Practical Experience Requirements - Upcoming Changes

Page created by Brandon Beck
Practical Experience Requirements - Upcoming Changes
Practical Experience
— Upcoming Changes
This document outlines the details of the upcoming changes to Appendix A and Appendix B
of the CPA Practical Experience Requirements, which will come into efect April 1, 2021. These
changes are intended to enhance the clarity of the competencies as they relate to the
CPA Competency Map.

The changes are as follows:
• Updated various competency descriptions to include Data Analytics and Information Systems
  (DAIS) and Taxation competencies to align with the CPA Competency Map
• The term “review” was replaced with “evaluate”
• Where multiple terms were used in the same statement (e.g. analyze/identify), they were
  either replaced by a single term or connected using “and” or “or”
• Enabling questions were rewritten to better align with The CPA Way framework to help guide
  future CPAs in meeting all the criteria in the assessment rubric

What does this mean for me?
• If you have created an experience report prior to April 1, 2021, the previous technical and
  enabling competency questions and rubrics will not change
• Any experience report created after April 1, 2021 will have the updated competency questions
  and rubrics

Frequently Asked Questions
When I submit my experience report for review that was created prior to April 1, 2021, will it be
reviewed diferently in any way?
No. Your reviewer will review your responses against the questions that are in the experience

Do I need to get all my experience reports verifed/reviewed by April 1, 2021 in order to lock in
the older competencies for that?
If you created your experience report prior to April 1, 2021, the competencies and rubrics
will not change in that experience report. You do not need to submit them by April 1, 2021;
however, please ensure you complete that experience report by your Next Experience Report
Date and then create a new experience report so that you can begin working with the updated

If I just continue to update an experience report that I created prior to April 1, 2021, does this
mean I can address the older questions right up until I am PER Standard Met?
 You will be able to address the older questions on that experience report; however, you should
complete that experience report and set it to verifed status by your Next Experience Report
Date, and create a new experience report after that so that you can begin addressing the updated

What happens to my experience reports that were reviewed prior to April 1, 2021? Will
anything change when I have my fnal review at completion?
At completion, the CPA Reviewer reserves the right to review all Experience Reports, including
Reviewed Experience Reports in order to reassess the recognized profciency levels from the
perspective of a Completion Review. As a result, a previously awarded Level 2 may need some
updating. In this case, you are asked to update your response in the most recent experience
report (which will likely be to the newer questions).

What if I have already achieved a Level 2 in one of the competencies that is changing. Do I
need to address the updated questions on the report I create after March 31, 2021 to keep my
Level 2?
No. If you have addressed the competency to a Level 2 standard in a previously reported
experience report, you will not need to answer the new questions after April 1, 2021. As
mentioned previously, the reviewer will review your experience holistically at completion. As
a result, a previously awarded Level 2 may need some updating. In this case, you are asked to
update your response in the most recent experience report (which will likely be to the newer
APPENDIX A — Technical Competency Sub-Area
   Competency               Level 1                 Level 2                   Level 1                 Level 2            Verb
                                                                                                                                  or Tax
    sub-area           (pre-April 1, 2021)     (pre-April 1, 2021)      (post-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)    Change

Financial Reporting

Financial             Explain the fnancial    Analyze/identify          Explain the fnancial    Identify and analyze
Reporting Needs       reporting informa-      fnancial reporting        reporting informa-      fnancial reporting
and Systems           tion required by        information required      tion required by        information required
                      various stakeholders,   by various stake-         various stakeholders,   by various stake-
                      including regulatory    holders, including        including regulatory    holders, including
                      requirements (can       regulatory require-       requirements (can       regulatory require-
                      include specialized     ments (can include        include specialized     ments (can include
                      fnancial reporting      specialized fnancial      fnancial reporting      specialized fnancial
                      requirements); plus     reporting require-        requirements); plus     reporting require-
                                              ments); plus                                      ments); plus
                      (a) Analyze/identify                              (a) Analyze the
                                                                                                                          √         √
                      the appropriateness     (a) Evaluate/review       appropriateness of      (a) Evaluate the
                      of the basis of fnan-   the appropriateness       the basis of fnancial   appropriateness of
                      cial reporting; or      of the basis of fnan-     reporting; or           the basis of fnancial
                                              cial reporting; or                                reporting; or
                      (b) Analyze the                                   (b) Analyze report-
                      accuracy and reli-      (b) Evaluate/             ing systems, data       (b) Evaluate report-
                      ability of fnancial     review reporting          requirements or         ing systems, data
                      information             processes to sup-         business processes      requirements and
                                              port reliable fnan-       to support reliable     business processes
                                              cial reporting            fnancial reporting      to support reliable
                                                                                                fnancial reporting

Accounting Policies   Analyze/research        Evaluate/review           Research the appro-     Evaluate appropri-
and Transactions      the appropriate         appropriate               priate accounting       ate accounting
                      accounting policies     accounting policies       policies and proce-     policies and proce-
                      and procedures (or      and procedures; or        dures (or explains      dures; or
                      explains the basis                                the basis in which
                                              Evaluate/review                                   Evaluate treatment
                      in which they were                                they were selected
                                              treatment for rou-                                for routine and
                      selected and ap-                                  and applied to an                                 √
                                              tine and non-rou-                                 non-routine trans-
                      plied to an organi-                               organization); or
                                              tine transactions; or                             actions; or
                      zation); or
                                                                        Research and
                                              Analyze/research                                  Research and
                      Analyze/research                                  analyze treat-
                                              treatment for                                     analyze treatment
                      treatment for rou-                                ment for routine
                                              complex events/                                   for complex events/
                      tine transactions.                                transactions.
                                              transactions.                                     transactions.

Financial Report      Explain fnancial        Analyze/prepare           Explain fnan-           Analyze or pre-
Preparation           statements, includ-     fnancial state-           cial statements,        pare fnancial
                      ing note disclosures    ments, including          including note          statements,               √
                                              note disclosures.         disclosures.            including note

Financial Statement   Explain the             Analyze/prepare           Explain the             Analyze or prepare
Analyses              management              management com-           management              management com-
                      communication           munication (e.g.,         communication           munication (e.g.,
                      (e.g., MD&A), or        MD&A), or                 (e.g., MD&A), or        MD&A), or

                      Explain fnancial        Analyze/prepare           Explain fnancial        Analyze or prepare
                      reporting results for   fnancial reporting        reporting results for   fnancial reporting
                      stakeholders (exter-    results for stake-        stakeholders (exter-    results for stake-
                      nal or internal), or    holders (internal or      nal or internal), or    holders (internal or
                                              external), or                                     external), or
                      Explain the impact                                Explain the impact
                      of strategic and        Analyze/prepare/          of strategic and op-    Analyze or estimate
                      operational deci-       predict the impact        erational decision      the impact of strate-
                      sion on fnancial        of strategic, and         on fnancial results     gic, and operational
                      results (external or    operational decision      (external               decision on fnancial
                      internal).              on fnancial results       or internal).           results (external or
                                              (external or internal).                           internal).
   Competency           Level 1                Level 2                 Level 1                Level 2           Verb
                                                                                                                         or Tax
    sub-area       (pre-April 1, 2021)    (pre-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)   (post-April 1, 2021)   Change

Management Accounting

Management        Explain manage-         Analyze manage-        Explain manage-        Analyze manage-
Reporting Needs   ment information        ment information       ment information       ment information
and Systems       requirements, plus      requirements, plus     requirements, plus     requirements, plus

                  Analyze the types       Evaluate/review        Analyze business       Evaluate business
                  of information          the types of infor-    processes, systems     processes, systems
                  systems used and        mation systems         and data require-      and data require-
                  the role they play in   used and the role      ments and analyze      ments and evalu-
                  an organization or      they play in an or-    potential improve-     ate or recommend
                  analyze potential       ganization or evalu-   ments to meet          improvements to
                  improvements to         ate/recommend          information needs,     meet information
                                                                                                                 √         √
                  existing reporting      improvements to        plus                   needs, plus
                  systems to meet         existing reporting
                                                                 Explain ethical and    Analyze ethical
                  information needs,      systems to meet
                                                                 privacy issues re-     and privacy issues
                  plus                    information needs,
                                                                 lated to information   related to informa-
                  Explain ethical and                            technology and its     tion technology
                  privacy issues re-      Analyze/research       use.                   and its use.
                  lated to information    ethical and pri-
                  technology.             vacy issues re-
                                          lated to information

Planning,         Analyze/prepare         Evaluate/review        Analyze or prepare     Evaluate data
Budgeting and     information inputs      information inputs     data and informa-      and information
Forecasting       for operational         (including assump-     tion inputs for        inputs (including
                  plans, budgets and      tions) for opera-      operational plans,     assumptions) for
                  forecasts, plus         tional plans, bud-     budgets and fore-      operational plans,
                                          gets and forecasts,    casts, plus            budgets and fore-
                                          plus                                          casts, plus
                  operational plans,                             Prepare operational                             √         √
                  budgets, and fore-      Analyze/prepare        plans, budgets, and    Analyze operation-
                  casts, plus             operational plans,     forecasts, plus        al plans, budgets,
                                          budgets, and fore-                            and forecasts, plus
                  Explain/calculate                              Explain and calcu-
                                          casts, plus
                  variances                                      late variances         Analyze implica-
                                          Analyze implica-                              tions of variances
                                          tions of variances
   Competency          Level 1                 Level 2                  Level 1                Level 2            Verb
                                                                                                                           or Tax
    sub-area      (pre-April 1, 2021)     (pre-April 1, 2021)     (post-April 1, 2021)   (post-April 1, 2021)    Change

Cost/ Revenue/    Cost management:        Cost management:        Cost manage-           Cost management:
Proftability      Explain/apply the       Explain/apply           ment: Explain the
                                                                                         Apply appropriate
Management        appropriate cost        appropriate cost        appropriate cost
                                                                                         cost classifca-
                  classifcations and      classifcations and      classifcations and
                                                                                         tions and costing
                  costing methods         costing methods         costing methods
                                                                                         methods for man-
                  for management          for management          for management
                                                                                         agement of ongo-
                  of ongoing opera-       of ongoing opera-       of ongoing op-
                                                                                         ing operations,
                  tions, explain/apply    tions, and explain/     erations, explain
                                                                                         and apply cost
                  cost management         apply cost manage-      cost management
                                                                                         management tech-
                  techniques ap-          ment techniques         techniques ap-
                                                                                         niques appropriate
                  propriate for spe-      appropriate for         propriate for spe-
                                                                                         for specifc deci-
                  cifc decisions, and     specifc decisions,      cifc decisions, and
                                                                                         sions, and evaluate
                  analyze potential       and evaluate/rec-       analyze potential
                                                                                         and recommend
                  changes identifed       ommend either: (a)      changes identifed
                                                                                         either: (a) change
                  by applying process     change identifed        by applying process
                                                                                         identifed by ap-
                  improvement meth-       by applying pro-        improvement meth-
                                                                                         plying process
                  odologies; or           cess improvement        odologies; or
                                          methodologies or
                  Revenue manage-                                 Revenue manage-        methodologies or          √
                                          (b) cost manage-
                  ment: analyze/pre-                              ment: analyze or       (b) cost manage-
                                          ment improvements
                  pare information                                prepare informa-       ment improve-
                                          across the entity; or
                  to understand the                               tion to understand     ments across the
                  sources/drivers of      Revenue manage-         the sources/drivers    entity; or
                  revenue growth; or      ment: evaluate/         of revenue growth;
                                                                                         Revenue manage-
                                          review sources and      or
                  Proftability man-                                                      ment: evaluate
                                          drivers of revenue
                  agement: explain/                               Proftability man-      sources and driv-
                                          growth; or
                  calculate the sensi-                            agement: explain       ers of revenue
                  tivity analysis, and    Proftability man-       and calculate the      growth; or
                  analyze alternatives    agement: analyze/       sensitivity analy-
                                                                                         Proftability man-
                  for sustainable prof-   prepare sensitivity     sis, and analyze
                                                                                         agement: analyze
                  it maximization/ca-     analysis, evaluate/     alternatives for
                                                                                         sensitivity analysis,
                  pacity management       review sustainable      sustainable proft
                                                                                         evaluate sustain-
                  performance.            proft maximiza-         maximization/ca-
                                                                                         able proft maximi-
                                          tion and capac-         pacity management
                                                                                         zation and capac-
                                          ity management          performance.
                                                                                         ity management

Organizational/   Analyze possible        Evaluate/review         Analyze possible       Evaluate root
Individual        root causes of per-     root causes of          root causes of         causes of per-
Performance       formance issues,        performance issues      performance issues,    formance issues
Measurement       through one of:         through one of:         through one of:        through one of:

                  Explain the implica-    Analyze/research        Explain the            Analyze the impli-
                  tions of manage-        the implications of     implications of        cations of manage-
                  ment incentive          management incen-       management             ment incentive
                  schemes and em-         tive schemes and        incentive schemes      schemes and em-
                  ployee compensa-        employee compen-        and employee           ployee compensa-
                  tion methods, or        sation methods, or      compensation           tion methods, or          √
                                                                  methods, or
                  Analyze perfor-         Evaluate/review                                Evaluate perfor-
                  mance using ac-         performance using       Analyze performance    mance using ac-
                  cepted frameworks       accepted frame-         using accepted         cepted frameworks
                  or KPIs; or             works or KPIs, or       frameworks or KPIs;    or KPIs, or
                  Analyze perfor-         Evaluate/review                                Evaluate perfor-
                  mance of responsi-      performance of re-      Analyze performance    mance of responsi-
                  bility centers.         sponsibility centers.   of responsibility      bility centers
   Competency              Level 1                 Level 2                  Level 1                 Level 2            Verb
                                                                                                                                or Tax
    sub-area          (pre-April 1, 2021)     (pre-April 1, 2021)     (post-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)    Change

Audit & Assurance

Internal Control      Analyze/prepare         Evaluate/review         Analyze or prepare      Evaluate the en-
                      the entity’s risk       the entity’s risk       the entity’s risk       tity’s risk assess-
                      assessment pro-         assessment pro-         assessment pro-         ment processes; or
                      cesses; or              cesses; or              cesses; or
                                                                                              Evaluate the infor-
                      Analyze the in-         Evaluate/review         Analyze the infor-      mation system and         √         √
                      formation system,       the information         mation system and       processes, using
                      including related       system, including       processes, using        knowledge of data
                      processes.              related processes.      knowledge of data       requirements and
                                                                      requirements and        risk exposures
                                                                      risk exposures

Internal audit or     Explain an entity’s     Analyze an entity’s     Explain an entity’s     Analyze an entity’s
external assurance    assurance needs or      assurance needs or      assurance needs         assurance needs
requirements, basis   explain the implica-    explain the implica-    plus                    plus
and risk assessment   tions of pending        tions of pending
                                                                      Basis: Explain          Basis: Analyze
                      changes in assur-       changes in assur-
                                                                      which set of cri-       which set of cri-
                      ance standards,         ance standards,
                                                                      teria to apply to       teria to apply to
                      plus                    plus
                                                                      the subject matter      the subject mat-
                      Basis: Explain          Basis: Analyze          being evaluated, or     ter being evalu-
                      which set of cri-       which set of cri-       explain which stan-     ated, or analyze
                      teria to apply to       teria to apply to       dards/guidelines to     which standards/
                      the subject matter      the subject matter      apply based on the      guidelines to apply
                      being evaluated, or     being evaluated, or     nature and expec-       based on the na-
                      explain which stan-     analyze which stan-     tations of the assur-   ture and expecta-
                      dards/guidelines to     dards/guidelines to     ance engagement/        tions of the assur-
                      apply based on the      apply based on the      project, plus           ance engagement/
                      nature and expec-       nature and expec-                               project, plus
                                                                      Risk assessment:
                      tations of the assur-   tations of the assur-
                                                                      Explain issues          Risk assessment:
                      ance engagement/        ance engagement/
                                                                      related to the un-      Evaluate issues
                      project, plus           project, plus
                                                                      dertaking of the        related to the
                      Risk assessment:        Risk assessment:        engagement or           undertaking of the        √         √
                      Explain issues relat-   Evaluate issues         project, explain        engagement or
                      ed to the undertak-     related to the un-      and calculate           project, or evalu-
                      ing of the engage-      dertaking of the        materiality for the     ate materiality for
                      ment or project,        engagement or           assurance engage-       the assurance en-
                      explain/calculate       project, or evaluate    ment/project, or        gagement/project,
                      materiality for the     materiality for the     explain the risks       or evaluate the
                      assurance engage-       assurance engage-       of the project (for     risks of the project
                      ment/project, or        ment/project, or        audit engagements,      (for audit engage-
                      explain the risks       evaluate the risks      explain the risks of    ments, evaluate
                      of the project (for     of the project (for     material misstate-      the risks of mate-
                      audit engagements,      audit engagements,      ment at the fnan-       rial misstatement
                      explain the risks of    evaluate the risks of   cial statement level    at the fnancial
                      material misstate-      material misstate-      and at the assertion    statement level
                      ment at the fnan-       ment at the fnan-       level for classes of    and at the asser-
                      cial statement level    cial statement level    transactions, ac-       tion level for class-
                      and at the assertion    and at the assertion    count balances, and     es of transactions,
                      level for classes of    level for classes of    disclosures).           account balances,
                      transactions, ac-       transactions, ac-                               and disclosures).
                      count balances, and     count balances, and
                      disclosures).           disclosures).
   Competency              Level 1                Level 2                  Level 1                 Level 2           Verb
                                                                                                                              or Tax
    sub-area          (pre-April 1, 2021)    (pre-April 1, 2021)     (post-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)   Change

Internal audit       Work plan: Ana-         Work plan: Evalu-       Work plan: Analyze      Work plan: Evalu-
projects or          lyze/perform the        ate/develop/review      or perform the          ate or develop
external assurance   work plan on less       appropriate proce-      work plan on less       appropriate proce-
engagements          complex/riskier         dures based on the      complex/riskier         dures, considering
                     areas, evaluate         identifed risk of       areas, evaluate the     the use of data
                     the evidence and        material misstate-      evidence and re-        analytics, based on
                     results of analysis,    ment, analyze/per-      sults of analysis,      the identifed risk
                     documents the           form the work plan,     documents the           of material mis-
                     work performed          evaluate the evi-       work performed          statement, analyze
                     and its results, plus   dence and results       and its results, plus   or perform the
                                             of analysis, docu-                              work plan, evalu-
                     Draw conclusion,                                Draw conclusion,
                                             ments the work                                  ate the evidence
                     communicate re-                                 communicate re-                                  √        √
                                             performed and its                               and results of
                     sults, and contrib-                             sults, and contrib-
                                             results, plus                                   analysis, docu-
                     ute to a report for                             ute to a report for
                                                                                             ments the work
                     stakeholders.           Draw conclusions,       stakeholders, using
                                                                                             performed and its
                                             communicate re-         data visualization
                                                                                             results, plus
                                             sults, and contrib-     where appropriate.
                                             ute to a report for                             Draw conclusions,
                                             stakeholders.                                   communicate re-
                                                                                             sults, and contrib-
                                                                                             ute to a report for
                                                                                             stakeholders, using
                                                                                             data visualization
                                                                                             where appropriate.


Financial            Analyze the entity’s    Evaluate/review         Analyze the entity’s    Evaluate the
analysis and         fnancial state, or      the entity’s fnancial   fnancial state, or      entity’s fnancial
planning                                     state, or                                       state, including
                     Analyze/prepare                                 Analyze or prepare
                                                                                             an assessment of
                     fnancial proposals      Evaluate/review         fnancial proposals
                                                                                             reporting systems,
                     and fnancing plans      fnancial proposals      and fnancing plans
                                                                                             data quality and
                                             and fnancing plans
                                                                                             the analytical mod-
                                                                                             els used to support
                                                                                             fnancial analysis
                                                                                             and decision-mak-
                                                                                             ing ; or
                                                                                                                      √         √
                                                                                             Evaluate fnancial
                                                                                             proposals and
                                                                                             fnancing plans in-
                                                                                             cluding an assess-
                                                                                             ment of reporting
                                                                                             systems, data qual-
                                                                                             ity and the analyti-
                                                                                             cal models used to
                                                                                             support fnancial
                                                                                             analysis and
   Competency         Level 1                Level 2                Level 1                 Level 2           Verb
                                                                                                                       or Tax
    sub-area     (pre-April 1, 2021)    (pre-April 1, 2021)   (post-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)   Change

Treasury        Explain/calculate      Analyze the entity’s   Explain and calculate   Analyze the en-
management      the entity’s cash      cash fow and work-     the entity’s cash fow   tity’s cash fow and
                fow and working        ing capital, plus      and working capital,    working capital,
                capital, plus                                 plus                    plus
                Analyze/research       the entity’s invest-   Analyze or research     Evaluate the en-
                the entity’s invest-   ment portfolio, or     the entity’s invest-    tity’s investment
                ment portfolio (less                          ment portfolio (less    portfolio, or
                complex), or                                  complex), or
                                       sources of fnanc-                              Evaluate sources
                Analyze/research       ing and decisions      Analyze or research     of fnancing and
                sources of fnanc-      afecting capital       sources of fnanc-       decisions afecting
                ing and decisions      structure, or          ing and decisions       capital structure,
                afecting capital                              afecting capital        or
                structure, or                                 structure, or
                                       the entity’s cost of                           Evaluate the en-
                Analyze/research       capital, or            Analyze or research     tity’s cost of capi-
                the entity’s cost of                          the entity’s cost of    tal, or
                capital, or                                   capital, or
                                       decisions related                              Evaluate decisions
                Analyze/research       to distribution of     Analyze or research     related to distribu-
                decisions related      profts                 decisions related       tion of profts
                to distribution of                            to distribution of
                profts                                        profts

Capital         Analyze/prepare        Analyze/prepare        Analyze or prepare      Analyze or prepare
budgeting/      information to aid     fnancial models or     information to aid      fnancial models or
Valuation/      in the capital bud-    business plans as      in the capital bud-     business plans as
Corporate       geting processes       part of or in addi-    geting processes        part of or in addi-
fnance          and related deci-      tion to:               and related deci-       tion to:
                sions, or                                     sions, or
                                       Evaluate/review                                Evaluate capital
                Analyze/estimate       capital budgeting      Analyze or esti-        budgeting pro-
                the value of a tan-    processes and deci-    mate the value of a     cesses and deci-
                gible asset, or        sions, or              tangible asset, or      sions, or

                Explain/calculate      Evaluate/review        Explain and cal-        Evaluate the value
                value of a busi-       the value of a tan-    culate value of a       of a tangible as-
                ness, or               gible asset or ana-    business, or            set or analyze or
                                       lyze/estimate the                              estimate the value
                Explain fnancial                              Explain fnancial
                                       value of an intan-                             of an intangible
                risk management                               risk management
                                       gible asset, or                                asset, or
                policies, or                                  policies, or
                                       Analyze/estimate                               Analyze or esti-
                Explain the use                               Explain the use
                                       the value of a busi-                           mate the value of a
                of derivatives as a                           of derivatives as a                              √
                                       ness, or                                       business, or
                form of fnancial                              form of fnancial
                risk management,       Evaluate/review        risk management,        Evaluate fnancial
                or                     fnancial risk man-     or                      risk management
                                       agement policies,                              policies, or
                Analyze the pur-                              Analyze the pur-
                chase, expansion                              chase, expansion        Analyze the use
                or sale of a busi-     Analyze the use        or sale of a busi-      of derivatives as a
                ness, or               of derivatives as a    ness, or                form of fnancial
                                       form of fnancial                               risk management,
                Analyze possible                              Analyze possible
                                       risk management,                               or
                solutions to aid a                            solutions to aid a
                fnancially troubled                           fnancially troubled     Evaluate the pur-
                entity.                Evaluate/review        entity.                 chase, expansion
                                       the purchase, ex-                              or sale of a busi-
                                       pansion or sale of a                           ness, or
                                       business, or
                                                                                      Evaluate or ad-
                                       Evaluate/advise a                              vise a fnancially
                                       fnancially troubled                            troubled entity.
   Competency          Level 1                Level 2                 Level 1                   Level 2           Verb
                                                                                                                           or Tax
    sub-area      (pre-April 1, 2021)    (pre-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)      (post-April 1, 2021)   Change


Income tax        Explain the relevant   Analyze/research       Explain the relevant      Research and
legislation and   section of the In-     treatment for trans-   section of the In-        analyze treatment
research          come Tax Act, tax      actions/events, plus   come Tax Act, tax         for transactions/
                  conventions and/                              conventions and/or        events, plus
                                         Draw conclusion                                                           √
                  or treaties, as it                            treaties, as it relates
                                         and communicate                                  Draw conclusions
                  relates to specifc                            to specifc transac-
                                         results.                                         and communicate
                  transactions/events.                          tions/ events.

Tax compliance:   Explain the general    Analyze the general    Explain the relevant      Analyze the rel-
corporate or      tax issues (can in-    tax issues (can in-    tax issues plus           evant tax issues
personal          clude assessments,     clude assessments,                               plus
                                                                Explain tax return
                  notice of objections   notice of objection
                                                                or analyze or pre-        Analyze or pre-
                  and appeals), plus     and appeals), plus
                                                                pare information to       pare a tax return
                  Explain tax return     Analyze/prepare a      support the prepa-                                 √         √
                  or analyze/prepare     tax return             ration of the tax
                  information to                                return
                  support the prepa-
                  ration of the tax

Tax planning:     Analyze/estimate       Explain/calculate      Analyze specifc           Explain and cal-
corporate or      tax consequences       the tax conse-         tax-planning op-          culate specifc
personal          or specifc tax-plan-   quences or specifc     portunities for           tax-planning op-
                  ning opportunities     tax planning op-       individuals or            portunities for
                  for: (a) sharehold-    portunities for: (a)   corporations, and         individuals or
                  ers and/or their       shareholders and/or    applicable GST im-        corporations, and
                  corporations, or       their corporations,    plications, such as:      applicable GST im-
                  (b) complex corpo-     or (b) individuals     (a) income tax im-        plications, such as:
                  rate transactions,     (excluding estate      plications of death       (a) income tax im-
                  or (c) individuals     planning), or          of an individual          plications of death
                  (excluding estate-                            (b) compensation          of an individual
                  planning), or                                 planning between          (b) compensation         √         √
                                         the tax conse-
                                                                shareholders and a        planning between
                  Analyze/estimate       quences of other
                                                                corporation, or (c)       shareholders and a
                  the tax conse-         corporate and part-
                                                                purchase and sale         corporation, or (c)
                  quences of other       nership restructur-
                                                                of a corporation          purchase and sale
                  corporate and part-    ing transactions, or
                                                                                          of a corporation
                  nership restructur-
                  ing transactions, or
                                         the tax estate-plan-
                  Analyze/prepare        ning opportunities
                  estate-planning        for individuals.
                  opportunities for
   Competency                Level 1                Level 2                 Level 1                Level 2           Verb
                                                                                                                              or Tax
    sub-area            (pre-April 1, 2021)    (pre-April 1, 2021)    (post-April 1, 2021)   (post-April 1, 2021)   Change

Strategy & Governance

Governance,         Explain describes         Analyze/prepare         Explain describes      Analyze
Mission,            the entity’s              the entity’s            the entity’s           or prepare
vision, values      governance                governance              governance             the entity’s
& mandate           policies, processes,      policies, processes,    policies, processes,   governance
                    and/or code,              and/or code, and        and/or code,           policies, processes,
                    and prepares              analyze/prepare         and prepares           and/or code,
                    information to            information and         information to         and analyze
                    aid in the analysis       analysis to ensure      aid in the analysis    information and
                    to ensure entity          entity remains          to ensure entity       analysis to ensure
                    remains compliant         compliant with          remains compliant      entity remains
                    with regulatory/          regulatory/             with regulatory/       compliant with           √
                    compliance                compliance              compliance             regulatory/
                    requirements, or          requirements, or        requirements, or       compliance
                                                                                             requirements, or
                    Analyze                   Evaluates whether       Analyze
                    management                management              management             Evaluate whether
                    decisions to the          decisions align with    decisions to the       management
                    entity’s mission,         the entity’s mission,   entity’s mission,      decisions align
                    vision and values.        vision and values.      vision and values.     with the entity’s
                                                                                             mission, vision and

Strategy            Explain the entity’s      Analyze the             Explain the entity’s   Analyze the
development /       strategic objectives      entity’s strategic      strategic objectives   entity’s strategic
implementation      and analyze related       objectives and          and analyze related    objectives and
                    performance               evaluate related        performance            evaluate related
                    measures, or              performance             measures, or           performance
                                              measures, or                                   measures, or
                    Analyze the                                       Analyze the
                    entity’s internal         Evaluate the            entity’s internal      Evaluate the
                    and external              entity’s internal       and external           entity’s internal
                    environment               and external            environment            and external
                    and explain its           environment             and explain its        environment
                    impact on strategy        and analyze its         impact on strategy     and analyze its
                    development;              impact on strategy      development;           impact on strategy
                    explain strategic         development;            explain strategic      development;
                    alternatives, or          analyze strategic       alternatives, or       analyze strategic
                                              alternatives, or                               alternatives, or
                    Explain the key                                   Explain the key
                    operational issues        Analyze the key         operational issues     Analyze the key
                    and explains the          operational issues      including the use of   operational issues
                    alignment with            and analyzes            information assets     including the use
                    strategy                  alignment with          and explains the       of information
                                              strategy.               alignment with         assets and
                                                                      strategy.              analyzes alignment
                                                                                             with strategy.
   Competency          Level 1               Level 2                Level 1                Level 2           Verb
                                                                                                                      or Tax
    sub-area      (pre-April 1, 2021)   (pre-April 1, 2021)   (post-April 1, 2021)   (post-April 1, 2021)   Change

Enterprise risk   Analyze/research      Evaluate/review       Analyze or research    Evaluate
management        components of a       components of         components of a        components of
                  risk management       an effective risk     risk management        an effective risk
                  program and           management            program and            management
                  analyze its impact    program and           analyze its impact     program and
                  on shareholder        evaluate its impact   on shareholder         evaluate its impact
                  value                 on shareholder        value, or              on shareholder
                                        value.                                       value, or
                                                              Analyze the                                     √         √
                                                              impact of IT/IS        Evaluate the
                                                              risks on enterprise    impact of IT/
                                                              risk and identify      IS risks on
                                                              appropriate risk       enterprise risk
                                                              management             and recommend
                                                              strategies             appropriate risk
APPENDIX B: Enabling competency reflective questions
If you have created an experience report prior to April 1, 2021, the pre-April 1, 2021 questions
will display.
For any experience report created after April 1, 2021, the post-April 1, 2021 questions will display.

1. Acting Ethically and Demonstrating Professional Values
   (formerly Professional and Ethical Behaviour)

Question (pre-April 1, 2021)                                         Question (post-April 1, 2021)

a) Describe a time when you had to negotiate conflicting             a) CPAs can face complex situations where they may be in
   professional values in executing your work. Include                  conflict with their professional values. These values (as defined
   descriptions of the processes listed:                                in your provincial Code/Rules of Professional Conduct) are
   — the specific values                                                integrity, due care, objectivity, independence, professional
   — what was at stake for all involved                                 competence, and confidentiality. Describe a time where
   — what you did                                                       you encountered a situation that challenged one of your
   — how you decided that this was an appropriate course of             professional values identifying:
     action                                                             — which value was in conflict
                                                                        — what was at stake for all involved, including yourself
b) What impact did your course of action have on all involved?
                                                                        — what you did
c) If confronted with a similar situation in the future, specify:
                                                                     b) How did you choose this course of action and what
   — what would make it easier for you to act?
                                                                        alternatives did you consider? What were the pros and cons
   — what you would do differently?
                                                                        of each alternative? What information did you need to gather
                                                                        and/or who did you seek guidance from?

                                                                     c) What impacts did your course of action have on all involved,
                                                                        including yourself? If confronted with a similar situation in the
                                                                        future, what would make it easier for you to act and what you
                                                                        would do differently?

2. Solving Problems and Adding Value (formerly Problem-Solving and Decision-Making)

Question (pre-April 1, 2021)                                         Question (post-April 1, 2021)

Question 2: Problem-solving and decision-making                      a) Describe a time when you attempted to improve a process,
                                                                        product or service in the workplace, including the problem you
a) Describe a time when you solved a problem or made a
                                                                        were trying to solve. What challenges did you encounter and
   decision in the workplace. Include descriptions of your actions
                                                                        what actions did you take to address them? Describe the CPA
                                                                        value that was most applicable to this situation.
   — defined the scope of the problem
   — collected and verified relevant information                     b) How did you choose this course of action and what
   — performed appropriate analyses                                     alternatives did you consider? What were the pros and cons
   — integrated information to investigate each potentially viable      of each alternative? How did you apply existing knowledge in
       solution or conclusion                                           new or different ways? What were the risks and limitations of
   — recommended and justified a solution or conclusion                 your chosen course of action and how did you address them?
   — used creativity and innovation during the problem solving or
                                                                     c) What did you learn from this experience about solving
       decision making process
                                                                        problems? How can you apply these learnings in the future?
b) What impact did your solution or conclusion have on your

c) What did you learn from this experience and how will it
   influence your future behaviour?
3. Communicating (formerly Communication)

Question (pre-April 1, 2021)                                          Question (post-April 1, 2021)

ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING                                           a) Describe a time when you adapted your oral or written
(3.1 or 3.2 or 3.3):                                                     communication to meet the needs of a specific audience.
                                                                         What actions did you take? Describe the CPA value that was
3.1: Obtains accurate and relevant information through listening,        most applicable to this situation.
interviewing and discussing                                           b) How did you choose this course of action and what
a) Describe a time when you obtained accurate and relevant               alternatives did you consider? What were the pros and cons
   information through listening, interviewing, or discussing. What      of each alternative? What would have been the result had you
   actions did you carry out to obtain this information?                 not taken these steps?

                                                                      c) What did you learn from this experience about
b) What did you learn from this experience and how did your
                                                                         communicating? How can you apply these learnings in the
   organization benefit from your learning?
c) How will you build upon what you have learned going

3.2: Writes and speaks to enhance work performed

a) Describe a time when your communication, either written or
   oral, enhanced your work. How did it do so?

b) How did your organization benefit as a result?

c) What did you learn from this experience and how will it
   influence your future behaviour?

3.3: Adapts communications to meet audience needs

a) Describe a time when you adapted your communication to
   meet the needs of a specific audience. What steps did you
   take in order to do so?

b) What would have been the result had you not taken these

c) How will you behave when faced with a similar situation in the
4. Managing Self (formerly Self-Management)

Question (pre-April 1, 2021)                                       Question (post-April 1, 2021)

ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING                                        a) Describe a time when your performance did not fully meet
(4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3):                                                  your expectations. What challenges did you encounter and
                                                                      what actions did you take to address them? Describe the CPA
4.1: Monitors and improves work performance                           value that was most applicable to this situation.

                                                                   b) When you reflect on your course of action, what alternatives
a) Describe an instance when you were not fully satisfied with
                                                                      could you have considered? What were the pros and cons
   your performance on a specific task. What challenges did you
                                                                      of each alternative? Who could you have consulted with or
   face in executing the assignment?
                                                                      sought guidance from?
b) What steps did you take to address the situation and what
                                                                   c) Having carried out these actions, what would you do
   were the results?
                                                                      differently next time? What skills do you need to develop
c) How will you build upon this experience going forward?             to help you meet your expectations going forward in your
4.2: Engages in professional development                              How are you planning to gain them?

a) What are your career goals for the next three-to-five years?

b) What have you done to achieve these goals and what role
   have others played in helping you achieve these goals?

c) c) What will you do to achieve these goals and what role will
   others play in helping you achieve these goals?

4.3: Recognizes limits to professional competence

a) Describe an instance when you were assigned work that was
   slightly more advanced than your capabilities at the time.
   What actions did you take in order to execute the assignment

b) Was the effort entirely successful? Why or why not?

c) Having carried out these actions, what would you do
   differently next time?
5. Collaborating and Leading (formerly Teamwork and Leadership)

Question (pre-April 1, 2021)                                        Question (post-April 1, 2021)

ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (5.1 or 5.2):                           ANSWER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING (5.1 or 5.2):

5.1: Plans and effectively manages teams and projects               5.1: Plans and effectively manages teams and projects

a) Describe a time when you managed a project or team. What         a) Describe a time when you managed a team or project. What
   did you do to plan and execute the assignment effectively?          did you do to plan and execute the assignment effectively?
                                                                       Describe the CPA value that was most applicable to this
b) What did you learn from this experience and how did your
   organization benefit as a result?
                                                                    b) How did you choose this course of action and what alterna-
c) How can you apply your learning to other workplace
                                                                       tives did you consider? What were the pros and cons of each
                                                                       alternative? How did you promote and gain support for your
5.2: Works effectively as a team member
                                                                    c) What did you learn from this experience about leadership?
a) Describe a time when, as a member of a team, you worked             How can you apply these learnings in the future?
   with others to achieve a particular objective. What challenges
   did you encounter and how did you overcome them?
                                                                    5.2: Collaborates effectively as a team member
b) What did this experience teach you about yourself and others?
                                                                    a) Describe a time when, as a member of a team, you worked
c) Having gone through this experience, what would you do dif-         with others to achieve a particular objective. What challenges
   ferently next time?                                                 did you encounter and how did you overcome them? Describe
                                                                       the CPA value that was most applicable to this situation.

                                                                    b) How did you choose this course of action and what alterna-
                                                                       tives did you consider? What were the pros and cons of each
                                                                       alternative? Who did you consult with or seek guidance from?

                                                                    c) What did you learn from this experience about yourself and
                                                                       others? How can you apply these learnings in the future?
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