Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019

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Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019

                          “Public Private Partnership” –
                     Coming together for “securing futures”

                                 Insurance Conference 2019
                          “Enhancing the role of insurance for economic growth”

                           19th July 2019 I Avani Hotel – Livingstone Zambia
Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
Biggest Risks: We should worry about                                                                                                              WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                                                                             Need to feed 9.6 billion people by 2050

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                                                                                        Extr f mitigat
                                                                                             o                                           Extreme Poverty and inequality
                                                                    ncia                                                                      (income distribution)
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                                                   hani                                                                               • Poverty and inequality are intrinsically
                                              mec                                                   Climate Change
                                flict                                                                                                   linked. Poverty reduction - especially
                     t i on; con es                                                                                                     for the poorest - can be greatly
                 igra       uenc                                                          • Climate change will stress the
        Sc ale m conseq                                                                     economic, social, and political
                                                                                                                                        enhanced through distributional
      e         l
 Larg regiona                                                                               systems that underpin each nation
                                                                                                                                        policies. All the evidence confirms that
   with                                        Economic Uncertainty and                                                                 distribution is central to fighting
                                                   Financial Crisis                                                                     poverty.

                                           • The future outlook for the economy is        • Climate change will have far-
                                                                                                                                      • Poverty is believed to be the
                                             unpredictable. It could involve - higher       reaching effects on crop, livestock,
      Conflict; Violence & War                                                                                                          leading cause of overpopulation. Food
                                             and more volatile inflation rate; lower        and fisheries production, the               production depends on croplands and
   • Aside from the incalculable human       economic growth or full-blown                  prevalence of crop pests, food
                                                                                                                                        water supply, which are under strain as
     losses, there are also enormous         recession; unemployment; rapid                 production systems, and food                human populations increase.
     economic and social costs.              devaluation of the currency.                   security.

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures                         2/25                              IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
A “tiny” change in the global climate could shake up the
        entire agriculture industry                                                                                   WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

              Most studies now project adverse impacts on crop yields due to climate change (3°C warmer world)
             The increasingly unpredictable weather systems have placed extra burden on food security & rural livelihoods

                                                                      Characteristics of agriculture sector
                                                                           Production dominated by small holder farmers
                                                                           Production is predominantly rainfed
                                                                           High transaction cost; limited access to finance
                                                                           Low input / low – output (fragmented value chains)

                                                                      Challenges posed by Climate Change
                                                                           More erratic and extreme weather patterns
                                                                           Increased incidence of drought and flood
                                                                           Heat waves and higher evaporation
                                                                           Increased incidence of pests and diseases

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Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
Farmers in our countries are progressively facing more
      risks                                                                                                                            WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                                                      CLIMATE PROJECTIONS

                  Projected increase in temperature                      Erratic rainfall and increased                  Increased incidence of drought
                  of 1°C to 2°C by 2050                                  unpredictability of seasonal rains              and other extreme events

                                                                      KEY CLIMATE IMPACTS

                                   AGRICULTURE                                                                LIVESTOCK
                         Reduced yields and / or crop failure                                  Increased incidence of pests and diseases
                      Reduced soil moisture availability, increased                            Reduced feed and water sources increased
                         evapotranspiration and water stress                                               livestock mortality

                                       WATER                                                               HUMAN HEALTH
                         Reduced water quality and quantity                                         Changing ranges of vector borne
                      Drying of wetlands and freshwater sources                                 diseases. Increased risk from waterborne
                        Disruption of hydropower generation c                                                   diseases

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures                   4/25                     IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
Global underinsurance amid heightened global risks                                                                           WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                  Insured vs uninsured loses, 1970 – 2018, in USD billion at 2018 prices

                                                 Economic losses = Insured + uninsured losses

                                                                                                                     protection gap - is the
                                                                                                                     financial loss generated by
                                                                                                                     catastrophes not covered
                                                                                                                     by insurance

                   The global all-catastrophe protection gap of the past two years combined was also impressively large at USD 280
                   billion, and more than half of that resulted from independent secondary and secondary-effect peril events.

                   In terms of 10-year rolling averages, economic losses grew by 5% between 1992 and 2018, and insured losses
                   by 4.7%. The existing protection gap is an opportunity for the insurance industry.

              Source: Swiss Re Institute
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Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
Global healthcare expenditure—Trends and drivers                                                          WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

          The Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network (2017) estimates that global spending on
          health will almost triple to USD 24 trillion by 2040.

                            Healthcare expenditure as a                         Absolute OOPS and estimated health
                                percentage of GDP                               protection gaps in emerging markets
                                 (2000, 2005, 2015)                                     (2015, in USD billion)

       Source: World Bank (World Development Indicators)
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Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
Need for an “Universal” health insurance scheme                                                                     WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                Share of informal employment in total employment, including agriculture (percent, 2016)

      Source: ILO (2018)

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Coming together for "securing futures" - "Public Private Partnership" - Insurance Conference 2019
Quantifying the health protection gap (HPG)                                                                           WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                           Estimated size of HPG in emerging regions across the world, 2017

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Root causes of Protection Gaps                                                                                                 WWW.KMDASTUR.COM

                                  Frontier markets                              Emerging markets                 Mature markets

                                                                                                                          Demand Side





                                                                                 Behavioral biases

                                                                                                                          Supply Side
                                                      Transaction costs

                                                         Informational asymmetries - adverse selection / moral hazard

                                              Institutions/ infrastructural issues

                                                               Availability of risk data for pricing

                                                                                 Limits to insurability

                                          No specific provisions for microinsurance, lack of or limited Government support

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Stakeholder interests                                                                                            WWW.KMDASTUR.COM

                                                                      Stakeholder Interests

              Government                                              Insurance Companies               Consumers

          Provide universal access to                            Ensure stable, transparent    Increase accountability and
          financial services                                     regulatory process            responsiveness

          Ensure affordable and basic                            Provide trained human         Improve quality and reliability
          quality service                                        resources and opportunities   of service

          Promote fair competition                               Improve productivity and      Ensure fair pricing

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures               10/25        IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
What is PPP in Insurance Scheme context?                                                        WWW.KMDASTUR.COM

       An insurance PPP is a contractual agreement between the public sector, represented by a
       Ministry or local authority through a Government programme and the private sector, represented
       by the insurance industry and its service providers and distribution partners, that combines
       business objectives with public policy goals in a cost – efficient and effective way (Ramm,

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures   11/25   IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Key steps in implementing a
      functional PPP model                                                                                      WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                                                                         To define the objectives, institutional
                                                                      Definition and     structure, roles, financing mechanisms,
      To have coordinated and effective                                  Design          infrastructure and the legal and regulatory
         M&E that will support evidence                                                  framework
            based decision making and

                                              Monitoring &
                                                                                       Industry analysis
                                            Evaluation (M&E)

                                                                                                             To understand the capacity
                                                                                                             of the insurance industry (in
     To maintain proper programme                                                                            terms of financial and
 operation and project management                                                                            operational)
  through a dedicated PMU (Project
                 Management Unit)

                                                                                          Tendering and
                                                                                       selection of partners

                                                                                                             To follow a competitive
                                                                                                             tendering process to identify
                                                                                                             the right partners best suited
           To agree on the terms of the partnership (roles /
                                                                      Implementation                         to the objectives
            responsibilities) and the implementation of the
         schemes based on defined procedural guidelines

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures      12/25          IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
PPP Models/ Structures                                                                                                                                               WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                  Model 1                                                         Model 2                                                                Model 3

                                             Government                                                                     Government                                   Government
                                       (Central/ Regional/ Local)                                                     (Central/ Regional/ Local)                   (Central/ Regional/ Local)

                                                                                                                     Reinsurance Company(s)                             Insurance Pool/
                                          Local Insurance           Reinsurance
                                           Company(s)               Company(s)
      Direct marketing / enrollment

                                                                                     Direct marketing / enrollment       Local Insurance                  Local Insurance              Reinsurance
                                                                                                                          Company(s)                       Company(s)                  Company(s)

                                        (distribution channels)                                                             Aggregators                      Aggregators
                                                                                                                       (distribution channels)          (distribution channels)

                                      Beneficiaries (end client)                                                     Beneficiaries (end client)                   Beneficiaries (end client)

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures                                                          13/25                 IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Case Study: Delivery of universal health insurance –
      Indian Model >>                                                                                                  WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                                                                                           PPP Model                 USD 7,000

                                                                                                                   Cover per family
                                                                                         through Insurance
                                                                                                                     per year for
                                                                                         and/or Trust and/or
                                                                                                                   serious illnesses
                                                                                             Mixed Mode

                                                                                           537 million
                                                                      Improved  Access

                                                                        to        to
                                                                           Affordable                              Benefits can be
                                                                                           Over 100 million
                                                                        Quality Care      families poor and
                                                                                                                    availed in all
                                                                       Quality Care      vulnerable families
                                                                                                                   hospitals across
                                                                                                                     the country

                                                                                         Power to State

                                                                                             States given         No limit on family
                                                                                         flexibility to decide     size; age and
                                                                                             on mode of          covers pre-existing
                                                                                           implementation             diseases

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures              14/25         IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Case Study: Delivery of universal health insurance –
      Indian Model >>                                                                                                                                              WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

          Mode of Implementation –
          Insurance Mode - States / Union Territories s will do the open tendering process for selection of Insurance Company
          Trust / Assurance Mode - Through Society / Trust of State Health Department

                                                                                                   Ecosystem of PM-JAY

                                                 Benefit Packages                                       Monitoring &
                                                                        Capacity Building                                      Fund Flow                  Portability
              Enabling Portability of Services

                                                                                                                                                                                Verification of Beneficiaries
                                                                         Insurer                                                                         Awareness
                                                    Guidelines             SHA                                                                           Generation
                                                                                     IT Platform

                                                                                                                                                         Call Centre
                                                                                                                                (end client)
                                                                         Public                                   Mantrai
                                                                                                                Arogya Mitra                             Grievance
                                                 Fraud Prevention        Private
                                                              Empanelment and real time transactions with Hospitals

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures                                            15/25                       IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Case Study: Delivery of universal health insurance –
      Indian Model >>                                                                                                      WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

                 Defining the “target” market –

                              Target Group for Rural                                         Target Group for Urban

             Total deprived Households targeted for AB PM-JAY                 Occupational Categories of Workers
             who belong to one of the six deprivation criteria                • Rag picker
             amongst D1, D2, D3, D4, D5 and D7:                               • Beggar
             • D1: Only one room with kucha walls and kucha roof              • Domestic worker
             • D2: No adult member between age 16 to 59                       • Street vendor/ Cobbler/hawker / Other service provider
             • D3: Female headed households with no adult male                  working on streets
                member between age 16 to 59                                   • Construction worker/ Plumber/ Mason/ Labour/
             • D4: Disabled member and no able-bodied adult                     Painter/ Welder/ Security guard/ Coolie and another
                member (D4)                                                     head-load worker
             • D5: SC/ST households (D5)                                      • Sweeper/ Sanitation worker / Mali
             • D7: Landless households deriving major part of their           • Home-based worker/ Artisan/ Handicrafts worker /
                income from manual casual labour                                Tailor
              Automatically included -                                        • Transport worker/ Driver/ Conductor/ Helper to drivers
             • Households without shelter                                       and conductors/ Cart puller/ Rickshaw puller
             • Destitute/ living on alms                                      • Shop worker/ Assistant/ Peon in small establishment/
             • Manual scavenger families                                        Helper/Delivery assistant / Attendant/ Waiter
             • Primitive tribal groups                                        • Electrician/ Mechanic/ Assembler/ Repair worker
             • Legally released bonded labour                                 • Washer-man/ Chowkidar

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures   16/25                        IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Case Study - Indian Model -
      World’s single largest agriculture insurance market                                                                                  WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

         Defining the “target” market –
          All farmers including sharecroppers and tenant farmers growing the notified crops in the notified areas are eligible
          for coverage; ~ 52.1 million farmers are covered (2017-18), bundled with essential livelihood services such as
          agricultural credit compulsorily

                                                                                             Public co-financing of premiums and catastrophe losses
                                                                                             Setting insurance enabling uniform terms & conditions
                                                   (Central: State / Regional/ Local)        Efficient, transparent and uniform settlement of claims

                                                                      Co-financing of premium


                   Local Insurance                      GIC RE (National                    Other International
                    Company(s)                       Reinsurance Company)                Reinsurance Company(s)

                               Sales & Premium

                                    Loss Settlement

                Financial Institutions              Beneficiaries (farmers)
                 (Lending Institutions)

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures                     17/25                      IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Case Study - Indian Model -
      World’s single largest agriculture insurance market                                                     WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

         Role of Government
      Government support in subsidizing
      premium and implementation
      through a multi-agency framework
      under the guidance of the Ministry
      of Agriculture and Farmer’s
      Welfare; Investment in open data
      infrastructure and integration of
      climatic and agronomic data from
      multiple sources

         Government modified operational guidelines for PMFBY

      Government penalty for delay in claim settlement . The farmers will be paid 12% interest by insurance
      companies for a delay in settlement of claims beyond two months of the prescribed cut-off date.
     Delay in subsidy sharing - State governments will have to pay 12% interest for a delay in release of the states’ share
     of subsidy beyond three months of the prescribed cut-off date for submission of requisitions by insurance companies.
     De-empanelment of insurance companies - Insurance companies providing crop insurance services are expected to
     perform according to standard operating procedures, and not complying with guidelines may lead to de-empanelment

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures   18/25           IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Role of “Government”                                                                                                           WWW.KMDASTUR.COM

                                              Data                              Outreach                           Risk Financing

                                            Collect                            Link to credit                    Promote risk pool

                                             Audit                          Premium subsidies                        Reinsurance

                                    Manage & Finance                        Public awareness                    Disaster relief fund

                                                                            Financial Support

                                                   Support product design &                     Enabling environment
                                                                                                Institutional framework
                                                     Product development &
                                                                                                   Legal framework

                                                        Technical support
                                                                                                Consumer Protection

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures               19/25                      IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Universal Insurance Schemes (Structure and Design)                                                                           WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

            Policyholder of                                                Management Board               Weather
                                                                                                                          Risk Monitoring and
          Insurance Policies                                            (Participation from Govt.,        Data/
              / Schemes                                                Metrological Dept., Insurance                      (Deployment of tech
                                                                         Regulator, Association)          Data                  platform)

                                                                      Health Data/                                             Health Data/
            Central/ Federal                                          Weather Data/                                            Weather Data/
                                                                      Hazard Data                                              Hazard Data
                                         Trigger + State of                                               Premium
             State / County1             emergency
                                                                          Scheme built/ designed
                                                                                                                             Local Insurance
                                                                                around a
                                                                                                             Trigger           Company(s)
            State / County2                Insurance payout                 Catastrophe Fund

                                                                           Premium                                       premium Payout

                                                                      National / Central / Federal and/
                                                                             or Local (County)
            State / County n                                                                                                   Company (s)

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures                20/25                   IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Lessons Learnt                                                                                                   WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

            Use insurers as an ally to achieve public policy objectives » insurance can be used as a complementary tool to
            align incentives and create behavioral changes, and to reduce and manage risks

            Define the target beneficiaries correctly » Comprehensive risk cover can be provided to final beneficiaries when
            insurers have and optimal understanding of the risk profile and preferences of end clients (beneficiaries)

            A strong legal and regulatory framework » provides certainty to both the public and the private sectors around the
            commitments and investments needed to implement a programme over the long term

            Allocate roles and responsibilities between the public and private sectors » Assign responsibilities for each of the
            critical activities in the implementation process to create an overall accountability for the success of the scheme

            Capacity building across stakeholders (implementation agencies) » provide technical capacity to design policy;
            oversee insurance schemes; monitor and audit insurance programme

            Establish a robust monitoring and evaluation framework/ systems » To establish a result oriented environment.
            Evaluations overtime will shed light on how to improve the design and operation

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures    21/25                   IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
Four essential factors to ensure PPP
      programme success                                                                                               WWW.KMDASTUR.COM

                                           1.                                       4.
                                           Transparent and aligned                  Clear communication
                                           objectives                               strategy


                                           2.                                       3.
                                           Unified legal and regulatory             Effective governance and
                                           framework                                monitoring mechanism

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures        22/25              IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
About K. M. Dastur & Company London

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures   23/25   IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
About KMD Group                                                                                              WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

      Introduction                                                            Mass / Microinsurance initiatives

       Founded in 1973 by the late Mr. K.M. Dastur,                           The Group’s endeavor is to bridge the
           erstwhile Country Head of Norwich Union Insurance                    divide/gap between the world’s
       K. M. Dastur & Company Limited, London is a                             insurance markets and the most
           Registered Lloyd’s Broker, regulated by Financial                    vulnerable, low-income households
           Conduct Authority (FCA)                                              through relevant and inclusive insurance
       KMD has almost five decades of experience in all                        solutions
           classes of Insurance and Reinsurance brokerage
                                                                               As an organization believes – in the power
           with highly experienced and skilled team of
                                                                                of inclusive finance as an effective tool
                                                                                for poverty alleviation, to transform the
       As an Independent brokerage operation KMD
                                                                                ideas (concepts) into action and action into
           offers a range of Risk Management services and
           design Insurance/ Reinsurance Solutions using
           Standard and Customized techniques                                  Partners with Governments, regulators,
       Locally registered and regulated offices in Asia,                       multilateral and bilateral aid agencies and
           Africa, Europe, Mediterranean & Middle East                          foundations on policy frameworks and in
       500+ experienced (re)insurance and advisory                             designing / implementing universal
           professionals worldwide
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About KMD Group                                                                                         WWW.KMDASTUR.CO.UK

        Guiding Principles                                               Approach / Methodology

       Partners and Clients

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures   25/25            IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019

        “If the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is to be an engine for positive change, it should
        deliver for the most vulnerable sections of society.”

        Dan Rees
        International Labour Organization

       For any further details, please contact
       Ayandev Saha
       Mobile no: +91-9920193512 / +250-787064366; Skype: ayandev1

“Public Private Partnership” – Coming together for securing futures   26/25   IAZ Insurance Conference 2019 | 17th to 19th July 2019
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