PPoolliiccee CCrriimmee BBuulllleettiinn - Crime Prevention Bureau 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500 - City of Southfield

Police Crime Bulletin
                 Crime Prevention Bureau
 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield, Michigan (248) 796-5500
               August 9, 2021 – August 15, 2021

                     Chief of Police
                     Eric Hawkins
                                                             Prepared by
                                                             Mark Malott
                                                             Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Commercial Burglaries:
    Date/Time    Address (block range)        Method of Entry               Description/Suspect Information
08/09/2021      20000 Link Rd.               S - Stolen           R/P advised he discovered his lock on his storage
6:56pm          (Commercial- Self Storage)   Description
                                                                  unit’s east door was cut on 8/7/2021. He noticed
                                             Numerous items and
                                             tools were taken.    some items were missing. Victim replaced the lock
                                                                  and was planning to make a report later in the week.
                                                                  When victim checked his unit on today’s date, he
                                                                  discovered the lock on the west door was cut and
                                                                  more items were taken. Other units were also broken
                                                                  into at this location. No suspect information.
08/10/2021                   20000 Link Rd.                       Lock was cut off            R/P is the renter of storage unit at the Storage
1:29pm                       (Commercial- Self Storage)           Storage Unit.               Facility. She rented the storage unit on May 13, 2021.
                                                                                              R/P was notified on May 9, 2021 that her storage unit
                                                                                              was broken into. The business put their own lock on
                                                                                              the door until she made the location.
                                                                                              R/P made the location on August 9th, 2021 at 5:00pm
                                                                                              and was let into her unit by the business.
                                                                                              R/P discovered several items missing from her unit.
                                                                                              2- Mattresses and a 65” Flat Screen TV were taken.
                                                                                              No suspect information.

From: 08/15/2021             30000 Southfield Rd.                 No forced entry.            Manager for business advises sometime between
10:00pm                      (Commercial- Fast Food)              Appears to be an            08/15/2021 10:00pm- and the following morning at
To: 08/16/2021                                                    inside job.                 6:00am someone stole an undisclosed amount of cash
6:00am                                                                                        from the safe.
                                                                                              There were no signs of forced entry into business or
                                                                                              the safe. Everything was locked up.
                                                                                              R/P advised they terminated an employee approx. a
                                                                                              week ago for stealing from the safe at another
                                                                                              business location. Both stores are owned by the same
                                                                                              owner. The employee was caught on surveillance
                                                                                              video and was upset that he had to make restitution.
                                                                                              It was also learned that the mother of this suspect
                                                                                              worked at both locations and her last day of
                                                                                              employment was the same time as the theft.
                                                                                              Both stores have been vandalized since the
                                                                                              employees left. Investigation is on-going.

   ❖ Do not display valuable items in windows when closed for business
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free security inspection (248) 796-5409
Home Invasion:
    Date/Time       Address (block range)    Method of Entry               Description/Suspect Information
From: 08/12/2021   28000 Ranchwood Dr.      Front window        R/P states he was asleep when he was awakened by
4:00am                                      with A/C Unit.      an associate and another subject. The associate
To: 08/12/2021                                                  entered the residence w/o permission via a front
5:00am                                                          window that had a portable AC Unit in it.
                                                                Both came into R/P’s bedroom and woke him up.
                                                                They asked him if he wanted to party but he refused.
                                                                The subjects left approx. 30 minutes after arriving.
                                                                There was no damage at the point of entry and
                                                                nothing was stolen. The homeowner wishes to
                                                                prosecute. Investigation is on-going.

08/13/2021         20000 W Ten Mile Rd.     Entry was through Officers were dispatched to the 20000 Block of W. 10
9:31am             (Residence)              a garage window, Mile Rd. for a report of a subject squatting in a vacant
                                                              home. R/P advised this is an ongoing issue and
                                                              wanted the male trespassed.
                                                              Officers arrived on scene made their presence known
                                                              to the person inside the residence and he complied
                                                              and exited the residence. The subject admitted to
                                                              staying in the house the last three days and advised
                                                              Officers that he was homeless.
                                                              The owner of the home advised Officers that he
                                                              wanted to press charges for entering w/o permission.
                                                              The subject was taken into custody and was later
                                                              given a misdemeanor ticket for Entering w/o
08/14/2021                   22000 Civic Center Dr.              Apartment door              On 08/14/2021, Several Officers were dispatched to
11:00am                      (Apartments)                        was forced open.            the 22000 Block of Civic Center Dr. (Apartment
                                                                                             Complex) for an armed subject.
(F/A Domestic &                                                                              The R/P, reported her child's father kicked in the door
Larceny Also)                                                                                to her apartment and was armed with a handgun.
                                                                                             He stole multiple items and assaulted her before
                                                                                             leaving in an unknown make or model blue/turquoise
                                                                                             Officers arrived on scene and observed the door at
                                                                                             residence was forced open. The suspect had fled and
                                                                                             was not located. Victim advised that the suspect had
                                                                                             called earlier and told her that she had ruined his life.
                                                                                             A short time later he showed up at her apartment and
                                                                                             forced entry, assaulted her numerous times including
                                                                                             putting a gun to her chest and threatening to kill her
                                                                                             and strangling her until she felt dizzy. He was picked
                                                                                             up by an unknown person driving a blue & turquoise
                                                                                             The suspect stole three iPhones, an undisclosed
                                                                                             amount of US currency and a vehicle key (Jeep Grand
                                                                                             Cherokee) that belonged to victim. Suspect has been
                                                                                             identified and incident is under investigation.
   ❖ Let trusted neighbors know if you are not going to be at home
   ❖ Be cautious about who you let in your home for service and repairs
   ❖ Contact the Southfield Police Crime Prevention Bureau for a free home security inspection (248) 796-5409
Automobile Thefts:
      Date/Time       Address (block range)   Year, Make, Model                               Details
From: 08/09/2021   50000 Town Ctr.            S - Stolen               On 08/09/2021 at approx. 6:00pm, Officers were
12:30pm            (Condo’s)                  Model
                                                                       dispatched to the 50000 Block of Town Center
                                              DRW SUPER DUTY
To: 08/09/2021                                Color                    for a report of a UDAA. Dispatch advised a 1999
                                              WHI - White
4:48pm                                        Vehicle Year             Ford Super Duty F-350 was taken from the
                                              Body Style               parking lot, without keys. Officers were advised
                                              PK - Pickup Truck
                                                                       that Farmington Hills PD has recovered the
                                              MI                       vehicle, and two subjects are in custody.
                                              License Year
                                              2021                     Officers reviewed video footage from the
                                              1999 white/beige Ford    incident and it appears that the suspects and the
                                              DRW Super Duty           suspect vehicle in custody are the responsible
                                              Vehicle locked and not   persons and vehicle.
                                              taken with keys.         Contact was made with Farmington Hills PD.
                                                                       Information from Farmington Hills PD, they
                                                                       responded to a report of LFA’s involving a Gray
                                                                       Toyota Sienna and the stolen F-350 from
                                                                       Southfield. Their investigation and response
                                                                       resulted in the recovery of both vehicles and they
                                                                       arrested two suspects.
                                                                       Suspect#1 was wearing a white t-shirt.
                                                                       Suspect#2 was wearing all black clothing.
                                                                       Note: It was later discovered that the Gray
                                                                       Toyota Sienna was involved in numerous LFA’s in
                                                                       our city.
From: 08/09/2021   28000 Northwestern Hwy.    A - Attacked               R/P states she parked her vehicle in the parking
8:40am             (Hotel)                    Manufacturer
                                                                         lot (Hotel) at approx. 8:40am on 8/9/2021. She
To: 08/09/2021                                Model                      returned at approx. 7:00pm to find the vehicle
7:00pm                                        Color                      had been ransacked and the steering column had
                                              BLK - Black
                                              Vehicle Year Body Style    been damaged exposing the ignition. She also
                                              4D - 4 Door
                                                                         stated that there were (3) three pairs of
                                              Mi                         sunglasses and a full pack of Newport cigarettes
                                              License Year
                                              2021                       that did not belong in her vehicle. A Southfield
                                              Ignition was damaged.      Police Evidence Tech. processed the vehicle and
                                                                         collected the items left behind by the suspect.
                                                                         No suspect information.

08/09/2021         28000 Telegraph Rd.        SR - Both Stolen and       On 08/09/2021 Officers were dispatched to the
4:38pm             (Commercial- Dealership)   Recovered                  28000 Block of Telegraph Rd. (Car Dealership) for
                                              Key fob to Jeep Compass    a heavy set white male possibly in his 30s walking
                                              Recovered Date/Time
                                              08/09/2021 4:45pm          in and out of the service department asking for
                                              28000 Block of Telegraph
                                                                         car keys. Management asked the male to leave.
                                                                         While in route the male grabbed a set of keys
                                                                         from the service area and was running to the
                                                                         back lot attempting to take a vehicle.
                                                                         Upon arrival Officers searched the area looking
                                                                         for the male. The male was last seen running
                                                                         north from the Dealership by staff from the
                                                                         While Officers were still investigating this
                                                                         incident, a run came out that there was a subject
                                                                         lying on the ground in a nearby Apartment
                                                                         Complex. He was full of mud and debris like he
                                                                         had been running down in the woods in a nearby
water shed. He was asking the citizen that found
                                                                        him for water and a ride.
                                                                        Officers arrived on scene and determined that
                                                                        this was the suspect from the Dealership.
                                                                        He was taken into custody.

From: 08/10/2021   30000 Town Ctr.              S - Stolen              Victim parked his White 2021 Jeep Grand
7:45am             (Commercial Office Center)   Manufacturer
                                                                        Cherokee SRT on the parking deck in the 30000
To: 08/10/2021                                  Model                   Block of Town Center on 08/10/2021 at 7:45am.
                                                GRAND CHEROKEE
4:50pm                                          Color                   R/P recalls parking his vehicle on level 2 of the
                                                WHI - White
                                                Vehicle Year            parking deck. At 4:50pm on the same day, victim
                                                Body Style
                                                                        returned to where he parked his vehicle and he
                                                SW - Station Wagon      was unable to locate the vehicle.
                                                MI                      There was a pair of Ray Ban Sunglasses, two sets
                                                License Year
                                                2021                    of golf clubs a pair of golf shoes and a range
                                                2021 white Jeep Grand
                                                                        finder in the vehicle when it was taken.
                                                Cherokee SRT            No suspect information.
08/15/2021   27000 Franklin Rd.   SR - Both Stolen and   Victim states his 2020 White Dodge Durango was
8:56am       (Apartments)         Recovered              parked at his apartment complex in the 27000
                                  DODGE                  Block of Franklin Rd. Sometime over-night
                                  DURANGO                between 10:45pm- 8:45am someone stole the
                                  WHI - White
                                  Vehicle Year           On 08/15/2021 at 3:30pm Detroit PD recovered
                                  Body Style State       the Durango in their city.
                                  Description            The rear passenger window was broken out and
                                  White Dodge Durango    an arrest was made. Investigation is on-going.
                                  Recovered Date/Time
                                  08/15/2021 3:30pm
                                  Detroit, Mi.
08/15/2021         23000 Telegraph Rd.   RS -Recovered Stolen   Officer conducted a LEIN search on vehicle which
6:28pm             (Hotel)               Manufacturer
                                                                was parked, unoccupied in the 23000 Block of
                                         Model                  Telegraph Rd. (Hotel parking lot). The vehicle
                                         Color                  returned in LEIN as stolen vehicle out of Detroit
                                         MAR -
                                         Maroon or
                                                                on 07/29/2021.
                                         Burgundy               Officer determined what room the driver of this
                                         2003 Maroon Chevy      vehicle was staying in and contacted him. The
                                         Silverado              suspect told Officers that he knew the owner of
                                                                the vehicle, he was a mechanic and was given the
                                                                vehicle by the owner’s uncle to perform repairs
                                                                on the vehicle. The owner was contacted and
                                                                was familiar with the suspect but wasn’t aware
                                                                that the uncle had given the vehicle to suspect.
                                                                Investigation is on-going.
                                                                The suspect was RPI’d.

From: 08/15/2021   20000 Lahser Rd.      S - Stolen             Victim states she parked her 2016 Black Chrysler
11:00pm            (Apartments)          Manufacturer
                                                                300 in front of her apartment building located in
To: 08/16/2021                           Model                  the 20000 Block of Lahser Rd. Sometime
11:00am                                  Color                  between 08/15/2021 11:00pm and the following
                                         BLK - Black
                                         Vehicle Year           morning at 11:00am someone stole the vehicle.
                                         Body Style
                                                                No suspect information.
                                         4D - 4 Door
                                         License Year
                                         2016 Black Chrysler
From: 08/14/2021              27000 Franklin Rd.                S - Stolen              Victim states she parked her 2021 Black Jeep
5:00pm                        (Apartments)                      Model
                                                                                        Cherokee at her apartment complex in the 27000
                                                                GRAND CHEROKEE
To: 08/15/2021                                                  Color                   Block of Franklin Rd.
                                                                BLK - Black
6:50am                                                          Vehicle Year            Sometime overnight between 5:00pm and the
                                                                Body Style              following morning at 6:50am someone stole her
                                                                4D - 4 Door
                                                                                        vehicle. No suspect information.
                                                                License Year
                                                                2021 Black Jeep Grand

   ❖ Never leave your vehicle running unattended
   ❖ Park in areas where your vehicle is viewable if possible
   ❖ Use commercially available security devices

    Date/Time      Address (block range)                  Item Taken                                Details

08/09/2021         16000 W Nine Mile Rd. 4- Vehicles were attacked.            Officers contacted Hospital Security. Officers
2:09pm             (Hospital)            Windows were broken                   located four vehicles with shattered windows in
                                         out. Unknown if anything              the parking lot located in the 15000 Block of JL
                                         was taken.                            Hudson Dr.
                                                                               Security Officers advised they observed a Dark
                                                                               Green Toyota Minivan, unknown make, circling
                                                                               the lot and stopping at various vehicles. They
                                                                               observed two male suspects, Hispanic, exiting
                                                                               the vehicle and looking in to vehicles.
                                                                               The suspect vehicle fled w/b on J L Hudson to n/b
                                                                               M-10. It was unknown at the time of reporting if
                                                                               anything was taken from the vehicles.

From: 08/09/2021   15000 J L Hudson Dr.     S - Stolen                         Officer was dispatched back to the 15000 Block
8:00am             (Hospital Parking Lot)   Description
                                                                               of J L Hudson Dr. regarding an LFA report. It was
                                            Center Console Tray with some
To: 08/09/2021                              change in it was taken from 2015   discovered that an additional vehicle was found
3:30pm                                      Ford Escape.                       attacked by Hospital Security. This vehicle had a
                                                                               tray with some misc. change taken.
From: 08/09/2021   15000 J L Hudson Dr.     I - Attacked                        Officer was dispatched back to 15000 Block of J L
8:45am             (Hospital Parking Lot)   Manufacturer
                                                                                Hudson Dr. regarding an LFA report.
To: 08/09/2021                              Model                               It was discovered that an additional vehicle was
2:51pm                                      Color                               found attacked by Hospital Security.
                                            BLU - Blue
                                            Vehicle Year                        This vehicle had a window broken out and a Blue
                                            Body Style State
                                                                                Hospital Blanket taken from the back seat.
                                            Blue 2012 Kia Forte. Window was
                                            broken out and a blue blanket
                                            that was laid across her backseat
                                            was taken.

From: 08/09/2021   28000 Northwestern       22 Vehicles were attacked.          On 08/10/2021, several Officers responded to
9:00pm             (Commercial Car          The vehicles that were              Car Dealership in the 28000 Block of
                   Dealership)              attacked are in the far north
To: 08/10/2021                                                                  Northwestern Hwy. to investigate numerous
                                            storage lot, in a secluded
7:00am                                      location on the Northwest           LFA’s that occurred at this location.
                                            corner of the property.             Incident occurred sometime between 08/09/21
                                                                                at 9:00pm and 08/10/2021 at 7:00am.
                                                                                The vehicles that were attacked were in the far
                                                                                north storage lot, in a secluded location
                                                                                on the Northwest corner of the property.
                                                                                Two Southfield Police Evidence Technicians
                                                                                processed the vehicles attacked. There was blood
                                                                                evidence collected from some of the vehicles.
                                                                                No suspect information.
From: 08/09/2021   25000 Northwestern   S - Stolen                        Victim states he parked his vehicle in the north/
10:00pm            (Hotel)              Description
                                                                          east side of the parking lot at the Hotel at
                                        Black Coleman 105 Mini-Bike
To: 08/10/2021                          Notes                             approx. 10:00pm on 08/09/2021.
                                        Mini-Bike had a customized seat
7:00am                                  with gold embroidery.             Victim returned to his vehicle the following
                                                                          morning at 7:00am and discovered one of his
                                                                          mini-bikes was missing from the back of his Pick-
                                                                          Up Truck. No suspect information.

From: 08/09/2021   26300 Northwestern   S - Stolen                        Victim parked his vehicle at location on
8:30am             (Commercial Office   Description
                                                                          08/09/2021 at approx. 8:30am.
                                        Black Columbia Sunglasses,
To: 08/09/2021     Complex))            Radar Detector &                  At 4:40pm on the same day, victim walked
4:40pm                                  Misc.US currency was taken.       outside to his vehicle and discovered
                                                                          the rear window to be broken out and items
                                                                          were taken from his vehicle.
                                                                          A gray colored Toyota Sienna, was observed in
                                                                          the lot on 08/09/2021 at approx. 1:45pm by
                                                                          witness and believed to be involved in this
                                                                          incident. This is the same suspect vehicle
                                                                          involved in several other LFA’s in Southfield.
                                                                          The suspects are believed to have been arrested
                                                                          in Farmington Hills.
08/09/2021         50000 Town Ctr.              S - Stolen                        Victim stated that someone entered his 2003
3:29pm             (Commercial Office Center)   Manufacturer
                                                                                  Dodge Ram and stole a Dewalt Chop Saw from
                                                Model                             the back seat and a 300-C Key Fob. The suspect
                                                300C Key
                                                Description                       left smears of blood behind. A Southfield Police
                                                Chrysler 300C Key/Key Fob,
                                                Yel/ Blk Dewalt chop saw.
                                                                                  Evidence Technician processed the vehicle and
                                                                                  collected suspected blood left behind by the

From: 08/09/2021   26000 Northwestern           S - Stolen                        Victim states sometime on 08/09/2021 between
1:00pm             (Commercial Office Center)   Description
                                                                                  1:00pm- 4:00pm someone broke out window on
                                                Apple iPad, Apple Air pods, UAW
To: 08/09/2021                                  Jacket was taken from 2019        his Dodge Ram PU and ransacked the vehicle.
4:00pm                                          Dodge ram Pick Up Truck.          Several items are missing from the vehicle.
                                                                                  A gray colored Toyota Sienna, was observed in
                                                                                  the lot on 08/09/2021 at 1:45pm. This is the
                                                                                  same vehicle involved in several other LFA’s In
                                                                                  Southfield. The suspects are believed to have
                                                                                  been arrested in Farmington Hills.
08/11/2021   21000 Midway Ave.     S - Stolen                      R/P states he parked his trailer in the 21000
1:17pm                             Description
                                   Alienware Gaming Monitor
                                                                   Block of Midway on 08/08/2021 at 6:00pm.
                                                                   On 08/10/2021 he noticed that the door was
                                                                   forced open and a 34''Alienware Gaming Monitor
                                                                   was taken. No suspect information.

08/14/2021   26000 W Twelve Mile   S - Stolen                      Victim advises that their 2007 Cadillac DTS was
12:02pm      (Apartments)          Description
                                                                   parked in their car-port at their Apartment
                                   Catalytic converter was taken
                                   from a 2007 Cadillac DTS.       Complex. Sometime between 07/23/2021-
                                                                   08/11/2021, while they were out of town
                                                                   someone stole the catalytic converter from the
                                                                   vehicle. No suspect information.
08/06/2021   24000 W Ten Mile Rd.   A - Attacked                        A white male was seen using a tool to cut off the
8:14pm       (Commercial-Glass)     Manufacturer
                                                                        catalytic converter to a 1999 Ford F-250.
                                    Model                               Suspect was a younger white male driving a Red
                                    Color                               2014 Ford Focus. A citizen got video of the
                                    RED - Red
                                    Vehicle Year                        incident and got the license plate.
                                    Body Style State
                                                                        Investigation is on-going.
                                    MI                                  Suspect Vehicle:
                                                                        I - Information Only
                                    Company Vehicle had its catalytic   Manufacturer
                                    converter taken.                    FORD
                                                                        RED - Red
                                                                        Vehicle Year
                                                                        Body Style
                                                                        4D - 4 Door
                                                                        License Year
                                                                        Suspect Vehicle
08/14/2021                   22000 W Eight Mile Rd            14- Vehicles were           Officers were dispatched to the 22000 Block of
9:41am                       (Commercial- Recycling           tampered with and 6-        Eight Mile Rd. (Recycling Center) for reports of 16
                             Center)                          vehicles were broken into   vehicles that had been broken into. Dispatch
                                                              and items were taken.       advised Officers that the R/P stated the subject
                                                                                          responsible was at the gas station and admitted
                                                                                          to breaking into the vehicles. R/P stated suspect
                                                                                          voluntarily walked back to the scene with staff
                                                                                          that had located the suspect.
                                                                                          Video was recovered and the suspect was
                                                                                          identified and its believed that he is homeless.
                                                                                          Officers spoke to the suspect. He made
                                                                                          admissions to breaking into several vehicles for
                                                                                          the money to buy food.
                                                                                          He was taken into custody for LFA & MDOP.
                                                                                          Further investigation revealed that 14 Vehicles
                                                                                          were tampered with and 6 vehicles were broken
                                                                                          into and items were taken.

    ❖ Ensure your vehicle is locked at all times and valuables are out of sight.
    ❖ Thieves wait for the right time and will move quickly
    ❖ Even if playing sports at a park ensure your vehicle is locked
Armed Robbery:
        Date/Time            Address (block range)                   Item Taken                                    Details
None Reported:

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police.
   ❖ If something doesn’t appear right or someone looks like they are up to no good, call the police immediately
   ❖ Trust your intuition

Unarmed Robbery:
None Reported:

   ❖ Always be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious incidents or persons to your local police
Be on the Look Out Highlights:                                 Arrests by SPD Officers:
Special Attention: LFA’s at Car Dealership                     DWLS/ Possession of Methamphetamines-
From: 08/09/2021 9:00pm                                        1- Arrest
To: 08/10/2021 7:00am                                          08/11/2021 12:39am
28000 Block of Northwestern Hwy                                W Eight Mile & Telegraph Rd.
(Car Dealership)                                               Officer was on routine patrol when he observed vehicle
During the overnight hours, an unknown suspect broke into      commit traffic violation. Prior to stopping vehicle, the license
22 vehicles located in the far North storage lot of the        plate was run through lein and came back expired.
dealership. Windows were broken and blood evidence was in      After the traffic stop was made the driver seemed very
several vehicles. Unknown what was taken.                      nervous. The driver gave consent to search the vehicle.
The vehicles that were attacked are in the far north storage   K-9 Officer arrived on seen to assist. While walking the driver
lot, in a secluded location on the Northwest corner of the     back to Officers patrol vehicle Officers observed a bulge in the
property.                                                      crotch area of her shorts. She was asked what was in her
Note: This is the second incident that has occurred at this    pants. The driver admitted she had drugs in her pants. The
dealership recently.                                           driver stated the male passenger in the vehicle gave it to her.
                                                               Officers recovered a clear plastic bag with substance that
Incident #1- occurred between                                  appeared to be crystal meth. K-9 conducted a search of the
(Tuesday Night )08/03/2021 5:00pm-                             vehicle and nothing else of evidentiary value was located.
(Wednesday Morning) 08/04/2021 7:00am                          A Southfield Police Evidence Tech. Field Tested and weighed
(3- Vehicles had their wheels & tires taken.)                  the suspected methamphetamine which tested positive.
                                                               Officers questioned the passenger and he denied any
Incident #2- Occurred between                                  knowledge of the narcotics found on the driver.
(Monday Night) 08/09/2021 9:00pm-                              The female was taken into custody for DWLS & Possession of
Tuesday Morning 08/10/2021 7:00am.                             Methamphetamines.
(22- Vehicles were attacked)
Special Attention: Fleeing & Eluding                             Disorderly Conduct-MDOP-R&O
08/15/2021 3:33am                                                08/11/2021 10:52am
W Eight Mile Rd. & Lahser Rd.                                    21000 Block of Telegraph Rd.
On 08/15/2021, at approx. 3:33am, Officers were at W/B           (Car Dealership)
Eight Mile Rd. and Lahser Rd. investigating a Traffic Crash.     On 08/11/2021 at approx. 10:52pm, Officers were dispatched
While at scene a vehicle drove through the accident scene        to the 21000 Block of Telegraph (Car Dealership) for a fight.
and almost struck officers patrol vehicles. The subject pulled   Dispatch advised there were 2 customers fighting in front of
over into a nearby Gas Station. When officers approached the     the business. One of them began fighting with staff.
vehicle, Officers observed a lone B/M occupant in the driver     Dispatch advised a customer's daughter attacked her,
seat of the vehicle. When looking in to the vehicle Officers     employees, and damaged vehicles. They advised staff was
observed a black firearm in the cup holder of the vehicle.       holding her down to prevent her from hitting anyone else.
The subject was advised to keep his hands up. Instead, he        Upon arrival, Officers observed female being restrained by
told Officers that the handgun belonged to a female friend       staff. The detained female was yelling and screaming causing
and he handed the handgun to one of the Officers.                a disturbance and damaged another customers vehicle.
The suspect then put the vehicle in drive and fled the scene     The suspect became combative with officers and had to be
W/B on Eight Mile Rd.                                            restrained to prevent any further attack. The female suspect
Note: When the vehicle fled the suspect vehicle struck one       was arrested and lodged.
Officers hand causing injury. The owner of the vehicle has
been identified and investigation is on-going.
Suspect: B/M/ Age 25/ Orange shirt, Driving a Gray, 2018
Chrysler 300.
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