Page created by Freddie Rivera
            FOR RURAL
  PROGRAMMES 2014-2020
PROGRAMMES 2014-2020
        JUNE 2015

MARCH 2015

This document has been drawn up based on the regulations published
in the Official Journal of the European Union on 20 December 2013 and
on the related delegated and implementing regulations published in
Copyright notice

© European Union, 2015

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

Recommended citation:

EUROPEAN COMMISSION – Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development – Unit E.4 (2015): Common
Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020. Working Paper. Brussels.


The information and views set out in this working paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official
opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this working paper. Neither
the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of
the information contained therein.

The Evaluation Helpdesk is responsible for the evaluation function within the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD)
by providing guidance on the evaluation of RDPs and policies falling under the remit and guidance of DG AGRI’s Unit E.4
'Evaluation and studies' of the European Commission (EC). In order to improve the evaluation of EU rural development policy
the Evaluation Helpdesk supports all evaluation stakeholders, in particular DG AGRI, national authorities, RDP managing
authorities and evaluators, through the development and dissemination of appropriate methodologies and tools; the collection
and exchange of good practices; capacity building, and communicating with network members on evaluation related topics.

Additional information about the activities of European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development is available on the Internet
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Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

        PROGRAMMES 2014-2020

        JUNE 2015

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020
Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020



1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1

2. Why evaluation questions? .................................................................................. 1

3. Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development ....................................... 2

Annex 1 ...................................................................................................................... 5

AIR        Annual Implementation Report

AWU        Annual Work Units

CAP        Common Agricultural Policy

CCI        Common Context Indicator

CEQ-RD     Common Evaluation Questions for Rural

CPR        Common Provisions Regulation

DG AGRI    Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural

EC         European Commission

EIP        European Innovation Partnership

EQs        Evaluation Questions

EU         European Union

ExCo       Expert Committee

FBI        Farmland Bird Index

GDP        Gross Domestic Product

GHG        GreenHouse Gases

GVA        Gross Value Added

HNV        High Nature Value

ICT        Information and Communications Technology

IT         Information Technology

LAG        Local Action Group

LEADER     Liaison Entre Actions de Développement de
           l'Économie Rurale

MA         Managing Authority

MS         Member State

NGO        Non Governmental Organization

NRN        National Rural Network

PSEQ       Programme-specific evaluation questions

RDP        Rural Development Programme

RDR        Rural Development Regulation

R&D        Research and Development

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020


This document discusses the role of evaluation questions (EQs) in the assessment of impacts and
achievements of the rural development policy and outlines the set of common evaluation questions for
rural development (CEQ-RD) in the 2014-2020 programming period1. The CEQ-RD have been
developed in ongoing discussions between the European Commission (EC) and members of the
Evaluation Expert Committee. As advocated by many evaluation stakeholders, the set of CEQ-RD has
been reduced to the minimum number capable of assessing the EU rural development policy
framework. For programme-specific aspects, Managing Authorities (MAs) are encouraged to apply
programme-specific evaluation questions (PSEQ) in order to assess specific aspects of their RDP.


Evaluation questions (EQs) are an important element of the common monitoring and evaluation
system for rural development. Namely, they define the focus of evaluations in relation to policy
objectives and help to demonstrate the progress, impact, achievements, effectiveness, efficiency and
relevance of rural development policy 2.
EQs are answered with the help of indicators. Judgement criteria specify the success of programme
interventions. Also, judgement criteria link EQs and indicators which allow the design of robust
methodological approaches to formulate answers based on qualitative and quantitative evidence.

Two types of EQs are distinguished in this document: (a) Common evaluation questions for rural
development and (b) Programme-specific evaluation questions.

a)   Common evaluation questions for rural development (CEQ-RD) are designed by the EC to be
     commonly applied across all EU Member States with the aim to:

•    Support evaluation of the EU rural development policies. CEQ-RD help to evaluate the effects of
     programme interventions towards the hierarchy of objectives of the EU rural development policy.

•    Demonstrate the contribution of EU rural development interventions in addressing the RDP
     territorial needs.

•    Enhance comparability of evaluation results across Europe. CEQ-RD and the related judgement
     criteria and common indicators are part of an evaluation system commonly applied in all
     MS/regions. Thus, the comparability of evaluation results among RDPs is enhanced.

•    Encourage programme bodies and other RD stakeholders to assess results and impacts. CEQ-
     RD ask for results and net impacts of the programme. The answers help to justify EU policy
     implementation and support EU policy formulation.
b)   Programme-specific evaluation questions (PSEQs) are designed by Managing Authorities
     (MAs) of RDPs with the aim to:

•    Support evaluation of programme-specific policies. PSEQs focus the evaluation on programme-
     specific interventions and their contribution towards programme-specific policy objectives. The
     judgement on the success of the programme-specific interventions shall be specified with
     programme-specific judgement criteria. Answers to PSEQs are developed with the help of
     programme-specific indicators.

Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013, Art.67; Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2014, Art. 14.1c), Annex V
Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, Art. 54 (1); Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013 Art. 68 (a)
Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

•     Address evaluation of specific RDP related topics. PSEQs are designed to assess additional
      aspects of the programmes which are of particular interest for Managing Authorities (e.g.
      assessment of the programme implementation, management, delivery mechanisms, effectiveness
      of the communication strategy, etc.).

•     Demonstrate the contribution of programme-specific interventions in addressing the identified
      specific RDP territorial needs.

•     Encourage programme bodies and other RD stakeholders to assess results and impacts. PSEQs
      ask for results and net impacts of programme-specific interventions which justify programme-
      specific policy objectives.
Figure 1.   Purpose of common evaluation questions for rural development (CEQ-RD) and programme-specific
            evaluation questions (PSEQs)

                      Source: Helpdesk of the European Evaluation Network for Rural Development.


A total of 30 CEQ-RD have been designed for the 2014-2020 programming period 3 Judgement
criteria are proposed in this document for each CEQ-RD in order to specify the success of the
intervention implemented within the programme. Common evaluation questions are answered with
common rural development indicators 4 and additional information if needed. The approach applied in
the development of CEQ-RD is as follows:
(1)    Development of CEQ-RD linked to RD policy objectives. CEQ-RD ask for the contribution of
       the programme interventions in achieving the rural development and overall EU policy objectives

 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2014, Annex V
 Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 808/2014, Annex IV and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No
834/2014, Annex - impact indicators
Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

       in terms of programme results and impacts. The set of CEQ-RD are mainly cause-effect
       questions (“to what extent…?”).
(2)    Development of the proposed judgement criteria. Judgement criteria are proposed for each
       CEQ-RD. The judgement criteria set the foundation to assess the success of the intervention in
       a given RDP context.
(3)    Identification of relevant common rural development indicators linked to CEQ-RD to
       provide evidence-based answers. In case the common indicators have not been sufficient to
       provide answers to CEQ-RD the collection of additional information is proposed in this document.
The described approach is illustrated with the figure 2 below.
Figure 2.    Approach for developing common evaluation questions for rural development (CEQ-RD)

                     Source: Helpdesk of the European Evaluation Network for Rural Development.

Programme-specific evaluation questions (PSEQs)
A similar approach can be applied when developing programme-specific evaluation questions. In case the RDP contains
programme-specific objectives, the MA/evaluators shall raise evaluation questions in order to explore to what extent the
programme has contributed to the achievement of programme-specific objectives, specifying the matter of success.
Programme-specific objectives and evaluation questions shall be answered by means of programme-specific indicators,
collected evidence and analytical methods.

For the 2014-2020 programming period, three groups of CEQ-RD are designed:
Focus area-related evaluation questions (18 CEQs illustrated in table 1 of Annex 1) are linked to the
objectives of the focus areas of rural development priorities. Focus area-related evaluation questions
capture the contribution of the interventions under the respective focus area (set of measures and
sub/measures) in terms of programme results. Hence, the assessment is conducted on the basis of
judgement criteria and on the evidence provided by common target and complementary result
indicators. Additional quantitative and qualitative information is needed in cases where common rural
development indicators are not sufficient to provide sound answers on the achievements of the focus

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

Focus area-related evaluation questions will be answered to present the evaluation results in the
2017 and 2019 enhanced AIRs and in the ex post evaluation 5.

Evaluation questions related to other aspects of the RDP (3 CEQs illustrated in table 2 of Annex 1)
are related to additional objectives pursued by the RDPs. Specifically, these CEQs aim to capture the
results achieved by technical assistance, national rural networks and the complementarities and
synergies among rural development priorities and focus areas supported within the programmes
(Operational performance).

The assessment is conducted on the basis of judgement criteria and the evidence provided by
common RD indicators. In this case as well, additional qualitative and quantitative information is
needed where indicators are not sufficient to answer the CEQs.
Evaluation questions related to other aspects of the RDP will be answered to present the evaluation
results in the 2017 and 2019 enhanced AIRs and in the ex post evaluation

Evaluation questions related to EU level objectives (9 CEQs illustrated in table 3 of Annex 1) are
linked to the overall policy objectives (EU2020 objectives and CAP objectives) and aim to capture the
contribution of the programmes in terms of impacts. Common impact indicators, common context
indicators and complementary result indicators will provide the evidence to assess the intervention on
the basis of the judgement criteria. Also here, additional quantitative and qualitative information may
be needed in cases where common RD indicators are not sufficient to provide sound answers on the
achievements of the programme.

Evaluation questions related to EU level objectives will be answered to present the evaluation results
in the 2019 enhanced AIR and in the ex post evaluation.

    Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 808/2014, Art. 15, Annex VII, point 7
Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                ANNEX 1
Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

          Table 1.        Focus area-related evaluation questions
                                                                FOCUS AREA-RELATED                                                                                                                      ADDITIONAL
 RD PRIORITY                   FOCUS AREA                                                                  JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                       COMMON RD INDICATORS 6
                                                                EVALUATION QUESTION                                                                                                                    INFORMATION

                                                                                                      • RDP projects have been                                                                • % of innovative projects
                                                                                                         innovative and based on                                                                  out of all RDP supported
                                                                                                         developed knowledge                                                                      projects
                            Fostering                     1. To what extent have RDP                  • Operational groups have
                            innovation,                      interventions     supported
                                                                                                                                               • % of expenditure under Articles              • Number and types of
                                                                                                         been created                             14,15 and 35 of Regulation (EU)                 partners involved in
                            cooperation, and                 innovation, cooperation and
                        P1A                                                                           • Variety 7 of partners involved            No 1305/2013 in relation to the                 cooperation projects
                            the development of               the development of the
                                                                                                         in EIP operational groups                total expenditure for the RDP (FA           • Number of supported
                            the knowledge                    knowledge base in rural
                                                                                                                                                  1A - Target indicator)                          innovative actions
                            base in rural areas              areas?                                   • Innovative    actions have
                                                                                                         been implemented and                                                                     implemented and
                                                                                                         disseminated by the EIP                                                                  disseminated by EIP
                                                                                                         operational groups                                                                       operational groups

                                                                                                      • Long      term collaboration
     Fostering              Strengthening the                                                            between agriculture, food
     knowledge              links between                                                                                                                                                     • % of cooperation
                                                                                                         production and forestry
     transfer and           agriculture, food             2. To what extent have RDP                                                                                                              operations continuing
                                                                                                         entities and institutions for
P1   innovation in          production and                   interventions supported the                                                       • Total number of co-operation                     after the RDP support
                                                                                                         research and innovation has
     agriculture,           forestry and                     strengthening of links between                                                       operations supported under the                  including for the purpose
                                                                                                         been established
     forestry, and          research and                     agriculture, food production                                                         cooperation measure (Art. 35 of                 of improved
     rural areas        P1B innovation,                      and forestry and research and            • Cooperation       operations              Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013)                   environmental
                            including for the                innovation, including for the               between agriculture, food                (groups, networks/clusters, pilot               management and
                            purpose of                       purpose       of      improved              production and forestry and              projects…), (FA 1B - Target                     performance
                            improved                         environmental management                    research and innovation for              indicator)                                  • Number and types of
                            environmental                    and performance?                            the purpose of improved
                                                                                                                                                                                                  partners involved in
                            management and                                                               environmental management
                                                                                                                                                                                                  cooperation projects
                            performance                                                                  and performance have been
                            Fostering lifelong            3. To what extent have RDP                  • The number of rural people
                            learning and                     interventions        supported              who have finalised lifelong           • Total    number of participants              • % of trainees receiving
                            vocational training              lifelong      learning     and              learning and vocational                  trained under Art. 14 of Regulation             certificates from
                        P1C                                                                                                                                                                       recognized educational
                            in the agricultural              vocational training in the                  training in the agriculture              (EU) No 1305/2013 (FA 1C -
                            and forestry                     agriculture     and    forestry             and forestry sectors has                 Target indicator)                               and training institutions
                            sectors                          sectors?                                    increased                                                                                via activities supported

           The methodology to calculate Pillar II common result indicators is outlined in the Working document “Target indicator fiches for Pillar II”, 2015 [the complementary result indicators is no longer part
          of this document, H3 removed them so we will have a separate document]
           Variety is defined by the representation of different socio-economic sectors (private, public, civil, agriculture, food industry, forestry, etc.) and organizations such as academia, banks, NGO,etc.

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                                                         FOCUS AREA-RELATED                                                                                                   ADDITIONAL
     RD PRIORITY               FOCUS AREA                                                      JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                 COMMON RD INDICATORS 6
                                                         EVALUATION QUESTION                                                                                                 INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                                                        by RDP out of the total
                                                                                                                                                                        number of participants

                             Improving the
                             performance of all
                                                    4. To what extent have RDP             • Agricultural output per                                                  • % of agriculture holdings
       Enhancing             farms and                                                                                        • Change in agricultural output on
                                                       interventions contributed to          annual working unit of                                                     with RDP support for
       farm viability        facilitating farm                                                                                  supported farms/AWU (FA 2A -
                                                       improving      the     economic       supported agricultural                                                     investments regarding
       and                   restructuring and                                                                                  Complementary result indicator)
                                                       performance,       restructuring      holdings has increased                                                     modernization
       competitivene         modernisation,
                         P2A                           and       modernization       of                                       • % of agriculture holdings with
       ss of all types       notably with a view
                                                       supported farms in particular
                                                                                           • Farms have been                                                          • Economic    farm size
                             to increasing                                                   modernized                         RDP support for investments in          structure of supported
       of agriculture                                  through      increasing     their                                        restructuring or modernisation
       in all regions        market                                                        • Farms have been                                                            farms
                                                       market     participation     and                                         (FA 2A - Result indicator)
       and                   participation and                                               restructured
P2                                                     agricultural diversification?
       promoting             orientation as well
       innovative            as agricultural
       farm                  diversification
       technologies          Facilitating the                                              • Adequately skilled farmers
       and the               entry of adequately    5. To what extent have RDP               have      entered      intothe
       sustainable                                                                                                            • % of agriculture holdings with
                             skilled farmers into      interventions supported the           agricultural sector                                                      • % of adequately skilled
       management                                                                                                               RDP        supported   business
                             the agricultural          entry of adequately skilled                                                                                      farmers        in      the
                         P2B                                                               • The share of adequately            development plan/investments for
       of forests            sector and, in            farmers into the agricultural                                                                                    agricultural sector of the
                                                                                             skilled young farmers in the       young farmers (FA 2B - Result
                             particular,               sector and in particular,                                                                                        RDP territory
                                                                                             agricultural   sector   has        indicator)
                             generational              generational renewal?
                             renewal                                                         increased
       Promoting             competitiveness of
       food chain            primary producers                                             • Competitiveness         of
                                                    6. To what extent have RDP                                                                                        • Agricultural output on
       organisation,         by better                                                       supported          primary
                                                       interventions contributed to                                                                                     supported farms
       including             integrating them                                                producers has improved
                                                       improving the competitiveness                                          • %     of    agricultural   holdings   • Margin     of    primary
       processing            into the agri-food
                                                       of     supported        primary
                                                                                           • The shareof the final price of
                                                                                                                                receiving support for participating     producers in the final
       and marketing         chain through                                                   agriculture products retained
                                                       producers by better integrating                                          in quality schemes, local markets       price   of    agricultural
P3     of agricultural   P3A quality schemes,                                                with primary producers has
                                                       them into the agri-food chain                                            and short supply circuits, and          products
       products,             adding value to                                                 increased
                                                       through quality schemes,                                                 producer      groups/organisations    • % of primary producers
       animal                agricultural                                                  • The     added      value  of
                                                       adding value to the agricultural                                         (FA 3A - Result indicator)              introducing      quality
       welfare and           products,                                                       agricultural    products  of
                                                       products, promoting local                                                                                        schemes     with  RDP
       risk                  promotion in local
                                                       markets and short supply              primary      producers   has
       management            markets and short                                                                                                                          support
       in agriculture        supply circuits,
                             producer groups

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                                                               FOCUS AREA-RELATED                                                                                                                     ADDITIONAL
 RD PRIORITY                   FOCUS AREA                                                                 JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                       COMMON RD INDICATORS 6
                                                               EVALUATION QUESTION                                                                                                                   INFORMATION
                               and organisations             circuits, producer groups and           • Implementation of quality                                                            • Definition       of    local
                               and inter-branch              inter-branch organization? 8               schemes      by     primary                                                             markets 9
                               organisations                                                            producers has increased                                                             • Definition of short supply
                                                                                                     • Participation  of primary                                                                circuits 10
                                                                                                        producers in short circuit
                                                                                                        schemes, quality-oriented
                                                                                                        producer group and/or inter
                                                                                                        branch organization has
                                                         7. To what extent have RDP                  • Participation of farms in risk
                           Supporting farm
                                                            interventions supported farm
                                                                                                                                              • % of farms participating in risk
                       P3B risk prevention and                                                          prevention         and
                                                                                                                                                 management schemes (FA 3B -
                                                            risk      prevention     and                management schemes has
                           management                                                                                                            Result indicator)
                                                            management?                                 increased
                           Restoring,                                                                                                                                                       • Number of flora and
                           preserving and                                                                                                                                                       fauna     species      on
                           enhancing                                                                                                                                                            contracted land
                           biodiversity,                 8. To what extent have RDP                                                           • % of agricultural land under
                           including in Natura              interventions supported the                                                          management             contracts
                           2000 areas, and in               restoration, preservation and                                                        supporting biodiversity and/or
                           areas facing                     enhancement of biodiversity              • Biodiversity on contracted                landscapes (FA 4A - Result
     Restoring,                                                                                                                                  indicator)
                       P4A natural or other                 including in Natura 2000                    land has been restored,
                           specific                         areas, areas facing natural or              preserved and enhanced                • % of forest or other wooded areas
                           constraints, and                 other specific constraints and                                                       under management contracts
P4                         high nature value                HNV farming, and the state of                                                        supporting biodiversity (FA 4A –
                           farming, as well as              European landscape?                                                                  Result indicator)
     related to
                           the state of
     and forestry
                                                         9. To what extent have RDP                                                                                                         • Additional information on
                           Improving water
                                                            interventions supported the                                                       • % of agricultural land under                    water quality of the land
                                                            improvement      of     water                                                        management contracts to improve                under       management
                       P4B including fertiliser                                                      • Water quality has improved
                                                            management,         including                                                        water management (FA 4B –                      contracts
                           and pesticide
                                                            fertilizer   and    pesticide                                                        Result indicator)

           The questions concern the share of primary producers at the final price of the agricultural products proposing various scenarios, e.g. quality schemes, adding value to primary products, participation
          in short supply circuits, promoting local markets etc.
           Local market is defined at the RDP level considering the programme context
            Short supply circuits is defined at the RDP level considering the programme context

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                                                      FOCUS AREA-RELATED                                                                                               ADDITIONAL
 RD PRIORITY                FOCUS AREA                                                     JUDGEMENT CRITERIA              COMMON RD INDICATORS 6
                                                      EVALUATION QUESTION                                                                                             INFORMATION
                                                                                                                       • %   of forestry land under
                                                                                                                         management contracts to improve
                                                                                                                         water management (FA 4B –
                                                                                                                         Result indicator)

                                                                                                                       • % of agricultural land under
                                                                                                                         management contracts to improve
                                                                                                                         soil management and/or prevent
                                                 10. To what extent have RDP           • Soil erosion has been           soil erosion (FA 4C – Result
                          Preventing soil
                                                     interventions supported the
                                                                                                                                                               • Additional information on
                          erosion and                                                    prevented                       indicator)                              soil erosion of the land
                      P4C                            prevention of soil erosion and
                          improving soil                                               • Soil management has           • %    of forestry land under             under       management
                                                     improvement         of     soil
                          management                                                     improved                        management contracts to improve         contracts
                                                                                                                         soil management and/or prevent
                                                                                                                         soil erosion (FA 4C – Result
                                                                                                                       • % of irrigated land switching to
                                                                                                                         more efficient irrigation system
                                                 11. To what extent have RDP                                             (FA 5A – Result indicator)
                      P5A efficiency in water
                                                     interventions contributed to      • Efficiency in water use by
                                                     increasing efficiency in water      agriculture has increased     • Increase in efficiency of water use
                          use by agriculture                                                                             in agriculture in RDP supported
                                                     use by agriculture?
     Promoting                                                                                                           projects (FA 5A - Complementary
     resource                                                                                                            result indicator)
     efficiency and
     supporting the                                                                                                    • Total    investment for     energy
     shift towards                                                                                                       efficiency (FA 5B -         Target
                          Increasing             12. To what extent have RDP                                             indicator)
     a low carbon
P5   and climate
                          efficiency in energy       interventions contributed to      • Efficiency of energy use in
                      P5B use in agriculture         increasing efficiency in energy     agriculture and food          • Increase in efficiency of energy
     resilient                                                                                                           use in agriculture and food-
                          and food                   use in agriculture and food         processing has increased
     economy in                                                                                                          processing in RDP supported
                          processing                 processing?
     agriculture,                                                                                                        projects (FA 5B - Complementary
     food and                                                                                                            result indicator)
     sectors              Facilitating the                                                                             • Total investment in renewable
                                                 13. To what extent have RDP                                                                                   • Total investments for the
                          supply and use of                                            • The supply of renewable         energy production (FA 5C - Target
                                                     interventions contributed to                                                                                use of renewable energy
                          renewable sources                                              energy has increased            indicator)
                                                     the supply and use of                                                                                       supported by the RDP
                      P5C of energy, of by-
                                                     renewable sources of energy,      • The use of renewable          • Renewable energy produced from
                          products, wastes                                                                                                                     • Renewable energy used
                                                     of    by-products,    wastes,       energy has increased            supported projects (FA 5C -
                          and residues and                                                                                                                       in supported holdings
                                                     residues and other non-food                                         Complementary result indicator)
                          of other non food

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                                                      FOCUS AREA-RELATED                                                                                               ADDITIONAL
 RD PRIORITY                FOCUS AREA                                                    JUDGEMENT CRITERIA               COMMON RD INDICATORS 6
                                                      EVALUATION QUESTION                                                                                             INFORMATION
                           raw material, for        raw material for purposes of
                           the purposes of the      the bio-economy?
                           bio- economy
                                                                                                                       • %    of   LU     concerned      by
                                                                                                                         investments      in     live-stock
                                                                                                                         management in view of reducing
                                                                                                                         GHG and/or ammonia emissions
                                                                                                                         (FA 5D – Result indicator)
                                                                                                                       • % of agricultural land under
                          Reducing green                                                                                 management contracts targeting
                                                 14. To what extent have RDP
                          house gas and
                                                     interventions contributed to
                                                                                      • GHG and ammonia                  reduction    of   GHG   and/or
                      P5D ammonia                                                       emissions from agriculture       ammonia emissions(FA 5D –
                                                     reducing GHG and ammonia
                          emissions from                                                has been reduced                 Result indicator)
                                                     emissions from agriculture?
                                                                                                                       • Reduced emissions of methane
                                                                                                                         and nitrous oxide (FA 5D -
                                                                                                                         Complementary result indicator)
                                                                                                                       • Reduced ammonia emissions (FA
                                                                                                                         5D - Complementary           result
                                                                                      • Carbon conservation and
                                                                                        sequestration in agriculture
                          Fostering carbon       15. To what extent have RDP            and forestry has increased     • % of agricultural and forest land     • Additional information on
                          conservation and           interventions    supported       • Agricultural and forestry        under management contracts              carbon conservation and
                      P5E sequestration in           carbon conservation and            land under enhanced              contributing      to       carbon       sequestration of the land
                          agriculture and            sequestration in agriculture       management contract              sequestration and conservation          under       management
                          forestry                   and forestry?                      contributing to carbon           (FA 5E - Result indicator)              contracts
                                                                                        sequestration has been
     Promoting                                                                                                                                                 • % of small enterprises in
                          Facilitating                                                • Small enterprises have
     social                                                                                                                                                      the   non    agricultural
                          diversification,       16. To what extent have RDP            been created
     inclusion,                                                                                                                                                  sector created with the
                          creation and               interventions supported the
                      P6A development of             diversification, creation and
                                                                                      • Small enterprises have         • Jobs    created in supported            RDP support
     reduction and                                                                      diversified their economic       projects (FA 6A - Result indicator)
                          small enterprises,         development        of    small                                                                            • %     of   new     small
     economic                                                                           activity
                          as well as job             enterprises and job creation?                                                                               enterprises created with
                          creation                                                    • Jobs have been created                                                   the RDP support
     in rural areas

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                                                       FOCUS AREA-RELATED                                                                                              ADDITIONAL
RD PRIORITY               FOCUS AREA                                                       JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                 COMMON RD INDICATORS 6
                                                       EVALUATION QUESTION                                                                                            INFORMATION

                                                                                       • Services       and       local
                                                                                         infrastructure in rural areas
                                                                                         has improved
                                                                                       • Access to services and local     • % of rural population covered by
                                                                                         infrastructure has increased       local development strategies (FA
                                                                                         in rural areas                     6B – Result indicator)              • Number               of
                                                                                       • Rural       people        have                                           projects/initiatives
                                                                                                                          • Jobs    created in supported
                                                                                                                                                                  supported by the Local
                      Fostering local             17. To what extent have RDP            participated in local actions      projects (Leader) (FA 6B – Result
                                                                                                                                                                  Development Strategy
                  P6B development in                  interventions supported local    • Rural people have benefited        indicator)
                      rural areas                     development in rural areas?        from local actions                                                     • % of RDP expenditure in
                                                                                                                          • % of rural population benefiting      Leader measures with
                                                                                       • Employment    opportunities        from       improved    services/
                                                                                                                                                                  respect to total RDP
                                                                                         have been created via local        infrastructures (FA 6B – Result
                                                                                         development strategies             indicator)
                                                                                       • Rural      territory   and
                                                                                         population covered by LAGs
                                                                                         has increased

                      Enhancing the                                                                                       • % of rural population benefiting
                                                  18. To what extent have RDP
                      accessibility, use                                                                                    from       improved     services/
                                                      interventions enhanced the
                      and quality of                                                                                        infrastructures (Information and    • % of rural households
                  P6C information and
                                                      accessibility, use and quality   • Access of rural households
                                                                                                                            communication technologies –          accessing ICT with the
                                                      of        information    and       to ICT has increased
                      communication                                                                                         ICT) (FA 6C – Result indicator)       RDP support
                                                      communication technologies
                      technologies (ICT)
                                                      (ICT) in rural areas?
                      in rural areas
      Source: Helpdesk of the European Evaluation Network for Rural Development.

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

       Table 2.       Evaluation questions related to other aspects of the RDP
                                                         EVALUATION QUESTIONRELATED                                                                                                   ADDITIONAL
  RDP                POLICY OBJECTIVE                                                                  JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                COMMON RD INDICATORS
                                                            OTHER ASPECTS OF RDP                                                                                                     INFORMATION

               Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013,
               Art 3:
               The EARDF shall contribute to                                                                                                                                   • Positive and negative
                                                                                                      • The supported RDP                                                         interactions among the
               the development of a Union              19. To what extent have the synergies             measures are                                                             supported RDP
Operational    agricultural sector that is more            among priorities and focus areas              complementary so as         • All   result indicators     and            measures 11
performance    territorially and environmentally           enhanced the effectiveness of the             to produce synergy             complementary result indicators
               balanced, climate-friendly and              RDP?                                          through their                                                         • Secondary effects of
               resilient and competitive and                                                             interaction                                                              supported RDP
               innovative. It shall also contribute                                                                                                                               measures
               to the development of rural
                                                                                                                                                                               • Number of staff
               Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013,                                                          • Institutional and                                                         involved in RDP
               Art 59(1):                                                                                administrative                                                           management
               At the initiative of a Member                                                             capacities for the
                                                                                                         effective                                                             • Skills of staff involved
               State, the ESI Funds may                                                                                                                                           in RDP management
               support actions for preparation,                                                          management of the
               management, monitoring,                                                                   RDPhave been                                                          • Types and number of
               evaluation, information and                                                               strengthened                                                             capacity building
               communication, networking,                                                             • Capacities of relevant                                                    activities
                                                       20. To what extent has technical
               complaint resolution, and control           assistance        contributed     to          partners as defined                                                   • Functionality of the IT
Technical      and audit. The ESI Funds may                achieving the objectives laid down            by the Regulation                                                        system for programme
assistance     be used by the Member State to              in Art. 59(1) of Regulation (EU) No           (EU) No 1303/2013,          • Not available                              management
               support actions for the reduction           1303/2013 and Art. 51(2) of                   Art. 5(1) have been                                                   • Number of RDP
               of the administrative burden on             Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013?                 reinforced                                                               communication and
               beneficiaries, including electronic                                                    • RDP has been                                                              dissemination
               data exchange systems, and                                                                communicated with                                                        activities
               actions to reinforce the capacity                                                         the public and
               of Member State authorities and                                                                                                                                 • Number of people
                                                                                                         information has been                                                     receiving information
               beneficiaries to administer and                                                           disseminated
               use those Funds. The ESI Funds                                                                                                                                     about the RDP
               may also be used to support                                                            • Monitoring has been                                                    • Information on the use
               actions to reinforce the capacity                                                         improved                                                                 of evaluation results

        MAs of RDPs and evaluators shall identify the methodology, information and data needed to capture and evaluate the complementarities among RDPs measures for capturing the interactions
       among the different RDP measures.

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                                                    EVALUATION QUESTIONRELATED                                                                                       ADDITIONAL
  RDP             POLICY OBJECTIVE                                                            JUDGEMENT CRITERIA              COMMON RD INDICATORS
                                                       OTHER ASPECTS OF RDP                                                                                         INFORMATION
            of relevant partners in line with                                                • Evaluation methods                                              • The length of the
            point (e) of Article 5(3) and to                                                     have been improved                                              application and
            support exchange of good                                                             and have provided                                               payment process
            practices between such partners.                                                     robust evaluation
                                                                                             • Information on
                                                                                                 evaluation practices
                                                                                                 has been exchanged
                                                                                             • The RDP
                                                                                                 implementation has
                                                                                                 been improved
                                                                                             •   Administrative burden
                                                                                                 on beneficiaries has
                                                                                                 been reduced
                                                                                             •   Number and types of                                           • Number of
                                                                                                 stakeholders involved                                           stakeholders (by type)
                                                                                                 in RDP                                                          participating in the
            Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013,                                                        implementationhas                                               implementation of the
            Art 54(2):                                                                           increased                                                       RDP due to activities
                                                                                             •   The quality of                                                  of the NRN (including
           a)   Increase the involvement of
                                                                                                 implementation of the     • Number     of thematic and          those through LAGs)
                stakeholders     in      the
                                                                                                 RDP has been                analytical exchanges set up       • Number of RDP
                implementation    of   rural
                                                                                                 improved through the        with the support of NRN (Output     modifications based
                                                                                                 activities of the NRN,      indicator)                          on evaluation findings
                                                   21. To what extent has the national           e.g.
National   b)   Improve the quality of                                                                                     • Number of NRN communication         and recommendations
                                                       rural network contributed to
  rural         implementation   of  rural                                                        • Improved capacity        tools (Output indicator)            from thematic working
                                                       achieving the objectives laid down
networks        development programmes                                                              of RDP                                                       groups organized by
                                                       in Art. 54(2) of Regulation (EU) No
 (NRN)                                                                                              beneficiaries                                                the NRN
           c)   Inform the broader public and          1305/2013?                                                          • Number of ENRD activities in
                                                                                                  • Improved
                potential beneficiaries on rural                                                                             which the NRN has participated    • % of RDP
                development       policy    and                                                                              (Output indicator)                  implemented projects
                funding opportunities                                                                                                                            encouraged by
                                                                                                  • Lessons from                                                 NRN(P) activities
           d)   Foster       innovation    in                                                       evaluations are
                agriculture, food production,                                                       taken into account                                         • Number persons that
                forestry and rural areas                                                            in programme                                                 have been informed
                                                                                                    implementation                                               about the rural
                                                                                             •   Broader public and                                              development policy
                                                                                                 potential beneficiaries                                         and funding

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

                             EVALUATION QUESTIONRELATED                                                                ADDITIONAL
                                OTHER ASPECTS OF RDP                                                                  INFORMATION
                                                            are aware of the rural                                 opportunities through
                                                            development policy                                     the NRN
                                                            and funding                                            communication tools
                                                            opportunities through                               • % of innovative
                                                            activities of the NRN                                  projects encouraged
                                                          • Innovation in                                          by NRN out of the total
                                                            agriculture, food                                      number of innovative
                                                            production forestry                                    projects supported by
                                                            and rural areas has                                    the RDP(s)
                                                            been fostered by the

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

      Table 3.       Evaluation questions related to EU level objectives
   EU                                                EVALUATION QUESTIONRELATED TO                                                                                      ADDITIONAL
                    POLICY OBJECTIVE                                                               JUDGEMENT CRITERIA          COMMON RD INDICATORS
OBJECTIVE                                                 EU LEVEL OBJECTIVES                                                                                          INFORMATION

                                                                                                                            • Rural employment rate (Impact
             a)   The employment rate of the        22. To what extent has the RDP                                            indicator 14)
                  population     aged     20-64         contributed to achieving the EU 2020
                                                                                                                            • % of expenditure under Articles
                  should increase from the              headline target of raising the             • The rural
                                                                                                                              14,15 and 35 of Regulation (EU)
                  current 69% to at least 75%,          employment rate of the population            employment rate of
                                                                                                                              No 1305/2013 in relation to the
                  including through the greater         aged 20-64 to at least 75%?                  population aged 20-
                                                                                                                              total expenditure for the RDP
                  involvement of women, older                                                        64 has increased
                                                    23. To what extent has the RDP                                            (FA 1A - Target indicator)
                  workers and the better                                                           • Investment for R&D
                                                        contributed to achieving the EU 2020                                • Total number of co-operation
                  integration of migrants in the                                                     has increased
                                                        headline target of investing 3% of                                    operations supported under the
                  work force
                                                        EU’s GDP in research and                   • Innovation has been      cooperation measure (Art. 35 of
             b)   3% of the EU's GDP should             development and innovation?                  fostered                 Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013)
                  be invested in R&D&I                                                                                        (groups, networks/clusters, pilot
                                                    24. To what extent has the RDP                 • The environment has
             c)   Reduce greenhouse gas                 contributed to climate change                improved                 projects…) (FA 1B - Target
                  emissions by at least 20%             mitigation and adaptation and to                                      indicator)
                                                                                                   • Climate change has                                           • Employment rate of
                  compared to 1990 levels or            achieving the EU 2020 headline               been mitigated and     • Emissions     from agriculture        the population aged
                  by 30%, if the conditions2 are        target of reducing greenhouse gas            the agricultural,        (Impact indicator 7)                  20-64
                  right; increase the share of          emissions by at least 20% compared           forestry and food
 EU 2020                                                                                                                    • Increase in efficiency of energy    • RDP expenditure in
                  renewable energy sources in           to 1990 levels, or by 30% if the             sector has been
 headline                                                                                                                     use in agriculture and food-          R&D as a % of the
                  our final energy consumption          conditions are right, to increasing the      adapted
  targets                                                                                                                     processing in RDP supported           GDP
                  to 20%; and a 20% increase            share of renewable energy in final
                                                                                                   • GHG and ammonia          projects     (FA     5B       -
                  in energy efficiency                  energy consumption to 20%, and                                                                            • Additional information
                                                                                                     emissions have been      Complementary result indicator)
                                                        achieving 20% increase in energy                                                                            on ecosystem
             d)   The number of Europeans               efficiency?                                  reduced                • Renewable energy produced             services
                  living below the national                                                                                   from supported projects (FA 5C
                                                                                                   • Energy efficiency
                  poverty lines should be           25. To what extent has the RDP                                            -     Complementary       result
                                                                                                     and the use of
                  reduced by 25%, lifting over          contributed to achieving the EU 2020                                  indicator)
                                                                                                     renewable energy
                  20 million people out of              headline target of reducing the
                                                                                                     have increased         • Degree of rural poverty (Impact
                  poverty                               number of Europeans living below the
                                                        national poverty line?                     • The number of            indicator 15)
            e)    Halting     the     loss    of                                                     people living below    • Farmland    Bird Index     (FBI)
                  biodiversity      and      the    26. To what extent has the RDP                   the national poverty     (Impact indicator 8)
                  degradation of ecosystem              contributed     to   improving      the      rate has decreased
                  services in the EU by                 environment and to achieving the EU                                 • High   nature value (HNV)
                  2020,and restoring them in            Biodiversity strategy target of halting    • Biodiversity and         farming (Impact indicator 9)
                  so far as feasible, while             the loss of biodiversity and the             ecosystems services
                                                                                                                            • Water abstraction in agriculture
                  stepping      up    the    EU         degradation of ecosystem services,           have been restored
                                                                                                                              (Impact indicator 10)
                  contribution to avertingglobal        and to restore them?
                                                                                                                            • Water quality (Impact indicator
                  biodiversity loss

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

   EU                                                  EVALUATION QUESTIONRELATED TO                                                                                                     ADDITIONAL
                    POLICY OBJECTIVE                                                                    JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                  COMMON RD INDICATORS
OBJECTIVE                                                   EU LEVEL OBJECTIVES                                                                                                         INFORMATION
                                                                                                                                        • Increase in efficiency of water
                                                                                                                                           use in agriculture in RDP
                                                                                                                                           supported projects (FA 5A -
                                                                                                                                           Complementary result indicator)
                                                                                                                                        • Soil organic matter in arable
                                                                                                                                           land (Impact indicator 12)
                                                                                                                                        • Soil erosion by water (Impact
                                                                                                                                           indicator 13)
                                                                                                        • Viable food                                                              • Definition of
                                                                                                           production:                                                                innovation
                                                       27. To what extent has the RDP                      o The agricultural                                                      • Quantitative and
                                                                                                                                        • Viable food production: Sectoral
                                                           contributed to the CAP objective of               entrepreneurial                                                          qualitative information
                                                                                                                                           impact     indicators     (Impact
                                                           fostering the competitiveness of                  income has                                                               on innovation 12
                                                                                                                                           indicators 1-3)
                                                           agriculture?                                      increased
              a) Fostering the                                                                                                          • Sustainable    management of
                                                       28. To what extent has the RDP                      o The agricultural
                 competitiveness of                                                                                                        natural resources and climate
                                                           contributed to the CAP objective of               factor income has
                 agriculture                                                                                                               change: Environmental impact
                                                           ensuring sustainable management                   increased
                                                                                                                                           indicators (Impact indicators 7-
              b) Ensuring thesustainable                   of natural resources and climate                o Agricultural                  13)
                 management of natural                     action?                                           productivity has
   CAP           resources and climate action                                                                increased                  • Balanced               territorial
                                                       29. To what extent has the RDP                                                      development: Socio economic
objectives                                                                                              • Sustainable
              c) Achieving a balanced                      contributed to the CAP objective of                                             impact     indicators  (Impact
                 territorial development of                achieving a balanced territorial                management of                   indicators 14-16)
                 rural economies and                       development of rural economies                  natural resources
                                                                                                           and climate change:          • Innovation: % of expenditure
                 communities including the                 and communities including the
                                                                                                                                           under Articles 14,15 and 35 of
                 creation and maintenance of               creation and maintenance of                     o GHG and ammonia               Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013
                 employment                                employment?                                       emission from                 in   relation to the      total
                                                       30. To what extent has the RDP                        agriculture have              expenditure for the RDP (FA 1A
                                                           contributed   to    fostering                     been reduced                  - Target indicator)
                                                           innovation?                                     o Farmland bird
                                                                                                             index has
                                                                                                             increased or

        Innovation is defined at the RDP level by Managing Authorities considering the programme context. Managing authorities identify the additional information needed to answer the common
      evaluation question 30 according to their specific definition of innovation.

Common Evaluation Questions for Rural Development Programmes 2014-2020

   EU                          EVALUATION QUESTIONRELATED TO                                                                         ADDITIONAL
            POLICY OBJECTIVE                                               JUDGEMENT CRITERIA                COMMON RD INDICATORS
OBJECTIVE                           EU LEVEL OBJECTIVES                                                                             INFORMATION
                                                                             o The % of HNV
                                                                               farming land has
                                                                               increased or
                                                                             o Water abstraction
                                                                               in agriculture has
                                                                               been reduced
                                                                             o Water quality has
                                                                             o The content of
                                                                               organic carbon in
                                                                               soils has increased
                                                                             o The share of
                                                                               agricultural area
                                                                               affected by soil
                                                                               erosion by water
                                                                               has been reduced
                                                                             o Soil loss by water
                                                                               erosion has been
                                                                          • Balanced territorial
                                                                             o Rural employment
                                                                               rate has increased
                                                                             o Degree of rural
                                                                               poverty has
                                                                             o Rural GDP per
                                                                               capita has
                                                                          • Innovation in rural
                                                                             areas and sectors
                                                                             has been fostered
                                    Source: Helpdesk of the European Evaluation Network for Rural Development.

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