Chubb 2019 Environmental Report

Page created by Edgar Vasquez
Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Chubb 2019
Environmental Report
Chubb 2019 Environmental Report

    Perspective on Climate Change Risk                                                      5
    Managing Risk at Chubb                                                                  7
    Our Products and Services                                                          10
    Our Operations                                                                     14
    Our Philanthropy                                                                   18
    Our Engagement                                                                     20
    Additional Resources                                                               22

    About This Report
    The Chubb Corporate Environmental Program is now in its thirteenth year. Chubb
    remains committed to communicating important information about the company’s
    environmental initiatives to our clients, shareholders, employees, business partners,
    the communities where we operate and others who have an interest in our company,
    our industry and the environment.

    About Chubb
    Chubb is the world’s largest publicly traded property and casualty insurance company.
    With operations in 54 countries and territories, Chubb provides commercial and
    personal property and casualty insurance, personal accident and supplemental
    health insurance, reinsurance and life insurance to a diverse group of clients. As an
    underwriting company, we assess, assume and manage risk with insight and discipline.
    We service and pay our claims fairly and promptly. The company is also defined by its
    extensive product and service offerings, broad distribution capabilities, exceptional
    financial strength and local operations globally. Parent company Chubb Limited is
    listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: CB) and is a component of the S&P 500
    index. Chubb maintains executive offices in Zurich, New York, London, Paris and other
    locations, and employs more than 30,000 people worldwide. Additional information
    can be found at:

    This report was updated in July 2019 to reflect the company’s policy on coal
    underwriting and investment. ©2019 Chubb.

Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Chubb Environmental Report

Chubb recognizes the reality of
climate change and the substantial
impact of human activity on our
planet. Our environmental initiatives
— in our business, our operations and
our philanthropy — reflect our desire
to do our part as a steward of the

Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Chubb and the                          Climate change is an important and serious
                                       issue for the global insurance industry
                                                                                       incentives and discounts to certain
                                                                                       property customers for environmentally

Environment —                          because it is our business to provide
                                       security against many of the property-
                                                                                       friendly behaviors.

At a Glance
                                       related risks posed by such change.             To do its part to help transition to a low-
                                                                                       carbon economy, Chubb has adopted
                                       With operations in 54 countries and             a new policy concerning coal-related
                                       territories, Chubb’s business and               underwriting and investment. More
                                       operating models are exposed to the             information on Chubb’s Coal Policy can
                                       full impact of global climate change. At        be found on Chubb’s Citizenship website.
                                       Chubb, we recognize that a changing
                                       climate affects everyone — our customers,
                                       employees, shareholders, business
                                       partners and the people who live and
                                       work in the communities we serve.
                                                                                       The company has had a formal program
                                       Chubb’s Corporate Environmental                 to measure, record and reduce
                                       Program is now in its thirteenth year.          greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in its
                                       We continue to be on the forefront in           own operations since 2006. In 2019,
                                       addressing environmental issues and             Chubb announced a new companywide
                                       the implications of climate change for all      goal to reduce its global greenhouse gas
                                       areas of our business. We are proud of the      (GHG) emissions 20% on an absolute basis
                                       progress we have made and are committed         by 2025. The company also established
                                       to taking further steps to make meaningful      a long-term goal to reduce absolute GHG
                                       improvements in the environment.                emissions 40% by 2035. Both goals use
                                                                                       2016 emissions levels as the baseline.
                                                                                       Chubb’s goals are aligned with the
                                                                                       two-degree Celsius target outlined in
Chubb’s Science-Based GHG Emissions    Products & Services                             the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as
Reduction Goals                                                                        the quantitatively supported science-
In 2019, Chubb announced a new         As a global insurance company, assessing        based standards methodology of the
companywide goal to reduce its GHG     risk is a core competency and strength          United Nations Environmental Program.
emissions on an absolute basis.        for Chubb. The company is a leader              The company will continue to deploy
                                       in developing insurance products and            successful approaches for GHG emissions
• Reduce emissions 20% by 2025
                                       risk management services that facilitate        reduction, including installing energy
• Reduce emissions 40% by 2035
                                       market-based solutions to environmental         efficient lighting and equipment and
                                       and climate-related issues. Today,              more efficient use of office space.
    Baseline                           Chubb is among the world’s largest
                 20%                   global underwriters of environmental
               Reduction               liabilities and pollution risks. In the U.S.,
                             40%                                                       Philanthropy
                                       Chubb is also a leader in meeting the
                                       insurance and risk engineering needs of         The environment is a priority in Chubb’s
                                       clean technology companies, including           corporate philanthropy.
                                       renewable and alternative energy
                                       providers, manufacturers and software           Chubb supports communities around
      2016        2025        2035     and hardware companies.                         the world in which our employees
                                                                                       live and work through our established
                                       Chubb’s solutions also include                  philanthropic entities and via company-
                                       coverages for premise-based exposures,          sponsored volunteer initiatives. For
                                       contractors’ and project pollution              example, grants from the Chubb Charitable
                                       liability, and environmental cleanup            Foundation have helped preserve sensitive
                                       projects, as well as “green building”           lands and habitats across the U.S. and
                                       consulting services and a property policy       around the world, finance green business
                                       that enables greener rebuilding after a         entrepreneurs, and support educational
                                       loss. In addition, Chubb provides               programs that promote a healthy and
                                                                                       sustainable environment.
                                       ©2019 Chubb.
Chubb 2019 Environmental Report

                                  21%                                                       40%
                                                                                         Long-term companywide goal to reduce
                                                                                         global GHG emissions by 2035

                              The reduction from 2015 to 2018
                              in absolute global GHG emissions

                                                         Companywide goal to reduce global
                                                         GHG emissions on an absolute basis by 2025

         The company’s 2018 score on

         the CDP’s climate change
         program ranking

                                                                                              Number of countries around the
                                                                                               world where Chubb has issued
                                                                                                       risk policies

         Number of trees the company has
          planted through its Environmental
           Risk Business’s sponsorship of
                                                           Number of acres of threatened lands and waters in the U.S. Chubb has
         American Forests’ ReLeaf Program                            helped save through its support of The Conservation Fund
                     since 2007

                              Number of years
                              of Chubb’s                                                   The key revenue
                              Corporate                                           threshold of Chubb’s new
                              Environmental                                          coal underwriting and
                              Program                                                    investment policy.

©2019 Chubb.
Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Perspective on
Climate Change

                 At Chubb, our business involves providing                      decisions. “Given the long–term threat
                 clients with insurance and reinsurance                         and the short–term nature of politics, the
                 protection from the impact of natural                          failure of policymakers to address climate
                 catastrophes, including weather events                         change, including these issues and the
                 that are more frequent or severe. Chubb                        costs of living in or near high–risk areas, is
                 recognizes that a changing climate affects                     an existential threat,” he wrote.
                 everyone — customers, employees,
                 shareholders, business partners and the                        In 2017, natural catastrophe losses
                 communities we serve.                                          exceeded $135 billion and were again
                                                                                elevated in 2018. According to a Swiss
                 In his 2018 letter to shareholders,                            Re study, global insured losses for
                 Evan Greenberg, Chubb Chairman                                 catastrophes in 2018 were $85 billion,
                 and CEO, wrote, “Climate change is a                           the fourth highest on record and higher
                 reality and its effects can be seen by an                      than the annual average of the previous 10
                 increased frequency and severity of                            years.1 The back-to-back losses from 2017
                 natural catastrophes. Climate change                           and 2018 events highlight the increasing
                 is contributing to higher sea surface                          vulnerability of the ever-growing
                 temperatures, rising sea levels and an                         concentration of humans and property
                 increasing trend in extreme weather                            values on coastlines and in the urban-
                 events, including floods, droughts,                            wildlife interface. The very presence of
                 winter storms, heat waves, wildfires and                       human and property assets in areas such as
                 hurricane intensity.”                                          these means extreme weather conditions
                                                                                can quickly turn into catastrophe events in
                 Mr. Greenberg also described how such                          terms of losses inflicted.
                 extreme weather events are colliding with
                 the realities of urbanization, including
                 suburban sprawl and the desire of people
                 to live near water and wilderness, as
                 well as government policies that insulate
                 people and society from the costs of their

                 1 Swiss Re Sigma Study No 2/2019, Natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in 2018: secondary perils on the front lines

Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Global insured        Examples of devastating natural
                      catastrophe events in 2018 include
                                                                                      It is clear that a societal response is
                                                                                      required — from legal and regulatory

losses from           hurricanes Michael and Florence in the
                      U.S.; typhoons Jebi and Trami in Japan;
                                                                                      issues to corporate citizenship initiatives
                                                                                      — to address the liabilities and the

catastrophes in       typhoon Mangkhut that struck Guam,
                      the Philippines and South China; heat
                                                                                      opportunities presented by climate
                                                                                      change. Climate change will also require

2018 were $85         waves, droughts and wildfires in Europe
                      and California; floods in Japan and
                                                                                      a more holistic or comprehensive risk
                                                                                      management approach.

billion, the fourth   India; earthquakes in Japan, Indonesia
                      and Papua New Guinea; and volcano                               As a leading insurer, Chubb continues

highest on record     eruptions in Hawaii. A wildfire to the                          to implement innovative ways to
                      northeast of San Francisco, known as the                        engage with its policyholders and other
                      Camp Fire, which burned in 2018, is now                         constituencies in managing climate
                      the deadliest fire in over a century for the                    change risk. These include:
                      U.S. and, in terms of property loss, the
                      most destructive on record for California.                      • Advising policyholders of changing risk
                                                                                        profiles associated with climate change
                      Global sea levels are also rising at an                         • Advising policyholders in catastrophe-
                      accelerated rate and, as the National                             prone areas of the potential risk
                      Aeronautics and Space Administration                              management benefits of mitigation,
                      has reported, global sea levels rose about                        including the transition away from
                      eight inches in the last century. The                             such areas
                      rate in the last two decades, however, is                       • Providing innovative risk-mitigating
                      nearly double that of the last century and                        insurance solutions to companies that
                      is accelerating slightly every year.2 The                         must operate with climate change risks
                      long-term warming trend has continued in                        • Providing risk engineering services to
                      2018, with the average global temperature                         help clients mitigate supply chain and
                      set to be the fourth highest on record. The                       global operations risks from exposures
                      20 warmest years on record have occurred                          related to a changing climate
                      in the past 22 years, with the top four in                      • Working with governmental agencies on
                      the past four years, according to the World                       mutually beneficial insurance capacity
                      Meteorological Organization (WMO).3                               solutions in catastrophe-prone areas
                                                                                      • Consulting with policyholders on a
                      The impact of global climate change                               targeted basis regarding their own
                      extends beyond natural disasters and                              carbon footprint management
                      weather events in ways that are a direct                        • Providing support through the Chubb
                      threat to human health. For example, the                          Charitable Foundation to The Nature
                      World Health Organization’s February                              Conservancy for a wetlands restoration
                      2018 Fact Sheet on Climate Change and                             and resilience project in Miami–Dade
                      Health notes that between 2030 and                                County designed to serve as a model to
                      2050, climate change is expected to cause                         be replicated in other urban coastal areas
                      approximately 250,000 additional deaths                         • Bringing our expertise and capacity to
                      per year from malnutrition, malaria,                              help solve the growing flood exposure
                      diarrhea and heat stress.                                         problem by launching a flood center
                                                                                        of excellence and beginning to offer
                                                                                        greater flood protection to businesses
                                                                                        and consumers

                      2 R. S. Nerem, B. D. Beckley, J. T. Fasullo, B. D. Hamlington, D. Masters and G. T. Mitchum. Climate-change–driven
                         accelerated sea-level rise detected in the altimeter era. PNAS, 2018 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1717312115
                      3 World Meteorological Organization, Provisional Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2018,               6
                         November 29, 2018
Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Managing Risk           Managing risk is core to Chubb. Standard
                        & Poor’s rating of Chubb’s enterprise risk
                                                                       its capital base is sufficiently strong to
                                                                       meet the expectations of regulators,

at Chubb                management process as “Strong” in its
                        June 2018 ERM rating report places the
                                                                       rating agencies and policyholders and to
                                                                       provide shareholders with an appropriate
                        company among the top 20% of North             risk-adjusted return.
                        American and Bermuda insurers.
                                                                       Modeling is a valuable tool in identifying
                        Our approach to risk management is to          possible market opportunities. At
                        identify all known and emerging risks that     Chubb, risk management modeling and
We recognize that       could have an impact on overall capital        underwriting practices have been adapted

climate change and      levels and financial results. Regarding the
                        potential effects of catastrophe losses,
                                                                       to the developing risk exposures attributed
                                                                       to climate change. Since the earth’s
weather patterns        we closely monitor our catastrophe risk
                        accumulations around the world. We
                                                                       climate appears to be changing in ways
                                                                       inconsistent with the historical record
are integral to our     recognize that climate change and weather      upon which catastrophe models draw
                        patterns are integral to our underwriting      data, Chubb has adopted a shorter-term
underwriting process.   process and we continually adjust our          view of event frequency that is higher than
                        process to address these changes.              the long-term historical frequency.

                        Because the potential physical effects of      Chubb invests continually to upgrade
                        climate change present a significant risk to   and refine its risk management tools
                        the company, they have been integrated         for catastrophes such as floods and
                        into Chubb’s overall risk management           hurricanes. Through the use of
                        process. Chubb’s Nominating and                catastrophe models, Chubb manages
                        Governance charter of the Chubb Limited        severe weather risk to indirect client
                        Board of Directors has been amended to         exposures throughout the world.
                        incorporate oversight of the company’s         Special emphasis is given to areas where
                        environmental, social and governance           Chubb has significant exposures and
                        (ESG) activities, including climate control    the inherent risk from extreme weather
                        change. In addition, Chubb continually         events — such as tropical cyclone and
                        assesses the potential business impact of      other windstorms — is deemed to be high,
                        the changing climate and, if appropriate,      such as the coastal U.S., Southeast Asia
                        develops new procedures, products and/         and U.K./Europe.
                        or services. New offerings could be in
                        the form of products, entry into industry      To aid in prioritizing management focus
                        segments, risk engineering services or         on extreme weather events, each peril
                        claims services.                               region is classified as either Tier 1, 2 or
                                                                       3 according to the exposures and risk
                                                                       combination present. Tier 1 regions are
                                                                       the highest priority areas for the company
                                                                       as they present the greatest risk profile
                                                                       and are the most carefully managed. Tier
                        Chubb is a leading proponent and
                                                                       2 and 3 regions are also closely managed
                        user of catastrophe models to quantify
                                                                       at the regional and business unit level.
                        natural catastrophe risk for product
                        pricing, risk management, capital
                                                                       In his most recent letter to shareholders,
                        allocation and to simulate and estimate
                                                                       Mr. Greenberg noted, “What were
                        hurricane losses. Chubb uses models
                                                                       traditionally non–modeled risks can now
                        to aggregate and closely monitor
                                                                       be better analyzed, but flood models, for
                        natural catastrophe exposures across
                                                                       instance, are more advanced than those
                        its global portfolio and to ensure that
                                                                       for wildfire, which remain relatively

Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Mr. Greenberg
noted, “What
were traditionally
non–modeled risks
can now be better
analyzed, but
flood models, for
instance, are more
advanced than those
for wildfire, which
remain relatively     crude. We also recognize that no matter
                      how good, there is still much basis risk in

crude. We also        our conclusions. However, keep in mind        Chubb incorporates risk mitigation
                      that natural catastrophes are a short–tail    services through its risk management
recognize that no     risk, so losses are understood relatively     and site surveys, specification of terms

matter how good,      quickly, and we can in most cases react to
                      what we observe.”
                                                                    and conditions in policies and the
                                                                    development of sound underwriting
there is still much                                                 guidelines into the underwriting of
                      The lessons learned from such events —        catastrophe-exposed products
basis risk in our     new assessments of building performance       (e.g., property, energy, marine or

conclusions.”         and improved understanding of how a
                      convergence of conditions can increase
                                                                    crop coverage). Chubb’s modeling and
                                                                    underwriting approach allows for risk —
                      losses in a severe catastrophe — enable us    and hence price — differentiation across
                      to incorporate the latest knowledge in our    our client base.
                      modeled loss estimates.
                                                                    Clients that mitigate risk — through
                      Chubb accounts for the potential impact       retrofitting buildings to comply with
                      of catastrophe and climate risks on the       updated building codes, installation
                      company’s own facilities and operations.      of hurricane shutters and relocating
                      Direct risk to Chubb’s business operations    exposures away from coastlines and
                      exists if such weather events occur           flood plains — will have lower insurance
                      where Chubb has offices. Severe weather       costs than those that do not. Chubb also
                      events have tested Chubb’s business           makes use of terms and conditions, such
                      continuity program and operations             as sub-limits, coverage restrictions and
                      have functioned effectively. Chubb’s risk     deductibles, to ensure appropriate risk
                      analysis ranges from the known (based         selection and potentially reward certain
                      on definitive historical loss experience)     policyholder behavior.
                      to the hypothetical (based on a probable
                      maximum loss (PML) calculation).              The company is also actively engaged
                                                                    with regulators to ensure that pricing is
                                                                    actuarially sound and can be adapted to
                                                                    meet new and emerging climate change
                                                                    risks and the capital implications of
                                                                    these risks. For Chubb to continue to

Chubb 2019 Environmental Report
Chubb is committed
to developing
insurance products
and risk management
services that
facilitate market-
based solutions to
current and pending
environmental and

                      offer coverage under climate change            and for utilities beginning in 2022. In
                      conditions, pricing must always be set at      addition, Chubb will not make new debt
                      sound actuarial rates that cover loss costs,   or equity investments in companies that
                      expenses and risk margins on exposed           generate more than 30% of revenues
                      capital. Thus, pricing must be flexible        from thermal coal mining or energy
                      over time and by geography.                    production from coal.

                      Unfortunately, many regulatory regimes
                      impose the functional equivalent of price
                      controls, which are not built to respond
                      to developments in risk assessment and
                                                                     We mitigate our exposure to climate
                      signal the wrong incentives to consumers
                                                                     change risk by actively hedging
                      and businesses that are encouraged to
                                                                     catastrophe risk in both the reinsurance
                      increase exposures.
                                                                     and capital markets. In addition, our
                                                                     investment portfolio, which backs the
                                                                     loss reserves and claims-paying ability
                      Coal-Related Underwriting and                  of our insurance businesses, is highly
                      Investment                                     diversified by risk, industry, location, and
                                                                     type and duration of security.
                      In 2019, Chubb adopted a new policy
                      concerning coal-related underwriting           Successful risk transfer from policyholders
                      and investment. With the new policy, the       to insurance and capital markets also
                      company will no longer underwrite the          requires industry standards around
                      construction and operation of new coal-        exposure data. We are committed to helping
                      fired plants or new risks for companies        the industry improve standards that will
                      that generate more than 30% of their           ultimately help increase risk transfer
                      revenues from coal mining or energy            capacity and provide additional incentive for
                      production from coal. Insurance coverage       risk mitigation behavior by policyholders.
                      for existing coal-plant risks that exceed
                      this threshold will be phased out by 2022,

Our Products   Chubb is committed to developing
               insurance products and risk management
                                                            • Green property insurance
                                                            • Political risk and trade credit

& Services     services that facilitate market-based
               solutions to current and pending
                                                            • Renewable energy construction,
                                                              technical lines
               environmental and climate-related            • Power production property insurance
               issues. Chubb is one of the largest and      • Clean tech
               most advanced global underwriters of
                                                            Chubb’s Environmental Risk business has
               environmental liabilities and pollution
                                                            issued policies in more than 53 countries
               risk, with environmental risk units in
                                                            and territories, and continues to launch
               North America, Europe, Asia and Latin
                                                            products that are in demand globally. One
               America. In the U.S., we are a leader
                                                            example is a suite of coverages offered
               in meeting the insurance and risk
                                                            through the company’s specialized
               engineering needs of clean technology
                                                            clean tech industry insurance program.
               companies, including renewable
                                                            The Clean Tech Sustainability Suite
               and alternative energy providers,
                                                            offers tech firms involved in research
               manufacturers and software and
                                                            and development (R&D) protection for
               hardware companies.
                                                            property and business income.
               Chubb’s products and services, which fall
                                                            In addition, the success of the company’s
               primarily into the areas of environmental
                                                            green consulting services offered to
               risk, renewable energy coverage, Clean
                                                            insureds within certain policies has led
               Tech and “green” initiatives, touch on
                                                            to an expansion of these environmental
               virtually all lines of coverage worldwide.
                                                            services to other coverages and products
               The full range of environmental and
                                                            within Chubb’s portfolio. In order to
               sustainability property and casualty
                                                            effectively manage growing multinational
               products and services include:
                                                            demand for these products, Chubb
               • Environmental professional indemnity       continues to establish a flexible, complex
               • Environmental risk products                and unified set of standards for global
               • Global weather insurance                   market opportunities.

Environmental Liability Insurance              Another innovative product is Chubb’s         Chubb has demonstrated its leadership
                                               Environmental Incident Alert program,         in insuring environmental risks in
Chubb is aware that specialized                which facilitates more rapid dispatching      other ways. The company has provided
environmental risks present a unique           of incident-response contractors as           information to the National Association
combination of scientific, political and       well as real-time monitoring of clean-up      of Insurance Commissioners and
financial factors that require specific        costs. The program offers 24/7 incident       individual state insurance regulators in
technical expertise and local knowledge.       reporting via phone, web or mobile            the U.S. related to climate change risks
As environmental regulation and                device and has demonstrated it can both       and related company policies. Chubb
awareness has increased, coverages for         reduce environmental damage and lower         also periodically produces and sponsors
environmental liabilities are growing          claim costs by as much as 20% to 25%.         whitepapers that provide perspectives to
in demand, not only from traditional                                                         businesses on emerging risks and insights
“polluting” industries, such as energy         Chubb’s product line also includes            into how to manage these risks to avoid
and chemical companies, but also from          catastrophe management coverage, which        future environmental exposures, such as
other organizations that own land or           handles the cost of services to maintain      Environmental Exposures Heighten Risks
have potential liability. These include        and restore public confidence following an    for the Healthcare Industry.
governments, real estate owners and            environmental catastrophe. Outside the
developers, manufacturers, agricultural        U.S., the company offers environmental
entities and global consumer brands.           products in most markets. Among the
                                                                                             Renewable Energy Initiative
Chubb monitors more than 3,400                 broad range of bundled/unbundled
environmental regulations awaiting             environmental engineering and risk
                                                                                             The renewable energy sector is another
attention from legislators and regulators      minimization services available for Chubb
                                                                                             major product area for Chubb, particularly
around the globe, all with the potential       Environmental Risk insureds are:
                                                                                             in light of the increased global attention
to alter how commercial clients conduct                                                      on climate change. The desire to develop
their business. These include both new         • Evaluation of existing waste
                                                                                             clean, efficient alternative sources of
initiatives as well as increased enforcement     management protocol/disposal site
                                                                                             energy is leading to the planning and
of existing laws and regulations.                selection
                                                                                             construction of renewable energy projects
                                               • Evaluation of existing mold, asbestos
                                                                                             around the world.
Chubb offers Global Premises Pollution           and lead management plans
Liability (PPL), Contractors’ Pollution        • Evaluation of existing underground
                                                                                             These projects take many different
Liability (CPL) and Underground Storage          storage tank management programs
                                                                                             forms: biomass/biofuel, biogas, fuel
Tank (UST) policies for U.S. multinational     • Evaluation of spill prevention, control
                                                                                             cell, methane extraction facilities, solar,
corporations doing business at home              and countermeasure (SPCC) plans
                                                                                             wind, geothermal, hydro energy and
and abroad. The CPL and PPL programs           • Mock regulatory audits for point source
                                                                                             manufacturers of solar panels, wind
combine insurance with technical                 pollutants into surface waters, air
                                                                                             turbines and wind turbine components.
support to help insureds reduce their            pollutants and solid waste pollution (for
                                                                                             Chubb addresses risks that occur in the
environmental exposure. Also, Chubb’s            compliance with the National Pollutant
                                                                                             two main phases of a typical renewable
Hazardous Material/Waste Transportation          Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
                                                                                             energy project — construction and
product line offers safety and claims            and the Resource Conservation and
                                                                                             operation. Construction risks range
services for hazardous materials and             Recovery Act (RCRA))
                                                                                             from delay in startup to public or
hazardous waste transporters.                  • Training (mold awareness,
                                                                                             employer liability, whereas operation
                                                 underground storage tank program
                                                                                             risks range from business interruption
                                                 management, 24 HAZWOPER for
                                                                                             to premises pollution.
                                                 hazardous waste operations, etc.)
                                               • Storage tank operator training              Chubb partners with a variety of
                                                                                             companies to provide risk engineering
                                                                                             expertise in the following capabilities:
                                                                                             business continuity assessment,
                                                                                             equipment breakdown inspections,
                                                                                             maintenance program reviews, pollution
                                                                                             risk assessments, and many others.

Any company involved in the following
                                               activities would fall within our Clean
                                               Tech business:
                                               • Renewable and alternative energy
                                               • Software and hardware companies,
                                                 including energy efficiency and smart
                                                 grid technologies
                                               • Emerging companies, including
                                                 those in R&D stage with a focus on
                                               • Manufacturers and service providers,
                                                 especially component parts
                                                 manufacturers or distributors supporting
                                                 clean technologies, renewable energy
                                                 producers and clean transportation

                                               Recent clients include a company
                                               using recycled CO2 to improve the
                                               manufacturing of products as well as an
Clean Tech                                     AgTech company providing ag-growers
                                               data driven solutions to increase yield
Chubb’s Clean Tech business provides           while reducing water and fertilizer use.
bespoke insurance solutions to
companies that are creating new                Chubb has joined clean tech associations
technology and driving innovation.             and sponsored events to enable direct
This global business has dedicated             access to the local clean tech ecosystem.
underwriters, risk engineers and claims        Such engagement enhances product
examiners who specialize in handling           development because we can translate
clean technology clients.                      our understanding of client exposures
                                               into new, bespoke coverage. This
Clean Tech clients face differing              approach ensures that our insurance
exposures through the development,             solutions tailored for this fast-paced,
or lifecycle, of their business. Chubb’s       innovative segment remain relevant.
insurance solutions cover companies
as they move from start-up, including          We have recently entered into the
research and development, to pilot             following associations and sponsorships:
projects to commercialization. The
                                               • Global Cleantech 100 List
exposures faced by these clients stem
                                               • Cleantech Forum San Francisco
from complex supply chains, the
                                               • Colorado Cleantech Industries
globalization of their product, intellectual
property rights and environmental
                                               • Cleantech San Diego
liability. Our risk engineers are able to
                                               • Sustain OC
provide clients with risk management
                                               • Sponsor of Greentown Labs, Boston
advice in all of these areas.

Chubb works with
public and private
worldwide to develop
risk transfer and
risk management
services that allow for
innovative responses
to the additional
risks associated with
implementing green

Green Building Restoration                    Consulting Services                        and safety personnel at their locations
                                                                                         as necessary to meet their health, safety
Chubb works with public and private           Chubb clients also receive a               and the environment (HSE) objectives.
stakeholders worldwide to develop risk        full complement of traditional             Other services offered by our personal
transfer and risk management services         environmental consulting in the            lines unit includes wildfire defense
that allow for innovative responses to        following categories: wastewater           services and infrared camera scans
the additional risks associated with          management, waste management,              of clients’ homes to identify areas for
implementing green initiatives. Chubb’s       air quality management, emergency          improved energy efficiency.
Green Property Insurance policy provides      preparedness and response, reporting,
coverage for commercial businesses            environmental management systems
that desire to rebuild to a “greener”         including ISO 14001, as well as            Other Coverages
standard in the event of a loss to an         sustainability and environmental
existing building. This includes: energy-     impact analysis and reduction. Chubb       Coverages such as property catastrophe,
efficient appliances, electronics, heating    provides services such as industrial       crop and business interruption insurance
and cooling systems, interior plumbing        hygiene assessments; regulated and         are significant businesses for Chubb, and
systems and lighting fixtures; low volatile   hazardous materials management and         the company continues to invest in these
organic compound (VOC) paints, primers,       remediation oversight; environmental       businesses and in developing solutions
solvents, finishes and adhesives; low         due diligence; and Leadership in Energy    to help clients manage the physical risks
emissions carpet and floor coverings;         and Environmental Design (LEED) and        posed by climate change. Today, Chubb
or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)           regulatory compliance consultation.        is one of the leading crop insurers in the
certified wood. There are also premium        Customized Environmental Protection        U.S. through the company’s Rain and Hail
credits available to customers that buy       Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety       subsidiary. Chubb Agribusiness insures
“preventative measures” coverage,             and Health Administration (OSHA)           companies that manufacture, process
which provides the policyholder up to a       compliance training programs and           and distribute agricultural products. In
certain amount of money if the insured        services are also provided. Programs in    addition, our Global Weather coverages
has certain mitigation features in place.     asbestos, lead-based paint and microbial   help clients insure against unpredictable
These policies encourage actions from         management, and water intrusion            weather conditions, protecting their
Chubb’s customers that help to reduce         prevention are also offered. Accredited    assets around the world against damage
GHG emissions.                                compliance staff are also available to     or loss due to adverse weather conditions.
                                              augment clients’ environmental, health,

Our Operations          One of the primary objectives of Chubb’s
                        Corporate Environmental Program is
                                                                      By 2035, the impact of the company’s
                                                                      continued focus on energy efficient
                        to measure, record and reduce GHG             operation programs is expected to result in
                        emissions. As an insurance company,           the emissions reduction of nearly 45,000
                        Chubb has a modest environmental              metric tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

By 2035, the impact     footprint. The company’s emissions
                        are third-party verified to ISO 14064-3       Achieving these goals will be

of the company’s        standards. Chubb also reports its GHG
                        emissions data and related activities
                                                                      accomplished through a combination of
                                                                      real estate portfolio optimization, energy
continued focus         to CDP, an international, not-for-profit
                        organization providing the only global
                                                                      efficiency projects and the purchase of
                                                                      renewable electricity. Chubb has worked
on energy efficient     system for companies and cities to            to make reductions within its global
                                                                      operations, with a focus on reducing
                        measure, disclose, manage and share vital
operation programs      environmental information. For 2018, the      energy consumption at the facility level,
                                                                      primarily in owned buildings and larger,
is expected to result
                        company earned a score of B on the CDP’s
                        climate change program ranking.               long-term leased spaces. This includes

in the emissions
                                                                      efforts to reduce the direct and indirect
                        However, we aim to reduce our mark on         GHG emissions generated from heating,

reduction of nearly     the environment even further. In 2019,
                        Chubb announced a new companywide
                                                                      cooling and lighting in offices and from
                                                                      company owned or leased vehicles, as
45,000 metric tons      goal to reduce its global GHG emissions
                        20% on an absolute basis by 2025. The
                                                                      well as the reduction, reuse or recycling
                                                                      of resources.
of CO2 equivalent       company also established a long-term
                        goal to reduce absolute GHG emissions         The company first developed its
per year.               40% by 2035. Both goals use 2016              Corporate Greenhouse Gas Inventory
                                                                      Management and Reduction Plan in 2007,
                        emissions levels as the baseline. Chubb’s
                        goals are aligned with the two-degree         when ACE joined the voluntary Climate
                        Celsius target outlined in the Paris          Leaders initiative sponsored by the U.S.
                        Climate Agreement, as well as the             Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
                        quantitatively supported science-based        and continues to use methodology based
                        standards methodology of the United           on the World Resources Institute and the
                        Nations Environmental Program.                World Business Council for Sustainable
                                                                      Development (WRI/WBCSD) GHG
                        This is the third GHG emissions               Protocol for data collection and analysis.
                        reduction commitment the company has
                        undertaken since launching its corporate      In addition, Chubb deployed natural
                        environmental program in 2006,                renewable energy as its main source
                        and the first that adheres to science-        of energy for its real estate portfolio in
                        based standards. This is also the first       the U.K. In 2018, the natural renewable
                        companywide goal announced since ACE          energy mix consisted of 50% wind, 40%
                        Limited acquired The Chubb Corporation        solar and 10% hydro (water). Through
                        and adopted the Chubb name globally           the deployment of natural renewable
                        in 2016.                                      energy, Chubb’s GHG emissions have
                                                                      been reduced through the avoidance of
                        From 2006 to 2012, the company reduced        fossil-fuel based energy consumption.
                        GHG emissions nearly 27% per employee,        This reduction in emissions is equivalent
                        substantially exceeding its original target   to 2,795 tons of CO2e.
                        of 8% per employee. A new goal was set
                        in 2014. From 2015 to 2018, a period that
                        included the acquisition, Chubb reduced
                        its absolute global GHG emissions by 21%.

In Mexico, for example, Chubb has
implemented GHG reduction initiatives.      2018 GHG Emissions Profile
In 2015, Chubb performed an energy audit
on the three offices that consume about     Profile by Scope
30% of the total energy consumption in      In tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e)
Chubb Mexico operations. For this group,
Chubb has been working on low-cost
energy consumption reduction strategies     Scope 1 (Indirect)		             26,048
for four years, such as controlling A/C
equipment schedules and installing          Scope 2 (Direct)		               45,440
energy-efficient lighting. In 2017 and
2018, Chubb added 16 more offices to the
project, representing 89% of electricity
for Chubb’s Mexico operations. As a
result, total electricity consumption for
Chubb’s Mexico operations has decreased
10% since 2015.
                                            Profile by Region — Scope 1 and 2
                                            In tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e)

                                            North America*                   49,976

                                            Asia Pacific		                    8,498

                                            Latin America                    10,040

                                            Europe		                          5,518

                                            Eurasia & Africa                  1,248

                                            Japan		                             597

                                            * Includes corporate jet usage

                                            Additional Environmental Metrics

                                                                                2018            2017         2016           2015
                                             Energy (MWH)                        218,536         245,138      250,178        245,846
                                               Direct                             101,188         107,261     104,570        100,317
                                               Indirect                          116,649          137,877     145,608        145,529
                                             Renewable                                9,872        10,126       4,984              0
                                             Waste (Tonnage)                       4,100           4,600         5,100         5,000
                                             Water (Million m3)                        9.35    0.344473     0.340687       0.340687
                                             US/Bermuda Business             143,805,796      139,466,178   141,111,852   110,274,492
                                             Travel (KM)

2018 GHG Inventory Data
  Absolute Emissions (C02 - eq. (metric tons))
                                                                                                      From 2015 to 2018
                                                                                                      Chubb reduced
           89,980                    88,482
                                                                                                      its absolute GHG
                                                                                   71,488             emissions by 21%
             2015                     2016                   2017                  2018

In 2017, Chubb completed an energy audit         One of our largest buildings in North       Dynamic Plaque is a building
for one of the company’s largest facilities      America, in Philadelphia, earned LEED       performance and monitoring tool.
located in Whitehouse Station, N.J. As a         Silver certification in 2009, becoming      It is continually scoring the building
result, the facility was retrofitted with LED    the city’s first LEED-certified existing    based on five different categories:
lighting. Further energy saving initiatives      building. Over the next five years, the     energy, water, waste, transportation
will be implemented where feasible in            company increased the amount of energy      and human experience. Because the
order to further reduce GHG emissions.           efficient lighting (raising the Energy      building is continuously being scored on
                                                 Star score from 73 to 84), supported        a one-to-100 scale, the LEED Dynamic
Emissions from mobile combustion —               alternative commuting methods (public       Plaque™ encourages stakeholders to
which account for 29% of the company’s           transportation, walking, biking, etc.)      make meaningful improvements to the
GHG inventory — include our global               and implemented other green building        building based on observations gained
fleet of vehicles and aircraft. Chubb            initiatives at the location. In November    from their score.
manages its flight-related emissions by          2014, the Philadelphia building earned
operating new, ultramodern jet aircraft          LEED® Gold recertification. The
equipped with the latest engines, wings          Philadelphia building will go through
and avionic design technologies, making          the LEED recertification process again in
them leaders in their respective aircraft        2019. Additionally, the Chubb building
categories for efficient flying. These           in Bermuda is the first on the island to
advanced capabilities allow Chubb’s              be twice recertified as LEED® Gold by
aircraft to operate at very high altitudes       the U.S. Green Building Council. The
and consume less fuel. These advanced            Chubb building first received LEED®
aircraft also fly optimal routes, which          Gold certification under the Existing
have shorter distances between world             Buildings Operations and Maintenance
destinations, saving fuel and, ultimately,       rating system in 2011. In 2017, the
the release of GHGs.                             building was recertified when Chubb
                                                 became one of the first companies in
Chubb has implemented green building             North America to use the LEED Dynamic
practices and, in a number of locations,         Plaque™ to manage the building’s
has pursued the U.S. Green Building              environmental performance. With its
Council’s LEED certification. Green              latest recertification in 2019, the Chubb
building practices help improve indoor           Building received a LEED® Gold score of
air quality, address resource management         72, up from 70 two years ago.
and reduce building water use.

Employee Engagement                            2. Communicate Chubb’s environmental
                                                       commitments, past and current
     Our employees globally play a role in             initiatives, and success stories to
     supporting the company’s environmental            Chubb employees, external brokers
     commitment. In 2019, Chubb is launching           and insureds
     the Chubb Environmental Network
     (CEN), which will be comprised of              3. Be thought leaders by reacting and
     volunteer ambassadors in each office              responding to environmental challenges
     who will locally help Chubb achieve its           around the globe. Facilitating discussion
     environmental goals and act as a resource         and information-sharing among
     for employees across the globe.                   employees in different divisions and
                                                       locations is an important component of
     The CEN will have three goals:
                                                       this initiative.
     1. Set office-specific goals for               The CEN is an expansion of local employee
        environmental sustainability. If not        efforts that have existed for many years.
        yet achieved in an office, the goals will   Many employees have volunteered to
        encompass:                                  undertake environmental projects on a
        –– Establishing a recycling program and     local scale. For example, in Philadelphia,
           working toward 100% adoption             the local Chubb Green committee
        –– Discontinuing use of disposable          implemented a composting program in
           plastic water bottles                    the building’s cafeteria. Due in part to this
        –– Removing all disposable Styrofoam        initiative, Chubb diverts 60% of all waste
           products                                 in the building from a landfill. In Bermuda,
        –– Purchasing only sustainable copy         local teams created a Chubb vegetable
           paper                                    garden, and the produce is served in the
        –– Reducing paper consumption by 5%         building’s cafeteria.
           on a prior-year basis
        –– If the initial goals have been
           achieved, the local CEN will choose
           additional goals to work toward

Our Philanthropy   The environment is a priority in Chubb’s
                   corporate philanthropy. The Chubb
                                                                  new coral colonies and establishing new
                                                                  restoration sites and coral nurseries. The
                   Charitable Foundation and the company’s        Nature Conservancy works to protect the
                   employees support a wide range of              lands and waters on which all life depends
                   environmental philanthropies and               in 72 countries around the world.
                   volunteer activities in local communities
                   around the world. Through these                The Bermuda National Trust plays a
                   initiatives, Chubb promotes a healthy and      leading role in environmental stewardship
                   sustainable planet.                            in Bermuda. Established in 1970, the Trust
                                                                  preserves Bermuda’s natural, architectural
                   Chubb Charitable Foundation grants             and historic treasures and encourages
                   have helped preserve sensitive lands           public appreciation of them. In the Trust’s
                   and habitats, finance green business           care are 82 properties, covering about 280
                   entrepreneurs, and support educational         acres of land. These properties represent
                   programs that promote a healthy and            much of the best of Bermuda’s heritage,
                   sustainable environment in the U.S. and        and include historical and architecturally
                   around the world.                              significant buildings, nature reserves,
                                                                  islands, gardens, cemeteries, farmland
                   Since 2005, the company has supported          and coastline. Additionally, the Trust
                   The Conservation Fund, which has               operates three museums that contain a
                   protected over 8 million acres across the      priceless collection of Bermudiana. For
                   U.S. In recent years, the Chubb Charitable     over 20 years, Chubb has supported the
                   Foundation has provided more than              Trust with more than $450,000 in grants
                   $1 million to The Conservation Fund            to aid in their mission of education and
                   initiatives that have protected nearly         preservation.
                   370,000 acres of threatened lands and
                   waters. Chubb’s support allows the Fund        Chubb’s Environmental Risk business unit
                   to protect top-priority conservation lands     continued to contribute to The American
                   through the Chubb Land Legacy Revolving        ReLeaf Program of American Forests, the
                   Fund, which has protected habitats valued      oldest national nonprofit conservation
                   at more than $228.5 million.                   organization in the U.S. The program
                                                                  implements science-based restoration
                   In 2018, the Chubb Charitable Foundation       efforts to ensure the long-term health and
                   expanded its partnership with The Nature       resiliency of our forests. In 2018, Chubb
                   Conservancy to work together in Miami          pledged its support to sponsor the planting
                   to reduce the risk from storm impacts          of 33,000 trees to support the American
                   and rising sea levels along one of the         Forests Global ReLeaf® program. Chubb’s
                   country’s most vulnerable shorelines. The      sponsorship is the largest by the company
                   collaboration, funded by a $1 million grant    since it began supporting the cause in
                   from the foundation, includes a restoration    2008. Chubb’s pledge represents one tree
                   and resilience project in Miami-Dade           for each new environmental insurance
                   County to demonstrate the flood protection     policy written globally in 2018.
                   benefits of nature-based solutions. The
                   project is designed to increase protection     Chubb’s contribution will support planting
                   from flooding and serve as a model that        projects in native forest landscapes across
                   can be replicated in other coastal cities in   North America. Specific project landscapes
                   the U.S. and globally. The Foundation’s        include California, Michigan and Ontario.
                   support of the Nature Conservancy has also     American Forests has planted more than
                   provided the continuation and expansion        60 million trees since 1990 — in all 50 states
                   of coral reef restoration in the Mexican       and in nearly 50 countries worldwide.
                   portion of the Mesoamerican Reef. This
                   effort resulted in transplanting 10,000

The Chubb
Foundations and
the company’s
employees support
a wide range of
philanthropies and
volunteer activities
in local communities
around the world.
Through these
initiatives, Chubb
promotes a healthy
and sustainable

Volunteer Efforts                             In Mexico, Chubb employees helped to       and sustainable communities and
                                              provide eco-tech training to underserved   environments. Students, teachers and
As a global enterprise, Chubb organizes       communities in Mexico City, Monterrey      Chubb employees cleared overgrown
employee volunteer projects regionally        and Guadalajara where residents learned    grass, weeded gardens, cleaned out a
with an environmental focus. For example,     how to plant, harvest and dehydrate        creek, pruned and planted vegetation and
in the U.S., as part of the Insurance         vegetables as a cost-efficient way to      constructed flat-pack furniture.
Industry Charitable Foundation’s Week of      produce their food through simple eco-
Service, 62 Chubb employees participated      technology using solar power.              These are just a few of Chubb’s many
in an Apple Gleaning project for America’s                                               environmentally focused volunteer
Grow-A-Row. Employees gleaned, or             In New Zealand, employees worked           projects. Other ongoing projects around
salvaged, apples that would otherwise go      side-by-side with at-risk students and     the world continue to demonstrate Chubb’s
to waste after the harvest is collected and   their teachers to prepare the school       community and philanthropic dedication
picked from the trees. Chubb aided in the     for its transition to an Enviroschool.     to critical environmental issues.
rescuing of over 7,000 pounds of apples,      The Enviroschool program operates
which equates to over 28,000 servings         in over 1,000 schools across New
of fresh produce that will go out to those    Zealand, and encourages teachers and
in need.                                      students to create and maintain healthy


Our Engagement
Chubb is a member of the United Nations Global Compact, the largest corporate
sustainability project in the world. Chubb has formally committed to making the
Compact’s environmental principles part of the culture and day-to-day operations of
the company.

Membership in the Geneva Association an international insurance think tank
representing 90 global insurance organizations, whose Climate Risk and Insurance
project has been outspoken on climate change issues. Chubb’s Chairman and CEO
is among the 68 chief executives of major international insurers who have publicly
confirmed their commitment to the Geneva Association’s Climate Risk Statement — a
set of guiding principles on the substantial role insurance can play in global efforts to
tackle climate-related risks.

Completion of CDP’s annual survey to further support our commitment to reducing
our carbon emissions. In 2018, the company earned an B on CDP’s climate change
program ranking.

Participation in ClimateWise a U.K.-based organization of insurance companies
committed to taking action on climate change and to reporting publicly on their

Membership in the Business Roundtable (BRT), which supports collective actions that
will lead to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on a global basis.

Membership on the Reinsurance Association of America’s (RAA) Extreme Events
Committee, which focuses on catastrophe modeling improvements to reflect climate
change. Chubb supported the RAA’s call for reform of the National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) in the U.S. Congress that would ensure that program rates are
actuarially sound and encourage risk mitigation.


Chubb is a member of, a coalition that includes environmental
advocacy groups such as Ceres, Environmental Defense Fund, National Wildlife
Federation and the Sierra Club, founded to promote and support disaster safety and
preparedness measures that are consistent with sound environmental stewardship of
our fragile coastal ecosystems.

Membership to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I), an association that
improves public understanding of insurance. The organization, supported by industry
members, is a primary source of information, analysis and referral concerning
insurance, including the potential threats climate change poses to the global economy,
ecology, and human health and well-being.

Additional Information & Resources

                                                             Chubb Group
                                                             Chubb Website: Citizenship
                                                             Chubb’s CDP Responses and Scores
                                                             (free registration required)
                                                             Responsible Underwriting at Chubb
                                                             Chubb’s Coal Policy

                                                             Supporting Partnerships
                                                             Business Roundtable
                                                             Geneva Association
                                                             Insurance Information Institute
                                                             Reinsurance Association of America
                                                             UN Global Compact

                                                             Selected Philanthropy Partners
                                                             The Conservation Fund
                                                             The Nature Conservancy
                                                             Bren School of Environmental Science &
                                                             American Forests’ ReLeaf Program

Chubb is the marketing name used to refer to subsidiaries of Chubb Limited providing insurance and related services.
For a list of these subsidiaries, please visit our website at Insurance provided by U.S. based Chubb
underwriting companies. All products may not be available in all states. Coverage is subject to the language of the
policies as actually issued. Ed. 7/19 ©2019 Chubb.
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