Page created by Morris Rice
COOMET Document
Programme of Joint CRM Production    P5/2019
        within COOMET


 (PROJECT No. 186/RU/99)

                                    As of 25.09.2019
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                Сountry,                                                                                                       Period of
Ind.                                                                                            Planned values (range) of
              CRM producer,                    Project             Certified characteristics                                     CRM                     Notes
NN                                                                                               certified characteristics
              contact person                                                                                                 development
1.                                      Development of            Ultimate temperature of                                    2011–2020     Participants of work:
                                        CRMs of ultimate          filterability on a cold                                                  1. Belarus
                                        temperature of diesel     filter, °C                                                               -OJSC “Naphtan”;
                                                                                                                                           - OJSC “Mozyr Petroleum
                                        fuel filterability on a                                                                            Processing Plant”;
                                        cold filter                      CRM PTF DT -1          0 – minus 20º C                            2. Kazakhstan
                                        (2 types)                        CRM PTF DT -2         minus 20 – minus 40º C                      West-Kazakhstan JSC
                   Russia                                                                                                                  “NaTsEkS”
       All-Russian Research Institute   537/RU/11 (P)
                                                                                                                                           3. Ukraine
           for Petroleum Refining                                                                                                          - OJSC “NPK-Galichina”;
2.      (OJSC “VNII NP”) Moscow         Development of            Lead concentration,                                        2011–2020     Participants of work:
               Contact Person:
                   Irina V.             CRMs of lead              mg/dm3                                                                   1. Belarus
                  Tereshina             concentration in                                                                                   - OJSC “Naphtan”
       Head of Metrological Research    motor petrol                        CRM KSB-1            0 - 0,1;                                  - OJSC “Mozyr Petroleum
                 Laboratory                                                 CRM KSB-2                                                      Processing Plant”
                                        (4 types)                                                2,0 - 3,0;                                2. Kazakhstan
             Tel:(495)788-1553,                                             CRM KSB-3            4,0 - 7,0;
                                                                            CRM KSB-4                                                      - JSC “KazMunaiGas
            787-48-87, ext.1367         538/RU/11 (P)                                            8,0 - 10,0.                               Onimdery”;
       E-mail:                                                                                                         3. Lithuania
                                                                                                                                           -State Scientific and Research
          Scientific and Production                                                                                                        Centre of Physical and
       Association “INTEGRSO” Ufa                                                                                                          Technological Sciences
         Anvar H. Muhamedzyanov                                                                                                            4. Ukraine
              General Director                                                                                                             - OJSC “NPK-Galichina”;
3.          Теl. (347) 275-31-38                                  Mass concentration                                         2011–2020     Participants of work:
             (347) 270-86-13,           Development of
             8-901-813-75-29            CRMs of iron              of iron, mg/dm3                                                          1. Belarus
         E-mail:                                                                                                          - OJSC “Naphtan”
                                        concentration in
                                                                                                0 - 3;                                     - OJSC “Mozyr Petroleum
                                        motor petrol                        CRM MKJ-1
                                                                            CRM MKJ-2           3 - 8;                                     Processing Plant”
                                        (4 types)                                                                                          2. Lithuania
                                                                            CRM MKJ-3           8 - 15;                                    -State Scientific and Research
                                        539/RU/11 (P)                       CRM MKJ-4           15 - 25.                                   Centre of Physical and
                                                                                                                                           Technological Sciences
                                                                                                                                           3. Ukraine
                                                                                                                                           - OJSC “NPK-Galichina”;

                                                                                  p 2 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                 Сountry,                                                                                                  Period of
Ind.                                                                                        Planned values (range) of
               CRM producer,                   Project         Certified characteristics                                     CRM                   Notes
NN                                                                                           certified characteristics
               contact person                                                                                            development
4.                 Russia                Development of CRM Mass fraction                                                 2013-2020    Participants of work:
          Federal State Budgetary        for composition of   of elements, %                                                           1.Belarus
            Enterprise of Science        wolframite hubnerite                                                                          2.Bulgaria
       A.P. Vinogradov Geochemistry      concentrate (hard-     Tungsten                         45 – 50                               GEOLAB Analytical Laboratory
                  Institute              alloy) – KVG(T)        Manganese                        10 – 12                               of Geological Institute BAN
        Siberian Branch of Russian                              Aluminium                        0,7 – 1,0                             3.Kazakhstan
            Academy of Sciences          617/RU/13 (A)          Beryllium                        0,0007 – 0,002                        - “Centrgeoanalyte, Ltd”
                                                                Vanadium                         0,01 – 0,05                           - Riddersk mining and
              1a, Favorsky Str.
                                                                Bismuth                          0,006 – 0,009                         processing complex “Kazzinc,
               Irkutsk, 664033
                                                                Iron                             7,0 – 8,0                             Ltd”
                Contact Person:                                 Gold                             0,0005 – 0,003                        - Central Chemical Laboratory
               Irina E. Vasilieva                               Yttrium                          0,002 – 0,005                         of Balkhash region “Kazakhmys
        Head of Laboratory of Optical                           Cadmium                          0,001 – 0,0001                        Corporation, Ltd.”
       Spectral Analysis and Reference                          Calcium                          1,5 – 2,5                             4. Uzbekistan
                   Materials                                    Silicon                          1,8 – 2,2                             GP “Central Laboratory” of
          E-mail:                             Copper                           0,004 – 0,007                         State Committee of Geology and
         Теl./fax: +7 (3952) 42 58 37                           Molybdenum                       0,0015 – 0,003                        Mineral Resources of the
           Моb.: +7 964 226 4811                                Arsenic                          0,00007 – 0,0007                      Republic of Uzbekistan,
                                                                Niobium                          0,02 – 0,10                           64-a, N. KHodzhibaev Str.,
                                                                Tin                              0,02 – 0,04                           Tashkent,
                                                                Lead                             0,06 – 0,08                           Head of laboratory
                                                                Sulphur                          0,15 – 0,20                           KHamro Sabirov
                                                                Silver                           0,0004 – 0,001              
                                                                Scandium                         0,007 – 0,05
                                                                Antimony                         0,0001 – 0,003
                                                                Titanium                         3,3 – 4,0
                                                                Uranium                          0,001 – 0,003
                                                                Phosphor                         0,001 – 0,05
                                                                Fluoride                         0,3 –0,4
                                                                Zinc                             0,015 – 0,025
                                                                Zirconium                        0,007 – 0,03
                                                             Note: Elements in bold are of the main interest during

                                                                               p 3 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                  Сountry,                                                                                                   Period of
Ind.                                                                                          Planned values (range) of
                CRM producer,                     Project         Certified characteristics                                    CRM                    Notes
NN                                                                                             certified characteristics
                contact person                                                                                             development
5.                                         Development of        Mass fraction of             Mass fraction,               2015-2020
                                           CRM for               elements:                    ppm                                        Participation of all COOMET
                                           composition of                                                                                member-countries is desirable
                                           quartz concentrate
                                           (QC of DODO                   Аluminium                     1-15                              Participants of work:
                                           deposit vein 233) –           Тitanium                      0,1-2,0                           1. Belarus
        FGUP “The Central Scientific       KK-233                        Calcium                       0,1-2,0                           - BelGIM;
       Research Institute of Geology of                                  Magnesium                     0,01-0,5                          - Central laboratory of RUE
               Industrial Minerals         659/RU/15 (P)                 Copper                        0,01-0,5                          “Belgeologiya”
          (FGUP “TsNIIgeolnerud”)                                                                                                        2. Kazakhstan
                                                                         Manganese                     0,01-0,5                          3. Uzbekistan
       4, Zinin Str. Kazan, the Republic
              of Tatarstan, 420097                                       Sodium                        0,5-3,0                           GP “Central Laboratory” of
                     Director                                            Potassium                     0,1-2,0                           State Committee of Geology and
              Evgeny M. Aksenov                                          Lithium                       0,1-2,0                           Mineral Resources of the
            тел.: +7 (843) 236-47-93                                     Phosphor                      0,1-2,0                           Republic of Uzbekistan,
           факс: +7 (843) 236-47-04                                                                                                      64-a, N. KHodzhibaev Str.,
                                                                         Vanadium                      0,01-0,5                          Tashkent,
                                                                         Chromium                      0,01-0,5                          Head of laboratory
                Contact person:                                          Nickel                        0,01-0,5                          KHamro Sabirov
              Olga M. Ilyicheva,                                         Zinc                          0,01-0,5                
        Head of the testing laboratory                                   Cobalt                        0,01-0,5
                                                                         Germanium                     0,1-3,0
         tеl./fax: +7 (843) 23-83-750,
                    E-mail:                                              Zirconium                     0,01-0,1
                                         Cadmium                       0,001-0,01
                                                                         Antimony                      0,01-0,5
                                                                         Strontium                     0,01-0,1
                                                                         Iron                          0,01-2,0
                                                                         Barium                        0,01-0,5
                                                                         Boron                         0,01-0,5

                                                                                 p 4 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                  Сountry,                                                                                                  Period of
Ind.                                                                                         Planned values (range) of
                CRM producer,                     Project        Certified characteristics                                    CRM                    Notes
NN                                                                                            certified characteristics
                contact person                                                                                            development
6.                                         Development of       Mass fraction of             Mass fraction,               2015-2020
                                           CRM for              elements:                    ppm                                        Participation of all COOMET
                                           composition of                                                                               member-countries is desirable
                                           quartz concentrate
                                           (QC of Vyazov                Аluminium                1-15                                   Participants of work:
                                           deposit, vein 5) –           Тitanium                 1,0-5,0                                1. Belarus
        FGUP “The Central Scientific       KK-5                         Calcium                  0,05-2,0                               -BelGIM;
       Research Institute of Geology of                                 Magnesium                0,01-2,0                               - Central laboratory of RUE
               Industrial Minerals         660/RU/15 (P)                Copper                   0,01-0,5                               “Belgeologiya”
          (FGUP “TsNIIgeolnerud”)                                                                                                       2. Kazakhstan
                                                                        Manganese                0,01-0,5                               3. Uzbekistan
       4, Zinin Str. Kazan, the Republic
              of Tatarstan, 420097                                      Sodium                   0,1-3,0                                GP “Central Laboratory” of
                     Director                                           Potassium                0,1-3,0                                State Committee of Geology and
              Evgeny M. Aksenov                                         Lithium                  0,1-2,0                                Mineral Resources of the
            тел.: +7 (843) 236-47-93                                    Phosphor                 0,01-1,0                               Republic of Uzbekistan,
           факс: +7 (843) 236-47-04                                                                                                     64-a, N. KHodzhibaev Str.,
                                                                        Vanadium                 0,01-0,5                               Tashkent,
                                                                        Chromium                 0,01-0,5                               Head of laboratory
                Contact person:                                         Nickel                   0,01-0,5                               KHamro Sabirov
              Olga M. Ilyicheva,                                        Zinc                     0,01-0,5                     
        Head of the testing laboratory                                  Cobalt                   0,01-0,5
                                                                        Germanium                0,1-3,0
         tеl./fax: +7 (843) 23-83-750,
                    E-mail:                                             Zirconium                0,01-0,1
                                        Cadmium                  0,005-0,05
                                                                        Antimony                 0,01-0,5
                                                                        Strontium                0,01-0,5
                                                                        Iron                     0,05-2,0
                                                                        Barium                   0,01-0,5
                                                                        Boron                    0,01-0,5

                                                                                p 5 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                  Сountry,                                                                                                   Period of
Ind.                                                                                          Planned values (range) of
                CRM producer,                     Project         Certified characteristics                                    CRM                    Notes
NN                                                                                             certified characteristics
                contact person                                                                                             development
7.                                         Development of        Mass fraction of             Mass fraction,               2015-2020
                                           CRM for               elements:                    ppm                                        Participation of all COOMET
                                           composition of                                                                                member-countries is desirable
                                           quartz concentrate
                                           (QC of Karayan                Аluminium                0,1-10,0                               Participants of work:
                                           deposit, vein 17) –           Тitanium                 0,5-5,0                                1. Belarus
        FGUP “The Central Scientific       KK -17                        Calcium                  0,01-2,0                               -BelGIM;
       Research Institute of Geology of                                  Magnesium                0,01-0,5                               - Central laboratory of RUE
               Industrial Minerals         661/RU/15 (P)                 Copper                   0,01-0,5                               “Belgeologiya”
          (FGUP “TsNIIgeolnerud”)                                                                                                        2. Kazakhstan
                                                                         Manganese                0,01-0,5                               3. Uzbekistan
       4, Zinin Str. Kazan, the Republic
              of Tatarstan, 420097                                       Sodium                   0,1-3,0                                GP “Central Laboratory” of
                     Director                                            Potassium                0,05-2,0                               State Committee of Geology and
              Evgeny M. Aksenov                                          Lithium                  0,01-2,0                               Mineral Resources of the
            тел.: +7 (843) 236-47-93                                     Phosphor                 0,01-2,0                               Republic of Uzbekistan,
           факс: +7 (843) 236-47-04                                                                                                      64-a, N. KHodzhibaev Str.,
                                                                         Vanadium                 0,01-0,5                               Tashkent,
                                                                         Chromium                 0,01-0,5                               Head of laboratory
                Contact person:                                          Nickel                   0,01-0,5                               KHamro Sabirov
              Olga M. Ilyicheva,                                         Zinc                     0,01-1,0                     
        Head of the testing laboratory                                   Cobalt                   0,01-0,5
                                                                         Germanium                0,1-3,0
         tеl./fax: +7 (843) 23-83-750,
                    E-mail:                                              Zirconium                0,01-0,5
                                         Cadmium                  0,005-0,05
                                                                         Antimony                 0,01-0,5
                                                                         Strontium                0,01-0,5
                                                                         Iron                     0,1-3,0
                                                                         Barium                   0,01-0,5
                                                                         Boron                    0,01-0,5

                                                                                 p 6 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                  Сountry,                                                                                                    Period of
Ind.                                                                                           Planned values (range) of
                CRM producer,                     Project          Certified characteristics                                    CRM                    Notes
NN                                                                                              certified characteristics
                contact person                                                                                              development
8.                                         Development of         Mass fraction of             Mass fraction,               2015-2020
                                           CRM for                elements:                    ppm                                        Participation of all COOMET
                                           composition of                                                                                 member-countries is desirable
                                           quartz concentrate
                                           (QC of Kyshtym                 Aluminium                0,1-10,0                               Participants of work:
                                           deposit, vein 175) –           Тitanium                 0,5-5,0                                1. Belarus
        FGUP “The Central Scientific       KK -175                        Calcium                  0,01-2,0                               -BelGIM;
       Research Institute of Geology of                                   Magnesium                0,01-0,5                               - Central laboratory of RUE
               Industrial Minerals         662/RU/15 (P)                  Copper                   0,01-0,5                               “Belgeologiya”
          (FGUP “TsNIIgeolnerud”)                                                                                                         2. Kazakhstan
                                                                          Manganese                0,01-0,5                               3. Uzbekistan
       4, Zinin Str. Kazan, the Republic
              of Tatarstan, 420097                                        Sodium                   0,1-3,0                                GP “Central Laboratory” of
                     Director                                             Potassium                0,05-2,0                               State Committee of Geology and
              Evgeny M. Aksenov                                           Lithium                  0,01-2,0                               Mineral Resources of the
            тел.: +7 (843) 236-47-93                                      Phosphor                 0,01-2,0                               Republic of Uzbekistan,
           факс: +7 (843) 236-47-04                                                                                                       64-a, N. KHodzhibaev Str.,
                                                                          Vanadium                 0,01-0,5                               Tashkent,
                                                                          Chromium                 0,01-0,5                               Head of laboratory
                Contact person:                                           Nickel                   0,01-0,5                               KHamro Sabirov
              Olga M. Ilyicheva,                                          Zinc                     0,01-1,0                     
        Head of the testing laboratory                                    Cobalt                   0,01-0,5
         tеl./fax: +7 (843) 23-83-750,                                    Germanium                0,1-3,0
                    E-mail:                                               Zirconium                0,01 – 0,5
                                          Cadmium                  0,005 – 0,05
                                                                          Antimony                 0,01- 0,5
                                                                          Strontium                0,01 – 0,5
                                                                          Iron                     0,1-3,0
                                                                          Barium                   0,01– 0,5
                                                                          Boron                    0,01 – 0,5

                                                                                  p 7 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                Сountry,                                                                                                  Period of
Ind.                                                                                       Planned values (range) of
              CRM producer,                   Project        Certified characteristics                                      CRM                     Notes
NN                                                                                          certified characteristics
              contact person                                                                                            development
9.                                     Pilot comparisons     It is proposed to conduct pilot comparisons of CRM         2016-2020     Participants of work:
                                       of CRM for                                                                                     1. Kazakhstan
                                                             for composition of ferric iron (III) solution, intended
                                       composition of                                                                                 - KazinMetr
                                       ferric ion solution   for verification, calibration and graduation of                          2. Russia
                                                                                                                                      - FGUP “UNIIM”
                                                             measurement       instruments,       certification    of
                    Russia             700/RU/16 (P)
                                                             measurement      procedures, accuracy control         of
              FGUP “UNIIM“
         4, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.                            measurement      results    and    other    metrological
           Ekaterinburg, 620075                              activities and control. The comparisons are relevant
         Sergey V. Medvedevskikh                             due to the need of comparing the degree of
          Tel.: +7 (343) 350-20-39                           equivalence of reference materials to be compared
         Fax.: +7 (343) 350 24 68
          E-mail:                             for the demonstration of the capability to obtain
                                                             compatible      measurement       results   in   testing
             Contact Person:
            Olga N. Kremleva                                 laboratories of COOMET member-countries and
         Head of State Service of                            other countries, which use these reference materials;
          Reference Materials for
       Composition and Properties of                         establishing the possibility of mutual replacement of
         Substances and Materials                            reference materials to be compared in their use in
                                                             accordance with their purpose; the implementation
          Tel.: +7 (343) 350 60 68                           of sub-clause 5.12 of ISO Guide 34:2009 by the
          Fax.: +7 (343) 350 24 68
       E-mail:                          producer of reference materials.The pilot NMI
       E-mail:                          (UNIIM) plans and performs comparisons with
                                                             participation (by decision of the pilot NMI) of
                                                             organizations    of   COOMET         member-countries,
                                                             following the rules of COOMET and having
                                                             technical competence for each particular case.
                                                                             p 8 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                Сountry,                                                                                                       Period of
Ind.                                                                                         Planned values (range) of
              CRM producer,                   Project          Certified characteristics                                         CRM                     Notes
NN                                                                                            certified characteristics
              contact person                                                                                                 development
10.                                                           It is proposed to conduct pilot comparisons of CRM             2016-2020     Participants of work:
                                       Pilot comparisons of                                                                                1. Kazakhstan
                                       CRM for                for composition of сopper ion solution, intended for
                                       composition of                                                                                      - KazinMetr
                                       сopper ion solution    verification,   calibration        and     graduation    of                  2. Russia
                                                                                                                                           - FGUP “UNIIM”
                                                              measurement       instruments,           certification   of
                                       701/RU/16 (P)
                    Russia                                    measurement      procedures, accuracy control            of
              FGUP “UNIIM“
         4, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.                             measurement      results     and     other     metrological
           Ekaterinburg, 620075                               activities and control. The comparisons are relevant
         Sergey V. Medvedevskikh                              due to the need of comparing the degree of
          Tel.: +7 (343) 350-20-39                            equivalence of reference materials to be compared
         Fax.: +7 (343) 350 24 68
          E-mail:                              for the demonstration of the capability to obtain
                                                              compatible      measurement         results     in   testing
             Contact Person:
            Olga N. Kremleva                                  laboratories of COOMET member-countries and
         Head of State Service of                             other countries, which use these reference materials;
          Reference Materials for
       Composition and Properties of                          establishing the possibility of mutual replacement of
         Substances and Materials                             reference materials to be compared in their use in
                                                              accordance with their purpose; the implementation
          Tel.: +7 (343) 350 60 68                            of sub-clause 5.12 of ISO Guide 34:2009 by the
          Fax.: +7 (343) 350 24 68
       E-mail:                           producer of reference materials.The pilot NMI
       E-mail:                           (UNIIM) plans and performs comparisons with
                                                              participation (by decision of the pilot NMI) of
                                                              organizations    of   COOMET             member-countries,
                                                              following the rules of COOMET and having
                                                              technical competence for each particular case.
                                                                              p 9 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                Сountry,                                                                                                      Period of
Ind.                                                                                           Planned values (range) of
              CRM producer,                   Project             Certified characteristics                                     CRM                     Notes
NN                                                                                              certified characteristics
              contact person                                                                                                development
11.                                    Development of CRM        Labile phosphorus             10,0-50,0 ppm                2017-2020     Participation of all COOMET
                                       for composition                                                                                    member-countries is desirable
                                                                 Mobile potassium              200-900 ppm
                                       parameters) of brown      Organic matter                1,00-5,00 %                                Participants of work:
                                       heavy-loamy alkali soil                                                                            1. Belarus
                                                                 Exchangeable                  2,00-10,0 ppm
                                       SaSolP-05                                                                                          - KUP “Gomel OPISKH”
                  Russia                                         Ammonium Nitrogen             1,00-20,0 ppm                              Pladunova V. Irina
         Federal State Budgetary       729/RU/16 (P)                                                                                      Tel.: + 375 0232 99-93-05
                                                                 Nitrate nitrogen
           Scientific Institution                                                                                                         - The Institute for Soil
         D.N. Pryanishnikov All-                                 Cation exchange capacity      10,0-40,0 ppm                              Science and Agrochemistry
       Russian Research Institute of                                                                                                      Galina G. Karpovich
        Agrochemistry (VNIIA),                                                                                                            Tel.: + 375 17 212-09-10
          the Federal Agency for                                 Cation-anion composition                                                 2. Ukraine
         Scientific Organizations                                of aqueous extract:                                                      NSC “Institute for Soil Science
              (FASO Russia)                                                                                                               and Agrochemistry Research
         31A, Pryanishnikov Str.,                                Bicarbonate ion               0,10-1,0 mmol/100g                         named after O.N. Sokolovsky”
             Moscow, 127550                                      Chloride ion                  5,00-20,0 mmol/100g
             Contact person:                                     Sulphate ion                  0,50-2,00 mmol/100g
          Galina A. Stupakova                                    Potassium                     0,01-0,20 mmol/100g
           Head of laboratory
          Tel.: (499) 976-05-52                                  Sodium                        5,00-20,0 mmol/100g
          Fax.: (499) 976-37-39                                  Calcium                       0,50-2,00 mmol/100g
                                                                 Magnesium                     0,50-2,00 mmol/100g
                                                                 Solid                         0,10-1,50 %

                                                                 Electric conductivity         1,00-4,00 mS/cm

                                                                                  p 10 of 17
Part 1 (projects for which the forms of Proposed (P) or Agreed (A) Projects are prepared)
                Сountry,                                                                                                  Period of
Ind.                                                                                       Planned values (range) of
              CRM producer,                   Project          Certified characteristics                                    CRM                     Notes
NN                                                                                          certified characteristics
              contact person                                                                                            development
12.               Russia                Development of a     Mass fraction of              Массовая доля, ppm           2017-2021     Participants of work:
           JCS “Krastsvetmet”,          CRM set for          elements:                            10-50                               1. Bosnia and Herzegovina
          1, Transportny proezd,        composition of                                                                                Institute of metrology, Sarajevo
         Krasnoyarsk the Russian        refined platinum          Aluminium                       1-40                                2. Kazakhstan
            Federation 660027                                     Calcium                         5-70                                - “The Cash Operations and
                 Director               733/RU/17 (P)             Magnesium                       1-140                               Valuable Storage Center”,
           Mikhail V. Dyagilev                                                                                                        National Bank of Kazakhstan;
                                                                  Copper                          5-70                                3. Russia
          Tel. +7 391 259 3333                                    Manganese                       5-70                                - “NAZ”, Novosibirsk;
       E-mail:                               Chromium                        1-70                                - FGUP “UNIIM”,
                                                                  Nickel                          5-70                                - “EZ OTsM”, Ekaterinburg;
               Contact person:                                    Cadmium                         10-260                              - “ANSERTEKO”, Moscow;
              Alena Shleyning,                                                                                                        - “KMEZ”, Kyshtym.
                                                                  Iron                            5-50
             Research Engineer                                                                                                        4. Switzerland
       tel. +7 391 259 33 33 (28-46)                              Bismuth                         5-130                               - Valcambi SA, Balerna.
                  E-mail:                                         Silver                          5-230                               5. Ukraine                                                                                                    Institute for Single Crystals,
                                                                  Palladium                       10-350                              National Academy of Sciences
                                                                  Rhodium                         1-100                               of Ukraine
                                                                  Ruthenium                       5-130
                                                                  Tin                             1-70
                                                                  Lead                            20-40
                                                                  Silicon                         1-70
                                                                  Tellurium                       5-70
                                                                  Iridium                         1-100
                                                                  Molybdenum                      1-70
                                                                  Arsenic                         5-100

                                                                              p 11 of 17
Part 2 ( projects, proposed for initial consideration are included)
Ind.                                                             Certified               Planned values (range)       Period of CRM
              CRM producer,                  Project                                                                                                 Notes
NN                                                             characteristics         of certified characteristics    development
              contact person
1.                                     Development of       Mass fraction of lead                                       2015–2020     Participation of all COOMET member-
                                       CRM for isotope      isotopes:                                                                 countries is desirable
                                       composition of
                                       lead enriched by             with mass
                                                                                           0,01 – 5,00
                    Russia             206
                                           Pb, in nitrate         number 204
              FGUP “UNIIM“             solution
         4, Krasnoarmeyskaya Str.                                   with mass
                                                                  number 206               25,2 – 97,0
           Ekaterinburg, 620075
                   Director                                        with mass               1,00 – 22,0
         Sergey V. Medvedevskikh                                  number 207
          Tel.: +7 (343) 350-20-39
         Fax.: +7 (343) 350 24 68                                  with mass               1,00 – 52,0
          E-mail:                                  number 208

2.           Contact Person:           Development of     Mass fraction of                                              2015–2020     Participation of all COOMET member-
            Olga N. Kremleva           CRM for isotope    nickel isotopes:                                                            countries is desirable
         Head of State Service of      composition of
          Reference Materials for      nickel enriched by          with mass
       Composition and Properties of                                                       0,1 – 68,2
                                          Ni isotope, in          number 58
         Substances and Materials      nitrate solution
                 (SSRM)                                            with mass
                                                                  number 60                27,0 – 99,8
          Tel.: +7 (343) 350 60 68
          Fax.: +7 (343) 350 24 68                                 with mass
       E-mail:                               number 61                0,01 – 10,0
       E-mail:                                with mass
                                                                  number 62
                                                                                           0,01 – 10,0
                                                                   with mass
                                                                  number 64                0,01 – 1,0

                                                                                    p 12 of 17
Part 2 ( projects, proposed for initial consideration are included)
Ind.                                                                 Certified            Planned values (range)       Period of CRM
                CRM producer,                  Project                                                                                                Notes
NN                                                                 characteristics      of certified characteristics    development
                contact person
3.                 Russia                Development of         Mass fraction of       Mass fraction, ppm                2019-2021     Participation of all COOMET member-
            JCS “Krastsvetmet”,          CRMs for               elements:                                                              countries is desirable
           1, Transportny proezd,        composition of
          Krasnoyarsk the Russian        refined silver (set)        Aluminium              1-100
             Federation 660027                                       Arsenic                1-70
                  Director                                           Gold                   1-350
            Mikhail V. Dyagilev
                                                                     Bismuth                0,5-150
           Tel. +7 391 259 3333                                      Calcium                0,5-20
        E-mail:                                 Cadmium                1-50
                                                                     Cobalt                 1-150
              Contact person:                                        Chromium               1-60
           Konstantin A. Shatnykh,                                   Copper                 4-500
       Acting Manager of Shop No. 27
                                                                     Iron                   1-150
        tel. +7 391 259 33 33 (29-06)                                Indium                 1-50
       mobile phone.: +7 913 83 07 331                               Magnesium              0,5-100
                   E-mail:                                    Manganese              0,5-150
                                                                     Nickel                 1-150
               Alena Shleyning,                                      Lead                   2-100
              Research Engineer
        tel. +7 391 259 33 33 (28-46)                                Palladium              2-500
                   E-mail:                                           Platinum               1-500                                  Rhodium                1-150
                                                                     Antimony               1-150
                                                                     Selenium               2-150
                                                                     Silicon                1-100
                                                                     Tin                    0,5-500
                                                                     Tellurium              3-500
                                                                     Zinc                   1-200

                                                                                     p 13 of 17
Part 2 ( projects, proposed for initial consideration are included)
Ind.                                                              Certified               Planned values (range)       Period of CRM
               CRM producer,                Project                                                                                                   Notes
NN                                                              characteristics         of certified characteristics    development
               contact person
4.                                     Conducting              Ash content (Ad)                      16,3 %             2019-2021      Participation of all COOMET member-
                                       comparison tests        Mass fraction of                                                        countries is desirable.
                                       of certified          total sulphur (Std)                     0,26 %
                                       characteristics         Absolute density
                                       of GSO 10894-           (drd)                               1,47 g/сm3
                  Russia               2017 for                Volatile-matter
               West-Siberian           composition and       yield (Vd)                              18,1 %
               Testing Centre          properties of coal,
           (OJSC ‘WSTCentre”),         OS rank (SО-42)       Note:
            9 Ordzhonikidze Str.,      by COOMET             certified
               Novokuznetsk            member-countries      characteristics are
             Kemerovo Province                               calculated based on
                  654006                                     the dry condition of
                                                             the fuel according to
                  Director:                                  GOST 27313-2015
          Natalia V. Zhuravleva
5.        Tel.: (8-3843) 74-57-22      Conducting              Ash content (Ad)                    11,9 %               2019-2021      Participation of all COOMET member-
          Fax: (8-3843) 74-57-22       comparison tests        Mass fraction of                                                        countries is desirable.
           e-mail:        of certified          total sulphur (Std)                   0,32 %
                                       characteristics         Absolute density
               Contact person:         of GSO 10895-           (drd)                              1,45 g/сm3
          Svetlana N. Shushunova       2017 for                Mass fraction of
          Head of Quality Control      composition and       phosphor (Рd)                         0,045 %
                 Department            properties of coal,
         Tel./Fax: (8-3843) 74-57-22   G rank (SО-43)        Note:
       e-mail:   by COOMET             certified
                                       member-countries      characteristics are
                                                             calculated based on
                                                             the dry condition of
                                                             the fuel according to
                                                             GOST 27313-2015

                                                                                     p 14 of 17
Part 2 ( projects, proposed for initial consideration are included)
Ind.                                                           Certified               Planned values (range)       Period of CRM
             CRM producer,                Project                                                                                                  Notes
NN                                                           characteristics         of certified characteristics    development
             contact person
6.              Russia               Conducting           Mass       fraction   of         Mass fraction,            2019-2021      Participation of all COOMET member-
             West-Siberian           comparison tests                                                                               countries is desirable.
                                                          components:                         %:
             Testing Centre          of certified
         (OJSC ‘WSTCentre”),         characteristics        lead                              3,45
          9 Ordzhonikidze Str.,      of GSO 11039-
                                                            zinc                              6,31
             Novokuznetsk            2018 for
           Kemerovo Province         composition of         copper                            0,89
                654006               polymetallic ore
                                                            barium oxide                      19,31
                                     of the Quartz Hill
                 Director:           deposit                arsenic                           0,047
         Natalia V. Zhuravleva       (SО-45) by             cadmium                           0,058
         Tel.: (8-3843) 74-57-22     COOMET
         Fax: (8-3843) 74-57-22      member-                cobalt                            0,00082
         e-mail:        countries              nickel                            0,0011
             Contact person:                                titanium oxide                    0,060
        Svetlana N. Shushunova
        Head of Quality Control                             aluminium oxide                   2,01
               Department                                   silicon dioxide                   45,84
       Tel./Fax: (8-3843) 74-57-22
               e-mail:                                      iron oxide (tot.)                 0,94                               total sulphur                     8,28
                                                            manganese oxide                   0,037
                                                            calcium oxide                     1,57
                                                            magnesium oxide                   0,064
                                                            sodium oxide                      0,056
                                                            potassium oxide                   0,52
                                                            gold                              2,52 mln-1
                                                            silver                            234 mln-1

                                                                                 p 15 of 17
Part 2 ( projects, proposed for initial consideration are included)
Ind.                                                                   Certified            Planned values (range)       Period of CRM
                   CRM producer,                  Project                                                                                Notes
NN                                                                   characteristics      of certified characteristics    development
                   contact person
7.     1               Russia                Development of              Mass fraction of elements, %                      2019-2021
              Federal State Budgetary        CRM for                     Al                 0,01 – 0,25
                Enterprise of Science        composition of              C                  35 – 50
           A.P. Vinogradov Geochemistry      Siberian pine
                      Institute              needles (HSS-1)             Ca                 0,1 – 0,6
            Siberian Branch of Russian       (Pinus sylvestris)          Cl                 0,04 – 0,6
                Academy of Sciences                                      H                  3–7
                  1a Favorsky str.                                       K                  0,2 – 0,6
                  Irkutsk, 664033
                                                                         Mg                 0,05 – 0,25
                   Contact Person:                                       N                  0,5 – 2
                Dr. Irina E. Vasilieva                                   Na                 0,003 – 0,015
                  Chief Researcher                                       O                  30 – 50
                of Atomic Emission
           Analysis and Reference Material                               P                  0,07 – 0,25
                        Group                                            S                  0,07 – 0,3
              E-mail:                                  Si                 0,02 – 0,3
            Теl./fax: +7 (3952) 42 58 37                                Mass fraction of elements, mg/kg
               Моb.: +7 964 226 4811
                                                                         Ag                 < 0,01
                                                                         As                 < 1,0
                                                                         Au                 < 0,05
                                                                         B                  10 – 50
                                                                         Ba                 1 – 20
                                                                         Be                 < 1,0
                                                                         Bi                 < 1,0
                                                                         Br                 1 – 50
                                                                         Cd                 < 0,1
                                                                         Ce                 < 1,0
                                                                         Co                 0,05 – 1,5
                                                                         Cr                 1–7
                                                                         Cs                 < 1,0
                                                                         Cu                 1 – 10
                                                                                       p 16 of 17
Part 2 ( projects, proposed for initial consideration are included)
Ind.                                       Certified            Planned values (range)       Period of CRM
       CRM producer,    Project                                                                              Notes
NN                                       characteristics      of certified characteristics    development
       contact person
                                              F                   10 – 500
                                              Fe                  150 – 800
                                              Hg                  < 1,0
                                               I                  0,3 – 0,5
                                              La                  < 1,0
                                              Li                  0,1 – 0,5
                                              Mn                  100 – 500
                                              Mo                  < 0,5
                                              Nb                  < 0,1
                                              Nd                  < 1,0
                                              Ni                  0,5 – 5
                                              Pb                  < 1,0
                                              Pd                  < 0,01
                                              Pt                  < 0,01
                                              Rb                  1 – 30
                                              Sb                  0,1 – 3
                                              Sc                  < 0,5
                                              Se                  < 1,0
                                              Sn                  < 1,0
                                              Sr                  3 – 25
                                              Ti                  3 – 15
                                              V                   0,1 – 2
                                              W                   < 1,0
                                              Y                   < 1,0
                                              Yb                  < 1,0
                                              Zn                  20 – 100
                                              Zr                  < 1,0

                                                           p 17 of 17
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