Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue

Page created by Louis Page
Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue
Puggle Post Shorts

In this issue...
      ➤200 year-old echidna art       ➤   Our youngest echidna Mum

       ➤ Echidnas go electronic   ➤   Half a century for Dr Peggy!
Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue
Echidnas...                               an encounter ...
    Echidnas Illustrated                       France by French artist Charles-Alexander          wrote the first scientific description of what
                                               Lesueur in 1804 (bottom left) from sketch-         he call "the porcupine ant-eater" and
        1792-1804                              es he'd made while in Australia. It's nor-         included the engraving in The Naturalist's
               by Dr. Peggy                    mal 'home' is the Natural History Museum           Miscellany, an annual publication.(below)
                                               in Le Havre, France. Sarah Thomas, cura-            This pickled specimen was apparently
Ever wonder who drew, sketched or oth -
                                               tor of Australian art describes it as a            kept for some time because another
erwise produced the first echidna pictures?
                                               "watercolour, ink, and pencil work on vel-         artist's rendition of the same animal
A recent exhibition at the South Australia     lum. Vellum, which is animals skin gives           appeared in an article by anatomist
art gallery called 'ENCOUNTER 2002"            the works a very jewel-like quality," she          Everard Home in 1802 (Philosophical
sparked my interest in early 'echidna art'.    says. She does not elaborate on what               Transactions of the Royal Society of
The exhibition featured the works of artists   type of vellum was used, but I am sure the         London). He describes receiving this ani-
from Matthew Flinders and Nicolas              skin was not echidna!                                                            mal from
Baudin's voyages to "Terre Australie"            Lesueur's painting of                                                           Shaw and
between 1800 and 1803.                         an echidna was not the                                                            that it was
                                               first to be produced! In                                                          collected in
                                               fact, the first published                                                         New South
                                               picture of an echidna                                                             Wales.
                                                                                         S H AW
                                               appeared in 1792 when                                                               For com-
                                               the echidna had its scientific                                                    parison, he
                                               debut. Naturalist George Shaw of London            also included a dr awing of a Tasmanian
                                               received a pickled specimen of an echidna
                                                                                                  echidna (see page 3). This drawing defi-
                                               in 1792 that was "collected on an ant hill
 Among the many paintings depicting                                                               nitely has the most interesting history. It
                                               in New Holland". Later that same year he
botanical specimens and native peoples                                                            was made by none other than Captain
was one of an echidna. It was produced in       Front cover photograph by Mike McKelvey           William Bligh (yes the same Bligh that had
                                               of Pelicans on ..where else..Pelican Lagoon!
                                                                                                                             continued page 3...
Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue
continued from page 2...
                                                                        And while we are the subject of echidna illustrations below
the mutiny                                             in 1790.
                                                                       is a far more imaginative and colourful one by Jordon Vallino
on the                                                  In any
                                                                       age 6, of an echidna with its food source. Jordon was inspired
Bounty).                                                case,          to do this dr awing after he saw an echidna while staying at
While                                                   Bligh's        the Midginbil Hill Country resort near Murwillumbah in New
moored at                                               drawing is     South Wales.
Adventure                                               the earliest
Bay,                                                    European
Van                          HOME                       echidna art
Diemen's                                                that we
Land, now known as Tasmania,       have found.
one of Bligh's officers shot an      Just to wrap up Bligh's echid-
animal "of very odd form". So      na encounter. Another of Bligh's
before dining on it Bligh made     officers wrote in his journal
a drawing.                                           "This animal
When was                                               was roasted
this?                                                  and found to
 Some lit-                                             be of a deli-
erature                                                cate
says it was                                            flavour".
in February                                            I don't know
1792, but                                              of too many
Home who                                               wildlife
published the drawing in 1804      artists today who eat their sub-
reported the incident took place   jects!
Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue
Our youngest                             echidna Mum
                                                                     sabelle Gatley waits quietly in the mallee woodland on Kangaroo
                                                                     Island. There are lots of sounds during the afternoon. Grey
                                                                     Currawongs peel bark from the trees and wallabies thump by.
                                                                Isabelle is waiting and watching for movement under a dense Correa
                                                                bush. She is with Dr. Peggy tracking a newly transmitted echidna. Their
                                                                soft movements do not disturb the animal. It starts feeding around the
                                                                base of the bush and then walks off through the understory.
                                                                  Isabelle is one of the youngest people to adopt an echidna. During
                                                                breaks from school she and her family spend a lot of time on Kangaroo
                                                                Island. Sometimes they see an echidna in the coastal dunes or along one
                                                                of the
                                                                roads. She
                                                                wants to
learn more about these curious creatures and has decided to name her
study animal Milli after her favorite actor Spike Milligan. It is an inter-
esting choice of names because Spike Milligan is best known for his sto-
ries and ability to communicate. The new echidna named Milli is helping
us to learn more about how echidnas communicate. During the last sev-
eral seasons we have been learning more and more about the unusual
ways echidnas keep in touch with each other. Milli is teaching us that
there is lots more to learn!
 Thanks Isabelle for supporting the adopt an echidna program.
Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue
Echidnas go                           electronic!
 Our very computer literate Echidna Care       going to your START menu then SETTINGS
Inc. Secretary, Paul Boehm has produced a      then CONTROL PANEL. Open up the mouse
little digital echidna magic which he would    control panel (properties) and within there
like to share with all our computer friendly   you can change the cursor. There ought to
echidna carers around the world.               be several tabs, the one you want is titled
 Paul has created an animated echidna          POINTERS. Highlight the function you want
cursor. You can use Paul's cursor to replace   to add the echidna cursor to and then click
the standard one on any PC computer            on BROWSE. Select the folder you stored       PROPERTIES, select the SHORTCUT tab and
using Windows 98. (Sorry Macintosh users       your echidna cursor in then click open. The   click on CHANGE ICON. From here you do
…we miss out) Paul has also made a static      old arrow (or whatever) will change to the    the same as for the cursor…going to the
cursor and an echidna icon for special files   echidna cursor. It's that easy. You can use   location in which it is stored, select it, open
you want to stand out. "It all helps to        either the non-moving or moving cursor.       it and then hit 'OK' from the folders prop-
increase awareness of our unique little egg    Then click on 'OK' and you're done! I used    erties. The new icon should now be dis-
laying mammal", said Paul.                     the non-moving cursor for the NORMAL          played.
 You can email Paul for copies of the three    SELECT function and the moving cursor for
files at pmboehm@internode.on.net              the BUSY function.                             I hope you enjoy using the new echidnas
and then follow these instructions.              Which part of the echidna cursor is the     in all their forms and don't be scared of
 Copy the cursors and icon to a new file       'active' bit? Install it and find out!        foraging your new echidna pointer all over
on your computer. Don't forget where you         Installing the echidna ICON is even         her/his new home range. She/he will love
put them!                                      easier.                                       you all the more for it.
 To change your current cursor to the new        From your desktop choose the folder you      All the best,
one(s)                                         want to apply the echidna icon to by           Paul Boehm
 Access your MOUSE control panel by            RIGHT clicking it. Then left click on
Puggle Post Shorts - In this issue
Echidnas                         animals are all part of the
                                                               9-10 November, 2002              geography of life.
CVA        Conservation Volunteers
                                                               Echidna Discovery workshop
           work program                    27-31 May
                                                               with Dr. Peggy at Pelican        Additional Workshop and
EW         Earthwatch                      15-28 June 02
EW         Earthwatch                      13-25 July 02       Lagoon, Kangaroo Island.         Participant Programs
CVA        Conservation Volunteers                             Exploring a variety of echid-    throughout the year:
           work program                    5-9 August 02       na habitats and learning         There are a number of
EW         Earthwatch                      17-30 August 02     how the echidna fits into the    weekday workshop and par-
EC         Biodiversity,a window in time   7-8 September 02    living circle of these dynamic   ticipant programs with the
EW         Discovery Weekend               4-6 October 02      systems. Two days of expe-       Penguin Study Group.
EW         Earthwatch 1                    12-25 October 02    riencing the bush from the       Birdwatching and bird sur-
CVA        Conservation Volunteers                             viewpoint of one of the plan-    vey programs with resident
           work program                    4-8 November 02     ets longest surviving mam-       biologist are available upon
EC         Echidnas                        9-10 November 02                                     request. Applications for the
EW         Students in Science             14-20 December 02
                                                               Biodiversity                     Pelican Lagoon Wildlife Artist
                                                               7-8 September, 2002              in Residence program close
Australian contact phone numbers and addresses:
                                                               Some seasons Biodiversity is     1 December of each year.
EW-Earthwatch Email earth@earthwatch.org.au
                                                               more obvious than others.        The one week Work
Phone 03 9682 6828 126 Bank Street South Melbourne Vic 3205
                                                               September is an obvious          Experience in Field Biology
EC-Echidna Care Inc. Email echidna@kin.net.au
                                                               time. Habitats and individu-     Monitoring and Survey pro-
A/hours 08 8553 7174
                                                               als stand out clearly in         gram takes applications for
Post Office Penneshaw Kangaroo Island SA 5222
                                                               colour and form at this time     selected projects with cur -
CVA -Conservation Volunteers Australia (formerly ATCV)
                                                               of year. Explore what            rent biologist; contact Dr.
Ph 08 8212 0777 130 Franklin Street Adelaide 5000
                                                               makes up the diversity and       Peggy Rismiller for details at
                                                               how it functions. Plants and     echidna@kin.net.au.
Jett lag?
No false idols for                              echidnas
                                                                                                 ett (short for jetty) is one of Pelican
                                                                                                 Lagoon's more assertive echidnas.
 Echidnas do not celebrate Christmas,           I have been privileged to see a puggle in        When sprung in the bush there is no
Easter or Mothers' Da y. On the whole, they    a pouch -- I know the feeling.                rolling into balls or digging holes for this
tend to not erect idols, dwell in a world of    JR, Payneham South Australia                 little blonde. Jett simply ignores the intrud-
guilt, demand retribution from others, cre-                                                  er and carries on with business. But Jett
ate double standards, specialise in                                                          wasn't always so bold and daring.
                                                Launceston Tasmania "The Examiner"
hypocrisy, etcetera. On the other hand,                                                       One day last year a spiky ball was sighted
                                                29 Dec 01 Brown Dun: Fishing
                                                                                             on the ramp of the Kangaroo Island ferry at
they love grubs. Echidnas remind us that
                                                                                             Penneshaw. On closer inspection it was dis-
we only live once, and that survival is pre-             Standing waist deep in the part
                                                                                             covered the ball was in fact an echidna. Dr
cious.                                          river, part lake that is Northern
                                                                                             Peggy was called to the rescue. It appeared
 Dear Peggy and Mik e                           Tasmania's Brumbys Creek, and intent
                                                                                             that someone must ha ve kidnapped the sub
 I re-read your book again last week.(The       on following the course of my small dry
                                                                                             adult echidna and then changing their mind
Echidna, Australia’s Enigma) I was              fly, I saw but ignored a little stick that
                                                                                             at the last minute callously dumped their
impressed by the lack of exclamation            seemed to be bobbing towards me.
                                                                                             little captive to fend for itself amongst the
                                                When the trout fly had finished its drift,
marks. There is very little shouting in the                                                  trucks and cars. Nice one guys!
                                                I now noticed that the stick was floating
book. When shouting does occur, it is                                                         Peggy took Jett back to Pelican Lagoon
                                                upright for some reason - and appeared
splendidly appropriate and con veys great                                                    for some intensive TLC but for weeks Jett
                                                to be heading in slow motion across the
excitement. It conveys the joy of the world                                                  was totally traumatised by the experience
                                                current towards me. As it continued its
manifested in these delightful and mysteri-                                                  making no effort to either move or eat.
                                                approach, curiosity gave way to vague
ous creatures. The manifold curiousities of                                                  Then one day, for no particular reason, Jett
                                                alarm - and then wonderment, as I
existence are cause enough for us to pause                                                   finally accepted some of Dr Peggy's 'echid-
                                                carefully helped to shore a very weary
                                                                                             na custard', loved it and from then on
and stand in awe, listen in magisterial         echidna totally submerged except for its
                                                                                             made a remarkable reco very to become
silence, or exclaim in exultant shouts.         long echidna nose!
                                                                                             The Echidna with Attitude.
The world around us...
British Millennium Volunteer Hillary Parke     willy-nilly and hasn't set up any real safe-
actively works through Community               guards or guidelines for eco tourism.
Conservation programs in Scotland.             However, I think we've persuaded them to
Recently she lead a group of young people      set up workshops to study these issues, so
on a working trip to the north east across     maybe it's a start. We were also very
the North Sea:                                 skeptical about the Finnish Forestry ser-                      .
                                               vice's claims about its sustainable forestry
                                                                                              Become an ‘echidna
"I spent several weeks this summer organ-      policy...in Finnish sawmills/pulpmills we
                                                                                              parent’ for $100.
ising and then co-leading an expedition to     saw lots of Russian old-growth timber
the far north of Russian and Finnish Karelia   being pulped, while the Finns were claim-   Adopt an Echidna Programme was
with a group of young people. Called Eco       ing it was much younger Finnish trees that launched last year We are looking for
Forest Travel, the group spent part of the     were going through. We had a Russian for- schools, organisations, companies or
time taking down the Iron Curtain, which       est ecologist with us, so there was little  individuals to adopt us. “Official”
is now a hazard to wildlife. We also did       room for doubt about the age of the tim-    Echidna  Adoption papers will be sent to
conservation work on remote islands which      ber. What a fate for such irreplaceable     our new ‘parents’ and you receive a
have been littered by hunters and fisher-      forests...we'd just spent a week travelling regular update about what we get up
men, built a boardwalk to prevent erosion      though such areas and could see places      to. All adoption fees will be used for
of a mire by the increasing numbers of vis-    that had been logged in a very intrusive    further research by Dr. Peggy to find
itors and we took Canadian canoes right        and ground-wrecking manner by local cow- our what makes us tick!
up to the Arctic circle to study some of the   boy contractors, all of them conveniently        Echidna Care Inc. Adoption
wilderness species. It was great, but I        adjacent to the main routes into Finland.                    Agency
came back with many concerns about the         Still, we got co verage by Russian and          Post Office Penneshaw, Kangaroo
new Russian National Parks movement,           Finnish TV and newspapers and were able               Island 5222 Australia
which seems to want to bring visitors in       to raise these issues."
                                                                                                  Email: echidna@kin.net.au
Sign of the times!
                                                                         alking of signs of the times..there were special celebrations
                                                                         this May at
                                                                   Lagoon. A multi-
                            Echidna Care Inc ha ve Echidna
                                                                   tude of pink bal -
                        Road Sign Kits available which
                                                                   loons announced
                         have been designed to help protect
                                                                   Dr Peggy's 50th
                         your local echidnas from becoming
                            another road kill statistic. Put up
                                                                     "Someone told
                            warning signs on any roads your
                                                                   me you had to wait
                             echidnas may have to cross so
                                                                   at least three days
                             you can warn motorists of the
                                                                   after turning 50 to
                              danger (to the echidnas!). The
                                                                   realise the full
                              Echidna Road Sign Kits cost $A5
                                                                   impact”, said
                              each which includes postage in
                                                                   Peggy. “Well, four
                               Australia (please add an extra
                                                                   days have passed
                               $A5 for overseas orders) The
                                                                   and things look
                                kits consist of two yellow plas-
                                                                   pretty much the
                                tic signs, 19x19cms, with the
                                                                   same.” I had a
                                   wording “Echidnas Next
                                                                   great day. We had
                                  4Kms” and also what all
                                                                   plenty of fun, food
                                  good echidna watchers
                                                                   and drink-all organ-
                         should have-”The Echidna
                                                                   ised by friends, and
                      Watcher’s Guide”.
                                                                   there were three
                     Echidna Road Sign Kits are available
                                                                   birthday cakes! I
                 from: Echidna Care Inc. Post Office
                                                                   hear the second
Penneshaw Kangaroo Island South Australia 5222
                                                                   half will be better
                                                                   than the first!” [It’s true Dr P...it’s true!]
the last word...

       ince my echidna indoctrination a         tat. A few weeks later the results came in -
       couple of years ago hiking in the        Dr Peggy enlightened me - my echidna
       bush has never been quite the            scat was in fact Chough spit!
same. Nowadays I'm always on the lookout          It was a what? Turns out a Chough               Has your membership lapsed? Or would
                                                                                                  you like to make a research donation?
for nose pokes, digs and scats, and if I'm      (chuff) is a medium sized black bird that
                                                                                                  Know someone who wants to join
really really lucky maybe even a 'sighting'.    looks very much like a raven. Choughs col-
                                                                                                  Echidna Care Inc?
 A couple of weeks ago, I was head down         lect seeds, hair and stuff in a crop and now
                                                                                                  Membership fees for Echidna Care are
hiking up a hill and suddenly there it was -    and then spit it all out as a pellet. (That let
                                                                                                  for a 12 month period.
all black and cylindrical. Of course I recog-   me tell you looks remarkably like an echid-       There are several membership cate-
nised it immediately -it was an echidna         na scat!)                                         gories
scat. I was thrilled and whipped out my           Looks like this amateur biologist’s career
                                                                                                  • Standard-Individual .          $15
empty film container -no echidna seeker         has taken a step or two backwards but
                                                                                                  • Student/pensioner . .          $10
should travel without one -and carefully        never mind I was still choughed with my
placed my prize inside, noting location of      discovery.
                                                                                                  • Group Membership . .           $25

the find, time and weather conditions.            By the way do you know what echidna             • Overseas . . . . . . . . . . $A25
 A couple of days later I sent the scat         spines are...hair with attitude.                  Please send your fees or donations to:

back to 'headquarters'. Scats are impor-          Cheers                                                     Echidna Care Inc.
tant, they can reveal all sorts of useful         Joy W - Ed                                              Post Office Penneshaw
information about the echidna and its habi-                                                          Kangaroo Island 5222 Australia

                                                                                                  All Echidna Care membership fees and
   Please pass this E-newsletter on to any person or group you think
                                                                                                  donations are used to purchase field
                           may be interested.                                                     research equipment for Dr Peggy
  And if you are reading this as a ‘pass-on’ and would like to be includ-                         Rismiller’s echidna research on
           ed on our regular E-mailing list contact us direct at                                  Kangaroo Island and for community
                                                                                                  education programmes.
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