Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation

Page created by Norman Wheeler
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
Saint Francis


        in Caring
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation

        We, Trinity Health, serve together in the spirit of the
        Gospel as a compassionate and transforming healing
        presence within our communities.


         Reverence – We honor the sacredness and dignity
         of every person.

         Commitment to Those Who Are Poor – We stand
         with and serve those who are poor, especially those
         most vulnerable.

         Justice – We foster right relationships to promote
         the common good, including sustainability of Earth.

         Stewardship – We honor our heritage and hold
         ourselves accountable for the human, financial and
         natural resources entrusted to our care.

         Integrity – We are faithful to who we say we are.

On the cover — Lori Driscoll adds her hand print to the Smilow Cancer Hospital at Saint Francis mural during Survivors’ Day.


2 Message from the President                      14 The Valencia Society                            20 Third-Party Events
  and Vice President and Chief                    17 Corporate Partners                              22 Honor Roll of Donors
  Development Officer
                                                  18 Curtis D. Robinson SWING                        29 Tributes
3 Hope & Healing Campaign                            Golf & Tennis Outing                            41 Foundation Board and Staff
12 Partners in Caring — Major Gifts               19 MIRACLES XXVII
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
“My dad had a       I talked to my mom and told her I

 brain tumor, and   wanted to do something to thank them

                    for all that they did for our family. My
 the staff at the   goal was to raise $1,000.
 hospital saved         Our family, friends and town came
 his life.”         together to raise awareness of brain

                    tumors and collect money to support

                    other patients at Saint Francis who are

                    dealing with this illness.

                        I hope you will also consider joining

                    my family and friends by making a gift

                    to the hospital to help the nurses and

                    doctors save more lives.


                                                  2017 Profiles in Caring   1
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation

    Dear Friends,

    To celebrate the tremendous success of our Hope & Healing
    Campaign, we would like to dedicate this issue of Profiles in Caring to
    the donors who made this campaign possible. Through the leadership
    of Karl J. Krapek, Sr., and P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D., over $16 million
    has been raised to renovate and expand our existing cancer care
    infrastructure. Our goal is to improve access to our state-of-the-art
    treatment protocols, both on our main campus and throughout our
    community. This vital effort will allow us to care for our neighbors and
    give hope to everyone diagnosed with cancer.

    June 30, 2017, marked the end of the Foundation’s fiscal year, and we
    are proud to announce that we had the most successful year in our
    history with gifts and pledges of over $12.1 million. We are deeply
    grateful to all of our donors whose gifts of $1 million or greater had
    a tremendous impact on our success; notably, The Auxiliary of Saint
    Francis — $1.5 million; John M. Trani — $1 million; Karl J. Krapek, Sr.
    — $1 million — all to benefit the Hope & Healing Campaign. We also
    received $1 million from Barbara Vicevich to establish the Margery
    Brennan Vicevich-Guyott Center for Lupus and Rheumatologic
    Disease. Additionally, our signature events, SWING and MIRACLES,
    had record-breaking attendance, and surpassed our fundraising goals.
    We are also very excited to be celebrating the Valencia Society’s 20th
    Anniversary this fall with a reception for its 500 members — a special
    group of individuals whose planned contributions will ensure our
    ability to serve our community well into the future.

    As we move forward, we are beholden to you, our thousands of
    donors and friends, as your commitment and trust are integral to our
    success. With your support, we will continue to expand our healing
    mission through compassionate care and reverence for the spirituality
    of each person — the hallmarks of Saint Francis Hospital and Medical
    Center’s legacy.

    May God bless you and your family.


    John F. Rodis, M.D., M.B.A.                              Lynn B. Rossini
    President                                                Vice President and Chief Development Officer
    Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center                Saint Francis Foundation

Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
Dear Friends,

What an exciting year it has been. Just under two
years ago, we launched the silent phase of our
Hope & Healing Campaign which will further the
impact, innovation and expertise of this remarkable
institution; ultimately offering patients the best
possible chance for a cure for cancer.

We have had the pleasure of working with
exceptional volunteers who have helped us raise
more than $16 million toward our new $25 million
goal. This campaign is about bringing healing and
comfort to our patients and their families and to
help them find their smile every day. We believe that
treating cancer requires the skill of gifted surgeons;
a team of highly-skilled oncology specialists; access
to the latest, most appropriate technology and
medications; leading-edge clinical trials and research;
and state-of-the-art facilities.

We would like to personally thank our lead donors for
their enormous generosity and commitment to our
cause. For many of our donors, cancer has touched
their lives in a very personal way — their loved ones,
friends, neighbors or colleagues who have valiantly
battled cancer. We, too, have had to face cancer head
on and want to be part of something extraordinary
for those who are seeking hope.

On June 15, 2017, we held the ribbon cutting
ceremony for the newly-renovated inpatient oncology
pavilion, and we are pleased to share with you
pictures from that day. We hope you will consider
becoming a part of the Hope & Healing Campaign.

P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D.				                             Karl J. Krapek, Sr.
Campaign Chairman 				                                    Honorary Chairman

                                                                                  2017 Profiles in Caring   3
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
We would like to thank our donors below for their contributions of $1,000 or more.
    Their gifts and pledges will transform our ability to deliver exceptional cancer care
    today and into the future.

    $5,000,000                         $25,000-$49,999                  Catherine and Kevin Keating       $1,000 to $4,999
    Anonymous                          Celia Moffie and Michael Bedus   Reese R. Korman                   American Adjustment Bureau
                                       Dr. Angelo S. Carrabba* and      Family and Friends of             Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andrew
    $1,500,000                            Ms. Jane Formica                 Suzanne M. Korman*             Dr. and Mrs. Jose M. Arias-
    The Auxiliary of Saint Francis     Krista and Sam Chang             Lynn and John Krawski                Camison
                                       Robert M. and Linda C. Ellis     Cary and Robert Krug              Avon Chapter of Unico National
    $1,000,000-$1,499,999              Walter and Dianne Harrison       Jennifer and Jess Kupec           Ms. Susan A. Bailey
    Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia      Peter and Rosemary Lombardo      Patti and Joseph LaMonica         Mr. Harvery Beinstein
       Research                        Amit Mody                        Maureen and Howard Lantner        Maureen Benka
    Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Krapek, Sr.   Ann and Howard Orr               Antoinette Lazarus                Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Bennett
    Trani Family                       Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E.           Susan and David Lemkuil           Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Brunell
                                          Rosenberg                     Barbara and Mark Lentini          Ms. Lynn F. Cavo
    $500,000-$999,999                  Lynn B. Rossini                  Judith and Bruce Levi             Crumbie Law Group, LLC
    Miss Rose L. Perkins*              Joan and Dennis Rusconi          Dr. John and Jeannine Mara        Mr. and Mrs. Edward Danek, Jr.
    SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.    Craig and Linda Rydin            Anne Massucco, M.D. and           Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dauber
    Woodland Anesthesiology            Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Tenner       Tod Alberghini                 Barbara L. Flynn
      Associates                       Drs. John and Elizabeth Thayer   Dr. Robert and                    Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Foley
                                       Dr. Eric M. van Rooy                Mrs. Lee Ann McAllister        Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Freitas
    $250,000-$499,000                  Helen* and Philip Walker         Kathy and Gerard Noone            Ms. Candida Fusco
    Archdiocese of Hartford                                             Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.            Mr. Edward C. Gendreau
    Frank Capasso and Sons, Inc.       $10,000-$24,999                  Denise and Timothy Prete          Ms. Maureen E. Gethings
    Stanley Black & Decker             Action Air Systems, Inc.         Lee and Kevin Reynolds            Hartford Financial Services
                                       Derrick and Debra Amato          Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.          John L. Laudati
    $100,000-$249,000                  Theresa and Robert Beeman        Dr. Phillip Y. and Dr. Lisa       Jennifer Leimbach
    Mr. William Adams                  Donna and Robert Benzinger          Weisinger Roland               Mr. Christopher N. Maiuri
    Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Budd        Big Y Foods, Inc.                Mr. and Mrs. Brian Rolph          Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Martin
    Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Burns       The Bouvier Family               Charles and Patricia Shimkus      Mr. and Mrs. David W.
    P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D.          Mr. Thomas M. and                Adam and Kim Silverman               MacLennan
    Carla Griswold Giorgio                Dr. Melissa A. Burke          Mr. Irving Silverman              Masonic Charity Foundation of
    Molly Lawson Giorgio               Amy and Ryan Buzzell             Irene and Joe Triompo                Connecticut
    Hartford Foundation for Public     Andrea and Bernie Clark          Nancy and Aris Yannopoulos        Mr. and Mrs. John M. Monter
        Giving                         Heidi and Christopher Cutter     Michelle Zettergren and           Mr. Jay Mullarkey and
    Patricia and Patrick Kinney        Eileen and Christopher Dadlez       Jack Horvath                      Ms. Sharon Hennessey
    Tamara and John Lundgren           Estate of Monsignor Charles                                        Murphy, Laudati, Kiel, Buttler,
    Mr.* and Mrs. Daniel P.               W. Daly                       $5,000 to $9,999                     Rattigan, LLC
        O’Connell                      The DelGross Family              Pamela H. Baldwin                 Mr. and Mrs. Dreux Namnoun
    Marytherese and John Rodis         Whitney and Tom Dionne           Bruce, Jacob and Louis Beck       Bob O’Brien
    United Technologies Corporation    Colleen and Bob Falaguerra       Judy F. Birdsey                   Drs. Indira and
                                       Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox      Anne M. Bresnahan                    Prasad Panthagani
    $50,000-$99,999                    Donna Gilbert                    Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cardone      Mr. and Mrs. William Reis
    Greater Hartford Community         Thomas and Mary Kay Godar        Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Cohen      Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
      Foundation                       Norma and John Green             Nancy and Philip Karanian, M.D.   Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz
    Neal and Alison Keating            Beth and James Greig             John R. Lepore                    Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Schulz
    Bob and Jeanne Leduc               Nancy Grover                     Ellie and Allan Mayer             Radiology Associates of Hartford
    Leo R. Otake, M.D.                 Emily Hahn                       Drs. Nissin and Laura Nahmias     Mrs. Patricia D. Verde
    Quisenberry Arcari Architects,     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanley      Dr. and Mrs. Dominick N.          Keith Winans Memorial Golf
      LLC                              Sasa Harriott                        Pasquale                         Tournament Committee
    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto    Catherine and Robert Jeresaty    Richard L. Piechert
    Jonathan R. Sporn, M.D. and        Edward S. Johnson, DDS           Tom Savage Quarter Note
      Jane Comerford                   Michael and Pam Joyce                Foundation
    Mr. and Mrs. Alcide L. Tacy        Susan and Mark Joyse             Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Wade


Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
The Auxiliary of Saint Francis Pledges $1.5 Million Gift –
                     Setting the Pace

For more than 90 years The Auxiliary of Saint Francis has          Back row, left to right: P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D., campaign
maintained a tradition of volunteerism, generosity, and loyalty    chairman; Karl J. Krapek, Sr., honorary chairman; Lynn
                                                                   B. Rossini, vice president and chief development officer,
to the hospital. Their daily efforts — running the gift shops,     Saint Francis Foundation; John F. Rodis, M.D., M.B.A.,
Blossoms Flower Shop and hosting fundraisers — allow them          president, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center;
to contribute gifts throughout the year that serve our patients,   Antoinette Carrabba; Ann Waters; Heidi Cutter, R.N., nurse
                                                                   manager, oncology
medical personnel, and hospital needs. The Auxiliary has
proudly pledged $1.5 million to the Hope & Healing Campaign        Front row, left to right: Janet Newman; Ranjana Chawla;
to establish the Patient and Family Services Center on the         Regina O’Connell; Fran Sethre; Kathleen Noone, R.N.C.,
                                                                   B.S.N., M.B.A.-C., regional director, oncology, Trinity
newly renovated inpatient oncology unit. We are truly blessed      Health Of New England; and Jonathan Sporn, M.D.,
to have the support of The Auxiliary and its many members.         physician leader, oncology

                                                                                                      2017 Profiles in Caring     5
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
John, Carmela and Theresa Trani Oncology Pavilion

    John M. Trani at the entrance of the John, Carmela and Theresa Trani Oncology Pavilion

    At a community event in 2003, John M. Trani, former                        box removed, and eventually, passed away from lung
    CEO and Chairman of Stanley Works, Inc., met retired                       cancer. So, in order to celebrate their lives and assist
    Saint Francis president, David D’Eramo, Ph.D., and                         with the fight against cancer, he pledged $1 million
    current hospital board chairman, P. Anthony Giorgio,                       to the campaign. John stated, “I thought this would
    Ph.D. The three shared a common heritage, sense                            be a wonderful opportunity to honor my family and to
    of humor, and commitment to community. When Dr.                            help create an environment dedicated to healing. Saint
    D’Eramo asked John to join the Foundation Board a                          Francis does wonderful work, and I am honored to be
    few months later, he unequivocally accepted. Since                         able to support them and my community.”
    then John has been a devoted donor by supporting the                              The newly renovated inpatient oncology floor
    hospital’s capital campaigns, special events and annual                    has been named the John, Carmela and Theresa Trani
    giving programs.                                                           Oncology Pavilion. It includes 20 renovated single
           Tony Giorgio, chairman of the Hope & Healing                        patient rooms with many comforts of home, a family
    Campaign, called on his dear friend to talk about the                      waiting room, improved staff accommodations and
    hospital’s plan to expand and renovate cancer services.                    two family hospitality suites. The Trani family gift will
    This appeal struck a chord with John. His sister                           have a tremendous impact on the lives of many cancer
    Theresa died from ovarian cancer at the tender age of                      patients and their families.
    13. His father had cancer of the larynx, had his voice

Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
The Krapek Family Leads by Example

Kathy and Karl Krapek at the inpatient oncology pavilion dedication

Karl J. Krapek, Sr. was asked to serve as Honorary                    physicians and nurses, highly-skilled surgeons, the
Chairman of the Hope & Healing Campaign and his first                 latest technology and state-of-the-art facilities to give
order of business was to make a $1 million donation.                  hope to every cancer patient. “You feel like you are in
For more than 40 years, he has been an inspiring                      the hands of God when you are at Saint Francis and
leader, astute advisor, energetic advocate and generous               that is because you are,” stated Karl in our campaign
friend to the hospital. This gift represents his third                video. These unscripted words are what drive Karl and
million dollar contribution.                                          his partner, Campaign Chair, P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D.,
        Karl realizes how important this campaign is to               to meet with as many people as they can to discuss
our patients, their families and our community. He has                the campaign and the importance of their support.
been touched by cancer and believes in order to treat                         We are grateful to Karl and Kathy for their
this disease the hospital needs to have the most gifted               friendship, guidance and support.

                                                                                                             2017 Profiles in Caring   7
Profiles in Caring Saint Francis - Saint Francis Foundation
SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc. Donates $500,000

    Left to right: Amy Buzzell, director, operations, Saint Francis Foundation; SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc. Grants Committee members —
    Charles Pike, Richard Meduski, Harry (Chip) Gaucher, Sheila Flanagan, Doug Anderson, Doreen Downham, Laurence Rubinow; Lynn B. Rossini,
    vice president and chief development officer, Saint Francis Foundation (Greg Wolff, committee member not pictured)

    Saint Francis received a $500,000 grant from the                        Educational community outreach programs will be
    SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc., toward the hospital’s                  offered on prevention, screening, and early detection.
    Hope & Healing Campaign. The Foundation’s gift will                            Doreen Downham, executive director of the
    expand the Smilow Cancer Hospital Yale-New Haven                        SBM Charitable Foundation, stated, “The SBMCF is
    at Saint Francis by creating a new cancer care site in                  pleased to continue its ongoing support of Saint Francis
    Glastonbury. The new center will include expanded                       Hospital and Medical Center. The expansion of cancer
    treatment services, easier access to medical oncology                   care services, via the Glastonbury site, fits well within
    providers and support services, and chemotherapy                        our East of the Connecticut River funding focus. The
    treatment with onsite oncological pharmacy services.                    convenience of the location and the wide range of
           In addition, the cancer care center will also                    services provided at the site will benefit East of the
    provide navigation services for patients, diagnostic                    River oncology patients, as well as those in our other
    services, integrative medicine services, and supportive                 area communities.”
    care services including survivorship programs.

Hope & Healing for Our Patients

Eileen Adams and her
family came to know
Saint Francis after she
was diagnosed with
advanced stage of
     Eileen’s five month journey began when her
daughter Nancy received some sage advice from a             Bill Adams, Dr. James Vredenburgh, and Nancy Taylor
close friend, “There is more than the actual treatment
in cancer care, so you need to get your mom to Saint
Francis immediately.”
     Eileen fought a courageous battle with cancer. During her time at Saint Francis she “adopted” a new
family that included dedicated physicians and caregivers. The oncology team became caring friends to Eileen,
especially Dr. James Vredenburgh, Dr. David Grew, Dr. Susan Rabinowe and Joy Peccolo, R.N. They were by
her side to celebrate the good times and console her during the most challenging days. An enduring bond
developed between Eileen, her family and her new Saint Francis friends.
     Ultimately Eileen succumbed to her illness and passed away peacefully at Saint Francis, a place where
she was surrounded by love and comfort. Her family is incredibly grateful for the hope, courage, laughter,
faith and love that were bestowed upon Eileen and the family during their greatest time of need. To honor the
staff’s extraordinary care and friendship, Eileen’s husband, Bill, has made a major gift to the Hope & Healing
Campaign in her memory.

Left to right: Craig Taylor, Nancy Taylor, Bill Adams, Stephen Adams; back row: Keith and Marsha Adams by the Giving Circle plaque
honoring wife and mother, Eileen Adams

                                                                                                                      2017 Profiles in Caring   9
Inpatient Oncology Pavilion Dedication
     The $3.2 million transformation of the 20-room oncology pavilion was dedicated on
     June 15, 2017, before a crowd of 200 Saint Francis donors, colleagues and friends. The
     state-of-the-art space addresses the healing and comfort needs of our patients as well
     as those of their families and loved ones. Each private room is designed to feel like home
     and provides accommodations for visitors.

     The Pavilion’s Patient and Family Services Center includes a Comfort and Healing Lounge
     to provide patients and their loved ones a healing sanctuary. The space will host programs
     like art and music therapy, meditation, yoga practice, as well as a quiet visiting area or
     private place for a meal. The adjacent Integrative Medicine Suite will offer therapeutic
     massage, acupuncture, and mind/body therapies to offer relief and comfort for patients
     and their families.

     Left to right: Christopher M. Dadlez, president & CEO, Trinity Health Of New England; Lynn B. Rossini, vice president and chief development officer,
     Saint Francis Foundation; Kathleen Noone, R.N.C., B.S.N., M.B.A.-C., regional director, oncology, Trinity Health Of New England; Karl J. Krapek, Sr.,
     honorary chairman; Heidi Cutter, R.N., nurse manager, oncology; P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D., campaign chairman; Jonathan Sporn, M.D., physician
     leader, oncology; and John F. Rodis, M.D., M.B.A., president, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center

In addition to the renovation of patient rooms, the nursing station areas, the conference
room and a staff respite suite have been refurbished to better accommodate the myriad
functions of the staff.

   Hospitality Suite                                                          Patient Room

  Comfort and Healing Lounge                                               Nursing Station

                                                                              2017 Profiles in Caring   11
Partners in Caring – Major Gifts
     As we celebrate the most successful year in Foundation history, we
     would like to thank our donors whose gifts transform the lives of our
     patients and community. We are truly grateful for their generosity,
     commitment, and dedication.

     Vicevich Family Supports the New Margery
     Brennan Vicevich-Guyott Center for Lupus and
     Rheumatologic Disease

     Jim Vicevich, lupus patient and talk radio host of “Sound Off Connecticut” which airs on WTIC – AM;
     and Dr. Michael Grey, chairman, department of medicine

     Saint Francis received a generous gift of $1 million from                  years, delaying proper treatment. His primary caregiver,
     Barbara Vicevich. Barbara is committed to honoring                         Dr. Michael Grey, chairman, department of medicine,
     the legacy of her beloved mother by creating the                           is fully aware of how important this center will be for
     Margery Brennan Vicevich-Guyott Center for Lupus                           many patients and their families. He has worked closely
     and Rheumatologic Disease. This gift was inspired by                       with the Vicevich family and other patients to create an
     her brother Jim, who was seeking a comprehensive                           environment that will offer all the services necessary
     program to help him and others suffering from lupus                        for their treatment in one location.
     and other rheumatic diseases.                                                       We are so grateful to Barbara for her vision,
             The Center will be the first of its kind in our                    compassion and generosity. We would also like to
     region and will become a well-recognized resource for                      thank Dr. Grey for introducing Barbara and the Vicevich
     patients seeking treatment for these disorders. It will                    family to the expert and compassionate care at Saint
     offer diagnostic clarity and guidance and consultation                     Francis and Mount Sinai.
     and referral services. Jim was misdiagnosed for many

Gawlicki Family
Foundation Grant
The Gawlicki Family Foundation has granted Saint
Francis $109,000 to implement a home-based
pulmonary rehabilitation program for at-risk patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
        With this grant, Saint Francis and program
director, Richard L. ZuWallack, M.D., will implement
a program for pulmonary rehabilitation in the home
for discharged COPD patients. The home-based
rehabilitation intervention will be a mechanism
for enhancing patient–caregiver communication,
providing necessary education, teaching self-
management strategies, and promoting exercise
and physical activity. In addition, an important goal
will be to get the patient to transition from home-
based to center-based pulmonary rehabilitation for
continued care.                                         Mary and Ted Gawlicki

Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing Alumni
Association Provides Lasting Gift
The Saint Francis Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Association presented the Foundation with an incredible gift
of $430,000 during a dedication celebration held on October 3, 2016. For 108 years our School of Nursing Alumni
Association has supported the needs of the hospital in a variety of ways. Their most recent gift will allow Saint
Francis to continue to award nursing scholarships for decades to come.

                                                                                                   2017 Profiles in Caring   13
The Valencia Society
     Building on a Legacy of Quality Care
     Over the years, gifts arranged to follow one’s life have proved essential to the mission
     of delivering the highest quality health care with compassion to everyone. Through such
     gifts, Legacy Members of The Valencia Society link themselves in an unbroken chain to the
     Sisters of the past and to the caregivers of the future.
             With ever-renewed legacy commitments, Saint Francis extends its mission to serve
     people now and in the future. The generosity of our over 500 Legacy Members allows
     Saint Francis to bridge the gap to excellence, for which they deserve our highest gratitude.

                                                   Mr. Clarence J. Bourret †                     Debra A. DeNardis †
       New Members                                 Mr. Timothy F. Bourret                        Joseph F. DeVito †
                                                   Mr.† and Mrs. Robert F. Bouvier               Bertha Diem †
       Mr. Stephen J. Benedetto
                                                   Estate of Lorraine M. Brennan                 Miss Marylou Dillon †
       Jesse S. Blumenthal †
                                                   Dorothy A. Brickett †                         Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Dionne
       Mr.† and Mrs. Robert F. Bouvier
                                                   Estate of Catherine M. Burke                  Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Diver
       Sam and Krista Chang
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Burns †                David and Christine Dixon
       Reverend Monsignor Charles W. Daly †
                                                   Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt                   Mr. and Mrs. John J. Downey †
       Ida Ertman †
                                                   Amy and Ryan Buzzell                          Mr. † and Mrs. Bernard F. Driscoll
       Susan M. Joyse
                                                   Arthur P. and Mariko F. Byrne                 Bertha Edlin †
       Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kerwin, Jr. †
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Gino Calderone                   Ida Ertman †
       Lynn B. and John A. Krawski
                                                   Ms. Rebecca G. Caldwell                       Evelyn Ertman †
       Judge and Mrs. William C. Leary,
                                                   Elizabeth A. Callahan †                       Dorothy Cataldi Euliano• and
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Campanelli               Lucian M. Euliano †
       Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo
                                                   Mildred L. Cannon Trust                       John J. Farrell
       Deb MacLean and Jim Loscalzo
                                                   Ms. Brenda A. Carbone                         Raymond B. Farrell, Jr.
       Nancy Manafort
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Carey                   James M. Feeney, M.D., FACS
       Richard L. Peichert †
                                                   Mary G. Carroll †                             Mr. and Mrs. Barry Feldman
       Elliot Ranard
                                                   Howard and Sue Carver                         Dr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Ferrante
       Annie L. Sarrasin †
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. William R. Caval                 Mr. Robert J. Fiondella
       Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.
                                                   Sam and Krista Chang                          Mr. Robert W. Fiondella
       Anna M. Shea †
                                                   Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla               Dr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Flaxman
       Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto
                                                   Myrtle M. Clabby †                            Dr. and Mrs. Victor L. Fortin, Jr. †
                                                   William J. Clifford †                         Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
                                                   Esta E. Cohen †                               Reverend Henry C. Frascadore
                                                   Merna Cohen †                                 Dr. and Mrs. Fred M. Gabrielle, Jr.
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Albanesi
                                                   Morris N. Cohen, M.D. Trust in honor of his   Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gales
     Mr. † and Mrs. Stanley F. Alfeld
                                                      late wife Emma Perlstein Cohen             Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gfeller
     Albin S. Anderson, M.D. †
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Henry N. Cohn †                  Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.
     Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Andrew, Jr.
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Comey                    Karen and Michael Gigliotti
     Estate of Miguel Arroyo †
                                                   George B. Cooper †                            Angela L. Gionfriddo †
     Estate of Albert H. Atkins †
                                                   Sister Corby A. Coperthwaite, COS Ph.D.       Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
     The Auxiliary of Saint Francis
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Cosgrove †              Harry E. Goldfarb †
     Mr. and Mrs. Bruce J. Bailey
                                                   The Estate of Thomas P. Crean                 Mary Ann Goodman †
     Melanie and Thomas O. Barnes
                                                   William J. Crocker †                          Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green
     George H. Barrows, M.D.
                                                   Mr. and Mrs.• George S. Cunningham †          Mr. and Mrs. Victor Greenberg †
     Donna and Robert Batch
                                                   Mary E. Curran                                Catherine Guethlein †
     Mr. Stephen J. Benedetto
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Curran                Mr. James T. Gutmann
     Antoinette M. Benevento †
                                                   Dr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Curran †              Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley
     The Estate of Eleanor J. Bielak
                                                   Lemuel Rodney Custis †                        Martha R. Harris †
     The Honorable † and Mrs. William C. Bieluch
                                                   Dr. and Mrs. David D’Eramo                    Stanley G. Hart †
     Mrs. Judy F. Birdsey
                                                   Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Dadlez            Harold L. and Ethel B. Hart †
     Miryam † and Victor Birman
                                                   Reverend Leo J. Daily †                       Ms. Martha E. Hartle
     Robert J. Birnbaum
                                                   Dr. † and Mrs.• George R. Dalton              Mr. and Mrs. R. Christopher Hartley
     Ms. Patricia A. Biss
                                                   Reverend Monsignor Charles W. Daly †          Richard B. Haskell †
     Allison Lindsay Blancato
                                                   Edward G. Damm †                              Noreen and Clark Hendley
     Jesse S. Blumenthal †
                                                   Mr. Geraud M.H. Darnis                        Anne N. Heneghan †
     Mr. † and Mrs. Norman D. Boardman
                                                   Drs. Hema and Paula de Silva                  Mr. Joel K. Hershberger
     The Boccaccio Family
                                                   Mr. † and Mrs. Raymond H. Deck                Guy B. Holt †
     Richard H. Booth
                                                   Mr. James M. Demund †                         Edward W. † and Elaine C. Hudson†

The Valencia Society Chairs
                                                                                      Back row: Lynn and John Krawski
                                                                                      with Nikki O’Neill; seated: Ann and
                                                                                      Howard Orr.

In 1997, on the 100th anniversary of Saint Francis              couples to join her in this role, Ann and Howard Orr
Hospital and Medical Center, The Valencia Society               and Lynn and John Krawski.
was established to honor the dedication and legacy
of our founder, Mother Ann Valencia. The Valencia               This fall we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of
Society recognizes those select individuals who                 the Valencia Society, and toast the more than 500
made a gift to Saint Francis in their estate plan               friends who have included Saint Francis in their
through a bequest by will, life insurance, real estate,         estate plan as an expression of their fondness
retirement accounts and various life income vehicles.           for the institution. Our chairs will host the annual
                                                                reception on October 18, 2017, at the home of
Chaired by the late Governor William O’Neill and                Patricia and Patrick Kinney.
his wife Nikki, The Valencia Society became the
philanthropic cornerstone of our second century; the            If you would like to receive information on how
foundation upon which the continued growth and                  you can make a planned gift and join the Valencia
leadership of Saint Francis will be built. Nikki O’Neill        Society, please contact the Foundation.
continues to serve as our chair and has invited two

Jane D. Hudson                            Edward S. Johnson, D.D.S.                 Libby S. Krasnow †
Ann Hudson North                          Susan M. Joyse                            Lynn B. and John A. Krawski
Staff of Hughes Health and                Samuel J. Kaprove †                       Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krug
   Rehabilitation, Inc.                   Paul Karvoski Memorial Golf Tournament    Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kupec
Hughes Health and Rehabilitation, Inc.    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Karvoski          Raymond LaFontaine †
Joan E. Hunt †                            Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Kayser             Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LaMonica
Mrs. Lisa Irizarry                        William J. Kelley †                       Mr. Albert J. Landa, Jr.
Charles Janis †                           Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Kelly               Ronald F. LaPensee
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Jarvis             Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Kerwin, Jr. †    Mr. and Mrs. Mario S. Latina †
Alice C. Jarvis †                         Alice D. Kimmens †                        Irene Lavell †
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jeresaty           Dr. Rolf W. and Beverly C. Knoll          Judge and Mrs. William C. Leary, Ret.
Reverend Monsignor Charles B. Johnson †   Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Krapek, Sr.          Sheri Lemieux

                                                                                                        2017 Profiles in Caring   15
The Valencia Society
     Mr. † and Mrs. Charles R. Lindberg            Lena P. Oliva †                         Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Smullen, Jr.
     Matilda D. Lindstadt• †                       Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.                  Mr. and Mrs. John F. Solan, Jr.
     Mr. and Mrs. Harry Link                       Mr. and Mrs. Howard Orr                 Louis M. Solomon †
     Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo                Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Pabich           Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto
     Mr. and Mrs.• Michael T. Long                 Fred T. Panagrosso †                    Elisabeth G. Spellacy†
     Mr. John R. Longo                             Toni and John Pappalardo•               Ms. Mary C. Spellacy•
     Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Longobardi              Jean W. Pappas †                        Joseph S. Stackpole †
     Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Loparco, Jr.           George A. Patterson †                   Gladys Stoll †
     Deb MacLean and Jim Loscalzo                  Richard L. Peichert †                   Carolyn Robb Storrs
     Rita F. Madigan †                             Paul F. and Linda S. Pendergast         Edward A. Suisman †
     Mr. Christopher Magnoli                       Miss Rose L. Perkins †                  Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Surprenant
     Kathleen Magowan †                            James G. Pettit †                       Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Swords, Jr.
     Robert W. Magowan †                           Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Phillips        Mr. and Mrs. Alcide L. Tacy †
     Marita Malone, M.D.                           Josephine M. Picone                     Mr. and Mrs. Emery Thomas
     Nancy Manafort                                Ruth B. Post †                          Frances T. Troiano †
     Ms. Sharon J. Marosek                         Carol M. Proom †                        Mr. Thomas R. Trumble
     Dr. and Mrs. William T. Marshall, III         Dr. and Mrs. Ganson Purcell, Jr.        Dr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Turco †
     Grace S. Martin †                             Elliot Ranard                           Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.
     Emilia A. Mascaro•                            Martha M. Rebmann †                     Phyllis L. Van Horn †
     Mr. and Mrs. Peter McAvoy                     Stephen F. Richards †                   Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Pierre van Rooy
     Thomas E. McBride †                           Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Rockwell         Rozann F. Venti, M.D.
     E. Merritt McDonough, Sr.                     Anna Roderick †                         Evelyn Veroff †
     Mr. and Mrs. E. Merritt McDonough, Jr.        Dr. and Mrs. John F. Rodis              Patricia A. Walsh• †
     Judith G. McDonough †                         Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E. Rosenberg, MBA   Doris Jacobs Watson †
     Marcus and Valerie McKinney                   Lynn B. Rossini                         Peter P. White, M.D. and
     Mary K. McKone                                Steven and Gail Ruby                       Attorney Sandra Sherlock-White
     John M. McNally †                             Donald Ruffkess Unitrust                Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. Whitmire
     Lois S. Miller †                              Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Rusconi          Mary Jane Williams †
     Ms. Madeline Ann Milligan•                    William C. Russell †                    Estate of Francis C. Willson†
     Thomas W. Mitchell, Jr. † in memory of        Annie L. Sarrasin †                     John T. Winters, M.D. †
        Mary Mitchell                              Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Sarubbi †        Woodland Women’s Services, L.L.C.
     Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moores                      Irma Klein Schachter                    Stella J. Yefko †
     Dr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Morgan                Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.      Mr. Henry M. Zachs
     Ruth Ann Morris                               Dr. and Mrs. J. David Schnatz           Mary A. Zakrzewski †
     Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey †            Mr. † and Mrs. Frank C. Schroll         Margaret M. Zimmerman †
     Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Moynihan              Mary and Philip Schulz
     Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Muccio †              Pauline H. Schwind †
     Denis F. Mullane †                            Margaret C. Servick †                   • = Saint Francis Hospital School of
     Thomas F. Mullaney, Jr.                       Anna M. Shea †                          		 Nursing Graduate
     Michael F. Mulpeter                           Madeline R. Shea †                      † = deceased
     Catherine F. Mulrain †                        Lillian Shea †
     Mary V. Munger †                              Fay Morse Shea                          Note: The list above reflects the
     Catherine R. Muska• †                         Mr. and Mrs.• Charles Shimkus, Sr.      Foundation’s records through
     Jenny Myler †                                 Dr. and Mrs. Adam R. Silverman          June 30, 2017.
     Mary Jayne Naparkowsky                        Ms. Sandra B. Sims
                                                                                           We welcome the opportunity
     Dr. J. C. Napper                              Mr.† and Mrs. Pat L. Sinatro, Jr.
                                                                                           to add or correct our records.
     Mr. and Mrs. William J. Newman                Angela R. Sipala•
     Mr.† and Mrs. Daniel P. O’Connell             Eleanor M. Smith †
     Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. O’Connor †             Lt. Gail L. Smith † and
     Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.                          Mrs. Harriet P. Smith †
     The Honorable † and Mrs. William A. O’Neill   Richard L. Smith †

     “I cannot think of a better way to give back to Saint Francis
     for all it has done for me and my family than joining the
     Valencia Society to make sure they can maintain and
     advance their incredible level of care.”                           ~David

Corporate Partners
For many years, Saint Francis has partnered with companies and organizations to best serve the
community’s health care needs. Our Corporate Partnership Program provides an opportunity for
companies to support innovative programs and patient care initiatives, while participating in our
signature events: MIRACLES Gala and Curtis D. Robinson SWING Golf and Tennis Outing.

For more information on our Corporate Partner Program, please contact Amy Buzzell at
860-714-9917 or

                                2017 Corporate Partners

                                        SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSOR

     PREMIER CORPORATE PARTNER                                     DIAMOND CORPORATE PARTNER

                                    PLATINUM CORPORATE PARTNERS

                                               GOLD PARTNERS
All-Phase Enterprises, Inc.               Cushman & Wakefield                       Red Thread
American Medical Response                 HAZ- PROS, Inc.                           Sodexo
Berkeley Research Group                   Prime HealthCare, P.C.                    TRO
Connecticut Hospital Association/         Radiology Associates of Hartford, P.C.    Unitex Textile Rental Services

                                             BRONZE PARTNERS
Hartford Steam Boiler                     Cooney, Scully and Dowling                The Simsbury Bank
Action Air Systems, Inc.                  EPIC O & G Industries, Inc.               Thrivent Financial
Berkshire Bank                            Right at Home-In Home Care &
Cashman & Katz                              Assistance

                                                                                                    2017 Profiles in Caring   17
Curtis D. Robinson SWING
     Golf and Tennis Outing
     The 28th Annual Curtis D. Robinson SWING Golf and Tennis outing raised $400,000
     in support of health equity programs, nursing education at Saint Francis and special
     projects at Mount Sinai Rehabilitation Hospital. To date this event has raised over
     $7.5 million.
            More than 350 golfers and 40 tennis players — including actor, singer and
     composer Clifton Davis, currently starring on Broadway in Aladdin and CBS’s Madame
     Secretary; and the ever funky Kool from Kool & the Gang — enjoyed morning and
     afternoon golf and tennis, exciting raffles and awards and even a hole-in-one prize
     opportunity donated by Jim Barnes, The Hermitage Club.
            We are grateful to Curtis and Sheila Robinson for their vision and support. We
     are also thankful to special event sponsor, United Technologies Corporation, premier
     corporate partner, Arrow Pharmacy and our vendors who made the day full of fun with
     on-course features including Omar Coffee, Salute Vodka, on-site kettle corn popping by Jeff’s Kettle Corn of
     Tolland, sliders by Ted’s Montana Grill in Hartford, multiple beer tastings and hand massages by staff at the
     Center for Integrative Medicine at Saint Francis.

     Left to right: Clifton Davis; Lynn B. Rossini, vice president and chief development officer, Saint Francis Foundation; Sheila Robinson;
     Curtis D. Robinson

The 27th annual Saint Francis MIRACLES gala — the         his wife, Tamara Lundgren, president & CEO, Schnitzer
largest black-tie event in Connecticut — hosted 1,400     Steel. MIRACLES Co-Chairs were Heidi and Christopher
guests at the Connecticut Convention Center. Since        Cutter, Heidi and David Grise, M.D., and Mary and
its inception in 1990, MIRACLES galas have                           Hal Smullen.
raised more than $15 million for hospital                                    The emcee for MIRACLES was
initiatives.                                                         Broadway actor, singer, composer, producer
         The beneficiary was the Hope &                              and minister Clifton Davis. Davis is now
Healing Campaign for Cancer Care. The                                appearing in the Disney Broadway musical,
$1.1 million raised will allow Saint Francis to                      Aladdin, as the Sultan, on CBS’s Madame
upgrade and expand existing cancer facilities,                       Secretary, and in Marvel’s new upcoming
create access sites outside of Hartford to provide        series, “Iron Fist” on Netflix.
care for cancer patients, enhance research and clinical          On September 23, 2017, the 28th annual
expertise and patient programs and services.              MIRACLES gala will benefit Women and Infants Health
         Honorary Chairs for the event were John          and Maternity Services at Saint Francis.
Lundgren, former CEO, Stanley, Black & Decker, and

                                                                             Shown above: Emcee, Clifton Davis

                                                                             Photo top left: back row, MIRACLES
                                                                             Leadership – Christopher M. Dadlez,
                                                                             president and CEO, Trinity Health Of New
                                                                             England; Eileen Dadlez; John Lundgren;
                                                                             Tamara Lundgren; Hal Smullen; Mary
                                                                             Smullen, MIRACLES chair; Marytherese
                                                                             Rodis; John F. Rodis, M.D., M.B.A.,
                                                                             president, Saint Francis Hospital and
                                                                             Medical Center; Lynn B. Rossini, vice
                                                                             president and chief development officer,
                                                                             Saint Francis Foundation; Kathy Krapek;
                                                                             Karl J. Krapek, Sr., honorary chairman;
                                                                             front row – Christopher Cutter; Heidi Cutter,
                                                                             MIRACLES chair and nurse manager,
                                                                             oncology; Heidi Grise, MIRACLES chair;
                                                                             Joanne Jolly; P. Anthony Giorgio, Ph.D.,
                                                                             Saint Francis board chairman and Hope &
                                                                             Healing campaign chairman

                                                                             Photo bottom left: Beneficiary Medical Staff
                                                                             – Eric van Rooy, M.D., radiation oncology;
                                                                             Kathleen Noone, R.N.C., B.S.N., M.B.A.-C.,
                                                                             regional director, oncology, Trinity Health Of
                                                                             New England; Jane Comerford; Jonathan
                                                                             Sporn, M.D., physician leader, oncology;
                                                                             Donna Boruchov, M.D. and Adam Boruchov,
                                                                             M.D. hematology/oncology

                                                                                                   2017 Profiles in Caring    19
Third-Party Events
     Throughout the year, grateful families, friends, community groups, organizations and school groups
     organize and host events to raise awareness and funds for various hospital initiatives. They have found
     very creative ways to accomplish their goals by hosting events such as garden parties, fashion shows,
     motorcycle rides, lemonade stands and comedy nights. Throughout our magazine we have highlighted
     their successes. A complete calendar of events is located on our website,

     If you would like information on hosting a third-party event, please contact Brenda Carbone, or 860-714-7084.

     The 3rd Annual Kicking Cancer in the
     Cornhole Tournament
     …was a huge success raising almost $12,000 for the patient assistance fund at the Smilow Cancer
     Hospital at Saint Francis. It was a gorgeous day and a fun way to honor and to remember cancer patients
     and their families. The organizers of this event never dreamed an idea they came up with over dinner and a
     cornhole game, could do so much for those going through a cancer diagnosis. When they surpassed their
     goal by $2,000, there were tears of joy on all of their faces.

       Back row, left to right: Tonya Waltke, Brian Waltke, Daniel
       Pichette, Megan Pichette, Caitlin Pichette and Liz Duet

       Front row, left to right: Madison Waltke, Jack Pichette and
       Molly Pichette

MMNT 3rd Annual Beards and Beers Event Raises $16,500
The 5K run raises funds to support the Curtis D. Robinson Center for Health Equity. In addition, the partners of
Montovani, Murray, Nemphos & Tierinni, LLC, also grew beards in observance of “No Shave November,” a national
event that raises awareness of prostate cancer. Their gift will support community efforts to educate and screen men
in our community for this cancer.

Above, left to right: Philip S. Nemphos, CPA, CVA, MMNT member; Matthew J. Tierinni, CPA, MMNT member; James Torello; Curtis D. Robinson;
Sheila Robinson; Courtney L. Gilrein; Karl J. Badey, CPA, MST, MMNT member; Christine Dionne

Below: Representatives of Bolton ECHO (Eastern CT Hockey Organization) dressed for the occasion and getting ready to run in the 5K event

                                                                                                                         2017 Profiles in Caring   21
Honor Roll of Donors
     The Honor Roll of Donors recognizes those whose generous support helps to ensure
     Saint Francis’ continued excellence by providing gifts for new facilities, state-of-the-art
     technology and high-quality programs and services.

     The following listing               Dr. and Mrs. John C.
     comprises donors who have
     made cumulative gifts ($500         Greater Hartford Community           Multi-year pledges
     or more) from July 1, 2016 to          Foundation, Inc.
                                         Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Green         The following donors have made pledges in
     June 30, 2017.
                                         Hartford Foundation for Public       Fiscal Year 2017.
     $1,000,000+                         Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
     Karl J. Krapek, Sr.                 Drs. Cookie and John Keggi
                                         Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kennon        $1,000,000+                    Heidi Cutter
     $500,000 to $999,999                Lea’s Foundation for Leukemia        The Trani Family               Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M.
     Maximilian E. & Marion O.              Research, Inc.                    Barbara E. Vicevich, Esq.         Dadlez
       Hoffman Foundation                Joyce and Andy Mandell                                              Whitney and Thomas Dionne
     Barbara E. Vicevich, Esq.           Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. McAllister    $500,000 to $999,999           Colleen and Bob Falaguerra
                                         Radiology Associates of              SBM Charitable Foundation,     Dr. and Mrs. Brendan M. Fox
     $250,000 to $499,999                   Hartford, P.C.                      Inc.                         Ms. Donna Gilbert
     The Alumni Association of Saint     Dr. and Mrs. Randall J. Risinger     Woodland Anesthesiology        Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar
       Francis Hospital School of        Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Schachter       Associates Foundation        Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green
       Nursing                           Dr. Eric A. Silverstein                                             Beth Greig, RN, MSN, MBA
     The Auxiliary of Saint Francis      Dr. and Mrs. Sanjay K. Sinha         $100,000 to $499,000           Mr. and Mrs. Michael J.
     Coverys Community Healthcare                                             Mr. William Adams                 Hanley
       Foundation                        $25,000 to $49,999                   Patrick and Patricia Kinney    Ms. Sasa Harriott
     The Trani Family                    Anonymous                                                           Dr. and Mrs. Robert M.
                                         All Waste                            $50,000 to $99,999                Jeresaty
     $100,000 to $249,999                Mr. Michael E. Bedus and             The Gawlicki Family            Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Joyce
     Anonymous                               Ms. Celia Moffie                    Foundation                  Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Joyse
     Mr. William Adams                   Big Y Foods, Inc.                    Mr. and Mrs. Neal Keating      Cathy Keating
     Connecticut Joint Replacement       Dr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Burt          Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Leduc   Anita M. Kelsey, M.D.
        Surgeons, LLC                    Mr. and Mrs. Leonide G.              Stuart E. Rosenberg, MBA       Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krawski
     Kellogg Foundation                      Charette, Sr.                    Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.         Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kupec
     Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lundgren       Cincinnati Children’s Hospital          Spalluto                    Patti and Joseph LaMonica
     The Estate of Daniel P. O’Connell       Medical Center                                                  Howard and Maureen Lantner
     Sage & Dice Foundation              Collins Medical Associates 2, P.C.   $25,000 to $49,000             Ms. Antoinette C. Lazarus
     SBM Charitable Foundation, Inc.     Connecticut Brain Tumor              Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chang         Dr. Anne Massucco and
     Dr. and Mrs. Steven F. Schutzer         Alliance                         Mr. Robert M. Ellis               Mr. Tod V. Alberghini
     Mr. and Mrs. William C. Stone       Connecticut Health Foundation        Dr. and Mrs. Walter L.         Dr. and Mrs. Robert W.
     Woodland Anesthesiology             Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M.             Harrison                       McAllister
        Associates Foundation                Dadlez                           Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Orr     Kathy and Gerard Noone
                                         Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goldberg      Lynn B. Rossini                Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.
     $50,000 to $99,999                  The Hartford Financial Services      Joan and Dennis Rusconi        Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.
     Anonymous                               Group, Inc.                      Drs. Elizabeth and             Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Prete
     Dr. Jonathan Abrams and             Mr. and Mrs. Neal Keating               John Thayer                 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N.
        Dr. Adrienne B. Berke            Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Lombardo                                         Reynolds
     Archdiocese of Hartford             Richard P. Garmany Fund              $10,000 to $24,999             Mr. Irving Silverman
     Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Budd         Saint Francis HealthCare             Derrick Amato and Family       The Silverman Family
     Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Byrne            Partners                         Robert and Theresa Beeman      Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
     Mr. and Mrs. Vincenzo Capasso       The Jennifer K. Strom, O.D.          Donna Benzinger                   Triompo
     John P. Dunleavy, M.D.                  and James M. Feeney, M.D.,       Mr. Thomas and                 Dr. and Mrs. Aris D.
     Frank Capasso & Sons, Inc.              FACS Family                         Dr. Melissa Burke              Yannopoulos
     The Gawlicki Family Foundation      The Travelers Companies, Inc.        Amy and Ryan Buzzell           Ms. Michelle M. Zettergren
     Genzyme Corporation                 U.S. Security Associates, Inc.       Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A.           and Mr. Jack Horvath
                                         Roxanne F. Zarmsky, M.D.                Clark, III

$10,000 to $24,999
Action Air Systems, Inc.
AE Design Group, LLC                    The President’s Circle
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Susan Albano and                    The inaugural gathering of The President’s
   Mr. William Pitt                     Circle was held on December 13, 2016, at
All-Phase Enterprises, Inc.             Max Downtown with more than 65 guests in
Ambulance Service of
                                        attendance. This distinguished group of donors
American Adjustment Bureau              has an enormous impact on our patients, their
American Medical Response               families and our community. Their investments in
Dr. Sivasenthil Arumugam and            Saint Francis and Mount Sinai support a variety
   Dr. Srimathi Manickaratnam           of vital programs, capital projects, patient assistance and community-
Au Bon Pain
                                        based programs. We are grateful to our President’s Circle members for the
Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Badey
Barnes Group, Inc.                      impact their gifts have on our mission of patient-centered care. For more
Drs. Lisa and John Barnett              information, please contact Lynn B. Rossini, 860-714-9005.
Berkeley Research Group
Berkshire Bank
Biogen Idec
Dr. James Brakoniecki
Victor E. Camacho, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Chang
Dr. and Mrs. Surendra K. Chawla
Chip In For A Cure
Cigna Foundation
Connecticut Hospital Association
Dr. Alison A. Considine and
   Mr. Liam Considine
Leo Contois, M.D.
Cooney, Scully and Dowling
Cushman & Wakefield
Dr. and Mrs. John G. D’Alessio
The Estate of Rev. Msgr. Charles
   W. Daly, S.T.L.
Christopher DelGross, P.A.
Mrs. Enid Storm Dwyer
The Ensworth Charitable
   Foundation, Bank of America,
George H.C. Ensworth
   Memorial Fund, Bank of           Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Levi              Lynn B. Rossini                    $5,000 to $9,999
   America,Trustee                  Nancy Manafort                          Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Ruby        Anonymous (5)
EPIC                                Inna S. Maranets, M.D.                  Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Samuels     Mr. and Mrs. Edgardo Abello
Colleen and Bob Falaguerra          Dr. and Mrs. William T. Marshall, III   Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Setter       Allied World National Assurance
Frank H. Netter MD School of        Dr. and Mrs. Allan R. Mayer             David S. Shapiro, M.D.                 Company
   Medicine at Quinnipiac           Montovani, Murray, Nemphos &            Sodexo                             Dr. and Mrs. Jose M.
David G. Freitas, M.D.                 Tierinni, LLC                        Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Spalluto        Arias-Camison
The Giorgio Family                  Gwendolyn H. Moraski, M.D.              Mark A. Spencer, M.D.              The Beatrice Fox Auerbach Fund
Mrs. Nancy D. Grover                Network For Good                        Jonathan R. Sporn, M.D. and        Dr. and Mrs. Fadel Balawi
Dr. Kenneth T. Gutierrez            Novartis Pharmaceuticals                   Jane Comerford                  Pamela H. Baldwin
Halloran & Sage                        Corporation                          Raymond C. Squier, M.D.            Mr. Bruce S. Beck
Tim and Nancy Haviland              Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Orr              Dr. Phillip M. Stark               Amy and Ryan Buzzell
HAZ-PROS, Inc.                      Dr. Leo R. Otake and                    Mr. Peter Stich                    Drs. Kimberly and Angelo Caprio
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Herreria        Dr. Petra Scamborova                 Tartsinis LLC                      Dr. and Mrs. John T. Cardone
Hinckley Allen                      Pink Aid                                Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Triompo     Dr. Angelo* Carrabba and Family
Hughes Health and                   Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Prete           TRO                                Cashman & Katz
   Rehabilitation, Inc.             Quisenberry Arcari Architects, LLC      Unitex Textile Rental Services     Chase Glass Co, Inc.
Interpreters and Translators, Inc   Red Thread                              Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, P.C.     Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cherry
Dr. Peter T. Kanelos                Robinson & Cole LLP                     Eric M. van Rooy, M.D.             The Cherry Family Foundation
Susan and Peter Kelly               Marytherese and                         Dr. Goolcher and Mr. Jimmy Wadia   Dr. and Mrs. Scheuster Christie
Patrick and Patricia Kinney            John F. Rodis, M.D., M.B.A.          Dr. Shu-Ming Wang                  Dr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Clark, III
Qassem Kishawi, M.D.                Mr. Brian Rolph                         Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Wilson        Mrs. Jane K. Coppa
Dr. Wesley D. Knauft                Dr. and Mrs. Franklin I. Rosenberg      Zachs Family Foundation, Inc.      Day Pitney LLP
LAZ Parking                         Mr. and Mrs. Stuart E.                  Dr. Saadia Zafar                   Design to Finish General
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Leduc           Rosenberg                                                                   Contracting, Inc.

                                                                                                                          2017 Profiles in Caring   23
Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance
         The Connecticut Brain Tumor Alliance is celebrating its 10th year anniversary. They were founded by
         brain tumor patients and caregivers to raise awareness of the disease, provide hope and support for
         others living with brain tumors in Connecticut and raise money to support and advocate for cutting-
         edge research. Their gift of $25,000 will continue to support brain tumor patients with financial needs
         and the nurse navigator program at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Saint Francis.

         Left to right: Whitney Hubbs Dionne, Saint Francis Foundation; Kimberly Roy-Canning, executive director, CTBTA; Christopher Cusano, vice
         president, CTBTA Board; Sue Crawford, social worker; in the back, Christopher Comey, M.D., chair, Department of Surgery, Saint Francis;
         Cheryl Italia, CTBTA; Susan Lemkuil, CTBTA board; Maria Grove, president, CTBTA board; David Lemkuil, CTBTA board; John F. Rodis,
         M.D., M.B.A., president, Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center; Tracy Gamer Fanning, CTBTA board; Greg Shimer, CTBTA board and
         Kathleen Noone, R.N.C., B.S.N., M.B.A.-C., regional director, oncology, Trinity Health Of New England

     Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Diver             Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Karanian     Carol A. Petruff and Michael S.      Dr. and Mrs. C. Steven Wolf
     Mr. and Mrs. Victor J. Dowling, Jr.   The Estate of Mary F. Kerwin           Kucinskas                         Ms. Michelle M. Zettergren and
     Dr. Scott R. Fecteau                  Mrs. Doris Konover                  Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Pichette         Mr. Jack Horvath
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fiondella      Paula and Jay Krompinger            ProHealth Physicians
     The Gawlicki Family Foundation        Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Krug         Right at Home - In Home Care &       $2,500 to $4,999
     Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Godar          Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kupec                Assistance                        Anonymous (14)
     Greater Hartford Orthopedic           Drs. Maureen and Howard Lantner     Rita B. & Walter M. Murphy           Abbott Vascular
        Group, P.C.                        Mr. John R. Lepore, Jr.                Foundation                        AbbVie, Inc.
     Ms. Emily Hahn                        Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Levi          Dr. Phillip Y. Roland and Dr. Lisa   AstraZeneca
     Ms. Sasa Harriott                     The Lindberg & Ripple Company          Weisinger Roland                  Jeffrey August, R.N.
     Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Harrison       Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. McPhee      Joan and Dennis Rusconi              Auxilio, Inc.
     The Hartford Courant                  Morrison Mahoney, LLP               Saint Mary’s Hospital                Ms. Susan A. Bailey
     Hartford Federal Credit Union         Mullane Enterprises, Inc.           Mr. and Mrs. James Schulz            Dr. and Mrs. Peter R. Barnett
     Hartford Orthopedic Surgeons, P.C.    Mr. Kevin P. Mullane                The Estate of Anna M. Shea           Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Batch
     Hartford Steam Boiler                 Beth E. Nelson, M.D.                Dr. John C. Steinmann                Melissa and Greg Bennett
     Hoffman Enterprises                   Network Design and Construction     Telrepco, Inc.                       Mrs. Marie L. Benoit-Connors
     Dr. and Mrs. Danyal Ibrahim           O & G Industries, Inc.              Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Tenner        Donna Benzinger
     International Integrated Solutions    Indira D. Panthagani, M.D.          Drs. Elizabeth and John Thayer       Dr. Michael C. Biondi
     Jackson Lewis P.C.                    Drs. Prasad and Indira Panthagani   Thrivent Financial                   Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bittner
     Dr. Vijay Jayaraman and               Dr. and Mrs. Dominick N. Pasquale   Tom Savage Quarter Note              Mr. and Mrs. Steven Bresnahan
        Dr. Ewa Syta                       Patrina Family Foundation              Foundation                        Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Campanelli
     JCJ Architecture                      Paul Karvoski Memorial Golf         Trinity Health Of New England        Central Connecticut
     Jerob Enterprises LLC                    Tournament                       Dr. and Mrs. Peter Wade                 Cardiologists, LLC
     Jewish Community Foundation           PC Connection                       Elida Witthoeft                      Dr. Russell and Judith Ciafone

Mr. Adrian F. Cieplinski              Manafort Family Foundation            Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Shima       Loren J. and Margaret M.*
Sanford Cloud, Jr.                    Mandell Jewish Community              Shlansky & DiCarlo Family              Andreo Family Gift Fund
Community Health Network of              Center                             The Silverman Family                Mr. and Mrs. Charles G.
   Connecticut, Inc.                  Dr. and Mrs. John J. Mara             Sinatro Agency One Insurance           Andrew, Jr.
Connecticut Gastroenterology          Max Restaurant Group                  Sisters of Providence Health        Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield
   Associates, P.C.                   Dr. and Mrs. Sean J. McKeon              Systems                          Scott and Amanda Aronson
Connecticut Medical Insurance         Rev. Dr. Marcus M. McKinney           Dr. Rick Soucier                    Associated Construction
   Company                            Drs. Margaret and Paul Mitchell       Specialty Printing, LLC                Company
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Connors        Dr. Amitkumar K. Mody                 Spudman Charity Open                Avon Chapter of Unico National
Drs. Paula and Hema de Silva          Dr. and Mrs. Peter A. Morrison        Steffian Bradley Architects         Mrs. Deborah Aziz-Chmielorz
Dr. and Mrs. Luis F. Diez             Mount Sinai Rehabilitation            George M. Stohr, D.O.               Laura J. Bailey, BSN
Whitney and Thomas Dionne                Hospital                           Mr. Richard Sutton                  Robert and Theresa Beeman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Feld           Ms. Michele K. Moyer                  Teva Neuroscience                   Mr. Stephen J. Benedetto
Michael I. Firestone, M.D.            Mr. Dreux Namnoun                     Robert E. Thoelen, III              Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Benka
Dr. James F. Flaherty                 New England Masonry                   Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Twohig      Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D.
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Freling      NewAlliance Foundation                UCONN Health Center                    Bergstrom
Dr. Clayton A. Frenzel                Richard M. Newman, M.D.               Unite For Her                       Ms. Elaine J. Bernier
Ms. Candida Fusco                     Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Noone             United Bank                         Dorothy and Jean Bieszad
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Getz         Dr. and Mrs. John J. O’Brien          USA Hauling & Recyling, Inc.        Judy and David Birdsey
Mrs. John M. Gibbons, Jr.             Mr. and Mrs. John F. O’Connell, Jr.   The Walt Disney Company             Barbara and Richard Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Myles P. Gibbons         Mark D. O’Donnell, Ph.D.                 Foundation                       Drs. Adam and Donna Boruchov
Ms. Donna Gilbert                     Pauline N. Olsen, M.D.                Ms. Nadine Francis West             Braintree Laboratories, Inc.
Greater Hartford Nephrology           Opticom, Inc.                         WFSB Channel 3                      Ms. Cassandra Britton
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Green            The Estate of Richard L. Peichert     Whalley Computer Associates, Inc.   Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Haight, Jr.   Dr. Robert Perez                      Mr. Keith Williams                  Mr. Thomas and
Dr. Loretta Hallock                   Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts      Dr. Mark and Mrs. Alison Wolf          Dr. Melissa Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hanley           Program                            Yale New Haven Health System        Dr. Susan F. Burroughs and
Ms. Patricia Hansen                   Dr. and Mrs. Anthony F.               Dr. and Mrs. Aris D. Yannopoulos       Dr. Thomas Soltis
Harriott Home Health Service             Posteraro, M.D.                    Ms. Judy G. Young                   Mr. Jose Candelario
Aaron & Simon Hollander Funds         Professional Golfer Association       Dr. John T. Ziewacz                 Capsa Healthcare
Dr. Pupinder S. Jaswal                Mr. and Mrs. Kevin N. Reynolds                                            Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Carter
Johnson Memorial Hospital             Reynolds Strategy Group, LLC          $1,000 to $2,499                    Ms. Lynn F. Cavo
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Joyse            Mr. and Mrs. Timur Y. Ruban           Anonymous Donor                     The Chambrello Family
Anita M. Kelsey, M.D.                 Joseph C. Sala, D.O.                  Advanced Environmental              Adrienne W. Cochrane, J.D.
Dr. David M. Kruger and               Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Scherer, Jr.       Interface, Inc.                  Dr. and Mrs. Steven R. Cohen
   Dr. Riva Lewinter                  Jennifer S. Schneider, C.P.A.         Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Agnew       Colon and Rectal Surgeons of
Patti and Joseph LaMonica             Mary and Philip Schulz                Lorraine and Bob Albanesi              Greater Hartford
Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals          Mrs. Linda L. Shanley                 Dr. Ronald J. Albert                Ms. Vanessa Cooley

    Northwest Catholic High School
    On March 8, 2017, students
    from Northwest Catholic
    High School in West
    Hartford presented a
    check for $1,127.71 to Amy
    Griffin Buzzell, director of
    operations for the Saint
    Francis Foundation, to
    support The Curtis D.
    Robinson Center for Health
    Equity at Saint Francis.
    Every month students
    and staff from Northwest
    Catholic donate $2 to earn
    the right to wear jeans while,
    at the same time, knowing
    they are giving back to the
    community. Service is an
    integral part of a Northwest
    Catholic education.

                                                                                                                          2017 Profiles in Caring   25
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