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Dental implants are now an indispensable part of dental treatment options. With the globalization of medical infrastructures and higher standards of living, implant applications continue to increase. Southern Implants has been a manufacturer and distributor of dental implants since 1987. Today, the Southern group is a leading biomedical engineering entity, with major intellectual property and capabilities in implantable devices, arthroplasties and tissue regeneration. Top-end professional users, who want more choices, have driven our product range to enormous and exciting heights. Striving for excellence and meeting customer needs has led to our wide product range characterized by numerous unique and innovative products, which include: - Multiple interfaces, both internal and external, to suit customer preference. - The MAX implant, a specialised implant, specifically designed for immediate molar tooth replacement. - Co-Axis™, the first angled-top, tapered, screw-form implant, available in angulations of 12°, 24°and 36°. - The 55° Zygomatic implant and Oncology implant, optimized for prosthetic versatility. - Many products engineered for primary stability and suitable for immediate loading. My sincere thanks to all specialists, dentists and technicians who give continual feedback, suggestions and input. Our products are an interpretation of your needs. Graham Blackbeard Managing Director, Southern Implants 02
Contents External Hex Piccolo Ø3.0mm Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 06 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 07 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 08 External Hex Ø3.25mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 10 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 11 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 12 External Hex Ø3.75mm - Ø4.0mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 14 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 15 Page 16 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø5.0mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 18 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 19 Page 20 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø6.0mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 22 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 23 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 24 CO-AXIS External Hex Ø3.25mm 12° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 26 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 27 Page 28 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø4.0mm 12° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 30 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 31 Page 32 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø4.0mm 12° / 24° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) REDUCED PLATFORM Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 34 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 35 Page 36 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø5.0mm 12° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 38 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 39 Page 40 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø5.0mm 12° / 24° / 36° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) REDUCED PLATFORM Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 42 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 43 Page 44 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø6.0mm Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 46 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 47 Page 48 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Further information available on our website www.southernimplants.com 03
Contents MAX External Hex Ø6.0mm MAX Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 50 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 51 Page 52 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. External Hex Ø7.0mm MAX Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 54 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 55 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 56 External Hex Ø8.0mm MAX Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 58 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 59 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 60 External Hex Ø9.0mm MAX Implants (Tapered) Implants & Surgical Components......................................................................................................................................................................... Page 62 Prosthetic Flowchart............................................................................................................................................................................................Page 63 Site Preparation & Instrumentation.................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 64 Instrument Information........................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 65 Southern Implants Screws....................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 66 MSc Implants...................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 67 Instrument Trays I-HEX-EG.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Page 68 I-MAX-EG................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 69 I-PROS-EG................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 70 Driver Information................................................................................................................................................................................................. Page 71 Implant Dimensions and Information....................................................................................................................................................................... Page 72 Page 75 Explanation of Labeling Symbols................................................................................................................................................................................. Please note: Images are for illustration purposes only and do not necessarily accurately represent the product. All dimensions in this catalogue are in mm, unless otherwise specified. Not all products are cleared for sale in all countries. 04
Ø3.0mm Piccolo 05
External Hex Piccolo Ø3.0mm Implants (Tapered) IP MSc-IP NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are pre-mounted and available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) IP- 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 MSc-IP- 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 Cover Screw Healing Abutments SCP-2 TPN Ø3.0 3/4/6 lengths 06
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø3.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCP-2 GC-EX-30 TCP1h PKIP2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-30 TCP1nh PKIP2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) CP Pick-up DIRECT Abutments TPN IP Gold Titanium PEEK 1mm Collar TS-P-16 LP12 Titanium MSc-IP (M1.6mm, 1.22 Hexed) SP16 (Engaging) SP17 (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE Abutments Indirect Compact Conical Abutment HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 APMC Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal 1 Series OR Screws HMCT7 1 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal NOTE: For Vertical Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 07
Site Preparation Sequence Tapered Piccolo (IP/MSc-IP) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone de de de m m m m pa pa pa .0m .0m .0m .0m 3S 3S 3S Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 Ø3 D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation Placement Tool Converters Drivers I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 08
Ø3.25mm 09
External Hex Ø3.25mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) IBN *IBNT * Also available in MSc range - page 67 NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are pre-mounted and available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) IBN 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 IBNT 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 MSc-IBNT- 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 Cover Screw Healing Abutments SCNU2 TBN WBN Ø3.6 Ø4.5 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6 lengths lengths 10
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø3.25 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCNU2 GC-EX-34 TCBN1h/5h PKBN2h CBNU (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) Pick-up GC-NX-34 TCBN1nh/5nh PKBN2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) DIRECT TBN Abutments Gold Titanium PEEK Uses 2 Series Screws IBN CBNU-W Pick-up DN DBNS12 WBN TITANIUM Abutments 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws IBNT LSN12 CER-ZR-34-4 / 6 CERAMIC Abutments SF-EX-34 CIA-EX-34 (Scanning Flag) TIB-EX-34 (Engaging) SCANNABLE Abutments SBN16 (Engaging) SBN-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment ABNMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws HMCT7 ABNMC17d Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015. For “Vertical” Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 11
Site Preparation Sequence Parallel Walled (IBN) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone N de de de m m -IB m m m m pa pa pa .9m .9m .0m .5m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 D- D- D- D- Tapered (IBNT / MSc-IBNT) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone NT de de de -IB m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .3m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø2 Ø3 Ø2 Ø3 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation Placement Tool Converters Drivers I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 12
Ø3.75mm - Ø4.0mm 13
External Hex Ø3.75mm & Ø4.0mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) IBS *IBT IBPS IET IBT IBPS IET * Also available in MSc range - page 67 NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are pre-mounted and available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) IBS 7 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 / 20 IBT 6 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 MSc-IBT- 6 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 IBPS- 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 IET 4 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCU2 TB WB TV4B T4B T5B Ø4.5 Ø5.5 Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5 2/3/4/5/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6/8 lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths 14
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø4.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCU2 CBV Pick-up GC-EX-40 TCB1h/5h PKB2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-40 TCB1nh/5nh PKB2nh TV4B (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (two-part) DIRECT Abutments IBS CBU Gold Titanium PEEK Pick-up CB70 Uses 2 Series Screws Transfer TB (one-part) DB DBS12 DBS24 TITANIUM Abutments IBT 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws CBU-W Pick-up CB75 LS12 CER-ZR-45/46 Transfer IBPS WB (one-part) CERAMIC Abutments IET CIA-EX-40 (Engaging) CIA-NX-40 SF-EX-40 TIB-EX-40 (Non-Engaging) (Scanning Flag) SCANNABLE Abutments SB16 (Engaging) SB-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment AMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws AMC17d-3 HMCT7 or AMC30d-4 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. For “Vertical” Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 15
Site Preparation Sequence Parallel Walled (IBS) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone S de de de M -IB m m m m m m S- pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .9m .0m .0m P CS 3S 3S 3S TA Ø3 Ø3 Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 Ø2 D- D- D- D- D- Tapered (IBT / IBPS / MSc-IBT) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone T de de de M M -IB m m m m m m m m m S- S- pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m P CS CS 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 D- D- D- D- D- D- (illustration is for 13mm implants) Tapered (IET4) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone de de de m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m 3S 3S 3S Ø2 Ø2 Ø4 Ø2 Ø4 D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 4mm implants) Instrumentation Placement Tool Converters Drivers I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 16
Ø5.0mm 17
External Hex Ø5.0mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) BA *BAT * Also available in MSc range - page 67 NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are pre-mounted and available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) BA 6 / 7 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 BAT 6 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 MSc-BAT- 6 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCAU5 TBA XBA WBA TV5BA T5BA T6BA T7BA Ø5.5 Ø6.5 Ø7.5 Ø5.0 Ø5.5 Ø6.5 Ø7.5 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6 lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths 18
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø5.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws CBAV SCAU5 Pick-up GC-EX-50 TCBA1h/5h PKBA2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-50 TCBA1nh/5nh PKBA2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) TV5BA (two-part) DIRECT Abutments CBAU CBA75 Pick-up Transfer Gold Titanium PEEK Uses 2 Series Screws BA TBA (one-part) DBA DBAS12 DBAS24 TITANIUM Abutments CBAU-M 3 Series Pick-up 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws BAT LSA12 XBA CER-ZR-56/57/58/59 (one-part) CERAMIC Abutments CBAU-W Pick-up CIA-EX-50 (Engaging) WBA CIA-NX-50 TIB-EX-50 (Non-Engaging) (one-part) SCANNABLE Abutments SF-EX-50 SBA16 (Scanning Flag) (Engaging) SBA-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect HMCW CMCW1 CMCW2 SF-MC-60 GMCW1 TMCW1 / 5 PKC-MCW PA-MC-60 Compact Pick-up Transfer (Scanning Conical Flag) LSMCW1 4/6 Abutment Metal ABAMCZ OR HMCTW9 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment 4/6 OR Metal 1 Series Screws ABAMC17d-3 HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 or ABAMC30d-4 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR HMCT7 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TSUZ9 GSUZ9 TMCSL Packed with Titanium Screw 4/6 Optional Gold Screw available (Long version) Metal NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. 19
Site Preparation Sequence Parallel Walled (BA) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone A de de de m m m 5 5 -B m m m m m m S- S- pa pa pa .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .6m P CS CS 3S 3S 3S TA Ø3 Ø3 Ø3 Ø2 Ø4 Ø2 Ø4 Ø2 Ø4 D- D- D- D- D- D- Tapered (BAT / MSc-BAT) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone AT de de de -B m m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation Placement Tool Converters Drivers I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 20
Ø6.0mm 21
External Hex Ø6.0mm Implants (Tapered & Parallel Walled) BBBS BBBT NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are pre-mounted and available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) BBBS 7 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 BBBT 6 / 8.5 / 10 / 11.5 / 13 / 15 / 18 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCU6 TBBB WBBB T6BBB T7BBB Ø6.5 Ø7.5 Ø6.5 Ø7.5 2/3/4/6 2/3/4/6/8 3/4/6 3/4/6 lengths lengths lengths lengths 22
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø6.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCU6 GC-EX-60 TCBBB1h/5h PKBBB2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-60 TCBBB1nh/5nh PKBBB2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) CBBBU CBBB75 Pick-up Transfer DIRECT Abutments TBBB (One-part) Gold Titanium PEEK Uses 2 Series Screws BBBS DBBB DBBBS12 DBBBS24 CBBBU-W Pick-up TITANIUM Abutments WBBB 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 (One-part) Screws LBBBS12 CER-ZR-67/68/69 BBBT CERAMIC Abutments SF-EX-60 CIA-EX-60 (Engaging) (Scanning Flag) CIA-NX-60 TIB-EX-60 (Non-Engaging) SCANNABLE Abutments SBBB16 (Engaging) SBBB-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment ABBBMCZ HMCW CMCW1 CMCW2 SF-MC-60 GMCW1 TMCW1 / 5 PKC-MCW PA-MC-60 1/2/3 Pick-up Transfer (Scanning Flag) LSMCW1 4/6 Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws ABBBMC17d-3 or ABBBMC30d-4 HMCTW9 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment 4/6 Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. 23
Site Preparation Sequence Parallel Walled (BBBS) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone BS B de de de m m m -B m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .6m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø3 Ø3 Ø3 Ø2 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø4 Ø5 D- D- D- D- Tapered (BBBT) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone B BT de de de -B m m m m m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation Placement Tool Converters Drivers I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 24
Ø3.25mm 12°Co-Axis 25
External Hex Ø3.25mm 12° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Ø3.25mm Implant and Components L2 L1 IBNT12d MSc-IBNT12d NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 IBNT-12d-8.5 MSc-IBNT-12d-8.5 8.5 9.2 IBNT-12d-10 MSc-IBNT-12d-10 10 10.7 IBNT-12d-11.5 MSc-IBNT-12d-11.5 11.5 12.2 IBNT-12d-13 MSc-IBNT-12d-13 13 13.7 IBNT-12d-15 MSc-IBNT-12d-15 15 15.7 IBNT-12d-18 MSc-IBNT-12d-18 18 18.7 Cover Screw Healing Abutments SCNU2 TBN WBN Ø3.6 Ø4.5 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6 lengths lengths 26
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø3.25 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCNU2 CBNU Pick-up GC-EX-34 TCBN1h/5h PKBN2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-34 TCBN1nh/5nh PKBN2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) TBN DIRECT Abutments Gold Titanium PEEK CBNU-W Uses 2 Series Screws IBNT12d Pick-up DN DBNS12 WBN TITANIUM Abutments 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws MSc-IBNT12d LSN12 CER-ZR-34-4 / 6 CERAMIC Abutments SF-EX-34 CIA-EX-34 (Scanning Flag) TIB-EX-34 (Engaging) SCANNABLE Abutments SBN16 (Engaging) SBN-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment ABNMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws HMCT7 ABNMC17d Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015. For “Vertical” Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 27
Site Preparation Sequence Tapered (IBNT-12d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone T de de de N m m m m m m pa pa pa -IB .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .3m 3S 3S 3S P TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø2 Ø3 Ø2 Ø3 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation *Final Tapered Drill Position Placement Tool Converters Drivers PLEASE NOTE: I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M Point 1 This corner of the drill is to be at bone level. point 1 point 2 For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Point 2 Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex This corner of the drill will be subcrestal. NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 28
Ø4.0mm 12° Co-Axis 29
External Hex Ø4.0mm 12° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Ø4.0mm Implant and Components L2 L1 IBT12d MSc-IBT12d NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 IBT-12d-8.5 MSc-IBT-12d-8.5 8.5 9.2 IBT-12d-10 MSc-IBT-12d-10 10.0 10.7 IBT-12d-11.5 MSc-IBT-12d-11.5 11.5 12.2 IBT-12d-13 MSc-IBT-12d-13 13.0 13.7 IBT-12d-15 MSc-IBT-12d-15 15.0 15.7 IBT-12d-18 MSc-IBT-12d-18 18.0 18.7 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCU2 TB WB TV4B T4B T5B Ø4.5 Ø5.5 Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5 2/3/4/5/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6/8 lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths 30
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø4.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCU2 CBV Pick-up GC-EX-40 TCB1h/5h PKB2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-40 TCB1nh/5nh PKB2nh TV4B (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (two-part) DIRECT Abutments CBU Gold Titanium PEEK Pick-up IBT12d CB70 Uses 2 Series Screws Transfer TB (one-part) DB DBS12 DBS24 TITANIUM Abutments MSc-IBT12d 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws CBU-W Pick-up CB75 LS12 CER-ZR-45/46 Transfer WB (one-part) CERAMIC Abutments CIA-EX-40 (Engaging) CIA-NX-40 SF-EX-40 TIB-EX-40 (Non-Engaging) (Scanning Flag) SCANNABLE Abutments SB16 (Engaging) SB-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment AMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws AMC17d-3 HMCT7 or AMC30d-4 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. For “Vertical” Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 31
Site Preparation Sequence Tapered (IBT12d / MSc-IBT12d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone T de de de M M -IB m m m m m m m m m S- S- pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m P CS CS 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 D- D- D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation *Final Tapered Drill Position Placement Tool Converters Drivers PLEASE NOTE: I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M Point 1 This corner of the drill is to be at bone level. point 1 point 2 For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Point 2 Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex This corner of the drill will be subcrestal. NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 32
Ø4.0mm 12°/24° Co-Axis REDUCED PLATFORM 33
External Hex Ø4.0mm 12°/24° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) REDUCED PLATFORM Restore with 3.25mm components L2 L1 *IBR12d *IBR24d * Also available in MSc range - page 67 NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 IBR-12d-8.5 MSc-IBR-12d-8.5 8.5 9.2 IBR-24d-8.5 MSc-IBR-24d-8.5 8.5 9.9 IBR-12d-10 MSc-IBR-12d-10 10.0 10.7 IBR-24d-10 MSc-IBR-24d-10 10.0 11.4 IBR-12d-11.5 MSc-IBR-12d-11.5 11.5 12.2 IBR-24d-11.5 MSc-IBR-24d-11.5 11.5 12.9 IBR-12d-13 MSc-IBR-12d-13 13.0 13.7 IBR-24d-13 MSc-IBR-24d-13 13.0 14.4 IBR-12d-15 MSc-IBR-12d-15 15.0 15.7 IBR-24d-15 MSc-IBR-24d-15 15.0 16.4 IBR-12d-18 MSc-IBR-12d-18 18.0 18.7 IBR-24d-18 MSc-IBR-24d-18 18.0 19.4 IBR-24d-20 20.0 21.4 IBR-24d-22 22.0 23.4 IBR-24d-24 24.0 25.4 Cover Screw Healing Abutments SCNU2 TBN WBN Ø3.6 Ø4.5 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6 lengths lengths 34
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø3.25 Interface REDUCED PLATFORM Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCNU2 CBNU Pick-up GC-EX-34 TCBN1h/5h PKBN2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-34 TCBN1nh/5nh PKBN2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) TBN DIRECT Abutments IBR12d PEEK Gold Titanium CBNU-W Uses 2 Series Screws Pick-up DN DBNS12 WBN TITANIUM Abutments IBR24d 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws LSN12 CER-ZR-34-4 / 6 CERAMIC Abutments SF-EX-34 CIA-EX-34 (Scanning Flag) TIB-EX-34 (Engaging) SCANNABLE Abutments SBN16 (Engaging) SBN-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment ABNMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws HMCT7 ABNMC17d Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015. For Vertical Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 35
Site Preparation Sequence REDUCED PLATFORM Tapered (IBR12d / MSc-IBR12d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone T de de de -IB m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 D- D- D- D- Tapered (IBR24d / MSc-IBR24d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone T de de de -IB m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m P TA 3S 3S 3S Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation *Final Tapered Drill Position Placement Tool Converters Drivers PLEASE NOTE: I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M Point 1 This corner of the drill is to be at bone level. point 1 point 2 For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Point 2 Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex This corner of the drill will be subcrestal. NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 36
Ø5.0mm 12° Co-Axis 37
External Hex Ø5.0mm 12° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Ø5.0mm Implant and Components L2 L1 BAT12d MSc-BAT12d NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 BAT-12d-8.5 MSc-BAT-12d-8.5 8.5 9.5 BAT-12d-10 MSc-BAT-12d-10 10.0 11.0 BAT-12d-11.5 MSc-BAT-12d-11.5 11.5 12.5 BAT-12d-13 MSc-BAT-12d-13 13.0 14.0 BAT-12d-15 MSc-BAT-12d-15 15.0 16.0 BAT-12d-18 MSc-BAT-12d-18 18.0 19.0 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCAU5 TBA XBA WBA TV5BA T5BA T6BA T7BA Ø5.5 Ø6.5 Ø7.5 Ø5.0 Ø5.5 Ø6.5 Ø7.5 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6 lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths 38
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø5.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws CBAV SCAU5 Pick-up GC-EX-50 TCBA1h/5h PKBA2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-50 TCBA1nh/5nh PKBA2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) TV5BA (two-part) DIRECT Abutments CBAU CBA75 Pick-up Transfer Gold Titanium PEEK Uses 2 Series Screws BAT12d TBA (one-part) DBA DBAS12 DBAS24 TITANIUM Abutments CBAU-M 3 Series Pick-up 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws MSc-BAT12d LSA12 XBA CER-ZR-56/57/58/59 (one-part) CERAMIC Abutments CBAU-W Pick-up CIA-EX-50 (Engaging) WBA CIA-NX-50 TIB-EX-50 (Non-Engaging) (one-part) SCANNABLE Abutments SF-EX-50 SBA16 (Scanning Flag) (Engaging) SBA-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect HMCW CMCW1 CMCW2 SF-MC-60 GMCW1 TMCW1 / 5 PKC-MCW PA-MC-60 Compact Pick-up Transfer (Scanning Conical Flag) LSMCW1 4/6 Abutment Metal ABAMCZ OR HMCTW9 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment 4/6 Metal 1 Series OR Screws ABAMC17d-3 HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 or ABAMC30d-4 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR HMCT7 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TSUZ9 GSUZ9 TMCSL Packed with Titanium Screw 4/6 Optional Gold Screw available (Long version) Metal NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. 39
Site Preparation Sequence Tapered (BAT12d / MSc-BAT12d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone AT de de de m -B m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation *Final Tapered Drill Position Placement Tool Converters Drivers PLEASE NOTE: I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M Point 1 This corner of the drill is to be at bone level. point 1 point 2 For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Point 2 Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex This corner of the drill will be subcrestal. NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 40
Ø5.0mm 12° / 24°/ 36° Co-Axis REDUCED PLATFORM 41
External Hex Ø5.0mm 12° / 24°/ 36° Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) REDUCED PLATFORM Restore with Ø4.0mm Components L2 L1 *BAR12d *BAR24d *BAR36d * Also available in MSc range - page 67 NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 TAPERED TAPERED L1 L2 BAR-12d-8.5 MSc-BAR-12d-8.5 8.5 9.3 BAR-24d-8.5 MSc-BAR-24d-8.5 8.5 10.1 BAR-36d-8.5 MSc-BAR-36d-8.5 8.5 10.9 BAR-12d-10 MSc-BAR-12d-10 10.0 10.8 BAR-24d-10 MSc-BAR-24d-10 10.0 11.6 BAR-36d-10 MSc-BAR-36d-10 10.0 12.4 BAR-12d-11.5 MSc-BAR-12d-11.5 11.5 12.3 BAR-24d-11.5 MSc-BAR-24d-11.5 11.5 13.1 BAR-36d-11.5 MSc-BAR-36d-11.5 11.5 13.9 BAR-12d-13 MSc-BAR-12d-13 13.0 13.8 BAR-24d-13 MSc-BAR-24d-13 13.0 14.6 BAR-36d-13 MSc-BAR-36d-13 13.0 15.4 BAR-12d-15 MSc-BAR-12d-15 15.0 15.8 BAR-24d-15 MSc-BAR-24d-15 15.0 16.6 BAR-36d-15 MSc-BAR-36d-15 15.0 17.4 BAR-12d-18 MSc-BAR-12d-18 18.0 18.8 BAR-24d-18 MSc-BAR-24d-18 18.0 19.6 BAR-36d-18 MSc-BAR-36d-18 18.0 20.4 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCU2 TB WB TV4B T4B T5B Ø4.5 Ø5.5 Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5 2/3/4/5/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6/8 lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths 42
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø4.0 Interface REDUCED PLATFORM Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCU2 CBV Pick-up GC-EX-40 TCB1h/5h PKB2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-40 TCB1nh/5nh PKB2nh TV4B (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (two-part) DIRECT Abutments CBU Gold Titanium PEEK BAR12d Pick-up CB70 Uses 2 Series Screws Transfer TB (one-part) DB DBS12 DBS24 TITANIUM Abutments 3 Series BAR24d 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws CBU-W Pick-up CB75 LS12 CER-ZR-45/46 Transfer WB (one-part) CERAMIC Abutments BAR36d CIA-EX-40 (Engaging) CIA-NX-40 SF-EX-40 TIB-EX-40 (Non-Engaging) (Scanning Flag) SCANNABLE Abutments SB16 (Engaging) SB-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment AMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws AMC17d-3 HMCT7 or AMC30d-4 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. For “Vertical” Passive Abutment refer to CAT-1120. 43
Site Preparation Sequence REDUCED PLATFORM Tapered (BAR12d / MSc-BAR12d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone AT de de de m -B m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 D- D- D- D- Tapered (BAR24d / MSc-BAR24d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone AT de de de -B m m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 D- D- D- D- Tapered (BAR36d / MSc-BAR36d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone AT de de de -B m m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) NOTE: Ø5.2mm drill optional Instrumentation *Final Tapered Drill Position Placement Tool Converters Drivers PLEASE NOTE: I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M Point 1 This corner of the drill is to be at bone level. point 1 point 2 For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Point 2 Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex This corner of the drill will be subcrestal. NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths 44
Ø6.0mm 12°/24° Co-Axis 45
External Hex Ø6.0mm Co-Axis Implants (Tapered) Ø6.0mm Implant and Components L2 L1 BBBT12d BBBT24d NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) TAPERED L1 L2 TAPERED L1 L2 BBBT-12d-10 10.0 11.2 BBBT-24d-10 10.0 12.4 BBBT-12d-11.5 11.5 12.7 BBBT-24d-11.5 11.5 13.9 BBBT-12d-13 13.0 14.2 BBBT-24d-13 13.0 15.4 BBBT-12d-15 15.0 16.2 BBBT-24d-15 15.0 17.4 BBBT-12d-18 18.0 19.2 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) SCU6 TBBB WBBB T6BBB T7BBB Ø6.5 Ø7.5 Ø6.5 Ø7.5 2/3/4/6 2/3/4/6/8 3/4/6 3/4/6 lengths lengths lengths lengths 46
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø6.0 Interface Direct Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCU6 GC-EX-60 TCBBB1h/5h PKBBB2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-60 TCBBB1nh/5nh PKBBB2nh (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) CBBBU CBBB75 Pick-up Transfer DIRECT Abutments TBBB (One-part) Gold Titanium PEEK Uses 2 Series Screws BBBT12d DBBB DBBBS12 DBBBS24 CBBBU-W Pick-up TITANIUM Abutments WBBB 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 (One-part) Screws LBBBS12 CER-ZR-67/68/69 BBBT24d CERAMIC Abutments SF-EX-60 CIA-EX-60 (Engaging) (Scanning Flag) CIA-NX-60 TIB-EX-60 (Non-Engaging) SCANNABLE Abutments SBBB16 (Engaging) SBBB-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws Indirect Compact Conical Abutment ABBBMCZ HMCW CMCW1 CMCW2 SF-MC-60 GMCW1 TMCW1 / 5 PKC-MCW PA-MC-60 1/2/3 Pick-up Transfer (Scanning Flag) LSMCW1 4/6 Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws ABBBMC17d-3 or ABBBMC30d-4 HMCTW9 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment 4/6 Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. 47
Site Preparation Sequence Tapered (BBBT12d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone BT B de de de -B m m m m m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 D- D- D- D- Tapered (BBBT24d Co-Axis) Soft Bone Medium Bone Dense Bone BBT de de de -B m m m m m m m m m m m m m m pa pa pa .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m .0m .3m .0m .0m .0m P 3S 3S 3S TA Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 Ø2 Ø3 Ø4 Ø5 Ø6 D- D- D- D- NOTE: Site preparation sequence recommended by Southern Implants does not replace the judgement and experience of the surgeon. (illustration is for 13mm implants) Instrumentation *Final Tapered Drill Position Placement Tool Converters Drivers PLEASE NOTE: I-CON-X I-WI-CST I-WI-SH I-CS-HD I-HD-M Point 1 This corner of the drill is to be at bone level. point 1 point 2 For Handpiece (latch-type) Cover Screw Fixture Mount inserts featuring Fixture Mount Driver Hex Driver Driver the W&H hex to Wrench 0.9 Hex 1.22 Hex Point 2 This corner of the drill NOTE: Refer to page 65 and CAT-1191 for more information on wrench insert converters. * Most instruments are available in various lengths will be subcrestal. 48
MAX-6 49
External Hex Ø6.0mm MAX Implants (Tapered) Restore with Ø4.0mm Components MAX-6 MSc-MAX-6 NOTE: Implant dimensions and information - page 72 Implants are pre-mounted and available in lengths of: ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) ITEM CODE IMPLANT LENGTHS (in mm) MAX-6- 6 / 7 / 9 / 11 MSc-MAX-6- 6 / 7 / 9 / 11 Cover Screw Healing Abutments (one-part) Healing Abutments (two-part) PEEK Anatomical Healing Abutments SCU2 TB WB TV4B T4B T5B PK-MAX6-9 Ø4.5 Ø5.5 Ø4.0 Ø4.5 Ø5.5 9.0mm 6.0mm Ø4.0 2/3/4/5/6/8 2/3/4/6/8 4/6 3/4/6 3/4/6/8 lengths lengths lengths lengths lengths Retention Screw sold separately (3-Series) 50
Prosthetic Flowchart Ø4.0 Interface Direct Healing Impression Laboratory Prosthetic Retaining Abutments Copings Analogues Components Screws SCU2 CBV Pick-up GC-EX-40 TCB1h/5h PKB2h (Engaging) (Engaging) (Engaging) GC-NX-40 TCB1nh/5nh PKB2nh TV4B (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (Non-Engaging) (two-part) DIRECT Abutments MAX6 CBU Gold Titanium PEEK Pick-up CB70 Uses 2 Series Screws Transfer TB (one-part) DB DBS12 DBS24 TITANIUM Abutments MSc-MAX6 3 Series 2 / 3.5 / 5 Screws CBU-W Pick-up CB75 LS12 CER-ZR-45/46 Transfer WB (one-part) CERAMIC Abutments CIA-EX-40 (Engaging) CIA-NX-40 SF-EX-40 TIB-EX-40 (Non-Engaging) (Scanning Flag) SCANNABLE Abutments PK-MAX6-9 SB16 (Engaging) SB-17-TT (Non-Engaging) PASSIVE 2 Series Abutments Screws PEEK Indirect Compact Conical Abutment AMCZ HMC GMC1 TMC1 / 5 PKC-MC PA-MC-48 CMC1 Pick-up SF-MC-48 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5.5 CMC2 (Scanning LSMC1 Flag) 4/6 Transfer Metal OR 1 Series OR Screws AMC17d-3 HMCT7 or AMC30d-4 Gold Titanium PEEK Passive Abutment TMCSL 4/6 (Long version) Metal TSUZ9 GSUZ9 Packed with Titanium Screw Optional Gold Screw available NOTE: Burnout plastic sleeves are available, refer to CAT-1199. For Overdenture options refer to CAT-1015 & CAT-1019. 51
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