Page created by Robert Schroeder
  COIMBATORE – 641 046.

                         GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION 2019-2020
        Guidelines to be followed by the Principals of all the Affiliated Colleges and Institutions during the admission
of students to various courses, in the academic year 2019-2020, are detailed below:


    The Principals of the colleges shall ensure that the requirements with regard to eligibility of candidates for
admission to various courses are complied with.

       The details of the eligibility conditions prescribed by the University for various Courses offered during 2019-
2020 are given in a separate brochure.

        The Principals shall ensure before admission that the candidates seeking admission to various courses of
study, have passed the respective qualifying examinations prescribed in the course requirements.

            a. Generally candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination (XII standard) conducted by
               the Government of Tamil Nadu or an equivalent examinations shall be eligible to join the first
               year of the UG degree courses in this University, subject to the condition that the candidates
               satisfy certain specific conditions, if any, prescribed by the University, for admission to the
               respective courses.

            b. Generally candidates who have passed Under-graduate degree course of Bharathiar University
               or an equivalent examination, shall be eligible to join the first year of PG Degree courses in this
               University, subject to the condition that the candidates should satisfy certain other specific
               conditions prescribed, if any, by the University for admission to the respective courses.


          Any candidate seeking admission to a course shall be asked to submit at the time of admission, the original
    copies of the following without fail:

        i. Transfer Certificate and Conduct Certificate, issued by the Head of the Institution previously studied;

        ii. Statements of Marks of the qualifying Examinations; (10th, +2 for UG and 10+2+3 or 10+3 (Diploma)+3 for
            PG admission).

        iii. Provisional/Degree Certificate (in case of candidates seeking admission for PG course) and
        iv. Eligibility certificate issued by this University, if necessary.

        The admission of any candidate, without the production of any of the above said certificates at the time of
admission, will not be approved by the University and the University will not be responsible for any inconvenience
caused to such candidates due to unapproved admission.

        The principals are requested to follow the reservation norms of the Tamil Nadu Government for admission.

Eligibility Certificate:

      The Principals are informed that the submission of Eligibility Certificate by candidates before admission to
various courses is no more compulsory. However, eligibility certificate may be insisted from the candidates when
there is any doubt on the eligibility condition for admission in the concerned course.

          The Principals shall admit only the candidates who satisfy the eligibility conditions, prescribed for each

a. Admission to Under – Graduate Course:

          All the candidates who have qualified with the following examinations are exempted from the production of
Eligibility certificate, during admission to UG, Diploma and Certificate courses:

          i. Higher Secondary Certificate course (+2), conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu;

          ii. All India Senior School Certificate course, conducted by C B S C

          iii. Delhi Senior School Certificate course, conducted by C B S C

          iv. Indian School Certificate course, conducted by I C S E

b. Admission to Post – Graduate Courses:

      Candidates who have passed UG degree examinations (10+2+3) or (10+3yr.Dip.+3) conducted by Bharathiar
University are exempted from the production of Eligibility certificate, during admission to PG and PG-Diploma

        In case of candidates from other Boards/Universities, who normally need to produce Eligibility certificate
before admission, may also provisionally be admitted without Eligibility certificate. The original mark sheets and
other relevant certificates of the above candidates should be sent for verification before the last date of

        However, while admitting the students, the Principals shall obtain an undertaking from the students that
their admissions are purely temporary and shall abide by the decision of the University on the eligibility of their

         Candidates possessing any other qualifications except those prescribed for the course shall not be admitted
to any course. Any such admission made by the college, will not be approved by the University and the University
will not be responsible for any inconvenience caused to the candidate.

         The Syndicate at its meeting held on 21.02.2017 vide other item No.04 has resolved that regarding
admission of foreign candidates to UG & PG programme, a letter be obtained from the Dept. Of School Education /
Collegiate Education / University of the concerned country stating that the candidate is eligible for higher studies in
India. The Principal is requested to follow the procedure at the time of admission of foreign candidates to various
UG/PG degree courses at your college from the academic year 2017-18 onwards or Otherwise Candidates who had
undergone courses offered by University/Boards outside India and seek admission in this University area, shall have
to produce the EQUIVALENCE CERTIFICATE issued by the Association of Indian Universities, A.I.U. House, 16 Kotla
Marg, New Delhi – 110 002, (Phone No.011-23230059,23231097,23232429, E-mail aiu @ FAX
No.011-23232131) to Bharathiar University. Based on this equivalence certificate, the University shall consider issue
of an Eligibility Certificate.

Candidates from Open University System: Candidates who have completed degree                         under 10+2+3 or
10+3yr.Dip+3 through Open University System are alone eligible for admission.

The Principals are requested to verify specifically at the time of admission that the   Date of Birth of the
candidates entered in the Transfer Certificate and that in Mark sheets are one and the same.

Foreign Students:        While admitting foreign students, the Principals are requested to verify whether the
candidate holds a valid visa (students’ visa/provisional students’ visa) to study in India and his eligibility for
admission. The University will not take any responsibility on these admissions. The Principals are requested to
obtain clearance from the Registrar, Bharathiar University, with regard to the eligibility of the candidates before
confirming their admission.

        It has been noticed that some candidates submit the certificates, which are tampered and which contain
unauthorized alterations. Applications of such candidates are to be summarily rejected and disciplinary action to be
taken against them. This may be brought to the notice of the candidates, so that they are aware of the serious
consequences of unauthorized corrections.

         The Mark Certificates issued to the students who have passed the HSC Examination of the Government of
Tamil Nadu, from the examinations held in March 2019, shall carry an endorsement by the Head of the Institution
stating that ‘the mark certificate was distributed through the Institution.’

        Principals are therefore requested to scrutinize carefully the certificates (documentary evidence) produced
by the candidates, while admitting them to various courses of study. They are specifically requested to note that
erasures, overwriting and corrections in the certificates if any, are duly attested by the authorities concerned, before
submitting them to the University for recognition.

    The Upper age limit for admission to UG Degree Courses will be 21 (twenty one) years as on 1st July 2019. For
SC/ST/BC/MBC/DNC candidates and women candidates the age limit is relaxed by 3 years. For other communities,
the Principals can relax upto three years based on merit. A relaxation of 5 years is permitted for Physically
Handicapped as per G.O. Ms No.239, dated 03.09.1993


    The candidates who seek admission to UG courses after having passed Higher Secondary Examination of
    Government of Tamil Nadu and those who seek admission to PG courses after having passed UG degree of
    Bharathiar University need not apply for recognition of their HSC/UG degree examinations, but shall pay the
    recognition fees prescribed in para 5 hereunder for other University/other board.

         All other candidates admitted to UG/PG courses shall individually apply to the University to get their
qualification recognized by the University, failing which they will not be permitted to take the University
Examinations. The procedure for getting their qualification recognized is described below.

        Application should be made in the form prescribed by the University in the applicant’s own handwriting and
should bear the signature of the Principal (and not merely his/her facsimile).

        Principals shall ensure that the recognition applications in the prescribed form with the required certificate
are obtained from the students at the time of admission or within a week after admission and sent to the University.

Applications for recognition of Examinations of other Universities or Bodies should be forwarded by the
Principals within 15 days from the date of commencement of the class for the first year candidates or at the latest by
1st August of the year of admission.

        Applications without full particulars or those, which are not accompanied by the required certificates, will
not be accepted. Besides, applications, which are not submitted in time, may also be not considered.

         The Principals are informed that the candidates seeking admission to various courses in this University shall
pay the fees, listed below to the University. All these fee paid by the students are non-refundable. All the fees shall
be collected by the Principal of the College at the time of admission itself and remitted to this University alongwith
the student returns.

i. Recognition Fee:

        All the candidates who have passed an examination other than that conducted by Bharathiar University,
have to get their qualifying examination, recognized by applying for the same and paying the prescribed fees:

a. For candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examinations
   conducted by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu (they need not send application)                 Rs. 225.00

b. For considering recognition of the Higher Secondary Examinations
   or a similar Examination conducted by any other Board or an accredited
   body and degree Examinations conducted by an University in India,
   other than Bharathiar University (including cost of application Rs.25.00)             Rs. 750.00

c. For considering the application for recognition of an Examination
   conducted by Universities or other accredited bodies outside India
   for admission to a course of study in this University (including cost
   of application Rs.25.00)                                                             Rs. 1125.00 *
* Special fee for foreign & NRI students:

       The Principals are requested to collect special fee from the foreign & NRI students who are seeking
admission to various UG, PG, M.Phil., and Ph.D Programmes in the affiliated colleges of our University from the
academic year 2017-18 onwards in addition to the existing academic fee.

                UG degree               Rs.5000/-                PG degree                Rs.10,000/-
                M.Phil Programme        Rs.15,000/-              Ph.D. Programme          Rs.25,000/-

        If the candidates have already obtained the eligibility certificates from the University before admission, they
need not pay the fee for recognition and also the cost of the application. However, such candidates shall submit the
recognition application to the University. The number and date of the eligibility certificate should be mentioned in
the recognition application.

ii. Matricula Fee:

        All candidates who have not qualified with their previous
        qualifying examination from Bharathiar University have to
        enroll themselves as a matriculate of this University
        by paying the Matricula Fee of                                                    Rs.150.00

iii. Registration Fee:
          The fee for registering an individual as a student to undergo a course of study offered by the University
through an Affiliated College or University Department or any other institution recognized by the University, is as

        a. Candidates seeking admission to UG, Diploma and Certificate courses           Rs. 125.00

        b. Candidates seeking admission to PG and PG diploma courses                     Rs.190.00

        Only candidates registered with the University for the Course concerned will be permitted to appear for the
examinations conducted by the University. Principals are therefore requested to kindly ensure that the list furnished
to the University showing the names of candidates enrolled to various courses of studies in colleges and the list of
students sent for the first time to take up the University Examinations are identical, except for the dropouts during
the period in between the time of admission and the time of applying for examinations.

iv. Administrative Fee:

       An Administrative Fee at the rate of Rs.100.00 per year of study shall be collected from each student as one-
time payment, based on the total years of study of the course and the amount shall be collected while admitting the

v. University Library Fee:

       A one-time University Library Fee at the rate of Rs.40.00 per student may be collected, at the time of
admission to the I year of the course (both day college and evening college).

vi. University Sports Fee:

       The Principals are requested to collect (one-time) University sports fee of Rs.75.00 per student, at the time
of admission to I year of the course (both day college and evening college). No fee be collected from II, and III year

vii. University Autonomous fee:

        The Principals are requested to collect (one-time) University Autonomous fee of Rs.125/- per student for
the autonomous college students only, at the time of admission to both UG and PG degree courses.

        A detailed Statement (as in Annexure – II) showing the particulars of various fees collected from the
candidates and the consolidated amount collected, should be submitted in the form of a Demand Draft drawn, from
a Nationalized Bank, in favour of the Registrar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, payable at Coimbatore and sent to
the Registrar while sending the admission details and other certificates within 15 days of closure of the admission.
       In addition, each college has to pay an annual Sports Affiliation Fee of Rs.550.00, which should be remitted
along with the fees collected from the students. The Sports Affiliation Fee should be paid by the college and not be
collected from the students.

       Students admitted to under-graduate course and who wish to study a language other than Tamil under Part I
and for which the college does not have a teacher, shall obtain permission from the University to study that
Language as   Private study, under the tutorship of a qualified person.          Such student shall submit an application
in the format prescribed in Annexure – I alongwith the following particulars to this office through the Principal:

        a. Application for private study (in the format given in Annexure – I)

        b. Fees for Part – I Private study Rs.750.00 (this fee should be collected as a separate Demand Draft drawn in
           favour of the Registrar, Bharathiar University)

        c. Attested photocopies of the Qualified Tutor’s (10+2+3+2 Pattern) MA degree certificate in the concerned
           subject (MA degree obtained by the Tutor under Open University system is not considered).

        d. Willingness letter from the proposed tutor

         The tutor who has not acquired an M.A. degree in the language concerned, but an equivalent degree shall
produce documentary evidence to the effect that his/her qualification is equivalent to MA degree in the language.
If the original certificates are in language other than Tamil or English, the original certificates should be submitted
alongwith authenticated translated version in English, duly attested by the Principal.

       The required particulars, shall be forwarded by the Principals of the college, within 15 days from the date of
admission of the candidate, otherwise the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the University examinations.

        To facilitate the students who have opted for languages for which sufficient number of teachers are not
available in the Colleges, the University proposes to conduct Personal Contact Programmes, utilizing the services of
the available teachers drawn from the University Departments and from the Affiliated Colleges.

       The number of students admitted inclusive of repeaters (re-admitted candidates), if any, in any course shall
not exceed under any circumstances, the maximum strength fixed by the University at the time of affiliation, or as
modified and communicated later.

       If admissions are made in excess of the sanctioned strength and without the prior approval of the University,
such admissions will be treated as unauthorized admission and the college concerned will run the risk of being
branded as an Erring College.

       The Principals of the colleges should not admit any candidate in II or III year of any course, on transfer or
readmit any candidate without getting prior permission from the university.

       The Principals are requested to verify (to the maximum extent possible) that the certificates produced by the
candidates at the time of admission are genuine.

        The last date fixed for admission to various UG/PG courses will be communicated separately.

        The Principals of colleges are informed that as soon as admissions are closed, a list of candidates admitted in
each course of study may be prepared and sent to the University together with all the fees, mentioned above,
collected at the time of admission. The details of fees remitted may be furnished in the prescribed format (Annexure

        Along with the above details, the following should also be submitted to the Registrar:
        a. Certificates as indicated in item 3, of this guideline
        b. Applications for recognition of the qualifying examinations
        c. Applications of candidates opting to study other languages, alongwith the DDs
        d. Applications for private study, in the format, as given in annexure – I

        Further, if the original certificates are in a language other than Tamil or English, the original certificates
should be submitted alongwith the authentic translation in English, duly attested by the Principal.

Encl: Annexure I & II


Coimbatore – 641 046

                          BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY : COIMBATORE – 641 046
                               UNDER PART – I UG DEGREE COURSE
01. Name of the Candidate                              :

02. College in which the Candidate is Studying         :

03. Year of Joining                                    : 2019-2020

04. Degree and Branch of Study                         :

05. Language for which permission is sought
   to study privately under Part – I                   :

06. Name and Address of the Tutor                      :

07. Higher Educational Qualification of the            :
   Tutor in the Language under Consideration
   (Open University is not eligible)
        a. Degree                                      :
        b. Patten                                      : 10+2+3+2 : Yes/No
        c. Subject                                     :
        d. Month & Year of Passing                     :
        e. Class                                       :
        e. University                                  :
08. Fees Payment Details- i. Amount                    : Rs.750/-

                            ii. DD No. & Date          :

                            iii. Bank & Branch         :

09. Is the Willingness of the Tutor Enclosed?          : YES

10. Is the attested Xerox copy of the MA/Equivalent
   Degree in the Language Subject of the
   Tutor enclosed?                                     : YES

Date:                                                            SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE

                                           CERTIFICATE BY THE PRINCIPAL

Certified that no teaching staff is appointed to teach the above candidate and hence recommended to study the
language under private study.


Date :                             College Seal                Signature of the Principal


                                           BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY :: COIMBATORE 641 046
                                        PAYMENT OF REGISTRATION FEE, RECOGNITION FEE, ETC.
                       Name of the College:
Sl.No.     Degree &       Sanctioned   Admitted                Total   Registration   Recognition   Matricula-   Sports   Adminis.      Uni.      TOTAL
           Course UG      Strength     strength                        Fee @          fee TN @      tion Fee     fee @    Fee @         Library
                                       ---------------------           Rs. 125/-      Rs.225/-      @ Rs.150     Rs.75    Rs.100/-      Fee @
                                       TN CBSE OB                                     CBSE @                              per year      Rs.40

                PG                      Other than                     PG @ Rs.       Other than
                                                                       190            BU @
                                       BU TN          OU                              Rs.750/-



                                                                                                         Sports affiliation fee @ Rs.550

                 Consolidated Demand Draft should be sent in respect of fees collected from the students along with the statement.

                      TN – Tamil Nadu Higher Secondary Course
                      BU- Bharathiar University
                      OB – Other than Tamil Nadu HSC
                     OU – Other State Universities
                      ** - Eligibility issued candidates
                                                                                                             Signature of the Principal


  COIMBATORE – 641 046.

                      ANNEXURE - A (CONDITIONAL COURSES)
                                           2019 - 2020

Sl.No.           Name of the Course                      Eligibility for Admission
                               I.     B.A. Degree Courses
 A.      Tamil Literature / B.Litt.           H.S.C. Passed with Tamil as one of the
                                              subjects of study.
                               II.    B.Sc. Degree Courses
  A      Mathematics /Applied
         Mathematics/ Mathematics with
         Computer Application
  B      Chemistry/Chemistry with Nano
  C      Botany/Plant Biology and Plant       As per G.O.(1D) No.133 dt.25.04.2018
         Biotechnology                        which was already sent by Directorate of
  D      Biochemistry/                        Collegiate  Education,   Chennai     on
         Biochemistry with Nanotech           02.05.2018.
  E      Nutrition & Dietetics/Nutrition,
         Food Service Management and
         Dietetics/Food Science & Nutrition
         with C.A.
  F      Statistics                           The candidates with a pass in +2 with
                                              Mathematics / Business Mathematics /
                                              Statistics as one of the subject.
  G      Physics/Physics with C.A./Physics    HSC passed with Physics, Mathematics &
         with Nano Tech./ Physics with        Chemistry.
         Material Science
  H      Electronics/Electronics &            HSC      passed / HSC passed with
         Communication System                 Vocational Stream
  I      Zoology/Animal Sci. & Biotech/       A Pass in +2 with Biology / Botany /
         Advanced Zoology& Biotech.           Zoology as a subject of study.
  J      Microbiology/Microbiology with       -A pass in HSC with Botany / Zoology /
         Nanotech/ Wildlife Biology           Biology / Microbiology / Biochemistry.
 K.      BIOTECHNOLOGY                        +2 students who have studied Physics,
                                              Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics/ Physics,
                                              Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics/
                                              Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer
                                              Science/ Botany, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry
                                              are eligible for admission of B.Sc.
                                              (Biotechnology) degree course.
L   Food & Nutrition                     A Pass in +2 with Physics/Biology/Botany
                                         & Zoology/Computer Science with
                                         Chemistry (General)
                                         For Vocation: Vocational papers : Home
M   Food Processing Technology &         A Pass in +2 with Biology/Botany &
    Management                           Zoology/Computer Science with
                                         Chemistry (General stream)
N   Computer Science / B.C.A.            As per G.O.(1D) No.133 dt.25.04.2018
                                         which was already sent by Directorate of
                                         Collegiate    Education,    Chennai   on
O   Software Systems/ Computer Tech. /   H.S.C. passed and wherever the students
    Information System Management/       have not studied Mathematics, the
    Information Technology/Computer      necessary Mathematical Knowledge be
    Science & Applications               imparted through Residential / Bridge
P   Clinical Lab Technology              H.S.C passed with Physics / Chemistry /
                                         Botany / Zoology/ Biology / Nursing/
                                         Biochemistry/ Microbiology / Computer
                                         Science /Home Science/ DMLT/ Dip. in
                                         Pharmacy / Pharmacology as one of the

Q   Geography                            As per G.O.(1D) No.133 dt.25.04.2018
                                         which was already sent by Directorate of
                                         Collegiate  Education,   Chennai     on

R   B.Voc.                               +2 and as per UGC guidelines the
                                         candidate have completed Advanced
                                         Diploma in Garment Designing with 120
                                         credits are eligible for admission to III year
                                         of B.Voc degree programme in Garment

                                         H.S.C. Passed with (academic)
                                            a. Maths/Business Maths and
S   M.Sc. Software Systems                  b. any two subjects from Physics /
    (Integrated)                                Chemistry / Commerce /
                                                Accountancy /Statistics /
                                                Computer Science and Electronics.

                                   Other Degree Courses
A       B.Com / B.Com. (Corporate             HSC passed. Preference may be given to
        Secretaryship)                        students who have studied Commerce /
                                              Accountancy / Business Studies
B       B.Com. (CA) / (Actuarial
        Management)/ (Banking &
        Insurance) / (Retail Marketing) /
        (Information Technology) /
        (Garment Cost Accounting) /
        (e-Commerce) / (Professional
        Accounting) / Cooperation /
        Cooperation (C.A.) / B.Com
        (Foreign Trade / Business Process     H.S.C. Passed
        Services / Business Analytics /
        International Business / Finance /
        Financial Systems / Financial
        Services / Cost and Management
        Accounting ) / B.Com with
        Accounting and Finance /
        Corporate Secretaryship C.A.)/
        Capital Marketing/Managerial
        System/Business Processing
        Systems/Applied Business
        Accounting/Banking and Finance
C       B.B.A.                                HSC passed. Preference may be given to
                                              students who have studied Commerce /
                                              Accountancy / Business Studies
D       B.B.A. ( Retail Management) /
        (C.A) / (International Business) /    H.S.C. Passed
        (Banking) / (Information System) /

    In order to admit CBSE students to whom the subjects are different, the qualification for
    admission to B.Com, B.Com (C.S), BBA be modified as HSC pass with Commerce /
    Accountancy / Business Studies.
Diploma Courses
A.       Diploma in Family Life Education     Under Graduate students currently
                                              studying in the colleges affiliated to
                                              Bharathiar University

B.       Diploma in French                    Any UG holder who has done certificate
                                              course in French.

                                   Certificate Course
 A.      Certificate Course in C
     B   Certificate Course in C++

     C   Certificate Course in Unix

     D   Certificate Course in Java

     E   Certificate Course in Oracle
                                              A Pass in +2 / any Student currently
     F   Certificate Course in MS Office      Studying UG/PG

     G   Certificate Course in Internet

     H   Certificate Course in Multimedia

     I   Certificate Course in
         Communicative English
     J   Certificate Course in
         Communication Skills
     K   Certificate Course in French

                                        ANNEXURE - B

                                  COURSES 2019 - 2020

    Sl.No.             Name of the Courses             Eligibility for Admission
                              I. B.A. Degree Courses
A            Political Science

B            Social Work

C            English Literature/
             English Literature (C.A)
D            Sociology

E            Economics/ Economics with CA
                                                            H.S.C. Passed
F            Economics with Banking & Insurance

G            History

H            Defence Studies

I            Public Administration

J            Carnatic Music

K            Tourism and Travel Management         Any candidate who has
                                                   passed the +2 level /
                                                   higher     secondary    or
                                                   equivalent    shall  stand


                                      2019 - 2020

                         II. B.Sc. Degree Courses
A   Catering Science & Hotel

B   Costume Design & Fashion/
    Costume Design & Fashion
    (Vocational)/Apparel Fashion

C   Visual Communication

D   Animation and Visual Effects
                                                    H.S.C. Passed
E   Interior Design/Interior Design
    with C.A.

F   Psychology

G   Hospitality and Tourism

H   Multimedia & Web Technology

I   Fashion Apparel Management

J   Apparel Manufacturing &

K   Garment Production & Processing
L   Physical Education
Diploma Course
A   Diploma in Food & Beverage
B   Diploma in Food Production and
C   Diploma in Office Administration

D   Diploma in German

E   Diploma in Health Physical
F   Diploma in Exercise Therapy &
    Sports Rehabilitation
G   Diploma in Yoga Education

H   Diploma in Fitness Management
                                                       H.S.C. Passed
I   Diploma in Business
J   Diploma in Hospital Records
K   Diploma in Secretarial Practice

L   Diploma in Business
M   Diploma in Clinical Lab
N   Diploma in Communicative
O   Diploma in Personality
                                      2019 - 2020

Sl.No.          Name of the Course                  Eligibility for Admission
                              M.A. Degree Courses
  A      Tamil Literature                  B.A. Tamil or B.Litt. Tamil passed or Part –
                                           I Language Tamil in UG Level (with four

  B      English Literature/English        B.A. English Literature /B.A. English
         Literature with Computer          Literature (C.A.) or Part – II English in UG
         Application                       level (with four semesters) /English
                                           Language & Literature

  C      Economics/MA (Business            UG Passed with Economics/
         Economics)                        Econometrics/
                                           Mathematics/Statistics/ Business
                                           Economics /B.Com./B.B.M./BBA
  D      M.A. Mass Communication/          UG in any discipline.
         M.Sc. Electronic Media/
         M.A. Journalism and Mass
         Communication /M.Sc.(Visual

  E      M.A. (Tourism & Travel            Bachelor’s degree (10+2+3) in any
         Management)                       discipline from a recognized Indian
                                           University or as recognized by UGC shall
                                           have eligibility for admission into M.A.
                                           (Tourism and Travel Management) course.
M.Sc. Degree Courses
A   M.Sc. Mathematics /             B.Sc. Mathematics /
                                    B.Sc. Mathematics with Computer Applications
    Mathematics with C.A.

B   M.Sc. Statistics / Statistics   B.Sc. Statistics / B.Sc. Mathematics with
    with C.A.                       Allied Statistics/B.Sc. (Honors)

C   M.Sc. Physics                   B.Sc. Physics with Mathematics/Mathematics (C.A.)
                                    as one of the allied subjects or B.Sc. Physics with
                                    Computer Application with Mathematics as one of the
                                    allied subjects

D   M.Sc. Chemistry                 B.Sc. Chemistry with Physics/ Mathematics/
                                    Zoology/Botany as one of the allied Subjects/
                                    B.Sc. Polymer Chemistry

E   M.Sc. Botany/Plant Science      B.Sc. Botany/Plant Biology & Plant
                                    Biotechnology/Plant Science/Biology
    / Plant Biology & Plant
F   M.Sc. Zoology /Animal           B.Sc. Zoology/Animal Science & Biotechnology
    Science and Biotechnology /     /Animal Sciences/Advanced Zoology and
                                    Biotechnology/Applied Science/Life
    Wild Life Biology
                                    Sciences/Advanced Zoology/Applied
                                    Zoology/Biology/Triple Major (Chemistry, Botany
                                    and Zoology) from other University
G   M.Sc. Biochemistry              A pass in UG degree in Biochemistry /Biotechnology/
                                    Microbiology     /   Biomedical     Science     /   Biomedical
                                    Instrumentation Science / Medical Lab Technology / Bio-
                                    informatics / Environmental Sciences / Clinical Lab Technology
                                    / Biochemistry (Nanotechnology) / Chemistry / Life Sciences /
                                    Botany / Zoology / Nutrition and dietetics.

H   M.Sc. Microbiology              A      Pass     in     B.Sc.    Botany/Zoology/
                                    Biochemistry/Microbiology/Microbiology     with
                                    Nanotechnology/Biotechnology/Clinical       Lab
                                    Technology/Biochemistry                    with
                                    Nanotechnology/Plant Biotechnology and Animal

    M.Sc. Applied Psychology        A pass in UG Degree with Psychology or any other
I                                   Social Science Subject
I-1   M.Sc. Psychology              A pass in UG Degree with Psychology.
 J    M.Sc. Industrial            B.Sc Degree with Biology / Biochemistry/ Chemistry
      Biotechnology               with Biology ancillary, Biotech/ Biotechnology/B.F.S/
                                  Polymer Chemistry / Microbiology / Zoology/
                                  Botany/ Plant Science / Plant Biotechnology /Animal
                                  Science/Animal Biotechnology / B.Pharm / Applied
                                  Microbiology / Medical Microbiology/Human
                                  Genetics /Medical Genetics /Molecular Biology /
                                  Genetics Technology/Environmental Science /
                                  Environmental Biotechnology /Genetic Engineering
                                  /Bioinformatics / Plant Biology & Biotechnology
                                  /Agriculture /B.Tech. (Bio-Technology)
J-1   M.Sc. Biotechnology         B.Sc. degree with Life Sciences (Biology /
                                  Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Zoology / Botany /
                                  Human Genetics / Microbiology & Applied
                                  Microbiology, Plant Biotechnology, Animal
                                  Biotechnology, Environmental Biotechnology, Genetic
                                  Technology, Genetic Engineering, Environmental
                                  Science, Medical Microbiology, Plant Science, Nano
                                  Biotechnology, Nutrition & Food Technology, B.Voc.
                                  Food Processing Technology/         B.Sc.
                                  Agriculture/B.Sc. Biological Techniques and
                                  Specimen Preparation/Chemistry/Biomedical Science
K     M.Sc.Electronics/Applied    a. B.Sc with Electronics / Industrial Electronics/
      Electronics/                    Electronic    Science/    Physics/Physics    (CA)
      Electronics & Communication     /Electronics &            Communication System
      System                          /Applied Science / Computer Science /BCA /
                                      B.Sc.Hons. / Electrical Equipment Maintenance /
                                      B.E.S.      Instrumentation/Electronics      with
                                      Computer       Hardware/Technology of Applied
                                      Sciences./                I.T/C.T/Electronics &
                                      Communication Systems/PME/Any 2 subjects in
                                      Electronics in UG course.

                                    b. A pass in triple Major (Mathematics,
                                       Physics & Electronics) or (Mathematics,
                                       Electronics & Computer Science)

                                       c. B.E. With ECE/EEE/CIE/CSE/IT /ECS and
M.Sc. Clinical Nutrition &    UG Degree in Botany/Zoology/Biochemistry/B.Sc.
L     Dietetics                     Home Science/Family & Community
                                    Science/Nutrition & Dietetics/Food Science & Quality
                                    Control/Food Science & Nutrition/
                                    Nutrition/Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics with
                                    Chemistry/ Food Service Mgt. & Dietetics/ P.G.
                                    Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics/
                                    Biochemistry at ancillary level/Biotech/Chem &
                                    Biology/Food Nutrition & Dietics/        B.Sc. Clinical
L-1   M.Sc. Foods & Nutrition       UG Degree in Botany/Zoology/Biochemistry/B.Sc.
                                    Home Science/Family & Community
                                    Science/Nutrition & Dietetics/Food Science & Quality
                                    Control/Food Science & Nutrition/
                                    Nutrition/Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics with
                                    Chemistry/ Food Service Mgt. & Dietetics/ P.G.
                                    Diploma in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics/
                                    Biochemistry at ancillary level/Biotech/Chem &
                                    Biology/Food Nutrition & Dietics /B.Sc. Food
                                    Technology/Microbiology/Microbiology with

                                    B.Voc in Food Processing Technology is eligible. 20%
                                    seats can be allotted for B.Voc. (FPT) students.
M     M.Sc. Software Technology /   B.Sc. Computer Science/Computer Technology /
      Software Engineering /        Information Technology/ Software Systems /BCA,
      Computer Science /Computer    B.Sc. Applied Sciences (I.T/C.T)/Software/Computer
      Communication/Information     Science and Application.
      Computer System /Computer
M1    M.Sc. (CS) / (IT) / (CT)      B.Sc. (Multimedia and Web Technology)/
                                    B.Sc. Computer System and Design/
                                    B.Sc. Information System/
                                    B.Sc. Computer Science & Applications/
                                    B.Sc. Information Technology & Management/

N     M.Sc. Catering Science and    B.Sc. Catering Science & Hotel Management.
      Hotel Management
O    M.Sc. Bioinformatics               Bachelor’s degree in any one of the following
                                        disciplines     :     Agriculture/      Applied
                                        Science/Animal           Science/        Animal
                                        Biotechnology/Bioinformatics/ Biochemistry/
                                        Biology/ Biological Techniques & Specimen
                                        Preparation / Botany/Plant Biology and Plant
                                        Biotechnology/             Chemistry/Computer
                                        Science/Computer Applications (BCA) /
                                        Information Technology/ Polymer Chemistry/
                                        Zoology /Food Science/ Biotechnology/
                                        Electronics / Statistics / Environmental
                                        Science/     Mathematics      /    Forestry   /
                                        Horticulture / Microbiology/ Pharmacy/
                                        Physics/          Statistics/        Veterinary
                                        Science/Medical Science/B.Tech- Bio tech. /
                                        Plant Science/B.Sc./B.Tech. in all Science
P    M.Sc. Textiles & Clothing          Any B.Sc. degree in Home Science branch with
                                        at least one paper in Textiles and Clothing (or)
                                        B.Sc. Costume Design and Fashion/ B.Sc.
                                        Fashion Designing/ Family & Community
                                        Science / Textiles and Clothing / B.Sc. Apparel
                                        & Fashion Technology (or) any undergraduate
                                        programme with PG Diploma in Fashion
                                        Designing/Costume Design and Beauty
                                        Care/Garment Manufacturing Technology.
Q    M.Sc. Costume Design &             B.Sc. degree in Costume Designing           and
     Fashion                            Fashion / Fashion Technology/ Fashion
                                        Designing/ Textiles and Clothing/Apparel
                                        Designing & Fashion Arts/B.Sc. Apparel
                                        Design/Textile & Fashion Designing/Fashion
                                        Technology     &     Costume      Design/B.Voc.
                                        Garment Technology from other University.
Q1   M.Sc. (Costume Design and          B.Voc. (Garment Designing)
     Fashion) and M.Sc. (Textiles and
     Apparel Design)
R    M.Sc. Environmental Science        Any Bachelor degree in Science/Engineering/
                                        Medicine /Agriculture /Fisheries Science /
                                        Veterinary Sciences /Pharmacy
S   M.Sc. Applied Geography            B.A./B.Sc. Geography.

T   M.Sc. Microbial Biotechnology      B.Sc.  Microbiology/ Botany/       Zoology/
                                       Biochemistry & Biology/Biotechnology.

U   M.Sc. Medical Physics             B.Sc. (Physics with allied / Ancillary Maths &
                                      Chemistry or Triple major with Physics, Maths
                                      and Chemistry, B.Sc. Medical Technology
                                      (Radiation Theraphy / B.Sc. Electronics of this
                                      University or an examination of some other
                                      University accepted by the Syndicate as
                                      equivalent thereto shall be eligible for
                                      admission to the Master degree of this
V   M.Sc. Data Analytics              B.Sc.      -      Statistics/Statistics   with
                                      CA/Mathematics/ Mathematics with CA /
                                      Computer Science / IT / BCA / ISM /
                                      Computer Systems and Design.
W   M.Sc.          (Apparel   Fashion B.Sc. degree in Costume Designing and Fashion
    Designing)                        / Fashion Technology / Fashion Designing /
                                      Textile and Clothing / Apparel Designing &
                                      Fashion Arts / B.Sc. (Apparel Design).

X   M.Sc. (Applied Microbiology)       A candidate who has passed Degree
                                       Examination in Microbiology / Botany /
                                       Zoology / Biochemistry / Biotechnology /
                                       Medical     Laboratory      Technology     /
                                       Environmental Science / Life Science/Medical
                                       Microbiology as main subject and secured 50%
                                       marks in concerned subject.

Y   M.Lib. I Sc.                       An undergraduate successfully completed the
                                       degree from any University recognized by
                                       UGC following 10 + 2 + 3 pattern.

Z   M.Sc. Multimedia Systems           B.Sc. (CS/IT/SS/CT/CSA/ Multimedia and
                                       Web Technology / BCA.
Other PG Degree Courses
A   M.Com. / M.Com. (Computer B.Com or B.Com with any specialization
    Application) / M.Com. (Finance (Branch)
    and Computer      Application) /
    M.Com. Information Technology

B   M.Com. Corporate Secretary                 Any UG degree
    ship / M.Com. Corporate
    Secretaryship (C.A.)
C   M.B.A.                     A pass with minimum 50% of marks in any UG
                               Degree with Entrance Score as per AICTE
D   M.B.A. (Part -time)        A pass with minimum 50% of marks in any UG
                               degree with a minimum of 2 years of
                               Professional/Supervisor experience after their
                               graduation with Entrance Score as per AICTE
E   MCA                        A pass with minimum 50% of marks in any
                               recognized Bachelor’s degree of minimum 3
                               years duration (10+2+3/4 years pattern) in any
                               discipline with core Mathematics (or) Business
                               Mathematics at +2 level or a pass in any
                               recognized Bachelor’s degree with 10+3 years
                               Diploma +3 years pattern with Mathematics at
                               Diploma level or Mathematics or Statistics as
                               one of the subjects at the degree level or a pass
                               in any recognized Bachelor’s degree of
                               minimum 3 years duration (10+2+3 pattern) in
                               any discipline with Mathematics or Statistics as
                               one of the subjects with Entrance Score as per
                               AICTE Norms.
F   MCA LATERAL ENTRY          A pass with minimum 50% of marks in B.Sc.
                               C.S.E/B.C.A./ B.Sc. Computer Science/ B.Sc.
                               IT/B.Sc. CT & B.Sc. (Software Sytems)
                               Entrance Score as per AICTE Norms/BCA
                               Lateral Entry/B.Sc. Computer Science and
                               Application/Computer Science and Design/
                               Computer Systems and Design
PG Diploma Courses
A.   Electronics & Communication    a. B.Sc with Electronics/Industrial Electronics/
     Systems                           Electronic Science/ Physics/Electronics &
                                       Communication System//Applied Science/
                                       Computer Science/BCA/B.Sc.Hons./Electrical
                                       Equipment Maintenance/ Instrumentation/

                                    b. A pass in triple Major (Mathematics,
                                       Physics & Electronics) or (Mathematics,
                                       Electronics & Computer Science.

                                    c. B.E. in EEE/ECE/EIE/ICA/ Mechanical/

B    Medical Transcription          Any Degree and pass in the entrance test in the
                                    English language.

C    Advanced Networking Systems    A pass in B.E. Computer Science/ IT/EEE/ ECE/
                                    Electronics & Instrumentation /B.Sc. Computer
                                    Science/ CT/IT/BCA/Electronics.

D    Microbial Biotechnology        B.Sc. degree in Biology / Botany / Biochemistry /
                                    Physics / Biotechnology / B.Pharm / Plant
                                    Biology /Animal Science/Industrial Chemistry/
                                    Zoology /Applied Microbiology / Medical
                                    Microbiology /Human Genetics / Medical
                                    Genetics/Molecular Biology / Genetics Tech./
                                    Environmental Science / Environmental Biotech./
                                    Genetic Engineering / Bioinformatics / Plant
                                    Biotechnology /Agriculture or B.E. or M.B.B.S.

E    Bioinformatics                 Bachelor’s degree in any one of the following
                                    disciplines : Life Science/Chemical Sciences/Physical
                                    Sciences /Mathematics/ Statistics/Bioinformatics
                                    Forestry Science/ Environmental Science / Veterinary
                                    Sciences/ Fishery Sciences/Agricultural Sciences /
                                    Biochemistry/Polymer Chemistry / Bioinformatics/
                                    Biotechnology / BDS / MBBS / BVS/ Medical,
                                    Paramedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences/ Food and
                                    Nutrition Science/ Food Chemistry/ Food
                                    Technology/ Computer Science/ Information
                                    Technology/ B.Tech. Biotechnology.
F   Multimedia Systems               A pass in B.E. Computer Science/ IT/EEE/ ECE/
                                     /B.Sc. Computer Science/ CT / IT / BCA /
                                     Multimedia and Web Technology / Electronics.
G   Clinical Laboratory Technology   a. B.Sc. Chemistry or
                                     b. B.Sc. Botany/Zoology/Physics/Microbiology /
                                        Mathematics with Chemistry as one of the allied
H   Exercise Therapy & Sports        A pass in Bachelor’s degree in Physical Education
    Rehabilitation                   (B.P.Ed/B.Sc./ B.P.E.S.) / Bachelor degree in
                                     Physiotherapy (B.P.T.)
I   Meteorology                      M.Sc. Physics, Mathematics and Meteorology
                                     M.Sc. Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics
                                     M.C.A/M.Sc.         Computer        Science/M.Sc.
                                     Information     Technology/M.Sc.     Atmospheric
                                     Science/M.Sc.            Electronics/B.E./B.Tech.
                                     (Computer/ Information Tech/Electronics) M.Sc.
J   Applied Health Sciences          B.Sc.      Zoology/Applied Zoology/Advanced
                                     Zoology/ Life Sciences/Animal Science &
                                     Biotech/ Advanced Zoology & Biotech. /
                                     Biotech./ Bio Chemistry/ Microbiology /
                                     Genetics /Bioinformatics & Environmental
K   Genetic Engineering/             B.Sc. Degree in Biology/Biochemistry/Botany/
    Molecular Engineering            Zoology/Microbiology/Agriculture/B.Pharm.
                                     MBBS or B.V.Sc.
L   PG Diploma in Robotics           A         Pass        in      B.E.       CSE/IT/
                                     B.Sc. Computer Science / CT / IT / Electronics /

                                     ANNEXURE - B


                                         2019 - 2020

Sl.        Name of the Courses                     Eligibility for Admission
                               I.    M.A. Degree Courses
A     Social Work / MSW
B     History
                                                       A pass in any Degree
C     Public Administration
D     M.A. Political Science

                               II.   M.Sc. Degree Courses
A     Information Science &
      Management                                       A pass in any Degree
B     Hospital Administration /
      Hospital Management

                               III. Other Degree Courses
A     Master of International Business
B     M.Com (Finance & Control)
                                                       A pass in any Degree
C     M.Com (Cooperation) / M.Com
      (Cooperation Management)
IV.   PG Diploma Courses
A    International Business
B    Computer Applications
C    Costume Design & Beauty Care
D    Garment Manufacturing Technology
E    Tourism & Travel Management
 F   Yoga Education
G    Fitness Management
H    Business Administration
 I   Banking Management
 J   Marketing Management
K    Human Resource Management
L    Hospital & Healthcare Management
M    Insurance Management
N    Business Management                                  A Pass in any Degree
O    Genomics
P    e-Learning Technology
Q    Exercise Therapy & Sports
R    Imaging Technology
 S   Political Science & Public Administration
T    Advance P.G. Diploma in Manufacturing
U    Capital and Commodity Markets
V    International Trade
W    Services Marketing
X    Merchandising and Management
Y    Entrepreneurial Development
Z    Industrial Safety
AA   Apparel Merchandising and Management
AB   PG Diploma in Apparel Merchandising and
AC   PG Diploma in Management of Finance Services
AD   PG Diploma in Retail Services

 Sl.               Name of the Courses                      Eligibility for Admission
  A     B.Sc. Costume Design & Fashion/Fashion      Diploma in Costume Design /Costume
        Apparel Management/Apparel                  Design & Dress Making/Garment
        Manufacturing & Merchandising               Technology/Apparel  Design/Apparel
        /Apparel Fashion Designing /Garment         Technology /Textile Technology /
        Protection & Processing                     Textile Processing
  B     B.Sc. Computer Science/BCA/                 Diploma in Computer Technology / Engg.
        C.T/ I.T.                                   Diploma in Computer Science & Engg.
                                                    Diploma in Information Technology.
                                                    Diploma in Computer Networking
  C     B.Sc. Catering Science & Hotel              Diploma in Catering Science
  D     B.Sc. Electronics/B.Sc. Electronics &       Diploma        in    Electronics     and
        Communication Systems                       communication/        Electrical     and
                                                    Electronics                 Engineering/
                                                    Instrumentation & Control Engineering
  E     B.Sc. Interior Design with C.A.             Candidate have completed 10+2+1 (after
                                                    HSC, one year Diploma course) and 10+3
                                                    (after 10th Standard or SSLC, three year
                                                    Diploma course) in Draftsmanship,
                                                    Interior Design and Civil Engineering
  F     B.Com.                                      Diploma in Commercial Practice/
                                                    Diploma in Modern Office Practice.

Note:    The above Diploma holders (State Board of Technical Education, Govt. of
Tamil Nadu) are eligible to join II year of UG Degree course under lateral entry system. The
prescribed application forms for lateral Entry System can be obtained from the Registrar’s
Office, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.      However, the diploma holders are advised to
refer the latest   Tamil Nadu State Government rules for lateral entry admission.            All
Diploma holders (State Board of Technical Education, Govt. of Tamil Nadu) are eligible to
join I year UG degree course as per Annexure B.
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