Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD

Page created by Fred Gilbert
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
Business Climate
Thriving Through
the Transformation
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
22 Business
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD

    Foreword | 4

    Executive summary | 6

    Resilience | 8

1   How the urgency of climate change will shape global
    system transformation | 9

2   Building business climate resilience | 13

3   Practical steps to achieve business climate resilience | 19

4   Call to action for businesses | 22

5   Call to action for policymakers | 27

                          Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 3
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD

 Message from Sunny Verghese
 CEO of Olam and Chair of WBCSD

 It is becoming impossible to           While we must continue to            Climate risk is something we all
 deny the devastating effects           implement every possible effort      face, no matter our geography,
 that climate change is having          to limit global warming and          sector or socioeconomic status.
 on society, the environment and -      reduce emissions at the proper       It is global in nature and will
 increasingly - on the economy.         speed and scale - we also need       impact every single one of us in
                                        to focus on adapting to the          one way or another. Taking the
 Even though the world has made         changes that are already here,       appropriate steps to prepare
 some progress through the              while simultaneously preparing       and adapt will be critical for any
 Sustainable Development Goals          for the significant environmental,   business who wants to continue
 and the Paris Agreement, current       regulatory and economic              operating past 2050.
 global emissions reductions            changes that are likely to emerge
 targets will still result in 3.3°C     in the near future.                  It is our sincere hope that this
 of warming by 2100, according                                               report helps propel you forward
 to the IPCC.                           As Chairman of the World             on your company’s journey to
                                        Business Council for Sustainable     resilience.
 This will have catastrophic            Development, I am encouraged
 impacts.                               to see our members taking
                                        climate resilience seriously
 The world has already warmed
                                        through the release of “Thriving
 1°C above pre-industrial levels,
                                        through the transformation” -
 and we are already seeing
                                        designed to provide a common
 impacts on people, biodiversity,
                                        vision and language for what
 crops and our planet more
                                        “climate resilience” means to
 widely. As the climate continues
                                        business and the role the private
 to change, negative effects will
                                        sector has to play.
 intensify. Many are taking action
 to mitigate the impacts of climate     The work brings together
 change.                                important global developments        Sunny Verghese
                                        on adaptation and resilience
 Over the past five years, business                                          CEO of Olam and Chair of WBCSD
                                        - such as new, fit for purpose
 has dialed up efforts to address
                                        frameworks for enterprise risk
 the climate challenge, taking
                                        management, as well as the
 strong steps towards reducing
                                        Task Force for Climate-related
 emissions to limit warming in
                                        Financial Disclosure’s (TCFD) key
 line with the goals of the Paris
                                        recommendations - in order to
                                        help business understand the
                                        importance of building climate
                                        resilience while outlining initial
                                        steps for doing so.

44 Business
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 5
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
Executive summary

 The climate emergency is a            Adaptation clearly delivers a triple    There are three key steps that
 present-day reality. The world        dividend in terms of avoided            businesses can take to build
 has already warmed 1°C above          losses, economic benefits and           business climate resilience:
 pre-industrial levels and we are      social and environmental benefits.
 on track to surpass a 1.5°C global                                            1. Develop and maintain
 temperature rise as soon as 2040.1    Ambitious mitigation is crucial to         ambitious mitigation efforts.
                                       reducing long-term climate costs.          If a business makes progress in
 Already, climate change has           This ambition will translate into the      its mitigation efforts, it becomes
 displaced over 22.5 million people;   deep and systemic transformation           less vulnerable to disruptive
 more than 800 million people          of global economies and                    risks, such as policy and legal
 lack sufficient food; and over one    associated business activity. It will      measures, resource scarcity or
 million animal species are facing     require reprioritizing economic            adverse market developments.
 extinction.                           issues according to the magnitude
                                       of change that is required, the         2. Adapt to ensure business
 There is an urgent need for           interconnected risks across our            continuity in the face of
 governments and the private           global systems, and the urgency            climate-related physical
 sector to take bold climate           of a rapidly diminishing timeframe.        risks. Businesses must assess
 action. This is a critical                                                       and evaluate climate-related
 necessity in order to reduce          Successful businesses will be              physical risks throughout their
 emissions drastically, and to         those that are able to adapt               operations, supply chains and
 make the transition to a net-zero     to and thrive through this                 across the communities in
 emissions world that is aligned       transformation.                            which they operate.
 with the 1.5°C scenario of the
 Paris Agreement.                      Over the past year, WBCSD has           3. Assess the connections,
                                       been working with the business             dependencies and value
 The report from the Global            community on their imperatives             to society and nature.
 Commission on Adaptation              for climate resilience. Companies          The connections, dependencies
 (September 2019)2 highlights          need to prepare for both the               and interrelationships between
 three key imperatives for action:     physical risks that are associated         climate and society, climate
                                       with climate change, as well the           and nature and climate and
 1. the human imperative that calls    associated transition risks on             sustainable development will
    for adaptation for all people;     the path to an economy that is             increase public pressure on
                                       net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG)              the true purpose of business
 2. the environmental imperative to
                                       emissions. Businesses need to              activities and the role of
    reverse the current degradation
                                       integrate their climate change             business in society.
    of the natural environment; and
                                       risks into their Enterprise Risk
 3. the economic imperative, which     Management processes, and
    shows a cost-benefit ratio of      factor climate action into their
    investing in resilience from       decision-making processes.
    between 2:1 and 10:1.

6 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
Key takeaways
         Enterprise risk management and transformation to resilient business models are key elements in
 1       building business climate resilience.

         Delivery of the Paris Agreement objectives and the Sustainable Development Goals depends
 2       on our ability to connect climate, nature and people to assure a resilient future for business and

         The urgent response to climate change will inevitably lead to a reprioritization of economic
 3       activities.

         Business climate resilience focuses on understanding, assessing and acting – based on physical
 4       and transition climate-related risks.

         Companies need to adopt resilience strategies that include ambitious mitigation measures to
 5       adapt to climate change impacts, as well as steps to strategically transform so that they can
         benefit from new opportunities and address unprecedented risks.


    Understand and assess business risks                   Collaboration between governments and business
                                                           to achieve net zero emissions

    Put resilience at the core of business strategy        Creation of adaptation and resilience plans,
                                                           including regulatory instruments that support
                                                           resilient economies

    Scale up investment in mitigation efforts              Strong policies that provide clarity and confidence
    alongside efforts to adapt                             for businesses to invest in climate action

    Communicate with stakeholders                          Policy measures supporting TCFD implementation
                                                           including carbon pricing

    Work with others                                       Data to support business decision-making

   Advocate for climate resilience                         Capacity building

The case for adaptation and            The urgency of the climate              This report is a call for action
resilience is clear. However, action   emergency demands clear                 to the business community
in this field is not taking place at   leadership and strong                   to double down their efforts
the immense pace and scale that        collaboration. Governments              on building resilience. It is a
is required.                           and the private sector have a           call to action for the public
                                       crucial role to play.                   sector to strengthen win-win
                                                                               collaborations with the private
                                                                               sector as well. It is only by
                                                                               working together that we
                                                                               can adapt and increase our

Peter Bakker                           María Mendiluce
President and CEO, WBCSD               Managing Director,
                                       Senior Management Team, WBCSD

                                                Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 7
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD

 2020 will be a “super year” in the    The Intergovernmental Panel on         The concept of resilience as
 climate agenda bringing focus         Climate Change (IPCC) defines          it relates to the Task Force
 to the climate emergency.             resilience and adaptation as           on Climate-related Financial
                                       follows:                               Disclosures (TCFD):
 As the year in which ambition
 and performance against               Resilience: The capacity of social,    Climate resilience requires
 the Paris Agreement will be           economic and environmental             organizations developing adaptive
 assessed, there are a number of       systems to cope with a hazardous       capacity to respond to climate
 major scientific and economic         event or trend or disturbance,         change to better manage the
 reports which are sounding a          responding or reorganizing in          associated risks and seize
 clear alarm on the urgency to         ways that maintain their essential     opportunities, including the ability
 act now to ensure delivery of a       function, identity and structure,      to respond to transition risks and
 1.5°C degree world.                   while also maintaining the capacity    physical risks.
                                       for adaptation, learning and
 At the same time, climate             transformation.                        Opportunities include improving
 resilience is being increasingly                                             efficiency, designing new
 framed within the need to also        Adaptation: In human systems,          production processes, and
 protect nature and achieve            the process of adjustment to           developing new products.
 resilient communities. Indeed,        actual or expected climate and its     Opportunities related to resilience
 the delivery of the Sustainable       effects, in order to moderate harm     may be especially relevant for
 Development Goals (SDGs)              or exploit beneficial opportunities.   organizations with long-lived fixed
 depends on our ability to             In natural systems, the process of     assets or extensive supply or
 connect climate, nature and           adjustment to actual climate and       distribution networks; those that
 people to assure a resilient          its effects; human intervention may    depend critically on utility and
 future for all.                       facilitate adjustment to expected      infrastructure networks or natural
                                       climate and its effects.               resources in their value chain; and
 With this report, we aim to clarify                                          those that may require longer-term
 the concept of “business climate                                             financing and investment.
 resilience” for policymakers and
 companies specifically within
 the global climate agenda. The
 goal is to provide stakeholders       Long-term transformative scenarios need to be an integrated
 with a common language and the        part of business strategies, or companies will soon become
 principles for effective climate      irrelevant. Businesses who already have a long-term vision are
 action that build resilience,         going to be the champions of tomorrow.
 recognizing its connection to
 nature and society. We also
 highlight current corporate
 approaches to climate resilience      Joyashree Roy
 – underlining strategic actions       IPCC author, and Bangabandhu Chair Professor
 companies and policymakers can        at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand
 take.                                 and Professor of Economics at Jadavpur

8 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
1   How the urgency of climate
    change will shape global
    system transformation

              Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 9
Resilience Thriving Through the Transformation - WBCSD
1        How the urgency of climate
             change will shape global
             system transformation
 The 2018 Special Report from          ambitious enough, and their          However, mitigation and
 the Intergovernmental Panel           implementation still not advanced    adaptation present different
 on Climate Change (IPCC)              enough, to achieve the long-term     challenges. Mitigation is a global
 on the impacts of global              goals of the Paris Agreement.        challenge while resilience and
 warming of 1.5°C3 made a clear                                             adaptation require addressing
 statement: While achieving a          The world is on track to exceed      impacts and risks that have the
 limitation of global warming to       1.5°C warming as soon as 2040.       potential to be much more diverse
 1.5°C is possible, economies          Projections show that current        and localized. For business,
 and societies worldwide               policies will lead to total global   this means developing and
 must undergo rapid and far-           warming of 3.3˚C by 2100.            implementing mitigation strategies
 reaching transformation at                                                 and targets at the global level (e.g.,
                                       The urgent need for climate
 unprecedented speed and scale.                                             net zero emissions targets), while
                                       action demands leadership
                                                                            also addressing local risks affected
 The Paris Agreement reached in        from governments and the
                                                                            by climate change, including water,
 2015 is a major milestone in the      private sector to achieve urgent
                                                                            nature and just transitions for
 global response to the climate        emissions reductions and
                                                                            communities, both for operations
 challenge. Its central aim is to      transition to a decarbonized
                                                                            and sourcing strategies.
 strengthen the response to the        world. This translates into the
 climate change threat by keeping      need for deep and systemic           Thus, businesses of all sectors
 the global temperature rise well      transformation of economies          must approach climate change
 below 2°C above pre-industrial        and associated business              systemically, changing their
 levels by 2100 and to pursue          activities globally.
                                                                            overall business strategy to
 efforts to limit the temperature                                           better understand, anticipate
                                       The private sector has a crucial
 increase even further, to stay                                             and navigate new risks and
                                       role to play.
 within 1.5°C warming.                                                      opportunities. Doing so will
                                       Companies need to prepare            help businesses that are the
 To achieve this, governments set
                                       for both the physical risks          most prepared to not just
 nationally determined targets and
                                       associated with climate change       survive but to thrive through the
 long-term strategies designed to
                                       as well the associated transition    transformation.
 achieve overall decarbonization
                                       risks on the path to a net-
 of the global economy. However,
                                       zero greenhouse gas (GHG)
 these commitments are still not
                                       emissions economy.

10 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation
1. CLIMATE CHANGE                           Businesses must incorporate                  The urgency is clear: governments,
 IS NO LONGER JUST                           climate change challenges into               businesses and civil society must
                                             Enterprise Risk Management                   drastically raise their climate
 A RISK, IT’S A REALITY                      (ERM), and will have to learn                ambitions if the world is to stay
 The next ten years will be critical         to develop decision-making                   within the 1.5°C safe operating
 to limit global warming to 1.5°C            processes in a changing climate.             space for society and the
 as the global effort to address                                                          environment.
 climate change must accelerate              2. AMBITIOUS
                                                                                          Thus, “business as usual” is
 dramatically.                               MITIGATION IS CRUCIAL
                                                                                          incompatible with addressing
                                             TO ACHIEVING TARGETS                         the climate challenge.
 The 2018 IPCC Special Report
 has provided clear scientific
                                             AND REDUCING LONG-
 understanding of the current and            TERM CLIMATE COSTS                           Systems transformation is inevitable
                                                                                          and smart companies are starting to
 potential future impacts of climate                                                      prepare for the transition risks and
                                             GHG emissions continue to
 change, as well as the urgency                                                           opportunities as defined by the Task
                                             rise globally.
 for governments, society and                                                             Force on Climate-related Financial
 business to act.                            For the first time in human history,         Disclosures (TCFD).7
                                             carbon concentrations in the
 The frequency and intensity of                                                           Major companies across the
                                             atmosphere reached 415 parts
 tornadoes, floods and droughts                                                           chemicals, electric utilities and oil
                                             per million (ppm) in early 2019.
 are increasing direct physical                                                           and gas sectors are implementing
                                             The latest research show that the
 risks to human lives and health,                                                         the TCFD recommendations and
                                             gap between actual emissions
 infrastructure and buildings, as well                                                    taking steps to publicly share
                                             and the world’s carbon budget,
 as indirect risks to the stability of                                                    their experiences in doing so.
                                             derived from the Paris Agreement
 a region or country.4                                                                    Leading food, agriculture and forest
                                             objectives, is wider than ever.
 Unless the private sector is                                                             products companies are preparing
                                             As stated by UN Environment                  now for TCFD. The goal is to help
 prepared, it will suffer. According
                                             in the findings of its Emissions             drive further implementation within
 to CDP, 215 of the world’s 500
                                             Gap Report 2018, “the technical              and across sectors.
 largest companies could see
                                             feasibility of bridging the 1.5°C
 USD $1 trillion in potential costs
                                             gap is dwindling.”6
 over the coming decades.5
 Figure 1: The scale and urgency of action needed is set to trigger reprioritization of economic activities.

 Historical global CO2 emissions                   Pathways
3. REPRIORITIZATION OF                   3c. Connectivity and                    Additionally, banks such as BNP
                                          relationships: The                      Paribas have stated that they will
                                          connections, dependencies               decrease their financing in sectors
 WILL BE DRIVEN BY                        and interrelationships between          not aligned with a 2°C scenario
 MAGNITUDE OF CHANGE,                     nature and climate, climate             (for instance through sectoral
 URGENCY OF THE SHORT                     and society, and climate and            policies on coal and unconventional
                                          sustainable development highlight       Oil & Gas).
 TIME FRAME AND THE                       the imperative for business to
 INTERCONNECTED RISKS                     understand broader impacts              It’s clear that economic
                                                                                  reprioritization will likely favor
 ACROSS SYSTEMS                           and dependencies. The low-
                                                                                  the most sustainable option,
                                          carbon transition must be just
 Civil society and recently-launched      and equitable, prioritizing people,     supporting systems transformation.
 social initiatives, especially by our    social security, development and        Successful businesses will
 youth, are calling louder than           well-being. It is also necessary to     be the ones that are able to
 ever for global climate action,          understand resource constraint          adapt and thrive through the
 stressing the urgent need and            implications given the vital and        transformation.
 responsibility of governments            irreplaceable role of nature.
 and businesses to transform and
 decarbonize the global economic
                                                                                  5. ASSESSING
 system.                                  4. UNLOCKING AND DE-                    MATERIALITY AND
                                          RISKING INVESTMENTS                     ACTING ON BUSINESS
 This will lead to a reprioritization     IN SUSTAINABLE                          RISKS IS A PRIORITY
 of economic activities driven by
                                          SOLUTIONS REQUIRES
 policy change, consumer habits                                                   There is a clear push for innovative
 and business action.
                                          FINANCING                               solutions and strategies to
                                          According to The New Climate            encourage business climate action
 Business has a vital role to play                                                that simultaneously supports
                                          Economy, “The world is expected
 in taking the lead to ensure their                                               emissions reductions and increases
                                          to invest about USD $90 trillion on
 climate actions can have the                                                     business climate resilience while
                                          infrastructure in the period up to
 greatest impact for the future of                                                preparing for the likelihood of
                                          2030, more than the entire current
 their business and beyond.                                                       increasing climate risks ahead.
                                          stock today.
 Three main drivers are likely to                                                 Specific frameworks like the
                                          “Much of this investment will be
 kickstart this reprioritization across                                           COSO and WBCSD framework9
                                          programed in the next few years.
 the business sector:                                                             for applying enterprise risk
                                          “[Investing in] the right               management to environmental,
 3a. The expected magnitude of
                                          infrastructure now will deliver a new   social and governance (ESG)-
 change: With escalating physical
                                          era of economic growth … drive          related risks help companies
 risks and the unprecedented
                                          innovation, deliver public health       identify and manage new risks
 call for action on mitigation,
                                          benefits, create a host of new jobs     and opportunities, including those
 companies will increasingly feel
                                          and go a long way to tackling the       related to climate change.
 pressured to rapidly decarbonize
                                          risks of runaway climate change.”8
 while implementing adaptation                                                    The TCFD framework10 provides a
 plans.                                   The finance sector has increasingly     clear pathway to help companies
                                          recognized the risks and                disclose how they’re managing
 3b. The short timeframe: To align
                                          opportunities associated with           these physical and transition
 with the decarbonization pathways
                                          climate change. For example, rating     risks and pursuing low-carbon
 of the Paris Agreement, the global
                                          agencies such as S&P Global have        opportunities – clarifying where
 economy will need to reduce
                                          conducted extensive assessments         they may be more exposed or more
 emissions by 50% by 2030, with a
                                          of potential impacts on business        resilient.
 goal to becoming carbon neutral
                                          across all sectors exposed to
 before 2050. This will urgently                                                  Additionally, implementing
                                          physical risks and transition risks
 require substantive strategic                                                    Science Based Targets11 is a
                                          associated with climate change.
 changes, rapid innovation and                                                    tool for companies to set clear
 great investments with high                                                      targets and pathways for reducing
 impact and at scale.                                                             emissions in line with the Paris
                                                                                  Agreement and the 1.5°C target.

12 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation
2   Building business climate

              Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 13
Business resilience to climate
 change is about preparing for
                                         RESILIENCE          =    CONTINUITY +          TRANSFORMATION
 the physical risks associated            of business              to withstand          of business models
 with climate change while at              to climate              the physical             and activities to
 the same time shifting to a net-           change                   impacts             align with a net-zero
 zero emissions future.12 A truly
                                                                                         emissions economy
 resilient business also works
 to protect nature and achieve
 resilient communities.

 Climate resilience is important for
 all sectors of the economy, but it       TCFD climate-related risks14
 will look and feel different across
 industries and activities. For           Climate change will lead to risks and opportunities linked to policy
 example, the agri-food sector and        and market shifts (transition risks), as well as physical changes to
 water-intense industries are highly      the environment.
 vulnerable to physical climate- and
 nature-related risks and equity          Transition risks/opportunities
 of rural communities. The energy         The transition to a low-carbon economy may entail extensive policy,
 sector’s challenges are in ensuring      legal, technology and market changes to address climate change
 security, equity and sustainability;     mitigation and adaptation requirements. Efforts to mitigate and adapt
 the built environment is facing          to climate change can also produce opportunities, for example,
 new demand for sustainable and           through resource efficiency and cost savings and the development
 functional structures that can           of new products and services.
 withstand climate-related impacts.
                                          Physical risks
 This section details a new framing
 of climate resilience that applies       Physical risks resulting from climate change can be acute (e.g.,
 specifically to business and draws       extreme weather events) or chronic (e.g., sustained higher
 on the TCFD’s categorization             temperatures). Physical risks may have financial implications for
 of physical and transition risks         companies, such as direct damage to assets and indirect impacts
 associated with climate change           from supply chain disruption.
 (see TCFD climate-related risks

 In a time of climate emergency,
 it’s important for businesses          COMPANIES SHOULD                       These measures are crucial
 to move beyond responses to            PREPARE TO WITHSTAND                   for business continuity as they
 extreme weather events and             THE PHYSICAL RISKS OF                  constitute an approach to the
                                                                               physical risks of climate change –
 supply chain disruption and            CLIMATE CHANGE.                        adding to direct climate resilience
 consider the transformational
 changes and associated                 The first aspect of business           actions.
 transition risks needed to             resilience is related to continuity.
                                                                               Physical climate change risks can
 achieve climate resilience.            Continuity planning, linked to
                                                                               have a significant impact on basic
                                        risk severity and likelihood, put
 In other words, business plans for                                            economic system functions.
                                        plans in place for a company to
 climate resilience must include        withstand and absorb climate           All sectors depend directly or
 both managing the physical risks       shocks, recover and then               indirectly on the provision of key
 of climate change (e.g., building      return to normal operations            economic system functions and
 recovery capacity to extreme           as soon as possible. Specific          access to the infrastructure that
 weather events), to integrating        actions to enhance continuity          enables them, such as electricity,
 active, strategic and meaningful       can include developing sourcing        water, roads and the internet.
 transformation to net-zero             and operational contingencies,
 emissions.                             implementing infrastructure            EDF Group, a major electricity
                                        protection, creating flexible and      company, has put in place a
                                        adaptive supply chains, and            set of adaptation policies to
                                        predictive analysis for future         minimize climate change shocks
                                        shocks.                                on its utilities and distribution
                                                                               infrastructure. It has also
                                                                               developed strong meteorological
                                                                               and climate services to anticipate
                                                                               climate impacts.

14 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation
COMPANIES MUST                            To guarantee a higher degree of            MAKING THE
TRANSFORM TO                              reliability, adaptation and flexibility,   TRANSITION
ADDRESS TRANSITION                        companies will often need                  MEANINGFUL FOR
                                          innovative and disruptive solutions.
RISKS AND SEIZE NEW                                                                  KEY STAKEHOLDERS
OPPORTUNITIES AS                          As a result, companies may plan            BEYOND THE COMPANY.
THE ECONOMY STRIVES                       to – or may ultimately be forced to –
                                                                                     Business has a significant role
TO ACHIEVE CARBON                         transform their business models.
                                                                                     to play in helping deliver the
NEUTRALITY.                               Transformational measures will             Sustainable Development Goals
                                          always need to involve the strategic       (SDGs) which help translate
As climate change impacts                                                            sustainable development
increase, major environmental,            planning function and should apply
                                          to business models and strategic           priorities into business strategies.
social, cultural and economic                                                        In doing so, the SDGs enable
shifts will occur, fueled by the          direction.
                                                                                     companies to better manage their
reprioritization of economic                                                         risks and unlock opportunities.
                                          Business must therefore consider
activities. Business as usual will
                                          different time horizons and both
no longer be a viable option.                                                        Business activities should foster
                                          physical risk management and
                                                                                     further societal development
This reprioritization comprises a         strategic development aligned with         and support the functions and
proactive approach to resilience          resilience and net-zero emissions.         resources provided by nature.
that considers long-term strategic
                                          Those who thrive will be able              The Stockholm Resilience Centre
changes supporting system
                                          to connect both physical                   highlighted that the health of
                                          and transition risks and                   the biosphere – that is, the
Companies will need to consider           opportunities to business                  environment – is the basis on
the various risks associated with         actions and strategies.                    which all the other SDGs sit.15
the transition, including public                                                     This connects all 17 SDGs,
opinion, investor sentiment and                                                      making nature critical to ensuring
responses to differential costs,                                                     resilience.
competitor behavior, and actions                                                     To become truly resilient,
taken by other sectors                                                               companies will need to help
or governments.                                                                      ensure the success and
                                                                                     vitality of the environment and
Figure 2:                                                                            communities in which they
In the transition to a climate resilient world, economies and societies              operate.
must be seen as embedded parts of the biosphere.
(© Azote Images for Stockholm Resilience Centre)                                     Business resilience
                                                                                     strategies should also
                                                                                     consider relationships and
                                                                                     interdependencies across
                                                                                     systems and beyond the
                                                                                     company itself. The aim should
                                                                                     be to contribute to wider socio-
                                                                                     economic and environmental
                                                                                     benefits across the board.

                                                   Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 15

      In 2018, Tata Chemicals launched a center for marine biodiversity and coastal ecosystem
      conservation in India. Through this project, Tata is increasing its knowledge of ecosystems that are an
      integral part of its business model and at the same time preserving and restoring those ecosystems.

      Enel promotes the achievement of the 17 SDGs by aligning its own strategy with them. It has
      the ambitious goal of steering the energy transition and the related electrification of energy
      consumption through all facets of the “future of energy”: efficiency, flexibility, digitalization, electric
      mobility and the integration of renewable energy, and the role of customers.

      While Enel is actively working on mitigation, it is also transforming itself for the greater good of society
      by actively engaging in the circular economy. Enel has made the circular economy a driver of its
      strategy, setting out a global vision and developing concrete actions for its business lines in various
      countries. For instance, Enel Green Power has combined the group’s approach to the circular economy
      with its own activities, focusing on the reuse, recovery and recycling of materials during work site, plant
      and office management phases.


     The WBCSD and Opus Insights agri-tech                         Olam, a leading food agribusiness, has
     initiative, CocoaCloud, aims to provide                       developed AtSource, a sustainable
     critical data for farmers and industry.16                     sourcing solution designed to promote
                                                                   the long-term resilience of agricultural
     With the target of reaching one million
                                                                   raw materials and food ingredients.17
     farmers in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire by 2024,
     the CocoaCloud data platform generates,                       In 2018, Olam International launched
     translates and disseminates critical                          AtSource18 – a sustainable and traceable
     information – such as weather forecasts                       sourcing solution that provides unrivalled
     and location-specific agricultural advice –                   environmental and social insights into the
     supporting “climate-smart” decisions for                      journey of agricultural raw materials and food
     agriculture.                                                  ingredients from the farm to manufacturing
                                                                   and retail customers.
     The impact initiative already supports 7,500
     cocoa farmers, extension advisors and wider                   AtSource will also enhance Olam’s ability
     community members in the western region                       to assess and positively influence the
     of Ghana by providing training and localized                  environmental footprint of the 4.8 million
     weather forecasting services (including                       farmers in the company’s supply chain,
     mobile phone alerts), enhanced by four                        the vast majority of whom are smallholders
     weather stations installed locally in 2018.                   growing crops such as cocoa, coffee
                                                                   and cashews in emerging markets.

16 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation


       Climate Change is at the core of DSM’s business model driving innovation, risk management and
       growth. Feike Sijbesma, DSM’s CEO, strongly believes the company cannot succeed or call itself
       successful, in a world that fails. For DSM, combating climate change is not just a responsibility but
       also a business opportunity and essential part of future-proofing the business. The company’s
       climate agenda is structured around three core areas, addressing both ambitious climate
       mitigation efforts and accelerated climate adaptation, by:

        1. improving the carbon footprint from DSM’s operations and value chains to meet the
          company’s NetZero by 2050 target, and working to assess and protect DSM’s assets
          and value chains from emerging climate-related physical risks. This includes transparency
          on the progress and working towards TCFD aligned reporting.

        2. enabling customers to reduce their emissions by developing low-carbon solutions,
          and providing solutions aimed at supporting societies’ ability to adapt to the adverse
          effects of climate change.*

        3. advocating for accelerated climate action and long-term policies, particularly related
          to renewable energy and meaningful carbon pricing, but also long-term climate-smart
          investments, collaboration between actors and better transparency on climate risks as
          mainstreamed climate risk and opportunity assessment are key for ensuring that financial
          flows are directed appropriately. DSM and DSM’s CEO Feike Sijbesma is actively engaged
          and leading in several business networks for climate action, including acting as a
          Commissioner for the recently established Global Center on Adaptation.

       DSM’s climate agenda demonstrates how companies can integrate climate action into their
       business strategy in order to increase both resilience and competitiveness.

        “Research is showing that adapting to climate change is a real competitive advantage
       for businesses. Transition opportunities really help companies since climate change
       drives innovation.”

       “By improving the impact of our own operations, enabling sustainable solutions for
       our customers and advocating sustainable business, we can grow faster and reduce
       our cost and risk profile”

       Jeff Turner
       Vice President Sustainability, DSM

* Examples of DSM innovations with significant emissions reduction potential are Clean Cow, a feed additive that reduces 30% methane emissions from
cattle and Niaga®, technology for fully recyclable carpets and mattresses. DSM solutions provide also solutions improving society’s’ resilience. Together
with Syngenta DSM has developed microbial-based agricultural solutions including bio-controls, bio-pesticides and bio-stimulants, which can prevent
increase of food loss in rising temperatures combat resistance and enhance plant productivity and fertility. These also include applications of DSM
advanced materials to protect infrastructure and buildings and-DSM advanced Solar solutions increasing energy resilience in increasingly demanding
climates, as well solutions compensating the nutrition value loss of crops caused by climate change, such as Supercereal+ and fortified rice.

                                                               Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 17
18 Business
18   BusinessClimate
3       Practical steps to achieve
          business climate resilience

Business climate resilience       Business leaders who effectively         This section outlines practical
means developing and              address all three can realize            steps that companies can take
implementing strategies which     unprecedented transition                 to understand where they are and
address:                          opportunities and mitigate               where they can make progress
                                  climate-related risks.                   along their resilience journey by
  1. Mitigation                                                            linking three concepts: mitigation,
                                                                           adaptation and transformation.
  2. Adaptation

  3. Transformation

                                                                 N   SFORMAT
                                                              RA            I


Cultivating and sustaining                                    INCREASE VALUE
climate resilience is                                         TO SOCIETY AND
commensurate with sound                                        ENVIRONMENT
business practice. Beyond
bolstering the long-term
competitiveness of companies,
it helps them to establish new
and constructive connections
with surrounding communities,
and to forge new levels of                                       RESILIENCE
adaptive collaboration across
businesses facing similar

                                                                 fe                a

climate impacts.                                                    o   perating sp

                                              TO PHYSICAL
                                  A DA


Youssef Nassef


                                          I                                                             MI
Director, Adaptation programme,               ON
UNFCCC secretariat

                                         Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 19
1                                         2                                    3
 DEVELOPING AND                         BUSINESS MUST ADAPT                  BUSINESSES
 A KEY COMPONENT OF                     OF CLIMATE-RELATED                   VALUE TO SOCIETY
 BUSINESS RESILIENCE                    PHYSICAL RISKS                       AND NATURE
 If a business makes progress in        Businesses must assess and           The connections, dependencies
 its mitigation efforts, it becomes     evaluate climate-related physical    and interrelationships between
 less vulnerable to disruptive risks,   risks throughout operations,         climate and society, climate and
 such as policy and legal measures,     supply chains and across the         nature and climate and sustainable
 resource scarcity or market            communities in which they operate.   development will enhance public
 developments.                                                               pressure on the true purpose of
                                        Specific frameworks, such as the     business activities and the role
 In the long term, climate              COSO and WBCSD framework21           of business in society.
 mitigation efforts will enable         aimed at applying enterprise risk
 companies to reduce the cost           management to ESG-related            Business should encourage policy
 of adaptation to climate-related       risks, help companies identify       measures which provide political
 physical impacts.                      and manage new risks and             and economic priority to activities
                                        opportunities, including those       with the best outcomes for society
 Mitigation is a likely driver behind   related to the physical impacts      and the environment.
 the surge of climate action            of climate change.
 commitments companies are                                                   Assessing a company’s value to
 making around the world, with          Additionally, the World Business     society and nature is a challenging
 many businesses taking concrete        Council For Sustainable              task. The Natural Capital Protocol,24
 action already.                        Development (WBCSD) developed        and the Social Capital and Human
                                        in 2014 the Building a Resilient     Capital Protocol,25 which WBCSD
 For example, though the We Mean        Power Sector22, a comprehensive      helped to develop, provide the
 Business Coalition, more than          report that analyzes climate         methodology and approach to
 900 companies representing             impacts on power systems,            assess the materiality and value.
 over USD $19 trillion in market        explores how to better forecast
 capital have made nearly 1,500         weather and long-term climate        A diverse, and powerful group
 commitments to climate action.         risk, and shares companies best      of 14 organizations (including
 As part of this, more than 630         practices from around the world.     and hosted by WBCSD) working
 companies have committed to                                                 with business on environmental
 setting science-based emissions        Through the Building Resilience      issues have come together
 reductions targets through             in Global Supply Chains report23     behind Business for Nature26
 the Science Based Targets              we also gave businesses the tools    to align business action behind
 initiative.19                          they need to implement productive    impactful commitment platforms
                                        adaptation measures throughout       and solutions. The coalition aims
 WBCSD’s Low Carbon                     their value chain and global         to build a business movement
 Technology Partnerships                operations.                          that gives context and voice to
 initiative (LCTPi)20 offers proof                                           the many good, but fragmented,
 that business is moving beyond         Through case studies in              commitment and action platforms
 talk to implement real solutions by    contrasting sectors, we highlight    that, exist while ensuring effective
 bringing different sectors together    the lessons learned across           impact.
 to sharply reduce emissions.           business activities and different
                                        kinds of supply chains.

20 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation

   Suez is producing clean energy from wastewater in Chile27

                            RA           I                                              TRANSFORMATION :


                                                                                        The project was launched in
                            INCREASE VALUE                                              2017 to pioneer innovative
                            TO SOCIETY AND                                              circular wastewater treatment
                                                                                        solutions in Santiago and to
                                                                                        provide increased value to
                                                                                        society and the environment.

                                                                                        Once the water is treated and
                                                                                        disinfected, it can serve as a
                                                                                        clean source of irrigation for
                                RESILIENCE                                              farmers. The farmers then
                                                                                        produce food, which eventually

                                fe                   a                                  returns to the city.

                                   o   perating sp
                                                                                        Life has returned to the

              TO PHYSICAL                                                               Mapocho river, which used to
   A DA

                                                                                        be a dead zone due to



                                                                               T        the wastewater.
          I   ON                                                          MI

                                                                                        GHG MITIGATION:

   ADAPTATION TO THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE                                          All three treatment plants will
   ON THE WATER RESOURCES:                                                              be carbon neutral, energy
                                                                                        self-sufficient and zero waste
   The plants secure the provision of water to Santiago                                 by 2022. Biofactories convert
   despite the climate conditions in the area.                                          sewer sludge into clean energy.

                                                         Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 21
4        Call to action for businesses

 22 Business
22   BusinessClimate
Businesses will have to prepare       PUT RESILIENCE AT THE                        to include core business concerns,
for the physical risks associated     CORE OF BUSINESS                             including finance, strategic
with climate change while at the      STRATEGY                                     planning, innovation, business
same time preparing to shift to a                                                  development and more.
net-zero emissions future.            Companies that will thrive
                                      through the transformation must              Setting science-based targets to
Limiting global warming to            ensure that their operations,                assess and strengthen resilience
1.5°C will require a deep             products, services and solutions             will be crucial. Physical climate
transformation of economic            are compatible with a net-zero               impacts can be highly diverse
systems, eventually leading to        emissions world.                             and are localized. Transition risks
a reprioritization of economic                                                     can be both locally dependent
activities. Only those companies      Companies should review their                or on a larger scale. Thus, both
that are most prepared, creative      business models and portfolios               risks need clear strategic planning
and skillful will thrive.             to embed resilience as part of               for companies to tackle them
                                      strategic planning to mitigate risks         successfully.
Companies that embed resilience       and seize new opportunities.
will benefit from strong value                                                     We list some of the cutting-
propositions and strategic            Addressing climate-related risks             edge solutions available to help
differentiators – all of this while   and opportunities should therefore           companies take practical steps
actively leading through the          extend far beyond the remit of               to start on the road to climate
transition.                           sustainability departments                   resilience below.

Here’s how to start:

UNDERSTAND AND                        RESOURCES
                                        WBCSD (2014)
Companies increasingly face a
                                        Building a Resilient Power Sector
variety of physical and transition
climate-related risks, depending on     WBCSD (2015)
sectoral and regional impact, such      Building Resilience in Global Supply Chains
as water-related physical risks and
                                        COSO & WBCSD (2018)
likely regulatory instruments that
                                        Enterprise Risk Management: Applying enterprise risk management
impact water prices.                    to environmental, social and governance related risks

Frameworks such as the WBCSD            WBCSD (2015)
and COSO framework for applying         Climate Resilience: A Guide for the CEO
enterprise risk management to
ESG-related risks are supporting        WBSCD (2018)
                                        Why carbon pricing matters: A guide for implementation
companies to better assess and
understand their risk exposure.         WBCSD (2018)
While the TCFD recommendations          Low Carbon Technology Partnerships Initiative: Going further, faster
help companies communicate
these risks and opportunities           TCFD (2017)
to the financial markets (see           Final Report: Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-relat-
“Communicate with stakeholders”         ed Financial Disclosures and
below). Additionally, data provided     WBCSD sector-specific resources on TCFD implementation
by governments or regional
authorities, as well as innovations
in data and smart technologies will         CONTINUITY undergoing the physical impacts of climate change
support companies and suppliers             TRANSFORMATION of business models and activities towards
in taking risk-informed decisions           a net-zero emissions economy
(e.g., climate-smart agriculture).

                                              Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 23
  IN MITIGATION EFFORTS                                                        RESILIENCE
                                        No single company can address
  ALONGSIDE EFFORTS TO                  the climate challenge alone. To be     The private sector can catalyze
  ADAPT                                 effective, companies should join       increased action on resilience
  Meeting the Paris Agreement           forces with others to find effective   across entire sectors and
  climate targets will require          solutions that help drive systemic     economies. By sending strong
  a substantial reallocation of         change across markets.                 climate action messages,
  investments globally. There is                                               companies can help shift the
                                        Companies can connect with             needle. Whether individually or
  a clear business call to action       other businesses that are leading
  to scale up investments in                                                   through strategic collaboration,
                                        the change. Initiatives such as the    companies must reinforce the
  mitigation and adaptation             Global Resilience Partnership30
  measures. According to the World                                             momentum around the need for
                                        and the Global Center on               more mitigation and adaptation,
  Bank, investing in more resilient     Adaptation31 provide excellent
  infrastructure in low - and middle-                                          sending clear signals to
                                        opportunities to share experiences     policymakers and markets.
  income countries would return         and best practices.
  USD $4 in benefits for each
  USD $1 invested.28

  To ensure that key stakeholders          INDIA WATER TOOL:
  – including investors and
  lenders – understand the efforts
  companies are making to                 The India Water Tool32 is a comprehensive and user-friendly
  address climate-related risks and       application that makes water data from the government and other
  opportunities, follow mainstream        organizations available on a publicly accessible platform. The goal
  recommendations to share                is to assist stakeholders in identifying water risks and planning for
  mitigation and adaptation efforts.      better water management in India.
  The TCFD Recommendations29
                                          Water scarcity is an urgent risk in the country. A 2018 report by
  are the best place to start.
                                          India’s policy think-tank NITI Aayog33 highlights that the country
                                          is facing the worst water crisis in history, which could lead to a
                                          potential 6% decrease in the country’s GDP by 2030.

                                          Businesses face significant risks from water scarcity and have real
                                          opportunities to gain from addressing the challenge. The India
                                          Water Tool encourages stakeholders to act, whether at national,
                                          watershed or facility level. It includes:

                                              •    Over 20 datasets from key Indian government authorities
                                                   and other organizations

                                              •    A dataset on real-time satellite capture of surface water
                                                   availability from NASA and the US Geological Survey (USGS)

                                              •    Water stress models developed by the World Resources
                                                   Institute (WRI) and Columbia Water Center (CWC).

                                          It provides companies with a data-led approach to working with
                                          the other water users for better water management in local

24 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation

  Veolia and Swiss RE partnering to enable resilient cities34
  In 2016, Veolia and Swiss Re, under the auspices of the Rockefeller Foundation, launched a partnership
  aimed at protecting cities’ vital infrastructure from the impact of natural catastrophes.

  Under this partnership, Swiss Re and Veolia have agreed to work with cities to understand the risk exposure
  of critical assets under current and future climate scenarios. Based on these assessments, cities can
  develop resilience plans to lessen the risk of climate change affecting these assets and simultaneously
  reduce their risk exposure over time. By planning for major shocks and stresses, cities not only strengthen
  the resistance of their vital infrastructure, they also limit economic interruption and begin to quickly repair
  damage without waiting for insurance assessments, payouts and solicitations for repair proposals.

  The result of this partnership will arm cities with new tools to deal with the constantly evolving risks they face
  and will also ensure the livability and vibrancy of cities by building their economic and physical resilience.


     Valuing biomass wastes from açaí production in Brazil -
     Votorantim Cimentos reducing GHG footprint while developing local value chain

     Around 40% of CO2 emissions in the cement process come from the use of fossil fuels. Finding
     alternatives to use different types of waste derived fuels and/or biomass is a key driver to mitigate
     emissions form the sector. Votorantim Cimentos has been using different sources of wastes and
     biomass for fuel substitution. An example of a successful case is the Açaí Project in Primavera,
     in the state of Pará, north Brazil.

     The company invested in research and development to find a local raw material waste in its
     production process. The famous Brazilian superfood called “açaí bowl” coming from the açaí
     berry, is traditionally consumed for its high-energy value. Under this project, communities, small
     farmers and suppliers in the region collect the açaí pits that would otherwise be discarded, and
     after a process, the pits arrive at the cement plant to replace part of the imported petroleum coke,
     the fuel used in the cement kilns.

     This co-processing process, implemented by Votorantim Cimentos results in a series of social,
     economic and environmental benefits, such as reduction of CO2 emissions, local job creation,
     income generation, and inclusion of local communities in the state of Pará.

     In 2018, Votorantim Cimentos used 40,000 tons of açaí pits, resulting in 14.3% thermal
     substitution and bringing a reduction of 44,000 tons/year of CO2. The company aims to keep
     increasing usage to achieve 30% of the thermal substitution.

                                                Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 25

             The Aditya Birla Group (ABG) endeavours to become the leading Indian
             conglomerate for sustainable business practices across its global
             K. M. Birla
             Chairman, Aditya Birla Group

             The Group has implemented a three-step approach towards sustainability:

                    1. Responsible Stewardship – ABG has created a framework to move towards
                       international standards and mitigate their impact on externalities.

                    2. Strategic Stakeholder Engagement – Gaining knowledge to understand how fast
                       “External Factors” will change and when disruptions will occur as we approach a two
                       degree sustainable world.

                    3. Future Proofing – ABG is transforming their strategic business plan to include
                       additional mitigation and adaptation to changes in the “External Factors”.

             Together with Forum for the Future, Aditya Birla also decided to “look forward to the year 2040
             and produced a set of materials to help businesses understand what the journey to climate
             resilience might look like”. The report,
5   Call to action for policymakers

                             resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 27
5       Call to action for policymakers

              Sectors don’t self-regulate. Companies’ ethical compasses
              are not strong enough to compete with business-as-usual
              short-term comfort and profits. External pressure is key
              to achieve a desired level of decarbonization and to force
              companies into having sustainable practices.

              Thomas Yapo
              Programme Coordinator, UNEP FI

  Policymakers must proactively          and to achieve a net-zero               Policy frameworks across market
  increase regulatory measures           economy. It is important to align       design, integration, trading,
  and incentives to de-risk and          public and private efforts, for         renewable energy and energy
  decarbonize economies in               example by integrating the private      efficiency, for example, must
  alignment with the needs of the        sector in the development of            support coherent transition
  Paris Agreement.                       regional and national adaptation        objectives aligned with net-zero
                                         plans. Moreover, governments            emissions.
  The urgency of the climate             should create integrative
  challenge requires governments         ambition loops to foster business
  to take the lead in supporting         leadership on climate action,
  business and society in the            including resilience.35 Government      IMPLEMENTATION
  transition to a net-zero emissions     agencies for environment, finance,      OF THE TCFD
  world.                                 development and health should           RECOMMENDATIONS
                                         also work together in addressing
  Business and governments can                                                   Financial markets need better,
                                         the inter-connected risks for
  increasingly work together to                                                  more comparable and complete
                                         climate, nature and resilient
  develop the right solutions to drive                                           climate change information.
  ambition and deliver the rapid and                                             The TCFD aims to address this
  deep decarbonization of the global                                             issue through recommendations
  economy.                                                                       designed to help companies
                                         REGULATION                              disclose climate-related
  COLLABORATION                                                                  financial risks and opportunities.
  BETWEEN                                Governments should develop              Through appropriate policy
  GOVERNMENTS AND                        adaptation and resilience plans,        measures supporting TCFD
  BUSINESS TO CREATE                     including regulatory instruments        implementation, regulators can
                                         that support resilient economies,
  CLIMATE IMPACT AT                      including in cities and in
                                                                                 improve the assessing, pricing and
  SCALE                                  agriculture, water and energy
                                                                                 management of climate-related
                                                                                 risks; investors can make informed
  Closer collaboration between           systems. They should design             capital allocation decisions; and
  governments and the private            such plans in a manner that allows      lenders, insurers and underwriters
  sector will enable necessary           businesses the flexibility to explore   will be better able to evaluate their
  climate action to mitigate the         and scale innovative resilient          risks and exposure over the short,
  physical risks of climate change       approaches.                             medium and long term.

28 Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation
CLIMATE FINANCE AND                    DATA TO SUPPORT                        CAPACITY BUILDING
                                                                              Capacity building strengthens
ON RESILIENCE                          MAKING                                 collaboration, knowledge, expertise
Policymakers can support the           Data and metrics are crucial to        and impact. Data generation,
unlocking of private investment        the adoption of a science-based        analysis and management
for climate action by implementing     approach to climate action.            partnerships are areas with
strong policies that provide clarity   Despite large data sets and            development opportunities.
and confidence for businesses –        knowledge gathered though
to inform strategic planning, drive    governments on a global scale,
low-carbon innovations and build       there is limited availability,         CARBON PRICING AS A
business climate resilience.           accessibility and quality of
                                                                              KEY ENABLER
                                       information and data for long-term
 There is clear demand for             climate resilient planning.            Impactful market mechanisms will
governments to foster innovative
                                                                              be a key climate action enabler.
financial mechanisms for climate       Public authorities have a key role
action that include the private        to play in gathering, sharing and      Governments should implement
sector. Enabling investment flows      analyzing data and information         robust and Paris Agreement-
into natural climate solutions         that can lead to meaningful action.    aligned carbon pricing policy
will help to also accelerate the       Additionally, there is an increasing   mechanisms (such as carbon
needed investments to transform        need for national governments          taxes, market-based mechanisms,
agriculture, land use and forest       to support business through            standards or a combination of
management for halting the loss        knowledge sharing and technical        these and other appropriate
of nature and increasing resilience    assistance, for example in digital     mechanisms) to redirect
of rural communities. This will        infrastructure.                        investments to low-carbon
support businesses in creating                                                solutions.
innovative approaches that
integrate both mitigation                                                     We also encourage governments
and adaptation efforts, such                                                  to set carbon prices consistent
as nature-based solutions and                                                 with the Carbon Pricing Leadership
climate-smart approaches,                                                     Coalition’s High-Level Commission
and climate action in cities.                                                 on Carbon Prices36 and other
                                                                              similar analyses.

                                                                              Business looks
                                                                              forward to working
                                                                              with governments to
                                                                              develop the solutions
                                                                              that build and enhance
                                                                              climate resilience in
                                                                              the private sector
                                                                              and contribute to the
                                                                              well-being of societies
                                                                              and the environment.

                                               Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation 29
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