Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...

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Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
Volunteer Recognition
    Tribute Book
Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
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                               2021 Volunteer
                            Recognition Program

        Letter from the CEO and Chair, Board of Directors .......... 3

        Volunteer Awardees List ............................................................. 4

        Thank You to Juliette Gordon Low Society Members....... 6

        Thanks II Badge Recipient......................................................... 7

        Thanks Badge Recipients ........................................................... 7

        Platinum Service Award Recipients ....................................... 8

        Honor Pin Recipients ................................................................... 9

        Appreciation Pin Recipients.................................................... 11

        Tenure Numeral Guard Recipients....................................... 20

        Years of Service Pin Recipients............................................. 22

        Virtual Vanguard Recipients.................................................. 23

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
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                    Letter from the CEO and
                    Board of Directors Chair
       Dear Honoree,
       Your unwavering commitment to the girls and community of Girl Scouts of
       Greater Los Angeles has strengthened us during this challenging year! It is
       with great honor and excitement that we recognize and congratulate you for
       everything you have accomplished and contributed to empowering the future
       leaders in the Girl Scout Movement.
       It’s no secret that this year has felt a bit like limbo for us all–being caught between
       a global pandemic and a hopeful pathway toward a new normal.
       You’ve adapted to the needs of the community and the needs of troops
       throughout the GSGLA organization, and the support you provided has been
       remarkable. You’ve demonstrated how dedication, resilience, and adaptability can
       positively impact society, all the while helping girls continue to bring communities
       together through service projects and achieve new goals by mentoring them
       through Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award projects. Your boundless creativity shone
       through our Fall and Cookie Programs this year and we’ve loved reading every
       single Girl Scouts in the Community submission we’ve received!
       Our theme for the year 2021 is Leading the Way with Courage, Confidence,
       and Character and it was inspired by all of you! You all have found unique and
       meaningful ways to carry out the Girl Scout Mission and used your innovation
       to lead Girl Scouts to inspiring new paths. Simply put, our mission would not be
       possible without you.
       Thank you for your impact. We are truly grateful for all you do for the girls,
       families, and communities of Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles.
       Yours in Girl Scouting,

       Theresa Edy Kiene               Ellen E. Swarts
     Chief Executive Officer       Chair, Board of Directors

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
2021 Volunteer Awardees

THANKS II BADGE            Michelle Apolonio        Gloria Halfacre           Jasmin Sandige
     Linda Harmon       Angela Arnold-Brownlee     Marya Harrington            Elena Sawant
                            Janice Arnson        Annie Heller-Gutwillig       Jenifer Schmutz
 THANKS BADGE               Korina Arvizu           Dawn Hentrich              Bridget Sibley
     Priya Bradfield         Vivian Avella            Dr. Judy Ho              Cicely Smart
      Susan Stahl            Shana Ballas           Kaitlyn Ireland             Julie Smith
                              Nicola Bird             Lisa Ireland           Kimberly Solomon
   PLATINUM                  Nicole Block         Sean Patrick Ireland        Flo Speakman
                            Bridgette Blue           Yukimi Isom              Melissa Spence
     Bonnie George
                            Priya Bradfield          Laurie Jacobs         Francesca Taylor, MD.
Deborah Hess-Wakeland
                              Julia Bravo           Angela Juranek               Gail Testa
    Janet KC-Jordan
                            Teresa Brown           Laura Katayama            Christa Thompson
      Julie Miller
                         Samantha Carpenter         Jeannie Keasler          Shelley Thompson
      Sarah Vento
                           Cathy Chudzinski          Jessica Kelly            Darlene Torres
      Kathy Vigil
                           Cristina Coleman        Sharon Lei Hager            Natalie Torres
     Lisa Working
                           Grace Coopman             Jenny Leung              Denise Wandel

    HONOR PIN                Rebecca Cruz         Lynn Mack-Costello           Nikki Zuleta
      Tammi Froh             Robin Curtis          Juanita Maxwell
      Lisette Gold            Susan Day            George McQueen             VIRTUAL
                                                                          VANGUARD AWARD
      Susan Helm           Alice Demartino            Grace Mellis
                                                                               Stacey Adler
     Danelle Jiorn        Nicole Duckworth          Beverly Merrill
                               Herrera                                    Brenda Alcala-Castaneda
      Ilene Knebel                                  Candace Millek
                          Virginia Egebakken                                   Sara Alvarez
     Melissa Lynch                                  Micah Modugno
                              Rachel Eli                                      Ellen Andersen
      Debby Masi                                     Erika Nutting
                          Jacquelyn Ferraro                                   Simona Aranda
    Bernadette Perry                              Elizabeth O’Donnell
                             Mark Franco                                       Robyn Arnold
    Michelle Sarrow                                Jeanne O’Donnell
                              Jane Galan                                       Shana Ballas
    Jonathan Watts                                    Andy Park
                             Lisette Gold                                     Heather Berger
    Angela Zaidman                                  Paula Parvinjah
                          Guadalupe “Lupe”                                    Maggie Bertisch
                                                      Ruth Perez
                             Gonzales                                            Joy Blake
APPRECIATION PIN                                     Jenise Ramos
                          Jennifer Grammer                                     Nicole Block
    Christine Abad                                  Tiffany Regecz
                             Linda Green                                        Nicole Blue
      Stacey Adler                                  Stephanie Rivas
                           Jennifer Gruber                                    Priya Bradfield
     Silvia Alvarran                                  Sara Rosas
                            Sara Gustafson                                      Deb Carson
     Kelly Ankwicz

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
2021 Volunteer Awardees

  Catherine Chittick        Renata Kanclerz       Kimberly Schwarz        NUMERAL GUARD
     Danelle Cole             Sheila Kao          Jennifer Smolenski         AWARD
     Sayoko Cox            Janet KC-Jordan          Susan Spencer
                                                                               30 Years
  Lynn Cunninham             Jessica Kelly        Heather St. Dennis
                                                                              Karen Bowlin
     Robin Curtis          Rachelle Killackey       Rachael Suarez
                                                                             Shamira Brown
  Leigh-Ann Danner           Ilene Knebel          Elizabeth Taddeo
                                                                            Juanita Maxwell
     Juliana Diaz           Alicia Lafaurie         Erin Tomanek
                                                                            Phillicia Maxwell
     Yesenia Diaz           Michele Lakier            Kathy Vigil
                                                                           Stephanie Sampson
   Michelle Dragin            Jill Lanigan         Katy Leigh Villari
  Lauren Dussinger        Melissa Loeffelholz       Michele Wahlig
                                                                               35 Years
      Rachel Eli         Saadia Lopez Orantes       Annie Walling
                                                                             Deborah Harris
 Christina Evangelista     Diane Lumsdaine         Matthew Warren
                                                                               Julie Miller
  Jacqueline Ferraro        Melissa Lynch          Susan Willinger
   Renee Flanagan           Brynn Malone              Lois Young               40 Years
   Kamia Fletcher            Denise Meier                                 Nichole Beckett Brown
    Megan Fleuren          Jeannette Mullins    YEARS OF SERVICE               Kim Krivis
    Nancy Fontan            Kathryn Murray
  Dr. Maribel Garcia        Jamie Nassour                                      45 Years
                                                25 Years of Service
    Bonnie George             Noosha Niv                                  Lissa “Flicker” Alfred
                                                    Anett Assillian
    Alyse Gleason          Kimberly Nordyke                                 Jermaine Beckett
                                                Nichole Brown Beckett
     Julie Goldin           Megan Norman
                                                      Liz Busque
    Camilla Good            Pamela Pernin                                      50 Years
                                                      Susan Diaz
                                                                             Carole Mingus
      Jill Grass          Jacqueline Robinson
                                                      Lisa Kwan
                                                                           Lorraine Simansky
   Kimberly Griffin      Tammylynn Rodriguez
   Jennifer Gruber         Isabel Rodriguez     30 Years of Service
                                                                               55 Years
     Jodi Harris           Lorraine Romero         Juanita Maxwell
                                                                             Sue Hillendahl
   Logan Hawkins             Rebecca Root
Annie Heller-Gutwillig      Jennifer Rootes     35 Years of Service
                                                                               60 Years
   Dawn Hentrich             Anne Ruane              Su Guzzardi
                                                                            Elizabeth Soukup
   Melissa Herrera           Paula Russell          Deborah Harris

Deborah Hess-Wakeland         Alayna Sato
    Sue Hillendahl        Amandalynn Sawyer     40 Years of Service
                                                 Lissa “Flicker” Alfred
   Angela Juranek         Jenna Schumacher
                                                  Jermaine Beckett

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
Juliette Gordon Low Society
    Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles thanks our Juliette Gordon Low
     Society members for honoring future generations of Girl Scouts.

      Corrine Abel         Katharine DeShaw        Lise L. Luttgens    Margaret Rosenthal
     LaNease Adams          Christine A. Dean     Lynn Mack-Costello      Shamira Sadler
       Lissa Alfred         Carol M. Dedrich       Marilyn Marshall    Danielle Sager-Ebling
      Lisa Axelrod        Jennifer N. Devereaux    Megan L. Martin       Michelle Sarrow
     Carolyn Baker          Elisabeth L. Dick      Toni A. Martinez-      Ron Schrantz
    David A. Battaglia     Juanita Doplemore                            Yvonne Schueller
                                                     Karen Masini
      Julie A. Beals         Peggy Edwards                                Steve Shelton
                                                    Kelly Maxwell
       Dianne Belk         Theresa Edy-Kiene                              Ellen E. Swarts
                                                     Gina McLeod
    Betty Berdiansky          Sonia Endler                              Chara N. Swodeck
                                                  Eleanor Moninger
Stephen T. Bolkovatz         Marie J. Fouts                              Cortney Szlemp
                                                      Ann Moore
       Gail I. Boyle        Renee W. Fraser                            Francesca M. Taylor
                                                  Frances M. Moreno
       Moira Brady          Diana L. Freeman                              Cindy M. Tenn
                                                  William M. Nelson
    Betsey L. Brewer         Liisa Froggatt                            Shelley B. Thompson
                                                  Kathryn E Nielsen
    Michele Broadnax        Megann Giardino                             Harry Trust Webb
                                                    Denise Nowack
    Chrystal Broesel         Linda B. Griffey                               Pj Walker
                                                    Erin Oremland
    Constance L. Burg      Diane K. Grohulski                             Diane Weaver
                                                  Adrienne Pacheco
     Amy Caponpon            Denise Gutches                               Janet Whaley
                                                   Beverly Padway
    Jessica Cardenas        Gloria R. Halfacre                          Michelle C. Wroan
      Katy Carlson           Joseph Hirsch                              Brenda J. Zamzow
                                                    Marie H. Parco
    Charles E. Carroll        Erika Homan                               Margaret B. Zarate
                                                   Melissa M. Pepe
Elizabeth Chadwick            Bernice Horst                             Isabella del Gaudio
                                                     Sharis Peters
     Hailyn J. Chen            Denise Hsu                                Tania Van Herle
                                                   Aileen O. Poehls
     Rachel I. Clarke         Alana Hyman                               Marie-Louise Van
                                                     Ruth L. Post
      Debbie Cook            Laurie Jacobs          Janice Rector
    Patricia A. Crider     Shannon Johnston       Elisabeth Rendeiro
     Phyllis E. Currie      Birgit Kielpinski     Leanne J. Rodgers
     Steven DePaul           Sherry Lapides
                                                  Sylvia Rosenberger

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
Thanks II Badge
  The Thanks Badge II is the highest National Adult Girl Scout Award. The
  Thanks Badge II awardee has continued to take a leadership role at the
  GSGLA council level. The service is outstanding and benefits the council or
  the entire Girl Scout movement and always exceeds expectations.

     2021 Thanks Badge II Recipient
Service Unit Manager
Linda Harmon is a wealth of knowledge for all things in Girl Scouts. Linda goes
above and beyond in her Service Unit Manager role. She provides all leaders with
the knowledge and training they need to excel in their role, providing much-sought
enrichment to the leaders in her community and beyond.

  Thanks Badge
  The Thanks Badge recognizes an adult volunteer who has delivered
  outstanding service to the council or the entire Girl Scout Movement by
  taking a leadership role at the council level, expanding membership growth
  and retention, increasing funding, and innovating council-wide program

      2021 Thanks Badge Recipients

Service Unit Manager & National Council Delegate
As the old Girl Scout saying goes, Priya Bradfield bleeds green. She exemplifies what it means to
be a Girl Scout Leader. Since becoming Service Unit Manager, she has been an integral member
of our Girl Scout community. She has shaped essential innovative programs while fostering
inclusion. Priya also served as a delegate to the 55th National Council Session, dedicating
countless hours to training and research. Priya is dedicated to Girl Scouts and strives to live by
the Girl Scout Law.

GSGLA Adult Educator
Susan Stahl is the lead volunteer for the Backpacking Training Go Team. She helps GSGLA by
managing the team and creating a training curriculum. Her passion for getting girl scouts
outdoors has given her the confidence and knowledge girls and volunteers need to have a
memorable experience. Her dedication and ability to provide quality leadership is
truly inspiring.
Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
Platinum Service Award
                         The Platinum Service Award recognizes an outstanding adult volunteer
                         who continues to give simultaneous service to her or his service unit as well
                         as their region or the entire council for at least three years after receiving
                         previous national awards. This council honor is awarded to an adult
                         volunteer who served in two different positions simultaneously, including in
                         the service unit and the region or the council; a volunteer who has provided
                         consistent high-quality service beyond the expectations of the position and
                         has given service in a manner that sets a positive example for others.

                     2021 Platinum Service Award Recipients

                      BONNIE GEORGE                                                KATHY VIGIL
                      Canyon Star                                                  Mar Vista
                      “This year I discovered how                                  “Being a Girl Scout means
                      much I needed the rejuvenation                               making lifetime friends, learning
                      of spending time with these                                  leadership and business skills,
                      resilient women in our SU Team                               and stepping out of your comfort
                      meetings and the delightful girls                            zone to help others. Girl Scouts
                      in my troop meetings. Girl Scouts                            open doors, and you get to run
                      is the support, community, and                               through them.”
                      laughter we need in tough times.”

                      JANET KC JORDAN                                              LISA WORKING
                      Canyon Star                                                  Canyon Star
                      “Midst all the craziness that still                          “Girl Scouts nurtures growing
                      surrounds us due to Covid, Girl                              leaders who make a difference
                      Scouts continues to be a place                               wherever they are. By
                      where we can support and                                     encouraging girls to discover
                      inspire one another and those                                their world, connect with issues,
                      around us through thoughtful                                 and take action in large and small
acts of kindness.”                                          ways, the organization creates real, positive change in
                                                            the community.”

                      SARAH VENTO
                      “Girl Scouting has provided
                                                              Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles
                      a variety of leadership                      would also like to award
                      opportunities to the young              the following volunteers with the
                      women in our area. Additionally,
                      troops are a crucial part of                 Platinum Service Award:
                      donation drive efforts for our
local animal and homeless shelters.”
                                                                                 Julie Miller

                                                                         Deborah Hess-Wakeland

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
Honor Pin
                            The Honor Pin is a national award that recognizes an adult volunteer who
                            has delivered outstanding service to two or more service units or to a
                            region. The awardee has significantly contributed to meeting one or more
                            council goals in membership growth and retention, fund development, or
                            increased community visibility in a region or two or more service units. She
                            or he actively recognizes, understands, and practices the values of inclusive

                                   2021 Honor Pin Recipients
                        TAMMI FROH                                               ILENE KNEBEL
                        Covina Oaks                                              Holly Hills
                        “Girl Scouts means friendship                            “This was a super challenging year
                        and community. I am so thankful                          with most meetings held virtually.
                        for the friends that I have made                         We found some leaders were
                        during this journey. I love being                        superheroes, engaging their girls
                        with the girls in my troop and                           and continuing projects to help the
watching them grow and discover who they are.”               community during the pandemic.”

                        LISETTE GOLD                                                  MELISSA LYNCH
                        Santa Monica Bay                                              Canyon Star
                        “Girl Scouts is a safe                                        “After 8 years, I can see the
                        environment to explore your                                   difference Girl Scouts has made
                        world, learn new skills, and                                  in my own daughters and the
                        make friends along the way. I                                 other girls in our troop. The
                        tell my girls that I made my best                             shy girls now speak up for
friends in my 50s in Girl Scouts. May we all keep learning   themselves and others. These girls are all confident and
and keep making friends.”                                    capable. Girl Scouts has proven results.”

                        DANELLE JIRON                                                 DEBBY MASI
                        Crown Poppy                                                   Pali/Mali
                        “The highlight of the 2021-2022                               “I have been a Girl Scout for
                        membership year for me was                                    over 50 years, and it is part
                        to see troops in my Service                                   of my DNA. My parents were
                        Unit continuing to support one                                involved as my leaders and
                        another as they weathered                                     my siblings all participated in
the pandemic. As we made progress toward meeting in          Scouting. I feel honored to be able to pass on those skills,
person once again, everyone supported one another.”          information, and my love for Girl Scouts.”

Volunteer Recognition - 2022 Tribute Book - Girl Scouts of ...
2021 Honor Pin Recipients

                          BERNADETTE PERRY                                            JONATHAN WATTS
                          Las Virgenes                                                Woodland Hills
                          “Girl Scouts has impacted our                               “Girl Scouts is the only scouting
                          community by going the extra                                program that has been developed
                          mile and being willing to help                              over 110 years with a focus on
                          wherever needed, without asking                             the courage, confidence, and
                          for recognition, but more for the                           character of girls and young
good feeling of giving back to others. I am so proud to be    women who are making the world a better place. My
part of the Girl Scout Community.”                            daughter and I are forever grateful for GSGLA.”

                          MICHELLE SARROW                                             ANGELA ZAIDMAN
                          Woodland Hills                                              North River
                          “A highlight for me was having                              “Girl Scouts has become part of
                          the ability to lead girls through                           everything we do. Weaving it
                          the Premier Girls Leadership                                into our daily routes, faith, and
                          Program. It is amazing to see the                           community service opportunities
                          girls resolve the obstacles that                            has shaped our experiences and
arose without fear of the unknown and when they get a         allowed others to see that Girl Scouts, indeed, continues
sparkle in their eyes as it comes to fruition!”               through high school.”

                Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles would also like to award
                        the following volunteers with the Honor Pin:

                                                      Susan Helm

Appreciation Pin
                          The Appreciation Pin recognizes an adult volunteer who has delivered
                          outstanding service to at least one service unit. The honoree has significantly
                          contributed to meeting one or more council goals in membership growth,
                          retention, fund development, or increased community visibility in one
                          service unit.

                            2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                        STACY ADLER                                                   ANGELA ARNOLD-
                        Canyon Star                                                   BROWNLEE
                        “Girl Scouts is about                                         Westchester/Del Rey
                        togetherness, friendship, and                                 “As an alumnus of Girl Scouts, I
                        helping girls grow into strong,                               know first-hand the difference
                        well-rounded, and kind women.                                 that Girl Scouts made in my life.
                        It is about these girls learning                              From the day that I joined my
they can do anything they set their minds to. I love being   troop, I felt at home. My troop leader was phenomenal
a leader and watching the girls grow.”                       and wanted her girls to participate in everything Girl
                                                             Scouts offered.”

                        KELLY ANKWICZ
                        Manhattan Beach                                               JANICE ARNSON
                        “My troop had a lot of canceled                               Manhattan Beach
                        plans due to Covid. However,                                  “Girl Scouts means friendship,
                        these 10-year-olds did not let                                camaraderie, growth, education,
                        that get them down and they                                   support and so much more. As
                        continue to stay positive and                                 an adult volunteer, this program
help others. That inspiration keeps me going and that is                              has done more to propel me than
why I have included a picture of them and not me.”           I would have ever guessed.”

                        MICHELLE                                                      KORINA ARVIZU
                                                                                      East Los Angeles – Boyle
                        La Brea Heights                                               Heights
                        “My 2021-22 Girl Scout year has
                                                                                      “Girl Scouts means community
                        been amazing. I participated as
                                                                                      connections, new and lasting
                        a Girl Scout National Delegate,
                                                                                      friendships, skill-building, new
                        taught Girl Scout Gold Award
                                                                                      experiences, giving back, paying
Workshop, and witnessed my daughter receive her
                                                             it forward, building confidence, and quality time spent
Gold Award.”
                                                             with my daughter!”

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                         SHANA BALLAS                                                    PRIYA BRADFIELD
                         Canyon Star                                                     Canyon Star
                         “Girl Scouts was an important                                   “Girl Scouts IS my community. I
                         part of my childhood. I have                                    have met some amazing women
                         fond memories of my mom as                                      and girls through Girl Scouts and
                         my troop leader. Girl Scouts                                    collaborated with passionate
                         offers opportunities to grow                                    women on events and projects.
confidence, learn new skills, and build friendships. I also     I love meeting our new leaders every year and getting to
love the opportunity to connect with nature and camp.”          know the girls through our events.”

                      NICOLA BIRD                                                        TERESA BROWN
                      Pali/Mali                                                          Chino
                      “Thanks to Girl Scouts, my scout and                               “Taking my 3rd-year Cadette
                      I have made friends with girls and                                 Troop of 18 girls to Maui, Hawaii
                      their parents from many different                                  to complete our tree badge by
                      schools that we likely would not                                   planting native trees on the
                      have crossed paths with, otherwise.                                island was the highlight of the
Girl Scouts is an organization that celebrates, empowers,       year. We camped in tents on the beach, went kayaking,
and uplifts girls and women around the world.”                  zip-lining, and visited a pineapple farm.”

                         NICOLE BLOCK                                                    SAMANTHA
                         Canyon Star                                                     CARPENTER
                         “Our Girl Scouts earned virtual                                 Las Virgenes
                         journeys and badges, had virtual                                “Girl Scouts means developing
                         game night, enjoyed horseback                                   female leaders who will make
                         riding, donated easter baskets,                                 the world a better place. Girl
                         were PAs for Virtual Twilight                                   Scouts has developed strong
Camp, and worked on their Silver Award. They also               female leaders in our community who are committed and
enjoyed a beach day at the Santa Monica pier.”                  focused on giving their time and talents to help others.”

                         BRIDGETTE BLUE                                                  CATHY CHUDZINSKI
                         La Brea Heights                                                 Las Virgenes
                         “My highlight of this year was the                              “Girl Scouts means I am part of a
                         strength and resiliency of the girls                            team that works together to help
                         and adults. Amid a pandemic, the                                guide our daughters to be helpful
                         girls were hopeful and determined                               and kind toward others.”
                         and the troop leaders were flexible
and innovative. They are true role models.”

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                         ROBIN CURTIS                                                MARK FRANCO
                         Holly Hills                                                 Campo Verde
                         “Girl Scouts has been a way to                              “Girls Scouts means opportunity.
                         connect deeper with my daughter,                            The opportunity to show Girl
                         as well as help make a difference                           Scouts of all ages what they can
                         to the girls in our troop. I’m so                           be, what they are capable of,
                         proud of these girls and I truly                            that they matter, that they are of
cherish all the memories we’ve created over the years.”      great value, and that they can truly make a difference in
                                                             our world!”

                         SUSAN DAY
                         West Covina                                                 JANE GALAN
                         “Girl Scouts is tradition and                               Las Virgenes
                         evolution. I enjoy teaching                                 “Girls Scouts gave me so many
                         my girls songs and traditions                               lessons but through it all, I
                         I learned when I was a Girl                                 have made some incredible
                         Scout. I also enjoy helping the                             friendships. I am so grateful to
girls navigate through the newer STEM and Outdoor                                    God and Girls Scouts for bringing
Adventurer badges. My Girl Scout community is family.”       these women into my life.”

                         NICOLE                                                      LISETTE GOLD
                         DUCKWORTH-                                                  Santa Monica Bay
                         HERRERA                                                     “My highlight this year was
                         Bellflower/Hollymount                                       holding the first-ever 2021
                         “The best highlight of the year                             Leadership Summit at Camp
                         was starting up our troop.                                  Osito Rancho in Big Bear. Over
                         Considering we started during                               40 leaders spent the weekend
a pandemic, just seeing the number of girls we have and      creating a stronger sisterhood, learning camping skills,
watching them grow this last year has brought me joy.”       hiking, and laughing. A reminder that leaders also need to
                                                             escape into nature!”

                   RACHEL ELI
                   Canyon Star                                                       LINDA GREEN
                   “Girl Scouts has given my troop a                                 Manhattan Beach
                   platform by assisting those individuals                           “This year, instead of using
                   and organizations in need. It’s a                                 troop money for themselves, my
                   community for me, as a leader, to                                 troop voted to donate almost
                   meet and talk with other leaders. It’s                            $1800 to four local charities that
a community and safe place for my teen Seniors, as they                              resonated with them!”
grow and mature into young women while engaging in the
community and learning their potential as future leaders.”

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                        JENNIFER GRUBER                                              DR. JUDY HO
                        East Los Angeles                                             Board Member
                        “Girl Scouts means                                           “Dr. Judy Ho is a two-time
                        enlightenment and change                                     recipient of the National Institute
                        while honoring the traditions                                of Mental Health Services
                        of the past. We teach the next                               Research Award and hosts an
                        generation of female leaders to                              active research program to
make the world a better place while supporting our Girl     improve mental health care for high-need populations.”
Scout sisters.”

                                                                                     KAITLYN IRELAND
                        GLORIA HALFACRE                                              CV/Glendale
                        Marina                                                       “To me, Girl Scouts means
                        “Despite the pandemic, we were                               having the opportunity to
                        able to continue doing the things                            explore and discover more, not
                        that were important to us and                                just about my community and
                        hold virtual events with girls                               the world, but myself, as well.
                        from across the country.”           While helping to organize GSGLA Heritage Committee’s
                                                            collection, I really enjoyed rediscovering all the various
                                                            artifacts and researching more about the history behind
                        MARYA HARRINGTON
                        Woodland Hills
                        “The highlight of this year has
                        been connecting with my troop
                                                                                     LISA IRELAND
                        members, and those I mentored                                CV/Glendale
                        for their Gold Award, watching                               “To me, Girl Scouts means a
                        them grow into 12th graders                                  time where I can be a part of
through college applications and acceptances, leading                                my daughter’s life and we can
events, and running meetings.”                                                       go on adventures together. Girl
                                                                                     Scouts gives young women in my
                                                            community opportunities that they might not have had
                        DAWN HENTRICH
                                                            without the program in their lives.”
                        Canyon Star
                        “It is important to raise up our
                        girls to be leaders and warriors!
                                                                                   SEAN PATRICK
                        I love working with my girls in
                        every way so that they can create                          CV/Glendale
                        a more equitable and just world.”                          “My highlight this past year was
                                                                                   helping our local heritage group
                                                                                   with their move. I was very glad that
                                                                                   I could provide some assistance.”

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                         YUKIMI ISOM                                                  JESSICA KELLY
                         Santa Monica Bay                                             Canyon Star
                         “I have been honored and                                     “I was a Girl Scout for about
                         blessed to meet so many                                      3-4 years when I was younger
                         wonderful, powerful, and caring                              (Brownie and Junior). It was
                         women, some of whom have                                     fun, but being a leader takes on
                         become lifelong friends. My life                             a whole new meaning. It’s about
has been enriched beyond my expectations and I am so         friendships. It’s about family. These girls are my world,
content and fulfilled to have been a part of this legacy.”   and their moms are my best friends.”

                         LAURIE JACOBS                                                 SHARON LEI HAGER
                         San Pedro                                                     Woodland Hills
                         “Participating as a National Girl                             “This last year was a difficult time
                         Scout Delegate was so inspiring,                              for all. I was blown away by the
                         especially during a pandemic.                                 girls’ dedication and using their
                         Another highlight of the last                                 creativity to pivot their respective
                         membership year was having                                    projects to adhere to Covid
two of my girls earn their Silver Awards despite the         restrictions and guidelines. The results were incredible!”
challenges of COVID-19. Superstars!”

                                                                                       JENNY LEUNG
                         ANGELA JURANEK                                                Alhambra/Rosemead/
                         Holly Hills                                                   Santa Fe Trails
                         “The highlight of the past Girl                               “2021 to 2022 was a challenging,
                         Scout year was seeing my girls                                but also an amazing year filled
                         persevere. My girls were able to                              with many virtual and drive-
                         find safe ways to set and reach                               through events. The highlight
                         goals, learn new things, earn       for me was seeing the incredible resilience, creativity, and
badges, AND give back to our community. My girls taught      optimism displayed by our Girl Scouts and leaders. It was
me new ways to lead them.”                                   unforgettable!”

                         LAURA KATAYAMA                                                LYNN MACK-
                         South Torrance                                                COSTELLO
                         “I have so much pride in our                                  Pali/Mali
                         Gold Award Girl Scouts. Covid-19                              “I have been continually
                         challenged them to think very                                 impressed with the leadership
                         differently and persevere to                                  exhibited by all the leaders in
                         complete their projects. They                                 my service unit as they adjusted
have proven themselves to be creative, inventive, and        schedules and approaches to meetings to ensure they
resilient under very challenging circumstances.”             were offering the best program for their girls. They are
                                                             great role models for the girls.”
2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                         JUANITA MAXWELL                                                CANDACE MILLEK
                         Center City                                                    Torrance
                         “I enjoy volunteering for Girl                                 “Girl Scouts has provided
                         Scouts because it provides                                     invaluable time spent with
                         opportunities for girls to be                                  my daughter and countless
                         involved in all sorts of activities                            memories we have shared over
                         ranging from camping to crafts.                                the years. It means learning new
Girl Scouts is an organization to help girls grow into         skills, helping others, giving back, building friendships,
leading women.”                                                exploring the world around us, and having fun!”

                         GEORGE MCQUEEN                                                 MICAH MODUGNO
                         CV/Glendale                                                    Manhattan Beach
                         “I remember seeing a hall                                      “The highlight for this past year
                         of pictures of Gold Award                                      was absolutely being able to get
                         recipients. It reminded me of my                               together with the girls in person
                         own granddaughter receiving                                    and to see their smiling faces
                         the award and all the hard work                                again.”
that goes into achieving that honor. I was proud of my
granddaughter as well as these new trailblazers.”
                                                                                        ERIKA NUTTING
                                                                                        Manhattan Beach
                         GRACE MELLIS
                                                                                        “The most meaningful part of Girl
                         San Marino                                                     Scouts is the relationships I have
                         “Our highlight was working                                     made, both as a girl and an adult.
                         on the UPS Rose Parade Float,                                  Some of my co-leaders have
                         cutting flowers for the chickens                               become my closest friends and I
                         and decoration and then having        have mentored girls from Daisies into adulthood!”
                         the float win the Sweepstakes
Award and knowing that our volunteer work made that
                         BEVERLY MERRILL                                             Mt. View
                         Burbank                                                     “To be a Girl Scout means being a
                                                                                     part of a sisterhood that transcends
                         “For me, Girl Scouts means
                                                                                     race, religion, education, and
                         staying connected with a group
                                                                                     economic status. It means giving
                         of women who are trying to do
                                                               girls the opportunity to learn new things, make new
                         right by their daughters. It’s a
                                                               friends, and to teach them that they can choose who they
                         sense of involvement with our
                                                               want to be!”
service unit and volunteering quality time on Girl Scout

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                        JEANNE O’DONNELL                                              SARA ROSAS
                        Mt. View                                                      Southeast
                        “I really appreciated the                                     “Girl Scouts means many
                        commitment and flexibility                                    things to me: fun, friends, new
                        demonstrated by troops to                                     challenges, exploring, helping
                        be positive, communicate,                                     others, making others happy,
                        show empathy, and cultivate                                   and making the world a better
healthy minds during difficult times. It was an honor to     place with my Girl Scouts Troop 1553 and our Girl Scout
contribute to this area of personal growth.”                 sisters.”

                        ANDY PARK                                                     JASMIN SANDIDGE
                        Board Member                                                  Puente Hills
                        “As a Korean American and                                     “My highlight of the year was
                        first-generation college graduate,                            seeing my girls still excited about
                        Andy is passionate about                                      Girl Scouts after not being able to
                        the power of education and                                    meet in person for so long.”
                        opportunity for underserved
students. He is a proud girl dad and serves on the Board
of Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles.”                                               ELENA SAWANT
                                                                                      Las Virgenes
                        RUTH PEREZ                                                    “Initially, Girl Scouts meant
                                                                                      outdoor adventures to me.
                        West Covina
                                                                                      However, I have discovered there
                        “To me, Girl Scouts means family.
                                                                                      are many resources, community
                        I have been blessed to be a co-
                                                                                      service projects, and learning
                        leader since my daughter was in
                                                             opportunities available. I just hope as many girls go all the
                        kindergarten and many of the
                                                             way on this journey and benefit from Girl Scouts.”
                        girls in our troop have been with
us since the beginning. We have grown together, and I
proudly call them my bonus daughters.”                                                JENIFER SCHMUTZ
                                                                                      Woodland Hills
                        JENISE RAMOS                                                  “Being a National Delegate
                                                                                      for GSGLA was an amazing
                        Mission Rose
                                                                                      experience where I felt like I
                        “I genuinely believe for myself,
                                                                                      helped make a difference in the
                        my three daughters, and our
                        troop, we are more involved
                        with our community because
                        we belong to Girl Scouts. The
badges and patches provide a selection of activities that
encourage community involvement.”

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                         BRIDGET SIBLEY                                                 GAIL TESTA
                         Manhattan Beach                                                RDE/Sil-Dom
                         “To me, Girl Scouts means getting                              “Collaborating with enthusiastic
                         to be able to guide an amazing                                 staff about programs, mission,
                         group of girls and provide them                                and vision of Girl Scouts is
                         opportunities to build and increase                            remarkable! Supporting girls to
                         their courage, confidence, and                                 complete Gold and Silver Awards,
character, as they grow into the amazing young women that       as well as planning an international trip and being a
they are now. Being a Girl Scout Leader is priceless.”          National Delegate have been high points of this year!”

                         CICELY SMART-                                                  CHRISTA THOMPSON
                         BROOKS                                                         Westchester/Del Rey
                         La Brea Heights                                                “The impact Girl Scouts has had
                         “The highlight of this past                                    on my community has been
                         membership year was watching                                   amazing! The girls are the best
                         many of my girls that I’ve had                                 and brightest and are using their
                         since kindergarten graduate from                               time, energy, and creativity to
high school, age out of Girl Scouts, and move into the          help our community. From homeless kits to book and
next stages of their lives!”                                    winter coat drives, they are truly making a difference!”

                         FLO SPEAKMAN                                                   SHELLEY THOMPSON
                         King Harbor                                                    Board Member
                         “Girl Scouts is a place where girls                            “A Girl Scout alumna from her
                         and leaders alike get to explore                               Brownie Days, Shelley Thompson
                         who they are as leaders and                                    served as Board chair from
                         members of a larger community.                                 2018 to 2021 and is GSGLA’s
                         It is truly a place to express and                             first Board Chair Emeritus.
explore our growth mindsets and leadership style.”              She chaired the “Invest in Girls” task force for GSGLA’s
                                                                strategic plan and was instrumental to the fundraising
                                                                campaigns for Camp Lakota and the Inglewood
                         FRANCESCA TAYLOR,
                                                                Innovation Center.”
                         “The highlight of my year was
                         seeing a Junior girl in my troop
                         complete Bronze, with an entirely
                         virtual project all about bats - her
passion! A young adult Girl Scout alumna with expertise
in the field encouraged and guided her...an awesome and
concrete sisterhood!”

2021 Appreciation Pin Recipients

                         DARLENE TORRES                                                 DENISE WANDEL
                         Marina                                                         Manhattan Beach
                         “Being part of the Girl Scout                                  “I am very proud to have been a
                         movement means stepping out                                    part of the Manhattan Beach Girl
                         of my comfort zone, whether                                    Scouts organization - our girls
                         it’s helping girls reach their full                            have led numerous projects like
                         potential or helping others in our                             ‘Little Libraries,’ book collections,
community. It empowers me and thousands of young               coat drives, and collections for shelters, in addition to the
ladies to be effective leaders.”                               Gold Award projects.”

                    NATALIE TORRES                                                      NIKKI ZULUETA
                    Las Caballeras                                                      Community Partner
                    “My daughter loves space, and the                                   “Even though I was not a Girl
                    Girl Scouts of Citrus selected her                                  Scout myself, I love being able
                    experiment to be conducted aboard                                   to inspire young girls to pursue
                    the International Space Station. It                                 their passion in STEM and learn
                    was a memorable, once-in-a-lifetime                                 about the world around them. It’s
experience watching the other Girl Scout winners while         great to see them get excited when their designs work or
their items blasted into space.”                               when they discover something new.”

      Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles would also like to award the following
                        volunteers with the Appreciation Pin:

     Christine Abad                   Rebecca Cruz               Jennifer Grammer                  Stephanie Rivas

     Silvia Alvarran                 Alice Demartino               Sara Gustafson                     Julie Smith

      Vivian Avella                Virginia Egebakken          Annie Heller-Gutwillig             Kimberly Solomon

       Julia Bravo                 Jacquelyn Ferraro               Jeannie Keasler                  Melissa Spence

    Cristina Coleman               Guadalupe “Lupe”                Paula Parvinjah
    Grace Coopman                                                  Tiffany Regecz

Tenure Numeral Guard
              The Numeral Guard (tenure) recognizes the combined number
              of years accumulated as a registered member, girl and adult,
                               in five-year increments.
                 *Receiving both Numeral Guard and Years of Service Pins

                         NICHOLE BECKETT *                                               LISSA (FLICKER)
                         Center City                                                     ALFRED*
                         40 Years                                                        Holly Hills
                         “Throughout my years, I have
                                                                                         45 Years
                         created companions and
                                                                                         “My highlights this year were
                         enhanced my leadership skills.
                                                                                         volunteering at the Cookie
                         Throughout my Girl Scout
                                                                                         Cupboard in Culver City
                         journey and Girl Scout Leader
                                                               and running a Sing-along for the Pacific Palisades
journey, I have joined and enhanced companions
                                                               Service Unit!”
accompanying astonishing girls/women.”

                         JUANITA MAXWELL*                                                DEBORAH HARRIS*
                         Center City                                                     Center City
                         30 Years                                                        35 Years
                                                                                         “Girl Scouts, to me, means
                         “I enjoy volunteering for Girl
                                                                                         helping to develop girls’
                         Scouts because it provides
                                                                                         confidence, encouraging them
                         the opportunity for girls to be
                                                                                         to experience something new,
                         involved in all sorts of activities
                                                               and giving them a platform to display their leadership
ranging from camping to crafts. Girl Scouts is an
organization that helps girls grow into leading women.”

                         PHILICIA MAXWELL                                                SUE HILLENDAHL
                         Center City                                                     Mission Rose
                         30 Years                                                        55 Years
                                                                                         “Girl Scouts has played an
                         “Girl Scouts has allowed
                                                                                         important role in my life, as
                         girls to create a lot of first-
                                                                                         a girl member and then as a
                         time memories. Make the
                                                                                         leader. It has been rewarding to
                         unimaginable, tangible. Change
                                                               watch young girls grow into adults and become leaders
ceilings to glass. Girl Scouts is like a good adventure
                                                               themselves. Most of all, it’s given me friendships for life.”
book-- excited about what will happen next.”

Tenure Numeral Guard
                        CAROLE MINGUS                                                      LORRAINE
                        Mission Rose                                                       SIMANSKY
                        50 Years                                                           Stoneyridge
                        “I have developed leadership and
                                                                                           50 Years
                                                                                          “My highlight for the 2021
                        life skills, as did the girls, but
                                                                                          membership year was seeing all
                        more importantly, I have also
                                                                                          the activities that were available
                        made lasting friendships. Lasting                                 to Girl Scouts through GSUSA
friendships, for girls and adults, gives them the support          and GSGLA websites, as well as through their troops
they need, as they continue to live their lives.”                  while we were operating during Covid-19.”

           Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles would also like to recognize the
               following volunteers receiving the Tenure Numeral Guard:

           30 Years                                      35 Years                                45 Years
          Karen Bowlin                                   Julie Miller                       Jermaine Beckett*
        Shamira Brown
     Stephanie Sampson                                   40 Years                                60 Years
                                                             Kim Krivis                      Elizabeth Soukup

Years of Service Pin
       The Years of Service Award is presented in five-year increments to
      candidates active as registered Girl Scout adult members. These pins
             represent only the years of active service as an adult.
                 *Receiving both Numeral Guard and Years of Service Pins

                       LISSA (FLICKER) ALFRED*                                          SUSAN GUZZARDI
                       Holly Hills                                                      Stoneyridge
                       40 Years                                                         35 Years
                       “Girl Scouts means lifelong friends,                            “This year’s highlights were
                       sisterhood, and affecting the future                            being able to hold Service Unit
                       of all the girls and leaders.”                                  Adult Recognitions and Bridging
                                                                                       Ceremonies for the troops, while
                                                                observing pandemic restrictions. It was wonderful to
                                                                be able to recognize everyone’s hard work under trying
                       NICHOLE BECKETT*                         circumstances.”
                       Center City                                                      DEBORAH HARRIS*
                       25 Years                                                         Center City
                      “Throughout my years, I have
                                                                                        35 Years
                      created companions and enhanced
                                                                                      “Using technology allowed us to
                      my leadership skills. Throughout
                                                                                      keep the connection going with
                      my Girl Scout journey and Girl Scout
                                                                                      our girls. The highlight was to be
Leader journey, I have joined and enhanced companions
                                                                                      able to coach them to become more
accompanying astonishing girls/women.”
                                                                confident by doing presentations and leading virtual
                                                                cooking workshops.”
                       LIZ BUSQUE
                       Bonita                                                           LISA KWAN
                       25 Years                                                         Las Caballeras
                     “It was truly heartwarming                                         25 Years
                     watching the girls step up to help                               “I feel Girl Scouts provides
                     those in need during the difficulties                            young girls and ladies with the
                     everyone was experiencing                                        opportunities to experience things
because of the pandemic.”                                                             they may not have at home. It
                                                                builds confidence, compassion, and self-esteem. I feel my
                       SUSAN DIAZ                               four daughters have benefited from being Girl Scouts for
                       North Redondo                            so many years.”

                       25 Years                                                         JUANITA MAXWELL*
                       “Girl Scouts helped me become the                                Center City
                       person I am, starting in 1st grade. I                            30 Years
                       have been involved with Girl Scouts
                                                                                        “I enjoy volunteering for Girl Scouts
                       ever since. I have led three troops of
                                                                                        because it provides opportunities
girls through 12th grade and have kept in touch with many
                                                                                        for girls to be involved in all sorts of
over the years. They all love camp and lasting friendships.”
                                                                                        activities ranging from camping to
                                                                crafts. Girl Scouts is an organization that helps girls grow

22                                                              into leading women.”
Years of Service Pin
              Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles would also like to recognize the
                    following volunteers receiving the Years of Service Pin:

                      25 Years                                            40 Years
                     Anett Assilian                                  Jermaine Beckett*

                             Virtual Vanguard Award
 The Virtual Vanguard Award honors the incredible contributions our volunteers have
 made to connect Girl Scouts to virtual experiences, provide innovative opportunities in
 a virtual format for girls in a troop, service units, or the community, and exceeded all
 expectations to continue to mentor Girl Scouts during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

                      2021 Virtual Vanguard Award Recipients
    Alayna Sato            Denise Meier           Jill Grass        Matthew Warren         Renata Kanclerz
   Alicia Lafaurie        Diane Lumsdaine        Jill Lanigan        Megan Fleuren         Renee Flanagan
   Alyse Gleason         Dr. Maribel Garcia      Jodi Harris        Megan Norman             Robin Curtis
Amandalynn Sawyer         Elizabeth Taddeo        Joy Blake         Melissa Herrera         Robyn Arnold
  Angela Juranek          Ellen Andersen        Juliana Diaz       Melissa Loeffelholz   Saadia Orantes Lopez
    Anne Ruane             Erin Tomanek         Julie Goldin         Melissa Lynch           Sara Alvarez
   Annie Heller-          Heather Berger       Kamia Fletcher        Michele Lakier          Sayoko Cox
    Gutwillig            Heather St. Dennis   Kathryn Murray        Michele Wahlig           Shana Ballas
   Annie Walling            Ilene Knebel         Kathy Vigil        Michelle Dragin           Sheila Kao
   Bonnie George          Isabel Rodriguez    Katy Leigh Villari     Nancy Fontan          Simona Aranda
   Brenda Alcala-        Jacqueline Ferraro   Kimberly Griffin        Nicole Block           Stacey Adler
                        Jacqueline Robinson   Kimberly Nordyke        Nicole Blue           Sue Hillendahl
   Brynn Malone
                           Jamie Nassour      Kimberly Schwarz        Noosha Niv            Susan Spencer
   Camilla Good
                          Janet KC-Jordan     Lauren Dussinger       Pamela Pernin         Susan Willinger
 Catherine Chittick
                         Jeannette Mullins    Leigh-Ann Danner       Paula Russell           Tammylynn
Christina Evangelista                                                                         Rodriguez
                         Jenna Schumacher      Logan Hawkins         Priya Bradfield
    Danelle Cole                                                                             Yesenia Diaz
                          Jennifer Gruber        Lois Young          Rachael Suarez
  Dawn Hentrich
                          Jennifer Rootes     Lorraine Romero          Rachel Eli
    Deb Carson
                         Jennifer Smolenski   Lynn Cunninham       Rachelle Killackey
   Deborah Hess-
     Wakeland               Jessica Kelly      Maggie Bertisch       Rebecca Root


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