Protect Your Workforce and Operations During - COVID-19

Page created by Russell Mitchell
Protect Your Workforce and Operations During - COVID-19
Protect Your Workforce
and Operations During
Protect Your Workforce and Operations During - COVID-19
As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic
nears its second year, organizations
are reopening workplaces, resuming
business travel and adapting their
operations with the goal of returning to
pre-pandemic levels of productivity and
profitability. The pandemic, however,
has stubbornly refused to retreat and
still threatens the survival of many
businesses and the health and safety                    their travel to these various locations, each of
of their workforces.                                    which is dealing with the effects of COVID-19 with
                                                        a varied level of success.
Across the globe, countries are looking to
                                                        To protect traveling employees and remote
rejuvenate their economies and are issuing new
                                                        workers, organizations must accurately and quickly
rules and regulations to increase the health and
                                                        assess the threat level at every location, from the
safety of their populations. As a result, businesses
                                                        country level down to the community. The need for
must satisfy these new regulations by introducing
                                                        such a high degree of risk intelligence also applies
corporate policies that emphasize employee safety,
                                                        to workplaces like the factory floor, an indoor
especially when it comes to stopping the spread
                                                        environment in which COVID-19 can spread like
of COVID-19.
                                                        wildfire if a single employee becomes infected.
Before the pandemic, many global businesses
                                                        In addition to COVID-19, businesses face countless
invested in systems powered by artificial
                                                        threats, from extreme weather events and
intelligence (AI) to deliver greater value to
                                                        regional conflicts to hazardous-material spills and
their customers. But AI technology isn’t just for
                                                        cyberattacks. The key to planning and responding
improving business processes and the customer
                                                        to so many vulnerabilities is granular visibility into
experience. As these businesses reopen, they have
                                                        each threat or event, which starts with gathering
the opportunity to implement a modern critical
                                                        and interpreting volumes of data from a multitude
event management (CEM) platform powered
                                                        of sources.
by this emerging technology to more effectively
manage risks and threats to their operations            No matter how many brilliant and experienced risk
and employees.                                          analysts a company employs, it’s impossible to
                                                        monitor so many data sources and interpret that
                                                        data to make crucial decisions quickly. AI-powered
Using Risk Intelligence to Safeguard                    critical event management platforms enable
Employees from COVID-19                                 corporations to harness the complete power of risk
Global businesses have offices and physical             intelligence, because they gather critical event data
plants in disparate parts of the world and supply       from around the globe, pinpoint what’s relevant
chains that span continents. Executives, sales          to you and provide the actionable intelligence you
professionals and field technicians are increasing      need to respond rapidly to operational disruptions
                                                        and protect employees from harm.

Protect Your Workforce and Operations During COVID-19                                       2
Protect Your Workforce and Operations During - COVID-19
Identify High-Risk Locations                            Intelligence appears in the platform in a form that
in Real Time                                            is visual and actionable with features such as:

With business travel trending upward,                   • Data visualization dashboard: The dashboard
organizations must always be on the outlook for           providesa streamlined and holistic view of every
the next COVID-19 hotspot. Identifying high-risk          location whereyou do business across the globe.
areas begins with detecting and collecting                It features dynamic maps of critical events like
mountains of data. The OnSolve Platform for               COVID-19 outbreaks, as well as your facilities,
Critical Event Management™ gathers data from              logistics and the real-time movements of your
a wide range of local, regional, national and             employees, including delivery drivers.
international sources, providing deeper insights        • Destination research portal: Before your
into hazards globally and at the hyper-local level.       employees travel, the portal lets you view
                                                          summarized travel bans and advisories for any
The platform’s machine-learning algorithms
                                                          country, state or region, government-mandated
track more than 53 types of high-risk incidents
                                                          restrictions, country risk ratings and recent
and collect data from thousands of authoritative
                                                          incident reports.
sources, including:
                                                        • Comprehensive, real-time reports: The platform
• Daily briefings and policy changes by state or          synthesizes data into visually rich reports that
  province and country                                    contain actionable intelligence to remediate
• Hyperlocal entities like city, town and county          the danger to your employees in real time. For
  governments and hospitals                               example, you can use this information to warn
                                                          a worker of a hotspot, issue instructions for
• The World Health Organization
                                                          quarantining or extract an employee from
• The World Meteorological Organization and
                                                          an affected area.
  National Weather Service
                                                        Responding to or recovering from a critical
• The FBI, FEMA and NATO
                                                        event successfully relies on effective planning. The
• The Integrated Research on Disaster
                                                        intelligence presented by the platform not only can
  Risk program
                                                        be used to improve existing safety plans, it can be
The platform’s AI engine cross-references these         used to model and predict critical events, such as
sources to validate the data’s accuracy and notify      the location and timing of the next COVID-19 wave.
you of a hazard, such as a COVID-19 outbreak at a
particular location, in real time.

Protect Your Workforce and Operations During COVID-19                                     3
Protect Your Workforce and Operations During - COVID-19
Lower the Risk of COVID-19                              Rapidly Communicate with
Outbreaks with Contact Tracing                          Employees, Wherever They Are
Should any employee become infected or exposed          During a pandemic, simply detailing company
to someone with COVID-19, containing the virus          safety and travel policies and posting them to
immediately is a must. Organizational contact           the intranet aren’t enough. The OnSolve platform
tracing is an essential method for identifying new      provides an advanced notification system that lets
cases in your company before they spread. The           HR and management communicate with remote
OnSolve Platform for Critical Event Management          and traveling employees to protect them and keep
tracks employees who carry GPS-enabled                  them engaged during the unpredictability of a
smartphones, which pinpoints employees’ precise         global health crisis.
locations, unlike platforms that rely on Bluetooth,
                                                        The notification system lets you:
which is less accurate because it tracks users
within a 30-meter radius.                                       Send alerts globally: Deliver critical, time-
                                                                sensitive alerts wherever your employees
The OnSolve platform enables “geo-fencing” of
                                                                work, backed by a resilient infrastructure in
locations where outbreaks have been reported
to trace employees who have visited those areas,
                                                                dispersed locations.
overlay those maps with employee location-
tracking data and narrow down employee                          Reach people on their devices: Geo-target
movements even further by using timestamps.                     emergency alerts, health advisories and
Armed with this intelligence, you can test                      corporate news in multiple languages via
employees and isolate and recommend                             phone, email, SMS, desktop alerts and
treatment for those infected by COVID-19.                       mobile alerts to employees who use the
                                                                OnSolve mobile app.
Always keep in mind employees’ privacy rights.
Adhere to HIPAA regulations when tracing                        Control alert security: Send secure,
employees in the United States and follow the                   encrypted alerts with extensive
privacy laws of each country where you do                       logging and role-based permissions.
business. Only those employees who provide
                                                                Poll and track responses in real-time:
consent and enable GPS on their smartphones
                                                                Gather data from workers using simple
will be traced. Any data you record should be
                                                                surveys with yes/no options and
used only for organizational health purposes.
                                                                personalized text responses.

Protect Your Workforce and Operations During COVID-19                                      4
Navigate Disruptions to Operations
      Using the OnSolve platform, you can
                                                        Caused by COVID-19
      communicate information that supports             The OnSolve Platform for Critical Event
      employees’ safety, health and                     Management enables you to detect and respond
      well-being, such as:                              to disruptions in your supply chain as they unfold,
                                                        whether the problem originates with a supplier,
      • Work-at-home directives: Issue
                                                        a vendor or an incident at one or more of your
         work-at-home directives such as new
                                                        locations. With its real-time data collection,
         safety policies, expectations for hours
                                                        risk intelligence reporting and global critical
         worked and security requirements
                                                        communications system, the OnSolve platform
         for the use of company devices,
                                                        enables you to:
         collaboration systems and networks.

      • Wellness checks: Encourage                      • Balance production capacity: Move
         employees to check themselves                    manufacturing from a plant shut down by
         periodically for COVID-19 and ask                COVID-19 to a safe plant to minimize the impact
         them to report on their symptoms,                on productivity and protect workers from harm.
         track infection, hospitalization and           • Reroute transport: Shift the delivery of products
         death rates within your organization             from a carrier with a distribution center in a
         and provide fast, accurate information           COVID-19 hotspot to one or more other carriers
         to employees about where to                      less affected by the virus.
         seek treatment.
                                                        • Expand supplier partnerships: Seize the
      • Health-related messages:                          opportunity to enlist additional suppliers to
         Communicate updated safety                       protect your company from points of failure in
         protocols and requirements before                the supply chain.
         employees return to the office,
                                                        • Choose alternate vendors: Quickly contract with
         quarantining instructions and the
                                                          a new vendor when your usual vendor struggles
         latest critical updates on COVID-19
                                                          with employee infections or their own supply-
         from public health officials.
                                                          chain disruptions.

                                                        • Match supply with demand: Refer to AI-powered
                                                          risk intelligence reports to identify those who are
                                                          most and least likely to buy your products due to
                                                          the effects of COVID-19 on consumer behavior.

                                                        Protect and Preserve Your Most
                                                        Valuable Resources
                                                        The OnSolve Platform for Critical Event
                                                        Management keeps your business operations
                                                        running with real-time data collection from
                                                        thousands of the most trustworthy sources,
                                                        as well as in-depth risk intelligence reporting

Protect Your Workforce and Operations During COVID-19                                    5
in real-time, a lightning-fast, secure critical
communications system that targets your people,
places and property anywhere in the world
and a complete audit trail of all your
remediation activities.

The OnSolve platform lets you save:
                                                       Learn why OnSolve
• Lives: Rapidly communicate with and warn             should be a part of your
   employees as quickly as local health agencies
   and redirect employees to facilities not impacted
                                                       communication plan.
   by COVID-19.
                                                         REQUEST A DEMO
• Time: Quickly and accurately identify and
   analyze critical events without intensive human
   intervention, and proactively plan for outbreaks    About OnSolve
   and operational disruptions.
                                                       OnSolve delivers critical event
• Money: Maintain consistent levels of productivity    management solutions designed to help
   and execute response plans to recover from          enterprises, organizations and agencies
                                                       of all sizes create the most successful
   disruptions faster.
                                                       outcomes when critical events occur.
With the OnSolve Platform for Critical Event           The OnSolve Platform for Critical Event
                                                       Management combines leading risk
Management, even the largest multinational
                                                       intelligence, critical communications
corporation can protect its workforce and
                                                       and incident management into
operations before, during and after a global
                                                       one SaaS-based global portfolio.
disaster like COVID-19.                                Our AI-powered platform is purpose-built
                                                       to deliver fast, relevant and actionable
                                                       intelligence, enable vital communications
                                                       and allow response teams to react calmly
                                                       and confidently.

                                                       Visit to learn more.

© 2021 OnSolve, LLC. All rights reserved.                                         
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