5th May 2019 - Stanford Hall VW

5th May 2019 - Stanford Hall VW
5th May 2019
5th May 2019 - Stanford Hall VW
stanford hall 2019

hall 2019

                        Stanford Hall 2019 takes place on Sunday 5th May 2019.
                        This year’s event sees the UK’s longest running Classic VW
                        show celebrating 43 years at Stanford Hall. As always, several
                        special displays are planned for the day, more news of which
                        will be revealed nearer the event.

                        For newcomers to the event,          Swinford Village. It is easily
It is seen by many      it is seen by many as the year's     reached from the M1, M6 or
as the year’s premier   premier Classic Volkswagen           A14. If you want to learn more
Volkswagen show         show, but still retains a relaxed,   about Stanford Hall itself,
                        family friendly atmosphere.          please visit their own website
but still retains       Stanford Hall itself is a stately    at www.stanfordhall.co.uk.
a relaxed family        home set in large grounds in         Once again, this year, the
friendly atmosphere.    South Leicestershire, on its         Leicestershire and Warwickshire
                        border with Warwickshire and         VW Owners' Club (organisers of
                        Northamptonshire.                    the event) aim to make a
                                                             substantial donation to charity -
                        The hall is located in the quiet     last year donations were made
                        village of Stanford-on-Avon,         to the Air Ambulances within
                        which is 5 miles south-east of       the Leicestershire and
                        Lutterworth, and 1 mile east of      Warwickshire area.

stanford hall 2019

Highlights:                                                             choose from. The Cars for Sale area
Concours:                                                               has gone from strength to strength
The Concours d'Elegance is                                              with more and more cars on offer each
considered to be the best in the                                        year! The area must be the best way of
country, specialising in cars of                                        advertising your vehicle to an
original specification, with seventeen                                  enthusiast-based audience and at the
classes this year covering the whole                                    reasonable cost of £10 per vehicle (this
of the Volkswagen, Audi and                                             does not include occupants’ entry
Porsche ranges plus a Super Class                                       fees- see ‘Admission’ below).
exclusively for last year's class                                       Advanced booking is not required,
winners.                                                                simply turn up at the main gate on the
For many years now, Stanford Hall                                       day of the show. The area is filled on a
has seen numerous Owners' Club                                          first come, first served basis so get
displays, none more famous than                                         there early. No sales of any
the Split Screen Van Club display            Admission                  merchandise are allowed within the
which, in previous years, has                                           Cars For Sale area.
consisted of over 200 vehicles.            Admission to this year’s     How to Find Us:
                                                                        For those of you coming by motorway,
Also prominent is the display of          event is £12.00 for Adults
                                                                        Stanford Hall is signposted from
Historic Volkswagens promoted with         and over 14’s. Children
                                                                        Junctions 18 and 20 of the M1, and
the help of The Historic Volkswagen      (aged up to 14) enter free.
                                                                        Junction 1 of the M6. Stanford Hall can
Club, which takes pride of place at       Please note this does not     also be approached from the A14.
the show in front of the hall itself.      cover admission to the
For those camping on the Saturday         house. Dogs are allowed,      If you use a Satellite Navigation
evening there is entertainment on          but MUST be kept on a        system, the postcode is LE17 6DH, or
the show field, with a band playing                                     Stanford Hall, Stanford-on-Avon.
                                           lead and under control
from 7pm.                                                               Please bear in mind there is another
                                                 at all times.
                                                                        Stanford Hall in North Leicestershire.
This is a major part of the Stanford     There is disabled parking      Accommodation:
Hall event with well in excess of 150    available on site, however     Camping - Please note that, although
traders offering everything from that    you are advised that as the    Stanford Hall is a one day event,
elusive NOS part through service         show is set in the grounds     Saturday and Sunday night camping is
items, accessories, books and                                           available if pre-booked through the
                                         of a country house, there is
memorabilia.                                                            Stanford Hall Estate Office. Please see
                                          very little hard surfacing.   the specific camping information page
Catering:                                                               and booking form enclosed.
There are a number of catering
stands on site ranging from                                             Hotels - The nearby Holiday Inn
doughnuts and burgers through to                                        (Rugby, Northampton) has offered
traditional fish and chips and                                          special rates for show visitors. For
speciality coffee, or you could try a                                   further details contact 0871 423 4906.
leisurely visit to Stanford Hall's own
Tea Rooms, conveniently located in                                      Additional information on local
the courtyard.                                                          campsites and other
                                                                        accommodation is available from:
Cars for Sale:                                                          Visit Leicester,
Thinking of buying or selling a used                                    51 Gallowtree Gate,
VW group car? Then the Cars for                                         Leicester, LE1 5AD
Sale area is a must visit location.
Buying or simply browsing, there's                                  Tel: +44 (0)116 299 4444
sure to be a large selection to                                     Website: www.visitleicester.info
   By completing and submitting any of the application forms, you are agreeing to comply
               with all relevant conditions detailed within this pack, and on the form.

weekend camping

weekend                                                               An emergency telephone number
                                                                      will be provided on arrival for out of

                                                                      hours, gates will be locked from
                                                                      9pm to 7am with NO vehicle
                                                                      movements being permitted on site
                                                                      other than to and from entry gate.
                                                                      Those who are taking part in the
                                                                      displays, concours, etc will be
                                                                      allowed to move their vehicles to
                                                                      the appropriate area from 8am on
                                                                      Sunday 5th May. Please make sure
                                                                      you display your pass when entering
                                                                      the show site to avoid delays.

                                                                         Campers must stay in
                                                                          the allocated pitches
                                                                           provided. STRICTLY
                                                                            no fires or ground
                                                                                level BBQ’s.
                                                                         Campers are advised
                                                                         that they must comply
                                                                         with these conditions,
                                                                           and those issued by
                                                                             the Stanford Hall
Following the popular inclusion of camping for the last few                    Estate Office.
years we are pleased that the Stanford Hall Estate Office is
offering the same facilities again, with overnight camping            Cost
available on an adjacent site (as last year, the Monument             Camping is available for either
Field) on both Saturday and Sunday. This will only be open            Saturday Night Only or Saturday
to pre-booked visitors.                                               and Sunday Nights, and the prices
                                                                      include your show entry.
Entry to the camping site will    It should be noted that camping     • Saturday night only is £22.00 per
only be possible from 1pm until   is organised by the Stanford          adult, and £3.00 for those between
8pm on Saturday 4th May 2019      Hall Estate, and your contract        4 and 14.
via South Kilworth road, and      and contacts are with Stanford      • Saturday and Sunday camping is
departure must be made by         Hall and not the show                 £28.00 per adult, £6.00 per child
7pm on Monday. Vehicle access     organisers. Stanford Hall can be      between the ages of 4 and 14
to the show ground is strictly    contacted on 01788 860250.            years (under 4s are free).
forbidden to all campers and                                          Show entry is included in the
visitors until the show ground    All campers stay on site at their   above prices when purchasing
gates are open to the public at   own risk. First aid support will    your camping pass.
8am on Sunday 5th May.            only be provided for the            Payment must be made by cheque
Vehicle movement on the camp      Saturday afternoon and during       when submitting your booking
site is forbidden after 9.00pm.   the show on the Sunday.             form, enclosing a C5 sized SAE.

               Cheques should be made payable to                           NO APPLICATIONS
                          ‘Stanford Hall’                                 FOR CAMPING WILL
           and forwarded to Stanford Hall, Lutterworth,
                     Leicestershire LE17 6DH                             BE ACCEPTED AFTER
            - please mark the envelope ‘VW camping’                         25TH APRIL 2019

club displays

car displays
Club Displays                                                       Historic Beetle Display
Specialist clubs for owners of VW group                             From small beginnings way back in 1976,
cars are invited to apply for a display area.                       the Historic Beetle Display has always been
These are available as in previous years, in                        at the heart of the Stanford Hall event. It is
the new (much larger) area adjacent to the                          open exclusively to Type 1s built before
trade areas. This is approached by the South                        August 1960.
Kilworth entrance.                                                  All first time applications for the display and
The displays normally consist of a maximum of 10                    previous entrants with modified cars should send
vehicles. Any increase on this number can only be                   an up to date photo of the vehicle with the
accommodated with the advance approval of the                       completed application form. (Paper digital copies
organisers through the Display Stand Manager, and is                or scans are fine).
subject to space availability. Please book well in                  There are a few conditions you should be prepared
advance to avoid disappointment.                                    to conform with prior to booking for the free to
Clubs are allowed to set up promotional display                     enter display, these are:
material and sell club regalia if desired. Open trading
of other merchandise is, however, not permitted                     •   Your vehicle must display a pre-booked pass on
under any circumstances from these display areas.                       its internal rear view mirror and be parked with
Clubs who wish to take part in open trading must do                     the rest of the cars in the display, allowing the
so in the Trade Stand area and book their stand with                    marshals to identify you clearly and avoid
the Trade Stand Manager using the Trade Stand                           stopping you unnecessarily and causing delays.
booking form and not the Club Display booking                       •   You fill in the enclosed booking form and send
form.                                                                   this to the address shown below.
Entry to the display area is only permitted between                 •   You arrive between 8.00am and 11.00am and
8.00am and 11.00am on the Sunday. All participants                      are prepared to leave your vehicle on stand
MUST be prepared to leave their vehicle in this area                    until 4.00pm. Please also note that the site must
until 4.00pm and must also vacate the site by 7.30pm.                   be vacated by 7.30pm on the day of the show.
There is a small £10 booking fee per club to secure your passes
                                                                    •   All display vehicles are admitted at the
(cheques should be made payable to Leicestershire &
                                                                        discretion of the display manager whose
Warwickshire VW Owners’ Club). Normal show entry costs                  decision is final.
apply to people within the vehicles participating in these          PLEASE NOTE
displays (please see admission prices). All vehicles taking part    We regret that those who do not pre-book will have to
in these displays must have a pre-booked pass. This must be         pay the normal entry fee and will not be able to park with
clearly displayed from the vehicle's rear view mirror whilst        the display.
entering the show ground and until the vehicle is stationary on
its respective club display. This enables marshals to identify      Don't worry if your car is not pristine we are happy to see
vehicles clearly and prevents vehicles from being stopped           daily drivers or restoration projects as long as they are not
unnecessarily. All entries must be received from club               overtly modified or lowered.
secretaries before 6th April 2019. Clubs should bear in mind        Those who would like to enter the concours can still join
that the space is allocated on a first come first served basis,     the display as Class 1 vehicles in the concours are
and space is limited, so early booking is recommended to be         contained within the display area. As in previous years
certain of securing a stand. Normally, spaces are filled by         however you should additionally pre-book your concours
early March. All participants in the displays should note that      place with the Concours Manager. See separate
vehicles are displayed entirely at the owners' risk and neither     information and booking form.
the Leicestershire and Warwickshire VW Owners' Club nor             To register your car for the display, please complete the
Stanford Hall accept any liability for actions beyond their         enclosed booking form and send it to:
control. If your club would like to request space in the display,   Robert Meekings, 21 Nab Wood Road, Shipley,
please complete the club display booking form enclosed, sign        West Yorkshire. BD18 4AG.
the declaration and send it, along with your cheque for £10, to     email: displaymanager@historicvws.co.uk
the display manager:
                                                                    Please enclose a C5 SAE with your application.
Jeremy R. Bromley, 15 Haddon Close,
Syston, Leicestershire. LE7 1HZ.
Or you can go online and fill out the form there:
concours d'elegance

d’elegance                                                                       not be allowed to enter and the
                                                                                 Concours Manager's decision on this will
                                                                                 be final. With this in mind, all entries
                                                                                 must now be accompanied with an up
                                                                                 to date photograph, even if you have
                                                                                 entered before. Digital paper copies will
                                                                                 be sufficient or alternatively electronic
                                                                                 copies can be e-mailed to

                                                                                    As in previous years, all
                                                                                 classes, except super class,
                                                                                 will be strictly limited to 10
                                                                                  vehicles, so pre-booking is
                                                                                 strongly recommended, and
                                                                                   is becoming increasingly
                                                                                       essential to avoid
                                                                                  disappointment on the day.
The 2019 Concours d'Elegance will follow the
successful formula of previous years, with classes                               A further advantage of pre-booking is
being similar to those of last year.                                             that it provides free entry to the show for
                                                                                 the vehicle and its occupants.
All vehicles must have been              (Classes 1-18). Once again this year,   Please complete the enclosed entry form
registered for at least three years or   this will be divided into two           only if you are certain of attending the
have covered a minimum of 20,000         sections, theses being for vehicles     event, as non-attendance spoils the
miles. Owners of vehicles which do       from Classes 1-10 and 18 and            continuity in the layout of the Concours
not meet these criteria may still        Classes 12-17.                          area and may prevent other enthusiasts
enter but on a display basis only.                                               from attaining a place.
                                         As Classes 11 and 17 may have
Entry Notes:                             potential winners from the              Entries on the day cannot be guaranteed
Class 5 (1302/1303 Super Beetles)        air-cooled or water-cooled era,         and are only accepted at the discretion of
has had little support over the last     their winners from last year may fall   the Concours Manager, and then only if
few years and will, once again, be       into the first or second half of the    space permits.
included into Class 3. If there is       Super Class.
                                                                                 Stanford Hall, in common with most other
sufficient interest, however, the        The Stanford Hall Concours              VW events, penalises vehicles which are
class may be reinstated.                 d'Elegance is for unmodified            brought to the event on a trailer, and/or
The Super Class will, as always, be      vehicles only. Owners of custom         do not appear roadworthy or in
open to last year's class winners.       and modified vehicles will              conformity with MoT requirements.

      Please send completed entry forms and a £10.00 cash deposit or cheque (payable to
    Leicestershire & Warwickshire VW Owners’ Club) which will be reimbursed on arrival at
    Concours Control on show day. Enclose a digital photograph with your entry form and a
        C5 SAE to Robert Loughrey, 17 Lovetts Close, Hinckley, Leicestershire. LE10 0YH.
            Telephone: 01455 239 723 (after 6pm) – email: concours@lwvwoc.co.uk

concours d’elegance

Stanford Hall is a member of the        • All entrants receive a commemorative plaque.
loose association of VW Classic         • Class winners receive a rosette, trophy and winner's
Concours Shows, which was                  plaque. 2nd in Class receive a rosette, trophy
introduced in an attempt to                and runner-up plaque.
standardise judging sheets and
judging criteria.                       Classes - A full list of classes is shown below:
As in previous years, there will be a   Class 1   Beetles up to August 1957 (split and oval
special entry gate (shown on the                  models)
rear of the swinger sent to entrants
with their booking confirmation),       Class 2   Beetles from August 1957 to August 1967
which will provide an excellent                   (sloping headlight models)
“fast-track” entry and exit from the    Class 3   Beetles 1967 to January 1978 (all saloon
grounds. PLEASE ENSURE YOU                        models)
VIEW MIRROR WHEN ENTERING               Class 4   Beetles 1978 to end of production
THE SHOW GROUND.                                  (Mexican, Brazilian, Nigerian etc.)
All entrants should ensure that         Class 6   Beetle Cabriolets. Flat screen, includes all
they are in position, ready for                   1302 models
judging by 10.30am.
                                        Class 7   Beetle Cabriolets. Curved screen 1303
They must be prepared to leave
their vehicle in the Concours area                models
until after the awards ceremony at      Class 8   Karmann Ghias, Types 1 and 3
approximately 4.00pm.
                                        Class 9   Type 3 and 4 models
Failure to comply with this rule will
result in disqualification.             Class 10 Split Screen type 2 – all models
The organisers feel strongly about      Class 11 Type 2s. August 1967 to end of production
the above clause, and would point                (Bay Windows), T25 (3rd Generation
out that they offer free entry and,
                                                 Transporter 1979 on) and T4 and T5 models
as such, ask participants to leave
their vehicles in place for the         Class 12 Water Cooled VW Models (except Golf GTI
paying public's viewing pleasure.                Hatchback Models Class 13 and VW
Please note that all vehicles are                Coupes)
displayed entirely at the owners'
                                        Class 13 Golf GTI Hatchback (not including GTI
risk and neither Stanford Hall nor
the Leicestershire & Warwickshire
VW Owners' Club accept any              Class 14 Water Cooled Coupes (Sciroccos,
liability for actions beyond their               Corrados)
                                        Class 15 All Audi Models
                                        Class 16 New Beetles (Water cooled) Saloons
                                                 and Cabriolets
                                        Class 17 All Porsche Models except 914 and
                                                 914/6 models
                                        Class 18 Volks/Porsche Models 914 and 914/6
                                        Super Class - By invitation only

trade info

                                            PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT RULES

                                             1   It is advisable to book well in advance as there are only a limited
                                                 number of plots available. This will be strictly enforced this year.
                                                 NO BOOKINGS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 10th APRIL 2019.
                                                 NO PLOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON THE DAY. IF YOU HAVE NOT
                                                 PRE-BOOKED YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TRADE.
                                             2   No fire pits or ground BBQs are permitted on site. Raised or
                                                 disposable BBQs are allowed, but DO NOT put these in normal
Plot Sizes                                       rubbish bags or in the skip, leave them out and make sure that
There are three standard size                    they are dampened down after use.
options for trade stands:                    3   There will be no general access to the site before Sunday 5th May -
                                                 however if you wish to arrive on Saturday 4th May, please inform
             Club Plot                           the Trade Stand Manager in advance.
This is for the promotion of club            4   Trading in predominantly non-VW related items is not permitted.
activities and sale of club merchandise.         If you are not selling predominantly VW-related goods, please do
NO traders. Price includes 2 vehicle             not book as you may be ejected from the Trade area without a
passes, and 2 adult wristbands.                  refund.
Extra wristbands are £12 per adult;          5   A maximum of two vehicles per single trade stand, four vehicles
children under 14 are free of charge.            per double trade stand are allowed. Vehicles must display an
     Size: 5 metres wide                         official pass at all times. If you have any additional vehicles to the
   Price: £25.00 if payment is                   allowed number, you will be required to relocate these vehicles to
 received before 7th March 2019,                 a public car park. NO PASS AND NO WRISTBAND = NO ENTRY.
                                             6   If you wish to camp on your plot; you must inform the Trade Stand
        £35.00 thereafter.
                                                 Manager in advance.
       Single Trade Plot                     7   Traders who have pre-booked overnight camping on their stand
                                                 for Saturday must arrive before 8.30pm. There will be NO ACCESS
This is a small (5 metre) plot to sell VW
                                                 to the grounds after this time. Camping should be contained
related items only. Price includes 2
                                                 within your plot.
vehicle passes, and 2 adult wristbands.
                                             8   Trade stands may contain marquees but these must be contained
Extra wristbands are £12 per adult;
                                                 within the area of your trade plot. Any trader requiring a marquee
children under 14 are free of charge.
                                                 should contact the Trade Stand Manager for the address and
      Size: 5 metres wide                        telephone number of the approved show supplier.
    Price: £80.00 if payment is              9   Traders are responsible for ensuring that their stands do not
  received before 7th March 2019,                encroach onto neighbouring plots. The organisers will clearly mark
       £100.00 thereafter.                       the plots and cannot be held responsible should a dispute arise
                                                 due to encroachment.
      Double Trade Plot                     10   Traders should ensure that all their vehicles have windscreen trade
This is a larger plot for the larger             passes correctly displayed. Failure to display passes in the correct
trader to sell VW related items only.            manner will result in the normal entry fee being levied.
Price includes 4 vehicle passes,            11   All traders must be on site before 9.00am on the day of the show
and 4 adult wristbands.                          and off site by 7.30pm.
Extra wristbands are £12 per adult;         12   A red fire line will be clearly marked for all plots adjacent to the
children under 14 are free of charge.            main drive. Stock and equipment (including gazebos, marquees
                                                 etc.) MUST NOT be placed beyond this line. If you do, security will
     Size: 10 metres wide
                                                 ask you to reposition it.
   Price: £160.00 if payment is             13   All traders MUST supply a full risk assessment in advance if
  received before 7th March 2019,
                                                 bringing their own gazebos.
        £200.00 thereafter.

                  Please refer to the booking sheet for details on how to return your form.
                       Larger special pre-booked plots are available by contacting the
                               Trade Stand Manager directly prior to booking.
     Wristbands must be worn from entry to the ground and for the duration of the show. Wristbands are not
     transferable and we ask you to respect this. Tampered wristbands will be charged at £12.00 per band.
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