Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek

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Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
                                                      DEVELOPMENT BANK
                                                      Can women benefit
                                                      from green jobs?
                                                      “Yes, but…”
                                                           L’ HEBDOMADAIRE ÉLECTRONIQUE GRATUIT

                               WHISTLEBLOWING REPORT 2021

    Protecting whistleblowers is
   much more than a regulatory
     obligation for companies
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
JEUDI 30 DÉCEMBRE 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 375                                                                                                                                                           3

                                                                                               BIZ ALERT
                                             REPORT BY UN WOMEN, AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK

                 Can women benefit from
                 green jobs? “Yes, but…”
 The transition to a green economy is expected to create many new jobs around the world, including in sub-Saharan Africa. But will the economic
 transformation offer women access to higher-paying, more stable jobs? According to a new report released by UN Women and the African Devel-
                    opment Bank, the short answer is “yes”, but only if countries adopt strong enabling policies and programmes

T        he report, titled Green
         Jobs for Women in Africa,
         points out that women are
well-positioned to benefit from
primary-level jobs that will be cre-
                                             education and employment, lack
                                             of access to formal-sector work,
                                             endemic financing gaps, as well
                                             as social norms that leave women
                                             shouldering the bulk of unpaid
                                                                                            aging the opportunities offered by
                                                                                            new green economic instruments
                                                                                            like carbon credits to assign great-
                                                                                            er economic value to the unpaid
                                                                                            work women do to mitigate cli-
                                                                                                                                    ever, is that even in sectors where
                                                                                                                                    women are not well represented,
                                                                                                                                    they are finding niches, often as
                                                                                                                                    small women-led businesses in in-
                                                                                                                                    direct jobs in green construction,
ated but not higher-paying ones in           care work.                                     mate change.                            renovations or energy efficiency.
the renewable energy, infrastruc-               Vanessa Ushie, Acting Director                 A range of sectors will create          Women face a number of barri-
ture, or transportation sectors.             of the African Natural Resources               green jobs in sub-Saharan Africa.       ers that may limit their full access
This is despite the critical role Af-        Centre of the African Develop-                 Energy, construction and agricul-       to access green jobs in the coming
rican women play in the economy              ment Bank, said: “Women play a vital           ture will create the largest number     years. Some barriers to women’s
and in managing climate change in            role in managing Africa’s natural capital      of green jobs. Women are well           participation in green jobs
their communities.                           assets and building climate resilience in      placed to seize opportunities in           are sector-specific, such as so-
   Oulimata Sarr, UN Women’s                 our local communities. Carbon credits          all sectors identified in this report   cial norms that deem construction
Regional Director for West and               provide an opportunity to reward women         – except transportation, construc-      jobs inappropriate for women.
Central Africa, said: “Some of the           for the critical role that they play in pro-   tion, and certain areas of energy       Others permeate all sectors. These
obstacles that women face to access green    tecting our mangroves, forests and other       where women’s participation cur-        include barriers to women’s and
jobs in energy, infrastructure or the cir-   ecosystems essential for carbon seques-        rently is low. While women are well     women-led businesses’ access to
cular economy are rooted in social norms     tration and environmental sustainability       positioned to access green jobs         land, finance and technology; gen-
and changing those takes time. We are at     across Africa.”                                in many sectors, the report also        der segregation in the education
an acceleration moment. We need to act          The report’s recommendations                shows that they are currently over-     system and labour market; laws
now to ensure that the transition to the     include the provision of skills cou-           whelmingly concentrated in sec-         that limit women’s access to cer-
green economy in the region does not leave   pled with other more ambitious                 tors that are likely to create more     tain tasks and jobs; and structural
women and girls behind.”                     interventions such as unpaid care              low-end types of green job oppor-       inequalities reflecting social norms   care work, effectively depriving
   Among the constraints wom-                services, removal of gender biases             tunities than high-value green jobs.    dictating that women should            them of opportunities for other
en face are gender segregation in            from national legislation or lever-               A positive development, how-         shoulder the majority of unpaid        jobs.

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                                                                                                      Official online directory of Mauritius Telecom

                                                                                                         Business                                          People
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
JEUDI 30 DÉCEMBRE 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 375                                                                                                                                                       4

                                                                                      LA TOUR
                                                                    WHISTLEBLOWING REPORT 2021

  Protecting whistleblowers is
  much more than a regulatory
   obligation for companies
   The Whistleblowing Report 2021 highlights the indispensable contribution whistle blowers make towards detecting and preventing corporate
wrongdoing. It’s hardly a surprise that more and more companies are introducing whistleblowing systems. Most of the companies surveyed are do-
ing a lot of things right: they offer a variety of (anonymous) reporting channels, independent advice, confidentiality with management and protec-
 tion against reprisals. In fact, potential whistleblowers only use whistleblowing systems if they feel they can trust the contact persons involved and
effect change. Above all, this requires a whistleblower-friendly corporate culture characterised by the ability to accept criticism and make mistakes.
  The Whistleblower Network therefore advises companies to provide regular training for their employees. If whistleblowing is sensibly integrated
 into the corporate culture and structure, whistleblowers will not turn to external (government) agencies in the vast majority of cases. It is promis-
 ing that a large majority of the corporate executives surveyed support a right to public whistleblowing to the media in cases of significant govern-
ment interest. Without courageous whistleblowers, society would often not learn of white-collar crime, as in the cases of CumEx and Wirecard, of
 structural deficits of state control bodies and of dangers to health, the environment and human rights. This report represents a valuable contribu-

                                      tion to the debate on this socially significant but still sparsely researched topic
            ince the EU Whistleblowing Directive was adopted
            in December 2019, the protection of whistleblowers
            has become considerably more important. EU mem-
            bers only had until 17 December 2021 to transpose
            EU requirements into national laws. Subsequently,
companies with more than 250 employees will be required to
establish reporting channels for internal and, optionally, exter-
nal stakeholders. From 2023, the scheme will be extended to
companies with more than 50 employees. However, protect-
ing whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation
for companies; it must be the aspiration of an ethical and sus-
tainable corporate culture. Those who allow transparent com-
munication in the company create trust internally and exter-
nally. It is already evident that companies that have established
whistle blower reporting channels are able to identify risks at
an early stage and thus avoid sanctions, fines and reputational
   This year, the 2021 Whistleblowing Report (conducted as
part of an applied research and development project of the
University of Applied Sciences of the Grisons (FHGR) in co-
operation with EQS Group) examines how large and small
companies use whistleblowing channels to prevent and un-
cover misconduct, what financial damage could be avoided as
a result, and how relevant the reports made are.
   The risk of falling victim to illegal and unethical behaviour
is real for European companies. Information from employ-
ees and other stakeholders is of great importance in order to
prevent misconduct or to identify it at an early stage. The ma-
jority of the companies surveyed are aware of this and have
already set up an internal whistleblowing system outside the
chain of command. Nevertheless, many companies are unsure
how to set up and design such a system in a targeted manner.
In addition, the coronavirus pandemic and the EU Whistle-
blower Protection Directive present new tasks and challenges
for corporate whistleblowing systems.
   The analyses are based on data from an online survey in
which a total of 1,239 companies took part, of which 291
were from Germany, 338 from France, 296 from the Unit-
ed Kingdom and 314 from Switzerland. Around one third of
the sample is made up of small and medium-sized enterpris-
es (SMEs) with 20 to 249 employees and the remaining two            half of the companies surveyed inform their employees about         closed ranks with UK large companies. It is also apparent that
thirds is made up of large companies with 250 or more em-           the consequences of discovered misconduct. By contrast, the         companies from the financial sector, in comparison to other
ployees. Sampling allows the results to be generalised to the       public is rarely informed.                                          sectors, as well as companies active abroad, are more likely to
two firm size classes.                                                                                                                  have a whistleblowing system.
                                                                    More than 60 percent of the
Abuses occurred in a good third                                     companies surveyed have a                                           The vast majority of companies
of the companies surveyed                                           whistleblowing system                                               with a whistleblowing system are
                                                                                                                                        convinced of how useful and
   Illegal or unethical behaviour that violates applicable (le-        The companies surveyed use various instruments to pre-           effective it is
gal) regulations or violates society‘s notions of ethics occurs     vent and detect illegal or unethical behaviour at an early stage.
in about one-in-three of the companies surveyed. The study          Across all countries, more than 60 percent of the companies            The companies interviewed had various reasons for set-
shows that large companies and organisations operating              surveyed have an office/channel outside the chain of com-           ting up a whistleblowing system. The top three reasons for
abroad are more frequently affected by misconduct. Moreo-           mand where whistleblowers can report specific or suspect-           introducing a whistleblowing system are that companies are
ver, the statistical analyses show that although companies in       ed misconduct. While a large proportion of large compa-             convinced of the benefits and effectiveness while it should
Switzerland are less frequently affected by misconduct than         nies have set up a whistleblowing system, the proportion of         help to strengthen the company‘s image as an ethical organi-
companies in other countries, the proportion of financial           SMEs with a whistleblowing system (still) tends to be lower,        sation with integrity. Furthermore, companies see the oppor-
damages of EUR 100,000 or more is highest there. A good             although it should be noted that UK SMEs have now largely           tunity to improve themselves through the incoming reports.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Cont’d on page 5
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
JEUDI 30 DÉCEMBRE 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 375                                                                                                                                                   5

                                                                                     LA TOUR
By contrast, the companies surveyed that have not (yet) estab-
lished a whistleblowing system cite the following main reasons
for this. On the one hand, they emphasise that they already
have a strong culture of integrity; on the other hand, they
argue that there is no legal obligation to introduce a whistle
blowing system. It is also stressed that human resources are
already stretched elsewhere. It therefore seems logical that just
under a quarter of the companies surveyed without a whistle-
blowing system state that they would only introduce one if
they were legally obliged to do so.

On average, whistleblowers
have two to three channels at
their disposal for contacting the
companies surveyed that have a
whistleblowing system
   The design of a whistleblowing system is important for its
successful operation. In the investigated whistleblowing sys-
tems, the whistleblowers generally have two to three different
channels at their disposal through which the internal whistle-
blowing system can be contacted. For companies, employees
are by far the most important target group of the whistleblow-
ing system, with on average one to two different stakeholder
groups being entitled to file reports. In more than half of
the companies surveyed with a whistleblowing system, whis-
tleblowers can submit their reports without revealing their
identity, i.e. anonymously; in contrast, the figure for French
companies is less than 50 percent. In addition, in France, the
UK and Switzerland, about two-thirds of the whistleblowing
systems have the power to grant interim protection against
dismissal to whistleblowers. In Germany, this is the case in a
good half of the companies.

The analysed companies with a
whistleblowing system received
an average of 34 reports in 2020
   While in France, the UK and Switzerland less than half of
the investigated whistleblowing systems received tips in 2020,
the share at the German whistleblowing systems is over 50
percent. On average, 34 reports were received by the whis-
tleblowing systems last year, with large companies and inter-
nationally active companies receiving more reports. It also
shows that companies with a more sophisticated reporting
system also received more reports. Here, sophistication of the
whistleblowing system is measured by the number of available
reporting channels as well as the age of the whistleblowing
system. More reports are also being submitted by companies
in the logistics, public sector and financial sectors. A compar-
ison over time shows that from 2018 to 2020, the number
of reports received by whistleblowing systems in France and
the UK decreased significantly more than in Germany and

Approximately one third of the
companies investigated were
able to uncover more than 80
percent of the total financial loss
with the help of a whistleblowing
   As the results of this study show, companies benefit from        reports in 2020. This is likely to be due to the coronavirus
                                                                    pandemic, which has led to certain dysfunctionalities in pro-
their whistleblowing system in both financial and non-finan-
cial terms. On the one hand, in 2020 around one third of the        cesses and structures, including those related to whistleblow-      The results of the 2021 Whistleblowing Report showed
companies investigated were able to uncover more than 80            ing systems. It is assumed that there was only limited access    that more whistleblowing occurred in companies where there
percent of the total financial damage caused by misconduct          to information due to the lack of informal exchange or that      were pandemic layoffs and they received more reports. Un-
thanks to the whistleblowing system. On the other hand, the         reports were not made due to (time) resources being used         ethical and illegal behaviour occurred more frequently in com-
companies surveyed also achieved non-monetary benefits as           elsewhere. The results of the study show that the likelihood     panies that were in economic difficulties due to the pandemic.
a result of the whistleblowing system. The top three non-fi-        of being affected by misconduct is higher in companies           Employees committed misconduct because they had the im-
nancial impacts include a better understanding of compliance        where there have been coronavirus-related staff reductions       pression that their company would otherwise not be able to
among employees, the improvement of processes and the               or where a large proportion of employees have worked from        “make ends meet” and that jobs could be at risk.
strengthening of integrity, as well as the professionalization      home. These companies also received more reports.                   The 2021 Whistleblowing Report confirms once again that
of the compliance system or compliance management.                     It is interesting to note that opposing trends can be ob-     the abuse of reporting channels is the absolute exception.
                                                                    served here: While companies where a medium proportion           Not even eight percent of the reports received in 2020 can
Impact of the coronavirus                                           (between 34% and 66%) of employees worked from home
                                                                    were at increased risk of illegal or unethical behaviour, the
                                                                                                                                     be classified as abusive. On the other hand, there are a large
pandemic: Companies that                                            number of reports was lower in companies where the major-
                                                                                                                                     number of reports that reveal concrete misconduct within
dismiss employees or whose                                          ity of employees (> 66%) worked from home. Other coro-
                                                                                                                                     the company. Just under half of all reports received relate
                                                                                                                                     to compliance-related violations. The other information re-
employees work from home have                                       navirus-related measures, such as reduced working hours or       ports potential for improvement in other areas, for example
an increased risk of misconduct                                     the restricted possibility of both national and international
                                                                    business trips, on the other hand, show no statistically sig-
                                                                                                                                     in technical support or personnel management. Similarly, the
and receive more reports                                            nificant correlation with the number of grievances in com-
                                                                                                                                     possibility of reporting anonymously does not encourage an
                                                                                                                                     increase in abusive reporting. On average, companies received
                                                                    panies.                                                          34 reports per year.
  Compared to 2018, companies received significantly fewer
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
JEUDI 30 DÉCEMBRE 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 375                                                                                                                      6

                                                       POST SCRIPTUM

                          Building Resilient African
                          Food Systems After
                          COVID-19 – Lessons 2021
                          While Africa fared better than predicted in terms of health impacts, COVID-19 has severe-
                          ly affected the continent’s agri-food systems and jeopardized 20 years of economic recovery.
                          reversing years of progress in improving the livelihoods of millions of people

                                        mid the triple threat of         Sacko, AU Commissioner, Department
                                        COVID-19, climate change,
                                        and fragile food systems, the
                                                                         of Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue
                                                                         Economy and Sustainable Development
                                                                                                                          Tracking Progress
                                        Regional Strategic Analysis      (AUC-DARBE). “The pandemic                       on CAADP Indicators
                                        and Knowledge Support            clearly demonstrated multisectoral
                          System (ReSAKSS) at AKADEMIYA2063,             convergence, particularly agriculture,           The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture
                          in partnership with the African Union          food security, public health, safety, and        Development Programme (CAADP) is a
                          Commission (AUC), convened the 2021            employment. But it is not all doom and           continent-wide framework for reducing
                          ReSAKSS Annual Conference from                 gloom. The pandemic has provided us              poverty, food insecurity and hunger, and
                          November 15-17, 2021. The discussions          with an opportunity for self-reflection          revitalizing agriculture through increased
                          focused on the impacts of the COVID-19         to rethink our development path,” she            investments. Since 2006, ReSAKSS has
                          pandemic on African food systems and           said.                                            been the primary platform for monitoring
                          policy options to ensure recovery and                                                           CAADP implementation, providing data and
                          strengthen resilience to future shocks. The
                          event unveiled the 2021 Annual Trends and
                                                                         Countries with Diversified                       related analytical and knowledge products
                                                                                                                          to facilitate CAADP benchmarking, review,
                          Outlook Report (ATOR), which provides          Export Baskets are less                          and mutual accountability processes.
                          evidence-based recommendations to guide        Vulnerable to Global                             According to the 2021 ATOR, COVID-19
                                                                                                                          slowed Africa’s progress toward CAADP
                          dialogue and action towards more robust,
                          inclusive, and resilient African food
                                                                         Trade Shocks                                     goals, and sharply exacerbated existing
                          systems.                                                                                        challenges, while presenting new ones. The
                                                                         Key findings from the 2021 ATOR suggest          report finds that even though Africa already
                          A Multisectoral Approach                       that COVID-19 containment measures
                                                                         affected agricultural and food trade in
                                                                                                                          faced declining GDP per capita growth, a
                                                                                                                          rising prevalence in undernourishment,
                          for Sustainable Impact                         Africa. The study reveals considerable           an increasing number of people living
                                                                         declines in exports and imports at the onset     in poverty, and a decline in government
                          “COVID-19 is just an example of the            of the pandemic, with lockdown measures,         agriculture expenditure between 2014
                          kinds of shocks to come. They may be           widespread movement restrictions and             and 2019, the pandemic has exacerbated
                          more intense or frequent in the future,        business closures causing disruptions in         these setbacks. Regaining momentum will
                          but we know that African economies,            value chains and trade. While Africa’s           require concerted efforts across multiple
                          our communities, and ecosystems will           global trade in staples was more moderately      sectors: “We are looking forward to hearing
                          be tested,” said Dr. Ousmane Badiane,          affected, trade in beverages, fishery            proposals for short, medium, and long-term
                          AKADEMIYA2063 Executive Chairperson.           products, and nonfood commodities such           strategies, to address the challenges facing
                          “The 2021 ReSAKSS Annual Trends                as cotton and cut flowers saw a significant      the agri-food sector,” said Commissioner
                          and Outlook Report looks at the                decline.                                         Sacko. “We must move forward collectively
                          ramifications of the COVID-19                  Furthermore, COVID-19 has revealed               and urgently to increase the pace of CAADP
                          crisis, the variety of responses, and          the structural vulnerabilities of food           implementation to achieve the Malabo
                          commitments made for readiness in              import-dependent countries, notably due          Declaration goals and targets by 2025,” she
                          addressing future shocks across various        to price dynamics. Research demonstrates         said.
                          sectors. We must use the resources             that many markets in Western Africa
                          contained in the report to guide our
                          efforts to build back better, enhance
                                                                         experienced noticeable price increases due
                                                                         to the impact of lockdown restrictions on
                          our preparedness to confront future            supply, even though prices were lower than       An appraisal of the current state of
                          crises and accelerate the progress of          expected in Southern and Eastern African         the world at the intersection of natural
                          the last 20 years,” he said.                   markets. Complexity is further underscored       ecosystems and human activity suggests
                          Spanning 13 chapters, the 2021 Annual          from the observation that price responses        that COVID-19 is a litmus test of even more
                          Trends and Outlook Report (ATOR)               to COVID-19 were highly location-specific        complex crises to come. There is therefore
                          addresses food security and agricultural       and driven by a variety of factors, notably      an urgent need for policymakers to design,
                          trade; staple food prices; impacts of global   markets’ roles in domestic and cross-border      strengthen, and recalibrate inclusive,
                          trade disruptions on African food systems;     trade.                                           sustainable mechanisms to lessen the
                          assessing community vulnerability;             Simulation analysis focusing on 23 African       impact of brutal shocks on livelihoods. To
                          economic policy responses; social protection   countries (Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central         achieve this, other approaches highlighted
                          programs; rethinking the role of social        African Republic, Chad, Congo, Côte              in the 2021 ATOR include social protection
                          protection in African food systems; remote     d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo,      programs to support recovery, novel
                          sensing and machine learning for food          Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea,           measurement methodologies such as
                          crop production data; measuring progress       Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique,              remote sensing to improve crop production
                          toward the Malabo Declaration resilience       Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, South           estimates, and the integration of macro
                          goals; measurement of resilience capacities;   Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) suggests           and micro-level indicators into resilience
                          community dietary patterns; consumer–          that countries with a diversified export         metrics.
                          food security nexus framework analysis         basket, combining agricultural, energy,
                          for resilient agri-food value chains; and      and mineral products, are less adversely
                          tracking key CAADP indicators and              affected by the global trade shock. Thus,                             Dr. Layih Butake
                          implementation processes.                      diversifying exports is a key evidence-based           Director of Communication and
                          “The COVID-19 pandemic exposed                 strategy to increase the resilience of African                              Outreach
                          the fragility of the African and global        food systems to global shocks such as the                          AKADEMIYA2063
                          food systems,” said Commissioner Josefa        COVID-19 pandemic.                                                  22 December 2021
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
JEUDI 30 DÉCEMBRE 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 375                                                                                                                                                             7

                                           JOURNÉE MONDIALE DE LA PAIX

  S’offrir 11 secondes de paix
       le 1er janvier 2022
 Pourquoi la paix commence-t-elle avec soi-même ? Dans le tourbillon de nos événe-
ments quotidiens, 11 secondes sur 365 jours peuvent sembler dénuées de signification
  mais sont peut-être le début d’un premier pas vers un retour à soi, d’une reprise de
 contrôle de sa vie et un encouragement à retrouver une paix intérieure. À l’occasion
de la journée mondiale de la paix qui aura lieu le 1er janvier, Patrice Offman, citoyen
mauricien, invite tous les Mauriciens à prendre un moment pour soi à 11h11. Chacun
 pourra, pendant ce court instant individuel mais en même temps collectif, se recon-                                                       Le Groupe ABC redonne le sourire
 necter et se retrouver à sa façon en pleine conscience pour vivre un petit moment de
                                                                                                                                           à 350 enfants défavorisés
                       paix intérieure où poussent les belles fleurs                                                                         Le Groupe ABC, à travers la Fondation Sir Jean Etienne
                                                                                                                                           Moilin Ah-Chuen, a récemment procédé à une distribution de
                                                                                                                                           cadeaux en faveur de 350 enfants issus de familles démunies
                                                                                                                                           dans le cadre de la fête de Noël. Organisé avec le concours de
                                                                                                                                           plusieurs ONG partenaires dont Caritas Roche Bois, le Mou-
                                                                                                                                           vement pour le Progrès de Roche Bois, Ki Fer Pa Mwa, First
                                                                                                                                           Act Is To Help et le Foyer Père Laval, cette distribution a été
                                                                                                                                           rendue possible grâce à la contribution des employés, cadres
                                                                                                                                           et directeurs du Groupe ABC. Saluant l’esprit de solidarité
                                                                                                                                           qui anime la famille ABC, David Ramsay, CSR Manager du
                                                                                                                                           Groupe ABC, s’est dit satisfait de l’implication grandissante de
                                                                                                                                           ces derniers dans les actions sociales du Groupe.

                                                                                                                                           Cinq abonnés de MC Vision
                                                                                                                                           remportent des cadeaux pour Noël
                                                                                                                                              Terminer l’année en
                                                                                                                                           beauté avec MC Vision.
                                                                                                                                           En effet, cinq abonnés de
                                                                                                                                           MC Vision/CANAL+ Mau-
                                                                                                                                           rice ont eu la chance d’être
                                                                                                                                           tirés au sort le 21 décem-

                                                                                                                                           bre. NG MAN YUNELLA
          a pandémie due à la Cov-             privilégié d’être né sur une île où règne la      man avait vu dans l’initiative “Anou      SHARON, MAHERALLY
          id-19 déclarée en 2020, a            diversité. Bien qu’il s’agisse d’un moment        pran enn poz” conçue par les amis de      ABDOOL KADER JEE-
          rendu l’année 2021 partic-           d’offrande intime et personnel, les institu-      Blast et lancée en février 2021, la       LANI et BERGUEJEAN
ulièrement éprouvante. En prenant              tions religieuses pourront, si elles le sou-      possibilité d’encourager les Mauric-      NOEL MICHEL, les trois
la résolution de consacrer quelques            haitent, faire retentir le son des cloches, des   iens à prendre le temps de vivre des      premiers gagnants, ont tous
secondes à la paix pour commencer              sirènes et des conques. La journée mon-           moments de partage, de réflexion          reçu un an d’abonnement
l’année, chacun contribue à étendre            diale de la paix est l’occasion pour tous,        et de connexion à soi et aux autres.      gratuit à TOUT CANAL+.
la paix dans le monde. Il s’agit d’un          au-delà de nos différences, de prendre 11         Il avait ainsi trouvé, à travers cette    Les 4e et 5e gagnants, DAY-
événement à l’unisson qui débute-              secondes de notre vie en ce début d’année,        initiative, l’espoir de passer un appel   AL RIKESH et GOGO-
rait à 11h11 et qui prendrait fin              pour se concentrer sur une pensée ou une          fort sur l’importance de s’arrêter et     AH NASSEEM BIBI ont
11 secondes plus tard à 11h22 en               action de paix, de l’exprimer à notre façon       de s’offrir en pleine conscience un       pour leur part remporté un
2022. Cela ne peut être qu’une sim-            et de se l’offrir”, confie l’artiste.             moment pour soi-même en s’im-             Sound System. Pour être
ple coïncidence. C’est l’invitation               Fidèle à sa vision de créer dans               mergeant pour se ressourcer dans          éligible au tirage au sort en
de Patrice Offman aux Mauriciens               le temps et l’espace des univers                  l’instant présent, surtout dans un        ligne, les abonnés de MC Vision/CANAL+ Maurice étaient in-
d’ici et d’ailleurs. “Je suis heureux et       collectifs et interactifs, Patrice Off-           monde où tout va trop vite.               vités à remplir un formulaire du 7 au 11 décembre à travers
                                                                                                                                           Facebook et Instagram.

MOL (Mauritius) Ltd et CELERO Ltd                                                                                                          Vinn milioner avan Nwel :
apportent de la joie dans le cœur                                                                                                          Courts Mammouth annonce le
                                                                                                                                           grand gagnant de son jeu-concours
des enfants du Sud-Est pour la Noël                                                                                                           Courts Mammouth fait encore un heureux. La chaîne d’élec-
                                                                                                                                           troménager et d’ameublement préférée des Mauriciens vient
                                                                                                                                           en effet d’annoncer le grand gagnant de son jeu-concours Vinn
   MOL (Mauritius) Ltd en col-                                                                                                             milioner avan Nwel. C’est un client du magasin Courts Mam-
laboration avec CELERO Ltd                                                                                                                 mouth de Rose-Hill qui a eu la chance de recevoir Rs 1 million
ont organisé la distribution de 400                                                                                                        cash, de quoi célébrer la fin d’année plus que dignement. Pour
cadeaux de Noël à des enfants is-                                                                                                          rappel, ce jeu-concours lancé en novembre permettait aux cli-
sus de milieux de familles en diffi-                                                                                                       ents de Courts Mammouth d’obtenir une chance de remporter
culté dans la région du sud-est. La                                                                                                        le gros lot pour chaque tranche d’achat de Rs 2 500 effectué
distribution a eu lieu le mercredi 22                                                                                                      au sein d’un des magasins de la chaîne. Ce sont les numéros de
décembre à Grand Sable et Qua-                                                                                                             facture des achats effectués qui servaient de tickets de loterie.
tre-Soeur et le jeudi 23 décembre
à La Maison des Pêcheurs, Ma-
hebourg Waterfront et au Pointe
Jérome Youth Training Centre re-
   « Nous sommes heureux de contribuer
à offrir un Noël joyeux à ces enfants, qui
n’ont pas toujours l’occasion de profiter
de l’esprit des fêtes. C’est une grande joie
pour nous de voir de magnifiques sourires
éclairer leurs visages. Je tiens à remercier
particulièrement CELERO Ltd avec               tion de ces cadeaux, ainsi que tous les vo-       main », a indiqué Goro Yamashita,
qui nous avons collaboré pour la distribu-     lontaires qui nous ont donné un coup de           directeur de MOL (Mauritius) Ltd.
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
JEUDI 30 DÉCEMBRE 2021 | BIZWEEK | ÉDITION 375                                                                                                                                                        8

                                 ORGANISATIONS COMMUNAUTAIRES
                                                                                                                                   Vivo Energy Mauritius donne
          IBL on the Move lance                                                                                                    des masques et des vivres à des
                                                                                                                                   familles de Roche-Bois
            un appel à projets
                                                                                                                                      Dans la continuité des
                                                                                                                                   actions conduites depuis
                                                                                                                                   plusieurs années auprès

           pour sa 10e édition
                                                                                                                                   de la communauté de Ro-
                                                                                                                                   che-Bois, Vivo Energy
                                                                                                                                   Mauritius, la société déten-
                                                                                                                                   trice de la franchise Shell
    IBL on the Move et la Fondation Joseph Lagesse ont décidé de lancer un appel à                                                 sur le marché local, offre
                                                                                                                                   10 000 masques sanitaires
 projets afin de sélectionner la cause qui sera soutenue pour la 10e édition. Les organi-                                          à destination de familles de
sations intéressées pourront envoyer une seule proposition au comité IBL on the Move                                               la localité. Objet indispen-
                           2022 au plus tard le 18 janvier 2022                                                                    sable pour tous, le masque
                                                                                                                                   pèse lourdement dans le
                                                                                                                                   budget des ménages de
                                                                                                                                   condition plus modestes. 8
                                                                                                                                   000 masques chirurgicaux et 2 700 autres de protection respira-
                                                                                                                                   toire type FFP2 seront distribués par les bons offices de Caritas.
                                                                                                                                   Cette action permettra de soulager un tant soit peu ces familles
                                                                                                                                   de la précarité que la crise sanitaire est venue aggraver. Vivo En-
                                                                                                                                   ergy Mauritius a aussi distribué 100 sachets de riz de 5 kilos et
                                                                                                                                   100 sachets de lait en poudre aux habitants par l’entremise du
                                                                                                                                   Groupe Mouvement Social Roche-Bois.

                                                                                                                                   Sun Resorts offre des tablettes
                                                                                                                                   éducatives et des livres aux
                                                                                                                                   enfants du Cancer Ward
                                                                                                                                   de l’hôpital Victoria
                                                                                                                                      Depuis plus de 10 ans maintenant, une équipe de Sun Resorts
                                                                                                                                   se rend habituellement à l’hôpital Victoria pour passer la mat-
                                                                                                                                   inée avec les enfants et leurs parents ainsi que le personnel soign-
                                                                                                                                   ant du Cancer Ward pour les fêtes. Dû aux contraintes sanitaires,
                                                                                                                                   ce moment de partage et d’émotion ne pourras avoir lieu cette
                                                                                                                                   année. Mais ces enfants atteints de cancer ne seront pas oubliés.
                                                                                                                                   En effet, 90 tablettes éducatives seront offertes aux enfants du

                                                                                                                                   Cancer Ward. Un beau cadeau possible grâce aux généreux do-
           près une première édition en 2013, où Yan de               • Soutien psychologique aux personnes et familles            nateurs et aux recettes du Suncare Charity Golf Competition.
           Maroussem avait fait le tour de l’île Maurice                   vulnérables (détresse psychologique, soutien aux        Une opération de dons de livres par les employés de Sun Resorts
           en cinq disciplines (roller, vélo kayak, course                 familles, santé mentale)                                « Gift a book. Gift a future » a aussi permis de récolter plusieurs
à pied et ski offshore) afin de lever des fonds pour                  • Cours de rattrapage pour les enfants des zones vul-        livres afin de remplir la bibliothèque du Cancer Ward.
d’offrir un foyer à une famille dans le besoin, IBL on                     nérables dont les familles n’ont pas les moyens
the Move s’est ouvert au grand public pour devenir                         de payer les frais de soutiens scolaires, le matériel
un rendez-vous incontournable dans notre calen-                            informatique et Internet pour avoir accès à un en-      Polygreen célèbre les fêtes
drier sportif. Depuis, chaque année, environ 1 200                         seignement en ligne ou à la télévision (éducation,      en famille à Pointe Jérôme
personnes bougent pour une bonne cause. En 2022,                           alphabétisation, éducation parascolaire)                   C’est le moment de l’année pour
IBL on the Move et la Fondation Joseph Lagesse ont                    • Accès à la nourriture et aux équipements d’hygiène         Polygreen de se réunir en compagnie
décidé de lancer un appel à projets afin de sélectionner                   essentiels                                              des membres de leurs équipes du
la cause qui sera soutenue pour la 10e édition.                       • Autonomisation des membres des communautés                 Sud-Est ainsi que de leurs enfants
   Mis en place par la FJL, celui-ci repose sur des                        vulnérables (développement communautaire)               et célébrer la Noël. Au vu des re-
critères spécifiques. Il aura pour thématique principale,             • Amélioration des conditions de logement                    strictions actuelles liées au Covid,
la réduction de l’impact du Covid-19 sur les commu-                      Orientation de l’organisation : service, entraide, au-    les enfants et leurs parents ont été
nautés vulnérables.                                                   tonomisation, renforcement de capacités.                     invités par groupes de 50 personnes
   « Cette année encore, nous avons souhaité que des initiatives         Les organisations intéressées pourront envoyer une        à la base d’opérations de Polygreen,
visant directement à soutenir les familles impactées par la crise     seule proposition au comité IBL on the Move 2022             à Pointe Jérôme, pour la distribution
sociale et économique dûe à la pandémie du COVID-19 soient            au plus tard le 18 janvier 2022. Celle-ci peut être en       annuelle de cadeaux. « Aujourd’hui,
soutenues par IBL on the Move. En effet, depuis mars 2020,            format Word, PowerPoint ou vidéo. Une attention              Polygreen étend ses services et em-
cette crise affecte l’éducation des enfants dont les familles n’ont   particulière sera accordée aux bonnes pratiques et à         ploiera 50 Mauriciens afin de créer
pas accès à des outils numériques, elle a un impact moral et          la gouvernance, à l’éthique et à l’expérience avérée au      une action significative en faveur de
familial causé par les pertes d’emploi et rend difficile l’accès à    niveau local. Les organisations dont la proposition          la transition vers l’économie circu-
des denrées de base », explique Martine de Souza, Head                aura été présélectionnée seront appelées à présenter         laire du pays. Nous sommes impa-
of CSR à IBL.                                                         leur projet devant le comité du IBL on the Move 2022         tients de travailler en équipe, dans
   Ainsi, toute ONG ou association enregistrée pourra                 avant que l’attribution finale ne soit décidée. Tous les     le but d’atteindre la durabilité en-
soumettre un projet avec l’objectif de réduire l’impact               détails sur l’appel à projet sont sur le site https://www.   vironnementale et de résoudre certains des problèmes environ-
du Covid-19, dans l’un des secteurs suivants :                                                         nementaux les plus urgents de la planète », a déclaré Filippos
                                                                                                                                   Stavrakas, Operations and Technical Director de Polygreen.

Jewel Clean Up Campaign: 13                                                                                                        Esport: Zero Tolerance Skills
                                                                                                                                   couronnée lors du KFC PUBGM
925 litres de déchets ramassés                                                                                                     Tournament
                                                                                                                                      Après un mois de compétition en ligne, Zero Tolerance Skills a
                                                     Les représentants et employés de Jewel et de PNL (Pharmacie Nou-              remporté le KFC PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds Mobile (PU-
                                                 velle Ltée) ont été à pied d’œuvre pendant les mois d’octobre et novem-           BGM) Tournament, organisé par Nighthawk eSports et parrainé
                                                 bre pour une action qui visait à sensibiliser la population à la protection       par KFC Maurice. La phase finale, qui s’est tenue le 20 décembre
                                                 de l’environnement. Au cours de ces quatre journées, c’est donc un total          au Hennessy Park Hotel, à Ébène, a marqué la fin de la compéti-
                                                 de 13 925 litres de déchets qui a été ramassés dans différents coins de           tion. Ce tournoi a permis aux meilleurs joueurs de PUBGM lo-
                                                 l’île. Cette collecte de détritus s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une série d’ac-       caux de montrer que la scène mauricienne de l’eSport est bien
                                                 tions que Jewel a entrepris et compte poursuivre pour encourager et               active. 64 équipes se sont affrontées en ligne du 25 novembre au
                                                 conscientiser les Mauriciens à prendre soin de l’environnement. PNL               18 décembre afin de faire partie des 16 meilleures formations. Ces
                                                 et Jewel annoncent d’ores et déjà d’autres actions du même genre pour             dernières se sont affrontées lors de la phase finale du tournoi, qui
                                                 2022. Cette fois, l’entreprise compte sur la collaboration des Mauriciens         a eu lieu en réseau local (LAN), à Ebène, afin de rafler le premier
                                                 pour un impact encore plus important.                                             prix.
Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek Protecting whistleblowers is much more than a regulatory obligation for companies - Bizweek
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