Prince William Reliquary - Prince William County

Page created by Melvin Mckinney
Prince William Reliquary - Prince William County
January 2003
                                                                                                                 Vol. 2, No. 1

                             Prince William Reliquary
                             RELIC, Bull Run Library, Manassas, Virginia

                    REL-I-QUAR-Y: (noun) A receptacle for keeping or displaying relics.

                               THE HISTORY OF THE BLACKBURN FAMILY
                                                      by Louisa D. F. Hogue,
                                                  recopied by Ruth C. S. Black
                                            with an introduction by Brendon Hanafin*

                                                                      Rippon Lodge is an 18th century plantation house
                                                                      located in Woodbridge, Virginia. The house was built
                                                                      circa 1745 by Colonel Richard Blackburn of Rippon,
                                                                      England. Blackburn was one of the founding fathers
                                                                      of the Port of Dumfries, and a carpenter by trade. His
                                                                      son, Thomas, served in the Revolutionary War under
                                                                      George Washington and Washington was a frequent
                                                                      guest. Washington’s nephew, Bushrod, married Anne
                                                                      Blackburn at Rippon and later owned the plantation
                                                                      after Thomas’ death.

                                                          This manuscript, written by Louisa Hogue in the late
                                                          19th century is a remarkable genealogical document
                                                          and offers a unique glimpse into Rippon Lodge’s
  Rippon Lodge               courtesy Brendon Hanafin
                                                          storied past. Her grandson, Antarctic explorer Admiral
                                                          Richard Blackburn Black, purchased Rippon in the
early 1950’s. Prince William County purchased Rippon Lodge from the Black family in 2000 and is in the
process of restoring the house and readying the site for public access.

Although the house and grounds remain closed during the restoration, the public is invited to Rippon Lodge on
the 3rd and 11th of May for a day of tours, hikes and archeological programs.

          There is so much that is intensely interesting connected with the maternal ancestry of my
great grandfather William Baylis that I must give a preliminary
                                                                                   IN THIS ISSUE
sketch of this line at the outset.
          The earliest of these forefathers of which I find The History of the Blackburn Family ... 1
satisfactory positive knowledge is "Col. Richard Blackburn," Poll Tax Lists for Prince William
described in the early deeds, recorded in Prince William County, County, VA – Manassas District
                                                                    (1940’s) ................................................. 9
Va., as "Richard Blackburn, Carpenter," of Hamilton Parish, and
                                                                    Queries .................................................. 17
still later, of Dettingen Parish.
          The records show that Richard Blackburn was buying A Chinn/Ben Lomond Update .............. 18
lands from March 19, 1733, to October 28, 1751. His first Freedman Bank Records: An Index
purchase was 130 acres, in [H]amilton Parish, on Little Creek. to Prince William County ..................... 20
This was followed in the same year, 1733, by sucessive Petition thfor Public Road,
                                                                    March 8 1895 ...................................... 23
purchases of 1875 acres "on Broad Run of Occoquan," 764 acres
"on south side of Bull Run," a tract "on north side of Bull Run, Returns    of Corporation Election
                                                                    Held June 9, 1903 at Manassas............. 24
(number of acres not given) 201 acres "in Hamilton Parish," and,

    Brendon Hanafin, Historic Preservation Manager for Prince William County. Email:

Prince William Reliquary - Prince William County
Prince William Reliquary                                                        Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

              Prince William Reliquary                with John Gregg, 1280 acres "on main run of Quantico
             is produced quarterly by the             Creek." In 1734, the purchases are: 1 acre on North
      Ruth E. Lloyd Information Center (RELIC)
           for Genealogy & Local History              side of Main Run of Neapsco, opposite lands of Major
        Prince William Public Library System          Henry Lee, and 2 acres on Neapsco Creek, purchased
              Bull Run Regional Library               of Henry Lee. In 1738, one purchase is made of 200
                 8051 Ashton Avenue
                 Manassas, VA 20109                   acres, on north side of Bull Run; in 1739, 65 acres in
                   (703) 792-4540                     Hamilton Parish, bounded on every side by land of
                                                      Richard Blackburn, 280 acres on north side of Bull
                 Web site:          Run, and 130 acres on south side of Bull Run; in 17--,
                                                      225 acres "on the middle ground between the branches
  Two years will be posted on this site. All issues   of Broadrun and the branches of Bull Run; in 1746, 131
              will be kept at RELIC.
                                                      acres "near the head of the north branch of Quantico;
                     Editor:                          "in 1749, 163 acres and 28 ½ acres in Dettingen Parish;
        Carolyn G. Lynn, RELIC volunteer
                                                      in 1750, 6 acres, "including a spring;" in 1751, 600
                                                      acres in Fairfax and Prince William Counties, "on both
             Submission Deadlines:                    sides of the River Occoquan."
        Mar. 15, June 15, Sep. 15, Dec. 15
                                                               In 1738, Blackburn was Guardian for one
            Submission Guidelines:                    William Elliot; also security for Maurice Veal,
 We welcome articles of historical or genealogical    Guardian of Thomas Arrington. In 1739 and 1741 he is
    interest regarding Prince William County,
 Manassas or Manassas Park. Publication is not        Sherriff, as shown by two deeds.
  guaranteed and we reserve the right to edit if               That Richard Blackburn had a brother Edward,
  appropriate. All work submitted must include        is shown by a Power of Attorney, given by Edward
                                                      Blackburn of Bermudas, to his brother Richard
          The conclusions of contributors             Blackburn of the Parish of Hamilton, in Prince William
          are not necessarily those of the            County," etc., dated January 9, 1734, in the Eight Year
              editor or staff of RELIC.
                                                      of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second,
                Correspondence:                       King of Great Brittain, France, Ireland;" etc.
  Address all correspondence regarding Prince                  When in Manassas, the present county seat of
 William Reliquary to RELIC at the above address
                or email the editor.                  Prince William County, Va., examining records, in the
                                                      spring of 1899, the Clerk of Court told me that Ripon
     Questions for a RELIC librarian should be
        emailed to
                                                      Lodge Estate, the former home of the Blackburns, was
   Please be sure to put the word “RELIC” in the      distant from there about 18 miles; that it was a very
          subject line of your message!               famous place, and the Blackburns a very noted people;
                                                      that the old Mansion House which tradition says
 We will publish queries regarding individuals who    Richard Blackburn built, was still standing, in a dark
  were in Prince William County. Please include       room of which a Masonic Lodge was held where
   your name, address, and/or email address.
         Queries may be edited for length.            George Washington had attended.
                                                               Through the courtesy of George C. Rounds, a
       Magazine is produced electronically.           Lieutenant in the U.S. Signal Corps, then resident in
         You may print a copy for your own
   personal use. Articles written with an author      Manassas, and greatly interested in old estates, etc.,
    byline may not be reprinted without written       (who assisted in arrangements for the trip, gave me a
  permission from the author. Unsigned articles       map of the road, and a letter of introduction to Mr.
     may be reprinted provided Prince William
                Reliquary is cited.                   George R. Atkinson, the owner of old Ripon Lodge
                                                      Estate, who lived at Neapsco Mills,) I was enabled to
                                                      visit this old estate and mansion house. With a negro
 Copyright 2001-2003. All rights reserved. Ruth
  E. Lloyd Information Center for Genealogy and       boy for driver, I traversed in buggy the wild,
  Local History, Bull Run Regional Library, 8051      picturesque country, over corduroy [sic] bridges, rough
  Ashton Avenue, Manassas, VA 20109-2892.             stoney roads, ans [and] steep hills. Evening coming on
                                                      before we reached our destination, we made frequent
                                                      inquiries about the road, mostly from negroes, whose

Prince William Reliquary                                                       Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

cabins, almost the only habitations of this wild region, we passed at considerably long intervals. The
information given was usual[ly] accompanied by the assurance that it was a "right fair way."
Arriving at Neapsco Mills after dark, we were recieved [sic] by the hospitable Mr. Atkinson, to
whom I gave the letter of introduction, after which supper and bed were welcome refreshment.
         In the morning, "mine host" mounted his horse, and rode behind the buggy, accompanying
and directing us to the old home of my ancestors. He showed me through the Mansion House, each
room of which (except a dark room under the slanted roof) was supplied with an open fireplace, and
a mantle with fluted woodwork. The walls were all paneled work, and so perfectly was the lumber
seasoned and joined that not a seam or imperfection was to be seen. The foundation was going to
ruin. There were great gaps where it appeared that the bricks composing it had probably been
removed for use elsewhere. The outside collarway and door were also in ruins. From the dooryard
in front of the house, the Potomac River was visible through openings in the forests of that wooded
ridge, the same on which Mount Vernon stands, some twelve miles away to the northward. Scarsely
[sic] more than a stone's throw from the mansion is the private graveyard, where our ancestor,
Richard Blackburn, lies buried. Mr. Atkinson conducted me to this spot, chalked over the old gray
stone which covered the grave, and traced out the letter[s] with a little twig, so that I might read the
inscription entire, except in two or three places, one on either edge where a small chip had been
broken off, and again where only the "V" of Virginia was legible, the remainder of the word being
too much worn for even this method of deciphering to bring it out. Following is the INSCRIPTION.

               Here Lieth the Body of
                        Coll. RICHARD BLACKBURN
               Who Departed this Life
                        July the 15th 1757
               In the 52nd Year of His Age
               He was Born in Rippon England From Whence
               He came to Virginia where he Acquired
               A Reputable Character was Intrusted
               And Preferred [?] by the Governor to the
               ( )nent Stations & Command in the ( )
               well as by the People who made ( )
               ( ) esentative in the General As(sembly)
               ( ) is Collony where he discharges His ( )
               with Honor to Himself as well as to His
               Constituents who Reposed in him This
               Important Trust -- He was a Man of
               Consumate Prudence Frugality & Indefatigable
               Industry Whereby he made a Large Fortune in
               V( ) He was Followed to the grave
               ( ) His Inseparable Friend the Honorable
               William Fairfax & and other Gents of
               Distinction together with his Disconsolate
               Relations who Mourned the lofs of so worthy
               And usefull a Man to them and his Country
               This Monument id [is] dedicated to his Memory by
               His Friend JOHN BAYLIS

       Note: The stone from which the above was copied is broken in two, and in one place quite a scale has been
       broken out of the right-hand side of the inscription and a smaller one on the left.

        Returning from the tomb, Mr. Atkinson pointed out the location of the old-time slave cabins,
on the brow of a ravine back of the house. Between the ravine and the Mansion was a spacious door-
yard where numerous large lilac bushes were loaded with bloom, and the grass was blue with grape

Prince William Reliquary                                                 Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

hyacinths, (or "blue bottles") both perfuming the air with their rich fragrance. Before departing, Mr.
Atkinson drew from the house the last of the rude, iron shutter-holders, evidently made by a
blacksmith, of clumsy workmanship, and presented it to me, as a souvenir of the historic old place.
He also gave me a fragment from a piece of petrified log, lying in front of the house.
        As we left the spacious grounds, I plucked a spray of apple blossoms from a tree by the large
gate. I had previously gathered Lilac blossoms and grape hyacinths, ("blue bottles", as we used to
call them,) and as Mr. A. al[so] called them.) On the road back to Neapsco Mills, I found bird-foot
violets (Viola pedada) a small cluster of which I secured as a further memento of Old Ripon Lodge
        After tarrying a while to arrange my flowers for pressin[g], and receiving directions about the
road, we set out for Dumfries, the old County Seat of Prince William County, in the early days, also
the home of our great-great grandfather John Baylis.
        In the old church-yard at Dumfries I copied a part of the inscription on the an old gravestone,
very much broken, of which Mr. Rounds had told me. This inscription, so far as the fragments could
be found and placed in their proper position for deciphering, and time sufficed for the work, will be
given below:

       Copy of Inscription on Fragments of a Gravestone at Dumfries, Pr. Wm. County, Va.
                                                      The Body
                         ll.                                e
                        RR                                  BLACKBURN
                        He w                     n in Gloucester
                        Co                       Virginia
                        the          day of October 173
                                   departed this Life
                                  April the -7
                        in the 21st 6oar [=year] of his Age
                        This sad Catastrophe
                        His Death wa attended by Many
                        others who were whirled out of a
                        Pleasure Boat in Po [=Potomac]
                        River (     ) the Mouth of Quantiao [Quantico]
                        and perished in (       ) Waves.
                        His Eminent Qualities --

         (The lateness of the hour would not permit lingering longer to decipher the remainder from
this original source, so the rest must be given from Mr. Rounds' copy, made a number of years
         Copy from Mr. Rounds' Copy:
         "His eminent qualities of mind and deportment gained him the Universal esteem of all Ranks
of People who earnestly mourned the loss of a Worthy Person to whose memory this Monument is
created by his Friends."
         Note.- Mr. Rounds had the beginning of this inscription a little f [sic] different, but, by
placing fragments where they evidently belonged I got the reading as given.
         Who this young Blackburn was I have no means of knowing. But my theory is that, as
Blackburns lived in Gloucester County, he may have been a relative of the family at Ripon Lodge, on
a visit there, and that a pleasu[re] party in his honor was thus engulfed in the waters of the Potomac,
at or near the mouth of Quantico, a tributary stream. This stream is mentioned in some of the
Blackburn and Baylis deeds, in the descriptions of lands. (BH NOTE: This person was Blackburn’s
son from his first marriage. He was probably living with his father at Rippon at the time.)

Prince William Reliquary                                                      Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

"Williamsburg, Apr. 24
We have Advice from Patowmack, that Capt. Foster, of the Branfly, lying in that river, being out in his Long
Boat, on a Party of Pleasure, with Company, the Boat was unfortunately overset by a Squall of Wind, and six
Persons drown'd, among whom was Col. Blackburn's eldest Son, and Mr. Pickett with his Wife and Sister.
Capt. Foster with three others were saved by a Boat from the Shore."
[Virginia Gazette, Apr. 24, 1752, p. 2]

         After returning to Manassas, Mr. And Mrs. Rounds called on me at my hotel, interested to
learn the results of the trip. At that time Mr. R. told me of two goblets and two or three other
souvenirs from Ripon Lodge owned by Mr. J.B.T. Thornton, a lawyer of Manassas. I called at this
residence, and Mrs. Thornton kindly showed me these interesting relics, purchased at the sale of the
Blackburns, when they were leaving Ripon Lodge, by Mr. Thornton's ancestors. They had been
handed down from generation to generation, as precious heirlooms because of their connection with
the noted family and famous old place. They were very highly prized, and carefully packed away in
cotton, or other soft substance, for safe keeping. The goblets were of heavy flint glass, and when
held by the stem in one hand, and thumped with the finger-nail of the other, they would emit a
musical ring like silver bells. Mr. Thornton was fond of ringing them for his friends, when proudly
exhibiting them and the other similarly prized Ripon Lodge relics in his posession. On returning to
                                                 the court house to resume work, and enquiring for Mr.
                                                 Thornton, who was attending court, he was called in
                                                 and introduced to me. I asked if, there was any
                                                 consideration which would induce him to part with one
                                                 of those goblets to a Blackburn descendant. He very
                                                 courteously replied, "I could not sell one of them. I
                                                 might possibly give one to you." And promising to
                                                 talk with Mrs. Thornton about it, passed on to pressing
                                                 duties. On his return from dinner, he entered the
                                                 record office bearing the precious goblet, which he
  School House and Well courtesy Brendon Hanafin presented to me, and which I was exceedingly proud
                                                 and happy to receive. If people who had no blood
relationship with the Blackburns thus treasured articles associated with them and their home, how
much more highly should we, connected by blood, prize this fine souvenir.
         At my first interview with Mr. Rounds, to whom I had been referred by the editor, as one
well versed in historic matter, that gentleman had shown me an old surveyor's plat, (with a rat-eaten
hole in one portion of it,) which he had found in the wall of an old mansion that he had bought and
was restoring. On this plat were two tracts marked Richard Blackburn, one of [blank] acres, the
other of [blank] acres; and another tract [blank] acres was marked William Baylis. As Blackburn and
Baylis were evidently my ancestors, I asked if he would part with the paper. His reply was that
"money could not buy it." At this time Mr. Rounds told me that the first pitched battle between the
Army of the Potomac, under McDowell, and the army of Northern Virginia, under Beauregard,
occurred Thursday, July 18th, at Blackburn's Ford, 3 ½ miles from Manassas, same distance from
Centreville. McDowell's forces lay at Centreville, Beauregard's at Manassas. This Battle on
Thursday was the opening fight of the first Bull Run Battle or preliminary to the main battle which
occurred on Sunday. Mr. R. thought that the "Blackburn's Ford" above, "was named for Thomas
Blackburn, who owned a large tract on the Fairfax side of Bull Run, an[d] had a daughter Sarah
Jane." It seems more probable that the ford was named for Col. Richard Blackburn, who, as early as
1733-1735, had large tracts on both sides of Bull Run. Richard's son, Col. Thomas, was father of
this Thomas who had a daughter Sarah Jane.
         One day, while in Manassas, working on records, I was introduced to one H. Ashton Ramsay,
of Baltimore, who was also looking up the Blackburns. This gentleman informed me that, about
1735-1740, Richard Blackburn married Mary, daughter of Richard Watts, and widow of Col. Henry

Prince William Reliquary                                                  Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Ashton, of West Moreland County, Va. This Mr. Ramsay was a descendant of Co. Henry Ashton
and Mary Watts, and was interested in the Blackburns because of this intermarriage with the widow
Ashton. He referred me to a note in Haydon's work confirming his statement, also stating that
Richard Watts was a relative of Dr. Watts, the hymnologist's, and that he, Richard, was one of the
executors of Henry Ashton's will, dated 1730. In a letter from Mr. Ramsay, he states that "The
Blackburns, Ashtons, Watts, and Fawkes all came from Stafford and Lancaster counties, England.
There is a town in Lancaster county called Blackburn, and one called Ashton." Rev. Haydon has
since sent me the following: "Col. Henry Ashton, b. July 30, 1671; m. (first) Elizabeth Hardidge;
(second) Mary Watts, dau. of Richard Watts, Gent., by Mary his wife." Also "Richard Watts was a
relative of Dr. Watts the hymnologist." Also, "Richard Watts was one of the executors of Henry
Ashton's will, Cople Parish, Westmoreland County, Va., 1731. If Richard Blackburn was married
only once, the foregoing facts give mr [me?] the names of our ancestress, Mary Watts, also her
parents, Richard Watts and Mary his wife. I know from Prince William County, Va., records, Deed
Book T. P. 184, that Richard's wife was Mary. The deed was one of assignment from Mary
Blackburn, who assigns to her son, Thomas Blackburn, his heirs, etc. all her "title, claim and
inheritance in and to the third part of the profits of the estate of Col. Richard Blackburn deceased,
while under the management of Col. John Baylis deceased which has never been settled with me."
The indenture, from which this quotation is made is dated Aptil [sic] 11th 1774, and is witnessed by
Alex. Stephens and William Baylis. This William Baylis is without doubt my great grandfather, who
married Elizabeth Turner in Fauquier County, Va., in 1780. William was son of John and Jane
(Blackburn) Baylis.
         John Baylis, who "dedicated" the monument to Col. Richard Blackburn, was also his
executor, as is proven by a bond on p. 27 of a very old Bond Book, among the records of Prince
William County, Va. This bond, executed by John Baylis, William Eustace, and William Grant,
gent., for "John Baylis gent., Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Richard Blackburn, gent.,
Deceased" is dated July 27, 1757, and the 31st year of "the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
Second." The amount of the bond is £6000 [?]. The fact, clearly indicated in the old records, that it
was almost, if not quite a universal custom to name one's sons and sons-in-law as executors, strongly
indicates that John Baylis was son-in-law of Richard Blackburn. But happily, we are not left to this
slender evidence of his relationship. My Aunt Lucy Ann (Fawcett) Marshall had told me that the B.
in her Mother's name was for Blackburn, and that somewhere in the family there were Blackburns,
but she had forgotten where. This was my only clue till the deputy clerk of court at Manassas found
the following deed for me: On pp. 145 to 147 of Deed Book W. [?], is recorded a deed, executed
May 17th, 1785, by "William Baylis, Elizabeth his wife, Henry Baylis, Thompson Randolph, Aquilla
Dyson, Lucy his wife, George Reno, and Jane his wife" conveying to John Chick 385 acres of land,
"wheron the said Chick now lives, Including three parcels of Land in one Survey the said Lands was
purchased by Richard Blackburn, gent., one piece from William Ridley the other two from Chas.
Cornwell which Lands the sd. Blackburn Gave to his daughter, Jane Baylis.” Etc. In the description
of the boundary, it appears that this tract of 385 acres lay along "the road that Leads to Dumfries," for
a distance of 26 poles and that one of the lines crosses "the North Run of Quantico." -- This clearly
proves a number of things: First, Richard Blackburn had a daughter Jane who married a Baylis.
Second: Jane had two sons, William and Henry, and three daughters one, (Ann, deceased, as will
more fully appear under the Baylis Family,) one married Thompson Randolph; another, Lucy,
married Aquilla Dyson; the third Jane, (or Jean) married George Reno, - for these are her heirs
deeding land Jane had inherited from her father, Richard Blackburn.
         In the Old Bond Book, referred to above. P.-
On Oct. 9th, 1765, Fifth Year of King George III, Jane Baylis' gives bond as Executrix of the Last
Will and Testament of John Baylis.- William Brent, James Nisbit, and Thomas Blackburn are her
security in the sum of L 4000 current money of Virginia. This Thomas Blackburn is evidently James'
brother; at least they are both children of Richard; whether they have the same mother is not

Prince William Reliquary                                               Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

absolutely certain, though I find no evidence that Richard was married more than once. The
following exerpt from Pr. Wm. Co., Va., records is decisive: Deed Book W, p. 422:- Jan. 27th, 1787,
Thomas Blackburn Esq. Deeds to William Carr a "tract or parcel of Land Lying and being on
Quantico Creek, containing by Estimation two acres, "etc purchased by his father, Col. Richard
Blackburn from "John Carr father of the said William Carr, in 1744." Thomas Blackburn warrants
etc, against all claims of his heirs, etc., "also against the Dower of his "Lady, Mrs. Christian
Blackburn." Etc.
        From Rev. Hayden I have the following items: Christian Scott, b. Mar. 4, 1745; d. - ; m. -
Col. Thos. Blackburn, b. 1740 (?); d. Oct. 27, 1807. Will June 15, 1807, -Jan. 4, 1808; son of
Richard Blackburn of Ripon, Yorkshire, (England, I suppose), and his wife, Mary Watts.
        Haydon gives the children of Thomas and wife as "Capt. Richard Sco[t?] B., Thomas B. (Jr.),
Jullia Ann (who married Bushrod Washington) and Catherine, (who married Henry S. Turner.) He
omits the Mrs. Crawford mentioned in Thomas' will.
        From Col. Richard Blackburn’s Epitaph it is shown that he was an “Inseparable Friend” of
Hon. William Fairfax, who, with the “other Gents of Distinction,” followed him to the grave. This
Hon. Wm. Fairfax was father-in-law to Lawrence Washington, original owner of Mt. Vernon, who,
in 1743, built the first residence, (the middle portion of the present house.) Traditions of Pr. Wm.
Co. at Manassas say that Richard Blackburn built it, (i.e., he was the mechanic, or master builder.)
But I have not been able to obtain any records to confirm this tradition. It is altogether credible,
however, as Richard is described as “Carpenter” in the deeds of these times, and, being a neighboring
land owner, as well, is quite likely to have been employed by Washington in the construction.
Lawrence Washington, by his Will, left Mt. Vernon to his younger half-brother, George. Young
George must have been a frequent visitor at both Mt. Vernon and the house of Lawrence’s father-in-
law, and, without doubt, often met Richard Blackburn, the “inseparable friend” of Fairfax. It was at
the latter’s home, I believe, that young George Washington met Lord Fairfax, proprietor of the
“Northern Neck of Va.,” the vast domain lying between the York and Potomac Rivers. Lord Fairfax
employed young Washington as his surveyor, in which capacity he served for some time. The estate
of Wm. Fairfax was about six miles to the southward from Mt. Vernon, or about half way between
Mt. Vernon and Ripon Lodge, therefore a neighboring estate to that of the Blackburns.
        Col. Richard and Mary (Watts) Blackburn’s son Thomas, (i.e. Col. Thomas Blackburn Sr.)
married Christian Scott, (dau. Of Rev. James Scott, according to Bishop Meade.) They had a
daughter Annie, (Hayden gives her name Julia Ann,) who married Hon. Bushrod Washington,
Assoicate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, and George Washington’s favorite nephew, to whom he
left Mt. Vernon. This Mrs. Bushro[d] Washington had two nieces who married two nephews of her
husband Bushrod. These nieces were daughters of her brother Capt. (or Major) Richard Scott
Blackburn and his wife Judith Ball; their names, according to Haydon, were Jane Charlotte
Blackburn, who married John Augustine Washington (son of Corbin and Hannah Lee Washington)
and Anna Maria Thomasina Blackburn, who married Bushrod Corbin Washington, brother of John
A., above. Thus two sisters married two brothers. Bishop Meade, in “Old Churches and Families of
Va.” refers to these ladies as Mrs. Jane and “Polly” Washington. These three intermarriages of the
Washingtons and Blackburns show conclusively the social position of the Blackburns. Meade
confuses Richard Blackburn Sr. with his son Thomas, but confirms the above three intermarriages of
the two families. He also says, “Old Mrs. Blackburn with her four grand-daughters, Jane, Polly,
Christian, and Judy Blackburn, daughters of Mr. Richard Blackburn, were much at Mt. Vernon”- - -
“Two of them, Jane and Polly, married nephews of Judge Washington and settled in Jefferson. One
of them, Judy, married Mr. Gustavius Alexander,” (Hayden gives the name Gustavius Brown
Alexander.) “A sister of these ladies, Miss Christian Blackburn,” died single, according to both
Meade and Hayden.
        From Will Book I, of Pr. Wm. Co. Records I have the following exerpt: (P. 147) “Estate of
Major Richard Scott Blackburn Deceased” in apc [a/c]. with Thomas Blackburn Jr. Administrator.”

Prince William Reliquary                                                Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

The apc [a/c] runs from March 2nd, 1805, to March 19th, 1806. Apc [a/c] presented to Court July 7th,
1806. Among credits or apc [a/c] are “Diff. on Baltimore from paymaster U.S. Army left by
deceased $154.16.” Also “money due for rations and pay Rcd from acct. War Department Office
$40.30,” etc. This Major B. is evidcently the Capt. B. of Hayden, and Thomas, his executor, is his
         From Deed Book R. L. pp. 56 and 57, - I have the following:
         May 4th, 1835, Elizabeth Blackburn, Sarah Jane Blackburn, Richard Scott Blackburn,
Elizabeth Sinclair Blackburn, and John Sinclair Blackburn deed to Robert Marshall a tract of land
containing 285 acres "beginning near the mouth of a small branch called Fox branch, running south
68* [sic] West 82 poles"---" thence north 62* West 276 poles to Bull Run thence down said Run
with the several meanderings thereof" etc. The plat of survey by William Kinchelow Nov. 12th,
1805 gives it as 267 acres, surveyed for Col. Thomas Blackburn. Robert Ratcliffe by a survey of
same Feb. 1835 makes it 285 acres. The parties to this deed are evidently the heirs of Thomas
Blackburn Jr., son of Col. Thomas Blackburn of Ripon Lodge. The first, Elizabeth, is without doubt,
the widow of Thomas Jr., the other, Sarah Jane, etc., are the children.
         WILL BOOK I., P. 360, - has the following:-
         In the name of God amen. I Thomas Blackburn son. Of Rippon Lodge in the County of
Prince William ans [sic] state of Virginia being in perfect memory do make this my last will &
Testament hereby revoling and annulling all former wills & Testaments. Imprimis, I bequeath to the
children of my deceased son Richard Blackburn my tract of land whereon I reside commonly called
Rippon Lodge together with all the lands which I own ajoining & contiguous to the same, to them the
said children & their heirs, forever, subject to the payment of a debt which I owe Bushrod
Washington Esq. (the same debt being contracted by me for and on account of my said son Richard,)
And I further desire and bequeath that in case my said children do not pay the said debt together with
all interest & costs that may hereafter accrue or arise on the same debt that in such case so much of
the said tract of lands be sold by my Executors or Administrators as will be sufficient to discharge
and pay the same debt Interest & Costs. And further I desire and bequeath that my Executors
hereafter named or administrators shall dispose & sell the aforesaid lands bequeathed as aforesaid to
my Grand Children and divide the monies arising from such Sale, after paying the said debt- Interest
& Costs due as aforesaid to Judge Washington, among my said son Richard's children provided it
should be thought or deemed by my acting Executors hereafter named or Administraters that a sale of
the said lands would be to the interest and advantage of my said son Richard Blackburn's children.
         Item: I also bequeath & give unto my grandson Bushrod W. Blackburn in addition to his
aforesaid legacy two negroes, namely Jim and Hannah.
         Item: inasmuch as my affectionate & good wife, my dutiful daughters Mrs. Crawford, Mrs.
Washington, & Mrs. Turner are amply provided for, I bequeath give and devise all the rest residue &
remainder of my estate both real and personal unto my son Thomas Blackburn & his heirs forever
subject to the payment of all my just debys except the debt aforesaid which I owe Judge Washington.
And lastly I constitute and appoint as Executrix & Executors of this my last will and testament my
dear wife my worthy son-in-law Judge Washington Mr. Crawford Mr. Turner & my son Thomas
Blackburn and my friend Mathew Harrison. Intestimony whereof I have signed sealed and
pusblished this my last will & Testament this fifteenth day of June in the year Eighteen hundred and
seven. The words "and my friend Mathew Harrison" interlined before signing.
         In presence of
         Catherine Harrison                             Thomas Blackburn
         Sarah Sinclair
         [?]ilota keech                                 Above will proved Jan. 4, 1808.
         Maria Harrison                                 [End of 12 page typescript]

Prince William Reliquary                                                      Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

                            MANASSAS DISTRICT (1940s)

                                       Transcribed by Beverly R. Veness

          Copies of the 1940's poll tax lists for Prince William County are kept in the manuscript holdings at
RELIC. A photocopy of the lists has been made and bound. The bound copy (VA 975.5273 Pri) is
currently on the “New Books” shelf in RELIC. The listings give the person's name with a record of which
years of the previous three that taxes were paid; thus the list in 1944 includes the fees paid for 1941-
1944. The lists for the years 1944-1949 have been combined and provide a "census" of those who had
paid their poll tax 1941-1949. Reported districts in the Poll Tax Lists for Prince William County are
Brentsville (Prince William Reliquary, Vol. 1, No. 2), Coles (Prince William Reliquary, vol. 1, No. 3),
Dumfries including Quantico Town (Prince William Reliquary, Vol. 1, No. 4), Gainesville, Manassas
District (this issue) & Town and Occoquan District & Town. The remaining districts will be transcribed in
upcoming issues of Prince William Reliquary.

Addison, Thomas           1941-43      Aylor, Kate B.              1941-49    Bell, Fred C. (colored)    1943-48
(colored)                              Aylor, W. T.                1941-44    Bennett, Nelson            1943-47
Adkins, Emmett            1941-46      Ayres, George H.            1941-46    Bibb, R. O.                1941-49
Adkins, Sophia            1941-48      Ayres, Hawkes               1941-43    Bickle, Coy E.             1949
Akers, C. H.              1941-49      Bailey, Arthur              1945       Bickle, Ola C.             1949
Akers, C. W.              1942-49      Bailey, Arthur              1945-48    Bitterly, Mrs. A. J.       1943
Akers, Emma Jane          1946         Bailey, Joseph              1941-47    Black, Hazel               1945-48
Akers, Helen              1946-49      Bailey, Ruth                1943-49    Black, L. G.               1942-46
Akers, Raymond H.         1947-49      Bailey, Samuel G.           1941-49    Blackburn, C. F.           1948
Albright/Albrite, C. H.   1942-49      Baker, Daisy M.             1941-46    Blakey, E. O. (colored)    1941-48
Albrite, Clyde B.         1947         Baker, George D.            1941-46    Bleight, E. Ashton         1943-49
Aldrich, Carol            1948         Ball, C. D.                 1942-44    Blevins, James W.          1948-49
Aldrich, Kenneth B.       1948         Barlow, A. G.               1943-45    Blough, Alice C.           1941-47
Aldridge, Carol           1948-49      Barlow, D. A.               1944       Blough, E. E.              1941-46
Aldridge, Kenneth R.      1948-49      Barlow, Naomi               1945       Boardwine, J. S.           1944-46
Alexander,Sylvia          1944-45      Barnard, Inez M.            1946-49    Boley, J. H.               1941-49
Jennings (colored)                     Barnard, Thelma J.          1949       Boley, Mary                1943-49
Allison, Blanche          1943-49      Barnes, Florence/Flora H.   1941-49    Boley, Virginia            1944-47
Allison, J. M.            1941-46      Barnes, Roberta J.          1941-48    Bolt, Kenneth C.           1947-48
Allison, Keith C.         1942-44;     (colored)                              Bond, Clifford H.          1948-49
                          1947-49      Barnes, Thomas O.           1941-49    Bonda, Vincent P.          1945
Allison, Lewis J.         1941-44      Barnes, William H.          1941-48    Bostic, Leslie L.          1948
Allison, Paul E.          1941-49      (colored)                              Bostic, Luther G.          1941-47
Allison, W. A.            1941-43      Barrett, John E.            1941-49    Bowers, Mary M.            1941-48
Alpaugh, Charles W.       1941-49      Barrett, Marie W.           1941-48    Bowers, R. C.              1941-48
Alpaugh, Christine B.     1941-49      Barron, Elaine B.           1948-49    Bowers, Vilas L.           1946-47
Alpaugh, Elaine           1942-45      Bates, Jesse A. (colored)   1941-46    Bowers, William            1945-47
Alpaugh, Frances          1942-45      Bauserman, L. T.            1941-49    Boyd, Helen S.             1949
Alpaugh, Helen R.         1941-43      Beach, Charles F.           1946       Boyd, Lucian Barnett       1949
Alpaugh, Luther A.        1947-49      Beach, Lester               1946       Boyer, Ralph               1949
Alpaugh, Walter A.        1942-45      Beacher, Edward             1948-49    Bradford, Louis            1941-49
Alpaugh, Woodrow          1941-45;     Beacher, Georgia            1948       Brady, Hattie              1943
                          1947-49      Bean, Arthur                1941-49    Branch, Eloise C.          1947-49
Anders, Martha E.         1948         Bean, Charles A.            1947       Branch, George F.          1947-49
Anderson, Dora Lynn       1948-49      Bean, Helen S.              1948-49    Brawner, Bertha E.         1947-49
Anderson, W. E.           1941-43      Bean, J. C.                 1941-46    Braxton, Carroll W.        1948
Anthony, W. H.            1942-45      Bean, Lithia M.             1944-49    (colored)
Arey, R. S.               1941-43      Bean, Mrs. L. M.            1941-45    Breeden, A. H.             1947-49
Arnold, C. E.             1946-47      Bean, Verona                1948       Breeden, Albert A.         1941-49
Arnold, Ella M.           1946         Bean, Willard E.            1947-49    Breeden, Charles E.        1941-48
Arnold, W. W.             1941-48      Beavers, Levi L.            1941-49    Breeden, Charles E., Jr.   1943
Athey, Ida May/Mae        1941-49      Beavers, Madeline           1944       Breeden, Cora B.           1949
Athey, W. S.              1941-45      Bell, Eva (colored)         1947-48    Breeden, Hilda M.          1946-49

Prince William Reliquary                                                Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Manassas (cont’d)                    Burns, Harry             1943-45   Colbert, James A.        1949
                                     Butler, E. L.            1947-49   Colbert, John O.         1941-49
Breeden, I. J.            1946-49    Byrne, G. M.             1941-49   Colbert, Julia E.        1945
Breeden, Illa V.          1941-49    Byrne, Mary              1949      Coleman, M. Madeline     1947-49
Breeden, Kennie L.        1948-49    Byrne, Robert E.         1949      Collins, Arnold          1944
Breeden, L. H.            1945-49    Caldwell, W. K.          1941-43   Collins, Charles A.      1944-45
Breeden, Oden A. Jr.      1948-49    Cameron, D. W.           1944-49   Collins, Cordelia L.     1945-47
Breeden, Oden A.          1941-49    Campbell, Ralph          1949      Collins, E. E.           1944
Breeden, Ruth L.          1941-49    Campbell, William P.     1949      Collins, Erskine E.      1944-49
Breeden, Walter W.        1941-45    Cannon, C. A.            1941-49   Collins, O. F.           1944-47
Breeden, Winnie Alice     1941-49    Cannon, Effie M.         1941-49   Collins, Robert C.       1949
Breeden/Breedon,          1941-49    Cannon, Margaret         1948-49   Compton, Egbert O.       1943
Lydia/Lelia C.                       Carey, Marguerite K.     1947-48   Conner, Abraham          1941-43;
Brenders, U. V.           1943-44    Carey, Thomas J.         1948-49                            1948-49
Brenders, Verenitta       1944       Carneal, Charles W.      1942-46   Conner, J. K., Jr.       1943-49
Breneman, Edith L.        1943-48    Carneal, Lucie L.        1944      Conner, Jessie J. Jr.    1949
Breneman, P. D.           1943-49    Carrico, F. W.           1948      Conner, Lucy H.          1945-49
Bridwell, A. L.           1941-46    Carrico, S. W.           1948-49   Conner, Virginia         1942-49
Bridwell, Edith           1947-49    Carrico, Virginia S.     1949      Cook, Mamie/M.           1941-49
Bridwell, Guy L.          1941-46    Carter, Arthur L.        1941-45   Farquhar
Brooks, Wm. H.            1947-48    Carter, Carlton          1941-44   Cooper, Grady E.         1941-49
Brown, Annette G.         1941-48    Carter, Ethel Robinson   1941-47   Cordell, T. J.           1947-49
Brown, Charlotte          1942-43;   Carter, Francis A.       1941-43   Cornell, Charles E.      1947-49
R.(colored)               1948       Carter, Fred C.          1941-49   Cornwell, Bankie         1944-49
Brown, Edward L.          1947       Carter, George R.        1941-49   Cornwell, Charles F.     1941-43;
(colored)                            Carter, Gertrude V.      1949                               1945-47
Brown, John K. Jr.        1948       Carter, Jane Reid        1941-43   Cornwell, Charles R.     1948-49
Brown, Joseph L.          1941-48    Carter, Josephine        1946-48   Cornwell, Dorothy Y.     1943
(colored)                            (colored)                          Cornwell, Emory L.       1944
Brown, Joseph W.          1941-49    Carter, Louis M. W.      1943-47   Cornwell, Emory          1941-43;
Brown, Lois               1948       Carter, Mary K. (N)      1948-49                            1946-49
Brown, Margaret M.        1949       Carter, Mattie M.        1944-48   Cornwell, Floyd M.       1947-48
Brown, Wm. A.             1947       (colored)                          Cornwell, Hallie E.      1941-43;
Bryant, Alice Virginia    1941-49    Carter, O. L.            1941-47                            1945-47
Bryant, B. P.             1946-49    Carter, Odie M.          1941-43   Cornwell, Harry          1947
Bryant, Emma G.           1949       Carter, Raymond D.       1947      Cornwell, Howard Ray     1947-49
Bryant, Evelyn M.         1947-49    (colored)                          Cornwell, Irene          1948-49
Bryant, Fern J.           1949       Carter, Richard Jr.      1948      Cornwell, Irvin/Ervin    1941-49
Bryant, Goodrich W.       1941-49    Carter, Sherwood/S. E.   1941-45   Cornwell, Myrtle         1946
Bryant, Harry T.          1941-43    Carter, Zaylor H.        1948-49   Cornwell, R. Herbert     1941-49
Bryant, Herman R.         1941-49    Castle, Dewey            1946      Cornwell, Ralph E.       1941-49
Bryant, Howson R.         1941-46    Castle, Pauline          1945-46   Cornwell/Cornell,        1941-49
Bryant, Louise            1942-43    Cebula, George J.        1947-49   Ellis M.
Bryant, Mary R.           1941-49    Champion, Randall W.     1941-49   Counts, Troy E.          1942-49
Bryant, Pauline Frances   1948-49    Chandler, F. J.          1941-48   Coverstone, Florence     1947-49
Bryant, Raymond H.        1944-49    Chandler, Selma/Zelma    1947-49   Coverstone, Jean M.      1945-47
Bullock, W. B.            1946-49    Lee                                Coverstone, W. L.        1941-49
Burer, Herman             1947       Chandler, Vane L.        1941-49   Coverstone, Wayne C.     1946-49
Burer, Wilma Lois         1947       Chapman, William B.      1941-45   Cox, Elizabeth W.        1945-49
Burke, Albert R.          1944-46    (colored)                          Cox, Florence R.         1941-48
Burke, Clarence           1948-49    Childress, John B.       1949      Cox, John W.             1941-49
Burke, Elmore             1941-48    Childress, Robert E.     1949      Cox, William C., Jr.     1941-43
Burke, Herbert            1944;      Chittum/Chittem, E. T.   1943-47   Crabill Charles          1949
                          1948       Christopher, Martha S.   1949      Crabill, A. N.           1944-48
Burke, Raymond            1945;      Christopher, N. H.       1949      Crabill, Lottie          1946-49
                          1947-48    Clem, William H.         1947-48   Crabill, Madge M.        1946
Burke, Walter (colored)   1948       Clemons, Viola Kane      1948      Crabill, Marvin L. (N)   1946-49
Burke, Walter             1949       Cockrell, Senie/Seniae   1941-49   Croson, Charles          1941-45
Burks, Katherine/         1941-49    Colbert, A. L.           1945-49   Cross, Clarence          1949
Catherine                            Colbert, Blanche C.      1949      Cross, Elmer C.          1941-49
Burks, Rev. J. S.         1941-49    Colbert, Clarence S.     1941-49   Cross, Florence          1948

                                                   - 10 -
Prince William Reliquary                                                   Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Manassas (cont’d)                   Eckols, Edwin L.             1946      Floyd, Virgil E.            1946-47
                                    Ellis, Gordon L.             1942-45   Fogle, R. E.                1941-49
Cross, J. H.             1949       Ellis, Lewis R.              1943-44   Fogle, Vincent A.           1941-43
Cross, Leonard L.        1944       Ellison, C. G.               1941-44   Foley, W. A.                1945
Cross, Lucy              1941-49    Ellison, Gertrude            1949      Forrester, Milton C.        1948
Crouch, Cecil            1941-49    Elllis, Hazel May            1942-45   Fortney, Chas. W. Sr.       1948-49
Crouch, Charlie/         1947-49    England, Charles             1945-46   Fortney, Lizzie D.          1948-49
Charles E.                          Eutsler, Eleanor E.          1942-49   Fox, Bertha A.              1947-48
Crouch, Elias R.         1941-48    Eutsler, Mark W.             1945-49   Fox, Carroll L.             1942-43
Crouch, Franklin         1941-49    Evans, Ernest T.             1941-49   Fox, D. E.                  1942-43
Crouch, Helen B.         1944-47    Evans, Francis M.            1941-49   Fox, Leroy/LeRoy E.         1943-49
Crouch, Herbert E.       1941-49    Evans, G. C.                 1941-49   Fox, Marvin W.              1942-44;
Crouch, Thomas           1941-49    Evans, Marvin Thomas         1947-48                               1946-48
Culverwell, Albert       1948       Evans, Mrs. Charles D.       1946-48   Fox, Meredith L.            1942-46
Cushing, C. L.           1949       Evans, William/W. H.         1941-49   Fox, R. L.                  1941-49
Cushing, Lynn            1946       Ewell, Oscar (colored)       1944-48   Fox, Ralph F.               1948-49
Daniel, Walter G.        1947-48    Fagan, Homer E.              1945-46   Fox, Ruth E.                1943-49
Danley, Martha Loretta   1947       Fagan, Oma E.                1945      Franklin, Chas. W.          1948
Danley, Robert Keith     1947-49    Fair, Gordon                 1942-49   Franklin, Mae A.            1948
Davis, E. L.             1945-49    Fairfax, Evelyn              1946      Frederick, S. F.            1944
Davis, Ella M.           1943-45    Fairfax, Homer               1942-44   Fries, B. L.                1944-46
Davis, Raymond D.        1944-49    Fairfax, Rosa Lefever        1945-47   Funk, Ethel P.              1948
Davis, Roy B.            1941-49    Fairfax, Walter E.           1946-49   Gaines, Freeman             1941-49
Davis, Willie T.         1941-49    Farquhar, Arthur B. Jr.      1941-43   Gaines, Muriel/Murl Y.      1941-49
Dellinger, R. L.         1941-47    Farquhar, Arthur E. Jr.      1942-45   Gallehue/Galehue, Nina      1944
Disbrow, Ruby            1942-49    Farquhar, Charles B.         1941-44   Gallehue/Gallihue/          1944-49
Disbrow, Walter L.       1941-49    Farquhar, Virginia M.        1941-44   Gallihugh, Anna/
Dodd, J. Ray             1945-47    Farquhar/Farquher,           1946-49   Annie D.
Dodge, Joseph H.         1941-47       Rosa Lefever/LeFever                Garman, Geneva              1943
Dodge, Lena S.           1942-44    Farquhar/Farquher,           1941-49   Garman, Wiley W.            1942-43
Dodson, C. M.            1941-49    Arthur E.                              Garrison, George M.         1943
Dodson, Douglas O.       1941-43;   Farquhar/Farquher,           1944-49   Garrison, Lucy Lee          1948
                         1947-49    Arthur Jr.                             Garrison, N. E.             1947-49
Dodson, H. A.            1941-43;   Farquhar/Farquher,           1941-49   Garrison, Norris L.         1948-49
                         1947-49    Julia B.                               Garrison/Garison,           1948-49
Dodson, Susie B.         1948       Farquhar/Farquher,           1941-49   William E.
Dogan, E. May            1941-44    William F.                             Gaskins, Carrie (colored)   1942-48
Dogan, Frances/          1941-49    Farquher, George/            1948-49   Gaskins, Ernest (colored)   1944-48
Francis E.                          Geo. B.                                Gaskins, J. Arthur          1941-48
Dogan, Francis, Jr.      1946       Farquher, Josephine          1948-49   (colored)
Dogan, William H.        1941-49    Fetzer, Florence             1949      Geris, James                1944
Dove, Olive V.           1949       Fields, Albert (colored)     1941-48   Geris, John L.              1948-49
Draper, Rev. M. F.       1944-45    Fields, Evelyn V.            1942-48   Glisson, Dock               1949
Draper, Ruby A.          1944-45    (colored)                              Godfrey, Joseph P.          1944
Dunn, Harry S.           1944       Fields, Mabel (colored)      1944-48   Gonzales, John V.           1949
Durham, Amon Roy         1947-49    Fields, Maria S. (colored)   1944      Gonzales, Mary C.           1949
Dwyer, Albert            1947       Fields, Oliver (colored)     1947-48   Goode/Good, J. P.           1942-49
Eagle, J. H.             1942-49    Fife, Earl E.                1949      Goode/Good, John/J. C.      1941-49
Eagle, Pocahontas        1942-49    Fife, Lillian J.             1949      Goode/Good, Lena            1941-49
Earhart, Annie E.        1948-49    Fife, Lillian Jasper         1941-44   Grady, Gene T.              1947
Earhart, Annie           1943       Fishpaw, R. R.               1941-44   Graham, Polly R.            1941-43
Earhart, Effie C.        1943;      Fitchett, Walter G.          1947      Graham, Rev. R. M.          1941-43
                         1948       Flannery, Edward             1941-45   Graham, Robert E.           1943-45
Earhart, Jesse O.        1946-49    Fletcher, Elden              1944      Gray, J. W.                 1943-47
Earhart, Leo W.          1942-45;   Fletcher, Fay                1943-47   Green, Dave (colored)       1942-44
                         1948-49    Fletcher, Flossie            1941-49   Green, Patty Massey         1945-48
Earls, Lucy Mae          1944-46    Fletcher, Gladys             1946-48   (colored)
Eberhart/Everhart,       1942-49    Fletcher, Henry              1941-49   Greenburg, Mollie           1943-49
Raymond M.                          Flowers, Ainer               1949      Greenburg, Moritz           1943-49
Ebhart/Eberhart, Rose    1943-46    Flowers, Wesley W.           1941-45   Gregory, James              1948-49
(colored)                           Floyd, Ida Vivian            1946-47   Gregory, John L.            1941-49

                                                   - 11 -
Prince William Reliquary                                                   Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Manassas (cont’d)                      Hearnes, Thos. E.         1948      Hottle, William J./J.       1941-49
                                       (colored)                           William
Gregory, John O.             1943;     Hearns, Odell (colored)   1948      Houston, Allen              1948
                             1947-48   Hearns/Hearnes, Richard   1941-48   Howard, Ora V. (colored)    1946-48
Gregory, Mary V.             1941-49   (colored)                           Howell, Charles             1948
Griffin, Charles (colored)   1948      Heckman, Howard L.        1949      Howell, Lloyd               1947-48
Griffin, Cyrus W.            1941-46   Heflin, Ella              1943      Hoyt, Betty W.              1948-49
(colored)                              Helms, Frances McE.       1946-49   Hoyt, John W.               1948-49
Griffin, Dorothy             1947      Helms, Roy                1946-49   Hudgins, Dr. H. E.          1947-49
Griffin, Eleanor B.          1949      Hengesback, Francis O.    1945;     Hudgins, Louise             1948
Griffin, Frances E.          1947-48                             1947-49   Hudoba, Frances Ellen       1949
(colored)                              Hengesback, Margaret      1945;     Hudoba, Michael             1949
Griffin, Frank (colored)     1942-43                             1947-49   Huffman, Agnes T.           1942-49
Griffin, Helen               1949      Henry, Charles E.         1944      Huffman, David/D. C.        1941-49
Griffin, Norman              1947      Henry, Fannie L.          1941-48   Hughes, R. A.               1948
Griffin, Otto B.             1949      Henry, W. A.              1941-48   Humphreys/Humphriees,       1941-49
Griffin, Russell E.          1949      Hensley, N. J.            1944      J. B.
Griffin, William             1942-44   Hensley, Thelma M.        1941-49   Hundley, K. W.              1943-49
(colored)                              Hensley, W. H.            1943-49   Hurst, Elmer P.             1941-49
Grove, B. F.                 1944      Hereford, Lolite/         1942-46   Hurst, Jean D.              1951
Groves, Edward F.            1943-45   Lolitte S.                          Hurst, Katie L.             1941-49
Gulick, Effie                1944-49   Hereford, T. J.           1942-49   Hurst, Margaret S.          1951
Guthrie, Ayleen/             1941-46   Herndon, C. T.            1941-49   Hurst, Sadie/Sudie M.       1941-48
Ayleene R.                             Herndon, Charles L.       1944-49   Hurst, T. R.                1941-48
Guy, Margaret B.             1944-49   Herndon, Charolett Mae    1951      Hurst, Virginia A.          1941-44
Hagenback, Francis           1946-48   Herndon, D. H.            1945-49   Hutchison, Bettie/Betty     1941-49
Hagenback, Margaret          1946-47   Herndon, Delphia          1945-49   Hutchison, Robert A.        1941-47
Hale, Catherine E.           1947-49   Herndon, Ephriam/         1942-49   Hynson, Florence B.         1946-49
Hale, John T.                1946-48   Ephrian R.                          Hynson, Frederick R.        1946-49
Haley, J. H.                 1941-49   Herndon, M. D.            1941-49   Iden, Dr. John/J. H.        1941-49
Hall, John R. (colored)      1946-48   Herndon, Myrtle L.        1944-48   Iden, Marianna B.           1941-49
Halsey, Cecil                1946-48   Herndon, Odie             1947      Irwin/Irvin, J. P. or T.    1941-49
Halsey, L. B.                1946      Herring, F. J.            1945-47   Isenburg/Isenberg,          1941-44
Hampton, Harold K.           1946-49   Hersch, Harold H.         1946;     Fannie
Hanback, Clifford            1947-49                             1948      Jackson, Camilla/           1947-49
Hanback, David               1947-49   Hersch, Mabel             1941-49   Carnilla P.
Hanback, Davis               1942-44   Hersch, O. R.             1941-49   Jackson, Charles M.         1942-48
Hanback, E. D.               1941-49   Hesser, Doris             1947      (colored)
Hanback, I. L.               1941-45   Hesser, Wm. F.            1947      Jackson, Edward/            1947-49
Hanback, Irvin               1948      Hickey, Cleatha           1947      Elwood N.
Hanback, Kathleen            1941-49   Hickey, G. W.             1947      Jackson, Frank L.           1944-47
Hanback, Nettie A.           1941-45   Hicks, J. H.              1943-49   (colored)
Hanlon, Sadie                1945-47   Hill, Carlton Y.          1945-49   Jackson, Irene P.           1945-47
Hanlon, William A.           1945-47   Hill, Virginia C.         1945-49   (colored)
Harding, Cecil               1948-49   Hixson, E. E.             1941-49   Jackson, Irving (colored)   1945
Harley, Allen C.             1941-44   Hixson, E. E.             1946-48   Jackson, James (colored)    1946-48
Harley, Brownie G.           1944-46   Hixson, G. C.             1941-44   Jackson, Lizzie             1948-49
Harrell, F. A.               1948      Holmes, Nelle Hyde        1944-49   Jackson, Raymond D.         1948-49
Harris, Ernest (colored)     1942-48   Holmes, S. G.             1944-49   Jacobs, C. L.               1941-49
Harris, John H. (colored)    1941-48   Holsenback, J. L. Jr.     1945-49   Jacobs, Harry T.            1941-49
Harris, Wilma C.             1949      Holsenback, Mary          1948      Jacobs, Kate M.             1941-49
Harrover, James D.           1941-49   Holtmeier, Marly Lee      1947-49   Jasper, J. Russell          1944-46
Hartman, K. M.               1948      Reid                                Jasper, Katherine           1944-46
Hartman, K. U.               1944      Holtzclaw, W. E.          1945-47   Jasper, Mary S.             1941-49
Hawkins, Maurice E.          1944-49   Honomichel/Honomichl      1946-49   Jasper, W. E.               1947
Haydon, Edith M.             1941-47   [typo?], Robert C.                  Jasper, W. J.               1941-49
Haydon, Emily K.             1941-48   Hooe, J. Robert           1941-49   Jeffries, Myrtle T.         1944-48
Haydon, Percy S.             1941-43   Hottle, Edith B.          1945-49   Jeffries, Susie C.          1946
Haydon, Victor R.            1941-48   Hottle, John F.           1941-49   Jenkins, Elizabeth          1947-49
Healey, Natalie P.           1945-47   Hottle, Lizzie C.         1941-47   Jenkins, Robert M.          1947-49
                                       Hottle, M. J.             1941-44   Jennings, Alice (colored)   1947-48

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Prince William Reliquary                                                    Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Manassas (cont’d)                      Kerlin, W. B.              1946-49   Lawler, A. L.                1941-49
                                       Kerlin, Warren             1947-49   Lawler, Edna B.              1941-49
Jennings, Hugh/H. F.        1941-48    Kerns, Nathaneil A.        1949      Lawler, J. H.                1941-49
(colored)                              Kesock, George E.          1944      Lawler, Nellie M.            1941-49
Jennings, Sylvia            1944       Kesock, Mary               1944      Lawler, Susie E.             1941-49
(colored)                              Keys, Frances L.           1947-49   Lawrence, Alice B.           1942-44
Johnson Basil Lee           1946       Keys, J. M. Jr.            1943-49   Lawrence,                    1947-49
Johnson, Alice Webb         1941-49    Keys, James A.             1947-49   Oneida/Onedia
Johnson, Ben (colored)      1943-46    Keyton, Walter B.          1948-49   Lawrence, William H.         1947
Johnson, Clarence           1943-44;   Kidwell, Anna              1945-48   Lawrence, William/           1947-49
(colored)                   1948       Kidwell, R. L.             1941-49   Wm. W.
Johnson, Dorothy H.         1941-49    Kincheloe, Edna Earl       1941-49   Laws, H. Layton              1942-47
Johnson, Edith F.           1946-49    Kincheloe, Mary W.         1941-49   Laws, Nina                   1942-47
Johnson, Emily J.           1941-49    Kincheloe, Sam             1941-49   Lawson, Charles E.           1941-49
Johnson, Emma C.            1941-49    Kincheloe/Kinchloe,        1941-49   Lawson, Susie                1941-49
Johnson, Eugene B.          1941-49    J. Carl                              Laybourne, E. G.             1947-48
Johnson, Horace P.          1947       King, C. A.                1944-46   Laybourne, Edith L.          1947-48
(colored)                              King, G. A.                1941-49   Leachman, Bettie             1944-48
Johnson, J. B. Jr.          1941-49    King, H. Louis             1947-48   Leachman, Dorcas E.          1948
Johnson, James L.           1946-47    King, Helen                1948-49   Leonard, D. E.               1946
Johnson, Jesse F.           1949       King, James/Jas. A.        1944-47   Leonard, Don B.              1946-47
Johnson, Jessie F.          1948       King, Joseph W.            1942-49   Leonard, Douglas             1943-45
(colored)                              King, Mary Louise          1946-47   Leonard, Elisha M.           1946;
Johnson, Joseph             1947-49    King, Nellie               1947-48                                1948-49
Johnson, Lucy T. or P.      1944-48    King, Walter A.            1941-49   Leonard, Grady               1941-49
Johnson, Nellie (colored)   1943-46    King, Walter Lee           1943-49   Leonard, H. C.               1943;
Johnson, Ralph V.           1941-49    Kite, J. Wilson            1946                                   1947-48
Johnson, Viola A.           1947-48    Kline, Clayton M.          1941-49   Leonard, J. S.               1943-44
(colored)                              Kline, Elizabeth T.        1941-49   Leonard, W. C.               1944
Johnson, W. B.              1944       Kline, Elva                1941-49   Leonard, William/            1946-49
Johnson, W. Marshall        1942-45    Kline, Everett S. or L.    1942-49   Wm. Clay
Johnson,                    1941-49    Kline, Hattie E.           1941-43   Lewis, Ann/Anne E.           1941-47
Wheatley/Wheatly M.                    Kline, J. D.               1941-49   Lewis, Benjamin/             1941-49
Johnson, William/           1949       Kline, James D.            1948-49   Benj. H.
Wm. H.                                 Kline, John M.             1941-49   Lewis, Bernard R.            1946
Jones, Floyd L.             1948-49    Kline, Leslie R.           1941-49   Lewis, C. F. M.              1941-49
Jones, Frederick            1947-49    Kline, Mary S.             1941-43   Lewis, Charles Walton        1941-49
Jones, J. R.                1941-49    Kline, Nora/Norah H.       1941-49   Lewis, Cornelia B.           1941-49
Jones, James S.             1949       Kline, Orrin/Oren/Orin     1941-49   Lewis, Dorothy S.            1944-46
Jones, R. H.                1941-45    M. or N.                             Lewis, Emily R.              1941-49
Jones, Thomas A.            1948-49    Kline, Paul                1943      Lewis, Eva P. (colored)      1941-48
Jones, W. B.                1944-49    Kline, Stewart E.          1947-49   Lewis, Francis M.            1941-49
Jones, William H.           1949       Kline, Thelma              1944      Lewis, H. Lee                1941-45
Jordan, Archie Gray         1947       Kline, Virginia B./Boley   1946-49   Lewis, Harriett/Harriet V.   1943-49
Jordon, Archie Gray         1947-49    Kline, Wilmer M.           1941-49   Lewis, Lucy C.               1941-48
Kane, Florence              1941-49    Knicely, G. W.             1941-46   Lewis, Marion M.             1941-49
Kane, Helen V.              1947-48    Laguillon, Alice D.        1948      Lewis, P. A. Jr.             1949
Kane, J. J.                 1941-49    Laguillon, Henry S.        1948      Lewis, P. A.                 1941-49
Kane, Violet May            1943-47    Lake, Robert D.            1941-43   Lewis, Robert L., Jr.        1941-49
Kane, William E.            1942-47    Landes, Aileen J.          1944-49   Lewis, Romine                1944-46
Karasz, Albert              1948-49    Landes, Charles F.         1942-49   Lewis, Roscoe C.             1948
Kayton, Walter B.           1948       Landes, Don B.             1941-49   (colored)
Kearns/Kearnes, B. F.       1941-47    Landes, Lila M.            1944-46   Lewis, Virginia              1941-49
Keiser, W. M.               1943-45    Landes, Ralph              1947-49   Libeau, Donation, Jr.        1941-49
Kemper, Carrie O. or D.     1942-49    Langyher, Benj. J.         1941-45   Libeau, Fannie B.            1941-47
Kemper, Carson S.           1944-47    Lanier, Loren W.           1949      Libeau, Pearl V.             1941-49
Kemper, Hazel D.            1942-49    Lanier, Mary S.            1949      Lightner, W. M.              1941-49
Kemper, J. R.               1942-49    Larkin, Lucy/L. A.         1941-48   Lineweaver, Francenia        1947-49
Kemper, J. W.               1946-49    Larkin, Maude              1941-47   Linthicum, Floyd A.          1943-47
Kendrick, Stewart           1941-47    Larkin, Peyton B.          1944-49   Linthicum, W. E.             1941-49
Kerlin, Stella B.           1946-49    Larkin, William W.         1941-43   Lion, Jack L.                1947-49

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Prince William Reliquary                                                     Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Manassas (cont’d)                    Mauck, Paul E.               1949       Mitchell, Maude              1944-46
                                     Mauck, Ralph L.              1943       (colored)
Lion, Sallie May/Mae      1941-49    Mauck, Robert E.             1942-43;   Mitchell, Paul W. Jr.        1948
Lloyd, Benj. M.           1941-44                                 1948-49    Mitchell/Michell, Paul Jr.   1941-48
Lloyd, Ellen              1944       May, Dora L.                 1941-44    (colored)
Lloyd, Virginia           1944       May, Virginia                1943                                    1941-46
Lloyd, Woodrow            1946-47    Mayhugh,                     1942-49    Monseretta/Monserretta/
Lockley, John (colored)   1948       Beulah/Beaulah                          Monserrette, Hipolita/
Loesch, Eugene Von        1943       Mayhugh, Emily               1948       Hipolite
Loesch, Freda Olga        1946       Mayhugh, Emory               1942-49    Monseretta/Monserrette,      1944-46
Long, Charlotte F.        1949       Mayhugh, F. A./Allen         1942-49    Cori-Cde/Cora Cde
Long, Mary (colored)      1944-45    Mayhugh, Frances M.          1944-49    Moore, Alvin N.              1947-49
Long, Mary                1944       Mayhugh, Grace A.            1941-43    Moore, Garland E.            1946-49
Long, Truman A.           1947-49    Mayhugh, James L.            1946-47    Moore, John (colored)        1944-47
Luck, Bertha/Berhta       1941-49    Mayhugh, Lewis R.            1947-49    Moore, Myrtle                1941-49
Luck, Harvey              1941-44;   Mayhugh, M. D. or B.         1941-49    Moore, Thomas C. or G.       1941-49
                          1946       Mayhugh, Noah F.             1941-49    Moore, Troy M.               1946
Luck, Howard              1941-45    McCoy, Luna E.               1941-49    Moore, Vernon C.             1941-49
Luck, James               1941-49    McCoy, Madeline              1941-48    Moreland, Robert M.          1948-49
Luck, S. Catherine        1941-49    McDonald, Morton M.          1948-49    Morgan, W. E.                1944-49
Lund, Anton               1941-49    McDonald, W. A.              1941-48    Morris, Marion R.            1941-49
Lund, Elsie               1941-49    McGlothlin, Gladys T.        1946       Morris, Merton/M. W.         1941-46
Lunsford, Gordon          1941-49    McGlothlin, Robert           1946       Moss, Samuel A.              1941-49
Luttrell, Rev. W. O.      1941-43    McIntosh, James D.           1946       Muddiman, A. A. Jr.          1945-49
Lynn, C. C. Jr.           1941-49    McIntosh, John Raymond       1946-49    Muddiman, Blanche            1944-45
Lynn, C. C.               1941-49    Meeks, Hazel H.              1947       Muddiman, Clyde              1945-49
Lynn, Elizabeth D.        1942-49    Meeks, James W.              1947       Muddiman, Edna B.            1942-43
Lynn, Jane M.             1941-46    Meetze, Nannie M.            1942-44    Muddiman, Gertrude           1947
Lynn, Mary H.             1947-49    Meetze/Metz, Grace E.        1942-49    Muddiman, James B.           1947-49
Lynn, Neville             1941-49    Meier, Harvey H.             1947-49    Muddiman, Joseph             1942-47
Lynn, Wallace H.          1947-49    Merchant, Elizabeth          1946-49    Muddiman, Leonard B.         1944-49
Lyon/Lyons, Joseph P.     1941-47    Merchant, Patsy B.           1945-46    Muddiman, Mary L.            1944-45
Lyon/Lyons, May           1941-49    Merchant, Walter O.          1948       Mulholland, A. A.            1947-49
Etta/Etta Mae                        Merchant, Wilmer T.          1941-49    Mulholland, Louise B.        1942-49
MacMillan, A. G.          1941-49    Michael, Forest              1949       Muse, Beatriz R.             1945-49
MacMillan, Albert         1942-46    Michael, Frances             1949       Muse, Benjamin Jr.           1949
Madill, Jane              1948-49    Michael, Hubert W.           1941-47    Muse, Benjamin               1945-49
Madill, Paul              1944       Miller, Addie G.             1948       Myers, Glenn/Glen M.         1945-49
Madill, Paul              1948-49    Miller, C. N.                1944-46    or N.
Mallard, Estella K.       1949       Miller, Clotus C.            1942-43    Myers, Virginia L.           1947
Mallard, John K.          1949       Miller, E. D.                1943-49    Nalls, A. W.                 1941-49
Marsh, Annie              1941-44    Miller, Franc N.             1949       Nalls, Amanda                1941-49
Marsh, Ashby              1941-43    Miller, Franklin R.          1943-44;   Nalls, Donald E.             1949
Marsh, Harry              1949                                    1947-49    Nalls, L. M.                 1941-49
Marsh, Leonard            1941-43;   Miller, Gladys               1944-49    Napier, Ellis M.             1948
                          1948-49    Miller, John L.              1949       Naylor/Nailor, Bill          1942-44
Marshall, E. T.           1946-49    Miller, L. B.                1947       (colored)
Marshall, Ellis Lee       1947       Miller, Leo V. or B.         1941-49    Neau, Judson M.              1945-49
Marshall, Grace           1941-47    Miller, Lloyd E.             1947-49    Neau, Oakley T.              1946-49
Marstellar, Maude         1945       Miller, Nina Y.              1947       Nelson, Clifford             1949
Marstellar, O. L.         1945       Miller, Russell L.           1941-49    Nelson, Einer G.             1942-44;
Martin, D. J.             1941-46    Miller, S. Luther            1941-49                                 1948
Martin, Doll              1942-44    Miller, W. O.                1941-49    Nelson, Marian               1949
Martin, John W.           1946-47    Million, William             1946       Nelson, Mildred              1944
Martin, Mattie            1941-46    Mills, J. B.                 1947       Nemeth, Virginia A.          1945
Mason, Edward             1949       Milton, Elizabeth A.         1949       Nemeth, W. C.                1941-45
Mauck, Anna M.            1949       Mitchell, Emma Mae           1946-47    Newman, Willie               1948
Mauck, Bessie E.          1948-49    (colored)                               (colored)
Mauck, J. E.              1941-49    Mitchell, Jacob B.           1946-48    Nicholson, L. J.             1947-49
Mauck, J. L.              1942-49    (colored)                               Nicholson, M. Clara          1949
Mauck, Lloyd O.           1942-43    Mitchell, Jethro (colored)   1941-48    Oleyar, George L.            1941-44

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Prince William Reliquary                                                    Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 2003)

Omeara, S. B.              1946-49    Phillips, Thomas H.         1943-48   Rexrode, L. May             1941-43
Manassas (cont’d)                     (colored)                             Rice, C. E.                 1941-47
                                      Phipps, Nannie              1944-48   Rice, Edith Dexter          1945-48
O'Neil, Gladys             1943       Phipps, Steve               1942-48   Rice, Everett L.            1947-48
O'Neil/O'Neal, Edna        1943-49    Pickett, Robert/R. R.       1941-48   Rice, Mrs. D. M.            1941-47
O'Neil/O'Neal,             1941-43;   (colored)                             Richardson, Eugenia B.      1946
Elizabeth S.               1947-49    Pierson, Ellen J.           1941-44   Richardson, Everett A.      1946
O'Neil/O'Neal, Everett     1941-44;   Pierson, W. Murray          1941-44   Richey, Ira                 1944-48
                           1947-49    Pittman/Pitman, S. D.       1943-47   Richey, Margaret S.         1943-48
O'Neil/O'Neal, Glen        1944-49    Plaster, App                1942-46   Richey/Richie, Bessie K.    1941-48
Owens, C. P.               1948       Plaster, Henry              1943;     Richey/Richie, John W.      1941-48
Padgett, Gladys Mae        1946-48                                1948      Riddick, Marguerite/        1944-48
Padgett, Raymond N.        1946-48    Plaster, Robert             1948      Margaret
Park, Phillip B.           1946-48    Polen, Curtis               1947-48   Riddick/Rittick, Floyd M.   1943-48
Park, Virginia P.          1946-48    Polen, D. H.                1944-48   Ritchie/Richey, L. C.       1944-45
Parker, Julia (colored)    1946       Polen, Fay S.               1945-48   Ritter, Allen H.            1941-43
Parker, R. W.              1944-46    Polen, Gilbert              1944-47   Ritter, Ann Louise          1941-43
Parsons, Anne K.           1945-47    Polen, Hervin H.            1944-48   Ritter, Dorothy E. A.       1941-43
Parsons, I. W.             1944-46    Polen, Mary H.              1941-48   Ritter, Jessie M./May       1943;
Parsons, J. D.             1944-47    Polen, Meredith O.          1942-44                               1948
Parsons, May/Mary E.       1944-46    Polen, Russell              1948      Ritter, Theodore            1941-48
Partlow, Hattie Mae        1948       Pollock, Fay S.             1943-44   Robbins, M. C.              1947-48
Partlow, W. E.             1945-47    Pollock, Otis               1943-45   Robertson, Ed/E. P.         1941-48
Partlow, Wm. W.            1947-48    Porter, Harriet/Harriett    1943-47   Robertson, George R.        1945-46
Pattieshall, E. G.         1947-48    (colored)                             Robertson, George/          1941-48
Pattieshall, Grace S.      1947-48    Posey, Dallas               1946      Geo. W.
Patton, John T.            1944-48    Powell, Hazel               1948      Robertson, Hazel G.         1948
Patton, Robert             1946       Powell, Orbun V.            1948      Robertson, John Earl        1948
Payne, A. W.               1941-48    Prost, Harry L.             1943-48   Robertson, John F.          1947-48
Payne, Arlington S.        1944-48    Prost, Harry R.             1948      Robertson, Mamie R.         1941-48
Payne, Blanche             1947-48    Prost, Sylvia               1946      Robertson, Richard          1948
Payne, D. I.               1941-48    Prost/Post,                 1943-48   Robinson, Anthony S.        1941-45
Payne, E. A.               1942-46    Irradell/Iredell/Iradelle             Robinson, Cannie Mae        1944-46
Payne, Edgar N.            1944-47    Racer, Robert               1941-48   Robinson, Charles A.        1944-46
Payne, Eva                 1947       Ramey, A. J.                1941-43   Robinson, Douglas           1943
Payne, Golder M.           1946-48    Ramey, L. L.                1941-48   Robinson, H. M.             1941-48
Payne, Gordon R.           1942-48    Randolph, William           1941-44   Roesch, Lucy/L. L.          1941-45
Payne, J. H.               1941-44    (colored)                             Rogers, C. C.               1941-46
Payne, J. J.               1941-48    Raney, B. F.                1941-48   Rogers, Ollie J.            1943
Payne, John B.             1944       Raney, H. E.                1944      Rollins, Carl A.            1944-46
Payne, John Barton         1942-43;   Raney, Lawrence B.          1943      Rollins, Carl A., Jr.       1944-47
                           1947-48    Raney, S. M.                1946      Rollins, J. T. L.           1941-48
Payne, Lafayette           1945-47    Rankin, Edith G.            1948      Rollins, May/Mary J.        1941-48
Payne, Marion Lynn         1941-44    Rankin, Winton B.           1948      Rollins, Virginia L.        1945
Payne, P. I.               1941-48    Raughton, B. L.             1948      Roof, E. M.                 1941-48
Payne, R. L.               1941-48    Ray, Gilbert                1947      Roof, Fannie                1941-48
Payne, Robert S.           1944-46    Raymond, Arthur F.          1941-47   Roseberry, A. H.            1941-48
Payne, Wilson              1942-48    Raymond, Grace              1941-48   Roseberry, Kite             1946-48
Peacher, John W.           1945       Raymond, Nellie E.          1944-46   Roseberry, Mary             1947-48
Pence, G. H.               1941-44    Reedy, Miller Jr.           1947-48   Roseberry, Mildred          1942-46
Peregoy, Delma             1944       Reedy, Violet               1947      Ross, Agnes R.              1948
Peters, M. J. (colored)    1941-48    Reeves, T. M.               1941-48   Ross, Clyde K.              1948
Petersen/Peterson, Emma    1942-47    Reid, Annie Leonard         1941-48   Roy, James E. (colored)     1941-47
Petersen/Peterson, J. C.   1942-48    Reid, Dorothy D.            1944-46   Roy, John (colored)         1941-47
Peterson, Alfred J.        1947-48    Reid, G. F.                 1946-47   Roy, Louis (colored)        1944-47
Peterson, Helen L.         1948       Reid, Mary Lee              1941-47   Ruff, C. E.                 1945-46
Peterson, James C.         1947       Reid, Mary                  1947      Runion, James P.            1948
Pettington, Everett        1941-45    Reid, W. C. Jr.             1945-46   Russell, T. M.              1941-48
Petty, Fred                1944-48    Reid, W. C.                 1941-47   Russell, Viola E.           1941-48
Petty, Harvey              1945-48    Reid, Walter                1945      Sadd, Lena C.               1941-43
Petty, John W.             1944-46    Rexrode, J. H.              1941-43   Sadd, Mabel B.              1941-48

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