PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield

Page created by Mitchell Mendoza
Police Crime Bulletin
                 Crime Prevention Bureau
 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500
              December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021

                      Chief of Police
                      Elvin Barren
                                                             Prepared by
                                                             Mark Malott
                                                             Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Commercial Burglaries:
    Date/Time    Address (block range)   Method of Entry             Description/Suspect Information
12/30/2020      25000 W Twelve Mile Rd Window was          Officer was conducting a property inspection at
9:20am          (Abandoned Building)   broken out at       abandoned Building in the 25000 Block of Twelve Mile
                                       front entrance.     Rd. when he was notified by a property management
                                                           that they had just discovered a window at the front
                                                           entrance broken out.
                                                           As they walked through the building they noticed new
                                                           damage and items thrown on the floor throughout the
                                                           building. No suspects were located.
01/03/2021                    22000 Telegraph Rd.                 Main door at                On 01/01/2021 at 4:09am, Officers were dispatched to
4:05am                        (Commercial- Market)                entrance, the               Market located in the 22000 Block of Telegraph Rd for
                                                                  glass had been              a Commercial B&E Alarm. Upon arrival, Officers
                                                                  broken out.                 discovered a good B&E. The left front door was
                                                                                              propped open with heavy glass breakage damage
                                                                                              along with glass scattered at the entrance.
                                                                                              Officers checked the store for suspect(s), none were
                                                                                              located. The owner was notified and he responded to
                                                                                              the store. The owner showed Officers video of incident
                                                                                              from his phone.
                                                                                              The lone suspect made entry into the store at 4:02am.
                                                                                              The suspect made forced entry through the front
                                                                                              doors and jumped over the glass into the front counter
                                                                                              area. The suspect appears to look around for several
                                                                                              items and take a bag containing some quarters, as well
                                                                                              as some bottles of liquor. The cash register drawer
                                                                                              was on the floor as well as some bottles of liquor.
                                                                                              Suspect Description:
                                                                                              B/M, early to mid.-20's, thin build.
                                                                                              Wearing: a black beanie, white face mask, black
                                                                                              hoodie, purple Baltimore Ravens Jacket, light
                                                                                              colored jeans, white shoes, and pink/yellow gloves.

   ❖ Do not display valuable items in windows when closed for business
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free security inspection (248) 796-5409
Home Invasion:
    Date/Time       Address (block range)    Method of Entry                Description/Suspect Information
From: 12/31/2020   29000 Candlewood Ln.     Attempt only on      Victim states a person known to her texted her and
12:00pm                                     the rear door.       wrote something threatening to her.
To: 12/31/2020                                                   The text came in at 2:03pm. Victim arrived home
2:30pm                                                           shortly thereafter and she discovered the moldings
                                                                 around the rear door to her residence were partially
                                                                 broken and loose from the wall. Further inspection
                                                                 revealed a boot print on the exterior of the door.
                                                                 Victim believes the suspect is the person that had text
                                                                 her. The suspect has been identified and incident is
                                                                 under investigation.

12/31/2020         20000 Westhampton        Attempt on Front     Officers were dispatched to the 20000 Block of
7:38pm                                      door. Panel was      Westhampton Ave. regarding a Domestic Assault.
                                            removed and door     R/P stated her ex-boyfriend was banging on her door
(MDOP & DWLS II)                            was kicked several   trying to get into her house.
                                            times.               Officers arrived on scene and met with R/P and a male
                                            (Attempt Only)       friend (witness). The suspect (ex-boyfriend) had left
                                                                 prior to Officers arrival.
                                                                 R/P stated at approx. 7:30pm, suspect showed up at
                                                                 her house unannounced and began calling her
                                                                 cellphone and knocking on her door repeatedly.
                                                                 R/P has a security camera doorbell and could see
                                                                 her ex-boyfriend on her front porch yelling at her to let
                                                                 him in the house. He was observed kicking the door
                                                                 and removing panels from the door and removing her
                                                                 Doorbell Camera.
                                                                 A short time later Officers were leaving the area and
                                                                 observed vehicle matching the description of suspects
near 8 Mile Rd & Evergreen Rd. They stopped the
                                                                                             vehicle and verified that the suspect was the driver of
                                                                                             the vehicle. They questioned the suspect and he made
                                                                                             admissions to damaging victim’s door and taking her
                                                                                             Doorbell Camera. He was taken into custody for
                                                                                             Attempt Home Invasion & DWLS II Offense.

01/02/2021                   20000 Lahser Rd.                     Apartment Door             R/P advises that she was gone from her apartment
1:03pm                       (Apartments)                         was forced open.           from 12/31/2020 to 01/02/2021 @ 12:30pm.
                                                                  Deadbolt was               When she returned she discovered that someone had
                                                                  compromised.               forced entry into her apartment.
                                                                                             The apartment was ransacked. R/P is uncertain if
                                                                                             anything is missing. No suspect information.

   ❖ Let trusted neighbors know if you are not going to be at home
   ❖ Be cautious about who you let in your home for service and repairs
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free home security inspection (248) 796-5409
Automobile Thefts:
     Date/Time      Address (block range)   Year, Make, Model                             Details
12/29/2020       28000 Telegraph Rd.        S - Stolen             Officer responded to Car Dealership in the 28000
11:04am          (Car Dealership)           Manufacturer
                                                                   Block of Telegraph Rd. on reports of a motor
                                            Model                  vehicle fraud by false pretenses.
                                            Color                  Upon arrival, Officer spoke with the Financial
                                            WHI - White
                                            Vehicle Year           Manager at Dealership. R/P states suspect came
                                            Body Style State
                                                                   into Dealership on 12/10/2020 to finance a
                                            MI                     White 2021 Chevrolet Silverado. Suspect filled
                                            White 2021 Chevrolet   out a credit application falsifying employment.
                                            Silverado              Suspect completed all the paperwork for the
                                                                   loan, and was approved for the loan of the
                                                                   vehicle. He left the dealership with a new White
                                                                   2021 Chevrolet Silverado.
                                                                   On 12/21/2020, it was discovered that the
                                                                   person that bought the vehicle falsified
                                                                   information about his employment.
                                                                   The suspect was contacted and advised to return
                                                                   the vehicle to the Dealership. The suspect
                                                                   refused to return the vehicle. The vehicle was
                                                                   entered in to Lein as a Stolen Vehicle/ Obtained
                                                                   Under False Pretenses. Investigation is on-going.
From: 12/28/2020   22000 Civic Center Dr.   S - Stolen           Victim states he last seen his vehicle on
9:00pm             (Apartments)             Manufacturer
                                                                 12/28/2020 at 9:00pm and discovered it missing
To: 12/29/2020                              Model                the following day on 12/29/2020 at 2:30pm.
2:30pm                                      Color                The vehicle was locked when he parked it and
                                            GRY - Gray
                                            Vehicle Year         there was broken glass where the vehicle was
                                            Body Style State
                                                                 parked. No suspect information.
                                            License Year
                                            2014 Dodge Charger

From: 12/30/2020   20000 Lahser Rd.         S - Stolen           Victim states he last saw his vehicle on
3:30pm             (Apartments)             Manufacturer
                                                                 12/20/2020 at 3:30pm and discovered it missing
To: 12/30/2020                              Model                the same day at 4:30pm. It was stolen without
4:30pm                                      Color                keys and there was no glass at the scene.
                                            BLK - Black
                                            Vehicle Year         The vehicle in question is a Black 2000 Chevrolet
                                            Body Style
                                                                 Blazer. No suspect information.
                                            SW - Station Wagon
                                            License Year
                                            BLACK 2000 CHEVY
From: 01/01/2021   26000 Pebbleview Dr.   S - Stolen                  Victim states sometime between 01/01/2021
5:15pm             (Apartments)           Manufacturer
                                                                      5:15pm- 01/02/2021 9:45am someone stole her
To: 01/02/2021                            Model                       2014 Blue Chevy Cruze. The vehicle was parked in
9:45am                                    Color                       front of her apartment at her Apartment
                                          BLU - Blue
                                          Vehicle Year                Complex in the 26000 Block of Pebbleview Dr.
                                          Body Style
                                                                      No suspect information.
                                          4D - 4 Door
                                          2014 CHEVROLET

01/03/2021         22000 Essex Way Ct.    K - Held for Safe Keeping   Officer was on patrol when he observed two
5:06am             (Apartments)           Manufacturer
                                                                      Dodge Chargers, one red and one blue. The Red
                                          Model                       Charger had a broken out rear window.
                                          CHARGER SCAT PACK
                                          Color                       When Officer turned around to investigate the
                                          Vehicle Year
                                          2019                        vehicle further the subject in the Blue Charger
                                          Body Style State
                                          MI                          bailed out of the car and jumped into the Red
                                          Description                 Charger.
                                          Blue Dodge Charger Scat
                                          Pack                        Further investigation revealed that the Blue
                                                                      Charger had just been stolen out of a nearby
                                                                      Apartment Complex. The vehicle had damage to
                                                                      the rear bumper from being pushed & a broken
                                                                      rear passenger side window. Further inspection
                                                                      of the vehicle revealed that the plastic was
                                                                      missing from around the shifter knob and the
                                                                      transmission neutral override was disengaged.
                                                                      Officers also recovered a screw driver from the
                                                                      passenger front seat.
                                                                      The Red Charger had an attached Michigan
                                                                      Dealer Plate which registers to an Auto Trader in
another jurisdiction. The Red Charger was last
                                                                                         seen e/b on Nine Mile Rd, towards Evergreen Rd.
                                                                                         Officers made contact at the residence that Blue
                                                                                         Charger registered. The owners mother advised
                                                                                         that the vehicle belonged to her son. Contact was
                                                                                         later made with the son and he was advised to
                                                                                         the circumstances with his vehicle. He advised
                                                                                         that he parked his vehicle at his mother’s place a
                                                                                         couple days ago.
                                                                                         A BOL was put out to area Departments
                                                                                         regarding the Red Charger. The Blue Charger was
                                                                                         recovered and the owner was notified.

01/03/2021                    27000 Northwestern Hwy            RS – Recovered Stolen    Officer was on routine patrol in the 27000 Block
3:31am                        (Hotel)                           Manufacturer/ Color
                                                                                         of Northwestern Hwy (Hotel) when he observed
                                                                CHRYSLER PACIFICA
                                                                Maroon or                a Maroon Chrysler Pacifica in the front parking
                                                                Burgundy                 lot of the hotel just west of the main doors.
                                                                Vehicle Year
                                                                Body Style
                                                                                         Officer ran the plate via LEIN, which returned as
                                                                4D - 4 Door              stolen vehicle out of Washtenaw County on
                                                                MI                       01/02/2021. The vehicle was confirmed stolen
                                                                License Year
                                                                                         and was recovered w/o incident. The vehicle was
                                                                Description              unoccupied, no arrest(s).
                                                                2020 Chrysler Pacifica

   ❖ Never leave your vehicle running unattended
   ❖ Park in areas where your vehicle is viewable if possible
   ❖ Use commercially available security devices

    Date/Time   Address (block range)                  Item Taken                              Details

12/28/2020      24000 Telegraph Rd.      S - Stolen                      R/P advises when he came out to his work truck
10:15am         (Commercial Business)    Description
                                                                         on 12/28/2020 10:15am he discovered that
                                         Assorted drills and saws were
                                         taken from victims 2018 Dodge   someone had forced entry into the storage
                                         Ram.                            cabinet on the rear cap of the truck.
                                                                         R/P believes there are approx. 4 cordless drills, 3
                                                                         saws, and a pump missing from the truck.
                                                                         No suspect information.

12/28/2020      24000 Telegraph Rd       2005 Ford Econoline Box         R/P, employee for business advises sometime
12:45pm         (Commercial- Windows &   Truck had a window              between 12/23/2020 at approx. 5:00pm-
                Doors)                   broken out and was gone         12/28/2020 sometime in the early morning he
                                         through. Nothing was            discovered that someone had broken out
                                         taken.                          window on one of their work trucks. The work
                                                                         truck had been gone through but nothing was
                                                                         taken. R/P advised that two of his independent
                                                                         contractors also had their trucks broken into
                                                                         during the same period. It was reported that
                                                                         some tools had been taken from those trucks.
                                                                         No suspect information.
12/28/2020   28000 Telegraph Rd.         S - Stolen                       Victim states he parked his vehicle behind
3:00pm       (Commercial- Electronics)   Description
                                                                          business in the 28000 Block of Telegraph Rd.
                                         Trading Cards
                                         Notes                            He parked it on 12/28/2020 at approx. 1:00pm.
                                         Trading Cards were in a Gray
                                         Backpack. Taken from 2012 Gray   He returned to the vehicle at 4:00pm & noticed
                                         Jeep Liberty.                    the front passenger side window had been
                                                                          smashed out. His backpack and trading cards
                                                                          were taken from the vehicle. The business has
                                                                          surveillance video of the incident.
                                                                          At approx.3:00pm, a male in a Red Sedan could
                                                                          be seen braking into the vehicle.
                                                                          Nothing further, no suspect description.

12/29/2020   26000 Berg Rd.              S - Stolen                       On today's date (12/29/2020), two black males in
6:08pm       (Apartments)                Description
                                                                          a Blue Pickup Truck approached R/P
                                         Broken Stove, Washer Dryer &
                                         Fridge were taken.               (Maintenance worker for Apartment Complex.)
                                                                          and asked to take appliances that were stored in
                                                                          the rear of the apartment complex for scrap.
                                                                          R/P advised them they use the appliances for
                                                                          parts and they were not allowed to take them.
                                                                          A short time later, R/P observed the same
                                                                          subjects taking the appliances and loading them
                                                                          into their trailer. R/P believes the subjects took
                                                                          four items, including a refrigerator, oven, and
                                                                          washer/dryer combo. R/P was unable to obtain
                                                                          the license plate on the vehicle and/or trailer.
12/29/2020         27000 Franklin Rd.     S - Stolen                          On 12/29/2020, Southfield Police Officers were
12:35pm            (Apartments)           Description
                                                                              dispatched to the 27000 Block of Franklin Rd.
                                          Personal keys for vehicle,
                                          apartment & home.                   (Apartments) for an unwanted subject.
                                                                              Victim states her ex-boyfriend came to her
                                                                              residence and began pounding on her door.
                                                                              Victim opened the door and the suspect
                                                                              immediately began looking for victim’s keys.
                                                                              After finding them, victim and witness attempted
                                                                              to get them back. They were unsuccessful and
                                                                              the suspect fled the apartment. The keys were
                                                                              for victim’s apartment, her vehicle and another
                                                                              home. Victim also advised Officers that earlier in
                                                                              the day suspect showed up at her work and
                                                                              made threats to beat her up.
                                                                              Suspect has been identified and incident is under

From: 12/29/2020   29000 Rock Creek Dr.   S - Stolen                          Victim states her 2016 Subaru Outback was
2:00am                                    Description
                                          Book, Notebooks,
                                                                              parked at her residence in the 29000 Block of
To: 12/29/2020                            Valention purse, Backpack, Air      Rock Creek. Sometime on 12/29/2020 between
8:00am                                    pods, Acrylic powder nail art and   2:00am- 8:00am someone entered the vehicle
                                          brushes were taken from 2016
                                          Subaru Outback.                     and stole several items. There was no damage to
                                                                              the vehicle and the suspect(s) are unknown.
From: 12/29/2020   26000 Berg Rd.         S - Stolen                          Victim states she parked her vehicle on
3:30pm             (Apartments)           Description:
                                                                              12/29/2020 at approx. 7:30pm in the
                                          Handgun In a small black gun
To: 12/30/2020                            safe was taken.                     parking lot at her apartment complex.
1:45pm                                                                        On 12/30/2020 at approx. 3:45pm she went back
                                                                              out to her vehicle and discovered her firearm
                                                                              was missing from her vehicle. The handgun was
                                                                              in a small black safe under the front seat.
                                                                              Victim states she left her vehicle unlocked.
                                                                              No suspect information.

                                                                              Citizens should never leave their handguns in the
                                                                              interior of their vehicles. If you must leave your
                                                                              handgun in your vehicle it should be kept in a gun
                                                                              lock box and bolted down in the trunk of your

From: 12/28/2020   30000 Rock Creek Dr.   S - Stolen                          Victim states she parked her vehicle in her
12:00pm                                   Description
                                          Cash, misc. credit cards, key fob
                                                                              driveway on 12/28/2020 after returning from
To: 12/30/2020                            and house key, driver’s license,    shopping. On 12/30/2020 she realized her purse
12:00pm                                   Apple Air pods, black Kate          was stolen from her vehicle. Victim didn't go
                                          Spade, misc. gift cards were
                                          taken from 2018 Dodge Journey.      anywhere for a couple days and went to leave
                                                                              and she realized she didn't have her purse.
                                                                              She thinks she left it in the car. No suspect info.
12/31/2020   28000 E Larkmoor Dr.   S - Stolen                         Victim states he has footage from his ring
12:20pm                             Description
                                    Baby Bottle Instant Warmer taken
                                                                       doorbell of suspect taking a package off his front
                                    from 2007 Pontiac G6.              porch. Officer reviewed the footage. Video shows
                                                                       a black male wearing a black sweatshirt and blue
                                                                       pants exit the rear seat of a silver vehicle, run to
                                                                       victim’s front door, and grab a package from the
                                                                       porch. The male then runs back to the vehicle as
                                                                       the vehicle continues S/B on E. Larkmoor.
                                                                       Appears to be same suspect and vehicle from
                                                                       Incident below on same street.
12/31/2020   28000 E Larkmoor Dr.   S - Stolen                         Victim was informed by a neighbor that her
11:40am                             Description
                                    Package containing Garbage Bag
                                                                       packages were taken from her porch by subject.
                                    Holder, Liver Oil                  Surveillance video showed a B/M exit the driver
                                                                       side of a Silver or Blue Pontiac Sedan and run to
                                                                       the porch of residence in the 28000 Block of E.
                                                                       Larkmoor then return to the vehicle with a
                                                                       Witness stated that he exited his house and
                                                                       confronted the male at which time the male re-
                                                                       entered the Pontiac Sedan. The vehicle was last
                                                                       seen S/B on Evergreen Road from Covington
                                                                       Officer observed the video on witnesses’
                                                                       cellphone and could observe an Ohio License
                                                                       Plate on the front of the suspect vehicle.
                                                                       Suspect Vehicle Information:
                                                                       Silver 2017 Pontiac G6 with Ohio License Plate.
                                                                       Appears to be same suspect and vehicle from
                                                                       Incident above on same street.
12/31/2020                   16000 Carriage Trade           S - Stolen       R/P advises she discovered her handgun missing
6:42pm                                                      Description
                                                                             back in May of 2020 and has been unable to
                                                                             locate it since. R/P is unsure if she lost the
                                                                             weapon or if it was stolen. She believes that it
                                                                             could have been stolen out of her vehicle.
                                                                             No suspect information. The handgun was
                                                                             entered in to Lein as stolen.

    ❖ Ensure your vehicle is locked always and valuables are out of sight.
    ❖ Thieves wait for the right time and will move quickly
    ❖ Even if playing sports at a park ensure your vehicle is locked
Armed Robbery:
        Date/Time            Address (block range)                   Item Taken                                    Details
None Reported:

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police.
   ❖ If something doesn’t appear right or someone looks like they are up to no good, call the police immediately
   ❖ Trust your intuition

Unarmed Robbery:
None Reported:

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police
Be on the Look Out Highlights:                         Arrests by SPD Officers:
Special Attention:                                     Domestic F/A-             1- Arrest
Felonious Assault w/ Handgun.                           12/31/2020 2:17am
12/30/2020 11:22am                                      27000 Block of Franklin Rd.
28000 Block of Franklin River Dr.                       (Apartment Complex)
(Apartments)                                            Officers were dispatched to the 27000 Block of Franklin Rd.
On 12/30/2020, Officers were dispatched to the          (Apartments) for a report of a Domestic Assault.
28000 Block of Franklin River (Apartments) for a        A female was screaming for police in the hallway. She was bleeding
report of an argument involving a male & female.        and knocking on resident’s door.
Officers arrived on scene and spoke to the male half. Southfield FD Life Unit was in-route as well.
The female half had fled the scene.                     Officers arrived on scene and located the female that was screaming in
The male half stated his girlfriend (suspect) went      the third- floor stairwell. She was escorted to the lobby and
through his phone and discovered that he wasn’t         interviewed. The female had a laceration to her right- hand index/ring
being loyal to her.                                     finger and her clothing was bloodied. She was treated by life unit and
The female was irate and grabbed her pistol and         refused to go to the hospital. She was highly intoxicated.
pointed the pistol at victim and assaulted him with it. A Southfield Police Evidence Technician took photos of victim’s
During Officers investigation, the suspect called       injuries.
Southfield Police Dispatch. She was advised to make Officers located the male half at his apartment. He was cooperative
the front desk to make a statement.                     and gave Officers his statement. He had multiple scratches on his body
Victim states it’s not the first time she has pointed   and his left eye was red and had minor swelling.
her gun at him. Suspect is still out.                   The male half had video of the female half assaulting him and throwing
Suspect has been identified and incident is under       a fire extinguisher from the hall way at him.
investigation.                                          The female was taken into custody for Domestic F/A.
Special Attention- False Fire Alarm                      CCW/ Obstruct Police/ F/A
01/03/2021 7:58pm                                        01/01/2021 4:49am
20000 Block of Lahser Rd.                                20000 Block of Knob Woods Dr.
(Apartments)                                             (Apartments)
On 01/03/2020 at 7:58pm, Officers were dispatched        Several Officers responded to the 20000 Block of Knob Woods Dr. on a
to the 20000 Block of Lahser Rd. (Apartments)            report of a subject armed. The R/P stated that a male known to her
regarding multiple fire alarms that were activated       was banging on the door to her apartment. The R/P saw the male was
and the Southfield FD was on scene. They believe         armed with the gun and stated that the male made threats earlier in
that they were falsely activated by someone on the       the day to kill people at the residence. The subject was described as a
4th floor.                                               B/M, dark skinned, 200lbs with long dreads.
Residents reported that they overheard what              Upon arrival, while approaching address Officers observed a B/M dark
sounded like a male and female arguing and the           skinned with long dreads banging on a door on the first floor of the
audible fire alarm in the hallway being activated.       apartment building. Upon seeing officers, the male turned and began
Residents overheard a female ask a male, why he          to flee from Officers. The male made furtive movements towards his
pulled the fire alarm. Residents observed a B/M,         center waistband & appeared to be concealing an object. He continued
6'0", wearing a Black jacket, and carrying a plastic     to run and was given verbal commands to stop and to show his hands.
bag near the fire alarm pull station next to the North   Officers eventually caught up to subject and observed him concealing
stairwell on the 4th floor. Witness then saw the male    something in a plastic bin. The subject was taken into custody and
reposition the fire pull station back into place.        after he was secured Officers located a Black Semi-Auto Handgun in
Officers attempted to make contact at Apartment          the plastic tin adjacent to him. Suspect made admissions that the gun
they believed the male & female were from but got        was his. It was registered to him but he didn’t have a CPL.
no response. Incident is under investigation.            Suspect was taken into custody for CCW/ F/A/ & Obstructing Police.
                                                         He was transported to Southfield Jail for processing.
Homicide/ Death Investigation:                          Special Attention:
01/03/2021 6:48pm                                       Larceny of Packages from Residents Porches:
25000 Block of W Twelve Mile Rd.                        There were two incidents this past week that occurred on E. Larkmoor
(Apartments)                                            in Southfield. Both incidents occurred on 12/31/2020.
Several Southfield Officers were dispatched to the      Surveillance video showed a B/M exit the driver side of a Silver Pontiac
25000 Block of W. 12 Mile Road (Apartments) for a       Sedan and run to the porch of residence in the 28000 Block of E.
juvenile that had been shot.                            Larkmoor then return to the vehicle with a package.
Officers arrived on scene. They entered Apartment in    Witness (neighbor) stated that he exited his house and confronted the
question announcing, "Southfield Police                 male at which time the male re-entered the Pontiac Sedan and fled the
Department" multiple times.                             area. The vehicle was last seen S/B on Evergreen Road from Covington
They contacted the mother of victim. She was            Pkwy.
screaming while holding a young black female.           The suspect is a black male wearing a black sweatshirt and blue pants.
Officers observed the child seated on the couch and     Officer observed the video on witnesses’ cellphone and identified an
covered in blood. There was evidence consistent         Ohio License Plate on the front of the suspect vehicle.
with a gunshot wound. Officers checked for vitals       Suspect Vehicle Information:
and immediately picked her up and transported her       Silver 2017 Pontiac G6 with Ohio License Plate on the front.
to Southfield Fire Department Paramedics that were
staging outside the apartment building. Victim was      Special Attention:
transported to the Hospital for medical treatment.      Larceny of Packages that were ordered and delivered via
It was later learned after interviewing family
members that the victim’s brother may have shot his
                                                        Common Carrier.
sister. A gun was recovered and this investigation is   How to prevent this from happening to you!
on-going.                                               Recently several citizens have had packages that were delivered to
Note: The Southfield Police Department was notified     their residences and apartments stolen prior to them retrieving the
on 01/06/2021 that the victim had passed away.          packages.
                                                        Citizens can prevent this from happening by scheduling a specific time
                                                        to have the package delivered and be waiting for the package. Citizen
                                                        can also schedule the package to be picked up by themselves at the
                                                        common carrier facility.
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