Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group Recommendation

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Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group Recommendation
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template

                                              Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group
arXiv:2109.11345v1 [cs.IR] 21 Sep 2021

                                                                              Bojie Wang1* and Yuheng Lu1
                                               1 Schoolof Computer Science (National Pilot Software Engineering School), Beijing
                                               University of Posts and Telecommunications, 10 Xitucheng Road, Haidian District,
                                                                        Beijing, 100876, Beijing, China.

                                                           *Corresponding author(s). E-mail(s):;
                                                                  Contributing authors:;

                                              With the development of social platforms, people are more and more inclined to combine into groups
                                              to participate in some activities, so group recommendation has gradually become a problem worthy
                                              of research. For group recommendation, an important issue is how to obtain the characteristic rep-
                                              resentation of the group and the item through personal interaction history, and obtain the group’s
                                              preference for the item. For this problem, we proposed the model GIP4GR (Graph Neural Network
                                              with Interaction Pattern For Group Recommendation). Specifically, our model use the graph neu-
                                              ral network framework with powerful representation capabilities to represent the interaction between
                                              group-user-items in the topological structure of the graph, and at the same time, analyze the interac-
                                              tion pattern of the graph to adjust the feature output of the graph neural network, the feature represen-
                                              tations of groups, and items are obtained to calculate the group’s preference for items. We conducted
                                              a lot of experiments on two real-world datasets to illustrate the superior performance of our model.

                                              Keywords: Group Recommendation; Graph Neural Network; Interaction Pattern; Deep Learning

                                         1 Introduction                                              most recommendation systems are for individ-
                                                                                                     ual individuals to recommend, but as people’s
                                         As the speed of information dissemination                   communication on social platforms becomes more
                                         increases, more and more information begins to              convenient, people are more inclined to combine
                                         emerge in front of people. To solve the prob-               into groups to participate in activities. From this
                                         lem of the information overload and help people             perspective, some studies have investigated recom-
                                         choose information of interest, recommendation              mending items to target user groups rather than
                                         systems have been widely deployed in online infor-          individual users. This problem is called Group
                                         mation systems, such as e-commerce platforms,               Recommendation [1]. This form of users as a group
                                         social media sites, news portals, etc. The rec-             is very common in online social media, users can
                                         ommendation system can not only increase the                organize into groups to participate in some online
                                         traffic of service providers but also help customers        or offline activities.
                                         find items of interest more easily. At present,                 Figure 1 is a simple example of group interac-
                                                                                                     tion and individual interaction. In Figure 1, users

Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group Recommendation
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u1 , u2 , u3 , u4 , and u5 interacted with items t1 ,     individuals in group decision-making, some schol-
t2 , t3 , t6 respectively when they are individuals.      ars’ research on group recommendation focuses on
When u1 , u2 , u4 form g1 , they interact with items      how to automatically quantify the relative impor-
t4 . u2 , u5 form g2 interacted with item t5 . Our task   tance of individuals in group decision-making,
is to predict the items to be interacted by group         that is, through the interaction of each member
g3 based on the interaction history of u3 and u4          historical learning then determines the propor-
when u3 and u4 form group g3 .                            tion of individuals in the final group decision to
                                                          make trade-off decisions instead of using empirical
                                                          strategies. For example, the attention mechanism
                                                          is used to measure the importance of group mem-
                                                          bers [3, 4], the interaction history of each different
                                                          group member is used to obtain different weights,
                                                          and their weighted characteristics are used as the
                                                          representation of the final group, thus making up
                                                          for the traditional The shortcomings of recom-
                                                          mendation strategies highlight the role played by
                                                          individuals in group decision-making, and there-
                                                          fore exceed the performance of traditional group
                                                          recommendation methods. At the same time, some
                                                          scholars have proposed that the members of the
                                                          group may have mutual influence [5], so a model
Fig. 1 Group-User-Item interaction example
                                                          is designed for each member to learn the interac-
                                                          tion relationship between him and other members
    Traditional recommendation methods are                in the group, from his own and the other mem-
divided into model fusion and score fusion [2].           bers of the group. The similarity (or influence)
The score-based fusion only simulates the group’s         between others is used to update the individ-
scores for items for each group member’s scores           ual’s characteristic representation, and finally, the
(specific methods can be divided into average             representations of the members in the group are
scores, maximum scores, and minimum scores).              added to obtain the group’s representation. This
This method only considers the group score arbi-          method achieves quite good results, but the prob-
trarily. The relationship between the members and         lem is similar to the traditional one based on the
the final selection of items without further con-         model fusion method is the same, that is, for a
sideration of the influence of the members of the         group with a large number of group members, it is
group on the decision. Model-based fusion is to           expensive to train the model for each group mem-
train individual and item interaction models for          ber interacting with other group members. And
each member of the group recently, and aggre-             these current methods are recommended based
gate their preferences, so as to obtain a model           on the existing deep neural network methods.
as a group and then perform score prediction.             Although deep networks have powerful data fitting
This method can only be learned the abstract              capabilities, they ignore the internal topological
relationship between the group model and the              structure of the data and cannot learn the deep
individual model cannot measure the participa-            layers of the data more effectively. At the same
tion of different members in the final decision           time, group interaction data can be better real-
based on the interaction history of different mem-        ized by graph representation, so if a graph neural
bers, and the model-based method needs to train           network is used, more specific features can be
the model for each group member, and compare              learned.
the number of some users, for large datasets, the             In reality, many structures can be represented
computational cost will be very large, so tradi-          by graphs (such as social networks, protein struc-
tional recommendation methods cannot effectively          tures, traffic networks, etc.), and the related tech-
perform recommendations.                                  nologies of graph neural networks have gradually
    Recently, for the problem that previous work          matured [6]. Therefore, graph neural networks
cannot effectively measure the participation of           have already had a wide range of applications.
Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group Recommendation
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    This also means that the abstract data struc-           problem is expressed. Section 4 presents our solu-
    ture can be expressed more vividly way, and the         tion to this problem. Section 5 introduces some
    message passing method is adopted in the fea-           details of the experiment and analyzes the results.
    ture extraction, that is, a node can aggregate the      Finally, Section 6 summarizes the paper and out-
    information of the surrounding nodes, so it has a       lines the current shortcomings and future research
    good effect on information aggregation. Given the       directions.
    advantages of graph neural network, this article
    uses the graph neural networks method to solve          2 Related Works
    the problem of group recommendations. Some
    works have begun to use graph neural networks to        In this section we will introduce the problem
    study group recommendations [7], but only use the       and the related algorithms to solve the problem.
    connectivity of the nodes of the graph to express       Specifically, we will focus on current effort on
    the order of interaction, and do not go deep into       group recommendation and the development of
    the graph structure of group interaction. If a graph    the graph neural network.
    is used to represent the interaction between group
    users and items, the structure of the graph may         2.1 Group Recommendation
    be different depending on the dataset. For exam-
    ple, in some scenarios, when users form a group,        Group recommendation requires that the per-
    they will choose to revisit the previous place, that    sonal preferences of all members in the group be
    is, the items selected by the group will be a sub-      properlyintegrated, so it requires a part of the
    set of the items the user has interacted with. At       process than a general personal recommendation.
    the same time, it is also possible that when a user     Traditional grouprecommendation methods can
    forms a group, they will interact with an item that     be divided into memory-based and model-based
    their group members have not interacted with.           methods.
    Therefore, in these two cases, the use of different         The first is the memory-based method.
    layers of graph neural networks will lead to a large    O’Connor et al. [1] have proposed some tra-
    discrepancy in model performance.                       ditional methods to aggregate recommendation
        In general, the main contributions of this          results based on scores, such as maximum satisfac-
    article are as follows:                                 tion (the highest score of a member in a group is
                                                            selected as the group score for an item, in order to
    • This article put forward the concept of inter-        maximize group satisfaction), minimum pain (for
      active repetition rate(IRR), which distinguishes      an item, select the lowest score of a member in
      the interactive pattern of different items (such      the group as the group score, thereby pleasing all
      as movies, tourist attractions, restaurants, etc.),   members in the group), average (for an item, select
      that is, how much users like to conduct group         the average score of the members in the group as
      activities when they choose the ones they have        the group’s final score, thus weighing the maxi-
      interacted with.                                      mum satisfaction and minimum pain) and other
    • We propose a new group recommendation                 methods [8], however, these strategys is too empir-
      model GIP4GR based on a graph neural net-             ical and too intuitive, ignoring the relationship
      work and apply the proposed theory of behavior        within the group (for example, different members
      patterns to this model to form a universal model      have different decision-making processes contribu-
      of group behavior.                                    tion). At the same time, each group within each
    • We conduct comprehensive experiments on               dataset may have different aggregation methods,
      two real-world datasets, and demonstrated the         that is, some groups tend to be the most satis-
      advantages of our model compared with the             fied, some tend to be the least painful, and it is
      existing model, and verified some key designs of      impossible to generalize to use a standard.
      the model.                                                The second is model-based methods [9, 10]
       The structure of this paper is as follows:           mostly using pre-processing methods. Modeling
    Section 2 summarizes the research status of group       the interaction between individuals and items in
    recommendation related work. Section 3 intro-           the group, and then fusing these user models to
    duces the problem to be solved and the way the          obtain a model representing the group, and then
Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group Recommendation
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template

calculating the score of the interaction between        relationship between groups and users can be rep-
the group and the item, so only relatively shallow      resented by graphs for more significant learning, to
features are learned. However, groups in real life      the characteristics of the group. The application of
change frequently, and the members of the group         graph neural network in recommendation system
may also partially overlap, which are only formed       includes: Pin-Sage [16]is a kind of spread represen-
for very few activities. Moreover, it is not possible   tation on the project graph through the graph con-
to refine the participation of each member in the       volutional layer. NGCF [17] models the bipartite
group.                                                  graph of user items, so as to learn to aggregate the
    At the same time, the probability model is also     interactive information of user items. RippleNet
applied to solve the group recommendation. The          [18] uses a knowledge graph to aggregate inter-
PIT model [10] proposes to represent the entire         active items and richer personal information and
group as the user with the greatest influence in        item information. At the same time, GLS-GRL
the group, but ignores the fact that the model will     [7] also uses graph neural networks for the prob-
be effective only when the user with the great-         lem of sequential group recommendation, that is,
est influence is an expert in this area, otherwise,     graph neural networks are used to represent long-
the group internal attention will also shift in this    term and short-term user-item interactions, so as
respect, that is, the influential ones will listen to   to learn how group interests change over time.
the experienced ones.                                   SR-GNN [6] uses a graph neural network to learn
    Recently, in order to measure the percentage        the sequence relationship of items interacted in a
of participation of members in the group based on       session to generate embedding representation and
the interactions that the group has previously par-     obtains the score of each item through attention
ticipated in, a deep representation model based on      mechanism and linear transformation.
learning has been proposed [3, 5, 11], all of which         It can be seen that the application of graph
use the attention mechanism [12], to measure the        neural networks in recommendation system have
weight of different members of the group. It turns      been widely used. However, for some datasets with
out that they perform better than models based          different behavior patterns, the graph neural net-
on score aggregation or model aggregation.              work with a fixed number of layers is easy to show
                                                        over-smoothness [19] or under-fitting phenomenon
2.2 Application of graph neural                         resulting in poor recommendation performance,
    network in recommendation                           that is, GNNs that need to adjust the model
                                                        artificially for different datasets. To solve this
                                                        problem, we dynamically learn the group inter-
Algorithms for extracting graph information are         action mode to obtain the interaction repetition
also emerging in endlessly. For example, GCN            rate(IRR) of the group to give different impor-
[13] weights and aggregates the information of          tance to the output of different layers as the final
surrounding nodes for each node in the graph            feature representation.
according to the in-degree and out-degree of the
node; GraphSAGE [14] is to sample the surround-         3 Annoation And Problem
ing nodes of a node and then aggregate and
provide a variety of aggregation methods, such as         Formulation
Max-Pooling, LSTM, Mean-Pooling; GAT [15] is
                                                        In this section we will formulate the problem
to calculate the information around each node,
                                                        we will sovle and the symbol we will use in the
get the weight of each node around, and then
                                                        following sections.
obtains the weighted central node information.
                                                             Suppose we have N users U ={u1 , u2 ,..., un },
These methods can be effectively applied to the
                                                        S groups G={g1 , g2 ,..., gs }, and M items T ={t1 ,
recommendation system. Most of the recommen-
                                                        t2 ,. .., tm }. The i-th group gi ∈ G contains
dation system models introduced before are based
                                                        members {u1 , u2 ...}. There are three interaction
on general deep neural networks, etc., and do
                                                        relationships in the dataset, namely group-user,
not take advantage of the powerful representa-
                                                        group-item, and user-item. The entire dataset can
tion capabilities of graph neural networks. The
                                                        be seen as an interact graph, where the items,
Graph Neural Netwrok with Interaction Pattern for Group Recommendation
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template


     Table 1 Notation
                                                                indicators and applying them to subsequent cal-
     Notation       Description
                                                                culation tasks.
                                                                    In daily life, the scenarios in which we form
     G, U, T        The set of group, user, item                groups and then choose items to interact can be
     gi , uj , tk   The i-th group, j-th user, k-th item
      (x)     (x)
                                                                divided into the following two types:
     gi , uj        The x-th item of i-th group and j-th user
                                                                    As shown by the red circle in Figure 3, in cer-
                    interacted respectatively
       (n)                                                      tain scenes (such as traveling) when u1 , u2 , and u3
     ez             Output embedding of node z(user, group
                    or item) from n layer of model              are organized into group g1 , they choose t4 which
     G, V, E        input set of graph, nodes, edges            they have not experienced before. That is, when
     xz             Input embedding of node z(user, group       people organize into groups, they may get tired of
                    or item)
                                                                what they have experienced before or organize into
     type()         Type of the entity, collection operation
                                                                groups to participate in projects suitable for group
                                                                activities. Figure 1 is also the usual situation.
    users, groups, can be seen as the nodes of the                  The situation described by the green circle in
    graph and their interaction-ship can be seen as the         Figure 3 is just the opposite. When u3 , u4 , and u5
    edge of the graph.                                          are organized into a group g2 , they choose the t5
       Problem: For a specific group, generate a cor-           item that u5 has experienced before, and then the
    responding Top@N recommended item list.                     item t2 that u3 has experienced before does not
       Input: user set U, group set G, item set T,              work. For example, in a watching movie scenario,
    users, items, groups’interact graph.                        users like spend time and energy to form a team
       Output: A list of items generated for group gi ,         to watch the movie they have watched. This leads
    T’ ={t1 , t2 ,...}.                                         to different interaction
                                                                    patterns for different datasets so that the fixed
                                                                number of GNN layers in the model cannot reach
    4 Methology                                                 a certain value. In order to measure the extent
    In this part we will introduce component of the             to which the used dataset belongs to which of
    model and training details. The overall structure           these two situations, we propose an indicator of
    of the model is shown in Figure 2. In general, our          Interactive Repetition Rate (IRR):
    proposed model GIP4GR includes three parts. 1)
    Calculating the interactive repetition rate (section                 S      (1) (2)    (n)         (1) (2)    (m)
    4.1). The green dashed box (IRR Block) in Figure                  1 X type(ti , ti ...ti ) ∩ type(tj , tj )
                                                                IRR =                        (1) (2)  (n)
    2 is mainly used to calculate the interactive repeti-             S i=0           type(t , t ...t )
                                                                                                 i   i     i
    tion rate according to the behavior characteristics                                                           , j ∈ gi
    of different datasets. 2) Learning interactive infor-                                                       (1)
    mation (section 4.2) is the blue dashed box (GNN                IRR is used to adjust the weight of the out-
    Block) in Figure 2, which is the part of applying           put of different layers of the network in the final
    graph neural network to learn the in-depth infor-           output, which solves the problem of the group
    mation of the topological structure of the dataset.         interaction type and the number of layers of the
    3) Get the final representation (section 4.3) in            graph neural network.
    Figure 2 is a yellow dashed box (Fusion Block),
    according to different interaction repetition rates
    and interaction information to get the final group,
                                                                4.2 Feature Representation Learning
    user, and item embedding. Training details are              This part corresponds to the blue dotted box
    illustrated in section 4.4.                                 block in Figure 2, which uses the current mature
                                                                GraphSAGE and GAT to aggregate and learn the
    4.1 Calculate the Repetition Rate                           characteristics of user nodes, project nodes, and
        of Group Interaction                                    group nodes.
                                                                   The partial structure of the GNN is shown
    This part corresponds to the green dashed frame             in Figure 4. We use the sampling and aggre-
    block in Figure 2, mainly for calculating IRR               gation framework GraphSAGE to aggregate the
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template

Fig. 2 Framework of GIP4GR.

                                                                  Where aggtype in this paper that is the Max-
                                                              Pooling method. σ means the sigmoid activation,
                                                              W (l) is the learning parameter matrix of the l
                                                              layer, Nu represents the one-hop adjoining node of
                                                              u, the feature of iteration is that the item t nodes
                                                              around the user node u are aggregated in the for-
                                                              mula, and the aggregation of item nodes and group
                                                              nodes is also the same.
                                                                  In the group-user interaction, we use a one-
                                                              way edge (from the user to the group), and use
                                                              the GAT convolution method on this type of edge,
                                                              aiming to obtain different attention weights for
                                                              users according to different user characteristics.
                                                              The formula is as follows:

Fig. 3 As a special case of group interaction, it is
explained here that when users form a group, they can                       exp(actf (aT [W (l) e(l)
                                                                                                 g W
                                                                                                     (l) (l)
                                                                                                        eu ]))
interact items that have been interacted before or items      αgu = P                                            (l)
that have not been interacted. For example, group g1 inter-            exp(actf (aT [W (l) e(l)
                                                                       k∈Ng ,Ng ∈U          g W
                                                                                                (l) e ])))
acts item t4 that has not been interacted by members of                                             (3)
the group, and group g2 interacts item t5 that has been
interacted by u5 .                                     Among them, actf means the activation func-
                                                   tion, here we use the LeakyReLU in GAT, αgu
                                                   represents the proportion of member u in group g.
group-item and user-item (bidirectional edges)
                                                   We only aggregate the user’s characteristics into
interactions. The formula is as follows:
                                                   the group, that is, the user does not aggregate
                                                   group information. This is to allow the group to
   (l)                              (l)            use the user’s historical interaction information.
e0u = AGGREGAT Eaggtype {et , ∀t ∈ Nu , Nu ∈ T }
                                                   Learn the information related to the final deci-
                                           (l)     sion of the group. Here we use only one attention
         eu (l+1) = σ(W (l+1) [eu (l) , e0u ]) (2) head in GAT (experiments have shown that one
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template


    Fig. 4 IRR block structure.

    head can achieve good results and also reduces           it is impossible to learn from the interaction of a
    computational overhead).                                 single group member to the aggregation.
        It is worth noting that these five edge con-              If the number of layers selected is too large,
    volution methods are all performed at the same           it may cause an over-smoothing phenomenon [19],
    time, and the nodes that have been repeatedly            that is, the information of the group and the item
    convolved are added. (For item t5 in Figure 3, the       is similar, e.g.: Assuming that the item selected
    information of g2 and u5 will be gathered at the         by the group is previously interacted by a mem-
    same time, and g2 the information of the person          ber of the group, then if using two layer GNN will
    is added), that is, all nodes are only equivalent to     first cause the group to interact the item and the
    applying a layer of GNN.                                 group members who have interacted with the item
                                                             (as shown in g2 , u5 , and t5 in Figure 3), the group
    4.3 Multilayer GNN                                       g2 will be aggregated twice u5 ’s information, twice
                                                             t5 ’s information, u5 and t5 are also similar), the
    This part corresponds to the Fusion Block in the         information has been spread many times, result-
    yellow dashed frame in Figure 2 and uses the inter-      ing in the three expressions being very similar,
    active repetition rate to obtain the weighted sum        and secondly, some team members (not enough to
    of the network output of different levels as the final   contribute to the final decision) may have histor-
    feature representation.                                  ical interactions information is learned, resulting
         As shown by the red and green circles in Figure     in information redundancy, and it is difficult to
    3, the datasets of different group interaction rep-      assign different weights to group members.
    etition rates have different graph diameters, so it           Therefore, we propose to use the previously
    is very important to choose the number of layers         calculated group interaction repetition rate as a
    of the graph network.                                    trade-off. We propose to use the two layer GNN
         If the number of selected layers is too small,      model mentioned before for feature learning (from
    the embedded representation ability will be insuf-       Figure 3, it can be seen that if the group needs to
    ficient, that is, the group representation cannot        learn the final feature, the maximum diameter is
    fully obtain the necessary information of its sur-       item (group selection)-group-member-item (Mem-
    rounding nodes, e.g.: Assume that the items              ber selection), that is, it takes two hops to get the
    selected by the group are not interacted by the          group member’s interest information and the item
    group members before. If only one layer of the           information to be aggregated into the group, so
    network is used, the group can only aggregate the        the maximum number of layers is set to two), and
    information of its members and the information           we use the interactive repetition rate to neutralize
    of the items selected by the group, but cannot           the first and second layers The output of is used as
    learn the information of the historical interaction      the final representation. That is, if the interactive
    items of the group members, which means that             repetition rate is relatively large, it means that the
                                                             information output by the first layer of the graph
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network is more important (only the information                 an edge between the target group and the target
of the surrounding nodes of the first hop of the                item
node is aggregated), so we use IRR to represent                                 y̌g,v = φ(e(3)  (3)
                                                                                           g , ev )             (5)
the interactive repetition rate, then there is:                 Among them,y̌g,v represents the probability(or the
                                                                size of the score) that g and v have edges,
                                                                e(3)   (3)
                                                                  g , ev   represents the final representation of g
e(3)           (1)               (2)
  z = IRR ∗ ez + (1 − IRR) ∗ ez , z ∈ (U, G, T )                and v respectively, φ represents the prediction
                                                (4)             function, it has many forms like dot product,
    In this way, the final embedding can dynam-                 MLP, cosine similarity etc. In our experiment, our
ically adjust the proportion of the output of the               prediction function uses the dot product method
first and second layer network in the final output              (the more similar the same subspace, the larger
according to the group interaction.                             the score), so the predicted result is the score
    This idea mainly comes from the classic com-                between the items recommended for a group.
puter vision algorithm: residual connection [20],
which is used to solve the problem of gradient dis-             4.4.2 Model Optimization
appearance and gradient explosion on the back
layer network. It can also refer to JKnet [21],                 Regarding group recommendations, we provided
which is a method specifically used to solve the                display feedback based on negative samples. Based
problem of excessive smoothing caused by too                    on this, the score of the observed interaction
many layers in the graph network. JKnet stitches                should be higher than the corresponding score of
the output of all layers at the end, Max-Pooling                the unobserved for optimization. Our loss function
and LSTM operations to obtain The final rep-                    is as follows:
resentation, and we are based on the way the
group interacts, and it has to be weighted for                                    X
specific purposes.The specific process of model is                 arg min                     {1 − σ(y̌i,k − y̌i,k0 )}   (6)
                                                                             (i,k,k0 )∈Train
Algorithm 1:
                                                                    Where Train represents the training set, that
Algorithm 1 The Method of GIP4GR                                is, the group item interaction graph and the (i,
Input:G(V, E), Nodes: ∀Vuser , Vitem , Vgroup ∈ V,              k, k’) triplet indicates that the group i has inter-
Nodes’feature: xv , ∀v ∈ V                                      acted with k items but has not interacted with
Initialization;                                                 k’ items (we take the items that have not inter-
Step1: Caculate the IRR                                         acted with the group as negative samples ), where
         PS type(t(1)    (2)   (n)
                     i ,ti ...ti
                                            (1) (2)  (m)
                                   )∩type(tj ,tj )        σ represents the sigmoid function,       means the
IRR= S1 i=0                      (1) (2)   (n)           ,j ∈
                          type(ti ,ti ...ti )                   parameters of model. The main purpose of this is
                                                                to widen the gap between the scores of the pos-
 Step2: Get The representation of nodes from all
                                                                itive samples and the negative samples so that
layers of the GNNs
                                                                the features between the positive samples and the
  z = GN N1 (G, xv );                                           negative samples are prominent.
e(2)                (1)
  z = GN N2 (G, ez ), (z ∈ V);
Step3: Get the final nodes representation
e(3)            (1)                    (2)
  z = IRR ∗ ez + (1 − IRR) ∗ ez , z ∈ (U, G, T )
                                                                5 Experiment
                                                                In this section, we conducted a lot of comparative
                                                                experiments with the current benchmark model on
                                                                two real-world datasets and answer the following
4.4 Model Training and                                          research questions:
    Optimization                                                • RQ 1: Compare our proposed model with the
                                                                  existing models, whether the recommendation
4.4.1 GIP4GR Prediction Method
                                                                  performance is better?
We use the classic problem type in GNN link pre-                • RQ 2: Can the experiment prove that includ-
diction [22], which is to judge whether there will be             ing the group interaction repetition rate has an
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      impact on the performance of the model recom-                                   DCG@N
                                                                      N DCG@N =                 × 100%        (9)
      mendation, that is, can it solve the under-fitting                             IDCG@N
      and over-smooth phenomenon when applying                    Where posn represents the position of the item
      graph networks?                                         in the recommended list, and IDCG is an ideal
                                                              situation for DCG.
    5.1 Experiment Setting                                        In the ”Leave One” evaluation, HR measures
                                                              whether the item used for testing is ranked in
    5.1.1 Datasets                                            the ”top@N” list (1 means yes, 0 means no), and
                                                              NDCG is given by the ranking position of the item
    Due to the previously mentioned dataset [7, 8]
                                                              in the recommended list score. In order to facili-
    may not meet the behavioral characteristics shown
                                                              tate comparison with existing work, we uniformly
    in Section 3.2, we reused the two real-world
                                                              set the the experiment in HR@10, NDCG@10 and
    datasets used in [3, 23] datasets CAMRa2011 and
                                                              HR@5, NDCG@5.
    MaFengWo. The details of the datasets can be
    seen in Table 2. It can be seen that the interactive
    repetition rate of CAMRa2011 and MaFengWo is              5.1.3 Baselines
    exactly at the opposite extremes.                         In order to show that our model is superior to the
                                                              existing models(RQ 1), we compared the current
    Table 2 Illustration of Datasets                          superior models as follow:
    Data                          CAMRa2011   MaFengWo        • NCF+AVG [8, 24]: This is a model that
    Number of Users                   602       5275            aggregates scores. It uses the NCF framework
    Number of Groups                 290         995
    Number of Items                  7710       1513
                                                                for each group member to learn and predict the
    Average Size of Group            2.08       7.19            score of the item and regards the average score
    Number of User-Item             116344      3976            of the group member for the item as the group’s
    interactions                                                score for the item. At the same time, there are
    Number of Group-Item            145068      3595
                                                                also the maximum and minimum scores of group
    Interactive Repetition Rate     0.825        0.09           members as the group scores, but the effect is
                                                                not as good as the average strategy, so only this
                                                                method of aggregation is shown.
                                                              • AGREE [3]: The model uses the attention
    5.1.2 Evaluation Metrics                                    mechanism, which determines the weight of
                                                                each group member’s decision on the item
    We adopted the ”leave one” evaluation method,
                                                                according to the degree of interaction of each
    which has been widely used to evaluate the perfor-
                                                                member in the group with the target item.
    mance of Top@N recommendations. Specifically,
                                                              • GREE:This method is a variant of AGREE. It
    for each group, we randomly delete several items
                                                                removes the attention mechanism of AGREE.
    in the interaction for testing, thereby dividing the
                                                                It is assumed that each member has the same
    training set and the test set, and the ratio of the
                                                                contribution to the group’s decision-making. It
    training set to the test set is 10:1.
                                                                is different from NCF+AVG in that it calculates
        For each group, we randomly select 100 items
                                                                the group feature in advance and then calculates
    that have not been interacted with before as the
                                                                the score of the item for the group feature.
    negative sample. In order to evaluate the per-
    formance of Top@N recommendations, we have                In order to illustrate the effect of group inter-
    adopted widely used indicators Hit Rate (HR@N)            action repetition rate on recommendation perfor-
    and Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain                 mance(RQ 2), we set up the following experiment
    (NDCG@N).                                                 to verify our hypothesis in section 4.3:
                        Hited                                 • One Layer GNN: Use only One Layer of
                 HR@N =        × 100%                   (7)     the GNN mentioned in section 4.3 to observe
                         N                                      the performance difference between the two
                        X       posn
                DCG@N =                                 (8)     datasets.
                            log2 (n + 1)
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template

• Two Layers GNN: Use a two layesr GNN to
  compare the effect of using One Layer on two
• Two Layers GNN with Residual Connec-
  tion: Compared with the ordinary Two Layers
  GNN, this residual layer is to directly add
  the output results of the two layers to verify
  whether the weighted two-layer network output
  will be better after the effect of the interactive
  repetition rate.

                                                         Fig. 5 Performance of HitRate@10 in the two datasets
5.1.4 Implementation and                                 under different negative sampling ratios.
      Hyperparameter Settings
We implement our method on the Pytorch plat-
form and use the DGL library to implement our
GNN model. We use the Adam [25] optimizer to
perform all gradient-based calculations. Based on
experiments, we found that adjusting the learning
rate to 0.05 can achieve the best results. Regard-
ing the size of the data, we found that setting the
Embedding size too large will increase the diffi-
culty of training, that is, it is difficult to achieve
convergence. If it is too small, it will lead to
                                                         Fig. 6 Performance of NDCG@10 in the two datasets
insufficient encoding of the necessary information.      under different negative sampling ratios.
Therefore, we set the Embedding size to 32, and
in two layers, the ReLU [26] activation function is
                                                         the two indicators of the MaFengWo dataset have
used between the GNN. In AGREE, GREE and
                                                         started to level off from 10. This is due to the
NCF+AVG, the experimental settings we adopted
                                                         problem of data scale. When the amount of data
refer to the best settings in [3]. The hyperparam-
                                                         is relatively large and dense, a relatively low
eters in One/Two Layer GNN and Two Layers
                                                         negative sampling rate will be required to make
GNN with Residual Connection are consistent
                                                         the model tend to fit. In summary, we set the
with our model parameters. We chose the xavier
                                                         positive-negative sample ratio to 1:10.
method for the initialization of the network, and
the Embedding of each node uses the initializa-
tion based on the normal distribution. To prevent        5.2 Performance Comparison
errors, we repeat each experiment 5 times, and           5.2.1 Model Performance
the average value of the maximum value of each                 Comparison(RQ 1)
experiment plus the standard deviation is used as
the final result of the model.                           Table 3 and Table 4 represent the performance on
    Since the dataset does not have explicit nega-       the datasets CAMRa2011 and MaFengWo, respec-
tive feedback, 100 items that are not selected in        tively. It can be seen that our proposed model
each group are taken as negative samples. Dur-           performs much better on HitRate and NDCG than
ing training, we conducted a lot of experiments on       the existing models. Among them, NCF+AVG has
these two datasets and found that the positive and       the worst effect. (NCF+AVG, AGREE, GREE
negative sample ratio is adjusted between 1:10 and       three models based on ordinary neural networks
1:12. The model works best. The specific adjust-         have not very different results in these indicators).
ment process is shown in Figure 5 and Figure             Our model uses GNN, each embedding of a node
6. It can be seen that the changes in HR@10              gathers more information from surrounding nodes
and NDCG@10 in the CAMRa2011 dataset have                and can learn more effectively than ordinary neu-
not changed much since the beginning of 6, while         ral networks. Therefore, the results of training the
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template


     Table 3 The performance of the deep neural network based model and our model on the CAMRa2011

                                    HR@10           NDCG@10        HR@5               NCDCG@5
                 NCF+AVG         0.753± 0.072      0.443± 0.052 0.554± 0.032         0.376± 0.044
                  AGREE          0.787± 0.035      0.456± 0.042 0.572± 0.028         0.384± 0.038
                   GREE          0.767± 0.030      0.447± 0.038 0.568± 0.029         0.356± 0.032
                  GIP4GR        0.925± 0.003      0.873± 0.008 0.894± 0.008         0.861± 0.020

     Table 4 The performance of the deep neural network based model and our model on the MaFengWo

                                    HR@10           NDCG@10         HR@5              NCDCG@5
                 NCF+AVG         0.614± 0.023      0.398± 0.036  0.484± 0.039        0.323± 0.055
                  AGREE          0.637± 0.034      0.435± 0.025  0.473± 0.028        0.369± 0.037
                   GREE          0.615± 0.031      0.414± 0.024  0.442± 0.032        0.348± 0.031
                  GIP4GR        0.848± 0.010      0.662± 0.004 0.750± 0.013         0.609± 0.023

     model also show a lower variance, indicating that      of two layers. The price of its universality is its
     the performance of the model is also relatively        performance. This approach is similar to JKnet,
     stable. At the same time, the method based on          that is, let the model learn the weights of differ-
     the characteristics of group members (AGREE,           ent layers of each node. Due to the sparseness of
     GREE) is better than relying solely on scores          the data, the performance of the model cannot
     (NCF+AVG). This shows that the degree of pref-         be optimal and the performance is unstable (that
     erence for an item of each group member cannot         is, the standard deviation is relatively large.) so
     reflect the preferences of items when gathered in      it is difficult to converge during training, and our
     a group. Finally, the model with the Attention         proposed model has achieved the best results by
     mechanism (AGREE) is better than the average           fusing the features between layers according to the
     of group member characteristics (GREE), which          structure of the dataset.
     shows that different group members have differ-             It is worth noting that comparing Table 3 and
     ent contributions to group decision-making, so it      Table 5, Table 4 and Table 6 respectively, it can be
     also explains to us the graph’s attention network      found that the model performance of GNN based
     (GAT) is used when fusing individuals into group       on single layer or double layer is better than the
     features.                                              model based on deep neural network, which also
                                                            shows in the group-user-item interaction graph,
     5.2.2 The Effect of IRR on Model                       there is more structural information that can be
           Performance(RQ 2)                                obtained through GNN, so the use of GNN in
                                                            group recommendation is the correct choice.
     It can be seen from Table 5 and Table 6 that due            Finally, the representation of the trained nodes
     to the relatively large IRR on the CAMRa2011           embedding is reduced by T-SNE, and conclusions
     dataset, the One Layer GNN has better per-             similar to the above results can be obtained intu-
     formance than the Two Layers GNN; and the              itively. In Figure 7, the blue dots represent items,
     MaFengWo dataset is due to the comparison of the       the red dots represent users, and the pink dots
     IRR is small, so using a Two Layers GNN is bet-        represent groups. It can be seen from Figure 7
     ter than using a One Layer GNN. But we pursue          that due to the impact of the IRR of the dataset,
     a more universal model structure, it is impossible     the effect of One Layer of GNN and our model
     to use different models for different datasets. Sec-   GIP4GR are relatively close, and the Two Layers
     ondly, the effect of Two Layers+Res is more like a     GNN with Residual Connection model is infe-
     compromise between the simple use of One Layer         rior to them, but the three points are separate,
     and Two Layers GNN. It simply adds the output
Springer Nature 2021 LATEX template

Table 5 Comparison of the performance of the general GNN model and our model on the CAMRa2011

                                   HR@10           NDCG@10        HR@5              NCDCG@5
        One Layer GNN           0.920± 0.004      0.860± 0.012 0.892± 0.010        0.837± 0.001
       Two Layers GNN           0.867± 0.017      0.612± 0.055 0.739± 0.033        0.582± 0.050
      One Layer GNN+Res         0.875± 0.016      0.613± 0.042 0.756± 0.033        0.582± 0.050
           GIP4GR              0.925± 0.003      0.873± 0.008 0.894± 0.008        0.861± 0.020

Table 6 Comparison of the performance of the general GNN model and our model on the MafengWo

                                   HR@10           NDCG@10         HR@5             NCDCG@5
        One Layer GNN           0.741± 0.012      0.543± 0.011  0.631± 0.018       0.508± 0.018
       Two Layers GNN           0.836± 0.018      0.638± 0.032  0.732± 0.027       0.594± 0.037
      One Layer GNN+Res         0.838± 0.011      0.643± 0.017  0.735± 0.018       0.581± 0.019
           GIP4GR              0.848± 0.011      0.662± 0.004 0.750± 0.013        0.609± 0.023

Fig. 7 CAMRa2011 dataset’s dimensionality reduction   Fig. 8 MaFengWo dataset’s dimensionality reduction
visualization.                                        visualization.

you can’t make the difference significant. The
                                                          Meanwhile, in the MaFengWo dataset, it can
Two Layers GNN have the worst effect, which is
                                                      be seen intuitively from Figure 8 that due to the
reflected in the fact that the embedding of the
                                                      relatively small IRR, the effect of using a One
group and the embedding of the item are dif-
                                                      Layer GNN is the worst. Secondly, the effects of
ficult to separate, which is consistent with our
                                                      the Two layers GNN and our model GIP4GR are
experimental data.
                                                      relatively close, and the effect of the Two Layers
                                                      GNN with Residual Connection is inferior to the
                                                      two, which is consistent with our hypothesis.

                                                      6 Conclusion
                                                      In this work, we proposed a GNN method to solve
                                                      the problem of group recommendation and pro-
                                                      posed a new model GIP4GR. First, we put forward
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