President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -

Page created by Claude Moore
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
                              Home of the Blue Angels - Pensacola, FL
                                 4 Star LOE Chapter Award – 2002
                               A 5 Star LOE Chapter 2003-2019,2021
                                    Printed Newsletter Award –
                                 2008, 2010,2011,2019,2020,2021
                                         Website Winner –

                                  President’s     Corner
                                       January 2023

Dear Friends,
I’m starting this President’s Corner with “Dear
Friends” because so many of you have
impacted my life for the last eight years. Some
of you, maybe all, are now saying or thinking to
yourselves - What? What'd he say? Eight
years? We had to endure his dinner menus and
then his stupid “President’s Corner” stories for
that long??!!! Well, yes you did and all those
years I was “Honored” and “Humbled” to stand
as your Vice-President and then President,
                                                               All photos are courtesy of Christine Frazier
and every moment meant a great deal to me.
                                                      What a great party with the food and the feeling
As I look back over the last years as President,
                                                      of Christmas cheer and the piano player, who
it’s hard to forget those times, those wonderful
                                                      by the way, is a teacher at Tate H.S. I don’t
times each month when Jean Booton, our
                                                      know that it matters now, but with a smaller
extraordinary Editor of the Beacon would write
                                                      contingent from Avant Garde joining us, we
me, or even call me with the “YOU’RE LATE
                                                      had 96 people in one ballroom and it was
CORNER!!!!!”, blah, blah, blah, blah. The “spit
and flames” carrying those few words were             But now, it’s time to say “Farewell”, “Sayonara”,
always downright SCARY! The fact is I love            “Adios”, “Ciao”, “Adieu”, “Aloha”, whatever!
Jean dearly and she is indeed my friend, and          Come Thursday, 19 January 2023 our Chapter
as a chapter we are very lucky to have her. I’m       will have a new President, a 1st V.P. and a
finishing up this last one in the nick of time just   couple of new Directors.
to show her that I can actually get it done on
                                                      CAPT Ken Pyle, USN (Ret) will now guide this
                                                      chapter into the future and the prospects for
I want to thank everyone who attended our             change are indeed great. He’ll have an
Christmas party on December 8th and                   outstanding team to support his leadership and
especially the young Marines who were there           vision as to where he wants to take our
as our guests to collect the “Toy’s for Tots”.        chapter. I truly hope every one of you will get
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

behind and help make this one Hell of a vibrant           are scrambling to obtain other spaces to hold
and magnificent chapter. I have always thought            their dinner or lunch meetings. We were lucky
of us as “Magnificent”. The “Vibrancy” comes              to be allowed the use of the dining room at
with more and younger members. This is                    Azalea Trace. By now you may have noticed
nothing new and we have always known this.                the menu on our website. We’re having a feast
A couple of months ago we were told that we               of Prime Rib Carving Station and other
are considered one of those “aging” chapters. I           delicious buffet entrees all for $30 per person.
looked up what “Aging” actually meant.                    This dinner meeting is very important as it’s our
Encyclopedia Britannica defines it as                     Annual Memorial Service and Installation /
“progressive physiological changes in an                  Change of Command Ceremony. Please make
organism that lead to senescence, or a decline            every effort to attend as we say goodbye to
of biological functions and of the organism’s             those who have gone to their final resting place
ability to adapt to metabolic stress.” To be              before us, and to welcome our new Officers
honest, when I was 30 yrs. old I was not aging.           and Board of Directors.
Since then, the years have certainly piled up
                                                          I must end at this point. I’m now going into the
some physical pain and changes. Frankly, as I
                                                          bedroom to put on, for the first time, my new
look back through the years, I’m very lucky to
                                                          Nike Air Zoom Running shoes that I wanted so
have lasted this long, still be alive and thinking
                                                          much and received for a Hanukkah present. I’m
like I’m still 30 yrs. old. When my lovely wife
                                                          going out for a 3 mile run around my
Estelle tells me to “act your age”, I’m thinking
                                                          neighborhood. That’s what I did when I was 30
damn right - that’s a compliment. When those
                                                          years old. I pray to God that I don’t croak from
compliments start to slow, that’s when it’s time
                                                          a heart attack, or actually make it back to the
to act up a little bit more. I’m sure none of you
                                                          house, which just might take 3 hours, only to
are buying this, but I hope you are. We’re
                                                          have blown out both my knee caps. Should I
certainly not 30 anymore, but if we all hadn’t
                                                          make it back without killing, or hurting, or
had the opportunity to serve as we have, in
                                                          embarrassing myself, I’m going to open my
uniform, or as spouses, and received the gifts
                                                          Christmas gift sent, with love, from my son - a
of education, faith, experiences of life in
                                                          12 year old bottle of Irish Whiskey. I shall sit on
general, we wouldn’t be where we are and
                                                          our front porch, smoke an over-priced cigar,
reading this newest monthly Beacon. Our new
                                                          drink the over-priced whiskey, cough my brains
leadership is in amazingly strong hands and we
                                                          out from the cigar and think:
are all well suited to help bring this chapter
forward and into the future.                              With Fondness and Warmest Greetings for a
                                                                      Wonderful New Year,
As I mentioned above, there is one more dinner
meeting that I need to act as the chapter
President, Thursday January 19th. Because                                      Dean Kirschner
Pensacola Yacht Club is starting an extensive                                           Chapter President
expansion project, all outside organizations will
                                                                                          Cell (850) 554-2177
not be able to utilize the ballrooms at PYC for,
                                                                                          Hm. (850) 458-7988
at the very least, several months, maybe more.                                    
So, as you might imagine a lot of organizations
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

                         LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS                      What’s in the $1.7 Trillion Funding Bill for Veterans,
                    This month we focus on the large              Military Members and Survivors
                                                                  (Adapted from an article by Kevin Lilley in the MOAA Newsletter December
                    number of issues of importance to our         22, 2022)
                    community that were included in the
                    massive $1.7 Trillion omnibus funding         Congress passed the omnibus appropriations bill to fund
                    bill passed at the last minute by this        the government for FY 2023 on December 23rd . The bill
                    Congress. I hope you enjoy the read.          has been signed by the President and will fund the
                                                                  government through Sept. 30, 2023.
This is my last month as editor of the Legislative Affairs
                                                                  The $1.7 trillion funding package includes the largest-ever
column. I have enjoyed bringing articles of interest to you
                                                                  defense spending and a major jump to VA funding to help
the past few years. I will be installed as President of
                                                                  support the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson
PMOAA at the January 19 meeting. Mr. Ray Judd will be
                                                                  Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics
taking over as editor. Please provide him the feedback
                                                                  (PACT) Act, the MOAA-backed comprehensive toxic
he needs to bring you what you need and want to read
                                                                  exposure bill. Summary of major items follows:
about. Good Luck, Ray and thank you for stepping up to
this challenge.                                                   DoD Funding Items of Interest

To help you stay informed about issues, please consider           The bill would provide DoD with $797.7 billion, a $69.3
subscribing to the MOAA Newsletter which is sent out two          billion increase over FY 2022 levels. This would fund the
to four times per month on Thursdays via email. You can           MOAA-backed 4.6% pay increase for servicemembers,
sign up for the newsletter at Please let            as well as funds to offset inflation affecting key benefits
me know how you think I can make this column better for           for those in uniform.
you by sending an email to me at             An item in the Joint Explanatory Statement accompanying
                                                                  the legislation directs the Comptroller General to file a
Your voice needs to be heard by our Florida                       report “to the congressional defense committees” on the
Congressional Delegation. Please consider using some              status of the transition of military treatment facilities to the
or all of the many excellent resources and avenues                Defense Health Agency (DHA). The report will include a
available to express yourself through MOAA. The                   review of functions at facilities that have already
Pensacola Chapter of MOAA is a member of the Florida              transitioned; cost implications of the transition; the current
Council of Chapters, MOAA and an affiliate of the Military        and planned DHA staffing model; and how the DHA will
Officers Association of America (MOAA) who together are           ensure that the services’ medical requirements are
the nation’s largest and most influential association of          considered and met.
military officers. We are an independent, nonprofit,
politically nonpartisan organization. MOAA has several            Military Construction Funding Items of Interest
critical legislative issues they are championing. Become          This bill includes $19 billion in spending for military
an       advocate        and     Take    Action     NOW!          construction and family housing this fiscal year, a $4.1
at                                    billion increase from FY 2022.
                                                                  House and Senate Appropriations Committee members
   In this issue:                                                 had stern words about the Military Housing Privatization
                                                                  Initiative (MHPI). In the accompanying Joint Explanatory
   •   What’s in the $1.7 Trillion Funding Bill for               Statement, they wrote, “The Committees believe that the
       Veterans, Military Members and Survivors                   MHPI management companies have woefully neglected
   •   SECURE ACT 2.0: Retirement Plan Rules                      responsibilities outlined in the partnership agreements
       Changes                                                    with the Services. The Committees continue to receive
   •   Surviving Spouse Q & A: Benefits and                       evidence of poor housing conditions, inadequate
                                                                  maintenance response times, mishandling of claims,
   •   Changes to State Military Retirement Income Tax
                                                                  indifference towards the wellbeing of servicemembers
                                                                  and their families, and some incidences of illegal incentive
                                                                  fee fraud.”

President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

The bill also includes funding for Arlington National                       •   Improve measurements of wait times for
Cemetery (ANC), which will receive $93.4 million for                            the community care program and pilot
operations costs (a $6.4 million increase from last year)                       scheduling.
and $62.5 million in funding for the Southern Expansion                     •   Extend eligibility for GI Bill and Veterans
construction project and Memorial Avenue improvements.                          Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
                                                                                during    national      emergencies       so
                                                                                educational benefits are not left unused.
VA Funding Items of Interest                                      Passing this bipartisan bill avoids a yearlong continuing
PACT Act funding proved a major source of debate in the           resolution for the government. Such a resolution would
leadup to the final deal, which included $135.2 billion in        mean disaster for national security, with high inflation
discretionary VA funding and $168.6 billion in mandatory          eroding inadequate funds for all manner of benefits and
funding. The final has an 11.9% increase for the Veterans         readiness programs.
Benefits Administration (VBA) to support the influx of new        SECURE Act 2.0: Retirement Plan Rules Changes
claims, a 22% increase for the Veterans Health
Administration (VHA) to support the expansion of health           The year-end federal funding omnibus bill includes long-
care to new veterans, and $2 billion in funding for               debated legislation updating rules for required minimum
infrastructure developments.                                      distributions (RMDs), increasing catch-up contribution
                                                                  limits, and making other major changes that could impact
These increases are critical given the demands being              your retirement planning.
placed on the VA by the PACT Act, which expanded
health care and benefits to 3.5 million veterans exposed          The so-called “SECURE Act 2.0” – following up on a 2019
to hazardous toxins during their service. They are now            law – passed the House overwhelmingly in March, but
eligible for health care from the VA, and if ill from their       lingered for much of the year in a Senate committee. The
exposures, could be eligible for additional benefits.             language included in the omnibus, which was signed into
                                                                  law by the president Dec. 23, has many of the House
Additional Veterans Bills                                         provisions, with some modifications.
The 4,100-plus-page omnibus also includes two veterans            Here are some of the highlights of the provision, which
bills – the STRONG Veterans Act of 2022 and the Joseph            takes up more than 350 pages of the 4,155-page funding
Maxwell Cleland and Robert Joseph Dole Memorial                   bill. A reminder: MOAA does not provide financial
Veterans Benefits and Health Care Improvement Act of              planning services and does not have a tax expert on staff,
2022 (Cleland-Dole Act).                                          so be sure to discuss the effects of this legislation with
The STRONG Veterans Act expands support for mental                your financial adviser and/or tax planner. For further
health and suicide prevention through enhancements to             details, consult this section-by-section breakdown of the
the Veterans Crisis Line, workforce training, and                 legislation from the Insured Retirement Institute, a
expanded programs for mental health providers.                    nonprofit association for the retirement income industry.

The Cleland-Dole Act is a comprehensive bill with many            1. Major RMD Changes: The law updates current RMD
MOAA-backed provisions. The bill will:                            rules, which require distributions to begin at age 72. Per
                                                                  the proposal:
          •   Expand eligibility for VA hospital care,
              medical services, and nursing home care to                    •   If you turn 72 after Dec. 31, 2022, or if you
              include all veterans of World War II.                             turn 73 before Jan. 1, 2033, your
          •   Establish a clinical pathway for prostate                         distributions must begin when you turn 73.
              cancer, along with increased research.                        •   If you turn 74 after Dec. 31, 2032, your
          •   Cut bureaucratic red tape for veterans who                        distributions must begin when you turn 75.
              receive clothing allowances. These
                                                                  Previously, if you failed to take an RMD, you were subject
              veterans will no longer need to reapply
                                                                  to a stiff 50% excise tax. SECURE Act 2.0 reduces the
          •   Increase oversight of health care providers         penalty to 25%, and if the failure is corrected in a timely
              to ensure veterans receive high quality             manner, the excise tax is reduced to 10%.

President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

2. New Catch-Up Contribution Rules: Individual                      federal matching contribution deposited into a taxpayer’s
Retirement Arrangement (IRA) catch-up contribution limits           retirement account.
will be tied to cost-of-living adjustments. And there will be
                                                                    Also, beneficiaries of 529 college savings accounts will be
a higher catch-up contribution limit to retirement plans for
                                                                    able to roll over up to $35,000 over the course of their
those ages 60 to 63 – the greater of $10,000 or 50% more
                                                                    lifetime from their 529 account into their Roth IRA tax- and
than the regular catch-up amount.
                                                                    penalty-free. Annual contribution limits will apply.
3. Retirement Plan Updates: 401(k) and 403(b) plans
                                                                    Look for more details on these changes and other
will be required to auto-enroll employees in the employer-
                                                                    financial updates at
sponsored retirement plan for contributions of between
3% and 10% for the first year. After that, they need to             Surviving Spouse Q & A: Benefits and Remarriage
increase the percentage by 1% per year to at least 10%              (From an article by Paul Frost in the MOAA Newsletter
but not more than 15% unless the employee opts out.                 December 22, 2023)
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, employers will be able to treat             A surviving spouse retains his or her health care coverage
qualified student loan payments as elective deferrals for           if the military retiree dies first. That includes TRICARE
purposes of matching contributions to employer-                     Prime, Select, Overseas Select, and TRICARE for Life
sponsored retirement plans. This allows employers to                (TFL).
make contributions on behalf of workers who are
foregoing saving for retirement to pay off student loan             The death of a beneficiary is a “qualifying life event,” which,
debt.                                                               if desired, enables a surviving beneficiary to change
                                                                    TRICARE plans Prime to Select or Select to Prime (TFL
The bill includes auto-portability provisions to allow for          and Overseas Select remain unchanged).
easier movement between new and old employer
retirement plans.                                                   A surviving spouse retains all other relevant benefits and
                                                                    ID card for access to base, commissary, and exchange. If
4. Protections for Military Spouses: Eligible small                 a surviving spouse remarries, their TRICARE benefit is
employers will be able to take a tax credit when they               gone forever, unless they marry another military retiree.
employ a military spouse and make them immediately
eligible to participate in the employer’s defined                   If a couple takes the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) at
contribution plan within two months. They must also make            retirement, and the retiree dies first, the surviving spouse
spouses immediately eligible for matching contributions             must “apply” for the annuity to begin. Find the required
and make them 100% vested in employer contributions.                paperwork at this link.

5. Emergency Savings Provisions: Individuals will be                Here are some frequently asked questions:
able to take withdrawals from their retirement accounts for         Q. If we haven’t made all 360 payments, will the
certain emergency expenses without paying an additional             remaining premiums be deducted from the annuity?
10% penalty. Only one distribution per year of up to
$1,000 is allowed under the bill, which also creates                A. No, premiums stop upon the retiree’s death.
pension-linked emergency savings accounts that could
                                                                    Q. If my spouse dies first, do I get my premiums back?
be accessed up to once a month.
                                                                    A. No, this is an insurance policy and there is no refund in
6. New Annuity Requirements: Current RMD
                                                                    this case. If the retiree remarries, on the one-year
regulations prohibit certain guarantees that would make
                                                                    anniversary the new spouse will be covered (DFAS must
life annuities an attractive option as part of a defined
                                                                    be notified soon after you remarry). If you had not made
contribution plan or IRA. The act removes these barriers.
                                                                    your 360th payment before the first spouse died, your
7. Other Updates: The current Saver’s Credit seeks to               premiums will begin again where they left off until
encourage low- and middle-income individuals to                     reaching 360.
contribute to retirement accounts by giving them a
                                                                    Q. What if my ex-spouse receives the benefit?
nonrefundable tax credit that phases out as income
increases. Under SECURE Act 2.0, the credit is fixed at             A. If your ex-spouse dies first, the benefit can be
50% for all eligible savers and changes from a credit to a          transferred to your current spouse. If you die first, your ex-
                                                                    spouse will begin receiving the benefit, and it cannot be
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

transferred to your surviving spouse upon your ex-                            retirees in 2022: North Carolina passed an amendment to
spouse’s death.                                                               this year’s appropriations act extending the 2021 state tax
                                                                              exemption on military retiree and surviving spouse
Q. I’m receiving SBP. What happens if I remarry?
                                                                              benefits to USPHS and NOAA retirees. MOAA Councils
A. If you have reached your 55th birthday before                              and Chapters are encouraged to include USPHS and
remarrying, you continue receiving the benefit. If you                        NOAA when advocating for these tax changes. As
marry before your 55th birthday, the benefit is suspended.                    uniformed services but not part of the "Armed Forces,"
If that subsequent marriage ends in death or divorce, SBP                     they can be excluded unknowingly by lawmakers.
can be restarted.                                                             Surviving spouses should also be included in the
                                                                              advocacy efforts.
VA Benefit
                                                                              Full Exemption
VA disability compensation ends upon a veteran’s death.
A surviving spouse is eligible for the VA’s version of SBP,                   Oklahoma: A law signed May 26 by Gov. Kevin Stitt
called Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC),                           offers full exemption for military retired pay, improving on
if a service member died while on active duty, if the                         a previous 75% tax break.
veteran died from a service-connected disability, or if the
                                                                              Rhode Island: The state’s FY 2023 budget, signed July
veteran was rated 100% permanently and totally disabled
                                                                              21 by Gov. Dan McKee, exempts all military retired pay
during at least the last 10 years of life. A surviving spouse                 from state taxes beginning in tax year 2023 (not 2022).
must apply for DIC. Learn more at this VA website.
                                                                              South Carolina: A law signed May 13 by Gov. Henry
Do I receive DIC for the rest of my life?                                     McMaster exempts all military retirement income from
A. Yes, under one of the following conditions:                                state taxes beginning with the 2022 tax year.

             •    You remarried on or after Dec. 16, 2003,                    Partial Exemption
                  and had already reached your 57th
                                                                              Delaware: A law signed July 21 by Gov. John Carney
                                                                              extends the state’s tax exemption for military retirees
             •    You remarried on or after Jan. 5, 2021, and
                                                                              under 60 to $12,500, up from $2,000, beginning in the
                  had already reached your 55th birthday.
                                                                              2022 tax year.
Changes to State Military Retirement Income
                                                                              Georgia: A law signed April 18 by Gov. Brian Kemp
Tax Rules
(Adapted from an article by Kevin Lilley in MOAA Newsletter December 1,       exempts up to $35,000 of military income for residents
2022)                                                                         under age 62. Georgia residents ages 62 to 64 can claim
                                                                              a $35,000 exemption on any retirement income, and
Retired servicemembers and their survivors in several
                                                                              those 65 and over can exempt $65,000.
states will benefit from tax code changes enacted for the
2022 tax year, with several states approving full                             New Mexico: A law signed March 8 by Gov. Michelle
exemptions for military retired pay.                                          Lujan Grisham exempts $10,000 in military retired pay for
                                                                              tax year 2022, $20,000 for tax year 2023, and $30,000 for
Other states saw increases to existing exemptions, or
                                                                              tax years 2024 through 2026.
partial exemptions based on age or income. The latest
information on your state is available at MOAA’s Military                     Vermont: A law signed May 27 by Gov. Phil Scott
State Report Card and Tax Guide.                                              provides a tax exemption on $10,000 of military retirement
                                                                              pay in 2022 for residents with gross incomes of $50,000
Here’s a look at some of the states where tax code                            or less ($65,000 or less for those married but filing a joint
changes are coming the next time you file. These                              tax return).
changes deal with laws already on the books for the 2022
tax year and beyond; MOAA members in many states are                          Virginia: The state’s two-year budget, signed June 21 by
continuing to advocate for exemptions – reach out to your                     Gov. Glenn Youngkin, exempts the first $10,000 in
local council or chapter for more information.                                military retirement income in the 2022 tax year, the first
                                                                              $20,000 in tax year 2023, the first $30,000 in tax year
Note: The below exemptions do not cover retirees from                         2024, and $40,000 in 2025 and beyond.
the commissioned corps of the U.S. Public Health Service
or NOAA. One state did make a change on behalf of those
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

MOAA will continue tracking state tax changes in the                        MEMORIAL SERVICE
coming year, including details on legislation moving                   2022 DECEASED MEMBER LIST
through various state chambers. Visit for regular
updates. Have questions about or additions to the above       Our annual memorial service will be held on Thursday, 19
                       list, or have news from your           January 2023 at Azalea Trace, 10100 Hillview Drive,
                       state regarding tax exemptions?        Pensacola. Listed below are the members/spouses who
                       Contact us at with “State Tax”         passed away during the past year. If you know of anyone
                       in the subject line.                   whose name is not listed, please contact RADM Engel at
                                                              850-473-9899 or email as
                         Compiled and Edited by               soon as possible.
                          Captain Ken Pyle, USN
                                                                     Captain George Bingham, USN
                                                                     Captain Thomas Bosworth, USN
                                                                     Major Kathy Denkler, USAF
                                                                     Lieutenant Colonel William Derr, USA
   Volunteer Hours for MOAA Levels of                                CDR Whit Johnson, USN
            Excellence Award                                         Major Rodney Miller, USMC
                                                                     CWO4 Harold Truman, USN
One of the things that makes me very proud to be                     Dr. John J. Varenholt III
a member of our chapter is the willingness of our                    Mrs. Rosemary Williams
members and spouses to donate their time and
energy in support of community activities. Before                    “Never Stop Serving”
the arrival of Covid 19 and the various                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lockdowns, our chapter logged more than 20,000
volunteer hours supporting various military                           Wreaths Across America
related organizations like PMOAA, Naval Air                   It is never too early or too late to give the gift of
Museum, Naval Hospital, VA Clinic, USO and                    remembrance. Sponsor a $15 veteran’s wreath now
the Navy-Marine Corp Relief Society along with                through 15 January 2023 and that wreath will be matched
numerous community organizations such as                      by Wreaths Across America Headquarters if sponsored
Independence for the Blind, the Leaning Post                  through PMOAA (Group ID FL0843P)
Ranch, Gulf Coast Kids, the Pensacola Humane
Society, various hospices, church and religious               We received the following communique from Wreaths
organizations, senior citizen support groups and              Across America (WAA). From now through January 15,
school organizations. Once again I am calling on              2023, any $15 wreath sponsorships received through the
               all of you who have continued to               Pensacola Chapter of the Military Officers Association of
               support this important outreach                America sponsorship group will be matched by Wreaths
               program to report your volunteer               Across America for placement next December. If anyone
               hours to me at              chooses to place an order, they need to go to the
               by 28 February 2023. Thank you        website and click on the
                                                              “Local Sponsorship Group” option. When the order form
               for all you do to show our flag in
                                                              comes up, it asks for the group to be named, type in
               the community.
                                                              either our name, “Pensacola Chapter of the Military
                       Ray Judd, 1st Vice President           Officers Of America Association” or “FL0843P” which is
                                                              our group identifier. Then select from the drop-down
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                       menu.
      Dr. John J. Varenholt III - Spouse                                                  Ray Judd, 1st Vice-President
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

     PMOAA BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING                                       PAYMENT OPTIONS for 2023
               December 2022                                                    HAPPY NEW YEAR!

There was no Board of Director’s meeting in December               Pensacola MOAA Chapter is reminding you of our
due to holiday scheduling conflicts.                               ONLINE payment options.         Of course, all the
                                                                   previous options are still available to those who
Our next BOD meeting will be held at 1700 hours on                 prefer to pay by check or cash.
Tuesday, 3 January 2023 at El Patron Mexican
Restaurant, 830 N. Navy Blvd, Pensacola.                           Our website enables a secure method to make
                                                                   online payments using your credit card or PayPal.
Our Annual Memorial Service/Installation will be held on           First, point your
Thursday, 19 January 2023 at 1730 hours at Azalea                  browser to the chapter
Trace, 10100 Hillview Drive, Pensacola.                            website (
                                Respectfully submitted,            Second, login with your
                               Joan M. Engel, Secretary            email and password. Click the “password” link to get
                                                                   a new password if you don’t already have one.
 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$                  These are “member-only” features.
                      PMOAA Dues
                                                                       1) To RENEW click My Account (top line) and
Well folks, it’s that time of year again for renewal of your              click “Renew Membership”
PMOAA Chapter dues. Just a reminder that dues are now                  2) To RSVP click “Event Calendar” (top line)
$30 per year, but keep in mind dues have not gone up                      and select an event from the list.
in over 10 years, and when you consider your bang for the              3) To DONATE click “Donations” (top line) and
                                                                          select the program to support.
buck…we are indeed a great organization encompassing
                                                                   Follow the prompts and you’ll be redirected to PayPal
fascinating people from all ranks, services and career
                                                                   to complete your secure transaction. If you don’t
fields. No meeting is ever the same nor are the tales told.        have a PayPal account, you can pay with credit card.
Many great friendships are made and experiences                    (Note: a small surcharge is applied to online
shared.                                                            transactions to off-set bank fees.)
Take a look at your mailing label if you receive the mailed
Beacon. There you will find the date your Dues / Beacon            Another new option for those who “pay-at-the-
expires. For those receiving emails, you will receive              door” for dinners. In addition to accepting checks
notification if your dues are expired. We have an on-line          and cash, you can now pay with your credit card at
payment option. Complete instructions are below.                   the check-in table.
Please take a moment to go on-line and make your                     • You will need to make your reservation, as
payment or sit down, write your check and attach it to                  usual, PRIOR to the RSVP deadline for the
the Membership Renewal form found in the Beacon. No                     meeting. Meals are ordered in advance.
need to fill in all of the blanks, only the things that have
changed.                                                           If you have questions, please email Bob Nelson,
                                                                   Treasurer (
Be assured, we only use your information to keep our
roster up to date and make sure you get all the important
PMOAA chapter news. You certainly don’t want to miss
out on anything important, to include the raffle tickets.

If you have already sent in your payment, Thank You!

                                            Jean Booton
                                           Beacon Editor
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

   2023 PMOAA MEMBERSHIP FORM                                                             ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE /
                             (Please Print.
          Existing members - only information changes needed)
Today’s Date:________________                                                                     Thursday, 19 January 2023

                                                                                                  Social hour: 1730 – 1830
FULL NAME:         (Last)               (First)                       (Middle)             Memorial Service: 1830 followed by dinner
RANK/SERVICE: ____________________________________
                                                                                         Installation of Board Members following dinner
                                                                                                      Azalea Trace
Active Duty Retired             Reserve Guard Former          Surviving Spouse
                                                                                                   10100 Hillview Drive
                                                                                                   Pensacola, FL 32514
                                                                                                    Cost is $30 per person
                                                                                                       BUFFET MENU
PHONE NUMBER: (Home)                                      (Cell)
                                                                                     Prime Rib carving station with Au Jus & Horsey Sauce
                                                                                              Red Snapper with Mango Chutney
EMAIL ADDRESS: (For Official Chapter Communications/Use)
Member of National MOAA: Y                        /   N                                            Roasted Yellow Potatoes
                                                                                                   Lemon Garlic Asparagus
My MOAA Number is: _____________________
Life member: Y              /     N                                                    Mixed Green Salad with Cranberries, Red Onions,
Please check all PMOAA activities in which you, or                                     Pecans, Feta Cheese with Azalea Trace Signature
your spouse, can assist:                                                                          Vinaigrette (preset plates)
___ Chapter Officer                        ___ Website Administrator
___ Chapter Director                       ___ Membership Recruiting                        Dessert: Dutch Apple Pie (preset plates)
___ Survivor Assistance Committee          ___ Beacon Editor
___ Accounting/Finance                     ___ Public Relations/ Advertising                      Coffee, Iced Tea and Water
___ ROTC/JROTC Liaison                     ___ Program/Event Coordinator
___ Scholarship Committee                  ___ Photographer
___ Legislative Affairs                                                                 Please R.S.V.P. by Sunday, 15 January 2023 to
                                                                                                   Bob Nelson, Treasurer
_____ Membership Dues:                                                                       On line at 19 January Dinner RSVP
                $30.00/year (E-Beacon)                                                           Email: or
                $42.00/year (Mailed Beacon)                                                         Phone: 719.322.4130
_____ Surviving Spouse (Auxiliary) Dues:
                 $30.00/year (E-Beacon)                                              No Exceptions. Meals are ordered based on accepted
                 $42.00/year (Mailed Beacon)                                           reservations. Phone/email/web reservations are
                                                                                      considered committed and are payable at the door.
_____ SCHOLARSHIP CONTRIBUTION                                                               US Mail reservations not accepted.

_____TOTAL ENCLOSED                                                                    Web Reservations – Be sure you receive an email
                                                                                       confirmation, otherwise your reservation was not
Make check payable to PMOAA and mail to:                                             recorded. If you did not RSVP, please do not attend.
             Membership, PMOAA
             P.O. Box 17728                                                             If you need help with your plate, please don’t
             Pensacola, FL 32501-7728                                                                  hesitate to ask.

                                                                                                Deadline for RSVP is: 1/15/2023
(Or pay your membership on line at PMOAA.ORG)
President's Corner PMOAA BEACON -
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America

                        ROWWA                                                    SCHOLARSHIP DONATION FORM
                                                                        (Donations can also be made on-line at PMOAA.ORG)
Greetings Ladies,
                                                                       Please accept my/our gift of $_________ to support the
There will be no January meeting. Our next ROWWA event will            PMOAA Scholarship Fund.
be on Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 1100 hours. This will be
our Valentine and Mardi Gras themed get-together planned by            This gift is being made in honor of, or in memory of:
our own Luncheon Chair Fran McCarthy with door prizes that
                                                                       Donor Information:
will include the holiday table decor, the Pot O'Gold and 50-50.
Please keep in mind we will be collecting for Manna Food:              Name
cans, cash or checks welcome. In addition, bring your ideas for
our Election Slate 2023-24.                                            _____________________________________________
Location:                                                              _____________________________________________
South Market Restaurant                                                Phone
905 East Gregory Street
Pensacola                                                              _____________________________________________
(formerly Saltgrass)                                                   Email
                                                                       Please send an acknowledgement to:
Cost for lunch is now $25 and paid at the door. Please RSVP
to Melinda Connell at 410-271-9508.                                    _____________________________________________
Retired Wives and Widows of Military Officers and Retired              _____________________________________________
Women Officers. Guests are welcome.                                    Address

Annual dues are $20 and can be mailed to our treasurer:                _____________________________________________
ROWWA. C/O Melinda Connell                                             Phone
7230 Mier Henry Road                                                   Mail your donation payable to:
Pensacola FL 32507                                                        PMOAA, P.O. Box 17728 Pensacola, FL 32501

Membership information and directory updates please                                   Thank you for your support!
                      contact Molly Werner:
                      Home 850-474-1291
                      Cell 850-292-9756

                         Very Respectfully submitted by,
                         Molly Werner,
                         Membership Chairman, ROWWA

       Be at war with your vices, at
       peace with your neighbors, and let
       every new year find you a better
       man.                                                                      CAPT James Frazier, CPT William Clark,
                                                                                    MG David Morris, Col Gilbert Ahl

                           Benjamin Franklin
Pensacola Chapter Newsletter – January 2023 – Military Officer’s Association of America


Pensacola Chapter, MOAA
P.O. Box 17728
Pensacola, Florida 32501-7728

CPT Dean Kirschner USA (Former) (2022-2023)    DIRECTORS
1st Vice President                             Col Gilbert Ahl USAF (Ret)       (2022-2024)
LCDR Ray Judd USN (Ret)       (2022-2023)      813-335-6830  
2nd Vice President                             LCDR Trumin Brown USN (Ret)   (2022-2024)
MAJ Molly C Werner USA (Ret)  (2022-2024)      850-375-4541
Secretary                                      Col Joseph C Kinego USAF (Ret) (2022-2023)
RADM Joan M Engel USN (Ret)   (2022-2024)      703-868-4928    
Treasurer                                      CAPT Kenneth Pyle USN (Ret)   (2022-2024)
LtCol Robert Nelson USMC (Ret) (2022-2024)     479-651-0292
719-322-4130       Director
                                               COL Walter Sawyer USA (Ret)   (2022-2023)
Immediate Past President                       850-444-4947
CPT William D Clark USA (Ret)
850-437-3115   Chair, Scholarship Committee
                                               Maj. Charles Booton USAF (Ret)
Interim Chair, Survivor Assistance Committee   850-496-6912
CPT Dean Kirschner USA (Former)
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