Prayer - JANUARY - JUNE 2023
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Prayer Network The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick 20 – 22 January 2023 Encounter Prayer Gathering ‘All Together in One Place’ When the people of God gather together with one heart and mind in one place, things happen. Our 2023 Prayer Gathering will be a chance to gather, to listen to each other’s stories and to discover what God wants to empower us to do next. Guests Colonels Jenine and Paul Main Jo Clark (IHQ) Cost: £190 per person Online booking only – To book this event, please go to Booking queries: Other queries: The Salvation Army is a Christian Church and a Registered Charity No 214779, and in Scotland SC009359
Greetings, Prayer Matters readers Happy New Year to and Design Unit (THQ) for their support in formatting and you all and welcome to printing. this edition of Prayer Matters. Our Lent focus is written by Captain Gary Lacey (Prayer What are your hopes and dreams Network) who invites us on a for 2023 as you journey with God journey through Scripture to in prayer? What are you asking prepare our hearts for Easter with him to do for you, your church, thoughts, prayers, and practical your community, our world? suggestions for the outworking of There is much that demands our prayer life during this time. our prayers such as peace and unity, social justice, inclusion Final printed version of Prayer and environmental issues. I Matters am looking forward to growing After much thought we have deeper with God by spending decided this will be our last more time looking at Scripture printed version of Prayer Matters and claiming afresh the hope due to increased publication and joy that come through a and postage costs, the rise in relationship with him. Psalm numbers of people accessing 62:5-6 reminds me of all he has online publications and, most done and will continue to do importantly, wanting to reduce for me: ‘Yes, my soul, find rest our carbon footprint. Prayer in God; my hope comes from Matters will still be available to him. Truly he is my rock and my download from the Salvationist. salvation; he is my fortress, I shall website, it’s printed weekly not be shaken.’ in Salvationist and is available daily on both our Facebook page My grateful thanks and and group. For those who receive acknowledgements go to all our weekly Prayer Bulletin we will who have contributed through include a PDF copy which can writing prayers which encourage, be printed before each edition motivate and challenge us to commences. go deeper in prayer. Thank you also to Stephanie Chagas–Bijl Encounter Prayer Gathering (THQ) who collates and edits It’s not too late to book for the Prayer Matters and to the Print Encounter Prayer Gathering at 3
the Hayes Conference Centre in copies of the three DVDs in this Swanwick (20–22 January). The series, email: saprayernetwork@ theme this year is ‘All Together in One Place’ and we have a great line-up of speakers. Pray for the Finally, I give thanks to God speakers and delegates, that God for each one of you, for will bless, challenge and inspire your continued support and us as we encounter him in faithfulness in prayer. I pray God worship, teaching and prayer. will continually equip you and richly bless you as you continue One Thing to engage in vital Kingdom- We still have available the last building prayer. free copies of the One Thing Prayer School DVD series. This God bless you all, great teaching resource can be used by corps/church groups Major Christine Kingscott or individually by anyone who Assistant Secretary wants to go deeper in their prayer for Spiritual Life Development life. If you would like to receive All Bible references are NIV unless stated otherwise 4
JANUARY NEW YEAR FOCUS P LIEUT-COLONEL JAYNE ROBERTS SECRETARY FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE DEVELOPMENT f SUNDAY 1 JANUARY The first day of a new year is always a special opportunity to thank God for his faithfulness to his people. Whatever changes and challenges have been part of life in 2022, God our Father has walked with us. Let us praise him today for his constant love and grace. f MONDAY 2 JANUARY Let the truth of Psalm 116:1 inspire our prayers today: ‘I love the Lord, because he hears me; he listens to my prayers’ (GNT). What do you need to tell your Heavenly Father today? f TUESDAY 3 JANUARY Listen to God. Pray that he will draw very near to you as you take time to be silent and still before him. ‘Come, occupy my silent place, and make thy dwelling there! More grace is wrought in quietness than any is aware’ (SASB 777). f WEDNESDAY 4 JANUARY Let your prayers today focus on your hopes for the coming year, seeking God’s guidance in everything. Whatever your season of life, living as a disciple of Jesus is a life of constant transformation, following our Lord and Saviour. Are you ready for transformation? f THURSDAY 5 JANUARY A new year is often a season of making decisions to do something new or better, something to improve ourselves. These good intentions can be hard to sustain in our own strength, but let us thank God for his renewing Holy Spirit. What are you seeking to change? f FRIDAY 6 JANUARY Whatever circumstances we may face, God never changes. Let us pray today for those whose lives are disrupted by war and conflicts, for people who have left their homeland seeking refuge and safety. Pray for people in the UK who have recently welcomed refugees into their communities, providing housing and other practical support. 5
f SATURDAY 7 JANUARY Many corps will celebrate Covenant Sunday tomorrow, taking the opportunity for personal and corporate rededication. May we respond gladly to God’s invitation to celebrate life together as his people: ‘Walk with me and work with me…Learn the unforced rhythms of grace’ (Matthew 11:28 MSG). f SUNDAY 8 JANUARY Today we celebrate Covenant Sunday throughout the territory. May the theme ‘Celebrating Life Together – Living in God’s Covenant’ encourage us to pray for those with whom we join in worship today. Let us ask God to strengthen, inspire and equip us as we dedicate ourselves anew to his service. How are you going to celebrate? REPUBLIC OF IRELAND FOCUS P MAJOR PAULINE MILNER PRAYER NETWORK ` CONTEXT Ireland is a beautiful place with a rich tradition of Christian faith which has been the largest religion here since the Fifth Century. In this context, The Salvation Army is a relative newcomer with an established multicultural worshipping community centred in Dublin and substantial social service provision in the city. Currently the Army operates six residential centres accommodating around 200 single adults and 141 families, providing practical, medical and emotional support. Another centre is being renovated with a view to housing Ukrainian refugees. There are many Salvationists scattered in Ireland from around the world unable to link with any corps. There is such potential here, including some tender shoots of emerging fresh expressions, but the labourers are few. ‘Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin …’ (Zechariah 4:10a NLT). f MONDAY 9 JANUARY – DUBLIN SOCIAL CENTRES Father, we lift before you the adult residential centres and family hubs in Dublin. Thank you that the Army can offer a lifeline to vulnerable people. We pray for the fundraising team and support staff. Encourage and strengthen them in their work helping residents to move on to secure permanent homes. Give favour for the successful recruitment of additional committed staff to ease pressures. Bless and inspire the chaplains as they strive to share the gospel, and may those who attend the family centre’s kid’s clubs and Recovery Church encounter Jesus. Amen. 6
f TUESDAY 10 JANUARY - DUBLIN CITY CORPS Father God, we pray that Dublin City Corps will be a beacon of light in the community, a church on fire with your Holy Spirit, seeing lives saved and transformed. Help us to change the perception of Church in Ireland by offering a loving, forgiving and welcoming community. We pray for those who have not returned since Covid and prodigals in the city. Lord, please draw them back into the corps fellowship. Amen. (Major Mark Waghorn) f WEDNESDAY 11 JANUARY - DUBLIN SOUTH CORPS Dublin South is recovering slowly post-Covid, and currently there are busy toddler and family midweek groups for young families. Lord Jesus, we thank you for the family contacts made in Dublin South and pray for a clear vision for your Kingdom work in this community. Help us to build a vibrant worshipping community where those who have turned away from the established church can come and encounter you in a new and fresh way. Amen. (Captain Julia Mapstone) f THURSDAY 12 JANUARY - LIMERICK FRESH EXPRESSION St Mary’s Park Estate, where the Army is present, has the highest incidence of social deprivation in Ireland. Major Imogen Stewart’s networking and presence here for two years before and during Covid has strengthened this expression of ministry, but not without its challenges. Lord Jesus, please come in power to bless and encourage this tender flock. We ask boldly that you would raise up ‘a helper’ to come alongside locally and help develop the church. Amen. f FRIDAY 13 JANUARY - GALWAY FRESH EXPRESSION Galway is starting something from nothing, with the catalyst of one African Salvationist studying at the university. It’s a tough call, yet there has been some interest on Facebook regarding The Salvation Army coming to Galway. Father, thank you for this kindling of Kingdom life in Galway. The harvest is great yet the labourers few, so please bless and encourage the believers there and send helpers to strengthen them. Holy Spirit, come in power, fan this spark into a mighty flame and build your Kingdom here, we pray. Amen. f SATURDAY 14 JANUARY - SHANNON, MULLINGAR AND TRALEE These are areas where spontaneous Kingdom life is springing up. Conversations have taken place in Mullingar, County Westmeath and in Tralee, County Kerry. In Shannon, there are some 12 Roma 7
Slovakians that have links with Armády Spásy in Kent. In God’s time there could be potential to start a church plant here. Lord God, we thank you for these germinating seeds of your Kingdom. We pray for guidance and clear vision for DHQ staff as they support and seek the way forward. May your Kingdom come. Amen. APPOINTMENTS CONFERENCE FOCUS P MAJOR CHRISTINE KINGSCOTT ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE DEVELOPMENT ` SETTING THE SCENE Today sees the start of the territorial appointments conference which takes place at the William Booth College. Pray for Lieut-Colonel Beverley McCombe (Secretary for Personnel) and all those who will gather to reflect on, and carefully consider, officer and territorial envoy moves for July 2023. f SUNDAY 15 JANUARY Lord, we ask you to be present in all the discussions of these next few days as officers sensitively and prayerfully seek God’s wisdom and discern his will, whilst considering those who are moving and the needs of the territory. We pray also for members of the Territorial Prayer Network who will cover the conference in prayer. Amen. f MONDAY 16 JANUARY – MATTHEW 16:18 In Matthew 16:18 Jesus describes Peter as the rock on whom he (Christ) will build his Church. Heavenly Father, we pray for all those whom God has called into spiritual leadership within The Salvation Army. May the foundation of their faith be rooted and grounded in your word as they seek to follow your guidance and work out your call upon their lives. Amen. f TUESDAY 17 JANUARY – MATTHEW 9:37 There is an urgent need for Spirit-filled Christian leaders! Pray for the corps and community programmes throughout the territory who continue to serve their communities without full-time leadership. Pray for the residential and daycare centres and the desperate need for chaplains to care for people’s spiritual needs. 8
f WEDNESDAY 18 JANUARY – EPHESIANS 4:11 Give thanks to God for his grace, and the way in which he equips and uses those he calls to fulfill their role in building his Kingdom here on earth. f THURSDAY 19 JANUARY ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight’ (Proverbs 3:5,6). Spend some time today reflecting on these verses. What does it mean for you personally? What is God asking of you, and where does he want to lead you? TERRITORIAL PRAYER GATHERING FOCUS P MAJOR CHRISTINE KINGSCOTT ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR SPIRITUAL LIFE DEVELOPMENT f FRIDAY 20 JANUARY ‘When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place’ (Acts 2:1). Pray for the Territorial Prayer Gathering that starts today and for the 130 delegates and members of the Prayer Network team as they travel. Pray for hearts open to God, ready to receive his word. Pray for Colonels Paul and Jenine Main as they share what God has laid on their hearts. Pray for God’s sovereignty over the weekend. f SATURDAY 21 JANUARY Pray for Jo Clark (IHQ) as she shares in the Gathering what God has laid on her heart. Pray for wisdom for those who will lead the different seminars, and that everyone would hear from God and experience something new from him. Pray that the worship and spaces for prayer would be times of encounter and renewal. f SUNDAY 22 JANUARY As the Gathering concludes, pray that everyone will have felt God’s divine presence, been inspired by his teaching and feel empowered to go forward in his name. Pray for safe journeys home and God’s protection over the ministry and teaching they have received. Ask God to empower the delegates to share within their local church what they have heard and experienced. 9
ECUMENICAL FOCUS P LIEUT-COLONEL JONATHAN ROBERTS TERRITORIAL ECUMENICAL OFFICER f MONDAY 23 JANUARY – THE CHURCH UNIVERSAL The Salvation Army’s ecclesiological statement says the Army ‘is an expression of the Body of Christ on Earth, the Church universal, and is a Christian denomination in permanent mission to the unconverted’. Lord, as we fulfil our mission as part of the Church Universal, help us to strengthen our unity with fellow believers. Amen. f TUESDAY 24 JANUARY – THE BODY OF CHRIST Through the Holy Spirit we are united in the Body of Christ and are called to serve one another with the gifts of the Spirit. Lord, enable us to use these gifts ‘so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith’ (Ephesians 4:12-13). Amen. f WEDNESDAY 25 JANUARY – A HOLY TEMPLE ‘In him [Christ] the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit’ (Ephesians 2:21-22). Lord, through our unity, may your living presence among us be revealed to the world. Amen. f THURSDAY 26 JANUARY – A PILGRIM PEOPLE God’s people are on a pilgrimage, living by Kingdom values and ‘looking for the city that is to come’ (Hebrews 13:14). Lord, give us strength for the journey. May we support and encourage fellow pilgrims – and be open to receive support and encouragement from them – as we move towards the day when your Kingdom comes in all its fullness. Amen. f FRIDAY 27 JANUARY – HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL DAY We pause to remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust and in the later genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. Lord, as we reflect on these terrible events, fill our hearts with love for others and stir us to seek justice and reconciliation in the world today. Amen. 10
f SATURDAY 28 JANUARY – SHARING IN FELLOWSHIP The New Testament word koinonia describes the fellowship we share with God and his people. Paul says that if there is ‘any common sharing [koinonia] in the Spirit … then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind’ (Philippians 2:1-2). Make this your prayer today. f SUNDAY 29 JANUARY – WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP Koinonia can also refer to working together. Paul writes to the Philippians: ‘I always pray with joy because of your partnership [koinonia] in the gospel from the first day until now’ (1:4-5). Lord, as we share with others in Kingdom work, may we humbly and willingly give of our best, making it a partnership filled with joy. Amen. HELPING-HAND FOCUS 2023 P HAYLEY STILL UK ENGAGEMENT CO-ORDINATOR, INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS f MONDAY 30 JANUARY Water is life! Yet water scarcity is a growing issue – 771 million people do not have clean water close to home. Behind this overwhelming statistic are individuals who are working hard to provide for themselves and their families, people who are striving to stay healthy despite being forced to use a resource that is life-threatening rather than life-giving. Pray for improved access to clean water, and for an end to preventable waterborne diseases and deaths. f TUESDAY 31 JANUARY The Salvation Army is working alongside communities around the world to improve access to clean water, hygiene and sanitation. Protecting natural springs, constructing sand dams across riverbeds and installing boreholes are just some of the solutions that have meant people no longer need to travel hours to collect contaminated water. They can now spend time on more beneficial endeavours and are less likely to become unwell. Give thanks for the technical innovations that are helping more people to access safe water. 11
FEBRUARY f WEDNESDAY 1 FEBRUARY In Malawi, The Salvation Army has connected with remote villages in the northern district of Karonga. Community members, such as Anastasia, live miles from the nearest town, and must walk for hours each day to collect untreated water from their nearest stream. Following the construction of a borehole in her village, Anastasia shared just how much it meant that The Salvation Army had reached out and supported in this way. Lord, give us the courage and perseverance to reach out even when it is inconvenient, challenging and disruptive. Amen. f THURSDAY 2 FEBRUARY The burden of collecting water often falls upon the shoulders of women and girls. For many, the journey to collect water takes place in the early hours, is long and through concealed woodland areas. This leaves them vulnerable to violence and sexual assault. With water sources installed in central locations, women can now collect water in peace and safety. Pray for healing for those who have experienced violence, and give thanks that access to clean water has improved safety and security for women and girls. f FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY 31 per cent of schools do not have clean water. Without handwashing or drinking water facilities, children can easily become sick, with schools being opportune places for diseases to thrive. Alongside the installation of facilities, schools also use drama and dance presentations and peer group discussion to transform attitudes around sanitation and hygiene. Pray for young people as they act as agents of change for themselves, their families and their wider communities. f SATURDAY 4 FEBRUARY In many schools, the lack of safe and private toilet facilities meant girls were forced to go home when they got their period. They therefore regularly missed clasess and ultimately fell behind in their education. Alongside the provision of private toilet facilities, mothers’ groups have been created to help raise awareness about hygiene issues and to support girls as they reach puberty, essentially being a support system so no student feels alone. 12
f SUNDAY 5 FEBRUARY Water is more than a drink. It is children growing. It is continued education. It is time to build your business. It is the potential for equal opportunities. It is economic independence. Water is life! Thank God for access we have to this precious gift and pray for wisdom in our usage of it. THE LORD’S PRAYER FOCUS P TENDAYI MAFEMERA SOUTHWARK CORPS f MONDAY 6 FEBRUARY What is prayer? We may often think that prayer is making requests to God, but overall it’s a conversation between us and God. Life situations call us to pray for God’s intervention. Father, help us to build a strong relationship with you through prayer and supplication, in spirit and truth. f TUESDAY 7 FEBRUARY ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name’ (Matthew 6:9). In this verse we see prayer being used to praise, worship and exalt God. Paul and Silas themselves were freed from prison through praise (Acts 16:25-26). Father, help us to acknowledge your power when we praise and worship you. Amen. f WEDNESDAY 8 FEBRUARY ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’ (Matthew 6:10). This prayer invites God to direct and guide our lives according to his will and purpose. Elijah walked in the will of God, and he was able to call fire from Heaven (2 Kings 1:10). Father, help us to live like Christ and walk in your will on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen. f THURSDAY 9 FEBRUARY ‘Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one’ (Matthew 6:11-13). In Matthew 7:7 Jesus tells us to ‘ask’. God, help us to believe that anything we ask will be given unto us. Increase our faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 13
f FRIDAY 10 FEBRUARY ‘For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen’. While this final part of the Lord’s Prayer isn’t included in the NIV version of Matthew’s Gospel, it’s a powerful ending found in some manuscripts and acknowledges God’s sovereignty. Father, creator of Heaven and earth, who has power over all creation, we glorify and honour you all the days of our lives on earth and in Heaven. Amen. f SATURDAY 11 FEBRUARY Lord, I glorify your name. I ask for your Kingdom to come and your will to be done in my life and on this earth, as it is in Heaven. Give me all that I need for this day, forgive my wrongdoings and lead me not into temptation, but deliver me from the evil one. I acknowledge that the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours. Amen! GENEROUS DISCIPLESHIP FOCUS P GENEROUS DISCIPLESHIP TEAM ` CONTEXT People often assume that when we think about giving, it’s only about money. However, generous discipleship involves the giving of our time, our skills and abilities as well as our money. f SUNDAY 12 FEBRUARY ‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good’ (Genesis 1:31). When we walk within the glorious creation that God has provided, do we shout out with praise and thanksgiving, or do we keep our eyes and minds firmly closed? Lord, open our eyes and ears so that we can wallow in the beauty and wonder of the world that you have provided as our home. Amen. f MONDAY 13 FEBRUARY ‘Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour …’ (1 Chronicles 29:11). It’s easy to assume ownership of things lent to us. We may think that they are ours and don’t belong to God. However, our lives are his, and we have opportunities to give back to him what is already his. Give back to God in prayer these things in your life: time, talent, treasure, work, relationships, dreams and ambitions. 14
f TUESDAY 14 FEBRUARY ‘Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?’ (John 6:9). A little becomes a lot in the hands of Jesus. God can do amazing things with what we have to offer if we are but willing to place it in his hands. Lord, thank you because anything we transfer to Jesus can be transformed by Jesus! Amen. f WEDNESDAY 15 FEBRUARY ‘I give best when I give from that deeper place; when I give simply, freely and generously, and sometimes for no particular reason. I give best when I give from my heart’ (Steve Goodier). Gracious Lord, help us to mirror your generosity in all the areas of our lives. Amen. f THURSDAY 16 FEBRUARY Lord, you know us each better than we know ourselves. You give to us so generously and we give our thanks. As we consider our giving, help us to trust you in these days of financial challenge. Enable us to be responsive and generous so that your work in our community prospers and grows. We pray for your blessing and presence as we become generous in our discipleship. Amen. ‘WALKING WITH GOD’ SCRIPTURE FOCUS P KAREN FINDLAY WELLINGBOROUGH CORPS f FRIDAY 17 FEBRUARY ‘I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people’ (Leviticus 26:12 NLT). Father God, thank you for the promise of your presence. We rest in the truth of the promise that you are walking with us, that you are God and we are your people. Amen. f SATURDAY 18 FEBRUARY ‘Be careful to obey all these commands I am giving you. Show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and holding tightly to him’ (Deuteronomy 11:22 NLT). Father God, we simply hold on tight to you as we walk in faith, knowing that you walk with us as we follow you. Amen. f SUNDAY 19 FEBRUARY ‘As they talked and discussed these things, Jesus himself suddenly came and began walking with them’ (Luke 24:15 NLT). Lord, help 15
us to remember that you are with us in all of our conversations and interactions as we explore what walking with you means. We open our hearts and minds to deeper revelations that come from you. Amen. f MONDAY 20 FEBRUARY ‘Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me (Psalm 23:4 NLT). Father God, there are moments in life that are dark. I thank you because your constant presence means that I need not be afraid. I rest in the comfort of your protection. Amen. f TUESDAY 21 FEBRUARY ‘Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life”’ (John 8:12 NLT). Father, you are the true light and in you there is no darkness. I commit to walking in your light so that the world will see that you are indeed the light of the world. Amen. 16
A PRAYER JOURNEY FOR LENT P CAPTAIN GARY LACEY f PRAYER NETWORK ` SETTING THE SCENE Solemn or exciting? Reflective or active? Hands off or hands on? The answer? All the above and much more! Many Christians use Lent to intensify their prayer life or study passages in the Bible in more depth. Others give up something such as chocolate, meat, or carbs, while others give up watching TV, going to the gym, or social media. There is also a growing movement throughout the world who are looking at Lent differently by carrying out 40 days of acts of generosity as a way of putting others first during preparations for Easter. Lent is a time of reflection, but also a time of creative action. In this Lent Focus we will take a preparatory journey towards Easter as we remember the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Each day will feature a verse of Scripture, a question, a prayer and something to put into practice. There will be a pause on Sundays as we pray through a song, and during Holy Week we will follow Jesus’ journey to the cross. f WEDNESDAY 22 FEBRUARY – LOOSEN THE CHAINS OF INJUSTICE ‘Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?’ (Isaiah 58:6). Is it time to change your focus from the things of the flesh to the things of the Spirit? Father, as I approach this most significant of events in Christian history, where you lived, died and rose again for me, I ask you to strengthen my focus on you and your amazing grace. Help me to take my eyes off ritual and tiresome actions, and place it firmly on the world around me that so desperately needs a Saviour. Amen. In practice – Focus on one person you know who is struggling in some way. Give them a text or a call to ask how they are and let them know you are praying for them right now. Pray that focused prayer now using the words ‘Set them free’ in the prayer. 17
f THURSDAY 23 FEBRUARY – WAIT FOR THE LORD! ‘Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord’ (Psalm 27:14). How are your trust levels in God? Lord, as I wait for your answers, for your solutions, for your guidance, I commit to be strong. I take heart because you are always there and you always come through. Therefore I will wait for you with confidence and valour. I love you so much. In Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice – Practise spiritual waiting! If you are waiting for God to answer a prayer or you’re waiting for him to act in a situation that you are frustrated with, focus your strength and your prayers on strength and confidence in the Lord. Don’t let your mind tell you that God isn’t there – he is. Pull up your trust levels and wait. He is coming! f FRIDAY 24 FEBRUARY – LIFE TO THE FULL ‘The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full’ (John 10:10). Has the enemy robbed, killed and destroyed parts of your life? Have you considered that there is a full life waiting for you through the life, death and resurrection of the living Christ? Father God, I come to you with a commitment to switch my life from darkness to the light of your promise of life in all its fullness. Thank you, Jesus. Amen. In practice – Stop what you are doing and go for a walk in nature, or go and spend some quality time with a loved one. Do something you have always wanted to do. Choose to claim the full life God has for you. f SATURDAY 25 FEBRUARY – LONGING FOR GOD ‘My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?’ (Psalm 42:2). Are you thirsty for something more, for a real encounter with the living God? Lord, I am tired of the processes of church life. I long for a vibrant, real, living encounter with you. I am thirsty for more, Lord. I need healing, I need transformation in my own life, Lord. I long for you. Amen. In practice – Go for a walk with Jesus. Tell him everything on your heart – even the mundane stuff, like what you bought at 18
the shops yesterday, what you want for dinner, what you think of your neighbour’s new car. Commit to letting him into every aspect of your life, good or bad. Develop a lifestyle of prayer with him today. f SUNDAY 26 FEBRUARY As we pause today from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘Lord, make Calvary real to me, Lord make Calvary real to me; Open mine eyes to see victory in Christ for me; Lord, make Calvary real to me’ (SASB 182). f MONDAY 27 FEBRUARY – JOY, PATIENCE, FAITHFULNESS ‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer’ (Romans 12:12). How does your life reflect the virtues of joy, patience and faithfulness? Lord, thank you for the example in which you approached the most trying of times: with the hope of being with your Father for ever, patient in affliction as you suffered the inhumane ridicule of a godless society, and faithful in prayer even in the most challenging of times. Help me to live out these virtues in my current situation. Amen. In practice – Write a poem to God using these three words: joy, patience, faithfulness. f TUESDAY 28 FEBRUARY – LETTING GO ‘…they take delight in lies. With their mouths they bless, but in their hearts they curse. Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him’ (Psalm 62:4-5). Is there a person or some people who seem to claim your attention negatively? Is it time to let them go and find restoration in God? Lord, I ask you to bless [name]. I commit [name] to you as I move on from the things that have bound me to [name]. I declare my freedom through Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour. Amen. In practice – Write the person’s name(s) on a card or piece of paper. Pray a blessing on them and place them in God’s hand. Then screw up the paper and put it in the bin as a physical act of letting them go. 19
MARCH f WEDNESDAY 1 MARCH – HOPE ‘I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope’ (Psalm 130:5). What are your hopes and dreams? Are there any that you have given up on? Lord, thank you for the reminder this Easter that hope is alive. Revive my hopes and dreams, help me to pick them up and follow them for your glory. In Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice – Cut out a cross using card or paper. Write on it your hopes and dreams. Ask the Lord to ignite a realisation of them, starting right now. f THURSDAY 2 MARCH – FROM DUST TO DUST ‘All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return’ (Ecclesiastes 3:20). Have you shared your life story with anyone recently? Are you aware it hasn’t ended and there is much more to come? Lord, thank you that my story, whatever it contains, is a powerful witness to your glory. Help me to share it with people as a testimonial to your grace and the victory you have secured for my life. Amen. In practice – In your quiet time, reflect on your life story. Write or draw up an account of it to help you to get it straight in your mind so you are ready to share it when appropriate. f FRIDAY 3 MARCH – POWER OF SCRIPTURE ‘“…If you are the son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”’ (Matthew 4:3-4). Help me, Father, to arm myself with Scripture. Help me to learn it, live it and use it, especially when the heavy pull of temptation drags me down. Thank you, Jesus, for the amazing example of how we should resist temptation. I worship you beyond measure. Amen. In practice – Switch off your phone, tablet or computer for an hour and use that time to find a passage of Scripture that grabs your attention and memorise it. Every time you feel temptation come, press pause and quote your learned Scripture. 20
f SATURDAY 4 MARCH – DO NOT PUT GOD TO THE TEST ‘Then the devil took him to the holy city … “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down.” … Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’”’ (Matthew 4:5-7). Here is the enemy trying to set a trap for the Lord, trying to test his written word. How much confidence do you really hold in the word of God? Lord, when I am tempted to question your word or even struggle to accept it, help me not to be tempted to test you. Bless me through your word, and may your Spirit bring it alive to me today. Amen. In practice - Read Romans 12:9-21 slowly a few times and reflect on it. Evaluate your own thoughts and actions in light of this passage. f SUNDAY 5 MARCH As we pause today from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne. Crown you now with many crowns, You reign victorious. High and lifted up, Jesus, Son of God, the darling of Heaven, crucified. Worthy is the Lamb, Worthy is the Lamb’ (SASB 201). f MONDAY 6 MARCH – RESISTING WORLDLY THINGS ‘Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”’ (Matthew 4:8-11). What temptations do you struggle with? What worldly things are pulling strongly at your life? Father, thank you for your majestic resistance demonstrated for 40 days in the wilderness. I want to stand firm as you did. Strengthen me by your Holy Spirit. During this Lenten period, may ‘All the vain things that charm me most be sacrificed to your blood’ (Isaac Watts). In Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice – Find the lyrics to the hymn ‘When I survey the wondrous cross’ (SASB 208). Read them, pray them or listen to a recording of the song. Be blessed. 21
f TUESDAY 7 MARCH - CLEANSING ‘Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded’ (James 4:8). What is on our hands right now that we need to wash off spiritually, and what impurities are lurking in our hearts? Lord, as I draw near to you, I know you are drawing close to me. Lord, I want to be clean, I want to be purified in your presence. In this intimate moment, make me a better person. Give me a fresh perspective on everything. Thank you that I can be in your presence, Lord. Bless me in Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice - As you pray this prayer, rest your hands in a bowl of clean water. f WEDNESDAY 8 MARCH – THE GOODNESS OF GOD ‘I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living’ (Psalm 27:13). What can I do to usher in the goodness of the Lord to my family, friends and community? Lord, how society needs you! Even the writer of this psalm longed to see your goodness in the world! Help me to bring in your goodness through the way I live and to all those I come across. Amen. In practice - Visit your favourite coffee shop. Get your favourite drink. Then spend the next hour praying silently for everybody who comes in, including the staff. f THURSDAY 9 MARCH – REJOICING WITH GLADNESS ‘The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will … rejoice over you with singing’ (Zephaniah 3:17). How do you feel knowing that the Lord is rejoicing over you and you can experience renewal in his love? Lord, I celebrate what you did for me on the cross, with affection and with awe. I breathe in your gladness and worship and adore you. You are my life and my everything. Amen. In practice – Play some worship music and feel the Lord’s gladness upon you. 22
f FRIDAY 10 MARCH – INVENTORY OF THE HEART ‘“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments” (Joel 2:12,13). What are you bringing to the table in your walk with Jesus – your garments or your heart? Lord, show me as I pray what I am bringing to you. Is it true, is it my all? Help me to decipher the things that need to change from the things I can keep building on. In the name of Jesus. Amen. In practice - Make that inventory! Reflect on it! Work on it! f SATURDAY 11 MARCH – HUMILITY BEFORE GOD ‘Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time’ (1 Peter 5:6). Do you intentionally set out with humility? Lord Jesus, thank you for your magnificent example of humility. Strengthen me through your Spirit to humble myself under your mighty hand. Use my humility to touch the lives of others. Amen. In practice - Do something for someone who comes to mind. Humbly bless them with a card, a phone call or a visit. Maybe send flowers or chocolates. f SUNDAY 12 MARCH As we pause today from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘O, the wonderful cross, O, the wonderful cross bids me come and die and find that I may truly live. O, the wonderful cross, O the wonderful cross, all who gather here by grace draw near and bless your name’ (SASB 208). f MONDAY 13 MARCH – SET THINGS RIGHT ‘“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are as red as crimson, they shall be like wool”’ (Isaiah 1:18). Is there any unforgiveness in your heart right now? Lord, I recognise that unforgiveness towards myself and others brings pain and destruction all round. Thank you for the forgiveness that is found in Jesus. Help me to forgive others as I have been forgiven. Amen. 23
In practice - Think of anyone towards whom you may hold some unforgiveness. Reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus, and then write their names on a piece of paper and commit to praying for this relationship. f TUESDAY 14 MARCH – GOD’S CALLING ‘While they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them”’ (Acts 13:2). Are you struggling with what the Lord is calling you to do? Are you longing for the Lord to clearly communicate his calling to you? Lord, please show me what Kingdom work you are calling me to. Amen. In practice - Set aside some time today as a sacred act of focusing on God’s presence and worshipping him. Listen for his voice, listen for his calling. f WEDNESDAY 15 MARCH – THE LORD WILL FIGHT ‘The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still’ (Exodus 14:14). Are you tired of ‘fighting’ and getting nowhere? Lord, forgive me for ‘fighting’ in my own strength. I place my feelings into your hands right now. This situation has dragged on and has drained me. Bless me, Lord, in the stillness. Strengthen my reserves. I declare that I know through his life, death and resurrection that Christ is alive and is fighting for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice - Find a quiet place and give yourself an hour of silence. Allow God to speak to you. f THURSDAY 16 MARCH – GOD SO LOVED … ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16). Have you stopped lately to consider the depths of the sacrifice that God made for humanity? Jesus, thank you for all you have done for me, especially taking my sin and shame to the cross and rising again so that I can live eternally both now and in Heaven. Amen. In practice - Read this Scripture verse over and over today. 24
f FRIDAY 17 MARCH – NO CONDEMNATION ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him’ (John 3:17). Are you beating yourself up over something right now? Is it making it hard to engage with Jesus in prayer? Lord, I confess that at times I have let self-condemnation touch me. However, thank you for the reminder that you do not condemn me and that I am saved through the power of Jesus. Help me to come into your presence with everything, good and bad. Amen. In practice – Write yourself an affirmation, such as ‘In Christ I am not condemned!’ Speak it out for however long you need to. f SATURDAY 18 MARCH – HOPE IN THE WILDERNESS ‘Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her’ (Hosea 2:14). When hope seems gone, to whom or to what do you turn? Father God, thank you for the hope and the restoration that you offer a sinful world through Jesus. I grasp your hand in the wilderness and walk through the door of hope you have set for me. Thank you for restoring to me the things that have been stolen in past struggles. Amen. In practice - Find something in your house that is broken – maybe a watch that needs a new battery, or an ornament. You could even start a jigsaw puzzle. Whatever it is, as you put the pieces back together, reflect on the hope of restoration that God offers. f SUNDAY 19 MARCH As we pause today from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘Before the throne of God above, I have a strong, a perfect plea, a great High Priest whose name is Love, who ever lives and pleads for me. My name is graven on his hands, my name is written on his heart; I know that while in Heaven he stands no tongue can bid me thence depart’ (SASB 243). f MONDAY 20 MARCH – POWER IN CHRIST ‘For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline’ (2 Timothy 1:7). Do you feel any 25
sense of powerless right now? Lord, I am tired of trying to be powerful. I desire the power, love and self-discipline that you offer through your Spirit. Breathe on me, breath of God, and strengthen me in your might. Amen. In practice - Find a quiet place. Reflect on where you stand with regards to really listening and acting on the word of God. Is the Bible the living word of God to you? f TUESDAY 21 MARCH – PLANS FOR THE FUTURE ‘“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”’ (Jeremiah 29:11). Who is in control of your future? Father, forgive me for trying to map out and control my future. I declare in the present that it is in your hands. Thank you that your plan is superior to mine. I look forward to watching it unfold before my eyes in the days that lie ahead. Amen. In practice – Write down your plans for the future. Then pray and ask the Lord about them. Ask the Spirit of God to show you which plans are in line with God’s plan for you. f WEDNESDAY 22 MARCH – GOD’S PRESENCE ‘Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?’ (Psalm 139:8). Do you ever feel God doesn’t seem to be around? Lord, I simply say thank you for your constant and eternal presence. I recognise that however far away you may seem in my mind, you are always there. Amen. In practice – Give yourself some quality time today and be silent in God’s presence. Feel his arms of love wrap around you. Feel him close. f THURSDAY 23 MARCH – PRAYERS AND PETITIONS ‘So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes’ (Daniel 9:3). Who do you turn to and what action do you take when pressing issues arise? Father, I bring my prayers and petitions to you. I long to see healing, restoration, justice and peace in my life and in the lives of others. As I fast, speak to me and hear my voice. Bless me with answers to my pleas. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 26
In practice - Consider fasting a meal today and use the time to bring your prayers and petitions before God. f FRIDAY 24 MARCH – THE LORD BLESS YOU ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace’ (Numbers 6:24-26). Today we take a break from our Lenten journey. Just let the living Lord bless you as you read this prayer from Scripture. Then in turn look out of your window and pray this blessing over your family, your friends and your community, as well as the nation you are situated in and the global community. f SATURDAY 25 MARCH – ‘BREAKING CAMP’ ‘The Lord our God said to us at Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain. Break camp and advance into the hill country of the Amorites …”’ (Deuteronomy 1:6-7). What situation in your life have you focused on for too long? Lord, it can be too easy to settle with what is comfortable and familiar. Strengthen me to have the courage to ‘break camp’, to move on and to claim new ground in my life and new territory in my relationship with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice – Is there any situation, relationship, job, dispute or issue that you feel you have stayed with way too long? Write them down and pray for courage to be able to make a decision to ‘break camp’! f SUNDAY 26 MARCH As we pause today from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘I love you, Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you, O my soul rejoice. Take joy, my King, in what you hear, may it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear.’ (SASB 369) f MONDAY 27 MARCH – OFFERING COMPASSION ‘Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord God is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!’ (Isaiah 30:18). Are we offering 27
this same compassion to others? Lord, thank you that you are a God of justice. I receive your compassion and grace, and I want to show that same grace and compassion to all those I come across in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. In practice – Call or text that person you have been meaning to bless. Offer them help with something, arrange to meet for coffee, or perhaps buy them flowers. f TUESDAY 28 MARCH – BLOT OUT MY SINS ‘I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more’ (Isaiah 43:25). Do you sometimes feel like your sin is greater than God’s forgiveness? Lord, I stand before you right now and declare that even though my sins are great, your forgiveness is greater! Forgive me, Lord, and blot out my sins. Thank you for loving me enough to do this. Amen. In practice – Pray the above declaration prayer that your sins are forgiven a number of times as you picture the face of Jesus. f WEDNESDAY 29 MARCH – WAITING ON GOD ‘For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him’ (Psalm 62:5 ESV). Is your life so busy that you cannot seem to find any room for silence? Lord, I long for you. I long to hear you, feel you, feel your closeness. In the silence your presence intensifies. Help me, Lord, to build times of quality silence into my lifestyle. Amen. In practice – If you’re able, book yourself a silent retreat. Or go to a quiet place, turn off all technology, just wait in the silence for the voice of the Lord. f THURSDAY 30 MARCH – KNOWING CHRIST ‘I want to know Christ – yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead’ (Philippians 3:10-11). What things in your life do you feel need to die so that you may find new life and direction? Father, I want to know you. I want to know your heart, your truth 28
and your vision for my life. Show me those areas of my life that need to die. Create a better me. Amen. In practice – Sit or stand in front of a mirror. Look at your face. Have an honest conversation with yourself. Speak out anything in your life that needs to die. Lay it at the foot of the cross. Ask God to show you a new direction. f FRIDAY 31 MARCH – ‘EVEN NOW’ ‘“Even now,” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning”’ (Joel 2:12). How are your ‘hope levels’? Thank you, Lord, because you are a God of second chances. ‘Even now’ I can come to you. This is the essence of the hope I have in you. Amen. In practice – Take a walk or a ride today. Use the time to reflect on the hope that comes directly from a God who loves you completely. APRIL f SATURDAY 1 APRIL Read Matthew 21:1-11. Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, King of the Jews, fulfilled Old Testament prophecy when he entered Jerusalem, meek and lowly and riding on a colt (Zechariah 9:9). Lord, you are still the long-awaited humble King. I cry ‘Hosanna!’ and bless your name. Come and save me, come and save us. May the start of Holy Week tomorrow be a spiritual mark in people’s lives across the world. Amen. HOLY WEEK f SUNDAY 2 APRIL As we pause today from the daily Lenten prayers and reflections, make the words of this song your prayer: ‘Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest. Lord, we lift up your name, with hearts full of praise, be exalted, O Lord, my God, Hosanna in the highest.’ (SASB 366) 29
f MONDAY 3 APRIL Read Matthew 21:12-22. Jesus turned the tables in the Temple courts. He makes the statement: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it “a den of robbers!”’ (v13). Lord, I love you. Thank you for reminding me that your house is a house of prayer. I am sorry when I have made your house a den of robbers! I want to increase my lifestyle of prayer with you. In Jesus’ name. Amen. f TUESDAY 4 APRIL Read Luke 19:47-48. Jesus is teaching in the Temple every day. Some other religious people and teachers were disgruntled to the point of wanting to kill Jesus. Yet they could not find a way to carry out this threat because most people were hanging on his every word. Jesus, I declare you as the one constant in the history and the future of this world. I want to live my life for you and join you in your mission to save the world. Amen. f WEDNESDAY 5 APRIL Read Matthew 26:1-5. Jesus directly confronts the appointed leadership as he reminds his disciples that he will be delivered up and crucified. The appointed leadership would not take this truth well. This fuelled their desire to eradicate him. Lord Jesus, I accept your truths. I thank you that through the acceptance of your truth, I will be set free. Thank you for your wonderful sacrifice for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. f THURSDAY 6 APRIL Read Luke 22:3-6. Judas gave over a life for 30 pieces of silver. Judas betrayed Jesus. The fleshly desire of money overwhelmed him and caused him to deliberately betray Jesus. Lord, forgive me when worldly desires overtake and overwhelm me. Thank you for your radical and total forgiveness. I want to serve you, not betray you. I declare that you are Lord of my life! In Jesus’ name. Amen. 30
f FRIDAY 7 APRIL Read Matthew 26:26-30. The Last Supper is a significant moment in the journey of humanity. Jesus offers his body and his blood in a symbolic and beautiful demonstration of his love for us. This is an amazing event that offers us a real, vibrant and living relationship for ever with the King of kings. Thank you, God, for your astonishing offer of relationship with you through the shedding of your blood and body as a sacrifice for us. Amen. f SATURDAY 8 APRIL Read Mark 15:37-39. As Jesus breathed his last earthly breath, the curtain in the Temple was torn in two and any barriers that prevented a relationship with the living Lord were removed. The centurion had a sudden realisation as the truth hit him. He speaks his realisation out loud: ‘Surely this man was the Son of God!’ (v39). Father God, you opened the floodgates as you breathed your last. It seemed like the end, but it was just the beginning! I declare that you are truly the Son of God. Amen. f SUNDAY 9 APRIL – HE HAS RISEN! Read Matthew 28:1-20. Lord, you have risen! Risen in my life! Risen in my heart! Risen in this world! I believe it, I acknowledge it and I embrace it! I take the words of your great commission seriously. I want to go into this world in relationship with you, the risen Lord, and spend my life bringing the life you gave me to those who desperately need you! Amen! 31
SOUTH COAST FOCUS P MAJOR CAROL YOUNG COMMANDING OFFICER, SOUTHSEA CORPS ` SETTING THE SCENE This week’s Bible verses are all blessings found in a variety of translations of the Bible. They are often used at the end of worship gatherings to give an added reminder that God goes with us into a new week and that we are sent out to worship and serve Christ in the communities where we live and work every day. Take each daily blessing as a personal encouragement and pray it for those who worship and serve in the South Coast. f MONDAY 10 APRIL - HIS FACE TOWARDS US ‘May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favour, and give you his peace’ (Numbers 6:24-26 TLB). Pray today for Alderney, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Wight Corps and the Isle of Wight Homelessness Services. f TUESDAY 11 APRIL - HIS EYES WATCHING OVER US ‘The Lord himself watches over you! … The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life. The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever’ (Psalm 121:5-8 NLT). Pray today for Gosport, Portsmouth Citadel, Portsmouth North, Southsea Corps and Portsmouth Family Services. f WEDNESDAY 12 APRIL - HIS PEACE COMFORTING US ‘I give you peace, the kind of peace only I can give. It isn’t like the peace this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid’ (John 14:27 CEV). Pray today for Eastleigh, Hedge End, Southampton Shirley, Southampton Sholing and The Booth Centre, Southampton (HSU). f THURSDAY 13 APRIL - HIS POWER WITHIN US ‘God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us’ (Ephesians 3:20 MSG). Pray today for Boscombe, Branksome, Christchurch, Pokesdown, Poole and Winton Corps. 32
f FRIDAY 14 APRIL - HIS GRACE UNITING US ‘May the patience and encouragement that come from God allow you to live in harmony with each other the way Christ Jesus wants. Then you will all be joined together, and you will give glory to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 15:5-6 NCV). Pray today for Lymington Outreach Centre, Alton, Andover, Fordingbridge, Petersfield, Ringwood and Winchester Corps. f SATURDAY 15 APRIL - HIS GOODNESS PROVIDING FOR US ‘Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness’ (2 Peter 1:2-3 NIV). Pray today for Weymouth, Dorchester, Portland, Swanage, Wimborne and Salisbury Corps. f SUNDAY 16 APRIL - HIS FAITHFULNESS SAVING AND KEEPING US ‘Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to God our Saviour, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen’ (Jude 24-25 NKJV). Pray today for the Southern Divisional Headquarters team, Prison Ministries at The Verne Portland, for Emergency Service support offered by the division, and for retired officers and those supporting them. YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES FOCUS P YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES TEAM f MONDAY 17 APRIL – MAJOR HELEN SCHOFIELD (TERRITORIAL SECRETARY) Returning to school after the holidays brings a mixed bag of emotions. For some this is a positive time, but for others it will fill them with anxiety. Pray for children who struggle in the school environment. Pray that the right people will come alongside them and have an influence for good in their lives. The involvement of one significant adult in a child’s life can change the trajectory of their life for ever. f TUESDAY 18 APRIL – PHIL BALL (DEPUTY SECRETARY) Around the territory several children are receiving mentoring through the Starfish programme. Pray that their lives are impacted by the time they spend with their mentor. Thank God for the mentors and their 33
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