PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB

Page created by Marvin Ross
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB
May 2022           May 2022

           PRIMETIME           PRIMETIME

                                Season Premiere
                                May 3, 11pm OPB TV
                              Follow James Cross and his mother Isey’s story, airing May 10.
                              Photo courtesy of Florian Habicht.
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB
     1 SUNDAY                                              3 TUESDAY                                              9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Drawing Dead,
                                                                                                                     Pts 1&2. A comic festival goes awry. (Also
    5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover             7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                    Sun 2am)
       (Also Mon 12:30pm OPB+) | OPB+ Burt Wolf:             OPB+ Charlie Bee Company The Business of
       Travels & Traditions The Palm Beaches, Florida        Bees (Also Wed 4am)                                  10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Fri
    5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend | OPB+ Rick                 8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Reporting on the
       Steves’ Europe Prague                                 Reporters. Featuring journalists Christiane          10:30 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 3,
                                                             Amanpour, Ann Curry and Lisa Ling. (Also               Ep 3. Cassie and Sunny interview suspects.
    6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Healing Through                                                                        (Also Sun 3:30am)
                                                             Thu 1am) | OPB+ Forces of Nature Motion
       Making. Artist Daniela Molnar traded in
                                                             (Also Sun 3pm)                                       11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
       scientific illustration for abstract painting. |
       OPB+ Expedition With Steve Backshall:              9:00 OPB American Experience Flood in the               11:30 OPB David Holt’s State of Music Cathy
       Unpacked Close Encounters                             Desert. Examine the 1928 Los Angeles dam                Fink, Marcy Marxer, Paul Brown and Terri
                                                             collapse. (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Earth:                  McMurray (Also Sun 4:30am) | OPB+
    6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Slime Molds.
                                                             A New Wild Oceans (Also Sun 4pm)                        Articulate With Jim Cotter From Prodigies to
       Discover the wonder of slime molds.
                                                                           10:00 OPB Frontline The Power             Paragons (Also Sat 2:30am)
    7:00 OPB Mary Berry’s Country House Secrets
                                                                           of Big Oil, Pt 3. Explore fossil
       Scone Palace (Also Sun 12am) | OPB+ Big
       Blue Live Ep 1. Admire California’s sea life.
                                                                           fuel’s impact on climate change.        6 FRIDAY
                                                                              (Also Fri 11pm OPB+) | OPB+
    8:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 11, Ep 7.                             Amanpour & Company (Also               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
       Poplar’s housing crisis worsens. (Also Tue                          Wed 5am)                                  OPB+ Searching for Justice: Life After
       1am) | OPB+ Pacific Heartbeat High Tide,                                                                      Lockup (Also Sun 9am)
                                                          11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat High Tide, Don’t Hide
       Don’t Hide. New Zealand teens join the School                                                              8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Ties That
                                                             (R-Also Thu 4am) | OPB+ Women Outward
       Strike for Climate. (Also Tue 11pm OPB)                                                                       Bind. A missing person’s search leads to
                                                             Bound Meet women who broke outdoor
    9:00 OPB Masterpiece Ridley Road, Ep 1.                  survival gender barriers. (Also Thu 2am)                Chinatown. (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+
       Jewish hairdresser Vivien arrives in an                                                                       Washington Week (Also Sun 4:30pm OPB)
       antisemitic London. (Also Tue 2am) | OPB+
       Independent Lens Out of State. Native               4 WEDNESDAY                                            8:30 OPB+ Tell Me More With Kelly Corrigan
                                                                                                                     Dolores Huerta (Also Sun 2pm)
       Hawaiians discover indigenous traditions in        7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |
       prison. (Also Tue 1am)                                OPB+ Shinmachi: Stronger Than a Tsunami              9:00 OPB Inside the Vatican (Also Mon 2am)
                                                             One community persevered after two deadly               | OPB+ American Masters Ursula K. Le Guin.
    10:00 OPB My Grandparents’ War Helena                                                                            Follow the author’s life. (Also Sun 1pm)
                                                             tsunamis. (Also Thu 4am)
      Bonham Carter (Also Tue 3am) | OPB+ Baseball
      A Whole New Ball Game (Also Tue 2am)                8:00 OPB Nature My Garden of a Thousand Bees.
                                                             Meet bees living in an urban garden. (Also
    11:00 OPB Professor T Tiger Tiger. Professor T
                                                             Sun 10am) | OPB+ Streit’s: Matzo and the
       negotiates unconventionally. (Also Tue 4am)
                                                             American Dream Streit’s matzo factory is a
                                                             fifth-generation family business. (Also Sun
     2 MONDAY                                                11am)

    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ Epic Trails              9:00 OPB NOVA Hindenburg: The New Evidence.
       Backpacking Estes Park, Colorado (Also Tue            Examine new footage of the Hindenburg
       5/10 5:30pm OPB)                                      disaster. (Also Sun 11am) | OPB+ AfroPop:
                                                             The Ultimate Cultural Exchange Everything:
    7:30 OPB+ America’s Forests With Chuck
                                                             The Real Thing Story (Also Sun 12pm)
       Leavell Ep 3: South Carolina (Also Tue 4:30am)
                                                          10:00 OPB Extinction: The Facts (Also Fri 3am)
    8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Grounds for                  | OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)
       Sculpture, Hr 3 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+                                                                                                         Lou Nakasako

       Expedition With Steve Backshall: Unpacked          11:00 OPB Breakthrough: The Ideas That
       Teamwork (Also Sun 6pm)                               Changed the World The Rocket (Also Fri 4am)             Independent Lens
                                                             | OPB+ Reel South Florida Woman/Muni
    9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Senator Wayne
                                                             (Also Fri 2am)                                          Try Harder!
       Morse. Morse was nicknamed the
       ‘Conscience of the Senate.’ (Also Wed 2am) |
                                                                                                                     At Lowell High School, San
       OPB+ Big Blue Live Ep 2 (Also Sun 7pm)              5 THURSDAY                                                Francisco’s academic pressure
                                                                                                                     cooker, the kids are stressed out.
    9:30 OPB Oregon Experience William Gladstone          7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) | OPB+
       Steel. Steel became known as ‘The Father of           First Civilizations War (Also Sun 10am)
                                                                                                                     With a majority Asian American
       Crater Lake.’ (Also Wed 2:30am)                                                                               student body, high-achieving
                                                          8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Finding Your True
                                                                                                                     seniors share their dreams and
    10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow St. Louis, Hr 2              Voice. Visit contemporary Native American
      (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &                       visual artist Ka’ila Farrell Smith’s studio. (Also
                                                                                                                     anxieties about getting into a top
      Company (Also Tue 5am)                                 Sun 6pm) | OPB+ The Mayo Clinic: Faith,                 university. But is college worth
                                                             Hope, Science (Also Sat 12am)                           the grind?
    11:00 OPB Independent Lens Try Harder! See
       callout on this page. (Also Wed 4am) |             8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Acosia Red Elk.                Monday, May 2, 11pm
       OPB+ Skindigenous Gordon Sparks/Toronto:              The Umatilla tribal member created powwow               OPB
       Jay Soule (Also Wed 2am)                              yoga. (Also Sun 6:30pm)

2   MAY 2022
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                            = Program premiere
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change
10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Mon
                                                                      James & Isey. A New Zealand woman
                                                                      prepares for her 100th birthday with her son.       MONDAY – FRIDAY
                                                                         (Also Tue 11pm OPB)
11:00 OPB Jamestown Season 2, Ep 1. Jocelyn’s                                                                               6:30 OPB Kids Programs (until
   position comes under threat. (Also Mon 4am)                                    9:00 OPB Masterpiece Ridley                    11:30am) | OPB+ History
   | OPB+ Frontline The Power of Big Oil, Pt 3                                    Road, Ep 2. Vivien gains the                   Detectives
   (R-Also Mon 2am)                                                               trust of a neo-Nazi leader.
                                                                                  (Also Tue 2am) | OPB+ POV                 7am OPB+ NHK Newsline
                                                                                  Still Tomorrow. A woman with
 7 SATURDAY                                                                       cerebral palsy became China’s             7:30 OPB+ Sit & Be Fit (M/W/F);
5:00 OPB This Old House Saratoga Springs:                             most famous poet. (Also Tue 1am)                           Classical Stretch (Tu/Th)
   New Vision (Also Mon 6pm)
                                                                  10:00 OPB My Grandparents’ War Mark Rylance               8am OPB+ Sewing & Knitting
5:10 OPB+ Marathon J. Schwanke’s Life in                            (Also Tue 3am) | OPB+ Baseball Home (Also
   Bloom, continued (until 7pm)                                     Tue 2am)                                                9am OPB+ Legacy List

5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend                                         11:00 OPB Professor T Mother Love. A girl                10am OPB+ Woodworking (M/W/Th);
                                                                     disappears. (Also Tue 4am)                                 This Old House (Tu/F)
6:00 OPB Roadtrip Nation: Skill Shift
7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe The Heart of                                                                                  10:30 OPB+ Food & Cooking
   England/Lisbon (Also Sun 9am) | OPB+ Take
                                                                    9 MONDAY
   Pains, Be Perfect: Shakespeare in Winedale                     7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ Epic Trails                 11am OPB+ Nature (M); NOVA (Tu);
   One Texas professor teaches Shakespeare                           Backpacking Quebec, Pt 1 (Also Tue 5/17                    American Experience (W); Poetry
   through performance.                                              5:30pm OPB)                                                in America (Th); Oregon Field
                                                                                                                                Guide (F)
8:00 OPB Father Brown The New Order. A retired                    7:30 OPB+ America’s Forests With Chuck
   newspaper editor is almost murdered.                              Leavell Ep 4: Wisconsin Northwoods (Also Tue          11:30 OPB Gardening & Green Living |
   (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+ River City                                 4:30am)                                                     OPB+ Oregon Art Beat (F)
   Drumbeat Experience a story of music and
                                                                  8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Colonial                      Noon OPB Food & Cooking | OPB+ Civil
   the American South. (Also Sun 2am)
                                                                     Williamsburg, Hr 1 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+                   Discourse (M); On Story (Tu);
9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                             Expedition With Steve Backshall: Unpacked                  EcoSense for Living (W); The
   Investigators The Envious Court. Frank and                        Behind the Scenes (Also Sun 6pm)                           RVers (Th); History With David
   Lu go undercover at a tennis club.                                                                                           Rubenstein (F)
                                                                  9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Sagebrush
9:30 OPB+ Lines Broken: The Story of Marion                          Symphony. Discover America’s oldest youth
                                                                                                                           12:30 OPB+ Firing Line (M); GZero World
   Motley The pro football player helped break                       orchestra. (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+ Big Blue
                                                                                                                                 (Tu); Wild Travels (W); Chavis
   color barriers. (Also Sun 3:30am)                                 Live Ep 3 (Also Sun 7pm)
                                                                                                                                 Chronicles (Th); This Is America &
10:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 1, Ep 9.                     9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Reub Long’s                         the World (F)
  An Egyptian woman is murdered. | OPB+                              Oregon Desert. Explore Oregon’s scenic high
  Independent Lens Aware: Glimpses of                                desert. (Also Wed 2:30am)                              1pm OPB Painting | OPB+ DW News
  Consciousness. Investigate the mysteries of
                                                                  10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow St. Louis,                    1:30 OPB+ DW: The Day
  consciousness. (Also Sun 12am)
                                                                    Hr 3 (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
11:00 OPB Masterpiece Grantchester: Season 6,                       Company (Also Tue 5am)                                  2pm OPB Kids Programs (until 4pm) |
   Ep 1. A resort owner is found dead.                                                                                          OPB+ BBC Outside Source (M-Th);
                                                                  11:00 OPB Independent Lens When Claude
                                                                                                                                BBC Today (F)
11:30 OPB+ POV Shorts Follow the Leader (Also                        Got Shot. Can Claude find forgiveness after
   Sun 1:30am)                                                       being shot? (Also Wed 4am) | OPB+                      2:30 OPB+ BBC World News America
                                                                     Skindigenous Kahnawake/New Mexico (Also
                                                                     Wed 2am)                                               3pm OPB+ News & Public Affairs (M/
 8 SUNDAY                                                                                                                       Tu/F); Healthcare (W/Th)
5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
   OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Gone
                                                                    10 TUESDAY                                              3:30 OPB+ NHK Newsline
   Fishing/Palm Beach, Pt 1                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
                                                                                                                            4pm OPB Sewing & Knitting | OPB+
                                                                     OPB+ Charlie Bee Company Two, Tarts
5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend | OPB+ Rick                                                                                           PBS NewsHour
                                                                     (Also Wed 4am)
   Steves’ Europe Berlin
                                                                  8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots No Laughing                   5pm OPB Travel | OPB+ Travel (M/
6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Finding Your True                                                                                      Tu/W); Life in Bloom (Th);
                                                                     Matter. Featuring comedians Seth Meyers,
   Voice (R) | OPB+ Expedition With Steve                                                                                       America’s Test Kitchen (F)
                                                                     Tig Notaro and Sarah Silverman. (Also Thu
   Backshall: Unpacked Teamwork (R)
                                                                     1am) | OPB+ NOVA Secrets in the Scat.
                                                                     Biologists find clues hidden in animal poop.           5:30 OPB Travel & Lifestyles | OPB+
6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Acosia Red Elk (R)
                                                                     (Also Sun 3pm)                                              Food & Cooking (until 7pm)
7:00 OPB Mary Berry’s Country House Secrets
   Powderham Castle (Also Sun 5/15 12am) |                        9:00 OPB American Masters Waterman: Duke,                 6pm OPB Home Renovation (M/Tu/W);
   OPB+ Big Blue Live Ep 2 (R)                                       Ambassador of Aloha. Follow Olympic medalist               Woodworking (Th/F)
                                                                     Duke Kahanamoku. (Also Sun 5/29 8pm
8:00 OPB Call the Midwife Season 11, Ep 8.                           OPB+) | OPB+ Spy in the Wild: A Nature                 6:30 OPB BBC Outside Source
   Nonnatus House faces its darkest day.                             Miniseries The Tropics (Also Sun 4pm)                       (M–Th); BBC Today (F)
   (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+ Pacific Heartbeat

                                                                                                                                                          MAY 2022    3
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB
    10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Wed
                                                        13 FRIDAY
                                                       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
    10:30 OPB Beyond the Canvas Art, All Around           OPB+ Bloodline Explore the life of
      Us (Also Sun 2:30pm)                                Vietnamese American chef Tu David Phu.
    11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat James & Isey              (Also Sat 5/21 9:30pm)                                                                Cosmos Factory

       (R-Also Thu 4am) | OPB+ Defending the Fire      7:30 OPB+ Oregon Experience Kam Wah Chung.
       Native Warriors practice conflict resolution.      Journey back to eastern Oregon’s Kam Wah            Colombia: Wild and Free
          (Also Thu 2am)                                  Chung apothecary. (Also Sun 9:30am)                 Journey to South America to
                                                       8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries The Pilot             explore the magnificent flora and
     11 WEDNESDAY                                         Episode. An aviator’s son is kidnapped. (Also       fauna of Colombia, from the wild,
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |               Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week (Also               largely deserted Pacific coast, to
       OPB+ Asian Americans Breaking Ground.              Sun 4:30pm OPB)
                                                                                                              the snow-covered volcanoes of the
       Asian immigrants prosper in the U.S. despite    8:30 OPB+ Tell Me More With Kelly Corrigan             Andes, the plains of the Orinoco
       anti-Asian laws. (Also Thu 4am)                    Kevin Young (Also Sun 2pm)                          region and the rainforests of the
    8:00 OPB Nature The Egg: Life’s Perfect            9:00 OPB The Hunter Ep 1. Prosecutor Saverio           Amazon.
       Invention. Uncover nature’s life support           Barone tracks down top Mafiosi. (Also Mon
       system. (Also Fri 1am) | OPB+ American                                                                 Wednesday, May 18 and 25, 10pm
                                                          2am) | OPB+ Richard Pryor: Icon Pryor
       Experience Mr. Tornado. Meteorologist Ted          pioneered a new type of humor. (Also Sun            OPB
       Fujita transformed our understanding of            1pm)
       tornados. (Also Sun 11am)
                                                       10:00 OPB Luna & Sophie A Subservient Ghost. A
    9:00 OPB NOVA Dinosaur Apocalypse: The New           woman is hanged. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+           11:00 OPB Masterpiece Grantchester: Season 6,
       Evidence/The Last Day. Explore possible clues     Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)                   Ep 2. Will and Geordie negotiate a family dispute.
       that led to extinction. (Also Sun 11am)
       | OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural           11:00 OPB Jamestown Season 2, Ep 2. The            11:30 OPB+ POV Shorts In the Absence (Also
       Exchange She Had a Dream (Also Sun                 Sharrows find a way out. (Also Mon 4am) |          Sun 1:30am)
       12pm)                                              OPB+ Shot Felt ‘Round the World: How the
                                                          Polio Vaccine Saved the World (Also Mon
    10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Thu               2am)                                             15 SUNDAY
                                                                                                          5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |
    11:00 OPB Breakthrough: The Ideas That
                                                        14 SATURDAY                                          OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions Gone
       Changed the World The Smartphone (Also Fri                                                            Fishing/Palm Beach, Pt 2
       4am) | OPB+ Reel South Madame Pipi/Flat         5:00 OPB This Old House Saratoga Springs: Old
                                                          Woes (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+ Marathon             5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend | OPB+ Rick
       Town (Also Fri 2am)
                                                          America’s Heartland, continued (until 7pm)         Steves’ Europe Germany’s Hamburg and the
                                                                                                             Luther Trail
     12 THURSDAY                                       5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend
                                                                                                          6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Working Together (R)
    7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) | OPB+       6:00 OPB Start Up Good Boy Clothing: Flint, MI/       | OPB+ Expedition With Steve Backshall:
       First Civilizations Religion (Also Sun 10am)       Stock and Barrel: Ogden, UT                        Unpacked Behind the Scenes (R)
    8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Working Together.         7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Portugal’s            6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Sweet Jobs in
       A couple collaborates on public art projects.      Heartland/Travel Skills: Cruising (Also Sun        Oregon (R)
       (Also Sun 6pm) | OPB+ Changing Planet              9am) | OPB+ Rowan LeCompte: A Life in
                                                          Light Trace the stained-glass artist’s life.    7:00 OPB Mary Berry’s Country House Secrets
       Eps 1&2. Monitor Earth’s vulnerable habitats.
                                                                                                             Goodwood House (Also Sun 5/22 12am) |
       (Also Sat 12am)                                 8:00 OPB Father Brown The Island of Dreams.           OPB+ Big Blue Live Ep 3 (R)
    8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Sweet Jobs in             A camp owner is strangled. (Also Mon
                                                          12am) | OPB+ Sky Blossom: Diaries of the        8:00 OPB Lucy Worsley Investigates Princes
       Oregon. Meet Oregonians with fascinating
                                                          Next Greatest Generation Follow students           in the Tower. Uncover the truth behind the
       careers. (Also Sun 6:30pm)
                                                          taking care of families with disabilities.         15th century story. (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+
    9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders The Lions of                (Also Sun 2am)                                     Pacific Heartbeat Loimata, the Sweetest
       Causton, Pts 1&2. The team investigates a                                                             Tears. One family returns to their Samoan
       death at a sports club. (Also Sun 2am)          9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private              homeland. (Also Tue 5/24 11pm OPB)
                                                          Investigators Too Cold for Hell. Frank and Lu
    10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)          track down stolen goods.                        9:00 OPB Masterpiece Ridley Road, Ep 3.
                                                                                                             Vivien’s link to Jordan becomes complicated.
    10:30 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 3,       9:30 OPB+ FILMS BYkids Home Is Where You                 (Also Tue 2am) | OPB+ American
      Ep 4. Cassie and Sunny suspect collusion.           Find It. A Mozambique teenager loses his           Experience The Chinese Exclusion Act.
      (Also Sun 3:30am)                                   parents to AIDS. (Also Sun 3:30am)                 Examine the discriminatory law’s impact.
    11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)           10:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 1, Ep            (Also Tue 1am)
    11:30 OPB David Holt’s State of Music                10. Lucia’s former cellmate visits. | OPB+       10:00 OPB My Grandparents’ War Kristin Scott
       Jontavious Willis (Also Sun 4:30am) | OPB+        Independent Lens Bulletproof. Examine              Thomas (Also Tue 3am)
       Articulate With Jim Cotter Unremitting            school safety in an era of mass shootings.
                                                         (Also Sun 12am)                                  11:00 OPB Professor T Sophie Knows. Professor
       (Also Sat 2:30am)
                                                                                                             T befriends a vulnerable girl. (Also Tue 4am) |
                                                                                                             OPB+ Objects and Memory

4   MAY 2022
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at
                                          R = Repeat within a week
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted
                                          Full schedule and VOD at
                                                                                            = Program premiere
                                                                                         Programs are subject to change
 16 MONDAY                                                            Texas. Explore the national park. (Also Sun
                                                                      10am) | OPB+ Reel South Gimme a Faith               SATURDAYS
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |                               (Also Sun 11am)                                       6am OPB Kids Programs (until 10am) |
   OPB+ Epic Trails Backpacking Quebec, Pt 2                                                                                    OPB+ News & Public Affairs
   (Also Tue 5/24 5:30pm OPB)                                     9:00 OPB NOVA Why Ships Crash. One ship
                                                                     caused a supply-chain crisis. (Also Sun                8am OPB+ Lifestyles (until 10am)
7:30 OPB+ America’s Forests With Chuck                               11am) | OPB+ AfroPop: The Ultimate
   Leavell Ep 5: Wisconsin South (Also Tue 4:30am)                                                                         10am OPB Gardening & Green Living |
                                                                     Cultural Exchange Downstream to Kinshasa
                                                                                                                                OPB+ Marathons Life in Bloom
8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Colonial                                    (Also Sun 12pm)
                                                                                                                                (5/7 until 7pm); America’s
   Williamsburg, Hr 2 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+                       10:00 OPB Colombia: Wild and Free Two Rivers.                 Heartland (5/14 until 7pm); Family
   Egypt’s Treasure Guardians (Also Sun 6pm)                        See callout on page 4. (Also Fri 3am) |                     Travel (5/21 until 7pm); Travels
9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Massacre at Hells                        OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Thu 5am)                      With Darley (5/28 until 6:30pm)
   Canyon. In 1887, Chinese miners were murdered                  11:00 OPB Secrets of Sacred Architecture                 11am OPB Sewing
   at Hells Canyon. (Also Wed 2am) | OPB+                            (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Reel South Broken
   Story of India Beginnings (Also Sun 7pm)                                                                                 1pm OPB Food & Cooking
                                                                     Wings (Also Fri 2am)
                                                                                                                            3pm OPB Motorweek
9:30 OPB Oregon Experience White Plague.
   Trace the historical impact of tuberculosis in                   19 THURSDAY                                             3:30 OPB Woodworking
   Oregon. (Also Wed 2:30am)
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) | OPB+              4:30 OPB This Old House
10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Portland, Hr 1                           First Civilizations Cities (Also Sun 10am)
  (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
  Company (Also Tue 5am)                                          8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Art Outside. Painters
                                                                     showcase Columbia Gorge’s beauty. (Also
                           11:00 OPB                                 Sun 6pm) | OPB+ NOVA Secrets in Our DNA/               6am OPB Kids Programs (until 9am) |
                           Independent Lens                          Determined: Fighting Alzheimer’s. Explore the              OPB+ Lifestyles (until 8am)
                           Scenes From the                           power of genetic data. (Also Sat 12am)
                                                                                                                            8am OPB+ Lucky Chow
                           Glittering World.
  Indigenous teens plan their futures. Photo:                     8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Pink Phoenix.                 9am OPB Rick Steves’ Europe | OPB+
  Jared Jakins (Also Wed 4am) | OPB+                                 Breast cancer survivors race dragon boats in               Art of Home (5/1); Life After Lockup
  Skindigenous India/Taiwan (Also Wed 2am)                           Portland. (Also Sun 6:30pm)                                (5/8); Bloodline (5/15); Baba Babee
                                                                  9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Till Death Do Us Part,              (5/22); Slow News (5/29)

 17 TUESDAY                                                          Pts 1&2. A bride vanishes. (Also Sun 2am)              9:30 OPB+ Oregon Experience Kam
                                                                  10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)                   Wah Chung (5/15)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
   OPB+ Charlie Bee Company Honey, Honey                          10:30 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 3,             10am OPB Nature | OPB+ Beyond a Year
   (Also Wed 4am)                                                   Ep 5. The case takes a turn. (Also Sun 3:30am)              in Space (5/1); First Civilizations

8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Freedom Tales.                                                                                 11am OPB NOVA | OPB+ Theirs is the
                                                                  11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)
   Featuring actress S. Epatha Merkerson and                                                                                    Kingdom (5/1); Streit’s Matzo (5/8);
   TV personality Michael Strahan. (Also Thu                      11:30 OPB David Holt’s State of Music Becky                   American Experience Mr. Tornado
   1am) | OPB+ Rivers of Life The Mississippi                        Buller Band (Also Sun 4:30am) | OPB+                       (5/15); Reel South Gimme a Faith
   (Also Sun 3pm)                                                    Articulate With Jim Cotter Fearless Pursuits               (5/22); POV Homegoings (5/29)
                                                                       (Also Sat 2:30am)
9:00 OPB Lionel Richie: The Library of                                                                                     Noon OPB Great Performances New
   Congress Gershwin Prize The singer-                                                                                          American Voices (5/1); Anything
   songwriter receives an honor. (Also Thu                          20 FRIDAY                                                   Goes (5/15); Merry Wives (5/22);
   2am) | OPB+ Spy in the Wild: A Nature                                                                                        Sondheim (5/29); Frank Ferrante’s
                                                                  7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
   Miniseries The North (Also Sun 4pm)                                                                                          Groucho (5/8) | OPB+ Big Sonia
                                                                     OPB+ Baba Babee Skazala: Grandmother
                                                                                                                                (5/1); AfroPop
10:00 OPB American Masters Tyrus Wong.                               Told Grandmother During World War II,
  Wong was a renowned Chinese American                               Ukrainians were forced from their homes.               1pm OPB Int’l. Jazz Day 2022 (5/1) |
  painter. (Also Thu 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &                          (Also Sun 9am)                                             OPB+ When Comedy Went to School
  Company (Also Wed 5am)                                                                                                        (5/1); American Masters Ursula K.
                                                                  8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Ghosts.                      Le Guin (5/8); Richard Pryor (5/15);
11:00 OPB+ Ireland’s Wild Coast Pt 1 (Also Thu                       Frankie solves the murders of ex-officers.                 Norman Mineta (5/22); American
   2am)                                                              (Also Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week                      Experience Space Men (5/29)
                                                                     (Also Sun 4:30pm OPB)
11:30 OPB If Everyone Knew Women recount                                                                                    1:30 OPB Petit Rat (5/8); Great
   their experiences with miscarriage and                         8:30 OPB+ Tell Me More With Kelly Corrigan                     Performances Beethoven (5/29)
   stillbirth. (Also Thu 4:30am)                                     Samantha Powers (Also Sun 2pm)
                                                                                                                            2pm OPB Great Performances Horowitz
                                                                  9:00 OPB The Hunter Ep 2. Saverio flies to                    (5/1); Callas (5/22) | OPB+ Tell Me
 18 WEDNESDAY                                                        Switzerland. (Also Mon 2am) | OPB+                         More With Kelly Corrigan
                                                                     Norman Mineta and His Legacy: An
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |                              American Story Chronicle the former cabinet            2:30 OPB Beyond the Canvas (5/8,
   OPB+ Asian Americans A Question of Loyalty.                       secretary’s life. (Also Sun 1pm)                            5/15) | OPB+ The Whole Truth
   Asian Americans straddle loyalty to their                                                                                3pm OPB News & Public Affairs (until
   parents’ homelands. (Also Thu 4am)                             10:00 OPB Luna & Sophie Belly Up. A fish farmer
                                                                    is found dead. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+                        6pm) | OPB+ Science &
8:00 OPB Nature Big Bend: The Wild Frontier of                      Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)                           Environment (until 5pm)

                                                                                                                                                           MAY 2022
                                                                                                                                                          APRIL 2019   5
PRIMETIME PRIMETIME - Pacific Heartbeat Season Premiere - OPB
    11:00 OPB Jamestown Season 2, Ep 3. Maria’s          9:00 OPB Masterpiece Ridley Road, Ep 4. Vivien        11:00 OPB Pacific Heartbeat Loimata, the
       behavior is scrutinized. (Also Mon 4am) |            secures incriminating evidence. (Also Tue             Sweetest Tears (R-Also Thu 4am) | OPB+
       OPB+ Holy Silence Examine the Vatican’s              2am) | OPB+ POV American Revolutionary:               Ireland’s Wild Coast Pt 2 (Also Thu 2am)
       reaction to Nazi Germany. (Also Mon 2am)             The Evolution of Grace Lee Boggs. The Chinese
                                                            American philosopher has a vision for
                                                            revolution. (Also Tue 1am)                          25 WEDNESDAY
     21 SATURDAY                                                                                               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Thu 12am) |
                                                         10:00 OPB My Grandparents’ War Carey
    5:00 OPB This Old House Saratoga Springs:                                                                     OPB+ Asian Americans Good Americans.
                                                           Mulligan (Also Tue 3am)
       Secret Gardens (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+                                                                       An Asian American culture-quake simmers.
       Marathon Family Travel With Colleen Kelly,        10:30 OPB+ Talent Has Hunger Explore the                 (Also Thu 4am)
       continued (until 7pm)                               relationship between musician and teacher.
                                                                                                               8:00 OPB Nature Equus: The Story of the Horse
                                                           (Also Tue 2:30am)
    5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend                                                                                     ‘Origins.’ Uncover mankind’s relationship with
                                                         11:00 OPB Professor T The Dutiful Child.                 the horse. (Also Sun 10am) | OPB+ POV
    6:00 OPB Start Up Friendly Plumber: Salt Lake
                                                            Professor T investigates a businessman’s              Homegoings. Experience the beauty of
       City, UT/Tee Lee’s House: Denver, CO
                                                            attempted murder. (Also Tue 4am)                      African American funerals. (Also Sun 11am)
    7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe Greek Islands:
                                                                                                               9:00 OPB NOVA Ice Age Footprint Mystery.
       Santorini, Mykonos, and Rhodes/European
       Festivals I (Also Sun 9am) | OPB+ Touching
                                                          23 MONDAY                                               Ancient footprints reveal evidence from the
                                                                                                                  era. (Also Sun 11am) | OPB+ AfroPop:
       the Sound Undeterred by lifelong blindness,       7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour | OPB+ Epic Trails
       one man became a notable pianist.                    Backpacking Quebec, Pt 3 (Also Tue 5/31
                                                            5:30pm OPB)
    8:00 OPB Father Brown The Wayward Girls.
       Father Brown investigates a murder at a           7:30 OPB+ America’s Forests With Chuck
       women’s institution. (Also Mon 12am) |               Leavell Ep 6: California (Also Tue 4:30am)
       OPB+ Independent Lens The Donut King. One
                                                         8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Colonial
       Cambodian refugee built a multimillion-dollar
                                                            Williamsburg, Hr 3 (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+
       donut empire. (Also Sun 2am)
                                                            Walk in the Park With Nick Mollé Nature of
    9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private                the Beasts. Examine challenges faced at Rocky
       Investigators How the Rogue Roar’d. Frank            Mountain National Park. (Also Sun 6pm)
       and Lu close down an old Bingo Hall.
                                                         9:00 OPB Oregon Experience The Beach Bill.
    9:30 OPB+ Bloodline (R)                                 In 1967, the public was granted recreational
                                                            access to Oregon’s beaches. (Also Wed 2am)
    10:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 1, Ep 11.
                                                            | OPB+ Story of India The Power of Ideas
      A woman’s daughter is found dead. | OPB+
                                                            (Also Sun 7pm)
      POV Not Going Quietly. Ady Barkan adapts to
      life with ALS. (Also Sun 12am)                     9:30 OPB Oregon Experience Road to
                                                                                                                           Joe Alblas/© Slim 80 Days/Federation Entmt/
                                                            Statehood. Learn how Oregon Country
    11:00 OPB Masterpiece Grantchester: Season 6,                                                                  Peu Comms/ZDF/Be-Films/RTBF (télévision belge) 2021
                                                            became the 33rd state. (Also Wed 2:30am)
       Ep 3. Will and Geordie are drawn into politics.
    11:30 OPB+ POV Shorts There’s No Place Like
                                                         10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Portland, Hr 2
                                                           (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &                      Around the World
                                                                                                                 in 80 Days
       Home (Also Sun 1:30am)
                                                           Company (Also Tue 5am)
                                                         11:00 OPB Independent Lens One Child Nation.
     22 SUNDAY                                              Examine China’s one-child policy. (Also Wed          Stream it on
    5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover
       | OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions
                                                            4am) | OPB+ Skindigenous Lebret/Nimkii
                                                            (Also Wed 2am)
                                                                                                                 OPB Passport
       A History of Chocolate, Pt 1
                                                                                                                 Set sail with literature’s greatest
    5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend | OPB+ Rick                 24 TUESDAY                                             explorer, Phileas Fogg, as he
       Steves’ Europe Germany’s Dresden and
                                                         7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |                 attempts to circumnavigate the
                                                            OPB+ Charlie Bee Company Beeweaver                   planet in a mere 80 days. You can
    6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat Art Outside (R) |              (Also Wed 4am)
                                                                                                                 watch this thrilling adaptation of
       OPB+ Egypt’s Treasure Guardians (R)
                                                         8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Breaking Silences.          Jule Verne’s classic adventure,
    6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Pink Phoenix (R)            Featuring journalist Gayle King, director Jordan     starring David Tennant, today.
                                                            Peele and comedian Issa Rae. (Also Thu 1am) |
    7:00 OPB Mary Berry’s Country House at                                                                       Most OPB members qualify for
                                                            OPB+ Quietest Place on Earth Maui’s
       Christmas (Also Sun 5/29 12am) | OPB+
       Story of India Beginnings (R)
                                                            Haleakala rises 10,000 feet. (Also Sun 3pm)          free, instant access to this and
                                                         9:00 OPB American Experience Plague at the              more captivating dramas with
    8:00 OPB Lucy Worsley Investigates Madness
                                                            Golden Gate. The bubonic plague set off              OPB Passport.
       of King George. Examine how George III
                                                            anti-Asian sentiment in San Francisco.
       changed Britain. (Also Tue 1am) | OPB+
                                                            (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Spy in the Wild: A             Activate and log in using the
       Pacific Heartbeat The Healer Stones of                                                                    free PBS Video App or at
                                                            Nature Miniseries The Islands (Also Sun 4pm)
       Kapaemahu. Explore Honolulu’s symbolic
                                                         10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Wed
                                                                                                                 activate to start streaming Around
       stones. (Also Tue 5/31 11pm OPB)
                                                           5am)                                                  the World in 80 Days today!

6   MAY 2022
OPB = Comcast 10 or 710; antenna XX.1
                                          R = Repeat within a week                          = Program premiere
 OPB+ = Comcast 310; antenna XX.2
                                          Repeats are on original channel unless noted   Programs are subject to change
 KIDS = Comcast 311; antenna XX.3
 Full channel list at   Full schedule and VOD at

  The Ultimate Cultural Exchange Restitution?                         OPB+ Mending Walls: The Documentary                   OPB+ American Masters Waterman: Duke,
  Africa’s Fight for Its Art (Also Sun 12pm)                          A public art project explores racial justice.         Ambassador of Aloha (R-Also Tue 12am)
                                                                      (Also Mon 2am)
10:00 OPB Colombia: Wild and Free From the                                                                                9:30 OPB National Memorial Day Concert
  Pacific to the Andes. See callout on page 4.                                                                               (R-Also Tue 1am) | OPB+ Canefield Songs:
  (Also Fri 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour & Company                          28 SATURDAY                                              Holehole Bushi A teacher preserves musical
  (Also Thu 5am)                                                                                                             histories of Japanese immigrants.
                                                                  5:00 OPB This Old House Saratoga Springs:
11:00 OPB The Definition of Insanity Public                          Raise the Roof (Also Mon 6pm) | OPB+                 10:00 OPB+ Silent Sacrifice: Stories of
   servants help people with mental illness.                         Marathon Travels With Darley, continued (until         Japanese American Incarceration Japanese
   (Also Fri 4am) | OPB+ Reel South Two Trains                       6:30pm)                                                Americans experienced tragic uprooting
   Runnin’ (Also Fri 2am)                                                                                                   following Pearl Harbor. (Also Tue 1:30am)
                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend
                                                                                                                          11:00 OPB Masterpiece Beecham House, Ep 1.
                                                                  6:00 OPB Start Up Ruff Rescue Gear: Boulder,
 26 THURSDAY                                                         CO/The Kitchen By Cooking With Que
                                                                                                                             A former soldier moves to Delhi. (Also Tue 4am)
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Fri 12am) | OPB+
                                                                  6:30 OPB+ For the Left Hand For Norman
   First Civilizations Trade (Also Sun 10am)
                                                                     Malone, music is a way of surviving.
                                                                                                                           30 MONDAY
                   8:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat                                                                               7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Tue 12am) |
                                                                  7:00 OPB Rick Steves’ Europe European
                   Baker City artist Robert Anders                                                                           OPB+ Epic Trails New Zealand (Also Tue
                                                                     Festivals II/The Best of Sicily (Also Sun 9am)
                   creates bronze bowls using                                                                                4am)
                   ancient processes. (Also Sun                   8:00 OPB Father Brown The Enigma of
                                                                                                                          7:30 OPB+ Florida Keys: Protecting Paradise
                   6pm) | OPB+ NOVA Augmented.                       Antigonish. A spa’s ex-employee is murdered.
                                                                                                                             (Also Tue 4:30am)
                   New technology allows prosthetic                    (Also Mon 12am) | OPB+ Far Western Trace
                   legs to feel real. (Also Sat 12am)                country music’s rise in Japan. (Also Sun 2am)        8:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Musical Scores
                                                                                                                               (Also Wed 1am) | OPB+ Walk in the Park
8:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Ship Report.                          9:00 OPB Shakespeare & Hathaway: Private
                                                                                                                             With Nick Mollé Birds Without Borders. See
   In Astoria, a radio program discusses every                       Investigators See Thyself, Devil! An old rock
                                                                                                                             how birds thrive in different ecosystems.
   ship that passes. (Also Sun 6:30pm)                               star thinks Satan is trying to kill him.
                                                                                                                          9:00 OPB Oregon Experience Tom McCall.
9:00 OPB Midsomer Murders Send in the                             9:30 OPB+ Vanishing Chinatown: The World
                                                                                                                             Commemorate the governor’s life. (Also Wed
   Clowns, Pts 1&2. Things go sideways at the                        of the May’s Photo Studio Chronicle San
                                                                                                                             2am) | OPB+ Story of India Spice Routes &
   circus. (Also Sun 2am)                                            Francisco’s Chinatown during the 1900s.
                                                                                                                             Silk Roads/The Growth of Civilization
                                                                     (Also Sun 3:30am)
10:00 OPB+ Amanpour & Company (Also Fri 5am)
                                                                                                                          10:00 OPB Antiques Roadshow Portland, Hr 3
                                                                  10:00 OPB Thou Shalt Not Kill Season 1, Ep 12.
10:30 OPB Masterpiece Unforgotten: Season 3,                                                                                (Also Wed 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour &
                                                                    Valeria proves Arianna’s innocence. | OPB+
  Ep 6. The team races to identify Hayley’s killer.                                                                         Company (Also Tue 5am)
                                                                    POV Call Her Ganda. A transgender woman’s
  (Also Sun 3:30am)
                                                                    murder ignites an uprising. (Also Sun 12am)           11:00 OPB Independent Lens Bedlam. Examine
11:00 OPB+ DW Global 3000 (Also Sat 2am)                                                                                     America’s mental health crisis. (Also Wed
                                                                  11:00 OPB Masterpiece Grantchester: Season 6,
                                                                                                                             4am) | OPB+ Skindigenous New Zealand/
11:30 OPB David Holt’s State of Music                                Ep 4. A U.S. airman dies.
                                                                                                                             New Zealand
   Ruthie Foster (Also Sun 4:30am) | OPB+
                                                                  11:30 OPB+ POV Shorts Post-Colonial Queer
   Articulate With Jim Cotter By Their Stars
                                                                     (Also Sun 1:30am)
   (Also Sat 2:30am)                                                                                                       31 TUESDAY
                                                                                                                          7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Wed 12am) |
 27 FRIDAY                                                          29 SUNDAY                                                OPB+ Nature American Horses. Meet breeds
                                                                  5:00 OPB Firing Line With Margaret Hoover |                that shaped the nation.
7:00 OPB PBS NewsHour (Also Sat 12am) |
                                                                     OPB+ Burt Wolf: Travels & Traditions
   OPB+ Slow News Explore the infodemic and                                                                               8:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Dreaming of a
                                                                     A History of Chocolate, Pt 2
   information overload. (Also Sun 9am)                                                                                      New Land. Featuring actors Marisa Tomei
                                                                  5:30 OPB PBS News Weekend | OPB+ Rick                      and Kal Penn and businesswoman Sheryl
8:00 OPB Frankie Drake Mysteries Anastasia.
                                                                     Steves’ Europe Germany’s Frankfurt and                  Sandberg. (Also Thu 1am) | OPB+ Earth’s
   A girl claims to be a Russian princess. (Also
                                                                     Nurnberg                                                Natural Wonders Extreme Wonders
   Mon 1am) | OPB+ Washington Week (Also
   Sun 4:30pm OPB)                                                6:00 OPB Oregon Art Beat (R) | OPB+ Walk in             9:00 OPB Finding Your Roots Homecomings.
                                                                     the Park With Nick Mollé Nature of the                  Featuring actor Sterling K. Brown, comedian
8:30 OPB+ Tell Me More With Kelly Corrigan
                                                                     Beasts (R)                                              Sasheer Zamata and musician Jon Batiste.
   Robin Roberts (Also Sun 2pm)
                                                                                                                             (Also Thu 2am) | OPB+ Spy in the Wild:
                                                                  6:30 OPB Oregon Field Guide Ship Report (R)
9:00 OPB The Hunter Ep 3. An unexpected                                                                                      A Nature Miniseries The Poles
   killing gives Saverio a lead. (Also Mon 2am)                   7:00 OPB Craft in America Memory. Observe
                                                                                                                          10:00 OPB Frontline Police on Trial. Investigate
   | OPB+ American Experience Space Men.                             the cultural history in creating objects. | OPB+
                                                                                                                            the Minneapolis police after George Floyd’s
   Meet the pioneers of the U.S. space program.                      Story of India The Power of Ideas (R)
                                                                                                                            murder. (Also Thu 3am) | OPB+ Amanpour
   (Also Sun 1pm)
                                                                                            8:00 OPB National               & Company
10:00 OPB Luna & Sophie Foul Play. A coach is                                               Memorial Day Concert
                                                                                                                          11:00 OPB+ Earthcaster Trace Thomas Sayre’s
  murdered. (Also Mon 3am) | OPB+                                                           Celebrate with the National
                                                                                                                             evolution as an artist.
  Amanpour & Company (Also Mon 5am)                                                         Symphony Orchestra.
                                                                                            (Also Sun 9:30pm) |           11:30 OPB Pacific Heartbeat The Healer Stones
11:00 OPB Jamestown Season 2, Ep 4. Jocelyn
                                                                                                                             of Kapaemahu (R-Also Thu 4am)
   exploits the Sharrows. (Also Mon 4am) |

                                                                                                                                                                  MAY 2022     7
                                            0896-6672) is published
                                            monthly by Oregon
                                            Public Broadcasting,
                                            7140 S Macadam
                                            Ave., Portland, OR
                                            97219. Periodicals
                                            paid at Portland, OR.
                                            Postmaster: Send
                                            address changes to
                                            OPB PRIMETIME,

                                            7140 S Macadam Ave.,
                                            Portland, OR 97219.

12am BBC World Service
 5am Morning Edition
 9am The Takeaway
10am Here and Now
11am Here and Now | FRI Science Friday
Noon Think Out Loud®
 1pm BBC Newshour
 2pm The World
 3pm All Things Considered
 6pm Today, Explained
 7pm Fresh Air | FRI It’s Been a Minute
 8pm Think Out Loud® (R)
 9pm 1A
10pm MON Latino USA (R) | TUE Reveal |
     WED Our Body Politic |
     THU Philosophy Talk |
     FRI The New Yorker Radio Hour
11pm BBC World Service

12am    BBC World Service
 5am    Weekend Edition
10am    Planet Money & How I Built This

                                                                                                   American Masters
11am    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!
Noon    It’s Been a Minute (R)

                                                                                                   Waterman: Duke,
 1pm    On the Media
 2pm    Snap Judgment
 3pm    Live Wire!
        Hidden Brain
        All Things Considered                                                                      Ambassador
                                                                                                   of Aloha
 6pm    This American Life
 7pm    Radiolab
 8pm    The Moth
        Snap Judgment (R)
        Sound Opinions                                                                              May 10, 9pm
11pm    BBC World Service                 Photo courtesy of the film

12am    BBC World Service                     Coming in june

                                              The Great
 5am    Weekend Edition
10am    The New Yorker Radio Hour (R)

                                              American Recipe
11am    Freakonomics
Noon    TED Radio Hour
 1pm    Code Switch & Life Kit
 2pm    Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me! (R)        Hosted by Alejandra Ramos, celebrate
 3pm    Throughline
                                              multiculturism in American food and follow
 4pm    Latino USA
                                              talented home cooks from different regions
 5pm    All Things Considered
 6pm    The Splendid Table                    of the country as they showcase their
 7pm    The Archive Project                   beloved signature dishes and compete to
 8pm    On Being                              win The Great American Recipe.
 9pm    OPB Presents                                                                                                             PBS/VPM
10pm    Travel With Rick Steves
11pm    BBC Weekend
                                                               |       | | | 800.241.8123
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