PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023

Page created by Sean Buchanan
PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
                             Nissan 5783 — April 2023
                      On behalf of our Clergy, Officers, and Staff,
     we wish you and your family our warmest wishes for a chag kasher vesame’ach.

ADATH Israel Poale Zedek Anshei Ozeroff
223 Harrow Crescent, Hampstead, QC, H3X 3X7                     
Tel: 514-482-4252 | Fax: 514-482-6216              
PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
                                                 Rabbi Michael Whitman —
                                                 Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel — alex@
                                                 Rabbi Emeritus Michael Kramer


                                                 President: Dr. Peter Safran —
   This Bulletin is dedicated in memory of       Vice Presidents: David Herz, Steven Spodek and Avi Gorin
                         Saul Skolnick.          Treasurer: William Cleman
     He was the face behind the ADATH            Executive Secretary: Sheila Esar
                            Publications.        Parnass: Wesley Gorin
His absence is felt and he is sorely missed.     Presidential Appointee: Bernie Malinoff
            May his memory be a blessing.
    To receive our Shabbat Weekly Bulletin
                             please email        Office Manager: Jacqueline Lehrer —
          Rabbi Whitman
                                                 Controller: Maggie Kalajian —
     All ‘sponsorships’, ‘donations’, and ‘our   Office Assistant: Marilyn Fisher —
               family’ are accurate between
           August 1, 2022 - February 28, 2023.   Programming: Stu Guttman —
          We apologize in advance for any        Superintendent: Ernesto Cisneros
         errors or omissions that may have
                                                 Special Events & Room Rentals
    Please send all errors and omissions to
              Jacqueline;        Please reach out to Jacqui to book your event with us:

                                                    EXECUTIVE TRUSTEES:
                                                    Reuben Arbeiter, Herb Cobrin, Jack Edery, George Grostern, Abraham
                                                    Rogozinsky, Roslyn Schneidman, Sam Szlamkowicz, Fred Wenger

                                                    BOARD TRUSTEES: Mair Fried, Alan Goldstein, Isadore Rubinfeld

                                                    BOARD DIRECTORS:
                                                    Dr. Stanley Blum, Arthur Cytrynbaum, Bonnie Chodos, Jerry Derkson,
                                                    David Engel, Harold Gorelik, Shimon Gorin, Perry Guralnick, Larry Kessler,
                                                    Aubey Laufer, Morris Libstug, Zehavit Meltzer, Solomon Schinasi,
                                                    Steven Schneidman, Jackie Stelman

                                                    HONORARY LEGAL COUNSEL:
                                                    HONORARY SOLICITOR: Abe Gurman
                                                    HONORARY NOTARY: Robert Glazer

                                                    PAST PRESIDENTS:
                                                    André Zoldan, Marvin Rosenblatt, Dr. Peter Safran, Bernie Malinoff, Archie
                                                    Etcovitch, Andrea Dalys Elbaz, André Zoldan, Steve Bramson,
                                                    Dr. Peter Safran, David Gandell, Edward Rogozinsky, Richard Tozman, Morty
                                                    Pearl, Lawrence Bergman, Leonard Copoloff, Sol Zuckerman
PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
Pesach Schedule
  PESACH        - 5783- 5783
                                                                                                       PASSOVER BULLETIN
                                                                                                      Nissan 5783 — April 2023

Rabbi Whitman’s Shabbat HaGadol Drashah – SHABBAT, April 1, 6:20 p.m.
in-person   Whitman’s
                          followingHaGadol  Drashahat
                                        Minchah      – Shabbat,
                                                       5:50 p.m.April 1, 6:10 p.m. in-person at ADATH, following Minchah at 5:50
Childcare will be provided. All men and women are invited to the Drashah and to the Shalosh
     Childcare will be provided. All men and women are invited to the Drashah and to the Shalosh Seudot that follows. There will be
Seudot  that
            opportunity   There
                            ask anywill be questions.
                                     Pesach ample opportunity to ask Pesach questions.

       Tuesday, April 4
       Arrange for the Sale of Chometz with Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel by                                    7:00 p.m.
       Minchah                                                                                                 7:10 p.m.
       Search for Chometz, starting at                                                                         8:00 p.m.

       Erev Pesach, Passover Eve - Wednesday, April 5
       Shacharit (Morning Service), Siyum for Firstborn                                                        6:45 a.m.
       Finish eating Chometz by                                                                               10:19 a.m.
       Burn and annul Chometz by                                                                              11:37 a.m.
       Make an Eruv Tavshilin -
       Candlelighting / Minchah (Afternoon Service)                                                            7:09 p.m.
       On Wednesday, make an Eruv Tavshilin.
       First Seder, Kiddush no earlier than                                                                    8:15 p.m.

       Pesach, first day - Thursday, April 6
       Shacharit, with Tefilat Tal during Mussaf                                                               8:45 a.m.
       Minchah                                                                                                 7:10 p.m.
       Candlelighting from an existing flame and preparations for
          Second Seder, no earlier than                                                                        8:15 p.m.

       Pesach, second day - Friday, April 7
       Shacharit                                                                                               8:45 a.m.
       Finish preparations for Shabbat early in the day.
       Minchah                                                                                                 5:45 p.m.
       Candlelighting from an existing flame, no earlier than 6:05 p.m. (Plag), and no later than 7:12 p.m.

       Shabbat Chol HaMoed, April 8
       Shacharit with Shir HaShirim                                                                            8:30 a.m.
       Have Shalosh Seudot (3rd Shabbat Meal) at home.
       Minchah                                                                                                 7:15 p.m.
       Shabbat ends                                                                                            8:18 p.m.

       Chol HaMoed - Sunday-Tuesday, April 9-11
       Sunday Shacharit                                                                                        8:00 a.m.
       Monday and Tuesday Shacharit                                                                            6:15 a.m.
       Sunday and Monday Minchah                                                                               7:15 p.m.
       Tuesday Candlelighting / Minchah                                                                        7:17 p.m.

       Pesach, seventh day - Wednesday, April 12
       Shacharit                                                                                               8:45 a.m.
       Minchah                                                                                                 7:20 p.m.
       Candlelighting from an existing flame, no earlier than                                                  8:23 p.m.

       Pesach, eighth day - Thursday, April 13
       Shacharit, and Yizkor during the service                                                                8:45 a.m.
       Minchah                                                                                                 7:20 p.m.
       Yom Tov ends                                                                                            8:25 p.m.
       Chometz sold through Assistant Rabbi Alex Zwiebel will be returned to
          your ownership by                                                                                    9:15 p.m.

PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
                                                          Adonoy Elohaynu Melech HaOlam Asher Kiddshanu
                                                          BeMitzvosav Vetzivanu Al Mitzvas Eruv.” Then the
                                                          following announcement should be read aloud in a
One of the ways we show respect for Yom Tov - to          language that we will understand: “With this Eruv
appreciate its unique character - is to refrain from      (the matzah and egg on the plate) it is now permitted
using that day to prepare for another day. Therefore,     on Friday to bake, cook, heat up food, light fires from
on the first day of Yom Tov we do nothing to prepare      existing flames, carry objects in a public domain,
for the next day. For example, cooking the next night’s   and do any other activities usually permitted on
meal is forbidden on Yom Tov even though cooking          Yom Tov, in preparation for this coming Shabbos, for
that day’s meal is permissible. Similarly, carrying       myself and all those in my household.” We now have
something that is not needed until tomorrow is            completely prepared one Shabbos meal. We will eat
forbidden on Yom Tov, unless there is an Eruv.            this as part of our Shalosh Seudos on Shabbos after
                                                          using the Matzah as the second Matzah for the first
However, when the Talmudic Sages legislated this          two Shabbos meals.
prohibition, they realized that if Yom Tov occurs on
Thursday and Friday, there would be great difficulty      The plate must then be put in a noticeable, out-of-
preparing for Shabbos. It would be prohibited to          the-way spot (e.g. on top of the refrigerator) until it
prepare food on Friday because that would be using        is eaten on Shabbos. If anything happens to it before
Yom Tov to prepare for another day. And it would be       then - if it becomes inedible or lost - a Rabbi must be
impractical to put food in the oven on Wednesday          consulted.
afternoon - before the start of Yom Tov - so that it
could be eaten hot on Shabbos (the same is true if        This is only permitted to allow preparation on Friday
Yom Tov falls on Friday and Saturday, but to a lesser     for Shabbos (not on Thursday, if it is Yom Tov). Even if
extent). The only viable alternative would be to eat      an Eruv Tavshilin is made, we still may not prepare on
cold pre-prepared foods on this Shabbos - a situation     any Yom Tov or Shabbos for a weekday. Even with the
that would certainly have an adverse effect on the        Eruv Tavshilin, all preparations for Shabbos preferably
quality of Shabbos cuisine.                               should be concluded on Friday at least two hours
                                                          before the start of Shabbos. If one forgets to make an
So the Rabbis decided to enact a provision to cover       Eruv Tavshilin a Rabbi must be consulted.
this situation. They reasoned, it is only prohibited to
begin preparing on Yom Tov for the next day. But          Not only food preparation but any type of preparation
if you have already begun the preparations before         for Shabbos that is permissible to do on Yom Tov, may
Yom Tov then you can complete them on the day of          be done on Friday if an Eruv Tavshilin has been made.
Yom Tov that falls on Friday, to be eaten the following   Some examples are making the beds, cleaning the
day, Shabbos. The beginning of this preparation is        house, rolling the Torah to the Shabbos portion, etc.
called Eruv Tavshilin. We prepare one of the meals        (These are actions that are permitted on Yom Tov if
for Shabbos before the start of Yom Tov and thereby       done for that day, they are only prohibited without an
we are allowed, on Friday/Yom Tov, to finish cooking      Eruv Tavshilin because they are being done for the
and preparing for Shabbos.                                next day).

An Eruv Tavshilin is made as follows; on the day before   It is a Mitzvah for every household to make an Eruv
Yom Tov we take a cooked food, e.g. a hard boiled         Tavshilin to be able to enjoy freshly prepared meals
egg, prepared that day specifically for this purpose,     on Shabbos. Once one member of the household has
and a baked food, e.g. a whole matzah, and place          done so - it can be made by either spouse - everyone
them on a plate. These foods are selected because         in the family may help prepare for Shabbos on Friday.
they will not spoil before Shabbos. A Rabbi can help      The Eruv Tavshilin must be made before Yom Tov
you substitute other foods if necessary.                  begins. Because of the words in the announcement,
                                                          “light fires from existing flames” we are permitted
After we place these foods on the plate we must           to light Shabbos candles at the usual time on Friday
verbally announce our intention, while holding            afternoon, twenty minutes before sunset.
the plate, that this should be the beginning of our
preparation for the coming Shabbos, and that we are       The practice of Eruv Tavshilin was instituted to
now allowed - on Friday - to do any activity normally     insure the dignity and respect we must have for our
permitted on Yom Tov, which is needed as additional       Holydays. Each day must be savored and enjoyed for
preparation for Shabbos. But before making this           its own sake.
announcement, since this is a Mitzvah, we have
the privilege of saying a Brachah: “Baruch Atta                                       - Rabbi Michael Whitman

PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
Judaism for the next generation
                                                                                 PASSOVER BULLETIN
                                                                                 Nissan 5783    20232023
                                                                                             — April

           Schedule for Early Shabbat Starting Times
            Schedule for Early Shabbat Starting Times – Spring, Summer 2023
                          Spring, Summer 2023
                          Minchah     Plag/Earliest Candlelighting       Latest Candlelighting
         March 31         5:45 p.m.         5:58 p.m.                           7:03 p.m.
         April 7          5:45 p.m.         6:05 p.m.                           7:12 p.m.
         April 14         5:45 p.m.         6:12 p.m.                           7:21 p.m.
         April 21         6:00 p.m.         6:19 p.m.                           7:30 p.m.
         April 28         6:00 p.m.         6:26 p.m.                           7:39 p.m.
         May 5            6:15 p.m.         6:32 p.m.                           7:48 p.m.
         May 12           6:15 p.m.         6:39 p.m.                           7:56 p.m.
         May 19           6:15 p.m.         6:46 p.m.                           8:04 p.m.
         May 26           6:30 p.m.         6:52 p.m.                           8:12 p.m.
         June 2           6:30 p.m.         6:57 p.m.                           8:18 p.m.
         June 9           6:45 p.m.         7:01 p.m.                           8:23 p.m.
         June 16          6:45 p.m.         7:04 p.m.                           8:27 p.m.
         June 23          6:45 p.m.         7:06 p.m.                           8:29 p.m.
         June 30          6:45 p.m.         7:06 p.m.                           8:29 p.m.
         July 7           6:45 p.m.         7:05 p.m.                           8:27 p.m.
         July 14          6:45 p.m.         7:02 p.m.                           8:23 p.m.
         July 21          6:30 p.m.         6:57 p.m.                           8:17 p.m.
         July 28          6:30 p.m.         6:51 p.m.                           8:09 p.m.
         August 4         6:30 p.m.         6:44 p.m.                           8:00 p.m.
         August 11        6:15 p.m.         6:36 p.m.                           7:50 p.m.
         August 18        6:15 p.m.         6:25 p.m.                           7:39 p.m.
         August 25        6:00 p.m.         6:17 p.m.                           7:27 p.m.
         September 1 5:45 p.m.              6:06 p.m.                           7:14 p.m.

                                                                     ADATH ISRAEL POALE ZEDEK ANSHEI OZEROFF
 Michael Whitman,
“Passover          isRabbi
                               my   favorite times
                                          of the year.                             t: 514.482.4252 f: 514.482.6216
 Dr. Peter Safran, President                                 223 Harrow Crescent, Hampstead
            This is when the whole community                                           Quebec H3X 3X7 CANADA
                 and family gets together
                 to remember who we are
                   and why we are here.”
                                    — Jennifer Wanger
PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023

In the second year, when Moshe told B’nei Yisrael to prepare for the holiday of Pesach, he was
approached by distraught Jews. There were a select group who would be impure and felt left out.
Moshe pleaded on their behalf and G-d gave them a second chance to celebrate Pesach. Today,
Pesach Sheini the Holiday of second chances (14 Iyar) is celebrated primarily through eating
matzah. Pesach Sheini falls on May 5, 2023.

Beginning with the second night of Pesach, and continuing for forty-nine nights, we count the
Omer, in accordance with the Biblical injunction: “From the morrow of the Sabbath [the Rabbi’s
interpret as Passover], from the days of your bringing the Omer, you shall count seven full weeks.”
The Omer was a special offering of barley gathered from the newly ripened grain which then
permitted the use of the spring harvest. In Temple times, the harvesting of the Omer on the
second night of Pesach was an occasion for great celebration in the streets of Jerusalem.

The counting of the Omer must take place after nightfall. Immediately before starting the daily
and weekly number in the Omer, we recite the bracha Al Sephirat Ha-Omer.

These forty-nine days link the festival of Pesach, the celebration of our physical redemption
with the festival of Shavuot. Shavuot occurs on the 50th day, when we celebrate our spiritual
redemption, the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai.

In the second century of the Common Era, Eretz Israel was visited by plague. Thousands of the
disciples of Rabbi Akiva perished at the time during the period between Pesach and Shavuot.
Many of them also died in Bar Kochva’s abortive rebellion against Roman Rule. In their memory,
this period is observed with partial mourning. During the Omer, we do not make weddings,
engage in unusual festivity, nor do we cut our hair. Since the plague is said to have stopped on the
thirty-third day of the Omer (Lag B’Omer), these restrictions are suspended for that day.
This year, Lag B’Omer occurs on May 9, 2023.

After 49 days of Counting the Omer, we celebrate Shavuot - the Giving of the Torah. There are
many customs including staying up all night learning and eating Dairy. We also read the Book of
Ruth. This year, Shavuot is from May 25 to May 27 (following Shabbat) inclusive.

                                                          AN UPDATE FROM LIEL
                                                           (our Shinshinit from last year)
                                                                    To my ADATH Family,
                                                                        How are you?
                                                    Two weeks ago I’ve joined the army in the air force!
                                                  I’m currently in the basic training and in a few weeks,
                                                     I’m gonna start my simulator instructor course.
                                                                    Miss you all so much!
                                                                       Happy Pesach!

PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
                                                                               Nissan 5783 — April 2023

                                                    the community.

                                                    Rabbi Michael Whitman has worked tirelessly
                                                    using modern technology to reach out to all of
                                                    our members and the community at large, to
                                                    educate, give classes and to be there for all of us.

                                                    Rabbi Alex Zweibel assures that we have
                                                    minyanim every day, morning and evening, so
                                                    that we all can count on having our religious
                                                    needs taken care of.

                                                    The rest is up to us, everyone has something to
                                                    offer. We need all of your support, presence and
                                                    encouragement so that we can be the best.

A MESSAGE FROM                                      Being the President of the synagogue is a great

OUR PRESIDENT                                       responsibility and I take it very seriously. I can
                                                    say that to all whom I speak with feels that they
DR. PETER SAFRAN                                    want to be part have something special.

Dear Members and Friends,                           As you read this bulletin, you will see the exciting
                                                    programs for people of all ages. Try them, I’m
It is an honour, as your president, to bring        sure you will be more than happy with what is
this message to our beloved ADATH family.           offered.
I would like to thank all of those on the past
administration, who worked so tirelessly during     I would like to thank my wife Miriam and my
the course of the pandemic to make sure that        family for allowing me to take on this position
the Adath Israel stayed strong, and kept in touch   once again, it’s a big sacrifice for them. I want to
with the congregation.                              thank all of you for everything that you have and
                                                    will do.
Passover is the time for redemption from slavery,
a time when the Jewish people rose up again         May this Passover season bring all of us peace,
to accomplish even greater and better things        contentment, health and a renewed feeling of
than in the past. This is now our challenge. The    freedom as we leave the COVID era behind us.
pandemic was very difficult, but we have many       May we grow from strength to strength.
blessings going forward.
We are located in the center of the most vibrant
and young Jewish community and have every           Peter
reason to believe that our future can become
stronger than ever. We have a group of new
enthusiastic board members together with
many who have had many years of experience,
together we shall work to make ADATH the best
that a modern orthodox synagogue can offer to

PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
Yael Dar is one such person, and she shared the
                                                           following story:

                                                           “I grew up in a house with eight children. In the
                                                           center of our home was a large table where
                                                           we ate, read the mail, did our homework and
                                                           practically everything else. Once a week, mother
                                                           sat at this table together with a friend to study
                                                           Nechama Leibowitz’s commentary on the
                                                           weekly Torah portion, to answer the questions
                                                           that Nechama would ask and to send their
                                                           answers by mail. This is what thousands of her
                                                           students did, and then they waited to receive
                                                           her comments, famously written with a red pen,
                                                           in return.

A MESSAGE FROM                                             We children were always hanging around the

RABBI WHITMAN                                              table and one of us once scribbled on an answer
                                                           sheet that was already completed and ready to
                                                           be sent. In those days, it was impossible to type
My dear friends,                                           and print like today, and mother did not have
                                                           the time to copy everything all over again. So
These days, leading up to Passover, can be hectic          mother wrote this comment at the bottom of
and chaotic, rushing to get everything cleaned             the page:
and prepared for Pesach. Especially if there are
children or grandchildren underfoot, we may                “I apologize for one of the children who scribbled
get frustrated and feel even more put-upon and             here.” As is well known, Nechama did not have
irritated.                                                 children of her own. After several days had
                                                           passed, we received Nechama’s comments on
Here is a message, for now and all year, that can          mother’s answers to her questions, and next to
change our attitude, and help us see things in a           the scribbling of my brother she wrote: ‘Blessed
much different light.                                      are you to have someone who scribbles!’”

Nechama Leibowitz was one of the great Torah               “Many years have passed and our family has kept
teachers in modern times. She was born in Riga,            this page closely guarded throughout that time.
and made Aliyah in 1930. Over the rest of her              In these hectic days, it can serve as a reminder to
life, Necahama (as she insisted she be called)             every parent who feels frustrated and stressed
taught Torah constantly, in a Religious Zionist            out by the kids: Blessed are we to have someone
Teacher’s Seminar, at Tel Aviv University, Hebrew          who scribbles.”
University, on the Voice of Israel radio station,
and in many other settings. Nechama passed                 Marci and I bless every parent and grandparent
away in 1997.                                              who feels stressed, and every person trying to
                                                           have the blessing of a child who scribbles, with
In 1942, Nechama started mailing out stencils              wishes to all for a happy, healthy, and uplifting
of questions on the weekly Torah portion to                Passover!
anyone who requested them. The completed
worksheets would be sent back to her, and she              Rabbi Michael Whitman
would personally review every one, and return it 
with corrections and comments. Many hundreds
of people filled out these sheets regularly, and
treasured the insight her comments gave them,
and the personal connection she created.

    Listen to the newest installments of Rabbi Whitmans podcast, on the shul’s webpage:
                        Also available on: YouTube:
                           Apple Podcasts -                            8
      Spotify: - Google Play:
PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
                                                                                                                Nissan 5783 — April 2023

                                                                    teach their children and           people’s liberation from slavery
                                                                    grandchildren about                in ancient Egypt and the
                                                                    Hashem and his Torah and           beginning of their journey to
                                                                    Mitzvot while enhancing and        freedom. The story of Passover
                                                                    strengthen their faith in him.     is told in the Haggadah, a text
                                                                                                       that is traditionally read at the
                                                                    Their efforts carry a two fold     Passover seder. The Haggadah
                                                                    reward;                            includes a variety of sources,
                                                                                                       including biblical texts,
                                                                    1.   Ultimately, their work will   rabbinic commentary, and
                                                                         bear fruit and they will      even songs and stories from
                                                                         merit to have children and    outside the Jewish tradition.
                                                                         grandchildren who will be
                                                                         attached to Hashem and        By including such a diverse
                                                                         his Torah and Mitzvot.        array of sources, the Haggadah
THE VALUE OF                                                                                           reflects the idea that there
                                                                    2. Through teaching and            is value in learning from a
LEARNING FROM                                                          talking to their children       variety of perspectives.
EVERYONE                                                               and grandchildren, the
                                                                       parents, too will experience    Just as Rabbi Chanina learned
                                                                       an enhancements and             from his teachers, colleagues,
Dear Friends,                                                          strengthening of their own      and students, the Haggadah
                                                                       faith in Hashem.                draws on a range of sources
As Passover approaches, I’d like                                                                       to help us better understand
to share the following passage                                      The Gemara is a part of the        and appreciate the story of
with you:                                                           Talmud, a central text of          Passover.
                                                                    Judaism that contains rabbinic
                                                                    discussions and commentary         Moreover, the Passover seder
                            ָ ְ‫וּלְמַעַן תְּסַפֵּר בְּאָזְנֵי בִנ‬
                             ‫ך‬                                      on Jewish law, ethics, customs,    is also an opportunity for
 ‫וּבֶן בִּנְךָ אֵת אֲשֶׁר הִתְעַלַּלְתִּי בְּמִצְרַיִם וְאֶת‬        and history.                       families and communities to
   ‫אֹתֹתַי אֲשֶׁר שַׂמְתִּי בָם וִידַעְתֶּם כִּי אֲנִי ה‬                                               come together to share their
                                                                    In Ta’anit 7a, Rabbi Chanina       own stories and experiences,
      You will be then able to tell your                            makes a statement about the        further emphasizing the
      children and grandchildren my                                 value of learning from different   importance of learning from
         miraculous sings that I have                               sources: “I have learned much      those around us. Through
performed among them, and you will
                   know that I am G-d                               from my teachers, more from        the process of discussing and
                                                                    my colleagues, and even more       reflecting on the Passover
                                             Shmot, 10:2
                                                                    from my students than from         story with others, we can gain
Question:                                                           them all.”                         new insights and deepen our
                                                                                                       understanding of the holiday’s
Since the Torah is telling us                                       This suggests that we should       meaning and significance.
to relate to our children and                                       learn not just one’s formal
grandchildren what happened                                         teachers, but also one’s peers     On behalf of my wife Esty and
in Egypt, should it not have                                        and students and other             me, and all of my children,
said “Vayeide’u”- and thus                                          resources that are available to    we wish everyone at ADATH a
THEY will know.                                                     us.                                happy and healthy Pesach.

Not “Viydatem” and YOU will                                         When it comes to Passover,
know?                                                               this idea of learning from
                                                                    multiple sources is particularly   Rabbi Alex Zwiebel,
                                                                    relevant.                          Assistant Rabbi -

Parents are obligated to                                            Passover is a holiday that
                                                                    commemorates the Jewish

PASSOVER BULLETIN Nissan 5783 - April 2023
on the nations.’ The paragraph is so harsh. Not
                                                     all non-Jews are out to destroy us. Historically,
                                                     Passover has been a challenging time for Jews.
                                                     The simple act of opening the door can lead
                                                     to unforeseen and often tragic consequences.
                                                     Through the Middle Ages to relatively modern
                                                     times this was a signal to neighbouring
                                                     non -Jews to ‘let the pogrom begin.’ It is in this
                                                     context that we ask God to intervene, to remove
                                                     our enemies and protect us.

                                                     Interestingly, there is an alternative text read

                                                     by many which asks God to pour out his love
                                                     on the righteous gentiles in addition to the
JACQUI                                               traditional text. This can be found at https://

The seder has many strange customs. The              I urge you to feel free to add this at your seder
purpose of the seder is to get the children to       too.
recognize this strangeness and ask questions.
After all, if we care enough to ask a question, we   A personal tradition, at my family seder, after
care enough to hear the answer. In the interest      opening the door to Eliyahu, we go for a little
of augmenting your seder allow me to share           walk. This wakes us up and allows us to walk
some traditions on one specific part.                the dog. The religious significance underlying
                                                     this custom though is special. If we truly want
One of the more curious customs of Passover          Mashiach to come, we must do our part. We
night, is opening our doors to welcome Eliyahu       cannot sit idly by hoping Mashiach will come
(Elijah) the prophet. There are many reasons         to us. Sometimes we have to go out and look
why he comes to every seder. Eliyahu, in his         for him. We must make the effort. Only then
time, doubted the survival of the Jewish people.     can we bring him back and experience the final
As a punishment for this, God decreed that           redemption. May it happen speedily in our days.
he is to go to every seder and circumcision.
Centuries later the Jewish people are still          Sometimes we dream big, but if we are not
adhering to the Torah and to God’s laws. The         ready to act on our dreams we are still fearfully
Jewish people live on. Am Yisrael Chai.              inside our metaphoric house. As we move to a
                                                     world with covid restrictions mostly behind us,
Traditionally, we believe that he will announce      I encourage you to dream big, leave your house
the impending arrival of Mashiach (the               and reach for the stars.
Messiah) and the final redemption. When
he does so he will address all questions the
Talmud left unanswered. We pour a cup of
wine for Eliyahu since he will respond to the
question of whether we are supposed to drink 4
or 5 glasses of wine at the seder.

When we open the door, we say a special
paragraph that begins with ‘pour out thy wrath

                                                                                Nissan 5783 — April 2023

A Passover message from Wesley Gorin,

Hi Everyone,

More on being a gabbai and getting an Aliyah.
Gabbai is an Aramaic word that means “tax
collector”, but today, a gabbai is someone who        11. A distinguished guest in the community.
assists with the reading of the Torah.
                                                      What does an Aliyah mean?
Typically, when the Torah is taken out to be read
before the community, one person reads the            The honor of reciting the blessings over the
Torah, and that person is surrounded on either        Torah and standing at the bimah while it is read
side with two gabbaim, who ensure that the            is called an aliyah, which means “going up.” This
Torah is being read and treated respectfully and      refers both to the physical ascent of the person
accurately. One of the gabbaim also assigns           to the bimah where the Torah is read and to the
aliyot - calling people up to the Torah - to the      spiritual uplifting associated with participation
members of the congregation, and calls up the         in this hallowed ritual. In most synagogues, to
people who are being honored with the Aliyah.         have an aliyah, one must be a Jewish male who
                                                      has reached the age of bar mitzvah.
The hierarchy of giving out aliyot is as follows:
                                                      The number of aliyot in a Torah service varies
1) A Kohen (if there is one present) gets the first   widely depending on the day of the week and
Aliyah.                                               the holiday. On Shabbat morning, there are
2) If there was a Kohen, the second Aliyah goes       seven, but some congregations take advantage
to a Levi.                                            of a provision in Jewish law that permits dividing
                                                      the Torah portion into more (but not less) than
The next group go to members of the Yisrael           the required number of aliyot. These extra aliyot
tribes according to the following priority:           (hosafot) allow one or more additional persons
                                                      to have the honor of being called up to the Torah.
1. A groom on the Sabbath before his wedding.
2. A boy who has turned 13 years of age               There are two traditions concerning the proper
(bar mitzvah).                                        way to approach the bimah when called for an
3. The father of a newborn infant, male or female,    aliyah. One custom is to ascend on the right and
on the first Sabbath after the baby is born.          descend from the left, in accordance with the
4. A groom on the Sabbath after his/her wedding.      practice of approaching the altar in the Temple.
5. The father of a baby girl who is to be named.
6. One observing yahrzeit for a parent on that        In addition, the entrance to the Temple Mount
day.                                                  was from the right. The other tradition is to
7. The father of a baby to be circumcised on that     ascend to the bimah by the shortest route and
day or during the coming week.                        descend by the longest, thus demonstrating
8. One observing yahrzeit for a parent during         that one is eager to be called for an aliyah and
the coming week.                                      reluctant to leave. According to the Shulchan
9. One required to recite the blessing of gomel –     Arukh, if it is necessary to choose between these
a prayer when one has undergone a dangerous           two traditions, one should take the shorter route,
experience.                                           even if this requires going up from the left. Our
10. One who is about to leave on a long journey       tradition at ADATH, is to ascend from the right
or has just returned from one.                        and go down from the left.

It is a dishonor to the Torah to leave the bimah
immediately after reciting the final blessing that
concludes the aliyah. In our shul, it is customary
to remain until the entire subsequent Torah
portion has been read and the final blessing

After your Aliyah, other worshipers typically
congratulate the person returning from having
an aliyah with the Yiddish phrase “Yasher Koach”,
which means “May you grow in strength” or “May
your strength be directed in the right path.” This
custom may reflect the belief in talmudic times
that intense study of the Torah, symbolized
by the Torah reading, “weakens the strength
of man”. The person who has been honoured
traditionally would answer “Baruch Tihiyeh” -
Blessed that it should be.

Please remember that when you need, or feel
deserving of an Aliyah, contact me in advance, or
approach me in shul before the Torah reading. I
am not a mind reader, and may not know of your
meeting the criteria outlined above.

Contact me or Rabbi Alex if you would like to
read a haftorah, it will be our pleasure to reserve
that honour for you, if it has not been taken.

I would like to take the opportunity to wish you
all a Chag Cashere v’Sameach.

Wesley Gorin

      The Officers, Executive and Board of Directors extend
        our heartfelt wishes of appreciation to Federation
      CJA and the support of it's generous donors for their
      micro-grants that helped make Jewish Disability and
       Inclusion Month the meaningful success that it was.

A Passover message from Stu Guttman,

As we prepare to celebrate Passover, we
are reminded of the story of the Israelites’    but fair teaching style and he often provided
liberation from slavery in Egypt. This story    valuable life lessons to Cory and his friends.
of perseverance, resilience, and hope has       He became an iconic character on the show
become a symbol of the human spirit’s ability   and remains a beloved figure in popular
to overcome adversity, which is especially      culture.
relevant in today’s world.
                                              In the last episode of the series, he tells his
In many ways, Passover is a holiday that students, “Believe in yourself. Dream. Try. Do
emphasizes the importance of freedom good.” When he is asked about the more
and the power of leadership. The story of grammatically correct ending of “do well,”
Passover revolves around Moses, who led the he emphasizes that they should “do good.”
Israelites out of Egypt and towards freedom. While “doing well” may refer to achieving
It is a story of courage, perseverance, and personal success, such as getting good
resilience. As I reflect on this story, I am grades or earning a lot of money, “doing
reminded of the power of leadership and good” means making a positive impact
the importance of passing on these values on the world around you. By stressing the
to our children.                              importance of doing something that is not
                                              only beneficial for oneself but also for others,
I was clicking through Disney+ aimlessly the message of serving a greater good is
last week and came across a show from my made clear to a generation of TV followers
childhood: Boy Meets World, the coming- of the show.
of-age story that follows the life of a young
boy named Cory Matthews and his journey Mr. Feeny’s advice implies that true success
through adolescence and into adulthood.       comes from pursuing your passions and
                                              using your skills and abilities to make a
As I re-watched some episodes from the difference in the lives of others. This can
early nineties, I thought about how we include acts of kindness, volunteering, or
have a responsibility to raise our children pursuing a career that has a positive impact
to become strong leaders who will make a on society. By doing good, you can not
positive impact on the world around them. only achieve personal fulfillment but also
No greater example of this can be found contribute to the greater good of humanity.
than in the character of Mr. Feeny, portrayed
by actor William Daniels.                     Similarly, in Judaism, we believe in the power
                                              of Tikkun Olam, which means “repairing the
Mr. Feeny was Cory’s next-door neighbor world.” As parents, we have a responsibility
and teacher. He was initially Cory’s sixth- to pass on this value to our children and
grade teacher, but he later became his to teach them that they have the power
high school principal, college professor, and to make a difference in the world. As we
mentor. Mr. Feeny was known for his strict experience everything that this world has

to offer, we should always remember that To help ourselves and the future generations
we can achieve our dreams and making a in achieving this, I believe that we must
positive impact on the world around us.          continue to share the story of our ancestors’
                                                 liberation, their resilience, and their strength,
Through his guidance and encouragement, so that it may inspire to strive for justice and
Mr. Feeny helped shape Cory into the mature freedom for all people. In so doing, we also
and responsible young man he became. He must remember to pass on other important
was always there to offer emotional support qualities, values, and skills to them - one of
and advice to Cory whenever he faced which is community.
challenges or difficult situations. As we sit
together at our Passover seders, surrounded The past few months at ADATH, we have held
by family and friends, we should remind and participated in wonderful programs for
ourselves of how fortunate we are.               all ages, from children’s movies and parties
                                                 to young professional networking events and
Passover is celebrated every year in the brunches for seniors. We, as a congregation
spring and is one of the most important and community, have so much to be
holidays in the Jewish calendar. One of the optimistic for as we head into spring. Our
key verses associated with holiday is “You community really does have something for
shall teach your children,” which emphasizes everyone – it may sound cheesy, but all we
the importance of passing down the story need is you.
and traditions of the holiday to future
generations. The root Hebrew word for Let us celebrate Passover with a sense of
Passover, “Pesach,” means “to pass over” hope and optimism for the future. Let us
and refers to the biblical story in which God teach our children to become strong leaders
“passed over” the houses of the Israelites who will make a positive impact on the
during the tenth plague in Egypt. As we world around them. And let us never forget
celebrate Passover each year, it is essential the words of Mr. Feeny, “Believe in yourself.
to remember the importance of teaching Dream. Try. Do good.”
the next generation about our history and
traditions, so they may continue to honor From my family to yours, may this Passover
and pass them down to future generations, bring blessings of peace, joy, and freedom
just as Mr. Feeny tried to do for Cory and all to us all.
of his students in the show for all those years.

After all that we have been through the Stu Guttman
last few years, I am filled with hope for the
future. I am confident that our children will
grow up to become strong leaders who will
make a positive impact on the world around
them. I am confident that they will believe in
themselves, dream big, and try new things.

We must teach them to be resilient and
persevere through challenges, just as Moses
did when he led the Israelites out of Egypt.
With all this, I am confident that they will
do good in the world and help to repair it in           “There are some things you can’t learn in a book. You have to
                                                        learn them through experience.”
their own unique ways                                                                                         - Mr. Feeny


a new vibrant group whose mission is to be a
beacon for young Jewish Montreal. Here’s the spiel…

Calling all young Jewish Montrealers who are
post-university, young adults, or parents of a           To find out more, sign up and be added to our
young family.                                            email list, click here, scan the QR code below, or
We offer a community that celebrates Modern              jewish-experience-list.html.
Orthodox Judaism and values inclusivity,
community, and growth.                                   Please come say hi next time you see one of our
                                                         friendly faces at a future AJE event!
Our values are the foundation of our community;
everyone is welcome, and we are better together.         Wishing you      all   a   Chag   Pesach   Kasher
We’ve created a fun and informal environment             V’Sameach!
where you can feel at home and enjoy the
company of others.                                       Shawn and Stefanie
                                                         Co-Chairs of the Adath Jewish Experience
Whether you’re new to the city or have been
here for a while, we welcome you to join us in
building a community that values inclusivity,
growth, and Judaism. So come on, get involved
and let’s make a difference together!

If you personally don’t fall into this age group,
you definitely know someone who would
enjoy AJE and we challenge you to share this
information with them. Let them know that,
while AJE just started in 2023, we’ve already
kicked off with some very successful events like
Purim’s Wine Tasting & Hamantaschen Baking
and Volunteering with MADA Packing Pesach
Food Baskets.

Tell them about the upcoming events including
our: Pre-Pesach Pizza Party (Tuesday, April 4), Israel
themed event with falafel and shawarma for
Yom Haatzmaut, Lag BaOmer Bonfire & Smores,
Shavuot Ice Cream Party, and plenty more on
the way!

Most importantly, tell them that they can find
a warm and welcoming community to come
home to at Adath Jewish Experience!

             To Learn More about ADATH Jewish Experience, please scan the QR Code:
   Adath Jewish Experience is a vibrant and growing collective in Montreal, where we celebrate Modern
    Orthodoxy while valuing inclusivity, community, continuous growth and development in a fun and
 informal environment. For Purim, over 40 young adults from across Montreal learned to make decadent
                hamantaschen while enjoying a sampling of wines from around the world.

To Learn More about ADATH Jewish Experience, please scan the QR Code:
We know that approximately 19% of             educators are always searching for
                                            individuals in our community have a           support,     accommodations,      and
                                            disability or a significant challenge.        methods to manage and/or navigate
                                            We should see these individuals in            the challenges and overwhelming
                                            all aspects of our businesses, social         issues that can come with autism.
                                            situations, and our daily lives. We
                                            need to inspire the culture of change         Most people on the spectrum face
                                            that will make this vision a reality.         tremendous obstacles of three kinds:
                                                                                          trusting their bodies, trusting the
                                            Jewish Disability Awareness and               world around them, and trusting
                                            Inclusion Month is a time for the Jewish      other people. Many people with ASD
                                            community to come together and                live in a near constant state of hyper-
                                            raise awareness about the experiences         vigilance, meaning their brains are
                                            of individuals with disabilities and the      always on alert for danger. This often
                                            importance of inclusion in all aspects        results in the fight or flight response.
                                            of Jewish life.                               Comforting      rituals    and    coping

JDAIM NOT                                   It is important to remember that
                                            individuals with disabilities are an
                                                                                          mechanisms come in all varieties.
                                                                                          Moving in particular ways, speaking

REALLY JUST A                               integral part of our community and
                                            have the right to fully participate
                                                                                          patterns, carrying familiar items, lining
                                                                                          up objects to create predictable and

MONTH                                       in all aspects of Jewish life. This
                                            includes access to social activities,
                                                                                          familiar surroundings, even proximity
                                                                                          to certain people can serve as a
                                            education, worship, and recreational          regulating strategy.
D’var Torah given by Steven                 activities. Inclusion is not just about
Schneidman on Feb. 11th, 2023.              accommodating ramps and providing             Notable people on the Spectrum
                                            sign language interpreters, but               include Elon Musk, Albert Einstein,
Good Morning, Rabbi, Congregants,           more about changing attitudes and             and Bill Gates. These people have no
Family and Friends,                         breaking down barriers. It means              trouble in the work force. Others have
                                            creating a culture in which individuals       unique and niche talents that are not
I want to thank you for inviting me         with disabilities are valued and              easily identifiable. A unique job that is
to speak this morning. This is not          respected as full members of our              well suited for some on the Spectrum
something I usually do, and I am            community. How can we make this               has been identified by the Israeli Army.
not always comfortable speaking in          happen? Well, like anything else, it’s        They actively recruit autistic individuals
public, but this topic is not close to my   education and lots of love.                   to watch their radar screens because
heart, it is my heart.                                                                    of their incredible concentration and
                                            My talk today will center around              work ethic.
Tikkun Olam... A core value that I have     Autism because of my son Noah,
tried to live by because it is a powerful   but it honestly applies to anyone             As parents, Randee and I have
concept in Judaism. It compels each         facing challenges. Noah is considered         worked every day for 21 years to
of us to do our part to make the world      nonverbal even though he can speak            create the proper supports, therapy,
a better place. It reminds us that we       and respond to questions. He has              aid, education, and recreation for our
have a responsibility to support and        trouble expressing his thoughts and           child. But let me tell you, our village
care for each other.                        feelings but if you are patient, non-         has been wide. If not for the extreme
                                            judgmental and sincere, you can               love and constant devotion of our
I have been asked to speak about            understand clearly what he wants              children Jonathan and Lyndsay, we
Jewish Disability and Inclusion Month,      most of the time.                             would not have known how we would
although in my mind, it should be                                                         have made it through.
renamed, Jewish Different Abilities and     “Autism isn’t an illness, it’s a different
Inclusion Month. There is a negative        way of being human”. In autism, the           The world we live in today is not the
connotation to the term disability          brain is wired differently, and therefore     world my son started out 21 years ago.
that seems to frighten people away.         often      programmed          differently,   Finding services and acceptance were
However, each of us struggles at times,     than a “neurotypical” brain. Some             extremely rare and hard to find.
with some level of disability. Some         defining characteristics of autism
may have social anxieties, learning or      include difficulties in communication         Over the last 20 years rates of Autism
physical disabilities which can affect      and social interaction, restricted            amongst children have gone from 1
their promise of a successful life. But     and repetitive behavior, sensory              in 200 to one in less than 50. After a
success, as research has shown, is          processing issues, and difficulties           lengthy search we were able to find a
not born from academic or financial         staying regulated emotionally and             program at UTT called Shorashim. It
success,    but     rather   happiness.     physiologically. Autism is a spectrum,        was funded originally by a generous
Happiness is the foundation of all          with the combination of defining traits       donor for a family member with a
successes. So, if we approach this          manifesting in different ways in each         disability and it morphed into a joint
topic from this point of view then this     autistic individual. Like all humans,         program with Federation that helped
is our focus for the “disabled” and how     each person with autism is unique.            a handful of children. Noah was the
we as a Jewish community, can help                                                        last person in the program. For Noah
them to find their path.                    Managing autism is no easy feat.              to be accepted into the program, we
                                            Parents, siblings, caregivers, and            had to pay privately for a personal

shadow. What we didn’t know at the           As we all know, and my wife describes        We have already partnered with
time was that this experience was            this every day in her work, it is easy for   Weston (Pharmaprix and Provigo),
to change the trajectory of Noah’s           small children to include since they do      St. Hubert Bar B Q, Fairmont
life. He was lucky enough to be in           not judge others like adults tend to do.     Hotels and have an extensive list
an extremely small class that year of        Noah can make some noises when he            of companies willing to participate
7 boys. One day while my wife was            is not supposed to. A few years ago,         in future business endeavors. Our
waiting at pick up, one of the moms          we were at a movie when two elderly          Research pillar has partnered with
from Noah’s class approached her to          people started to complain and               the TACC (Transforming Autism Care
say thank you. Randee immediately            chastise us for bringing him because         Consortium with the Neuro) which
asked for what? To this she replied,         of his noises. At that time, a group of      will use Giant Steps as a living lab to
“for giving us Noah…. He has changed         young adults and their children came         validate their research.
my son Michael for the better. I won’t       to his defense and told these people to
ever forget these words and to this          be more tolerant. It was refreshing to       Lastly, our Resource Center Pillar
day I choke back tears. Those boys           see these attitudes shifting. The world      will create programs for parents,
became instant friends, protective of        is changing slowly, and for the better.      caregivers, teachers, school boards,
Noah. They stood by him, played with                                                      police departments, siblings, and
him, and wanted him to participate           Sadly, Noah was the last Jewish              businesses. It is an ambitious plan and
in everything including plays, classes,      child in this program due to a lack of       will take time, but we are on the right
recess, parties...                           funding. What Noah has gleaned has           path. It is a labor of love in all respects.
                                             been immeasurable. After elementary
These special kids continued to              school, the gap became larger, and           Being an inclusive society benefits
include Noah in the Y Country Camp           Noah needed more services. We were           all of us. The depth of empathy and
and CBB camp. Always with help from          lucky to get into a school for autistic      character growth that Noah’s friends
his incredible educator and most             children called Giant Steps.                 experienced at UTT is rarely found in
cherished friend Toni, Noah was not                                                       our educational institutions. Places
only comfortable in his class with his       To give you an idea, the school has 93       like Mackay with reverse integration
small group of friends but quickly had       students aged 4-21. Last year there          classes do it well but we need more,
the whole school wanting to say hi to        were 5 openings and almost 500               and GS will be using this model
him, play with him and want to be his        applicants. The school has no gym, is        starting next year. Because you see,
friend.                                      a cramped, converted office building,        the “disabled” will always be sitting
                                             but is a warm and caring home. I took        with us in shul and in the real world.
Even today we can be at a mall,              my experience from Herzliah and tried        They deserve our compassion and
skating rink, restaurant or store and        to replicate it at Giant Steps once I got    support.
people who I don’t know come up to           on the board. We evaluated our needs.
him to say hi and give him a hug. Out        We quickly realized that if we were          Never in my wildest dreams did I
of the original 7 kids in his class, 5 are   going to make changes, we would              envision my life taking this path when
in medical school today and continue         have to shoot for the moon.                  I was in my 20s. God had a plan it
to want to be involved in his life. They                                                  seems. We never know where life will
celebrate birthdays together and             There were limited, if any services,         take us. What I continue to realize
make time for some social activities         for autistic individuals after 21. No        is that we can all make a difference
with him.                                    social inclusions and very little work       in this world for the better. Even a
                                             environments willing to take these           small change in attitude can make a
You see the teachers, the parents,           people on. If you were lucky enough          huge difference to an individual’s life.
the principal, the secretaries, and his      to get into a special needs school,          We can all participate in Jewish life
very loving educator gave our Jewish         your skills quickly diminished after         regardless of ability. So, while this is a
boy the chance at a Jewish education         graduation. Unemployment for those           very special month for my family, and
and life. To that end, Noah had a bar        on the spectrum is over 90%. Research        I am honoured to be here today to
mitzvah right here at ADATH with the         was theoretical and we needed a living       address you, let me leave you with one
help of Rabbi Alex and to this day, says     lab to test out their hypothesis.            thought:
the brachas at Chanukah and Pesach,
never without his Kippah. I was so           Our limited resource center needed           Don’t leave here today saying thank
appreciative that as a thank you for         to be expanded to people not at Giant        God my child doesn’t have a disability.
allowing Noah in the school, I gave          Steps who also deserved valuable             Rather, leave here today, process
back by being the treasurer on the           services. I am happy to report as            my story that I do not usually share,
board of directors for 7 years. I learned    President of the Board at GS that            and ask yourself, “what can I do?”
of the challenges facing the Jewish          after a lot of hard work and generous        Whether you know it or not, we are all
Day Schools and how they took a hard         donors we are on track to open a             on the same path. Jewish people are
look at their problems and created an        new $52,000,000 Giant Steps Autism           notorious for banding together and
action plan which led to an amazing          Centre at the end of this summer. The        persevering. We are innovators and
beautiful Azrieli School today.              school will be expanded and enriched         survivors. This is who we are and why I
                                             with state-of-the-art facilities and         am proud to be here today.
Our experience was a true version of         programming. We will have an adult
inclusion in the Jewish community.           education and employment pillar              Thank You.
However, sadly, this is not the norm         which will create a pathway for autistic
and parents continue to advocate for         individuals to be included in society
their children each day.                     with meaningful, real jobs.
differently, and we are all on a       So how did I personally get
                                        spectrum of abilities. People          involved with creating this social
                                        who have neurodevelopmental            enterprise? I always say it is the
                                        and      intellectual   diversity      product of my mid-life crisis.
                                        including autism may or may            My career background was in
                                        not identify as disabled. You’ll       IT. I worked with both retail
                                        soon hear, with the right              and academic systems for 25
                                        support and accommodations,            years, and right on track, in my
                                        can in fact be, very abled. The        mid-forties, felt that I wanted to
                                        term disability is used because        change direction and pursue
                                        to varying degrees, many do            a job that would be more of
                                        struggle to navigate some of           a social service. I went back
                                        the typical norms when they            to McGill University and very
                                        are interacting with the world.        slowly, one course a semester,
                                        you might hear the term                completed a graduate diploma
DELICIOUS.                              “neurotypical” as opposed to
                                        neurodivergent to describe this
                                                                               in the management of social
INNOVATIVE.                             challenge. We are nearing the
                                        end of a month that promotes           It was actually my then
INCLUSIVE.                              awareness, acceptance and
                                        inclusion of these differences,
                                                                               teenaged kids, who introduced
                                                                               me to the world of children
                                        and the point of that is that          and adults with disabilities
D’var Torah given by Eve Rochman on     ideally, is that we as a society       through their volunteering
Feb. 25th, 2023.                        must evolve to make our                with Friendship Circle. I am sure
                                        neurotypical      world    more        you’ve all heard of Friendship
                                        welcoming and flexible.                Circle, an organization that
Shabbat Shalom. I want to
                                                                               pairs neurotypical teens or
thank ADATH and all of you for
                                        The next question I get asked,         young adults with children who
inviting me and the entourage
                                        what is a social enterprise? A         have various disabilities. They
from Zera Café to share the story
                                        Social enterprise is a revenue-        participate in social activities
of our thriving social enterprise
                                        generating business with a             together and it’s inspiring to see
during JDAIM, Jewish Disability
                                        twist. It has two goals: first to      how these simple relationships
awareness, acceptance and
                                        achieve a social mission, or           make such a positive impact
inclusion month.
                                        solve a problem, and, second           on both the volunteers and
                                        to earn revenue that supports          participants. Everyone wins
I know that hearing from Laura
                                        that mission.                          and it’s really an amazing
will be the most interesting
                                                                               model. I remember specifically
part of this, so I will just tell you
                                        Zera Café is a social enterprise       meeting a mom of a soon to
a little about Zera Café, how it
                                        that addresses a difficult reality,    be 21-year-old participant at
came to be, how it has grown
                                        and that reality is that in the        the Friendship Circle who was
and evolved and then I will turn
                                        Jewish community alone, over           about to graduate from school.
it over to Laura.
                                        15,000 adults live with some           She was concerned about what
                                        sort of disability. Only 1 out         would happen next for her
So what is Zera Café? It is a
                                        of 4 of them is meaningfully           daughter. It turns out that the
not-for-profit social enterprise
                                        employed. When you think               age of 21 is a crucial transitional
catering service, founded 3 and
                                        about that, it’s really quite an       age because that is when
a half years ago that proudly
                                        impediment.        Having a job,       school ends and there’s a void
offers meaningful supported
                                        especially in young adulthood          after that.
employment to adults who are
                                        is fundamentally important. It’s
                                        not just for a paycheque, but          Like for most people, not
                                        also for socialization, to gain life   having a routine, a destination
The first question I get asked
                                        skills, independence, a sense of       and something meaningful
is what does that mean, to be
                                        purpose and to be part of and          to do every day would be very
neurodiverse? And the fact is,
                                        contributing to community.             detrimental to her.
that we are all neurodiverse. We
all process, think and function
This void or problem struck           was actually quite terrifying,       got right to work setting up
me and I started to research          because now I had to execute.        a not-for-profit corporation, a
possible solutions.     A quick       I really debated what to do, and     board of directors, a website,
google     search,    and   sure      was very worried that I would        and even practicing some
enough, you can often look to         be in over my head. But despite      recipes. In those first few
Israel for innovative ideas and       it all, I quit my job and decided    months, I worked here with
good food. I read about several       to go for it.                        a few of the young adults
cafés and catering services,                                               who had participated in the
operating as social enterprises,      I’ve been saying the word I a        programming that was already
that were employing people            lot, but there’s only one reason     running here. We catered
with diverse abilities.               that this enterprise continues       kiddushim here for several
                                      to exist and thrive to this day,     weeks and then decided that
It so happens that I had always       and that is because we are           we definitely wanted to cater
enjoyed cooking and it had            operating in an incredible           dairy food. For that reason,
been a fantasy of mine to create      community where from the             we had to find a bigger dairy
a catering business.                  get-go , I have been supported       kitchen. We arranged to work
                                      by exceptional people who            out of the Shaare Zion’s kitchen
So now, I had a graduate              rolled up their sleeves and got      starting in February 2020 and
diploma in the management             into the kitchen with me and         our first project was baking
of social service, a pretty far-      gave so much of their time to        hamentashen. There was some
fetched idea of creating a            help. I am blessed to have had       talk around Purim that year
catering business to employ           the help of over 50 volunteers       about the virus, but we were
people with disabilities, and         over these 3 years who are the       too busy building momentum.
absolutely no experience in           very heart of the operation.         We even had three small events
doing either of those things!                                              to cater beginning on March
                                      Our volunteers help us with          10th and we were excited to get
So basically, a raging case of        job coaching, cooking in the         going.     The events of course
imposter syndrome. I really           kitchen delivering our orders.       never happened, and we were
didn’t imagine that this idea         We are currently in the middle       shut down before we even
would go very far, but it turns       of our annual hamentashen            started.
out the community of people           fundraiser which means we are
who care for and love people          rolling, cutting and pinching        I thought we were done and
with disabilities is tight and very   thousands of hamentashen             that I would return the grant
welcoming. I only needed to           and in the last two weeks alone,     and go get another job in IT. But
mention my idea to someone            we’ve had so many volunteers         then, the week before Passover,
at the Friendship circle, and         come and help us get through         I got a call from Federation
just a week later, I was invited      the challenge. You name it,          CJA. They knew that we had
to meet parents of young              they are there for us. In fact,      secured a kitchen, and they
adults with neurodiversity. One       one of our star volunteers kindly    needed our help to prepare
of them was running programs          joined us here today. Shiri          emergency ready to eat meals
for people with diverse needs         Tamam is a favourite, vivacious      that would be delivered to
through her A-link foundation         coach to our employees who           vulnerable people who were
right here at this synagogue.         has an innate ability in the         shut in. Early in the pandemic,
She and another mom were very         kitchen and to support our           we didn’t even let seniors and
supportive and encouraging of         employees (she is a teacher          immunocompromised people
the idea and recommended I            after all). On top of that, anyone   enter grocery stores, so there
apply for a Nova Grant throught       who knows Shiri, knows that she      was a real need to provide
the JCF (which was due just a         has a keen eye for the beauty        meals.
few weeks later).                     of what is going on around her
                                      and she captures this beauty in      Oddly enough, this crisis ended
Again, having never written           photographs that she shares          up being our pivot. While there
a business plan, nor a grant          with her many followers on           weren’t any parties and events
application, I wasn’t expecting       social media. Through these          to cater, Zera Café could, in the
to receive one, but somehow           posts, more and more people          meantime, become a delivered,
my bluff was called, and two          are learning about our mission       ready-to-eat meal service. We
months later, I got an email          what we’re all about.                quickly figured out what to
letting me know that the idea                                              make and how to package it.
would be supported with               I laugh at the crazy timeline        Our meals were prepared by
a grant. You would think I            of how we came to be. We got         and delivered by volunteers in
would be celebrating, but it          the grant in October 2019, and       the community for 7 weeks.
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