Progress in High-Energy Electron and X-Irradiation of Insulating Dielectrics

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Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, June, 1999                                                            241

                        Progress in High-Energy Electron
                and X-Irradiation of Insulating Dielectrics

                                                A. R. Frederickson
                                            California Institute of Technology
                                               Jet Propulsiom Laboratory
                                                    Mail Stop 303-217
                                                  4800 Oak Grove Drive
                                               Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
                                                Received 30 March, 1998
            The e ects of high-energy irradiation on the charging of insulators is reviewed primarily with a
            viewpoint similar to the seminal work of Professor Bernhard Gross. Recent results relating to
            insulation breakdown and to insulators in space radiation are more easily explained because of
            Gross' fundamental studies. A number of important issues remain unsolved, yet the rst steps to
            solutions have been provided by Gross.

I Introduction                                                 ments in the vacuum chamber. Once charged, the insu-
                                                               lators remained charged until light was shone on them,
The works of Bernhard Gross, and our shared commu-             or until the vacuum was eliminated by ingress of air.
nications, have had a strong impact upon my work. His          The electric elds produced by the trapped charges in
example has been a beacon of light as the years have           the insulator altered the motion of low-energy electrons
passed and as we have explored some of the marvels of          in the vacuum.
the natural world. The interest that he generates has
expanded amongst his co-workers and a small commu-                 A search in the library quickly found the 1957 pa-
nity of scholars. When I meet someone who has worked           per by Gross on the charging of borosilicate glass [3].
with Professor Gross, the reaction is always the same          There he correctly laid out the basic ideas that are used
- an immediate smile. If I have made progress, it has          to this day. Two-MeV electrons penetrate up to 0.4 cm
been due in part to the sharing of ideas with Bernhard         into the glass. The distribution of penetrating electron-
Gross. His broad-ranging ideas in radiation charging           stopping depths combined with the divergence of ther-
were reviewed [1], and he even compiled literature ref-        malized carrier conduction currents were correctly iden-
erences to help us [2]. The results that are reviewed          ti ed as the sources of space charge and high electric
here build upon [1] and other works of Gross, and have           elds in the insulator. The books by Bube and by Rose
had useful application in spacecraft radiation problems.       provided further insight to the electronic conduction
    In 1970, while measuring secondary electron emis-          process which Gross expanded upon [4] while analyzing
sion and backscattering with high energy electrons in-         the exact quantity and spatial distribution of charges
cident on metal surfaces, I noted that some insulating         stopped in the insulator.
materials and lms were charging up to high negative                Large Lichtenberg discharge gures were produced
potentials. Even dirty oxide surfaces of aluminum were         in the glass, as well as in the acrylic sheet, by the MeV
charging to tens of millivolts (negative or positive de-       electrons in Gross' studies. The formation of the dis-
pending on the dirt). The insulators were hidden from          charge gure is accompanied by a brief pulse of cur-
line of sight bombardment by electrons from the source         rent.[5] The time integral of the current pulse was found
and from the irradiated surface. But electrons never-          to be a signi cant fraction of the charge that had been
theless multiply scatter to eventually nd their way into       stopped in the previously irradiated insulator. Since
any insulators that were used to electrically isolate ele-     that time, every high energy radiation laboratory feels
242                                                                                                   A.R. Frederickson

compelled to make some of these fascinating Lichten-       and space-complexity of stopped charge, eld, and con-
berg gures.                                                duction currents. The simulation allows one to rapidly
    X-rays and Gamma rays are absorbed in material         change many parameters for comparison with experi-
mostly by transferring energy and momentum to the          mental results. For example, one may include the de-
electrons. A high-energy electron current is thereby       pendence of conductivity on electric eld, or on accu-
produced that may also generate Lichtenberg discharge      mulated radiation dose, both of which had been men-
 gures. Gross generalized this phenomena to develop        tioned by Gross in his early work. In general, NUMIT
the dielectric Compton Diode which generates a current     allows for easy inclusion of the dependence of any pa-
proportional to the photon ux.[6,7] Vacuum diodes          rameter, such as conduction current, on any of the other
were in use [8], but currents of low-energy electrons      parameters, such as electric eld and irradiation dose.
in the vacuum complicated the results. The dielectric      NUMIT allows for time and spatial dependent injection,
had the advantage of suppressing currents of low-energy    di usion, e ects of trapping, spatially and time varying
electrons while the high-energy electrons would traverse   trap concentrations, and can include the e ects of steep
one electron range in the dielectric.                      doping pro les to simulate semiconductor junction be-
II Improvements on the box                                     The problem can be described mathematically in a
   model                                                   simple fashion. Since mathematical detail is not neces-
                                                           sary in this review, the one-dimensional model is sim-
The ideas in the early work of Gross were general. But     plest to envision. Radiation generates a current which
the rst experiments were necessarily related to theo-      subsequently stops in, and charges, a dielectric. Electric
retical models that were analytically tractable. The box     elds develop conduction currents, and the conduction
model was a simpli cation that proved to be very prof-     charges are provided by any source including photo-
itable, especially with monoenergetic electron beams       generation of electron-hole pairs, thermal generation,
which partially penetrated the insulator [9,10]. In the      eld-induced tunneling from traps, electrode injection,
box model it is assumed either that all electrons pen-     etc. The separation between high- energy particles and
etrate to the same stopping depth, or that an average      conduction processes in the thick materials considered
stopping depth is sucient to model the problem. In        here can be arbitrary. Usually particles above 100 eV
the depth penetrated by electrons, conduction is dom-      are considered primary particles, and all below 100 eV
inated by radiation-induced mobile electron-hole pairs.    are tracked as either stopped or as conduction particles.
In the depth beyond electron penetration, conduction is    The complex reasons for this are left unsaid. The gen-
dominated by normal dark conductivity and by charge        eral equations are thus: The charged particle current is
injected from the irradiated region. The box model         the sum of three independent terms,
and related experiments showed that the dominant pro-
cesses involved the stopping of the primary electrons,                Jp   = Jfas + Jconduction + Jdi          usion :   (1)
the generation of static electric eld by the stopped       The di erential equation for space charge density is
electrons, the generation of electron-hole pairs in the
conduction-valence bands, and the development of con-                        @ x; t  ( ) = , @Jp (x; t)
duction currents proportional to the product of local                                 @t        @x
                                                                                                           :             (2)
electric eld and electron-hole concentrations.             The electric eld is found from solution of
    Once the box model had proven the basic concepts,
                                                                              @E (x; t)
it became possible to provide computer simulation for                                  = (x; t) :                      (3)
the more general problem. Gross proposed a semi-                                        @x

analytic model which required computer solution of in-     subject to the boundary conditions and added to any
tegrals [11]. Independently, and nearly simultaneously,    externally applied electric eld:
several groups produced straightforward computer sim-                       Z     b
ulations of the one- dimensional problem [12-16]. This                                  ( ) = Vapp (t) ;
                                                                                      E x; t dx                          (4)
simulation technique, developed by many, will hence-                          a
forward be called NUMIT (for numerical iteration). In                                                 (x; t) ;
the NUMIT simulation one can calculate the full time-                  Jtotal t ( ) = Jp (x; t) +  dEdt                 (5)
Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, June, 1999                                                             243

where a and b are the positions of the electrode-             had been cleverly analyzed for speci c cases [23,24], but
insulator interfaces, and Vapp is the applied voltage. As     full inclusion of the details of the three-dimensional mo-
in Gross' box model, this system is quasistatic and ne-       tion of the electrons for any material and geometry was
glects the (small) e ects of magnetic eld.                    beyond analytic solution. Inclusion of the e ects of elec-
                                                              tric eld in Monte Carlo transport simulation provides
III Progress at high electron                                 the general solution of the problem.
    energies above 10 keV                                         Modeling of irradiations with electrons below 50
                                                              keV can usually ignore this e ect. At 10 keV, the
1. Analytic and Monte Carlo Determination of                  electron stopping eld is at least 20 MV/cm in typical
Electron Stopping Depth Distribution.                         solids, well above the sustainable static electric eld.
                                                              Nevertheless, the calculational method was developed
    Stopping of electrons is often the primary process        and tried at 20 keV where the electron motion could
for charging insulators or insulated material. Calcula-       be described classically [25]. The calculations found no
tion of the distribution of stopping depths of electrons is   e ect, less than 1% change in depth of penetration in
essential for modeling the charging process. Gross pro-       a thick slab. For the purpose of mathematical model-
vided an early measurement of depth distribution for          ing, the density of the dielectric can be made arbitrar-
dielectrics [17], and such problems were also addressed       ily small so that the stopping power vanishes while the
by radiation transport work in the nuclear industry [18].     space-charge eld remains large. But experimental ver-
Gross et al provided further measurements for direct          i cation below 50 keV awaits the development of low-
application in the electret eld with electrons from 10        density solid insulators (which seems impossible). With
to 50 keV [19].                                               such insulators, one might measure the space charge
    Tabata, Andreo and Ito [20] have used the widely          and internal electric eld distributions by any of the
available Monte Carlo codes [21] from the nuclear radi-       methods reviewed by R. Gerhard-Multhaupt [26].
ation eld to tabulate stopping depth for normal in-               Hikita and Zahn provided the impetus to extend
cidence electrons at many energies from 100 keV to            the calculation of fast electron trajectories with electric
100 MeV in nearly any material. A number of experi-             elds to relativistic electron velocities. They measured
ments have con rmed the Monte Carlo electron trans-           the time and depth dependent evolution of space-charge
port codes for speci c cases. An analytic function is         electric elds in thick polycarbonate with partially pen-
available [22] which ts the tabulation [21] within a          etrating 2-MeV electrons [27]. In these measurements,
few percent for both current transmission and stopping        the zero- eld plane was found to move towards the irra-
depth distribution at all energies from 100 keV to 100        diated surface as time progressed. However, if the elec-
MeV. The analytic function interpolates between the           tric eld does not act on the fast electron trajectories,
electron energies and material atomic numbers tabu-           then the zero- eld plane should move away from the ir-
lated by Tabata and Ito, and thereby covers a broad           radiated surface [28]. By combining the eld-dependent
range of energies and atomic numbers.                         trajectories of the fast electrons with the NUMIT sim-
2. E ect of Space-Charge Fields on the Trans-                 ulation, and by including high- eld conduction e ects,
port of Fast Electrons.                                       the experiments of Hikita and Zahn were correctly mod-
                                                              eled [28]. Gross outlined the utility of the concept of
     In material, the slowing of fast electrons acts as if    the zero- eld plane [29] which assists one to interpret
there were an electric eld continuously decelerating          experimental results.
the electron. In solids, the slowing is produced by an            Irradiation of plexiglass and polycarbonate pro-
e ective decelerating eld of approximately 2 MV/cm            duces darkened regions where the fast electrons have
for electrons of energies from 300 keV to 3 MeV. Yet          passed [2]. Inspection of this discolored layer indicates
it is possible to sustain space charge elds of 2 MV/cm        that it is substantially thinner than the maximum pen-
for minutes to hours without breakdown of the solid           etration of fast electrons in the absence of space-charge
dielectric. It becomes obvious that the largest space-          elds. Here was direct evidence that internal elds were
charge eld will at least slightly alter the motion of the     foreshortening the range, but it was not studied in the
high-energy electrons while inside the dielectric. This       literature. [Soviet Union publications in the 1970s and
244                                                                                                 A.R. Frederickson

80s hinted that such work was progressing, but disclo-        lowing material, can be measured as a function of time
sure was limited leaving the exact results unclear.] Fig-     while electric elds build up in the insulator. Usually,
ure 1, taken from [28], indicates how the experiments         the fraction penetrating and their dose will decrease
of Hikita and Zahn allowed the model to be developed          as time progresses and the dielectric accumulates space
to include correct charge penetration, dose penetration,      charge [27,28]. NUMIT seems to correctly simulate all
and conduction physics. Experimental measurement of           of the details in this irradiation, including eld depen-
electric eld in high-energy irradiations is a key ingre-      dent conductivity in the insulator near the electrodes.
dient to further progress.                                        Consider the arrangement of Fig. 2 where the rst
                                                              irradiated metal foil is separated from the insulator by
                                                              a vacuum space of any chosen distance, say 1 cm. In
                                                              the planar one- dimensional geometry, the act of sepa-
                                                              rating the foil causes the following changes (all of which
                                                              are included in a NUMIT simulation):
                                                                  1) Secondary electrons, which are conduction band
                                                              electrons escaping the insulator, will accelerate away
                                                              from the negatively charged insulator and enter the
                                                                rst metal foil. 2) The high-energy irradiation elec-
                                                              trons will be slowed by the electric eld that is gener-
                                                              ated in vacuum between the foil and the insulator, and
                                                              therefore fewer electrons will completely penetrate the
                                                              insulator. Both the eld in the vacuum and the eld
                                                              in the insulator will reduce the dose rate behind the
                                                              insulator. Choosing a thick vacuum causes the eld in
                                                              vacuum to reduce the penetrating dose more than the
                                                                eld in the insulator reduces the dose. 3) The current
Figure 1. Comparison of Field Dependent Monte Carlo           monitored between the electrodes is proportional to the
(M.C.) Simulation with Earlier (Old) Field- Independent       distance traveled by each charge carrier [30]. Conduc-
Simulation. The high-energy electron current penetration      tion electrons in the insulator move only short distances
after ten seconds of irradiation: without eld dependence is
given by (a) or (b), and with eld dependence is given by      before being trapped, perhaps one micrometer or less.
(c). The total current at ten seconds including conduction    But conduction electrons in the vacuum move entirely
processes is given by: (d) with eld-independent fast elec-    across the vacuum, 1 cm, and thereby contribute large
tron transport, and (e) eld-dependent fast electron trans-
port. At ten seconds the electric eld strength was of order   current between the electrodes.
MV/cm, and other details are in [28].
3. Secondary-Electron Yield from Dielectrics as
a Function of Electric Field.
    Simulation, such as NUMIT, can be used to model
many details within an experiment, including secondary
electron emission. Consider a dielectric slab with thin
metal foils painted on both sides of the dielectric. As-
sume that NUMIT correctly determines the currents
of high-energy electrons, radiation-induced conduction
currents, space-charge distribution and electric elds in
the insulator under bombardment by high-energy elec-          Figure 2. Experimental Arrangement for Measurement of
trons [27,28]. One can perform the experiment and             Field-dependent Secondary Electron Emission by Irradiated
the simulation by choosing the incident electron energy       Insulator (polymethylmethacrylate).
such that a small fraction of the electrons pass com-
pletely through the insulator. The current of through-           Thus, the contribution of secondary electron cur-
penetrating electrons, as well as their dose in the fol-      rent to the total electrode current becomes large for
Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, June, 1999                                                            245

thick vacuum and its e ects will be clearly seen in the     500 seconds, the simulation must use a secondary elec-
experiment and in the simulation.                           tron yield of 25% to reproduce the experimental result.
    The experiment to measure secondary electron            After 1500 seconds the secondary yield must again be
emission proceeds as follows. First, an experiment is       increased so that the simulation reproduces the exper-
performed with the rst electrode painted on the insu-       iment.
lator, and the parameters of the simulation are found to    4. Relationship Between Pulsing and the Space-
correctly predict the time dependent foil currents and      charge Electric Fields.
penetrating dose. This establishes the correct insulator-
dependent parameters for calculating the radiation-              One can monitor currents between the electrodes for
induced currents, conduction and electric eld in the        the occurrence of pulsed discharges. The NUMIT simu-
insulator. Second, the rst foil is displaced from the       lation of the conditions of the irradiation will determine
insulator in vacuum, and the same electron irradiation      the electric eld at the time of the pulsed discharges.
is performed on a virgin sample. The e ect of the vac-      This has been reviewed [32], and two examples are indi-
uum eld must be included for simulating the trajec-         cated in Figs. 4 and 5 with electrodes attached to both
tories of the irradiation electrons. As the simulation      surfaces of the planar insulators under partially pen-
proceeds through time, the secondary electron current       etrating electron beams. In clear sheet stock without
across the vacuum is adjusted so that both the calcu-       obvious aws the pulses are infrequent. In berglass-
lated electrode current and the calculated penetrating        lled material the narrow glass bers apparently induce
dose rate are in agreement with the measured time-          frequent pulses. In all materials tested, the pulsing did
dependent current and dose rate. Within the simula-         not occur until the eld strength was above 100 kV/cm.
tion is the time and position dependent electric eld,
including the eld at the vacuum surface of the insula-
tor. Thus, at each time, one has determined the surface
electric eld and the secondary electron current, and
thus the dependence of secondary yield on electric eld
at the sample surface.

                                                            Figure 4. Simulation and Experiment in Clear Polycarbon-
                                                            ate. Simulation provides the series of dots. Experiment pro-
                                                            vides the continuous chart recorder trace of the current to
                                                            ground from the rear electrode. Vertical spikes are caused
                                                            by small partial discharges in the insulator. The electric
                                                             eld reaches pulsing magnitude at the front electrode at 400
                                                            seconds, and at the rear electrode at about 900 seconds.

Figure 3. Simulation of the E ects of Secondary-Electron        Inside the solid material, each pulse reduces only a
Yield, SeY, on Field Build-up and Dose Penetration.         tiny portion of the electric eld in the insulator. Inside
    The results for polymethylmethacrylate using 1-           berglass- lled insulators, pulses will continue for sev-
MeV electron tests are commented [31] where the sec-        eral days after the radiation is turned o . Although dis-
ondary yield increased roughly a factor of ten for elec-    charges do not alter much of the electric eld inside the
tric elds of roughly 30 kV/cm. Fig. 3 indicates how         dielectric, when a vacuum space exists between the rst
the simulation models the experiment. With zero eld,        electrode and the insulator surface, the current pulses
the secondary yield is roughly 2%, and the simulation       across the vacuum are very large, and the electric eld
successfully reproducess the experimental data for 500      in the entire vacuum space is substantially reduced by a
seconds using secondary yields of 2% to 10%. After          single pulse [31,33-35]. The fact that the vacuum elds
246                                                                                                 A.R. Frederickson

are largely reduced by a single pulsed discharge process      conductivity thereby reducing the electric eld in later
[35] is the origin of the pulse scaling laws [33].            months [40]. FR4 berglass- lled circuit-board pulsed
                                                              most frequently after several months, probably because
                                                              outgassing for several months reduced the dark conduc-
                                                              tivity. Pure sapphire never pulsed, perhaps because it
                                                              has a large carrier schubweg, or high radiation-induced
                                                              conductivity. Clear FEP Te on pulsed occasionally.

Figure 5. Simulation and Experiment in Fiber- lled Mate-
rial. The simulation (dots) follows the experiment, but the
pulsing frequently drives the chart recorder o scale. The
second trace is the same experiment at later times, and in-
dicates that pulsing is less frequent despite the fact that
  elds have increased. Pulsing continued several days after
the electron beam stopped.7 The rst pulse occured when
the electric eld was 1  10 V/m.
                                                              Figure 6. Pulse Rate Summed Over All Insulators Moni-
5. E ect of Fast Electrons on Spacecraft Insu-                tored in Space for 14 Months Compared to Fast Electron
    The ux of space radiation is dominated by fast elec-          It is tempting to predict that a pulse will occur when
trons. Typically, one to two mm of aluminum shielding         the voltage, or the electric eld, achieves a particular
is provided to protect the electronics by reducing the in-    level during the space radiation. But this simple model,
tensity of the radiation. This has the e ect of stopping      although appealing, does not work. Instead, as the elec-
electrons below perhaps 700 keV, but allows the less          tric eld grows, some pulsing occurs while the electric
populous electrons above 1 MeV to penetrate into the            eld continues to grow. Eventually the electric eld will
electronic circuits. The total dose to electronic devices     reach a maximum, and the rate of pulsing is likely to
is reduced to an acceptable level, but the insulating         decline while the maximum eld is maintained [32]. In
materials eventually develop high space-charge electric       some samples, the pulse rate declines to nearly zero. I
  elds as stopped electrons accumulate.                       remember discussing this with B. Gross 15 years ago
    Analogous to the Lichtenberg discharges investi-          when he related it to the phenomena of self healing
gated in glass and plexiglass [1,2], the spacecraft in-       in high voltage capacitors. The space test results [38]
sulators produce discharge pulses that can interfere          are very similar to the ground test results [32], and are
with electronics by producing 100-volt pulses on circuit-     probably related to Gross idea about self healing.
board traces [36]. Pulsing of insulators has been cor-            The pulsing data from a space experiment can be
related with operational problems on spacecraft [37].         used to help spacecraft designers predict the rate of
Figure 6, taken from [38], indicates the rate at which        pulsing that might occur at insulators inside a space-
several insulating materials pulsed during 14 months          craft [39]. There is little other data to help one predict
in Earth orbit. The pulse rate is proportional to a           the rate of pulsing. The measured pulse rate was found
power of the high-energy electron ux [39]. Insula-            to relate to a power of the high-energy electron ux.
tors with berglass ller pulsed [38] most frequently,          Pulse monitors are rarely own on spacecraft, and the
probably due to the electric eld enhancement at the           fundamental measurement of pulse rate is rarely avail-
ends of the berglass. TFE based insulators pulsed             able. When spacecraft have problems, and the space
most frequently during the rst months in orbit be-            electron radiation is simultaneously enhanced, it is ap-
cause accumulated radiation on TFE increases the dark         pealing to blame the radiation-induced ESD pulsing for
Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, June, 1999                                                             247

causing the problems. Yet proof of pulsing is almost al-     recently reviewed, and it is proposed that nearly all
ways lacking. On one spacecraft a signi cant percent-        pulse shapes can be related to a single process [35,34].
age of approximately 400 problems in several instru-             A pulse begins with a small discharge internal to
ments occurred simultaneously (time resolution in the        the insulator similar to the Lichtenberg tree phenom-
spacecraft data stream was 32 seconds) with a large          ena. For low-energy electron beams, it may be a sur-
ESD pulse observed by a pulse detector inside a dif-         face Lichtenberg tree. Or, it could begin as the ex-
ferent instrument [37]. Thus, it was proven that ESD         plosion of a dielectric needle at its surface stressed by
pulses were the cause of numerous problems on this           high electric eld. Each of these phenomena issues a
spacecraft. Usually, lacking actual pulse measurement,       burst of partially ionized gaseous matter into the vac-
one only infers (not proves) that ESD pulses caused          uum which evolves into a gaseous discharge. The gas
problems if the problems occurred when the exposure          discharge evolves and compensates the voltages on the
to high-energy electrons is elevated.                        surfaces exposed to the vacuum-gas discharge medium.
                                                             The current which ows in the gas discharge produces
6. Charging of Spacecraft Relative to Plasma                 the measured signals that form the scaling laws and the
Potential                                                    pulse shapes reported in the literature.
                                                                 The gas discharge expands in the vacuum at thermal
    At the surface of the spacecraft, the space radiations   gas velocities to electrically short-circuit electrodes that
can charge the entire spacecraft relative to the ambient     are biased by power supplies, solar cell arrays, or bat-
plasma potential. Spacecraft surface potentials vary         teries. More than 100 amperes can be conducted with
from a few volts positive to 20 kV negative [41,42]. The     only 100 volts applied from batteries [34]. The amount
surface potential is measured using electron and proton      of gas evolved, the rate at which it expands into vac-
spectrometers which detect the acceleration of the nor-      uum, and the current waveforms have been investigated
mally cold ( 1 eV) plasma particles. Secondary electron      [34]. Since the gas can short electrodes di ering by only
emission [43] and photoemission from surfaces of the         100 volts, it will certainly short together spacecraft sur-
spacecraft usually prevent high negative charging. Oc-       faces that have voltages di ering by a kV or more, and
casionally, spacecraft experience a high ux of electrons     gaps of 20 cm have been spanned [Fig. 7 in 35]. It
above 10 keV which overwhelms the secondary electron         appears that the pulse shape is partly controlled by the
and photoelectron currents and negatively charges the        evolution of charge currents in the gaseous discharge.
spacecraft [41]. Di erent potentials between isolated        8. Application to Vacuum Electron Tube Glass
portions of the spacecraft can exceed 2 kV [44] and pro-     Envelope Breakdown
duce electrostatic discharge pulses that interfere with
spacecraft circuits [45]. A spacecraft design standard           Vacuum electron tubes were usually contained in
has been in use for a decade to help designers prevent       a glass envelope, and discharges of the glass were not
problems from the charging of outer spacecraft surfaces      reported. Yet high-energy electron beams on glass
[46].                                                        quickly produce discharge pulses [3]. Why was this not
                                                             seen in vacuum electron tubes?
7. Discharge Pulse Scaling Laws, and Pulse                       Almost always, electron tubes were operated with
Shapes.                                                      the cathode near ground potential. The glass envelope
                                                             remained near ground potential and did not exhibit ef-
    An extensive early set of experimental data were         fects of static charge (unlike television picture tubes and
summarized as pulse scaling laws [33]. This work was         computer monitors which are obviously charged and at-
mostly performed with electron beams at ten or twenty        tract dust, etc.). The anode of the tube was at high
keV, although some work with higher energy electrons         positive voltage. Thus, electrons would bombard the
from a radioactive source found similar results. Sub-        glass envelope only at thermal energies, not at high en-
sequently, others found similar results when their tests     ergies. It was unlikely for the glass to charge more than
were also performed in small conductive vacuum cham-         a few volts.
bers. Still others found di erent pulse shapes when              But high voltage can be applied across the glass
testing in much larger chambers, or with di erently          envelope by operating the cathode at high negative po-
structured samples. Much of the pulsing data has been        tential. A metal shield might be placed around the
248                                                                                              A.R. Frederickson

outside of the glass envelope. Electrons from the cath-      between biased electrodes. The short circuit will re-
ode might bombard the glass and ultimately apply the         main as long as the power supply provides enough en-
full cathode potential across the glass. Vacuum tube         ergy to continue evolution of gas from the electrodes
glass envelope breakdown has been reported [47].             and nearby insulation.
                                                                 Cosmic rays impinging thin insulation in modern
9. Failure of Insulation with High-Energy Radi-              microcircuits have been implicated in insulation fail-
ation at Moderate Flux.                                      ures. Microcircuits are typically operated at ten volts
                                                             and less. The cosmic ray induces a high level of con-
    Irradiation produces enhanced conductivity [1,4]         ducting electron-hole pairs in a submicron tube sur-
and Lichtenberg discharge trees [3,5] in the insulators.     rounding its track. Whether this tube can devolve into
In most insulators the conductivity current is small,        a breakdown, or simply appears as a transient space-
usually no larger than the current carried by the radi-      time spike of conductivity is a subject of controversy.
ation itself. However, the conductivity current in pho-      The studies reviewed in this paper are at low levels of
toconductors is large and this e ect is used to detect       ionization, with high voltage, and cannot contribute to
radiation. Usually, the Lichtenberg discharge trees do       resolution of this problem.
not penetrate the insulator. The discharge tree weakens      10. Another Compton Diode and Radiation De-
the insulation only to the extent that a thin hole drilled   tector.
in the insulation weakens it. The tree forms instantly
in one burst and does not seem to produce the tracking           High-energy X-rays and gamma rays passing
phenomena that repeated discharges are known to pro-         through material develop a forward moving ux of
duce in high voltage power supplies. Can the radiation       fast electrons. The divergence of this current deposits
cause insulation failure?                                    charge in the material. The total charge deposited is
    Complicated arrangements of material can bring to-       therefore proportional to the attenuation of the photon
gether various e ects with disastrous results. Obviously     current [6,7]. The basic Compton Diode as discussed
a photoconductor, made suciently conductive, will           by Gross, therefore, produces a current which cannot
overheat upon application of sucient external bias.         exceed the initial photo-Compton electron current pro-
Recent experience in space and in ground tests indi-         duced by the photons upon passage through one elec-
cates that the radiation-induced e ects can cause in-        tron range in the material.
sulation failure that was not predicted. Although not            Another con guration of material produces greater
a photoconductor, kapton slowly pyrolizes under radi-        total current from the same photon ux [48]. This con-
ation, including uv, to become more conductive, espe-          guration was determined by consideration of the de-
cially at elevated temperature in sunlight in space. A       tails of the photo-excited and Compton-generated elec-
radiation-induced discharge by fully insulating material     tron transport processes in multi-layer structures. The
can initiate a current ow in nearby electrodes under         electron current produced in low atomic number mate-
battery bias [34] to induce a continuous glow discharge.     rial, say Be, greatly exceeds that in high atomic num-
The glow discharge can initiate local heating of kap-        ber material, say Pb. This is caused by strong nuclear
ton which pyrolizes to become permanently conductive.        scattering in the Pb which decreases the forward mo-
Even if the glow discharge is stopped, the conductive        tion of electrons. Consider a bilayer material, Be-Pb,
kapton will overheat under resumed bias to eventually        with photons incident on the Be rst. Electrons enter-
form a carbon electrical short [49]. Spacecraft solar ar-    ing or generated in the Be mostly move forward and
rays with kapton operating above 50 volts have failed.       are either stopped in the Pb, or scattered back from
Rearrangement of materials and electrodes can prevent        the Pb to be stopped in the Be. Thus Be-Pb absorbs
such problems [50].                                          many electrons and emits few. Next, consider Pb-Be.
    Immediate failure of the insulation upon formation       Electrons entering or generated in Pb are likely to be
of the radiation-induced discharge tree has been re-         scattered back out of the Pb, and electrons entering or
ported [51]. With certain arrangements of irradiation        generated in the Be are likely to pass through and exit
and applied bias, the radiation-induced discharge tree       the Be. Thus Pb-Be absorbs few electrons and emits
can be made to propagate entirely through the insu-          many. Therefore, an electrode consisting of Be-Pb will
lator to form a conducting channel of gaseous plasma         accumulate electrons from surrounding material, and
Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, June, 1999                                                         249

an electrode consisting of Pb-Be will emit electrons to      material best approaches this ideal cell arrangement.
surrounding material.                                        Although patented [48], I do not know if this device is
                                                             being used anywhere.

                                                             IV Future work enabled by past
                                                             1. Analysis for Non-Normal Incidence.
                                                                 Analytic functions t to fast electron current pene-
                                                             tration for non-normal incidence now seem possible. Al-
                                                             though the functions for normal incidence appear com-
                                                             plicated, they are actually based on simple concepts
                                                             [22]. For non-normal incidence, one needs to modify
                                                             the normal incidence concepts with the following ideas.
                                                             A small fraction of o -normal electrons will be scat-
                                                             tered by the rst several atomic layers near the surface
Figure 7. Arrangement of Conductors for an Ecient           to be essentially normal incidence. Thus, the deepest
Compton Diode Cell. The dashed lines (|) indicate in-
sulator foils to block low energy electron currents.         possible penetration will be the same as for normal in-
                                                             cidence. The fraction backscattered out of the surface
    One can alternately stack many planar Be-Pb elec-        and the fraction stopped at shallow depth will increase
trodes with many planar Pb-Be electrodes to form a           monotonically with angle of incidence. The fraction
battery by passing gamma rays through the stack. The         stopped at deep depth, and the average depth of pen-
Be-Pb electrodes can be connected together to form           etration will decrease monotonically with angle of in-
the negative current source, and the Pb-Be can be con-       cidence. The actual quantitative dependencies should
nected together to form the positive current source.         be determined by applying the Tiger codes [21] to non-
The total current generated can exceed that generated        normal incidence perhaps in ten-degree intervals, with
by the elementary Compton Diode, provided a reason-          smaller intervals from 70 to 90 degrees.
able choice of Be and Pb thicknesses are chosen [48].            Secondary electron yields are proportional to dose
Series wiring of these cells can achieve high voltage,       rate in the rst 50 angstroms for metals, 1 micrometer
provided that secondary electron current between cells       or more in insulators. Conduction and electron-hole
does not counter the development of high voltage. One        pair production are proportional to dose rate at every
can prevent secondary electron currents by interject-        point in the insulator. Thus, the on-going models by
ing thin insulator materials between the electrodes. It      Tabata and co-workers for dose rate as a function of
is certainly unusual to improve a battery by surround-       depth for non-normal incidence should be adapted to
ing its electrodes with insulation! The thin insulators      our insulators.
pass the high-energy electron currents which provide
the electromotive force for the cell, and prevent the        2. Total Insulation Failure Under High-Energy
low-energy electron currents which tend to deplete the       Radiation.
cell power.
    It is instructional to think of the cell in this fash-       The conditions under which insulation fails are not
ion. The full Compton current is developed in only           well characterized. How do Lichtenberg trees or other
one electron range of material. But very little of the       pulsed discharge processes pass entirely through the in-
gamma rays are attenuated in one range of material. If       sulator? How much gas is evolved during the pulsed dis-
the electron current generated in the rst electron range     charges, and how large is the gap that can be spanned
is abstracted for use, then nearly the same amount of        as a function of applied electrode bias? Can discharge
current can be generated and abstracted from the sec-        trees be prevented? Does radiation induce special aging
ond electron range of material, and the third, etc. The      problems? These and other questions are important for
proper arrangement of high- and low- atomic number           the ultimate design of improved insulation.
250                                                                                               A.R. Frederickson

    Ground tests for ESD pulsing caused by 10 to 50 kV      4. Nature of the Discharge Pulses.
electron irradiations have been interpreted to indicate
that a discharge-related stream of current has passed           Are the ESD pulses in irradiated insulators simi-
completely through the insulator [52]. This interpre-       lar to the pulses in DC-biased capacitor dielectrics?
tation resulted from observation of pulses of negative      Certainly, the electric eld plays a dominant role as
charge owing to ground from the rear electrode, si-         causitive agent in irradiated insulators. But if we had
multaneous with decay of the negative voltage on the        applied the same electric eld using batteries, would
  oating front surface of the insulator. It was sometimes   the statistics of pulsing have remained the same? Or
stated that electrons punched through the sample from       does radiation modulate the processes of pulse forma-
near the front surface.                                     tion so that the same E- eld in irradiated insulators
    In performing similar experiments, Levy was able        makes more frequent pulses, or a di erent ratio of num-
to prevent this polarity of pulse by completely cover-      ber of large pulses to number of small pulses? Until
ing the rear electrode with insulator [34]. I interpret     these questions are answered, one cannot use high volt-
this to mean that negative pulses propagate to the rear     age alone to test for pulsing in irradiated dielectrics,
electrode during the gaseous discharge process by go-       one must use radiation in reasonable simulation of the
ing around the edge of the insulator sample. The front      in-service radiation.
surface may not discharge by punch-through of the in-           For example, it is suspected that the berglass lled
sulator. By blocking the gas from accessing the rear        materials pulsed frequently because the elds at the tips
electrode, one blocks the discharge from proceeding to      of the bers became enhanced and initiated frequent
ground via the rear electrode. When so blocked, the         pulses [53]. Radiation alters the conductivity of ma-
discharge of the front surface must proceed by nega-        terials. If the ber material becomes more conductive
tive charges owing away from the oating surface, and        while the base material remains constant, the pulse rate
away from the rear electrode, and towards the elec-         will be increased. But if the ber material remains con-
tron gun, resulting in positive (image) charge owing        stant and the base material conductivity increases, then
from the rear electrode to ground. Our experiments            eld enhancement and pulse rate will both decrease.
[34] proved that, in our tests, punch-through did not       5. Discharge-Pulse Scaling Laws.
    The general question remains: under what condi-             The discharge-pulse scaling laws were empirically
tions can electron irradiation cause breakdown of in-       determined using electron beams of 10 kV to 20 kV
sulators between electrodes, including punch-through        where irradiated surfaces charge to roughly 10 kV. A
breakdown.                                                  single pulse discharges a signi cant portion of the sur-
                                                            face voltage over most or all of the surface area. But in-
3. Field-Dependent Conduction and Emission.                 side a metal box under electron radiations above 100 kV
                                                            at space intensities, the discharge pulses did not con-
                                                            tinue scaling to higher amplitude. Instead, the pulse
    Conduction and secondary emission are strongly de-      amplitudes on 50 ohm transmission lines did not ex-
pendent on electric eld. This creates a problem in          ceed 100 volts, and the total charge did not alter the
analysis at the surface of insulators. The conduction       surface voltage more than a few hundred volts [55]. At
current that escapes the surface to become secondary        high intensity 1 MeV irradiation, however, the pulses
electrons generates signi cant positive charging within     did attain signi cantly higher amplitude than with the
a depth of one schubweg below the surface. This re-         20 kV irradiations [31].
quires the NUMIT to model conduction with a ne                  It is tempting to presume that low uxes allow
depth resolution near the surface. For thin insulators,     charge to leak away through dark conductivity before
less than 100 micrometers, electron emission and eld-       high voltage is achieved. But this means that the elec-
dependent mobility become very important parameters.        tric elds would be small and pulsing would be unlikely.
These facts are already well known in radiation e ects      Unexpectedly, pulsing is seen in space on samples of
in silicon dioxide passivation in microelectronics, but     3 mm thickness at apparently less than 1 kV surface
NUMIT simulation has not been performed in these            voltage. Much more study is needed for application of
applications.                                               scaling laws on spacecraft.
Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 29, no. 2, June, 1999                                                          251

6. Contact E ects.                                           8. Conduction Processes.

    High-energy irradiations are often concerned with
thick samples and high space-charge voltage. The is-             Gross and co-workers have provided many exam-
sues of blocking contacts are diminished because ex-         ples of the e ects of various conduction processes on
treme electric elds can be generated to force conduc-        the charging of insulators. As new samples are tested,
tion across the contact, because radiation-generated         these and other e ects are sure to be important, and for
carriers cross the contact before being thermalized, and     real applications one must carefully consider the pro-
because the voltage generated at the blocking contact is     cesses of conduction. The papers by Gross on radiation-
small relative to the voltage generated across the thick     related conductivity provide useful guidelines for inter-
insulator. Yet the issues remain important, and the          pretation of future insulator irradiation experiments.
work begun by Gross and others for thick insulators          This review emphasized the high-energy aspects, not
[1,4,9,11,43,54] should be continued.                        mechanisms of conductivity. But full understanding
                                                             of real data requires information on the conductivity
                                                             processes. In various situations I have had to apply
7. Radiation-Induced Point-Defect Introduction               conduction models involving: percolation, electrode in-
Rate in Insulators.                                          jection, hole transport, H, OH and O radicals, polariza-
                                                             tion, multiple trapping levels, di usion, etc. However,
                                                             the level of conductivity in these experiments usually
    Defects are introduced into the silicon lattice by       is exceedingly low, high eld e ects often are impor-
electrons above 300 keV. The rate of atomic displace-        tant, and the mechanisms invoked to explain the results
ment rises rapidly as electron energy is increased. At       are easily disputed because the experimental data are
these energies, collision can impart enough energy to        sparse while conduction phenomena are certainly nu-
cause a silicon atom to move at least one atomic spac-       merous. Conduction phenomena are best studied in a
ing to occupy an interstitial position. The energy of        large array of literature beyond that reviewed here.
displacement is related to the binding energy between
neighboring atoms. By comparing experiments using
electrons below 100 keV with experiments using elec-
trons above 1 MeV, it might be possible to measure the       V Summary
e ects of displaced atoms on the conduction processes
in highly insulating dielectrics.                            This paper revews the progress in understanding of elec-
    The fast electron has the advantage of generating        trical current and electrostatic charging, and their ef-
electron hole pairs in the conduction/valence bands in       fects, in insulators irradiated by high energy particles
known quantity for fast electron energies above 100          and x-rays. Much of the progress is based on the works
eV. The electron-hole excitation process is optical and      of Professor B. Gross. The wide availability of comput-
di ers only in rate, not in kind, as the primary elec-       ers now allows one to simulate the full transport pro-
tron bombardment energy varies. Defects introduced           cess in order to avoid the limitations of the box model.
by electron irradiation above 1 MeV may act as conduc-       The e ects of the electric eld inside the insulator on
tion electron or hole traps to reduce the conductivity       the high energy electrons is now included. The simula-
of the insulator so that it better stores charge. Irradia-   tion provides a method to experimentally determine the
tions below 0.1 MeV will not directly introduce defects      dependence of secondary electron emission on electric
as readily. Comparison between the two irradiations            eld strength at the surface of insulators. The occur-
might indicate an e ective rate of trap introduction by      rence of partial discharges has been correlated with the
MeV electron bombardment. It is conceivable that in-         development of internal spacecharge elds. The rate of
sulators in extended use in space will be so altered in      spontaneous partial discharge pulses in spacecraft insu-
their charge storage properties, or practical insulators     lation has been correlated with the ux of fast electrons
can be modi ed to useful advantage. Space measure-           from space. Spacecraft surface voltage also correlates
ments have indicated aging of charge storage properties,     with fast electron ux. Partial discharges at the sur-
but the cause is uncertain [38].                             face of irradiated insulators in vacuum are associated
252                                                                                            A.R. Frederickson

with a burst of gas which modi es or controls the sur-      15. J. Pigneret and H. Strobeck, IEEE Trans. Nuc.
face discharge process. Perhaps the gas results from the        Sci. 23, 1886 (1976).
Lichtenberg gure noted by Gross. The conditions for         16. D. A. Berkeley, J. Appl. Phys. 50, 3447 (1979).
violation of the integrity of glass envelopes by electron   17. B. Gross, A. Bradley and A. P. Pinkerton, J. Appl.
bombardment of high voltage electron tubes have been            Phys. 31 (6), 1035 (1960).
investigated. Improved Compton Diodes have resulted         18. M. J. Berger, Radiation Research 12 (4), 422
from detailed studies of the currents in irradiated com-        (1960). J. Appl. Phys. 28 (12), 1502 (1957).
plex material structures.                                   19. B. Gross, R. Gerhard-Multhaupt, K. Labonte and
                                                                A. Berraissoul, Colloid & Polymer Science 262,
    The works of Gross have helped to point us to-              93-98 (1984).
wards the future. The analysis of normal-incidence          20. T. Tabata, P. Andreo and R. Ito, Nuclear Instru-
one-dimensional problems has been successful and en-            ments and Methods B94, 103 (1994).
courages one to con dently attempt three dimensional        21. J. A. Halbleib, R. P. Kensek, G. Valdez, S. M.
problems. The conditions that allow radiation to cause          Seltzer and M. J. Berger, IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci.
full insulator breakdown are being enumerated with in-          39, 1025 (1992).
creasing clarity. The nature of spontaneous discharge       22. A. R. Frederickson, J. T. Bell and E. A. Beidl,
pulses is being determined. Knowledge of radiation ef-          IEEE Trans. Nuc. Sci. 42, 1910 (1995).
fects in semiconductors is beginning to assist in the       23. B. Gross and S. V. Nablo, J. Appl. Phys. 38 (5),
understanding of insulator e ects. The detailed de-             2272 (1967).
lineation of fast electron transport and stopping now       24. B. Gross, J. Dow and S. V. Nablo, J. Appl. Phys.
allows one to experimentally address the issue of con-
                                                                44 (6), 2459 (1973).
                                                            25. A. R. Frederickson and S. Woolf, IEEE Trans.
duction currents with more clarity.                             Nuc. Sci. 29 (6), 2004 (1982).
                                                            26. R. Gerhard-Multhaupt, Phys. Rev. B27, 2494
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