Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population
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Organizational Principles to Guide and Define the Child Health Care System and/or Improve the Health of all Children POLICY STATEMENT Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population The absence of guns from children’s homes and communities is the COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION most reliable and effective measure to prevent firearm-related inju- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ries in children and adolescents. Adolescent suicide risk is strongly KEY WORDS associated with firearm availability. Safe gun storage (guns unloaded child, adolescent, violence, homicide, suicide, injury, epidemiology, policy and locked, ammunition locked separately) reduces children’s risk of ABBREVIATIONS injury. Physician counseling of parents about firearm safety appears AAP—American Academy of Pediatrics to be effective, but firearm safety education programs directed at NVDRS—National Violent Death Reporting System children are ineffective. The American Academy of Pediatrics con- This document is copyrighted and is property of the American tinues to support a number of specific measures to reduce the de- Academy of Pediatrics and its Board of Directors. All authors structive effects of guns in the lives of children and adolescents, have filed conflict of interest statements with the American Academy of Pediatrics. Any conflicts have been resolved through including the regulation of the manufacture, sale, purchase, owner- a process approved by the Board of Directors. The American ship, and use of firearms; a ban on semiautomatic assault weapons; Academy of Pediatrics has neither solicited nor accepted any and the strongest possible regulations of handguns for civilian use. commercial involvement in the development of the content of this publication. All policy statements from the American Academy of Pediatrics SCOPE OF THE PROBLEM automatically expire 5 years after publication unless reaffirmed, revised, or retired at or before that time. Although rates have declined since the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued the original policy statement in 1992, firearm-related deaths continue as 1 of the top 3 causes of death in American youth.1 As shown in Fig 1, the firearm-associated death rate among youth ages 15 to 19 has fallen from its peak of 27.8 deaths per 100 000 in 1994 to 11.4 per 100 000 in 2009, driven by a decline in firearm homicide rates.1 No single study has adequately explained the decline in firearm- related homicide rates. Postulated reasons include improved socio- economic conditions, violence prevention programs, decline in the crack/cocaine market, changes in legislation, declines in firearms availability for other reasons, and community policing. Nevertheless, firearm-associated death and disability rates remain unacceptably doi:10.1542/peds.2012-2481 high. PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics Of all injury deaths of individuals 15 through 19 years of age in the United States in 2009, more than 1 (28.7%) in 4 were firearm related, and of those younger than 20 years, nearly 1 (19.5%) in 5 were firearm related.1 These firearm deaths result from homicide, suicide, and unintentional injury (Fig 2). Black Americans are particularly affected; injuries from firearms were the leading cause of death among black males 15 through 34 years of age in 2009.2 Although national data cannot fully document urban and rural differences in the patterns of injuries from firearms that involve children, local data indicate that children in rural areas as well as in urban areas are at risk for firearm-related mortality.3–5 e1416 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS the detailed history and circumstances of the fatal incident. Data concerning mental health, substance abuse, race, age group, previous history, method of injury, and relationship of suspect to victim are included. Suspects and mul- tiple victims can be studied together, allowing for comparisons of victim and perpetrator characteristics.6–8 The NVDRS can provide useful information concern- ing childhood mortality from firearms; FIGURE 1 Firearm-related death rates per 100 000 people 15 through 19 years of age in the United States, 1995– limited raw data from this system are 2009. (Adapted from National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, US Centers for Disease now available online.1 Control and Prevention. Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) Injury Mortality Reports, 1999–2009, for national, regional, and states [May, 2012]. Available at: http:// Accessed June 8, 2012). INTERNATIONAL COMPARISONS The United States has the highest rates of firearm-related deaths (including homicide, suicide, and unintentional deaths) among high-income countries.9 For youth 15 to 24 years of age, fire- arm homicide rates, as documented by Richardson and Hemenway,9 were 35.7 times higher than in other countries. For children 5 to 14 years of age, firearm suicide rates were 8 times higher, and death rates from un- intentional firearm injuries were 10 times higher in the United States than other high-income countries. The dif- ference in rates may be related to the ease of availability of guns in the United States compared with other high-income countries. This is particu- larly true for suicides, as guns carry a high case-fatality rate.10 Suicides among the young are typically impul- sive,11 and easy access to lethal weapons largely determines outcome. FIGURE 2 ECONOMIC COSTS OF Injury intent: US 2009 firearm-related deaths, for all ages (n = 31 593) and in children from birth FIREARM-RELATED INJURY through 19 years of age (n = 2966). (Adapted from National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting Corso and colleagues12 calculated the System (WISQARS) Injury Mortality Reports, 1999–2009, for national, regional, and states [May, 2012]. Available at: Accessed June 8, 2012). financial cost to society resulting from gun-related assaults and homicides in 2000. The amount totaled $17.4 bil- lion, including $0.8 billion in direct The National Violent Death Reporting all violent deaths in participating states. medical costs and $16.6 billion in lost System (NVDRS), administered by the The NVDRS system uses sources of data productivity. In the same year, self- Centers for Disease Control and Pre- to allow analysis of each death (homi- inflicted firearm injuries and suicides vention, provides detailed surveillance of cides, suicides, and others), including cost society $16.4 billion, including PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Number 5, November 2012 e1417 Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
$16.3 billion in lost productivity and $0.1 billion in direct medical costs. The analysis found that average direct medical cost per case for nonfatal fire- arm assaults and self-inflicted injuries resulting in hospitalization were $24 353 and $7234 respectively.12 The method for calculating the medical costs includes ambulance transport costs, coroner/ medical examiner costs, emergency de- partment costs, hospital readmission costs, and inpatient hospitalization and/ or nursing home costs.12 Work loss FIGURE 3 Firearm-related death rates per 100 000 black and white people 15 through 19 years of age in the costs were calculated by the net present United States, 2009. (Adapted from National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, US Centers for value of future wage earning and losses Disease Control and Prevention. Web-Based Injury Statistics Query & Reporting System (WISQARS) in household productivity. Injury Mortality Reports, 1999–2009, for national, regional, and states [May, 2012]. Available at: Accessed June 8, 2012). HOMICIDE In 2009, 84.5% of all homicides of in schools, although rare, deserves percentage of suicides in rural areas, people 15 through 19 years of age serious study and calls for local and where they are more widely avail- were firearm-related.1 Deaths of male national responses. able.17,18 Strong evidence suggests individuals outnumber deaths of fe- that the presence of firearms in the male individuals (Fig 3). Young black home increases the risk of suicide men from 15 through 34 years of age SUICIDE among adolescents. A review of exist- have the highest rates of firearm- Suicide Risk Among Adolescents ing data from case-control studies related homicide.1 In 2010 in the and Firearm Availability and ecological data found that firearm United States, 67.5% of all homicides In 2009, suicide was the third leading availability plays a large role in in- were committed with a firearm, and cause of death for American youth 15 creasing the risk of youth suicide.19 in 68.5% of those cases, a handgun to 19 years of age. Firearms remained Several individual-level and ecologic was used as the murder weapon.13 the most common method used for studies, including nationally repre- Firearm homicide rates were higher suicide in this age group, accounting sentative studies, have corroborated in major urban areas than in the for 736 deaths (3.4 per 100 000).1 Of all these earlier findings.20–24 The asso- nation as a whole (5.2 per 100 000 vs common methods used for attempting ciation of a gun in the home and 4.2 per 100 000). Within the 50 largest suicide, firearms are the most lethal, increased risk of suicide among ado- metropolitan areas, they were highest with approximately a 90% mortality lescents has been well documented. in the central cities (9.7 per 100 000).3 rate.15 Adolescents are at a relatively From a clinical perspective, it is im- An understanding of the characteristics high risk of attempting suicide as portant to note that this association is of firearm-related homicides is impor- a consequence of their often impul- significant even in those teens without tant when interventions are being sive behavior. Choosing a highly lethal a previous psychiatric diagnosis.25,26 planned. Most homicides occur during method such as a firearm to attempt The odds of suicide are particularly interpersonal conflict, typically be- suicide leads to higher suicide fatality high if the gun is kept loaded.25,26 tween relatives, friends, or acquain- rates overall, in part because most Data concerning the effects of laws tances.13 Recognized risk factors for survivors of serious suicide attempts restricting firearm ownership show violence involving children and ado- do not die of renewed attempts.16 varying results.27–29 Interestingly, laws lescents include exposure to family Thus, easy access to firearms con- reducing child access, which primar- violence, history of antisocial behavior, tributes to an increased risk of sui- ily requires safe storage, appear to depression, suicidal ideation, drug/ cide among youth this age. Although be associated with lower overall ado- alcohol use, poor school performance, handguns are used in most youth lescent suicide rates, whereas pur- bullying, and isolation from peer firearm suicides, long guns (shotguns chase restrictions did not result in groups.14 The occurrence of shootings and rifles) are also used in a large this reduction.29 Other studies have e1418 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS established the finding that safe Well-established behavioral risk fac- stored a gun unlocked, and 8.3% storage of firearms reduces the risk tors for carrying guns include gang stored at least 1 gun unlocked and of adolescent suicide.30 membership, use of alcohol and other loaded.40 Household firearm owners drugs, victimization by violence, and with adolescents 13 through 17 years UNINTENTIONAL perpetration of violence.34–36 As with of age report leaving their firearms FIREARM-RELATED DEATHS other risk behaviors, adolescents sub- unlocked 41.7% of the time, compared stantially overestimate the percentage In 2009, 114 children and adolescents with only 28.8% of household firearm of their peers who carry guns, and younger than 20 years died as a result of owners with children 0 through 12 interestingly, gun carrying is highly unintentional firearm-related injuries.1 associated with that normative per- years of age.40 Perhaps surprisingly, 66 of these 114 ception.35 Adolescence is marked by Most gun owners report the leading unintentional deaths occurred in the 15- a search for identity, independence, motivation for ownership is recrea- to 19-year age group. Fatal shootings and autonomy. Accompanying charac- tional; however, nearly three-quarters are usually inflicted by other children or teristics may be curiosity, the strong of handgun owners said self-protection youth, typically friends or siblings.31,32 influence of the peer group, rites of was the primary reason for owning There are few recent systemically col- passage, belief in invincibility, impul- a gun.41 Research in several US urban lected data concerning the precise cir- siveness, immaturity, mood swings, areas indicates that a gun stored in cumstances of unintentional firearm and substance abuse. The perception the home is associated with a three- injury deaths among these 114 children. of danger by adolescents may be fold increase in the risk of homicide influenced by many factors, including and a fivefold increase in the risk of NONFATAL FIREARM-RELATED the media, as well as the reality of suicide.42–44 Evidence from Philadelphia INJURIES their own lives. A view of the world as suggests that firearm possession a dangerous place during this partic- increases the risk of being shot in an According to data from emergency ularly vulnerable developmental period assault. In a carefully conducted case- departments in the 66 hospitals in the may lead to conflict, injury, and death, control study, Branas and colleagues National Electronic Injury Surveillance especially when access to guns is easy. found that people possessing a gun System All-Injury Program, an estimated were more than 4 times more likely to 73 505 people of all ages were treated be shot in an assault than those not in for nonfatal firearm-related injuries in GUNS AND GUN OWNERSHIP possession of a firearm.45 US hospital emergency departments in It is estimated that 57 million Amer- 2010, among them 15 576 children and icans owned 283 million firearms adolescents younger than 20 years.1 Of LEGAL ISSUES in 2004, representing 38% of all those, 6236 (40%) required hospitali- households and 26% of all adults A 2008 Supreme Court decision struck zation for their injuries. Adolescents 15 having or owning at least 1 gun. Of down the handgun ban in the District of to 19 years of age had nonfatal firearm these, 60% were long guns and the Columbia, concluding that the second injury rates nearly 3 times that of the remaining 40% were handguns.37 Of amendment to the US Constitution general population (62.9 vs 23.9 per the handguns, 50% were revolvers, establishes individual rights to gun 100 000).1 Most (79%) of the nonfatal 35% were semiautomatic pistols, ownership.46 In the subsequent 2010 injuries to adolescents were attribut- and 15% were other types.37 More Supreme Court case of McDonald v the able to assault, and assault-related recently, there has been a troubling City of Chicago, the Court ruled that injuries were responsible for 84.5% of increase in serious and disabling the 14th Amendment extends the 2nd hospitalizations.1 injuries resulting from high-velocity Amendment protections of the federal nonpowder guns.38 government to states and localities ADOLESCENT CHARACTERISTICS Prevalence of gun ownership by against laws that infringe on “the right AND ACCESS TO GUNS household varies significantly geo- to keep and bear arms.”47 The 2011 National Youth Risk Behavior graphically, with an estimated low of Because Chicago was the only locality Surveillance reported that 5.1% of 5.2% in the District of Columbia to in the country to possess an outright students in grades 9 through 12 had 62.8% of all households in Wyoming.39 handgun ban, the McDonald ruling carried guns during the past month, In a study of gun-owning Americans did not have an immediate effect on with boys more likely to report car- with children under 18 years of age, state and local gun laws outside the rying guns than girls (8.6% vs 1.4%).33 21.7% stored a gun loaded, 31.5% Chicago area. The ruling set the stage PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Number 5, November 2012 e1419 Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
for Second Amendment legal chal- as well as limiting access by un- education result in reductions in de- lenges to local and state gun laws, authorized users. These include trig- linquency56; however, one study has however, including laws requiring the ger locks, lock boxes, personalized shown that, for seventh-grade chil- safe storage of firearms and trigger safety mechanisms, and trigger pres- dren exposed to high levels of violence locks, as well as laws aimed at pro- sures that are too high for young as victims or witnesses, a conflict- tecting children from firearms. There children.48 A multisite study found that resolution class produced more anxi- have been and will likely continue to be keeping a gun locked and keeping ety, depression, and aggression.57 a number of state and local legal a gun unloaded have protective effects School curricula aimed at reducing challenges to restrictions on firearm of 73% and 70%, respectively, with violence should be specific to the acquisition and use in the United regard to risk of both unintentional population and include evaluation States. These include challenges to injury and suicide for children and components to determine their effec- measures specifically pertaining to teenagers. These findings were con- tiveness.58 access to firearms by children. Pedia- sistent for both handguns and long The AAP statement on youth violence tricians should, nonetheless, continue guns (rifles and shotguns).30 prevention suggests many ways in to provide anticipatory guidance to Gun avoidance programs are designed which pediatricians and communities children and their families regarding to educate children as a way of can respond to violence.59 This policy keeping children safe from injury, reducing firearm injury (eg, Eddie endorses use of the Connected Kids: including restriction of access to guns. Safe, Strong, Secure violence-prevention Eagle, STAR); however, several evalua- tion studies have demonstrated that program. This program provides coun- such programs do not prevent risk seling suggestions concerning a num- IMPLICATIONS OF DATA FOR behaviors49–51 and may even increase ber of violence-related topics and PREVENTION STRATEGIES gun handling among children.45 In parent information brochures specifi- The following summary of data sug- contrast, results of a large national cally related to reducing unintentional gests a number of intervention strat- randomized controlled trial demon- injuries to young children and suicide egies: strated that brief physician counsel- risk among adolescents. The Connected Firearm-related injuries are often ing directed at parents, combined Kids program was developed on the fatal; primary prevention is essen- with distribution of gunlocks, may be basis of expert opinion and focus tial. effective in promoting safer storage of groups of parents around the United guns in homes with children.52 A re- Suicide fatality rates increase if States.60–62 The clinical guide and cent randomized controlled trial parent information material provides guns are present in the home. found that a safe storage campaign parents with factual information from Access to guns increases the num- with gun safe distribution was both which they can make their own deci- ber of conflict-related deaths and feasible and effective at limiting sions. For parents of young children, injuries. household exposure to unlocked and handgun storage is placed in the con- Access to guns and unsafe storage loaded guns.53 text of preventing child access to other practices creates risk of serious A number of factors may be important dangerous household products. Parents unintentional injury and death. in reducing exposure to violence and of adolescents have counseling and Most firearm-related injuries and the results of that exposure in children written materials that describe the re- deaths of children and adolescents and adolescents. Some curricula tar- lationship between the availability of involve a handgun, but long guns geting younger children and those at lethal weapons and fatal teen suicide are involved a large number of low risk of violence have been eval- attempts. These concepts have been unintentional injuries and suicides, uated and have shown positive incorporated in the new Bright Futures especially in rural areas. results.54 Resiliency-based violence- toolkit, and pediatricians will find items prevention strategies in preschool concerning gun safety incorporated in- children have shown improvement in to relevant previsit questionnaires.63 Preventing Firearm Injuries teacher interactional skills supporting The AAP also advocates for reduction of in Children children’s resiliency and improvement television viewing by children, because A number of design options have been in children’s prosocial behaviors.55 media exposure results in increases in proposed to decrease the likelihood Other studies have shown that both childhood and youth violence. In par- of unintentional injury by a firearm, family support and early childhood ticular, media tends to romanticize the e1420 FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
FROM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS use of firearms as a means of resolving 2. Health information for parents: b. The AAP supports efforts to re- conflicts. The AAP policy statement on a. Pediatricians and other child duce the destructive power of media violence provides specific back- health care professionals are handguns and handgun ammu- ground information and recommenda- urged to counsel parents about nition via regulation of the man- tions for pediatricians.64 the dangers of allowing children ufacture and importation of Pediatricians can benefit from know- and adolescents to have access classes of guns. Engineering ing local community resources that to guns inside and outside the efforts (eg, personalized safety assist with guidance when patients home. The AAP recommends that mechanisms and trigger locks) and families are at high risk of firearm- pediatricians incorporate ques- may be of benefit and need fur- related injury. Pediatricians may tions about the presence and ther study. Trigger locks, lock partner with other community mem- availability of firearms into their boxes, gun safes, and safe stor- bers and community-based organi- patient history taking and urge age legislation are encouraged zations to identify and publicize these parents who possess guns to by the AAP. Other measures resources. prevent access to these guns aimed at regulating access of by children. Safer storage of guns should include legislative SUMMARY AND guns reduces injuries, and phy- actions, such as mandatory RECOMMENDATIONS sician counseling linked with dis- waiting periods, closure of the tribution of cable locks appear gun show loophole, mental Firearm-related injury to children is to increase safer storage. Never- health restrictions for gun pur- associated with death and severe chases, and background checks. morbidity and is a significant public theless, the safest home for health problem. Child health care a child or adolescent is one with- c. The AAP recommends restora- professionals can and should provide out firearms. tion of the ban on the sale of effective leadership in efforts to pre- assault weapons to the gen- b. The presence of guns in the vent gun violence, injury, and death. eral public. home increases the risk of le- The AAP recognizes the importance thal suicidal acts among adoles- 4. The AAP supports the funding of of a variety of countermeasures (ed- cents. Health care professionals research related to the preven- ucational, environmental, engineering, should counsel the parents of tion of firearm injury, including enactment, enforcement, economic all adolescents to remove guns surveillance through the NVDRS; incentives, and evaluation) to dra- from the home or restrict ac- accurate evaluation of health matically curb the number of firearm- cess to them. This advice should care–based screening and inter- related injuries to children. The AAP be reiterated and reinforced for vention; and local, regional, and makes the following recommenda- national efforts to identify and patients with mood disorders, tions, which reaffirm and expand on the disseminate violence prevention substance abuse problems (in- 1992 and 2000 policy statements65,66: resources. cluding alcohol), or a history of 1. The AAP affirms that the most ef- suicide attempts. 5. The AAP supports the education of fective measure to prevent suicide, 3. The AAP urges that guns be sub- physicians and other professionals homicide, and unintentional firearm- ject to consumer product regu- interested in understanding the related injuries to children and lations regarding child access, effects of firearms and how to re- adolescents is the absence of guns safety, and design. In addition, duce the morbidity and mortality from homes and communities. Al- the AAP continues to support law associated with their use. though the US Supreme Court rul- enforcement activities that trace LEAD AUTHORS ing in the case of McDonald v City the origins of firearms used in M. Denise Dowd, MD, MPH of Chicago struck down compre- the commission of crimes and Robert D. Sege, MD, PhD hensive local and statewide fire- that these data be used to enforce arm bans, pediatricians should regulations aimed at preventing COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND continue to advocate for the stron- illegal sales to minors. POISON PREVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 2012–2013 gest possible legislative and regu- a. Evidence supports the effective- H. Garry Gardner, MD, Chairperson latory approaches to prevent firearm ness of regulation that limits Kyran P. Quinlan, MD, MPH, Chairperson-elect injuries and deaths. child access to firearms. Michele Burns Ewald, MD PEDIATRICS Volume 130, Number 5, November 2012 e1421 Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
Beth E. Ebel, MD, MSc, MPH PAST COUNCIL EXECUTIVE Michael S. Turner, MD Richard Lichenstein, MD COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jeffrey Weiss, MD Marlene D. Melzer-Lange, MD Mary E. Aitken, MD, MPH LIAISON Joseph O’Neil, MD, MPH Carl R. Baum, MD Natalie Yanchar, MD — Canadian Paediatric Wendy J. Pomerantz, MD, MS M. Denise Dowd, MD, MPH Society Elizabeth C. Powell, MD Seth J. Scholer, MD, MPH Dennis R. Durbin, MD, MSCE STAFF Gary A. Smith, MD, DrPH Benjamin D. Hoffman, MD Bonnie Kozial REFERENCES 1. National Center for Injury Prevention and injuries in the United States population. 22. Wiebe DJ. Homicide and suicide risks as- Control, US Centers for Disease Control and Ann Emerg Med. 2000;35(3):258–266 sociated with firearms in the home: a na- Prevention. Web-Based Injury Statistics Query 11. Gould MS, Greenberg T, Velting DM, Shaffer tional case-control study. Ann Emerg Med. & Reporting System (WISQARS) Injury Mor- D. 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Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Pediatrics 2012;130;e1416 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-2481 originally published online October 18, 2012; Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at: Services References This article cites 55 articles, 20 of which you can access for free at: Subspecialty Collections This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the following collection(s): Current Policy Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention violence_and_poison_prevention Injury, Violence & Poison Prevention son_prevention_sub Firearms Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
Firearm-Related Injuries Affecting the Pediatric Population COUNCIL ON INJURY, VIOLENCE, AND POISON PREVENTION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Pediatrics 2012;130;e1416 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-2481 originally published online October 18, 2012; The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2012 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397. Downloaded from by guest on March 18, 2019
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