Pre-Conference Materials - Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference June 11-12, 2021

Pre-Conference Materials

Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference
             June 11-12, 2021
                   Virtual Session

                       ECCLESIASTES 3:1-8, 11A

       Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference Secretary
                       Rev. Ethan L. Carnes
Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus!
                        It’s time to heal!
                        The lacerations and abrasions caused by this COVID-19 Pandemic, the wounds of
                        division, the gashes of racism, the polarizing harmful hurts of our political divide, the
                        painful injuries of unemployment and poverty, along with the damaging discussions
                        about schism have left us all in need of the healing “balm in Gilead.”
                        It’s time to heal!
                        The IGRC Annual Conference offers us an opportunity to come together for a bit of
                        relief from the distresses that cause damage and despair. Our virtual gathering will be
                        a time of rejoicing and celebration of the hope and the promise of healing that belong
                        to followers of Jesus Christ. We can confidently cast our cares on him because he cares
                        for us and offers healing to each.
                        In Ecclesiastes chapter three, we are reminded that there is a time and a season for ev-
                        erything. We believe that now is our time to heal. We need to experience the healing
                        power of Christ as a community and as a denomination. The long night of pain ac-
                        companied by the gloom and darkness of a global pandemic has left us in need of a
                        healing touch from the master. While we will not be able to gather in-person, we can
                        gather and experience powerful soul-stirring worship that will promote healing and
                        recovery. We can also engage in celebratory moments of our successful mission and
                        ministry achievements across the IGRC and around the world. We can experience
                        healing as we offer prayers of thanksgiving for God’s abiding healing presence and the
                        hope that Christ promises for a full recovery.
                        Once again, we will have a revised Annual Conference Session. The 2021 Annual
                        Conference will be held online on Friday and Saturday, June 11th and 12th. Everyone
                        is invited to participate but a completed registration is needed in order to provide
                        log-in credentials for voting and participating in this online meeting.
                        Welcome to our time of healing and renewal.
                        God Bless,

                        Bishop Frank Beard

                                      Illinois Area Office of The United Methodist Church
                                                 Illinois Great Rivers Conference

Frank J. Beard                                                                                                  Janice L. Griffith
Resident Bishop,                                               Executive Assistant to the Bishop,
P.O. Box 19207 Springfield, Illinois 62794-9207	                 Ph: 217-529-3820 Fax: 217-529-4190
Carol Conover, Secretary to the Bishop,	 Karen Schultz, Receptionist,
Illinois Great Rivers Conference
  The United Methodist Church

  Information & Reference
            to the
2021 Annual Conference Session

              Submitted by
          Rev. Ethan Carnes
          Conference Secretary
4 Information Section                                            2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

                    Information & Reference Section
                                           Table of Contents
Call to Annual Conference................................................................................... 5
Purpose of the Pre-Conference Workbook .......................................................... 5
Order of Annual Conference ............................................................................... 5
Communicating at Annual Conference................................................................. 7
Media: Ordering and Distribution........................................................................ 7
    Video Recordings............................................................................................. 7
    Distribution of Materials.................................................................................... 7
    Journal-Yearbooks - Ordering............................................................................. 7
Expectations of Lay and Clergy Members............................................................ 7
    Behavior Guidelines and Common Courtesies....................................................... 7
General Information............................................................................................ 8
Parliamentary Matters......................................................................................... 8
    Governing Rules ............................................................................................. 8
    The Standing Rules ......................................................................................... 8
    Roberts Rules of Order ..................................................................................... 8
    Voting and Speaking Rights at Annual Conference ............................................... 8
    Electronic Voting ............................................................................................. 9
Speaking at Annual Conference........................................................................... 9
    Presenters of Reports and Resolutions ................................................................ 9
    Identify Yourself .............................................................................................. 9
    Parliamentary Rules for the 2021 Session............................................................ 9
    Pre-Conference Meetings................................................................................... 9
    Parliamentary Motions Guide: Reference........................................................... 10
Relevant General Conference Rules of Order .................................................... 11
    Rule 1. Authority of the Presiding Officer .......................................................... 11
    Rule 2. Calling the Conference to Order ............................................................ 11
    Rule 3. Directions for Securing the Plenary Floor ............................................... 11
    Rule 4. Plenary Speakers For and Against ......................................................... 12
    Rule 5. Interrupting the Speaker ..................................................................... 12
    Rule 6. Speaking More Than Once; Length of Speech ......................................... 12
    Rule 7. Point of Order .................................................................................... 12
    Rule 8. Electronic Recording ........................................................................... 13
    Rule 9. Right to Make Motions ......................................................................... 13
    Rule 10. Plenary Voting Procedure ................................................................... 13
Business Procedure .......................................................................................... 13
    Rule 11. Motion to Adjourn ............................................................................. 13
    Rule 12. Final Adjournment ............................................................................ 13
    Rule 13. Unlawful Motion After Speech ............................................................. 13
    Rule 14. Regular Calendar... ........................................................................... 13
    Rule 15. Published Reports in Possession of Conference ...................................... 14
Suspending, Amending, and Supplementing ..................................................... 14
    Rule 16. Suspension of the Rules ..................................................................... 14
    Rule 17. Amending Rules ............................................................................... 14
    Rule 18. Robert’s Rules of Order, Supplemental Authority ................................... 14
E-Newsletter Subscription Form ....................................................................... 15
Subscriptions to The Current Are Free!.............................................................. 16
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                                  Information Section 5

                                    Call to Annual Conference
NOTICE is hereby given of the Twenty-Fifth Session (199th Session, Counting Antecedent Annual Conferences)
of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church to be convened in a hybrid online/
remote voting site format during June 11-12, 2021. The Annual Conference Session begins on Friday, June 11,
2021, with the following sessions, which members, unless specifically excused, are expected to attend:
  •   Clergy Session: Friday, 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  •   Laity Session: Friday, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
  •   Laity Session: Friday, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Excused absence forms are available from the conference superintendents. All excused absence forms must be
completed and returned to the annual conference secretary by no later than June 30, 2021, for the record of
excused absences to be recorded in the Journal-Yearbook.

                     Purpose of the Pre-Conference Workbook
This Pre-Conference Workbook is mandated by the Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference. The
purpose of the workbook is to give members all the information they need for the annual conference sessions. This
year the workbook is divided into four sections.
  •   Episcopal Welcome Letter
  •   Pre-Conference Information Section (this document)
  •   Legislative Items & Reports
  •   Consent Calendar

                                  Order of Annual Conference
The agenda will be posted prior to the annual conference. Online annual conference sessions will follow Standing
Rules III.I. Any legislative items not in the pre-conference materials may be summitted at least 10 days prior to the
Annual Conference session.
Consent Calendar
A Consent Calendar has been created to expedite voting. The Consent Calendar is created by the Conference
Secretary in consultation with the Bishop and Sessions Committee. To removing an item from the Consent
Calendar for separate consideration see Standing Rules II.I.3.e.
Supplemental Material
Materials submitted prior to the annual conference session will be considered pre-conference material and
managed as such for communication purposes. Legislative items and reports may be received by the Conference
Secretary, according to the rules of the session.

                 What Am I Doing Here? Basics for Beginners
Feeling overwhelmed? Wondering why you said “yes” to your election as a lay (or clergy) member of annual con-
ference? Most members feel a bit anxious or confused the first few times they come to annual conference. Here are
a few explanations and definitions to help you along.
6 Information Section                                           2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

Annual Conference is:
 •   People with a purpose: The purpose of the annual conference is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the trans-
     formation of the world by equipping its local churches for ministry and by providing a connection for ministry
     beyond the local church; all to the glory of God.” (¶601, 2016 Book of Discipline).
 •   Geography: The Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference is composed of ten districts covering downstate
     Illinois. Our districts have the following names: Cache River, Embarras River, Illinois River, Iroquois River,
     Kaskaskia River, LaMoine River, Mississippi River, Sangamon River, Spoon River, and Vermilion River.
 •   A legal entity: The 2016 Book of Discipline, ¶33, states: “The annual conference is the basic body in the
     Church... It shall discharge all duties and exercise such powers as the General Conference under the Constitu-
     tion may determine.” The annual conference is a legal unit in both church law and civil law.
 •   An annual gathering for:
     •   Spiritual formation: Members of and visitors to annual conference are renewed for the mission of the
         church through worship of God, which includes inspirational preaching by Bishop Beard and others, sacred
         music and praise songs led by a variety of choirs and musicians, Holy Communion, the commissioning
         and ordination of deacons and elders, morning devotionals, and other services of celebration and
         remembrance. Members and visitors also have opportunities to learn from conference speakers, who help
         us understand God’s Word and world and our role as stewards of both.
     •   Community formation: One of the abiding benefits of annual conference is meeting new friends
         and building relationships with lay and clergy members. Because of the number of people attending,
         opportunities exist at annual conferences that can’t be duplicated at the local church level.
     •   Mission formation: The church exists for the maintenance of worship, edification of believers, and
         the redemption of the world. At annual conference we engage in intentional and holy conversation
         and decision-making about how we, in partnership with God, can facilitate this purpose. Our agenda,
         therefore, includes certain items on which the conference must act, including reports, resolutions, and
         amendments. The annual conference follows the rules of the General Conference, The Illinois Great Rivers
         Annual Conference, and Roberts Rules of Order, Revised. All of this is done to insure to the greatest
         degree possible that all business is conducted on an equitable basis. The resident bishop, Bishop Beard is
         the presiding officer.
     •   Statistics: We need to remember that “statistics” represent resources cultivated and employed by our
         congregations for fulfilling the vision and mission of the church.

What do lay members do?
 • Lay members are a key link between their local church or charge and the other churches of the Illinois Great
   Rivers Annual Conference.
 •   Lay members serve as principal communicators between their local church or charge and the global United
     Methodist Church, not only while annual conference is in session, but throughout the year.
 •   Lay members are full participants, along with the clergy members of the annual conference, in making
     decisions on all the issues before the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference (except on matters of ordina-
     tion, character, and conference relations of clergy).
 •   Lay members have year-round responsibilities in their local church or charge, where by virtue of office, they
     are members of: the charge conference, the church council, the staff/pastor parish relations committee, and
     the finance committee.

                       Communicating at Annual Conference
No announcements may be made, due to the online session format.
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                                  Information Section 7

Hospitality and Secretarial Staff
Hospitality and secretarial staff members voluntarily share their time and talent to make our Annual Conference
Session flow smoothly and as comfortably as possible.

Remote Sites
In order accommodate equal opportunities of voting, remote sites/locations will be designated for individuals who
wish to vote in person, instead of online. These sites will allow access to only registered members. Special accep-
tations will be made by the remote site marshals for persons such as caregivers or spouses of voting members. The
remote sites shall be included as a part of the bar of the session.

Marshals and hospitality staff will record a vote by hand of voting members present at the remote locations.
The marshals shall record the votes on a Voter Form provided by the Conference Secretary. The forms will be
signed and mailed directly to the Secretary immediately following the annual conference session in order to
validate voting. Marshals will report the votes during the sessions to the secretarial staff, named by the Confer-
ence Secretary, in whatever means they authorize. These votes will be included in the total votes presented to the
presiding officer and conference body.

Persons must choose their remote location by June 1, 2021. A list of locations will be made accessible in registra-
tion materials.

                             Media: Ordering and Distribution
Video Recordings
Videos of the services as well as videos produced by IGRC Communications for the 2021 Annual Conference
Session will be posted on the Conference’s website at the conclusion of Annual Conference.

Distribution of Materials
Those wishing to distribute informational materials to members of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference at
the site of Annual Conference must secure authorization from the annual conference secretary. The only accept-
able items are those that relate directly to the agenda of our Annual Conference Session.

Journal-Yearbooks - Ordering
Each Annual Conference member is entitled to one free copy of the Journal-Yearbook. Unless a printed copy is
specifically requested using the form found in the Supplemental Packet, Journal-Yearbooks will be delivered to
members on CD-ROM. Additional printed copies of the Journal-Yearbook may be ordered at a cost of $12.00 per
copy. Additional CD-ROM copies are $4.00. Please note the deadline for orders and the need for payment to ac-
company the order either at Annual Conference Session or with mailed orders. Persons may also access the Jour-
nal-Yearbook online at no cost by going to

                      Expectations of Lay and Clergy Members
Behavior Guidelines and Common Courtesies
 1. Bar of the Conference: During an online session the bar of the conference will be considered the
    electronic voting platform as determined by the sessions committee, the Conference Center, Remote
    Voting Locations, and any other areas designated by the Conference Secretary.
 2. Being Present: : (Note: change in formatting only)
      •   Remote Sites should provide adequate seating for members to ensure hand votes are counted
          accurately and without confusion or disruption.
8 Information Section                                            2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

      •   Persons participating online should secure an adequate internet signal in order to ensure full
          participation if possible.
      •   Please set your cell phones on vibrate, or better yet, turn them off if you are in a remote voting site.

                                        General Information
Conference Theme
Our Annual Conference 2021 theme is “A Time To Heal” based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

                                      Parliamentary Matters
Governing Rules
The Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference is governed by the General Conference Rules and the Standing Rules
of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, and in situations where the above do not apply, Roberts Rules of
Order, Revised.

The Standing Rules
The Standing Rules of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference are found on page 309 of the 2020

Roberts Rules of Order
Voting and Speaking Rights at Annual Conference
1. Lay members have the right to vote on all measures except in the election of clergy delegates to the General
   and Jurisdictional or Central Conferences; on the granting or validation of license, ordination, or reception
   into full Annual Conference membership; or on any question concerning the character and official conduct of
   ordained ministers, except those who are lay members of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶602.6).

2. Clergy members in full connection shall have the right to vote on all matters in the annual conference except
   in the election of lay delegates to the General and Jurisdictional or central conferences and shall have sole re-
   sponsibility for all matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy.

3. Provisional clergy members shall have the right to vote in the annual conference on all matters except consti-
   tutional amendments, election of clergy delegates to the General and Jurisdictional or Central Conferences,
   and matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy. Provisional clergy members who have
   completed all of their educational requirements may vote to elect clergy delegates to General and Jurisdictional
   or Central Conferences (see Judicial Council Decision 1181 and ¶ 35, Article IV).

4. Associate clergy members shall have the right to vote in the annual conference on all matters except con-
   stitutional amendments and matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy. When as-
   sociate members are members of the conference Board of Ordained Ministry, they have the right to vote at
   clergy session on matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy (¶ 635.1). Affiliate clergy
   members shall have the right to vote in the annual conference on all matters except the constitutional amend-
   ments, election of clergy delegates to the General, Jurisdictional or Central Conferences, and matters of ordi-
   nation, character, and conference relations of clergy (see Judicial Council Decision 1181 and ¶ 35, Article IV).”

5. Full-time and part-time local pastors under appointment to a pastoral charge shall have the right to vote in the
   annual conference on all matters except constitutional amendments; election of delegates to the General and
   Jurisdictional or Central Conferences and matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy.
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                                    Information Section 9

    When local pastors are members of the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, they have the right to vote at
    clergy session on matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy (¶ 635.1). Local pastors
    who have completed course of study or an M.Div. degree and have served a minimum of two consecutive
    years under appointment before the election may vote to elect clergy delegates to General and Jurisdictional or
    central conferences (see Judicial Council Decision 1181 and ¶ 35, Article IV).”

6. Deaconesses may be seated at the Annual Conference Session with voice and vote. (¶1913.5).

7. Ordained elders or ordained clergy from other annual conferences and other Methodist denominations may
   be granted voice but not vote in the annual conference to which they are appointed. (¶346.1)

8. Elders or ordained clergy from other denominations may have the right to vote on all matters except constitu-
   tional amendments, election of clergy delegates to the General and Jurisdictional or Central Conferences, and
   matters of ordination, character, and the conference relations of clergy (¶346.2).

9. Retired Local Pastors have the right to voice, but not vote (¶320.5).

10. Supply Pastors do not have the right to voice or vote. If they are retired clergy members, or are elected as a lay
    member to Annual Conference, then they are covered under those categories above.

Electronic Voting
Members of the 2021 Annual Conference will vote electronically through a secured ZOOM platform and by hand
vote for remote sites. Electronic voting is fast, accurate, and secure.

                               Speaking at Annual Conference
Presenters of Reports and Resolutions
Those who are presenting particular reports or resolutions are expected to be available during the online session.
The communications team will manage the presenting mode and ZOOM platform. Please note that the agenda
committee sometimes makes last-minute adjustments to the schedule, so presence during all sessions is advised.

Identify Yourself
When speaking to the Annual Conference session, presenters and other speakers will clearly identify themselves by
name, along with their church and district names.

                    Parliamentary Rules for the 2021 Session:
                         (See Legislative Item 101: Establishing Debate)

“That for this 2021 online session Standing Rule III.I.4(a) be suspended so that before calling for a vote of the Con-
ference body the presiding officer may recognize up to three Conference members to make speeches of no more
than three minutes in support of and three Conference members to make speeches of no more than three minutes
in opposition to legislative motions.”

No amendments shall be accepted. Voting on items and reports will only be FOR or AGAINST with no amendable

Pre-Conference Meetings
The sessions committee will hold pre-conference meetings with the authors and/or designees present in order to
facilitate discussion and answer questions prior to the actions of the called sessions.
10 Information Section                                          2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

                      Parliamentary Motions Guide: Reference
                         Based on Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (11th Edition)
               Part 1, Main Motions: The motions below are listed in order of precedence.
            Any motion can be introduced if it is higher on the chart than the pending motion.

                                                   Can you     Does it     Can it be     Can it be What vote is
  You want to:               You say:
                                                  interrupt? need a 2nd?   debated?     amended?    needed?

Close the meeting        I move to adjourn           No          Yes          No             No          Majority

  Take a break           I move to recess            No          Yes          No            Yes          Majority

    Register a         I rise to a question of
                                                     Yes         No           No             No            None
    complaint                  privilege
    Follow the         I call for the orders of
                                                     Yes         No           No             No            None
     agenda                     the day
 Lay a question          I move to lay the
                                                     No          Yes          No             No        2/3 majority
     aside             question on the table
                       I move the previous
Close the debate                                     No          Yes          No             No        2/3 majority
 Limit or extend      I move that debate be
                                                     No          Yes          No            Yes        2/3 majority
    a debate               limited to...
  Postpone to a         I move to postpone
                                                     No          Yes          Yes           Yes          majority
   certain time           the motion to...
    Refer to a          I move to refer the
                                                     No          Yes          Yes           Yes          majority
    committee              motion to...
 Modify wording        I move to amend the
                                                     No          Yes          Yes           Yes          majority
  of a motion              motion by...
                         I move that the
  Kill the main
                       motion be postponed           No          Yes          Yes            No          majority
  Bring business
                            I move that
before the assembly                                  No          Yes          Yes           Yes          majority
                           (or "move to")
  (a main motion)

    Part 2, Incidental Motions - No order of precedence. Arise incidentally and decided immediately.

Enforce the rules          Point of order            Yes         No           No             No            None

Submit matter to        I appeal from the
                                                     Yes         Yes         Varies          No          Majority
 the assembly          decision of the chair
                        I move to suspend
Suspend the rules                                    No          Yes          No             No        2/3 majority
                            the rules
   Avoid main
                       I object to consider-
   motion all                                        Yes         No           No             No        2/3 majority
                       ation of the question
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                                    Information Section 11

                         I move to divide the
 Divide the motion                                      No           Yes          No            Yes         majority
     Withdraw a        I move to withdraw the
                                                        No           No           No            No          majority
      motion                 question
  Demand a rising         I move for a rising
                                                        Yes          No           No            No            None
      vote                      vote
   A question of
                        Parliamentary inquiry           Yes          No           No            No            None
 Parliamentary law
                         Point of information           Yes          No           No            No            None

                       Part 3, Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly

   Take a matter         I move to take from
                                                        No           Yes          No            No          Majority
   from the table             the table
     Cancel a                                                                                            2/3 or majority
                          I move to rescind             No           Yes         Yes            Yes
  previous action                                                                                         with notice
                         I move to reconsider           No           Yes        Varies          No          Majority
     a motion

                   Relevant General Conference Rules of Order
    (Note: The 2021 online session will follow Standing Rule III.I and/or legislation that may suspend the rules
      to conduct the business of the sessions. The following rules of order are a reference of relevant general
     proceedings for the 2021 Annual Conference. For a complete list of order see the 2019 reference section.)

                           Rule 1. Authority of the Presiding Officer
The presiding officer... shall decide and rule on points of order.

1. A delegate may appeal the ruling to the body without debate, except that the presiding officer and the appel-
   lant, in the order here named, shall each have three minutes for a statement in support of their respective po-
   sitions. A tie vote in the case of appeal shall sustain the presiding officer (See Rule 29.3 in the 2019 reference
   materials). Any delegate who raises a point of order shall cite the rule believed to have been violated.

2. At the discretion of the presiding officer, a time for prayerful discernment may be taken during deliberation.
   Such a time should be for group meditation and prayer and shall end at the call of the presiding officer, at
   which time deliberation shall be resumed.

3. The presiding officer shall have the right to recess a session of the body at any time at the presiding officer’s dis-
   cretion and to reconvene at such time as the presiding officer shall propose. Consistent with the spirit of ¶ 722
   of The Book of Discipline, in rare circumstances the presiding officer shall also have the right to stipulate that
   the session shall reconvene in closed session with only delegates, authorized personnel, and authorized guests
   permitted to attend such a session following recess.

                             Rule 2. Calling the Conference to Order
When the presiding officer calls the body to order, no delegate shall speak, address the chair, or stand.
12 Information Section                                             2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

                     Rule 3. Directions for Securing the Plenary Floor
A delegate desiring to speak to the Conference shall hold up the appropriate placard to be recognized by the bishop
presiding. Unless raising a point of order or parliamentary inquiry, the delegate shall not speak until given the
floor. The bishop presiding shall consider the various sections of the auditorium in rotation. The delegate recog-
nized shall proceed to the nearest microphone and shall first announce her or his name... A delegate recognized by
the presiding bishop may not yield the floor to another delegate.

                           Rule 4. Plenary Speakers For and Against
1. When the report of a committee is under consideration, it shall be the duty of the bishop presiding to ascer-
   tain, when recognizing a delegate to the Conference, on which side the delegate proposes to speak; the bishop
   presiding shall not assign the floor to any delegate proposing to speak on the same side of the pending ques-
   tion as the speaker immediately preceding if any delegate desires to speak on the other side.

2. Except for non-debatable motions (Rule 21 in the 2019 reference materials), no report shall be adopted or
   question relating to the same decided, without opportunity having been given for at least two speeches for and
   two against the said proposal.

3. The motion to call for the previous question, which is itself non-debatable, is not in order without opportuni-
   ty having been given for at least two speeches for and two against the proposal. Any delegate who moves the
   previous question (that is, that the vote be now taken on the motion or motions pending) shall also indicate to
   what it is intended to apply, if any secondary motion or motions are also pending. If said delegate does not so
   indicate, it shall be regarded as applying only to the immediately pending question. This motion shall be taken
   without debate and shall require a two-thirds vote of those present and voting for its adoption. If it is adopted,
   the vote shall be taken on the motion or motions to which it applies without further debate (See Rule 21). After
   three speeches for and three against and provided no secondary motions come before the floor, the questions
   shall be put automatically. However, the chairperson and/or duly authorized delegate or delegates presenting
   the committee’s report... shall be entitled to speak before the vote is taken. These speeches shall be limited to
   three (3) minutes (See Rule 9).

                                  Rule 5. Interrupting the Speaker
No delegate who has the floor may be interrupted except for a point of order, a parliamentary inquiry, a point of
information, to challenge a misrepresentation, or to call attention that the time has arrived for an order of the day.

                  Rule 6. Speaking More Than Once; Length of Speech
1. No delegate shall speak a second time on the same question if any delegate who has not previously spoken on
   the question desires the floor.
2. No delegate shall speak more than twice on the same subject under the same motion, except as provided in
   Rule 7.2
3. No delegate shall speak longer than three minutes unless that time is extended by the body (See Rule 7.3).
   Time of translation shall not count against the three-minute limit.
4. The three-minute limit on delegate speeches may be amended by a majority vote of the body at any time and
   for any period of duration.

                                           Rule 7. Point of Order
A delegate wishing to raise a point of order shall address the presiding officer and say, “I rise to a point of order.”
The presiding officer shall interrupt the proceeding. If a delegate is speaking, that one shall immediately yield the
floor. The presiding officer shall then direct the delegate raising the point of order to state the point as briefly and
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                                  Information Section 13

concisely as possible, citing the rule invoked in the point of order. The delegate shall not presume to decide the
question or argue the point. A point of order is decided by the presiding officer without debate unless in doubtful
cases the presiding officer submits the question to the body for advice or decision. When the presiding officer rules
on a point, debate is closed, but the decision may be appealed (See Rule 3).

                                      Rule 8. Electronic Recording
No electronic recording by either video or voice may be made of any portion of the... Conference unless specifical-
ly authorized... in order to maintain the integrity of all performance licenses.

                                    Rule 9. Right to Make Motions
Only voting delegates have the right to make or second motions in accordance with the rules and upon recognition
by the presiding officer.

                                 Rule 10. Plenary Voting Procedure
1. Voting shall be by electronic means unless otherwise ordered by the Conference, provided, however, that in
   elections, voting may be by written ballot. Electronic voting devices shall be available on the platform for dele-
   gates making a presentation to the Conference.
2. Only delegates within the bar of the Conference when the vote is taken shall be entitled to vote. No delegate
   shall cast a vote in place of any other delegate.
3. No other business shall be in order when a vote is being taken or when the previous question has been called
   until the process is completed, except such as relates to the vote itself or such business as the presiding officer
   may deem appropriate.

                                          Business Procedure
                                       Rule 11. Motion to Adjourn
The motion to adjourn, when unqualified, shall be taken without debate and shall always be in order, except:

1. When a delegate has the floor;
2. When a question is actually put or a vote is being taken and before it is finally decided;
3. When the previous question has been ordered and action is pending;
4. When a motion to adjourn has been lost and no business or debate has intervened;
5. When the motion to fix the time to which the Conference shall adjourn is pending. This rule does not apply to
   a motion for final adjournment of the Conference.

                                      Rule 12. Final Adjournment
At final adjournment, all unfinished business shall remain unfinished.

                             Rule 13. Unlawful Motion After Speech
After making a speech on a pending question, a delegate may not make a motion that would limit or stop debate
without first relinquishing the floor.

                                      Rule 14. Regular Calendar...
14 Information Section                                          2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

The Secretary of the... Conference shall keep the Calendar [Agenda] which includes the orders of the day... Busi-
ness placed on the calendar shall be considered in the order recommended by the Committee on Agenda and Cal-
endar [Sessions Committee], see Standing Rules III.I.

               Rule 15. Published Reports in Possession of Conference
Reports submitted by... the deadline, as announced by the Secretary of the... Conference, shall appear in the
[Pre-Conference Workbook]. The report as published in the [Pre-Conference Workbook] is the official copy, subject
only to grammatical, or other obvious editorial changes and shall be regarded as in the possession of the Conference.

                  Suspending, Amending, and Supplementing
                                 Rule 16. Suspension of the Rules
The operation of any of the provisions of the Plan of Organization and Rules of Order [Standing Rules] may be sus-
pended at any time by a two-thirds vote of the Conference (See Rule 29.4 in the 2019 reference materials).

                                       Rule 17. Amending Rules
The Plan of Organization and Rules of Order [Standing Rules] may be amended or changed by a two-thirds vote
of the Conference; provided the proposed change or amendment has originated in the Committee on Plan of Or-
ganization and Rules of Order [Standing Rules] or has been presented to the Conference in writing and referred to
this committee, which committee shall report thereon not later than the following day (See Rule 29.4 in the 2019
reference materials).

             Rule 18. Robert’s Rules of Order, Supplemental Authority
In any parliamentary situation not covered by the Plan of Organization and Rules of Order [Standing Rules], the ...
Conference shall be governed in its action by the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                                 Information Section 15

                              E-Newsletter Subscription Form
The Illinois Great Rivers Conference and its ministries publish several electronic newsletters aimed at keeping you
informed. If you would like to be placed on the mailing list for this type of information, please complete the follow-
ing subscription form:

District News                                Ministry News

‰    Cache River                             ‰     Camping and Retreat Ministries and/or
‰    Embarras River                          ‰     Beulah            East Bay      Little Grassy
‰    Illinois River                          ‰     Christian Educators Fellowship
‰    Iroquois River                          ‰     Congregational Development
‰    Kaskaskia River                         ‰     Missions and Outreach
‰    LaMoine River                           ‰     New Streams and Discipleship Ministries
‰    Mississippi River                       ‰     Pastoral Care and Counseling
‰    Sangamon River                          ‰     Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund
‰    Spoon River                             ‰     United Media Resource Center
‰    Vermilion River                         ‰     United Methodist Foundation
                                             ‰     United Methodist Women
                                             ‰     United Voices for Children
                                             ‰     Young Adult Ministries

‰    The Current Week in Review:        Published weekly on Friday mornings, providing a summary
     of the week’s news with links to appointments, death notices, classified ads and other news and
‰    IGRC Events-full: Published weekly on Mondays, IGRC Events-full provides information on local
     church, district and conference events.

Name ______________________________________________________________________________


City ____________                                       _ State                        ZIP

Local Church 							 District

Email Address _______________________________________________________________________

            Please return your subscription form to the Conference Information Center
                              at any time during Annual Conference
16 Information Section                                       2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

                       Subscriptions to The Current Are Free!

The Current, the conference newspaper, is published monthly on the last Friday of the month with 12 issues a year.
In all, there are 6,000 conference-paid subscriptions that are sent to church leaders. Additionally, persons may sub-
scribe to the newspaper for a cost of $15 per year.
The 16 to 24-page tabloid magazine is also posted to the conference website at following
its production. Persons may be notified how to access The Current online by subscribing to the electronic Current
which is free of charge as well.
Persons accessing the electronic format usually receive the information a couple of days ahead of its mailing and
persons who no longer wish to receive a paper version will allow someone else in their church to receive the print
edition while they receive the information electronically. Each church is allocated free print copies based upon
average worship attendance.
To make changes to your Current subscription or to become a subscriber, check the information below::

•    I currently DO NOT receive The Current and would like to subscribe. Enclosed is my $15 payment
     for the next year.
•    I currently DO NOT receive The Current but would like to receive the electronic version. Please add
     my email address to your database for future notifications.
•    I currently DO receive The Current but would like to receive the electronic version. Please add my
     email address to your database for future notifications.
•    Also, please remove my name from the paper list and have my pastor reassign my subscription to
     someone else in my congregation.
•    I receive The Current and recently have changed addresses (email or mailing). Please update your
     records with the information below:

Name ______________________________________________________________________________


City ____________                                   _ State                            ZIP

Local Church 							 District

Email Address _______________________________________________________________________

               Churches can have an unlimited number of electronic The Current subscriptions!
Please circulate a sheet and provide the Communication Ministries Team a list of names and email addresses for
persons wishing to receive the electronic version of The Current. The completed list can be emailed to: TheCur- or by mail to:

                                       Communications Ministry Team
                                       Electronic Current Subscriptions
                                               P. O. Box 19207
                                          Springfield, IL 62794-9207
2            Illinois Great
3          Rivers Conference
6     The United Methodist Church
18       Legislative & Reports
20              Section
22               to the
     2021 Annual Conference Session
43        June 11-12, 2021
2 Legislative & Reports                                               2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

1                         Legislative & Reports Section
3                                   Table of Contents
5            Item 100: Organizational Motions................................................................... 3
6Legislative Item 101: Establishing Debate ........................................................................ 3
 Legislative Item 102: Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund:
                       Articles of Incorporation................................................................. 4
 10          Item 103: 2022 Conference Spending Plan......................................................7
 11 2022 IGRC Spending Plan Proposal..................................................................... 7
 Legislative Item 103 A: Supplement to 2022 Conference Spending Plan...........................9
 Legislative Item 104: Commission on Equitable Compensation....................................... 15
 15          Item 105: Property Matter-Closure East Peoria Faith UMC............................. 16
 Legislative Item 106: Property Matter-Closure Fairview UMC.......................................... 16
 18          Item 107: Property Matter-Closure Florence UMC......................................... 17
 Legislative Item 108: Property Matter-Closure Granite City Niedringhaus UMC...............18
 Legislative Item 109: Property Matter-Closure Iroquois UMC.......................................... 18
 22          Item 110: Property Matter-Closure New Hope UMC....................................... 19
 Legislative Item 111: Property Matter-Closure Olive Branch UMC................................... 20
 Legislative Item 112: Property Matter-Closure Roberts UMC........................................... 21
 26          Item 113: Property Matter-Closure Saint David UMC..................................... 21
 Legislative Item 114: Property Matter-Closure Texas UMC.............................................. 22
 29          Item 115: 2022 Clergy Health Insurance Allowance...................................... 23
 Legislative Item 116: 2022 Housing Exclusion for Retired & Disabled Clergy..................23
 Legislative Item 117: Property Matter-Resolution for Closure
 32                    United Church of Altona UMC......................................................... 24
 34          Item 118: Property Matter-Resolution for Closure Christ UMC.......................25
 Legislative Item 119: Committee on Nominations Report................................................ 25
 Report 200: 2022 Advance Specials and Five Star Challenge........................................... 34
 38     201: Report of the Conference Treasurer............................................................. 39
 39 2020 IGRC Actual to Budget............................................................................ 40
 Report 202: Report of the IGRC Board of Trustees.......................................................... 44
 42     203: Report of the Board of Pensions and Benefits.............................................. 46
 Report 204: Report of the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund................................. 48
 Report 205: Report of the United Methodist Foundation.................................................. 50
 46     206: Report of Connectional Ministries Related Spending Plans...........................51
Consent Calendar............................................................................................................ 56
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                        Legislative & Reports 3.

2                   Legislative Item 100: Organizational Motions
3                                             Vote: Adopted ☐ Failed ☐
Subject: Procedures for this On-Line Annual Conference Session
Submitted by: Rev. Ethan Carnes, Annual Conference Secretary
  1) That this session of the annual conference be conducted according to the policies of Standing Rule III.I -
     Online Annual Conference Session; and
  2) That, in addition to the electronic platform set by the Sessions Committee, the bar of this Annual Conference
     Session shall include the registered participants at these eight (8) remote sites:
      • Marion Aldersgate UMC (Cache River District)
      • Pekin Grace UMC (Illinois River District)
      • Champaign New Horizon UMC (Iroquois River District)
      • Salem Grace UMC (Kaskaskia River District)
      • Quincy Vermont Street UMC (LaMoine River District)
      • Belleville St. Matthew UMC (Mississippi River District)
      • Galesburg First UMC (Spoon River District)
      • Bloomington Wesley UMC (Vermilion River District); and
  3) That the agenda of the annual conference is the agenda submitted by the annual conference sessions
     committee and that the chair of the sessions committee is permitted to make last-minute changes to the
     agenda to maximize the use of time; and
  4) That the roster of secretarial staff and remote site tellers named by the conference secretary be elected; and
  5) That the conference secretary be authorized and directed to include as an addendum to the report of daily
     proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference session, each of the following:
     a) Summaries of the worship services, addresses, and awards posted on the 2021 Annual Conference
          session website but which were not included during the June 11-12, 2021 live stream of the 2021 Annual
          Conference session, and
     b) A summary of the 2021 Annual Conference Ordination and Commissioning Service, to be scheduled for
          a later date, and
     c) Summaries of all other reports in written form, submitted to the conference secretary by the various
          boards, committees and agencies related to the Annual Conference and posted on the 2021 Annual
          Conference session website, which due to the technical and or time constraints were not presented during
          the June 11-12, 2021 live stream of the 2020 Annual Conference session.
44                       Legislative Item 101: Establishing Debate
46                                            Vote: Adopted ☐ Failed ☐
Subject: Procedures for this On-Line Annual Conference Session
Submitted by: Rev. Ethan Carnes, Annual Conference Secretary
4 Legislative & Reports                                            2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

That for this 2021 online session Standing Rule III.I.4(a) be suspended so that before calling for a vote of the Con-
ference body the presiding officer may recognize up to three Conference members to make speeches of no more
than three minutes in support of and three Conference members to make speeches of no more than three minutes
5 opposition to legislative motions.
8       Legislative Item 102: Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund:
                                      Articles of Incorporation
11                                           Vote: Adopted ☐ Failed ☐
Subject: Preacher’s Aid Society and Benefit Fund: Articles of Incorporation
Content:   Amends the Preacher’s Aid Society and Benefit Fund: Articles of Incorporation
Submitted by: Rev. Keith Anderson, Executive Director
16                                        ARTICLE I: CORPORATE NAME
The corporate name of this Society shall be THE PREACHERS’ AID SOCIETY AND BENEFIT FUND OF THE ILLI-
                                             ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP
22 membership of the Preachers’ Aid Society and Benefit Fund shall be the members Members, clergy and lay, of
23 Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference and all lay members Members of the Board of Directors who are not
members Members of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference.
26                                               ARTICLE III: PURPOSE
27 exclusive purposes of the corporation are: This Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and/or ed-
ucational pur-poses including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations which qualify as
exempt   organizations under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corre-
sponding section of any future United States internal revenue law, or to any other person or entity exclusively for
31 charitable purpose;
33 administer all funds that are received by the corporation through gifts, devises, memorials, bequests of property
either real or personal, from any source and to receive, hold, and manage all funds received and all real estate and
personal  property owned by the corporation;
37 pay only the net income from investments and such other income as may be distributable under the current
by-laws of said the Society, and for religious and charitable pur- poses in such amounts and in such manner, as the
Board  of Directors may from time-to-time decide and determine, for religious and charitable purposes in support-
ing the retired ministers of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church or its legal
successor,  and in supporting the spouses and dependent children of retired ministers and deceased ministers of said
conference or its legal successor [, and in supporting other qualified ministers serving and having served Methodist
churches  within and to the extent of the geographic limits of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference irrespective of the
continued existence of said Conference,] as is legally allowed by a 501(c)3 organization. Funds may be used for no
45 purposes. The corpus shall remain intact and the income shall be kept in a separate account.
In the event of dissolution or termination of said Society, all assets of the corporation will be first applied toward the
payment in satisfaction and discharge of all liabilities and obligations of the Society, and then all remaining assets
2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference                             Legislative & Reports 5.

1will be paid or distributed to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of The United Methodist Church, or its designat-
 2 successor organization, to be used for religious and charitable purposes for the support of all retired ministers,
 spouses,    surviving spouses, and dependent children in the manner in a manner as would otherwise have been pro-
 vided   by the Society; or, in the event that the Illinois Great Rivers Conference of the United Methodist Church or its
 designated     successor organization does not then exist, to a successor another organization to then duly qualified and
 existing   for the religious and charitable purposes in support of all the retired ministers, spouses of retired ministers,
 surviving    spouses of active or retired ministers, and dependent children of deceased ministers previously serving the
 Illinois  Great River Conference or its designated successor organization irrespective of the continued existence of
 9 Conference or successor organization;, or the funds will be distributed to the Illinois Great Rivers Conference
 10 The United Methodist Church, or its succession organization, to be used for religious and charitable purposes for
 11 support of all retired ministers, spouses, surviving spouses, and dependent children in the manner of the Soci-
 12 goals, and if none then exists, a.c. to any other organization then duly qualified and existing for the religious and
 charitable    purposes as the Board of Directors of the Society shall then in its sole discretion decide and determine.
 15                                                ARTICLE IV: MANAGEMENT
 The management of the Society shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of eight clergy (only one of the
 clergy in each class shall be a retired clergy) who shall be members Members of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference
 and seven laity who shall be members Members of the local churches of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference, elected
 by the members Members of the Society at the annual meeting.
 21                              ARTICLE V: OFFICES AND AGENCY REGISTERED AGENT
 23 principal office of this corporation will be located at such place as the Board of Directors from time to time may
 24             by resolution. In addition, the corporation may maintain other offices as its business requires.
 26 registered office of this corporation may be the same as its principal office. The address of the registered office
 27 be identical with the office of the registered agent of the corporation. Such office will be continuously main-
 28       with the State of Illinois for the duration of the corporation. The Board of Directors may from time to time
 29        the address of its registered principal office by duly adopted resolution and submission of the appropriate
 30            to the Secretary of State’s office.
 32 registered agent of this the corporation may be either an individual, resident of the State of Illinois, or a domes-
 33 or foreign corporation, authorized to act as such agent. Such an agent will be continuously maintained by this
 34              in the by and pursuant to the laws of the State of Illinois. A successor registered agent may be appointed
 35the office of such the registered agent becomes vacant for any reason, or such agent becomes disqualified or inca-
 36           or is or otherwise becomes unable or unwilling to act, or if the corporation acting through the its Board of
 37           revokes the appointment of such agent by duly adopted resolution. The new appointment will be made by
 38    adopted     resolution of the Board of Directors and submission of the appropriate statement to the Illinois Sec-
 39       of State’s office. Such The registered agent and any successor registered agent will be recognized as an agent
 40  this the corporation on whom any process, notice, of or demand required or permitted by law to be served on a
 41              may be served.
 43 corporation will not recognize the resignation of any duly appointed registered agent appointed by it unless and
 44 it first receives a copy of such agent’s resignation as sent to filed with the Illinois Secretary of State, such copy
 45 same to be sent to served on the corporation by registered or certified mail, addressed to the principal office of
 46 corporation Corporation as it is known to such agent, and directed to the attention of the secretary. , s Such
 copy to shall be sent served within five (5) days after the date of filing with the Illinois Secretary of State, and such
 statement of resignation will be acceptable only if it discloses the effective date of resignation to be not less than
6 Legislative & Reports                                               2021 Session of the Illinois Great Rivers Conference

1                (14) days nor more than thirty (30) days after the date of such filing.
2                                  ARTICLE VI: AMENDING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
3The Articles of Incorporation of the Society may be amended at any regularly scheduled annual meeting of the
 4Society held during the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, or at any properly noticed special meeting of the
  5Society, and approved only upon the affirmative vote of ninety percent (90%) of those Members then in attendance.
   6Any proposed amendment to the Articles of Incorporation shall be mailed to the Members of the corporation at
    7least ninety (90) days prior to the meeting where such a proposal is will be discussed.
     8A special meeting of the corporation may be authorized by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or by forty percent
      9(40%) of the Members of the corporation. Meeting notices must be sent to the Members of the corporation at least
       ninety (90) days prior to the meeting stating the purpose of the special meeting so called, and only such stated business
       may be conducted at the time and place of the special meeting so called.
       The Articles of Incorporation of the Society may be amended: On recommendation of the Board of Directors at any
       regularly scheduled annual meeting of the Society held during the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. Such
       recommendation shall be approved only and upon the by affirmative vote of ninety percent (90%) majority of a
       vote of those Members then in attendance at a regularly scheduled annual meeting of the Society, held during the
       annual session meeting of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, or of or at any special meeting of the corpo-
       ration held between ninety (90) and one-hundred-twenty (120) days after the annual meeting of the Illinois Great
       Rivers Annual Conference. The approval of any such recommendation shall be confirmed upon the affirmative
       vote of ninety percent (90%) of those Members then in attendance second ninety percent (90%) majority of a vote
       of those in attendance at aa regularly scheduled annual meeting of the Society held during the annual meeting of
       the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference, or at any special meeting of the corporation held between ninety (90)
       and one-hundred-twenty (120) days next after the annual meeting of following the conclusion of the Illinois Great
       Rivers Annual Conference whereby such recommendation is approved.; or,
       On recommendation of the Board of Directors at any special meeting of the corporation held between ninety
       (90) and one-hundred-twenty (120) days prior to the commencement of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Con-
       ference. Such recommendation shall be approved only upon the affirmative vote of ninety percent (90%) of those
       Members then in attendance. The approval of any such recommendation shall be confirmed upon the affirmative
       vote of ninety percent (90%) of those Members then in attendance at the next following regularly scheduled annual
       meeting of the Society held during the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference. any action to change the Articles of
       Incorporation. A second ninety percent (90%) majority would be required to approve any change to the Articles of
       Incorporation. The membership of the corporation recommending to a special called meeting of the corporation to
       be held between ninety (90) and one-hundred- twenty (120) days after the annual meeting any action to change the
       Articles of Incorporation. A second ninety percent (90%) majority would be required to approve any change to the
       Articles of Incorporation.
       The Articles of Incorporation of the Society may be amended by a ninety percent (90%) majority of the vote at a
       special called meeting of the corporation, meeting at least ninety (90) and one-hundred-twenty (120) days prior
       to the regularly scheduled annual meeting, recommending any change to the Articles of Incorporation. A second
       ninety percent (90%) majority vote would be required to approve any change to the Articles of Incorporation at the
       regularly scheduled annual meeting held during the annual session of the Illinois Great Rivers Annual Conference.
       Any proposed change to the Articles of Incorporation shall be mailed to the members of the corporation at least
       ninety (90) days prior to the meeting where such a proposal is will be discussed.
A called meeting of the corporation may be authorized by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or by forty
percent (40%) of the members Members of the corporation. Meeting notices must be sent to the members Members
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