Page created by Darryl Solis

             is Entry Level AutomationTM
                       LEARN MORE AT TACH-IT.COM

201.440.5500 or 800.222.5540   50 Ruta Court, S. Hackensack, NJ 07606
   Tape Dispensers and Applicators                                                                                3

    Hea vy Duty Def init e Lengt h Tape Dispensers ....................................................           3
    Def init e Lengt h Tape Dispensers ....................................................................       5
    L -Clip Box Sealers ......................................................................................    8
    Double-Sided Tape Dispensers .......................................................................          9
    Transf er Tape (ATG) Dispensers .....................................................................         9
    Desk Dispensers ..........................................................................................    9

   Label Dispensers and Applicators                                                                               10

    Aut omatic Label Dispensers ..........................................................................        11
    Mec hanical Label Dispensers ........................................................................         13
    Hand-Held Label Applicat ors .........................................................................        14
    Aut omat ed Labeling Solutions .......................................................................        15
    Special Application .....................................................................................     19
    Label Rewinders .........................................................................................     20

   Label Dispensers and Applicators                                                                               20

    Premium Tape Guns .....................................................................................       21
    Industr ial Tape Guns ...................................................................................     21
    Economical Tape Guns .................................................................................        21
    EBC-110 – Edge Pro t ection Cutt er ..................................................................        22
    Tac h-It Box Cutt ers & Blades .........................................................................      22
    S tre tc h Wrap & Shipping Room Dispensers ......................................................             22

   Twist Tie & Bag Sealing                                                                                        23

    Aut omatic Twist T ie Mac hines ........................................................................      23
    Twist T ie Ribbon .........................................................................................   24
    Tape Bag Sealers ........................................................................................     24

   U.L. Recognized Cable Ties, Bundling Ties & EZ Twist Locks                                                     25

   Tag Attaching & Joining                                                                                        26

OUR VISION                         MISSION                Ben Clements and Sons is dedicated to delivering cost
is to make Ben Clements            effective, quality equipment and consumables that are both proven and
and Sons the place of              innovative. Our equipment is designed to help the end user to eliminate waste,
choice to do business with         increase accuracy and productivity, improve throughput, eliminate repetitive
concerning Entry Level             motions, and obtain a quick ROI. We are a family owned and operated business
Automation.                        that is committed to selling through distribution. We are committed to our
                                   products and offer support before, during and long after the sale.
is Entry Level AutomationTM

    Tape Dispensers
    & Applicators
    Ta ch - I t do e s n’t se l l t ape bu t m ak e s yo ur ta p e w o r k b e tte r. We ha v e the e q uip m e nt use d to
    a ut omat e any t ape di spe nsi ng an d a p p lic a ting p r o c e ss. All o f o ur e q uip m e nt is d e signed
    f o r wo rk e rs t o be ne f i t f r o m a s af e r w o r kp la c e a nd the b usine ss to b e ne fit fr o m sp e e d ,
    ef f icien c y, and ROI.

    • H ea vy Duty Defi ni te Le ngth
       Ta pe Di sp en ser s
    • D efi n i te Len gth Ta p e Dis pe ns e rs
    • L- Cl i p B ox Sea l er s
    • D o ubl e - Si ded Ta p e Dis pe ns e rs
    • Tr an sfer Ta p e (AT G ) Dis pe ns e rs
    • D esk Di sp en ser s
Heavy Duty Definite-Length
    Tape Dispensers

    For clie nt s i n m anu f ac t u ri ng , c o nt ra c t p a c ka ging, ship p ing, a sse m b ly, w ir e ha r ne ssing , e- commerce,
    3 PL a n d o t he r appl i c at i o ns re qu i r i ng a n a uto m a tic d e finite le ng th ta p e d isp e nse r, Ta c h-I t h as
    la un ch e d 3 A l l S t e e l he av y du t y de finite le ng th ta p e d isp e nse r s. While w e a r e no t the f i rst to offer
    a ll s t ee l w o r k i ng c o m po ne nt t ape d isp e nse r s, w e a r e the fir st in the ind ustr y to d o this at an
    a f f o r d abl e c o st and w i t h a sm al l fo o tp r int to sa v e sp a c e .

    W h y is t hi s i m po r t ant ?   Dur a b i lity, Durability, Durability

    We h a v e    3 O PT IO NS           bas e d on the w id th o f the ta p e a nd yo ur sp e c ific a p p lic a tio n. All of th ese
    ma ch ine s o f f e r t he s am e f e at u re s i nc lud ing :

    •    Al l s t eel gea rs a nd w o rk i ng c om p one nts f or uns urp as s e d d urab ility.

    •    4 p r o gra mma bl e memo ry pres e t b uttons .

    •    Gu i l l o t i ne c u t t er fo r a st ra i ght cle an cut.

    •    Sm a l l t a bl et o p desi gn a nd a vailab le in 3 d if f e re nt wid ths .

    •    E n c o der t ec hno l o gy ensu res cons is te nt f e e d le ng ths .

    4 Operating Modes
     1       MANUAL :             F o r ra n d o m len gt h s o f t ape

     2       SEMI-AUTO MAT IC :                     Feeds t h e defin ed len gt h o f t ape wit h each pu sh o f a b utton

     3       AUTO MAT IC :               F e e d s t he defin ed len gt h o f t ape as t h e prev io u s cu t piece i s removed

     4       SEQ UENT IAL :               F e e d s th e t ape t o t h e len gt h s defin ed in t h e preset bu t t o ns s eq uenti al l y

Heavy Duty All                      Mode Selector for the 4 modes
                                                                      Steel Case                          (see page 3)
  All Steel Gears and Shafts
  for Durability

                               Encoder accuracy for
                               consistent tape lengths


                                                                                                                           4 Memory
                                                                                                                           Preset Buttons
                                                         Guillotine Cutter for
Heavy Duty Motors                    Dual Voltage        a straight, clean cut to virtually
                                                                                                 Buttons to set length,
                                                         any type of packaging tape.
                                                                                                 manual cut, and removing
                                                                                                 tape from the machine

                                                                                Model: #6115
                                                                               Can feed 1 roll of tape up to 2 inch wide or 2
                                                                               rolls of tape up to 1 inch wide each.
                                                                               Exclusive safety shield for operator protection.

Model: #6180                                                               Model: #6605
Can feed tape up to 3 1/8 inches in width.                                Can feed tape up to 6 inches in width.

Definite Length Tape Dispensers
    Prevent tape waste. Available in manual and automatic models, these machines will cut virtually any type of
    tape in either a random or pre-determined length. Perfect for industrial, assembly, shipping, manufacturing, retail,
    wire harnessing and anywhere a cut piece of tape is needed.

      MANUAL                                                        MANUAL

        Model: 5000                                                   Model: SL-1
        Cuts a fixed 1 1/2” piece of tape.                            Cuts most types of non-reinforced tapes up to
        Separate tape roll holder for random lengths.                 1” wide and up to 4“ long either a 1” or 3“ core.
        Perfect for gift wrap, retail and office.                     Thumb screw adjusts tape length.
        Simply turn the knob to cut the tape.                         Simply pull the handle and the desired length
        Works with one roll of tape up to 1 1/2” wide                 of tape is dispensed.
        or 2 rolls up to 3/4” wide each.                              Perfect for retail, office and shipping room.

      MANUAL                                                        AUTOMATIC     ECONOMICAL

        Model: SL-3                                                   Model: 6100-SS
        Cuts most types of non-reinforced tapes up to 3”              Feeds and cuts next piece of tape as previous is
        wide and up to 8“ long on a 3” core.                          removed; Multiple random and automatic modes.
        Thumtb screw adjusts tape length.                             Works on 1 roll of tape up to 2” wide or 2 rolls of
        Simply pull the handle and the desired length                 tape up to 1” wide each.
        of tape is dispensed.                                         Clean guillotine cut for smooth edges.
        Heavy duty construction, perfect for: e-commerce,             4 programmable memory presets.
        fulfillment, contract packaging, manufacturing and            Works on most types of tape on a 3“ core.
        other industrial applications.
                                                                      Cuts tape from 1/2” to 39.4” long.

AUTOMATIC                                                  AUTOMATIC


  Model: 6125                                                Model: 6250
  Works on most types of pressure sensitive tapes.           Creates a 3/8” fold on the end of the tape for easy
  Random and automatic mode for pre-determined               removal from the product.
  lengths with 6 memory presets.                             For packaging of electrical and consumer products
  Works on 1 roll of tape up to 2” wide or 2 rolls of        Reusable and resealable closure.
  tape up to 1” wide each.                                   Works with one roll of tape up to 2 wide.
  Cuts tape from 1/2” to 39.4” long.                         Random and pre-determined lengths
  Unique cradle design allows for large tape                 Works on most types of tapes including filament tape.
  roll capability with any core size.
                                                             Can also be used to dispense tape without creating
                                                             the tab.

AUTOMATIC                                                  AUTOMATIC

  Model: Z Cut 2                                             Model: Z Cut 3
  Carousel Style Definite Length Tape Dispenser              Carousel Style Definite Length Tape Dispenser cuts
  cuts tape up to 1” wide and applies it to the rotating     tape up to 1” wide and applies it to the rotating
  platen for easy removal.                                   platen for easy removal.
  Perfect for wire harnessing, assembly, electrical          Easy access adjustments for length & width of tape.
  and cell manufacturing.                                    Perfect for wire harnessing, assembly, electrical
  Works on most types of tape including vinyl                and cell manufacturing.
  electrical tapes.                                          Works on most types of tapes including vinyl
  Cuts tapes up to 2 3/8“ long on a 1”, 1 1/4”               electrical tapes.
  and 3” core.                                               Cuts tapes up to 2 3/8“ long and unique cradle
  A simple push of the button, on the top, fills             design allows for any core size.
  approximately 3/4 of the rotating platen with cut          Unique sensor allows for multiple modes including:
  lengths of tape.                                           automatic, manual and semi-automatic.
  Can place up to 20 pieces of cut tape on the
  carousel based on the width of the tape.

Tape Dispenser Stands

                     Model: UW-6                                                                          Model: 6100 SS & 6115
                     Large roll unwind stand.
                                                                                                          Unwind Stand
                     Perfect for machine length rolls of tape and labels
                     up to 17” in diameter.                                                               Designed specifically for the #6100-SS and #6115.

                     For use with most Tach-It tape and label dispensers                                  Perfect for machine length rolls of tape up to
                     and applicators including our Tach-It Models 6180,                                   14 inch in diameter.
                     6605, 6125, 6250, SH400, SH414D, SH404TR,                                            3 inch core. Easy Assembly.
                     KL-100, KL-150, KL-250 and SH402TR
                     3” core. Easy Assembly.

                        Tape Dispensers
                                                              Compare Your Options
    Model #             #5000 #SL-1           #SL-3      #6100-SS          #6115             #6125            #6180          #6605          #6250         Z-Cut 2     Z-Cut 3

    Des cri pti on      Manual     Manual     Manual     Automatic        Heavy              Automatic        Heavy Duty, Heavy Duty,       Automatic,    Carousel,   Carousel,
                                                                          Duty                                Automatic   Automatic         Tabbing       Automatic   Automatic

    Modes               Ma nua l   Ma nua l   Ma nua l   Random           Random,            Random,          Random,        Random,        Random,       Automatic   Automatic
                                                         and              Semi-Auto.,        Semi-            Semi-Auto.,    Semi-Auto.,    Semi-
                                                         Automatic        Automatic, &       Auto., and       Automatic, &   Automatic, &   Auto., and
                                                                          Sequential         Automatic        Sequential     Sequential     Automatic
                                                                          mode.                               mode.          mode.

    Memory              N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A              4 memory           6 memory         4 memory       4 memory               N/A N/A           N/A
    Presets                                                               presets            presets          presets        presets

    Ma x. Width         11/ 2”     1”         3”         1 roll up to     1 roll up to       1 roll up to     3 1/8”         6”             1 roll up to   1”         1”
    of Ta pe                                             2”; or 2 rolls   2”; or 2 rolls     2”; or 2 rolls                                 2”; or 2 rolls
                                                         up to 1” ea.     up to 1” ea.       up to 1” ea.                                   up to 1”ea.

    Ma x. Length        Fixed      Up to      Up to      Up to            Up to              Up to            Up to          Up to          Up to         2 3/8”      2 3/8”
    of Ta pe            11/ 2”     4”         8”         39.4”            39.4”              39.4”            39.4”          39.4”          39.4”

    Ma x. Rol l         5”                               6”, opt          6”, opt            14”              11 3/4”        11 3/4”        6”            5”          6”
                                   5 1/2”     7 1/2”
    Di a meter                                           large roll stand large roll stand

                                   1” and     3”         3”               3”                 N/A              N/A            N/A            3”            1”,         N/A
    Core Si ze          3”
                                   3”                                                                                                                     1 1/4”,
                                                                                                                                                          & 3”
    Power               N/A        N/A        N/A        110 volt         110 volt           110 volt         110 volt       110 volt       110 volt      110 volt    110 volt
                                                         50/60 Hz         or 220 volt        50/60 Hz         or 220 volt    or 220 volt    50/60 Hz      50/60 Hz    50/60 Hz
                                                                          50/60 Hz                            50/60 Hz       50/60 Hz

L-Clip Box Sealers

        Us e d f o r a p p l y i ng t ape f ro m t he si de t o the b o tto m o f a b o x. Ap p lic a tio ns inc lud e :
        p h a r ma ceut i c al s , m e di c al , r e t ai l , f o o d se r v ic e a nd b a ke r y, ind ustr ia l a nd institutio na l use s.

                       E c o n o mi c a l                                        Ve rs a t ile                                        Sa f e
                       S av es t ap e a n d                                      P e r fe c t fo r ma ny                              Ea s y a nd saf e f or
                       i n c r e as es p r o d u c t iv i t y                    p a c ka ging a p p lic a t io ns                    o p e r a t or s to use

 SEMI-AUTOMATIC     TAPE                                        SEMI-AUTOMATIC   TAPE                                SEMI-AUTOMATIC      LABEL

   Model: #6400                                                   Model: #6425                                        Model: #6500-TL
                                                                                                                      Model: #6510-TL
  Perfect for pharmaceuticals, medical,                          Works on most types of tapes,
  food service, bakery, parts and for                            including filament and reinforced                    Applies a label or wafer seal from the
  sealing any small chip board or                                tapes up to 2” wide.                                 side to the bottom of a box.
  corrugated box.                                                Can feed up to 3 3/4” of tape for a                  For wafer seals and other labels that do
  Applies most non-reinforced tapes up to                        secure closure and use a machine                     not exceed 1 1/2 inch x 1 1/2 inch.
  3/4” wide.                                                     length roll of tape.                                 Perfect for pharmaceuticals, medical
  Adjustable feed lengths from 3/4” to 1                         Heavy duty construction and compact                  packaging, food service, retail and for
  5/8”.                                                          table top design.                                    packagers of other items packed in
                                                                                                                      small boxes and cartons.
  Recommended tape thickness of 2.1 mil                          Increased productivity over hand
  or thicker                                                     taping of boxes.                                     Operator pushes the box along the top
                                                                                                                      plate and the machine applies the label.
  Can be flush mounted.                                          Seals up to 40 boxes per minute.
                                                                                                                      Digital label length adjustment and
  Easy micro-switch actuaction                                   Recommended tape thickness of 2.1
                                                                 mil or thicker.
                                                                                                                      Heavy duty construction for years of
                                                                 Can be flush mounted.
                                                                                                                      reliable service.
                                                                                                                      Fully portable – Small table top design.

Fo r Ta c h - I t ’s fu l l l i n e of t a p e g u n s , t a pe dispe nse rs and shipping r oom, pac kaging t o o ls
p l ease se e p a g e 2 0 - 2 2 of t h i s c a t a l og .

Double Sided Tape Dispensers
    Available in hand-held and bench top models. Our Tach-It Double Sided Tape Dispensers have a rewind roller for the
    waste liner, a corrugated blade for the toughest double sided or foam tapes, an adjustable brake for operator
    preferred tension and a gear driven rewind mechanism for positive and reliable usage.

      HAND-HELD                                                                   BENCH-TOP
                                    Model: #4125                                                                    Model: #4163
                                    Maximum width of tape - 2”.                                                     Maximum width of tape - 2”.
                                    Maximum roll diameter - 6”.                                                     Maximum roll diameter - 7”.
                                    Adjustable brake and natural                                                    Weighted base.
                                    rubber roller.
                                    Heavy duty construction.

    Transfer Tape (ATG)                                                                                             Model: Y620
    Dispensers                                                                                                      For ATG tapes from 1/4” to
                                                                                                                    3/4” on a 1” core.
    Tach-It Transfer Tape (ATG) Dispensers are trigger                                                              Adjustable brake and natural
    operated, have a rewind roller for the waste liner, an                                                          rubber roller.
    adjustable brake for operator control and a gear driven                                                         Trigger controlled.
    rewind mechanism for positive and reliable usage.                                                               Rewinder for waste liner.
    Tach-It Transfer Tape (ATG) Dispensers are perfect for                                                          Available adapter for 1/4”
    samples and material swatches, applying labels or                                                               ATG tape on12 segment core.
    booklets to products and for unitizing multiple products.                                                       (our item #Y620AD)

    Desk Dispensers
    Consisting of single and multiple roll dispensers Tach-It has the perfect dispenser for shipping rooms, office, retail,
    manufacturing, assembly, industrial and institutional applications.

      Model: B24                  Model: B25                    Model: B3TC                   Model: MR25                    Model: MR35
      For 3/4” wide tape          For 1” wide tape on a         Multi-Roll Dispenser          2” Wide Multi-Roll             3” Wide Multi-Roll
      on a 1” core.               1” or 3” core.                                              Dispenser                      Dispenser
                                                                For 1 roll of tape up to
      Weighted non-skid base.     Weighted non-skid base.       2” wide or 2 rolls of tape    For 1 roll of tape up to       For 1 roll of tape up
                                                                up to 1” wide each.           2” wide or 2 rolls up to       to 3” wide or 2 or 3
      Attractive for office and   Perfect for office, retail,
                                                                                              1” wide each.                  rolls which combine
      retail use.                 shipping room, gift           Can be mounted
                                                                                                                             for a total of 3”.
                                  wrapping, and areas           anywhere (including           Weighted non-skid base.
      Colors: White and Gray
                                  where cellophane tapes        machinery) with                                              Weighted non-skid base.
                                                                                              Separators for easy
                                  are used.                     included C-Clamp.             removal of tape.               Separators for easy
                                  Colors: White, Black,                                                                      removal of tape.
                                  and Sand

is Entry Level AutomationTM

  Label Dispensers
  & Applicators
  Pr es s ur e s e ns i t i v e l abe l s ar e u se d o n pr o d uc ts, in ship p ing, r e ta il, fo o d se r v ic e a nd a lm o st
  a ll in d us t r ie s t o pr o v i de brandi ng , i nstr uc tio ns, ship p ing , nutr itio na l info r m a tio n, UP C o r
  PL U co d es and f o r c o u nt l e ss o t he r re aso ns. Ap p ly ing la b e ls c a n b e a r e p e titiv e a nd
  e x p en s iv e pro c e s s bu t Tac h-It has a v ar ie ty o f p r o d uc ts fr o m m e c ha nic a l la b e l d isp e nse r s
  us e d in s h ippi ng ro o m s t o f u l l y au t o m ate d w ip e -o n la b e le r s inte gr a te d b y fulfillm e nt
  co mp a n ies t o re du c e c o st s and i nc r e a se p r o d uc tiv ity.

  • A u t o ma ti c La b el Di sp en s e rs
  • Mec h ani ca l La b el Di sp ens e rs
  • H a n d -Hel d La b el Ap pl i cators
  • A u t o ma ted La b el i n g So l utions
  • S p e c i a l Ap p lic a tio n La b e l
      A p p l i c a t o rs
  • L ab e l Rewin de rs
Automatic Label Dispensers
     Perfect for any repetitive labeling application. Increases productivity and easy to cost justify. These units peel the
     label for easy removal and rewind the waste web liner to avoid workplace hazards.

      ALL MODELS include waste liner rewinder for workplace safety.


          Model: SH414D                                                    Model: SH404-TR
          Most technologically advanced label dispenser                    Industry Favorite.
          in the industry.                                                 Non-contact optical sensor detects all types of
          Non-contact optical sensor detects all types of clear            clear and opaque labels.
          and opaque labels.                                               For die-cut and butt-cut labels.
          Digital label counter and label length adjustment.               Maximum width of label is 6 inch wide.
          For labels up to 6 inch wide.                                    Heavy duty construction and large roll diameter.
          Heavy duty construction and large roll diameter.t                Speed - 280 inches per minute.
          Speed - 280 inches per minute for all die-cut
          and butt-cut labels.

          Model: KL100                                                     Model: KL150
          Perfect for industrial applications, easy to cost justify.       For labels up to 6 inch wide.
          For labels up to 4 inch wide.                                    Perfect for industrial applications, easy to cost justify.
          Non-contact photo sensor detects all types                       Non-contact photo sensor detects all types of die-cut
          of die-cut and butt-cut opaque labels.                           and butt-cut opaque labels.
          Digital label counter.                                           Digital label counter.
          Heavy duty construction and large 9” roll diameter               Heavy duty construction and large 9 inch roll diamater.
          Speed - 280 inches per minute.                                   Speed - 280 inches per minute.

Model: SH400                                                  Model: SH402-TR
Ultra economical label dispenser.                             Designed specifically for miniature labels.
Utilizes a specially designed touch sensitive                 Non-contact optical sensor detects all types of
micro-switch to detect the leading edge of die-cut or         die-cut and butt-cut labels that are opaque or clear.
butt-cut labels.                                              Digital label counter and label length adjustment.
For labels up to 6 inch wide.                                 For labels up to 2 inch wide.
No tools required for label size changes and large            Heavy duty construction.
roll diameter.
                                                              Can be used in vertical or horizontal orientation.
Speed - 280 inches per minute.
                                                              Speed - 120 inches per minute.

Model: KL250                                                  Model: SH408
Vertical label dispenser for labels up to 5 inch wide.        Ultra wide label dispenser, for labels up to 8 in wide.
Perfect for industrial applications and easy to               Non-contact optical sensor detects all types of
cost justify.                                                 die-cut and butt-cut labels that are opaque or clear.
Non-contact photo sensor detects all types of die-cut         Label counter.
and butt-cut opaque labels. Adjustable speed control.         Heavy duty construction and large label roll capacity.
Heavy duty construction and large 9 inch                      Speed - 240 inches per minute.
roll diamater.
Easy to load and use, small table top design.

      O P T IC AL : Tach-Itʼs Exclusive Optical Reader is standard on our SH404-TR, SH414D, SH402-TR and
      SH408 and allows for use on transparent and opaque labels at no additional cost.

                      Label Dispensers
                                                  Compare Your Options
     Model #               SH404-TR     SH414D               SH400           KL100           KL150          SH402-TR          KL250            SH408

     Des cri pti on        Automatic    Automatic            Automatic       Automatic       Automatic       Automatic        Automatic        Automatic
                           Dispenser    Dispenser            Dispenser       Dispenser       Dispenser       Dispenser        Dispenser        Dispenser

     Method of Label       Optical      Optical              Mechanical      Photo-          Photo-          Optical          Photo-           Optical
     Detection                                                               Sensor          Sensor                           Sensor

     Speed                 280”/ sec.   280”/ sec.           280”/ sec.      280”/ sec.      280”/ sec.      120”/ sec.       320”/ sec.       240”/ sec.

     Construction          All metal    All metal            All metal       All metal       All metal       All metal        All metal        All metal

     Brake Motor           Yes          Yes                  Yes             No              No              Yes              No               Yes

     Max Label Size        6” x 14”     6” x 14”             6” x 9”         4.25” x 14”     6” x 14”        2” x 6”          5.25” x 9”       8” x 12”

     Max Roll Dia.         11.5”        11.5”                12”             9”              9”              6”               9”               12”

     Counter               No           Yes                  No              Yes             Yes             Yes              Yes              Yes

         Mechanical Label Dispensers
         Perfect for shipping rooms, packing stations, fulfillment, retail, office or anywhere an inexpensive method to hold and
         peel single or multiple rolls of labels are needed.

                  PDL                               PDL     Liner           Included
                                                    Style # Width           Separators     Available in 7 widths. All steel construction.
                                                    PDL-2     3 inch         0             For single or multi-roll use.
                                                    PDL-4     4 1/2 inch     1             Non-slip feet for bench top use.
                                                    PDL-6     6 1/2 inch     2             Dispenser widths shown in chart along with
                                                    PDL-8     8 1/2 inch     3             included label separators.
                                                    PDL-12    12 1/2 inch    4             Additional label separators can be ordered
                                                    PDL-18     18 inch       4             Not recommended for clear labels.
                                                    PDL-24     24 inch       4

                  MDL        CAN BE WALL MOUNTED

                                                                                           Available in 5 widths. All steel construction.
                                                    MDL     Liner           Included       For single or multi-roll use.
                                                    Style # Width           Separators     Non-slip feet for bench top use and can be mounted
                                                                                           to a wall in a vertical orientation to save table space.
                                                    MDL-25    3 inch        1 pair
                                                                                           Dispenser widths shown in chart above along
                                                    MDL-45    4 1/2 inch    1 pair
                                                                                           with included. 3 inch dia. core holders.
                                                    MDL-65    6 1/2 inch    2 pairs
                                                    MDL-85    8 1/2 inch    2 pairs
                                                                                           Additional core holders can be ordered as needed.
                                                    MDL-125 12 1/2 inch     3 pairs        Not recommended for clear lables.

Hand-Held Label Applicators
Portable and lightweight, our Tach-It hand-held label applicators are perfect for repetitive labeling applications such
as applying PLU labels to agricultural products, batch products, assembly line, palletized cartons and many more
uses. Available in trigger operated and battery powered models.

     AP65 Series of Hand-Held Label Applicators

     Available in 3 widths. See chart below. Lightweight and fully portable. Soft pull trigger operation.
     Unique Mecha-Sensor allows the AP65 units to automatically adjust the trigger pull to the length of the label being
     applied so only one label is dispensed with each cycle.
     Requires die cut labels on a 1” core for operation or use optional 3” core adaptor.

      NEW!     3” Core Adaptor available for all 3 sizes of AP65 Hand-Held Label Applicators.

   AP65-30 shown with optional
         3" core adaptor

      Model #                              AP65-30                           AP65-60                           AP65-100

      Max roll diameter           3.93” (100mm)                     3.93" (100 mm)                     3.93" (100 mm)

      Max linear width            1.20” (30mm)                      2.36" (60 mm)                      3.93" (100 mm)

      Min linear width            .75" (19 mm)                      1" (25.4 mm)                       2.15" (55 mm)

      Max label length            2.36" (60 mm)                     2.36" (60 mm)                      2.36" (60 mm)

      Min label length            .78" (20 mm)                      .78" (20 mm)                       .78" (20 mm)

      Weight                      11.2 Oz (318 g)                   13.1 Oz (372 g)                    15.0 Oz (425 g)

Battery Powered Hand Held Label Applicators
Lithium ion battery technology provides for full day production. Perfect for applying PLU labels to fruits and vegetables, UPC bar
code labels and for labeling palletized cartons. Quick recharge times and no memory affect. LED battery level indicator.

                                         Lightweight - weighs 1 5/8 Lbs (760 g) including battery.
                                         For die cut labels up to 1 1/8” wide on a 1” core.
                                         Ultra touch sensitive nose allows the BL-1 to be used on the most delicate products.

                                         Lightweight and fully portable. Significantly increases productivity over hand labeling.
                                         For labels that are 3/8” width x 3/4” length and up to 2 3/8” width and 5” long on a
                                         1 inch core. Not usable for label lengths of 3/4” to 1” in length.
                                         Easy to use. Touch sensitive nose. Label web rewinder for safety.

Automated Labeling Solutions
     Ut ilizin g o u r s t at e o f t he ar t M C U Wip e -O n La b e l Ap p lic a ting H e a d Asse m b ly a nd To uc h
     Scr e e n C o nt r o l S y s t e m , Tac h-It has the fle xib ility to o ffe r la b e ling so lutio ns to m e e t yo ur
     p r o d uct i o n ne e ds. Tac h-It ’s M i ni -C on La b e l Ap p lic a to r s c a n b e c o m b ine d w ith a uto m a tio n
     o p t io n s s u c h as F e e d and Ou t f e e d Ta b le s, C o nv e y o r s, C o lla to r s a nd o the r c o m m o nly use d
     p er ip h er al e qu i pm e nt t o i nc r e as e p r o d uc tiv ity.

     De t ailed i nf o r mat i o n, c o m par i s o n c h a r t , s p e c i fi c a t i on s a n d v i d e os a r e a va i l a b l e a t t a c h-it.c om

     Al l Ta c h-It M i ni - C o ns u t i l i ze t he s am e lab e l ap p lication he ad and
     c o n tr o l sy st em – o nc e y o u a re fam iliar with one , y ou k now the m all.
     Touch screen controller has:
         º   Ste p p e r m ot o r ac c u r a c y.

         º   5 m e m o r y p r e se t s f or y ou r sp e cific a pplica tio n s.

         º   Dw e l l T i m e r f or ac c u r a t e a n d co n siste n t pr o duct pla ce me n t.

         º   Ta r ge t c ou n t e r t o e n su r e p r od uctivity.

     •   Pr o d u ct ra i l s ha v e a dj u st ment ind icators and are las e r e tche d f or e as y ad jus tm ent .

     •   I n c l udes i nt egra t ed c o nv ey o rs (exce p t MC U and Mini- C on/Stand ).

                                                                                                          Quic k ROI
                                                                                                          High p r od uc t iv it y a nd
                                                                                                          e a s y t o jus t ify c o s t

                                                                                                         Ve rs a t ile
                                                                                                         Sma ll foot p r int a nd
                                                                                                         fully p or t a b le

                                                                                                         I n t e g r a t ion
                                                                                                         C a n b e int e gr a t e d into
                                                                                                         full p r od uc t io n line s

Model: MCU and Mini Con Stand                           Model: Mini Con (Top)
Can be permanently mounted above any existing           Wipe-On label applicator with integrated conveyor
conveyor system (our Model #MCU) or purchased with      for applying labels to the top.
our specially designed adjustable height stand with     Adjustable speed high friction conveyor is
locking casters for use over your existing conveyor     10” wide x 39” long.
(Our Model #Mini-Con/Stand).
                                                        Max. speed: 59 feet per min.
Maximum label size: 5” x 11”, Minimum label size:
3/8” x ¾”.                                              Non-contact optical sensor detects label.
Maximum conveyor speed is 59 feet per minute.           Maximum label size: 5” wide x 11“ long.
                                                        Minimum label size: 3/8” wide x 3/4” long.

Model: Mini Con S (Side)                                Model: Mini Con R (Round)
Automatic Wipe-On Label Applicator with Integrated      Wipe-on label applicator for bottles and cylindrical
Conveyor.                                               products.
Applies the label to the side surface of the product.   Has integrated 4” wide x 39” high friction adjustable
Has built in 10 inch wide by 39 1/2 inch long           speed conveyor.
adjustable speed high friction conveyor.                Maximum speed: 59 feet per minute.
Maximum label size: 5” wide x 11“ long.                 Maximum label size: 5” wide x 11” long.
Minimum label size: 3/8” wide x 3/4” long.              Minimum label size: 3/8” x 3/4”.

Model: Mini-Con R with Feed Table                          Model: Mini-Con ALR
     Automated labeling system for bottles and round            Capture and Spin Label applicator for bottles and
     containers.                                                round products.
     Increases productivity, 100 2-inch diameter bottles        Able to apply a front label or a front and back label
     can be loaded at one time.                                 (must be alternating on the label web).
     Feed table is made of stainless steel and is 39.3 inches   Usable as a stand-alone unit, with feed and output
     in diameter.                                               rotational tables or integrated into an automated
     Variable speed for increased productivity.                 packaging production system.

     Casters for portability and adjustable height legs.        Can be equipped with TIJ printing technology for on
                                                                demand printing of variable information such as; sell
                                                                by and expiration dates, production and lot codes or
                                                                any other required information

     Model: Tach-It Feed Table                                  Model: Mini Con TB (Top & Bottom)
     Stainless steel variable speed feed table.                 Wipe-on label applicator for applying labels to top &
     Can be adapted to new purchases of our                     bottom of package simultaneously or used separately
     Mini-Con R and Mini-Con ALR or adapted to machines         as a top or bottom labeler if needed.
     already in production.                                     2 label applicator heads mounted to an 11 1/2” wide x
     39.3 inches (1000 mm) in diameter. Can hold up to          40“ long conveyor.
     100 2 inch diameter bottles.                               Maximum label size: 5” wide x 11” long. Minimum label
     Increases productivity of automated labeling systems.      size: 3/8” wide x 3/4” long.

     Works for bottles and other round products.                Can be used as a stand alone machine or integrated
                                                                into any existing conveyor system.

Model: Mini Con C (Clamshell)
                                    Applies a label from the top, across the front and to the bottom of a package.
                                    Perfect for use on clear plastic clamshell and other types of containers used in the
                                    bakery industry for donuts, cookies, muffins and baked goods.
                                    Provides security against tampering and opening of products on the shelf or in the store.

                                    Model: Mini Con L & Mini Con L-80 (L-Clip)
                                    The Tach-It Mini-Con L and Mini-Con L-80 are automated L-Clip Label Applicators
                                    that applies a label or wafer seal from the top to the front of a package.
                                    Secure and attractive closure for applications in many industries including pharma,
                                    medical, vitamin and supplement markets, cannabis, food service and retail applications.
                                    Wafer seal or label up to 2" in diameter on the Mini-Con L and up to 3” in diameter.
                                    Can be used as a tabletop unit or inl-ine as part of integrated packaging system.

                                    Model: CTL
                                    Applies labels to flat boxes, heavy bags and pouches
                                    Operator places a stack of the product to be labeled into the machine and the CTL will
                                    feed and label each product.
                                    Perfect for pharmaceuticals, medical packaging, cannabis, food service, vacuum bags,
                                    retail and for packagers utilizing barrier bags, bags & pouches, and small folding boxes.
                                    Label Size: Minimum - 13/32 inch x 3/4 inch, Maximum - 5 inch x 9 3/4 inch

                                    Model: BIA Bag and Pouch Printing System
                                    Automatic Box and Pouch Printing Machine with Collator for High Speed Printing.
                                    Prints variable information such as bar codes, sell by dates, lot or production number,
                                    expiration dates, logos, text or other required information.
                                    Uses TIJ ink jet printing technology, the ink is contained in replaceable cartridges which
                                    results in no mess and a no print head each time the cartridge is replaced.
                                    Printer system has a 7 inch touch screen controller with a qwerty keyboard and a print
                                    resolution from 75-600 DPI.
                                    Print height is from 2 - 12.7 mm with each printhead. Multiple printheads can be
                                    installed to increase printing capacity.

Bag Labeling          2 2Options

Automatically feeds pouches and heavyweight bags into a wipe on label
applicator which applies a label. Places a label on pouches or
heavyweight bags utilizing wipe-on label application technology.
Used for pharmaceuticals, medical packaging, food service,
meat, poultry, coffee bags and many other applications.
Max. label size: 4 3/4” wide x 11“ long.
Can label up to 45 each 10” long bags per min.

                                                                                   BLM-110                       BLA-110

Special Application Label Applicators

                       Model: SH435 Bottle Label Applicator
                       Economical automatic label applicator, activated by push of button.
                       Applies labels smoothly and consistently each time.
                       Adjustable product fixture for consistent label placement & spring loaded overhead roller.
                       Maximum label size: 7 1/4” wide x 9 3/4” long. Container size: 2” - 5 1/4” diameter.
                       Portable, lightweight and small compact bench top design.

                       Model: LB7 Bottle Label Applicator
                       Automatic activation by slight push on the overhead pressure roller.
                       Can handle small diameter products such as lip balm, CBD tincture bottles and
                       blunt tubes as well as large containers up to gallon jugs and everything in between.
                       Applies labels smoothly and consistently each time.
                       Adjustable product cradle for various diameters.
                       Product fixture for consistent label placement and overhead roller.
                       Maximum label size: 8” wide x 11” long. Container size: 5/8” - 6” diameter.

                                       L-Clip Label Applicators
                                       Applies a wafer seal or label from the side to the bottom of a small box
                                       or carton.
                                       Used for pharmaceuticals, medical packaging, cannabis, food service,
                                       retail and other items packed in small boxes.
                                       Can use tamper evident labels to avoid pilferage and increase security.
                                       Operator simply pushed the box over the roller for the Model #6500-TL
                                       or against the actuation pad for the Model #6510-TL located at the top
       Model:    Model:                of the machine to apply the label. Product fixture for consistent label
       6500-TL   6510-TL               placement, label counter, dual voltage.
                                       Maximum label size: 1 1/2” wide x 1 1/2 long or round labels up to
                                       1 1/2” in diameter.

                       Model: LC100
                       Unwinds and rewinds labels as they are counted.
                       For pharmaceuticals, medical packaging, high value products, military applications,
                       areas where labels are used as a control mechanism or to confirm number of labels
                       on a roll. Digital counter for pre-determined or infinite counting of labels.
                       Quick release chucks, Bi-directional 2 variable speed motors.
                       Maximum Label Size: 5” wide. Maximum Roll Diameter: 11 3/4” long. Core Size: 3”.

                       Model: LC100 C
                       Winds labels at a constant speed as they are counted. Touch screen controlled.
                       Constant speed allows use with printing systems and verification systems.
                       Perfect for applications where variable printing, vision or verification of labels are needed.
                       Digital counter for pre-determined or infinite counting of labels.
                       Maximum Label Size: 5” wide. Maximum Roll Diameter: 10“ long.
                       Core Size: 3”. Constant and intermittent speed with programmable interval.

Tach-It Label Rewinders
                                       Model: LR500
                                       Bi-Directional label rewinder and unwinder adaptable for various core sizes from
                                       1” to 4” in diameter. Easy to adjust with no tools required.
                                       Slip clutch for consistent winding tension without label liner breakage.
                                       Can wind rolls of labels up to 4 ¾” wide.
                                       Variable speed motor can wind up to 12 inches per second.
                                       Maximum diameter roll 8.5” in diameter.

                                       Model: SH 455
                                       Economical rewinder for fan folded & roll labels. Variable speed motor up to 120 RPM.
                                       Slip clutch and dancer arm controlled to avoid web breakage.
                                       Maximum label width: 4 1/4”. Maximum roll diameter: 9 1/4” Core Size: 3”

  Shipping Room
  & Packaging Tools
   We s up p ly a c o m pr e he ns i v e c o l l e c t i o n o f ship p ing r o o m a nd p a c ka ging to o ls w hic h
   in clud es t a p e g u ns f o r e v e r y ne e d, st r etc h w r a p a nd str e tc h w r a p to o ls, a nd b o x c utte r s.

   Pr i va t e L ab e l P r og r a m : Tac h-It w i l l p r iv a te la b e l a ny o f o ur ta p e g uns w ith y o ur na m e
   a n d con t a ct i nf o r m at i o n. P l e as e c o nt act us fo r info r m a tio n (m inim um s a p p ly).

   • Pr em i u m Ta p e G uns
   • I n d u s tr i a l Ta pe G uns
   • E c o n o m i ca l Ta pe G uns
   • E B C - 1 1 0 – Ed ge Pr o tecti on Cutte r
   • Ta c h - It B ox C u tter s & B l ade s
   • S t r e t c h Wr a p & Sh i ppi ng Room
     D i s p enser s

Premium Tape Guns                                        Made by Siat of Italy, these tools all are lightweight and have heavy duty
                                                              gauge metal frames and blades, natural rubber rollers, comfort grips,
                                                              adjustable tension brake and are designed for industrial 24/7/365 usage.

                                   MOST POPULAR

     H12CP-SS                      H66CP-SS                         H88CP-SS                      H75CP-SS                       H75CP-OS
     For 2” Wide Tape on           For 2” Wide Tape on              For 2” Wide Tape on           For 3” Wide Tape on            For 3” Wide Tape on
     3” Core.                      3” Core.                         3” Core.                      3” Core.                       3” Core.
     Same as the H-180.            Exclusive Safety Shield          Large Roll Capacity.          Most Popular 3“ Tool.          Same as H-183.
     Exclusive Safety Shield       for operator protection.
                                                                    Exclusive Safety Shield       Exclusive Safety Shield        Solid Frame
     for operator protection.      5 1/2” Max. Roll                 for operator protection.      for operator protection.       Construction.
     4 3/4” Max. Roll              Diameter.
                                                                    5 1/2” Max. Roll              5 1/2” Max. Roll               4 3/4” Max. Roll
     Diameter.                                                      Diameter.                     Diameter.                      Diameter.

     Industrial Tape Guns                                     Designed for all shipping room, packaging and industrial

      EX2                                  EX3                                     EX5R                                   EX75R
      For 2” Wide Tape on 3” Core.         For 3” Wide Tape on 3” Core.            For 2” Wide Tape on any size           For 3” Wide Tape on any size
      Heavy Duty All Steel                 Heavy Duty All Steel                    core.                                  core.
      Construction.                        Construction.                           Lightweight.                           Lightweight.
      Natural Rubber Roller.               Natural Rubber Roller.                  Ergonomically Correct.                 Ergonomically Correct.
      5 1/2” Max. Roll Diameter.           5 1/2” Max. Roll Diameter.              Natural Rubber Roller.                 Natural Rubber Roller.
                                                                                   5 1/2” Max. Roll Diameter.             5 1/2” Max. Roll Diameter.

     Economical Tape Guns                                     For General Warehouse Applications, Moving and Storage Industries,
                                                              Advertising and as Promotional Products.

      MN2                                  MN3                                     CS2                                    Y720
      For 2” Wide Tape on 3” Core.         For 3” Wide Tape on 3” Core.            For 2” Wide Tape on 3” Core.           Premium Clamshell Style
      All Steel Frame.                     All Steel Frame.                        Lightweight Clamshell Style.
                                                                                                                          For 2” Wide Tape on 3” Core.
      Adjustable Tension Brake.            Adjustable Tension Brake.               Operator can control tape
      5 1/2” Max. Roll Diameter.           5 1/2” Max. Roll Diameter.              tension.                               Blade Protection.
                                                                                   4 3/4” Max. Roll Diameter.             Operator can control tape
                                                                                                                          4 ¾” Max. Roll Diameter.

EBC-110 - Edge Protection Cutter
                                                  • Easily cuts cardboard edge protection products to the exact lengths
                                                    needed for your pallets, products or frames.
                                                  • Protects employees from using dangerous methods such as knives, saws
                                                    or other potential harmful methods.
                                                  • Perfect for any facility that ships pallets of varying heights, frames or
                                                    those who use edge protection products to stiffen cartons.
                                                  • For cardboard edge protection products up to 4” x 4” and 3/8” thick.
                                                  • Heavy duty construction and easily replaceable blade.
                                                  • Small table top design. Fully portable for use anywhere it is needed.

Blades & Cutters                              For use in all shipping rooms, retail and anywhere a box cutter is
                                              needed. Additional styles of Tach-It Box Cutters and replacement
                                              blades can be found on our website at

 Model F                                Model L                                   Model M                                   Model P
 Economical safety spring               Economical all metal tap cutter.          All metal heavy duty fully                Lightweight plastic safety
 back blade utility cutter.                                                       tetractable utility cutter.               spring back blade utility cutter.
                                        Lightweight, compact and
 Lightweight and economical.            made of all steel.                        All steel - rugged applications.          Safety, durability & ease of use.
 Made of hi-impact plastic.             Blade can be easily reversed/             Multiple blade length settings.           Quick blade change knob
                                        inserted into the rear of cutter                                                    (no tools are required).
 Offers safety, durability and                                                    2 point blade can be easily
                                        for use as a scraper.                                                               Blade notch for safely cutting
 ease of use in one cutter.                                                       changed or reversed.
                                        Uses Tach-It B-1 blade.                                                             films and twine.
 Uses Tach-It B-3 blade.                                                          Uses Tach-It B-3 blade.
                                                                                                                            Uses Tach-It B-3 blade.

Stretch & Shipping                              Used in shipping rooms everywhere and perfect for applying stretch wrap to pallets
                                                and for unitizing. Also, our shipping room dispensers are used for strapping,
Room Dispensers                                 unitizing, label protection and for securing packing lists and documents.

 Heavy Duty Stretch Wrap Dispensers
 3 Models

 For hand applying stretch wrap to pallets.
 Ball bearings for consistent unwind.
 Controllable tension.                                                   #SR-310                      #SR-550                         #SR-115
 Easy to hold handle to avoid damage.                                    Roll heights:12” - 20”       Roll heights: 16”- 20”          Roll heights: 12” - 20”
                                                                         Core size: 3”                Core size: 1 1/2”, 2” & 3”      Core size: 3”

 SWTH                                   SWC3                                       CST210                                   FIL1
 Stretch Wrap Cups.                     Stretch Wrap Cups.                         Carton sizing tool.                      All steel economical filament
                                                                                                                            tape dispenser.
 For hand applying stretch              For hand applying stretch                  Safely and easily cut cartons
 wrap to pallets.                       wrap to pallets.                           to the proper size.                      For tapes up to 1” wide on
                                                                                                                            3” core.
 Fits inside the 3” core of the         Fits inside the 3” core of the             Saves money on cartons &
 roll of stretch film.                  roll of stretch film.                      void fill while protecting.              Hand brake (tension control)
 Thumb button (control tension).        Internal rotating ring.                    Blade guide for safety.                  Maximum roll diameter:
                                                                                                                            5 1/2”

Twist Tie & Bag Sealing

     Automatic Twist                          Consisting of our internationally recognized Model #3567, our adjustable capacity
                                              Model #3570 and the industries only proven hand-held twist tie machines, Tach-It’s
     Tie Machines                             Automatic Twist Tie Machines are made from the finest components utilizing today’s
                                              technology to make the industries most reliable equipment.

                                 Model: 3567                                                     Model: 3568
                                 Exclusive jam resistant straight                                Same features as Model #3567
                                 line ribbon feed.                                               but uses ball bearings for full
                                 1/2” maximum tying capacity.                                    24/7/365 production.

                                 4 full twists to the ribbon for the                             Has special frame on bottom for
                                 tightest closure.                                               mounting on bread slicers and to
                                                                                                 bench top.
                                 Uses only 3” of twist tie/closure.
                                                                                                 4 full twist extra tight closure.
                                 U..L. Recognized.

                                 Model: 3570                                                     Model: 3560
                                 Adjustable to tie products from                                 Economical semi-automatic
                                 1/8” to 1 3/8”.                                                 twist tie machine.
                                 Ultra tight tie.                                                Lighter, smaller footprint, & easy
                                 Straight line ribbon feed (jam free)                            to use.

                                 All steel construction.                                         Jam free, ultra-tight closure.

                                 Perfect for industrial & food                                   Only 3” ribbon.
                                 service applications.                                           Up to 40 bags/min.

      Model: 3510                                    Model: 3510A                           Model: 3350A
      Hand-held battery powered twist tie            Hand-held battery powered twist tie    Bag opener for wicketed bag
      machine.                                       machine.                               efficiency.
      All day production, 2 batteries                Designed exclusively for the           Adjustable arms for a variety of uses.
      included.                                      agricultural industry.                 Adjustable air velocity from self
      Perfect for packaging applications             Ties are designed to be non-binding,   contained motor with no outside air
      where portability and a tight closure          stops damage to plant stems.           required, stainless steel and aluminum
      are needed.                                    All day production- 2 batteries        construction.
      Can tie from 1/8” to 1 3/8” Dia.               included.                              For wicketed bags up to 12” x 32” long.
      Reliable and built for 24/7/365.               Can tie from 1/8” to 1 3/8” Dia.

Twist Tie Ribbon
  Wit h t h e la r g e st asso r t m e nt o f s po o l e d and p r e -c ut tw ist tie m a te r ia ls in the ind ustr y,
  a ll Ta ch - I t Twis t Ti e Ri bbo ns ar e s pe c i al l y w o und to a v o id unta ngling d ur ing use a nd c o m e in
  v a r ious con f ig u r at i o ns f o r u se i n Tac h-It a nd o the r tw ist tie m a c hine r y a v a ila b le in the m a r ke t.

  Go t o w w w. t a c h - i t . c om t o s e e a f u ll lis t of twis t t ie r ibbons & applicable mac hines.

 Standard                              Decorative                            Polycore                                 Industrial
 Available in Paper/Plastic and        Adds an aesthetically pleasing        Industry’s only proven and               Available in Plastic/Plastic and
 Plastic/Plastic Materials.            look to bags and packages.            accepted non-metallic twist tie          Paper/Paper Materials.
 5/32” wide.                           5/32” wide.                           ribbon. Available in a variety           27 gauge or 24 gauge
                                                                             of configurations for use in             double wire.
 27 gauge single wire.                 29 gauge single wire.                 automatic and fully automated
                                                                             tying machinery. Passes                  2000 feet per spool wound on
 Special winding to avoid              4000 feet per spool.
                                                                             through metal detection                  plastic spools.
 tangling.                             Special winding to avoid              without alarm and                        Special winding to avoid
 A rainbow of color available.         tangling.                             microwavable.                            tangling.

Tape Bag Sealers                           Economical and easy to use, these units create an adhesive to adhesive tape flag
                                           seal on most types of plastic bags. All made of steel and hi-impact plastic.

 E7R                                   E7R-SS                                E9                                       3235
 Has side bag trimmer.                 Has side bag trimmer.                 Largest sealing capacity in the          Creates a tamper evident -
 Can be mounted to the work            Can be mounted to the work            market.                                  reusable bag seal.
 surface.                              surface.                              Can be mounted either                    Ties the neck of a bag up to
 Seals the neck of a bag up to         Seals the neck of a bag up to         horizontally or vertically.              3/8” in dia.
 3/8” in diameter.                     3/8” in diameter.                     Ties the neck of a bag up to             Uses Tach-It 38-180 Tape and
 Uses Tach-It 38-180 Tape.             Uses Tach-It 38-180 Tape.             3/4” in diameter.                        38-975 Paper Liner.

                                       Made of stainless steel.              Uses Tach-It 34-180 Tape.

 Bag Sealing Tape & Paper Liner
 Available in a variety of colors.
 Used on Tach-It and other
 tape bag sealers in the market.                                              38-180                  34-180                 38-975
                                                                           3/8” x 180 yd.          3/8” x 180 yd.          3/8” x 245 ft.

                     Tach-It Impulse Bag Sealers
                     Offers an air tight and water tight economical
                     seal to most types of plastic and poly bags.
                     Easy to use.
                     Please see our full line of over 20 sizes and
                                                                             HJ and HJC Series             HI and HIW Series         HA Series
                     styles of Tach-It Impulse Bag Sealers
U.L. Recognized Cable Ties,
          Bundling Ties & EZ Twist Locks

     Cable Ties                  Available in lengths from 3” to 48” and in tensile strengths from 18 Lbs to 175 Lbs.
                                 Our ties are made of Nylon 6/6 are U.L. Recognized and meet military specifications where
                                 applicable. Colors, U.V. protection and hot stamping of company information and sequential
                                 numbers are available.



           Tag Attaching & Joining

     Tach-It 2 Tagging Tools
     I n t er n a t ion al l y re c o g ni z e d as t he pr e m ie r ta gging to o ls o n the m a r ke t. 4 uniq ue a nd d iffe r e n t style
     t ools a v a ila bl e and base d o n y o u r s pe c ific ne e d s. Utiliz e s the la r ge st se le c tio n o f ta g g ing needles
     in t h e in d us tr y. A c c e pt s re g u l ar spac e d (5 0 fa ste ne r s p e r c lip ) a nd m ic r o -sp a c e d (1 0 0 fa ste n ers per
     clip ) f a s t en e rs. L i g ht w e i g ht and e rg o nom ic a lly c o r r e c t. C a p p r o te c ts the ne e d le s a nd the o p erator
     wh en t h e t oo l i s no t i n u se . S e parat e ma c hine d c utte r fo r ye a r s o f r e lia b le use .

      Standard TI2S                          Fine Fabric TI2F                       Long TI2L                              Long Fine TI2LF
      Most general applications              Tagging delicate products.             Thicker tagging applications           Tagging thicker delicate
      Fasteners: All standard                Fasteners: All fine fabric             Fasteners: Most standard
      general purpose and heavy              general purpose and heavy              general purpose and heavy              Fasteners: Most fine fabric
      duty regular spaced                    duty regular spaced and                duty regular spaced                    general purpose and heavy
      and micro-spaced fasteners             micro-spaced fasteners                 and micro-spaced fasteners             duty regular spaced and
                                                                                                                           micro-spaced fasteners

Micro Mini Tagging Tools                                                                     Simba
Avai l a b le in s t a n d ar d and f i ne f abri c m o de l s . R e lia b le a nd           E c o no m ic a l a nd use s a c utter
ergon o mic o p er a t io n. A c c e pt s re g u l ar spac e d (5 0 fa ste ne r s p e r      style ne e d le . Ac c e p ts r e gu lar
cli p) a n d micr o - s p a c e d ( 100 f ast e ne r s pe r c l i p ) fa ste ne r s.         sp a c e d (5 0 fa ste ne r s p e r cli p)
Uses a v a r iet y of t ag g i ng ne e dl e s w i t h bu i l t in c utte r b la d e s.       a nd m ic r o - sp a c e d fa ste n ers
                                                                                             (1 0 0 p e r c lip )

    Most general Micro-S
                 applications                        Fine Fabric Micro-F                        Standard Simba Simba-S
    Fasteners: All standard general                  Tagging delicate products.                 Lower productivity & retail
    purpose and heavy duty regular
    spaced and micro-spaced fasteners                Fasteners: All fine fabric general         Fasteners: All standard general purpose
                                                     purpose and heavy duty regular             and heavy duty regular spaced
                                                     spaced and micro-spaced fasteners          and micro-spaced fasteners

Tagging Needles & Barbs
Tach-It offers the best and largest selection of tagging needles and fasteners in the industry. As the innovator of many of the advances
made in tag attached systems, we offer solutions that meet your application and needs.

Tagging Needles for Tach-It and other Tagging Tools on the market                                            18 OPTIONS

Tach-It offers the best and largest selection of tagging needles in the industry. Unsurpassed quality is paramount to Tach-It on all the
needles they supply, as it is the needle that penetrates the garment. Our Tach-It Tagging Needles are steel milled, one-piece construction
and have a thread separating tip to avoid damage to garments. Available in various length, sizes and styles, these needles are used in
all Tach-It 2 Tagging Tools as well as other tagging tools that do not require an integrated cutter. Our Simba Tagging Needles are used in
our Micro-Mini and Simba Tagging Tools and other tagging tools that utilize an integrated cutter in the needle. These are available in all
steel one piece construction and plastic shank.
                                                 4 OPTIONS
Tach-It Tagging Fasteners
Available in General Purpose Polypropylene and Heavy Duty Nylon, our Tach-It Tagging Fasteners will work with most Tagging Tools on
the market. Our General-Purpose fasteners are used for most general tagging applications and are available in standard and fine fabric
styles, in a variety of lengths from ½” to 5” long and colors (on certain styles) and have either 50 fasteners or 100 fasteners per clip.
Our Heavy-Duty Nylon Fasteners offer additional strength and stretch for applications such as hosiery, socks, carpet, car mats, leather
and as a staple or tack. These fasteners are available in both standard and fine fabric styles, lengths from ¼” to 2 ¾” in length and with
a paddle or “T”-End. Tach-It also offers Hook-Ups and Security Loops for hanging products and hard to tag items.


Ta p e Di s p en s e rs a n d
Ap p l i ca t or s
La b el Di s p en s e rs a n d
Ap p l i ca t or s
Ta g At t a chi n g a n d
Joi ni ng Sys t e m s
Shi p p i ng Ro o m a n d
Pa ck a gi ng To o l s                                              Tach-It is a trusted,
Twi s t Ti e M a ch in e r y                                     family-owned packaging
a nd Ma t eri a l s
                                                                  partner specializing in
U. L. Recogn iz e d C a b l e
Ti es                                                            Entry Level Automation.

201.440.5500 or 800.222.5540     50 Ruta Court, S. Hackensack, NJ 07606
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