                                                Germany                                                                           73734 Esslingen
                                                            73734 Esslingen
                                                                Germany                                                                               Germany
                                                       has established and applies                                                           has established and applies
                                               an Environmental Management System for                                                    a Quality Management System for
                                                       has established and applies                                                           has established and applies
                                               an Environmental Management System for                                                    a Quality Management System for
                                                    Design, production and sale of                                                        Design, production and sale of
                                                 pneumatic and electric components,                                                    pneumatic and electric components,
                                                    Design, production and sale of                                                        Design, production and sale of
                                          systems and accessories for industrial automation                                     systems and accessories for industrial automation
                                                 pneumatic and electric components,                                                    pneumatic and electric components,
                                             and for close-by branches and applications.                                           and for close-by branches and applications.
                                          systems and accessories for industrial automation                                     systems and accessories for industrial automation
                                             and for close-by branches and applications.                                           and for close-by branches and applications.
                                             including the sites and scope of application                                          including the sites and scope of application
                                                             see enclosure                                                                         see enclosure
                                             including the sites and scope of application                                          including the sites and scope of application
                                                             see enclosure                                                                         see enclosure
                                             An audit was performed, Report No. 707009106                                          An audit was performed, Report No. 707009106

                                              Proof haswas
                                                        been furnishedReport
                                                                       that the requirements                                        Proof
                                                                                                                                    An    haswas
                                                                                                                                       audit  been furnishedReport
                                                                                                                                                 performed,  that the requirements
                                                                                                                                                                    No. 707009106
                                              An audit     performed,         No. 707009106
                                                               according to                                                                          according to
                                              Proof has been furnished that the requirements                                        Proof has been furnished that the requirements
                                                                                                                                                     according to
                                                               according to
                                                              ISO 14001:2004                                                                      ISO 9001:2008
                                                              ISOis valid
                                                                    14001:2004                                                                       ISO
                                                                                                                         are fulfilled. The certificate     9001:2008
                                                                                                                                                        is valid from 2013-05-14 until 2013-11-14.
                                   are fulfilled. The certificate         from 2013-05-14 until 2014-12-17.
                                   are fulfilled.Certificate Registration
                                                  The certificate          from12
                                                                  is valid No.    104 45543until
                                                                                2013-05-14  TMS  2014-12-17.             are fulfilled.Certificate Registration
                                                                                                                                        The certificate          from12
                                                                                                                                                        is valid No.    100 45543until
                                                                                                                                                                      2013-05-14  TMS  2013-11-14.
                                                                                                                                    Certificate Registration No. 12 100 45543 TMS
                                              Certificate Registration No. 12 104 45543 TMS

                                                                                                                                                 Product Compliance Management
                                                           Product Compliance Management                                                               Munich, 2013-05-15
                                                                 Munich, 2013-05-15
                                                                                                                                                 Product Compliance Management
                                                           Product Compliance Management                                                               Munich,
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